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File: 16 KB, 558x524, GDsMyfwX0AAl0KO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10611193 No.10611193 [Reply] [Original]

How is that TBP playthrough going taffers?

>> No.10611270

replayed Shadow politics again because it's a classic, feels like it could be an official thief gold mission even if it's slightly more detailed.

After that I played The scarlet cascabel.
typical Manor with a dark past where you have to solve a mystery to progress and unlock new parts of the Manor.
To my surprise it didn't become a tedious keyhunt and I rarely got stuck, lots of fun side objectives too.

>> No.10611530

I really had to play those missions. I remember asking here about fan mission recommendations a few years ago and some anon said he's making a list of the best ones and he never delivered.

>> No.10611606
File: 15 KB, 410x410, JimJIm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thiefguild is a good place to get recommendations, if you liked TBP you should look at what those authors has made before.

>> No.10612087

Making in a dive in Thief fms for the first time after playing TBP and danm, so of the recent stuff is so good. So to avoid getting accustomed to greatness, I decided to start playing older fms first... is it me, or is T2X kind of sloppy ? I largely prefered playing Lampfire Hills, and that's an Halloween fm !

>> No.10612285

I played Into the Odd the other day after someone mentioned it in the last thread. The daylight setting made the beginning quite difficult, the entire map was a clusterfuck in a good way, and there was some weird shit going on the entire map. It was kino.

>> No.10612980

I beat it on normal recently. It was great, did a lot of exploration. Basically what I do with every thief game I play including mods I save at the beginning of every level so I can go back and play the hits at different difficulties. Probably gonna say the wizard tower was my favorite because I love the persian aesthetic inside. That or the keeper level, that was great.

Semi-related. The lack of hammer haunts is interesting, is it implied that the manor in thief tdp with the haunt in it from the side area in the haunted cathedral is Hume? I know Azaran the cruel's corpse shows up in T2 but I haven't caught any references to Hume.

>> No.10612982
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According to a readable in Casing the Joint there is a basement in Gervaisius' mansion where people can break in. I'm guessing this readable was written before the map was made.

>> No.10612991

Old FMs are extremely hit or miss. Compared to the standard of the time T2X is high quality. You ain't seen shit until you've played Sperry or Gaetene's early FMs, that's the real pit of despair where you get cucked by bad scripting and shitty secret-based progression and level design on a constant basis.

>> No.10614071
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>> No.10614174
File: 93 KB, 800x640, thief2_fablesthief03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't played it yet... I played some FM campaigns but I didn't enjoy them very much, though I've seen some of the newer stuff and holy shit there's some absolutely insane creations (picrel). The problem to me is that there's just something about Thief 1's atmosphere that just is NOT there in Thief 2, which is the one that receives the majority of FMs. I honestly don't know how to describe it, but I enjoy the colors and low-detail models of Thief 1 more.

>> No.10614217

I'm getting lost as fuck, but I've never been a master at the games. I barely got through them on Expert and quicksaved like a motherfucker. Still neat though. Crazy what people can get out of this engine. Wish the map would show you where you are, I have my compass out constantly. Also, the compass should just be a permanent fixture and not an item.

>> No.10614312

You'll enjoy TBP if you liked the overall atmosphere of Thief 1.

>> No.10614334

I think making Thief Gold FMs has been in the vogue recently. TBP is for TG and is heavily inspired by the original missions from it (not the first mission though)

>> No.10614495

Chezcking on my AngelLoader list, T1/TG dominates the very early period (2000/2001) and explodes again starting from 2018, so you may be on to something.

I guess that while the mid-2000s fms scene was really taken with a victorian style, skacky's works (and others... Disorientation for ex) in the 2010s reignited interest into classic T1/TG aesthetics ?

>> No.10614943

It's been a long time coming but I think people are finally waking up to the fact that T1 is the better game of the two and that is probably why the T1 fan mission scene has had a bit of a late resurgence and T2's has comparatively slowed to a halt. Despite T2's engine upgrades and the like it's sorely lacking encounter variety within its enemy roster, T1 does not have this problem.

>> No.10615031

I think the community might be... maturing? A weird thing to say over 20 years after the release, but Doom has gone through a similar arc. I think people are now realizing that TMA is not a functional superset of TG, but a different, albeit similar game - so T:G deserves its own FMs as well.
It seems like more and more players are warming up to undead levels, which is great news to me because I loved them in the original Thief. I also think the setting in TMA is a bit more familiar and therefore that less interesting - with familiar looking electric lights for example, rather than the mostly industrial looking ones in TG.
Also, that's just a personal opinion, but while the colored lights in TMA were obviously a technical advancement compared to its predecessor, and are more realistic looking, I really like the look of the first game's completely white lights. There's just something really stark and unfriendly about them, which is fitting for a game where you're supposed to avoid lights. It kinda reminds me of lights in the first Manhunt game, where in addition to being unfriendly cold colors, they also had a striking lens flare effect that felt clinical and hostile, a constant reminder that you should avoid them. If I were to make my own stealth game, I'd probably stylize my lights in a similar way to Manhunt, with Thief light/shadow mechanics.

>> No.10615076

T1's bad/mediocre missions:
>Thieves' Guild
>Strange Bedfellows
>Into the Maw of Chaos

T2's bad/mediocre missions:
>Running Interference
>Trace the Courier
>Casing the Joint
>Sabotage at Soulforge

>> No.10615148

horrible take

Especialy Framed

>> No.10615169

Framed sucks ass.

>> No.10615217

It's funny how that even if we didn't know some of the behind the scenes stuff for Thief 2 with how the levels were made first and the story loosely weaved throughout afterwards, you can still clearly tell just by how the objectives are.
>What are some other job archetypes that a rugged thief like Garrett might do that aren't just stealing and tomb raiding? We already did a prison break in Cragscleft...
>We need a rescue escort mission
Running Interference
>We need a mission where Garrett has to frame someone
>We need a thief uses his agility and wits to narrowly avoid an ambush mission
>We need an eavesdropping for information mission
>We need a bank heist mission
First City Bank and Trust
>We need a Garrett blackmails an enemy mission
>We need a stealthy tailing mission
Trace the Courier
>We need a "thieves' highway" rooftop romp mission
Life of the Party
>We need a pirates' secret treasure and stowaway on a ship mission
Precious Cargo
>We need a mission where Garrett kidnaps the enemy
>We need a mission where Garrett cases a place for a later heist
Casing the Joint
>We need a mission where Garrett uses the information he cased to carry out a heist
>We need a mission where Garrett sabotages the enemy's plans while keeping to the shadows
Sabotage at Soulforge

The only ones that don't fit general thiefy stealthy gameplay archetypes that don't dip into straight up assassinations are Shipping and Receiving and Trail of Blood. Everything else was kinda clearly sitting in some notepad since the very start of Thief 2's development for ideas on how to make more types of missions without doing supernatural stuff again, right down to how half of the mission names just describe the archetypical action you have to carry out itself. It is comparatively much harder to pigeon hole most of Thief 1's mission concepts into a handful of words.

>> No.10615385

> industrial
Speaking of which : I just gave a try to the first Rocksbourg missions, and... that was an experience. The later part of the 90s in a nutshell.
Still, that level of dedication to a theme is admirable, and I can feel the influence it had on subsequent fms (TBP/Kept Away From View especially comes to mind).

>> No.10615387

Come out and fight me, you taffer

>> No.10615684

not exactly what you're talking about, but your post made me realise what I always hated in the T2 campaign: so many of the missions lack an immediate goal or reward. almost every mission is part of a larger arc where the "resolution" is several missions further into the game. in T1, the only "mission arcs" are the talisman arc and the pagan arc, and they're usually more liberal than the T2 ones in that they don't impose the "logic" of the entire arc on the situation in the individual mission. the rest of the T1 missions actually have a concrete short term goal that make them fulfilling to complete. it's not like T2's rigid story driven narrative, where you go to the mech seminar only to learn about truart's conspiracy, only to steal the evidence against him, only to bring it to his home, only to follow mosley to the courier, only to follow the courier to victoria etc. etc. much of T2's campaign feels very unrewarding in that regard

>> No.10615881
File: 43 KB, 607x680, Garret Side View 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that teleporting statue face that slowly tried to chase you after looting the gems was kinda spooky but funny as fuck soon after

So wtf was that lovecraftian horror? It's also funny how Garett would nope the fuck out of there without even trying to be a hero except maybe report to that one Keeper who made fun of his clothes

>> No.10615970

Man, this Garrett looks like shit. Not in the sense that the picture is badly drawn, but he looks like he'd rather join the undead.

>> No.10616041

The extremely autistic grown Norwegian man that is married and has children is supreme ghosting (quickload simulator) The Black Parade and honestly I might end up watching the videos to see all the secrets and loot I missed since he's usually extremely thorough. He's a bit like an audiobook for Thief readables and loot totals.

>> No.10616058

The sunny forrest at the end of jaws of Darkness when you exit the cave was a great way to conclude this level

>> No.10617483

Sperry is kino, thoughbeitever. There's a reason 2 of 10 missions in TBP are homages to him.

>> No.10617863

I tried to get into Shadow of Doubt recently but couldn't. Another example of a Thief fm that was probably important for the community twenty years ago, but that has terribly aged.

>> No.10617907

His stuff is important but it has not aged well at all. Shadow of Doubt is basically unplayable, filled with bad (and forcibly linear) scripting and cryptic progression. It is unfortunate because despite that it is quite memorable, but from a gameplay standpoint it is total ass.

>> No.10618184

A question for those who frequent Thief threads on /v/ and /vr/, because I've figured out through context clues in posts that there is at least a few people in these threads who have made actual fan missions that have reached an audience. The only place I trip up is figuring out which ones you fags are, I am like 90% sure I've seen Skacky posting first-hand, probably Melan too and maybe some of the more zoomeresque ones like Marbleman but none of you ever make yourself known. Who the fuck are you? I know you're here. No I will not take my meds.

>> No.10618234

Has there ever been a sequel to Marbleman's Cracks in the Glass fm ?
If you have played it, what is your theory about what exactly is going on in it ?
You can find some clues about this on the rpgcodex Thief thread, if you are willing to read 150+ pages of it.

>> No.10618247

Damn you French people.

>> No.10618269

I should ask, which two missions are inspired by Sperry? I could definitely feel Broadsword of Sheol vibes in Jaws of Darkness at multiple points but the other mission is eluding me.

>> No.10618278
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Love this lil guy.

>> No.10618294
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I asked what his fucking problem was last thread (or the thread before i don't remember) and nobody responded...

>> No.10618297

Yeah, that's what I tell myself when I come upon a fm with French voice-overs and a French map too. Cringe.

>> No.10618314

Long Shadow Falls uses the same weird custom textures and indoor gateway checkpoints as Nightcrawler, and they're both revenge missions. Of course the difference is that the former is a regular mansion while the latter is a nightmare linear keyhunt through Satan's intestines.

>> No.10618319

Most accurate description of Nightcrawler I've ever read.

>> No.10618331
File: 237 KB, 640x2398, merge8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth noting the never unreleased remake of Nightcrawler has closer resemblance with the black bricks.

>> No.10618340

I dropped Thief 2 because I lost interest at one of the final maps. The one with lava and excavations. I always wanted to try fm but I don’t think I deserve if I cannot even beat the game.

>> No.10618346

The last few maps in Thief 2 are some of the worst in the game, the game basically relies upon your interest in the plot to see it through to the end by that point.

>> No.10618356

If it has any specific origin, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that it's a reference to a trap in some old DnD module, leftover from the Dark Camelot days when the game was more of an rpg. But it was probably just some random idea, TDP has a lot of weird high-effort one-off things like that.

>> No.10619431

You know, I've played hundreds of fan missions, I've spent hundreds of hours in Thief 1 & 2 overall, but over the years the memories of the fan missions I've played fade and in the end the memories of the ones I'm left with are the ones I actually enjoyed the least because I was raging at bad level design, bad puzzles, bad keyhunts, bad switch hunts or bad scripting. I can remember more of Shadow of Doubt or the L'Arsene series than I can anything Skacky (for example) has made prior to his work on Black Parade, despite knowing for a fact I enjoyed Skacky's maps like 100x more while playing with them.

Pains me to think that if you want a fan mission to be memorable you have to make it annoying as fuck and then force autists who never drop a mission before they've finished it to play it.

>> No.10619582

Pretty good, just finished mission 4, really thought that I am going to hate the 4th one. Because it's a tomb raid and I am pretty bad with those types of missions, usually, but I actually enjoyed it quite a lot on normal, way more than I expected.
I am really curious on how 5 will go down, because I've seen someone mention here that 5 is a horror mission and I've noticed that of map creators in this FM pack can really make something that I can only decribe as "oppressive geometry", model an uncanny, kind of space, enclosed for player, but with a ton of blind spots player can't see through at the same time, a place that just doesn't feel quite right, in a good way, it only happens in a few small parts so far, but feels perfect for a horror map.

>> No.10619704

>How is that TBP playthrough going
joke's on you, i finished it a week after release and now I'm actively trying to forget about it so I can play it again

>> No.10619756

I'm so jealous you Thieffags get all these custom missions. Imagine if Hitman 2 SA was moddable enough to fix the retarded enemy AI or if Splinter cell had custom missions.

>> No.10619783

Looking Glass only released DromEd because the fanbase begged them to, and even then Looking Glass said they'll only release the mod tools if the community actually shows they will try to make fan missions that aren't shit with it. The Thief community owes a huge debt to the guys who made shit like Gathering at the Bar (one of the first FMs) and it being competent. Hitman and Splinter Cell fags should have begged harder.

>> No.10619793
File: 187 KB, 1489x1373, Garret Eyeless Side Painting 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this better? I forgot who the artist is, he did a lot of thief stuff

>> No.10619801

It's this person:
Not sure if Rita is a girl or a troon but it likes Thief and Warframe.

>> No.10619803
File: 90 KB, 1024x576, garrettlost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one always gives me a chuckle.

>> No.10619804


what do we think of Thief's OST's composer's band from before Thief?

>> No.10619820
File: 369 KB, 1844x1125, Hammerite Profile View Painting 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a lot of homosex art too

that's an interesting mix, but the thief stuff is top shelf
speaking of top shelf, could someone please post those FM collections?

>> No.10619823
File: 1.79 MB, 1400x3900, 1685386846949495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10619831

>>has a lot of homosex art too
The fun part is that this doesn't even give a hint as to if it's a girl or a troon. Historically there have been girls in the Thief community, girls love Garrett and fujos also love yaoi and shit.

>> No.10619856

thank you, this is one of them, the other one had a landscape photo frame

>> No.10619858
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>> No.10619870 [DELETED] 

I guess that explains it, thanks anon. Thief fans tend to be more hardcore nerds and autists so it makes sense there'd be a higher demand for something like that whereas SC and Hitman fans would've been more normie (by the standards of the time) also Thief being a PC exclusive also helped.

>> No.10619872

I guess that explains it, thanks anon. Thief fans tend to be more hardcore nerds and autists so it makes sense there'd be a higher demand for something like that whereas SC and Hitman fans would've been more normie (by the standards of the time) also Thief being a PC exclusive would've helped.

>> No.10619896

Somebody really need to update these images, they are *at least* 3-4 years out of date and probably more.
Kind of a mixed bag, too (but at least you have something for all tastes)

>> No.10620027

Definitely more. Probably closer to 6-8 years out of date. I remember I played through every single FM listed in these pictures and that was forever ago.

>> No.10620056

God, I think you are right. I think I don't see anything more recent than 2012.
New collection image when ?

>> No.10620063

Were these made through a discussion or voting or one day some guy decided to make an infographic?

>> No.10620127
File: 29 KB, 289x516, Bugbeast1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

power ranger bugbeasts suck ass and completely fail to adhere to the original art style, I wish they kept the big naked boob lady bugbeast that thing looked horrifying

>> No.10620398
File: 117 KB, 400x478, T1-sketch-buglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever played a Thief FM which uses the beta bugbeast, despite a fully working reskin of the normal one using the original model existing in the game files for Thief Gold and showing up in the blooper reel mission. Maybe it's an aversion to using bug beasts in general, they are quite rare in FMs.

>> No.10620529

Catacombs of Knoss has some.

>> No.10620602

The beta ones? Or normal ones? Pretty sure I played Catacombs of Knoss but don't remember any beta bugbeasts, if there are then my memory must be dogshit, I feel like that's something I'd remember.

>> No.10621210

kek one of the best reaction pics

thank you

>> No.10621396

>mod features a lot of pitch black places
>no light source item
Fuck off
Why do people even make FMs for Thief 1 anyway when 2 is just an improvement in every way?

>> No.10621470
File: 1.06 MB, 2000x3889, The Builder Distant View 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm gonna try to articulate this; the reason T1 is "mostly" preferable over T2 is because the lack of paranormal stuff just makes it a "business as usual" setting, which is about people being cunts to each other, just with a coat of paint - in T2's case, a kind-of-but-not-really steampunk It's just not as immersive, it's lacking mysticism and that's probably why they chose the story they did in T3.

I applaud T2 for showcasing how tech may also be used for evil and how even a "smart" group like mechanists may suffer from group think and never question their leader, but the last mission I'm not in a hurry to do again.
I'm grateful to LGS for obvious reasons and I like the series but T2 is a slog and people wanted to distance themselves from that emotion when making FMs

thieving shit has impressed almost all girls I've met; stolen alcohol tastes better

>> No.10621780

Thief 1 has more enemy variety and a more unique atmosphere to work with. Though it'd be nice if FM creators came up with a non-Mechanist alternative to T2's Flares, they were useful at times.

>> No.10621803
File: 140 KB, 1440x1080, media%2FFeKVIQzXwAIjamI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Images you can hear.

>> No.10621815

Had to power through this map years after the fact to finally finish it. Yuck. It got better but some of those pagan levels ho-lee-shit what the FUCK were they thinking?

>> No.10621817

what mod has those crazy ass textures? Bump mapping, normal mapping? Looks borderline voxel. Is this in another engine?

>> No.10621827

Mod needs a functional map with position, perma-compass, and some sort of non Ray Charles-vision fantasy night vision mode. I don't give a fuck what you sweats think.

>> No.10621832

T2 at least saves its one "that" mission for the end-game. T1 is sprinkled with "oh fuck not this" but I will say that its highs are higher.

>> No.10621852

I've always felt like it's the opposite. T1's Escape! and Strange Bedfellows are the worst "that part" in the series for me, whereas T2 has Ambush!, Tracing the Courier, and Casing/Masks peppered throughout.

>> No.10621861

The most insane thing happened on my last TG playthrough. I actually really liked Thieves Guild. Maybe it was the challenge. Certainly not the aesthetics.

>> No.10621885
File: 15 KB, 300x225, Mechcherub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t2 still had a few man-made horrors beyond imagination that made me go "damn, that's fucked up" while playing, so wasn't exactly far off from t1 in otherworldy terror factor, it just that, like you said, lacks in gameplay variety a bit compared to t1, but from plot perspective, I am not quite sure which one is more messed up, to be honest.

>> No.10621887

The map definitely gets better once you know all the bullshit mandatory hidden secrets and get to just focus on the raw gameplay and high difficulty level of the map's encounters. It took me a gorillion years to figure out that you can slash banners when I played the game for the first time. Also the hidden silver bracelet in the fireplace was also aids. Pretty sure I ended up resorting to a guide.

>> No.10621889

piggu disgusting

>> No.10621909

I spent so much time on that damn level that I probably have a map of damn sewer section burned into my inner cranium, I think that's just combination of you already knowing all bullshit and non-sewer parts being passable at least.
As >>10619431 has said bad thief missions just stay with us forever.

>> No.10621978

Is Thief I + II Sound effects enhancement pack from Child of Karras a recommended install or should I not bother with it? Just curious if there's anything wrong with it.

>> No.10622762

Nah, they're mostly fine but some of the replacements are really odd and don't resemble the originals.

>> No.10622764
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Skinned alien ones.

>> No.10623234

>The problem to me is that there's just something about Thief 1's atmosphere that just is NOT there in Thief 2
It will be all that Mechanist shit everywhere that detracts from a dark medieval setting. TDP was all about gothic cathedrals, castles and timber frame structures. The pagan stuff seemed more ancient but in a way that was also other-worldly. Besides the art deco style robots and cameras in TMA, the warehouses in m2 wouldn't look out of place in an old gangster movie. Some of the buildings in other missions like the bank are more that neo-classical style popular around the 1700s.

>> No.10623405
File: 87 KB, 688x900, Kharas Profile Painting 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you too, the "using corpses for frames" reveal was gruesome enough, then it was kids
ayy lmao

I hope no one minds me dumping the few Thief pics I saved from my previous HDD

>> No.10623417

THANK YOU for showing me this playlist

here's one of my faves in exchange


>> No.10623567

Ok now that you've posted a screenshot it has completely jogged my memory. Yes I did play that FM and yes I do remember that building.

>> No.10623703

does it matter whether or not I've installed thief gold or the dark project, for fan missions?

>> No.10623869

Probably. Gold has more assets and textures that fan missions make use of (mages etc.)

>> No.10624118
File: 34 KB, 542x616, 1459998484135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10624205

Thief 1 should have either kept escape or bedfellows, but not both. Keeping the 2 was highly redundant both for gameplay and story purposes. Personally, I like escape a lot more and I think it works quite on its own; bedfellows would need a massive overhaul to be interesting or fun.

Thief 2's casing the joint/masks should have been 1 mission and placed much earlier in the game; having those simple, low-stakes missions played so late in the game was a total momentum killer for the story

>> No.10624237

Been weirdly obsessed with them for awhile. I think they had it big time and should have been a larger success. There's also lots of ripples of Tribe's music heard in LoPiccolo's various game OSTs which is also endearing to me.

>> No.10624264 [DELETED] 

Missing a few:
Demos for what would have been a 4th album and Lemmings from Here at the Home. All pretty good.

>> No.10624265

Not just Eric Brosius but also Greg LoPiccolo and Terri Brosius. 3/5ths of that band is pretty much integral to Looking Glass Studios and Thief.

When I first found out about Tribe I listened to them for ages.

>> No.10624270

Missing a few on that list, here are some unreleased 4th album demos and Lemmings from Here At The Home which is a pretty decent track.

>> No.10624276

I'll never understand the hate for Gold but I'm far from a hardcore player. Song of the Caverns and Mage Towers were great. Why not just skip the levels you don't like?

>> No.10624293

I really don't like the audition of mages to lost city though I'm sure I'm more miffed about that than most because lost city tickled my autism, I loved the sense of creeping isolation in the og.

>> No.10624301 [DELETED] 

a generic mage guild always felt like a ham fisted audition to the pagan, keeper, hammer triangle though it's not really fair to hold that against gold when LG seemed to be going all in on them in the unreleased 2 dlc.

>> No.10624405

Mage Towers is an extremely straightforward mission, which is kinda dissapointing as stealing from secretive order of mages sounds like a great idea for a mission that could potentially break all conventions. Once you realize it's just "get one key, then get through assorted tower while crossing through generic castle in the middle" multiplied by four, it loses a lot of luster. Mages are also extremely dissapointing enemies - easy to bludgeon to death of you play a killer, as easy to blackjack as generic guards if you sneak around, and have literally no gimmick that could be thrown against ghostign players.

Compared to that, respective mission in The Black Parade (one with mage tomb) has much more engaging elemental trials, with "oh shit what's goign on now" or "oh shit what kind of enemy is that" moments around every corner.

I'll give you that Song of Caverns is smooth and fun, I just wish we could have a little bit more of said caverns before reaching the opera - some proper Cray Men lair on way to the fake chest maybe? They are coller and more eerie than any late game creature Trickster hods in his ass.

>> No.10624593

Thieves' Guild: Good lore addition, shit gameplay on first playthrough, decent on repeat playthroughs due to high difficulty

Mage Towers: Good lore addition, decent gameplay on first playthrough, not as good on repeat playthroughs due to linearity

Song of the Caverns: Crappy lore addition for the Keepers getting raped by 10 meters of caves, great gameplay, best map of the three

The mages showing up in The Lost City is something most people don't like but it doesn't bother me that much.

Bonehoard and Haunted Cathedral changes in Gold are for the betterment of the game (running out of fire arrows before the Fire Shadows were added just meant you had to restart the entire mission, I guess).

>> No.10624934

Any other full campaign with this quality? I've played Scarlet Cascabel and TBP so far

>> No.10624964

Don't know about Splinter Cell, but Hitman fans were plenty desperate for their own fan maps, I think. Hell, aren't they commonly known for inventing billion made up challenges for exsting missions just to play them differently? Like killing some other guy on the map instead of target and such.
I think a whole lot of TBP are just VERY good remixes of original missions, while playing Death's Dominion I felt like it was just what Bonehoard should've been, it feels so much easier to navigate and there's whole big lore thing about most tomb occupants being connected to keep player interested.
Not to say that original Bonehoard was all that bad, it's just shows how much fan maps evolved since the game was released.

>> No.10625031

Sturmdrang Peak by Nicked was pretty cool.

>> No.10625509
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>Images you can hear.

>> No.10625618
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Holy shit bros they put Warwick Davis in Thief 2.

>> No.10625650

I get fuck all time to game these days. I loved the first two missions of Black Parade and need to continue to play through this.

Brought Angel Loader over to my Steam Deck with some 300 fan missions I've been hand picking for the past 15 years of playing Thief on and off. Love this series.

>> No.10626407

>manly tears and his bong

>> No.10626657

Played Rowena's Curse. Excepted some questionable gameplay decisions (marble floor everywhere, guards by the dozens), and a "final" (basically everything after the well room) that overstay its welcome, this fm still hold very well visually and narratively for a 2003 mission !

>> No.10626745
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anyone know where I can get all of the textures from Thief or Thief 2? trying to do some research

>> No.10626758

In the game files, unsurprisingly.
Inside your TG/TMA directory there's a RES directory, and inside that, you'll find senpai.crf. It's an archive file that contains all the texture families for maps. I think mesh.crf and obj.crf contain the textures for AIs and objects, and some other graphics may be in other RES archives.
I don't know what you should use for opening crf files though, my system's default archive explorer happens to just open them

>> No.10626918

Copy and rename .crf to .zip. That worked for the snd file.

>> No.10626947

Or just open it with any archiver software, it should work. No need to rename anything.

>> No.10627008
File: 1 KB, 640x36, thief palette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got it, thanks

>> No.10627124

ok what's the best way to install tfix? I've heard some conflicting things about lite.

>> No.10627210

where can I find the unstripped om files for thief 1? do they come with tfix?

>> No.10627316

What are the absolute best horror based FMs? I loved TBP's horror stuff

>> No.10627347

Is there a technical reason for why people make FMs for Thief 1 instead of 2? Isn't 2 just 1 but with more gadgets?

>> No.10627352

this one is pretty good, has an altered enemy that's a bit of a surprise.
you have to understand though that there are essentially no thief fms that match TBP's unique monsters. it's just the same haunts and zombies over and over with minor variations.

>> No.10627368

Part of it's the aesthetic difference made by the presence of colored lighting in Thief II, which is what I personally prefer, but that's the case I've seen made by those who go with Gold for dromed.

>> No.10627392

How do you anons deal with saving in Thief games?
Do you save your game after every X minutes? After entering any new room/area? Only in the beginning of the mission?

>> No.10627406

Before any jumps and stairs and rope arrow
Those are my checkpoints

>> No.10627409

also ladders

>> No.10627416

Into The Odd has some unique enemies.

>> No.10627417

When I feel like it. And not every time, but often I'll save after I've been caught and lost the guards. Kind of like saving in Doom after you beat a tough room but have really low health. Obviously, not all levels will work like that though and will break immersion if alarms go off like Cragscleft.

>> No.10627418

I only did mid level saves with missions I either hated or were mandatory ghosting(which desu is probably about half of thief 2's levels). If I like a level I prefer to savor it, blowing through them one n done in 20 minutes with checkpoints seems like a waste.
of course I also did the same as >>10627406 in addition.

>> No.10627431

I basically save constantly so that when I do die or fail something horribly I don't end up losing much progress. I save before every precarious jump, every ladder, every rope arrow, every precarious mantle and after every enemy encounter I've dealt with, but what I will say is that despite what it may sound like I don't really consider this to be savescumming because I try my hardest to not quickload unless absolutely necessary. If I get caught by a guard I will usually try to take him out with flash bombs or the luring+shadow+blackjack tactic, and if I get caught by a haunt or some other hostile I will fight them with my sword as Dark Camelot intended. I don't feel bad about saving a lot since I'm not relying on quickloading for every encounter, it's just to stop me from getting butthurt when I fail to mantle from the top of one building to another and lose five minutes of progress because I fell to my death.

>> No.10627489

What's the deal with the OM map files anyway? Did they delete brushes after portalizing the maps to save on memory? Were they really that confident that they wouldn't need any tweaks to the geometry?

>> No.10627591

Someone on yt is claiming that after the Keeper Compound mission in Deadly Shadows, when you start out on the Old Quarter rooftops you can supposedly see Gamall standing on the roof looking at the player and then disappearing. I tried to look but couldn't find anything. Is it bullshit?

>> No.10628504
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>decide to play Into The Odd because people in these threads mentioned it a few times and i've had it (along with a bunch of other contest missions) downloaded and unplayed sitting in my fmsel for ages
>find a bunch of extremely hidden areas and loot
>still somehow manage to miss over 1000 loot by the end
fug, fun mission though, loved all the spooky shit, a lot of really creative looking enemies and the whole concept of there being this supernatural ancient layer of the city that sits underneath the mechanical maze of industrial and sewer fuckery that sits right below the surface is pretty compelling. When you first go underground and you're going through utility tunnels full of pipes and machinery just whirring away untouched it's extremely based. The weakest part of the mission for me is (as expected from my tastes) anything that happens above ground involving the humies and mechanist shit lel.

I would say this could easily have been a Thief Gold FM and it would not have lacked but for the first time in forever I actually made a lot of use of flares, there are a lot of dark areas in this FM and the flares helped immensely, whereas I would usually ignore them in T2 and most FMs with normal lighting.

Breddy good mission.

>> No.10628626

around every 10 minutes

>> No.10628737

Thief 4 makes Thief 3 look good.
Thief 3 makes Thief 2 look good.

>> No.10629025

>half of Thief 2 is so bad that the maps don't have any author attributed to them because none of them wanted to take credit for Ambush, Trace the Courier, Kidnap, Casing the Joint or Masks

>> No.10629104

Is there a guide for where to start with FMs? Is The Dark Mod a good beginning? Thief 2x? Playing them all in release order?

>> No.10629127

>Is there a guide for where to start with FMs?
There's two of these that were made for these threads like 10 years ago, they are very out of date and even then the quality of the FMs listed is very inconsistent:
A better guide would be that one Marbleman video:
His reasoning for his recommendations is sound.
>Is The Dark Mod a good beginning?
Not particularly, The Dark Mod is its own thing, it's worth trying out eventually but I wouldn't prioritize anything it has to offer over T1 or T2's best.
>Thief 2x?
Thief 2X is a good FM campaign for beginners to FMs, yes. It's not ridiculous or obtusely designed like a lot of other older FMs of the time.
>Playing them all in release order?
Absolutely not. 75% of the stuff made before 2010 or so is actually just garbage, and of the remaining 25% only half of that probably makes it above mediocre. I know a lot of people don't want to hear it but that's how it is. This includes some of the older FMs on the image lists posted above such as Shadow of Doubt or the Rocksbourg series, heavily reliant on scripting (and often shoddily scripted) and forced secret hunting to progress.

>> No.10629147
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>75% of the stuff made before 2010 or so is actually just garbage
pre 21st century FMs are kino as fuck though

>> No.10629198


What did we think of it?

>> No.10629249

I'm new to Thief, never played it before, and I am getting so fucking filtered by the cragscleft prison level. The first part with the mine was great, but now I'm in a prison that's confusing as fuck, there are guards everywhere and something keeps tripping the alarm but I don't know what it is.

>git gud

I know

>> No.10629253
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for me it's pic related

>> No.10629263

Use your map and compass, lad. The prison is confusing because it's mostly symmetrical but if you know which cellblock your objective(s) should be in then you just need to orient yourself. The thing that is tripping the alarm are likely the periscope cameras hanging from the ceilings the center of certain rooms.

>> No.10629340

which fm is that?

>> No.10629541

>You can find some clues about this on the rpgcodex Thief thread, if you are willing to read 150+ pages of it.
I've had a Codex account since 2009 and upon reflecting on this response I realize this really tells me pretty much nothing unless someone specifically mentions posting on /vr/ (which sounds like a bit more than a clue if you ask me), because that Thief thread has had Skacky, Melan, Marbleman, DrK, Nicked, Yandros and like a billion other high profile FM makers post in it, and half of them are more active there than the ttlg hugbox.

>> No.10629570

Are there any cool missions that take place on a moving vehicle like an airship or a train or something? The only one I remember is in T2X.

>> No.10629621

the codex is just as much of a hugbox as ttlg is

>> No.10629646
File: 6 KB, 141x82, dana nightingale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A grim reminder while looking at old ttlg threads. Do pictures of this creature exist anywhere?

>> No.10629647

Nevermind, did not realize he would actually flaunt how he ended up looking. Do NOT google his name unless you want the Benjamin Franklin troon 2.0 burned into your retinas.

>> No.10629660

I've been banned from 4chan for less than the codex tolerates, let alone ttlg.

>> No.10630028
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>thieffags will defend this

>> No.10630120

Nothing wrong here to defend. It was never a problem for me.

>> No.10630181

I honestly never liked Gold missions. They feel out of place, like you can sense this was done to appeal more to hardcore fans, it being basically an expansion pack. Thieves' Guild certainly ruins the difficulty curve and pacing, Mage Towers to me felt like a strange fanfic with too much magic and fantasy in it. The Lost City gets ruined by mages as well, by them replacing the vanilla bug men in that level. Song of the Caverns is alright, but it still has that expansion pack feel. Playng TDP version of the game, it feels much more consistent with what it wants to be.

>> No.10630442
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nothing wrong with this placement, it's in the clearly demarcated lair of one of the highest profile npcs in the map, also mirrors the hidden gem in the fireplace close to the other lieutenant's lair. If they had placed it in some random nondescript corner of the map then you would have good reason to bitch about it, in this case the fault is on the player, not the devs.

>> No.10630557
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>Garrett lost his eye
>Zaya lost her cousin
>Hume lost his life
Wonder if there's something to this pattern.

>> No.10630776

>Hume lost his life
This was the biggest letdown in TBP for me. I understand he couldn't be kept around as his presence, considering his feats and notoriety up this point, would rival with Garrett and effectively clash with mainline canon, but still I fell like my grumpy man has been done dirty and deserved better after going through the seven hells to remove his curse. Maybe leaving the City for good and vanishing from its crime history at the very least?

>> No.10631747

Nope you can even walk up to there and see both Caduca and Gamal. Its inside the Keeper compoud hub. You get a game over if you get caught though iirc

>> No.10631756

Not reading the spoilers but I'm on mission 8 right now and Hume is really starting to grow on me as a character despite me disliking him at first.

>> No.10631803

I really loved the third Rocksbourgh FM, TBP even mentions it in a book.
The first mission does indeed have this horrible key pixelhunt but you can always use a guide in case you get stuck. I'd say they're still very much worth it for the atmosphere and worldbuilding.

>> No.10631813

Sorry I kinda misread that. What the guy probably meant is when you get the first cutscene in the Keeper hub, you next spawn in the large circular room with the high ceiling. If you look up there, you can sometimes see Gamall walking around.

>> No.10631853

Same here, at first I assumed that they've introduced Hume simply because recording so many dialogue lines with fake Garrett voice wouldn't be feasible. But when you think about it, creators of the fan missions not only make them but also play one another's works, and most of those missions stay in line not only with main game canon, but also with notable events created by different people. It makes sense to introduce a new protagonist every now and then and that Garrett alone cannot be responsible for robbing every house, mansion, cathedral, tomb and ruin in the City and vicinities.

>> No.10632378

yeah garret would have to be black to pull that off

>> No.10633536
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>> No.10633619

Kek, I spent like 15 minutes stacking boxes and newmantling to get up there as well only to be met with disappointment. Cmon man, not even a funny readable?

>> No.10633670

Ever since I did a Thief marathon roughly ten years ago, I was somehow never able to get myself in the right state of mind for a replay or trying out some of the fan missions. I don't know why that is. I still play a lot of games and I still love Thief, and yet there's this sort of a mental block. I can't quite explain it.

>> No.10633681

I just beat the return to the cathedral level from thief gold it gave me aids i dont know what the fuck were they thinking

Ill finish the game and never touch the series again

>> No.10633690

yeah that was an unfortunate one, absolutely fantastic setup in the beginning wasted on a goofy joke mission.

>> No.10633697

besides the goofyness everything about it is aids
it made me hate the game

>> No.10633751

wtf man, RttC is kino, but I guess everyone has that one level that is an absolute bitch on their first playthrough, for me it was The Lost City, I got lost in that fucking place like a gorillion times and the mission took me like 4 hours because I was too stupid a kid to use the compass and I was frustrated that the map wasn't good enough, in reality when using the compass and map in tandem it's fine to navigate.

>> No.10633770

lost city was turbo easy it was basically linear it splits at the middle in which you can either go to the city or cross the bridge beyond that that was it finding the exit was hard c ause you had to go all the way back but since it was mostly linear it was easy.

return to the cathedral is 1000000 times worse

>> No.10633872
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Report on Hume you find in Long Shadow really made me feel sorry for the poor fool.
My only problem throughout the story was that I was unable to assosiate his voice with rugged old man we see in briefing, I just imagine young guy trying to sound cool when I hear him instead, despite that VA's voice acting itself doesn't really bother me, it's not bad and doesn't ruin immersion while playing or anything, it's just that I think that a voice of a really heavy smoker would match pic related a bit better.

>> No.10633938

Huh? I'm pretty sure that the pic related is Azaran. We don't get a good shot of Hume's face, but that one in mission 1 briefing suggests he might be maybe in his 40s or 50s at best. Hard life of child slavery / thief and strongarm for hire / prison time all probably aged him a lot, so it's not surprising that his voice does not match his old appearance.

>> No.10633997

Yeah, that's most likely the mage guy actually, realized few moments after posting, I just saw him on modb thumbnail and assumed that it was the main character, since they put him there. But you make a fair point, it's just that I can't imagine him also not getting some lung disease while he was in prison or something similiar, then again, I remember playing mod where main character had old man voice long ago, and it honestly felt pretty comical to swftly outrun guards as a 50-60 year old man while he's wheezling hard from climbing on every small ledge, so maybe it was for the best.

>> No.10634206

Precious Cargo isn't the greatest mission but goddamn do I love the rainy lighthouse area. Anywhere that it rains in Thief is just great.

>> No.10634212

For me it's one of Thief 2's best missions, very unique and there's not many FMs that try to capture its vibe.

>> No.10634274

I'm on Jaw of Darkness right now and holy shit the whole first 30mins are spooky as fuck

>> No.10634310

>every mission ends with about 2000 worth unstolen
Jesus where the fuck are all the loot in these levels

>> No.10634565

first time I'm playing this FM, these mummies are the worst. and I have absolutely no idea how to open the vault. been walking around the ship for hours.

>> No.10634613
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Was it this mission by any chance? It's pretty funny how the author gave us a really old guy to play (with voice of Bane with extra lisp) but made it a Thieves Higway type of map with acrobatics and neck-breaking barrister and parapet jumps all over the place.

That's the fun part of going loot hunt when playing FMs blind for the first time. Carefully combing through entire map several times, molesting every piece of furniture from every side and angle for forgotten jewelery or tiny secret switches, minding the possibility of those pixel sized rings in most unexpected places and generally feeling terribly clever at the end, only to figure out you were outsmarted and still missed a lot of shit. Certainly gives you a lot of perspective when you compare this with modern games where devs have to make confessions like "We had to slather the ladders, which were already in plain sight, with bright yellow paint, or otherwise faggot testers and journos were getting stuck on a main route".

>> No.10634641
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, dump000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have the devs not been tracked down and had their lives ruined for using the f-slur... wtf...

I'm replaying T2X, I wonder how many people have ever found and read this quote scroll.

>> No.10634663

It was this one.
I looked it up and both are from the same author and star same main character, and yeah, he still has this hillarious voice that sounds like a mix of bane and sean connery to me.
But I remember liking Godbreaker's first mission quite a lot. I probably gonna play Godbreaker and Feast of Piligrims in full after I finish TBP, actually.

>> No.10634667


>> No.10634843

Never thought the team that made this back in 2005 had a 4channer

>> No.10634926

hunting for loot is never fun

>> No.10634936

I gotta say I really like the sound design in Thief 2X, Zaya's boots are clicky clacky and satisfying, as is the knockout hammer's sounds, it's borderline asmr, whoever worked on the sound effects should be happy they did such a good job.

The voice acting on the other hand I can't say the same for, I'm pretty sure I've heard better voice acting in third-rate FMs that aren't even the big stuff like Black Parade. The cutscenes are all very cringe, Zaya is cringe and the guards are cringe, all the voices make me wince a little when I hear them, watching the cutscenes make me feel secondhand embarrassment, I remembered it being kinda bad but not this bad. The writing is so silly that it makes it worse.

>> No.10634969
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>voice of bane
kek it's supposed to be sean connery

>> No.10635018

Hunting for loot in FMs can be fun when you do it out of volition, just for the sake of completionism or 'High Score', however you'd define it. Luckily, most of the modern FMs place their loot objective aroun 50 - 60% of total even on Expert, and you can find that much by accident. Actually going for the 100% without any clues might be a pain though (I'm looking at you, TBP Hammerite mission with a single cheeky 1G coin on the highest roof of cathedral).

>> No.10635069

I wanna see that guy Klatremus lose all hope trying to supreme ghost Shadow of Doubt, I think that would be some entertaining despair.

>> No.10635228

Is anyone actually working on that updated fan missions infographic?

>> No.10635229

yeah I'm making the logo as we speak

>> No.10635240

Godspeed anon. I'd do it myself if I had any experience with FMs beside a few ones.

>> No.10635368
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I was just joking...

>> No.10635371
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what the fuck

>> No.10636727
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emergency bump

>> No.10637070
File: 1.28 MB, 1400x4537, 1678110259031345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5000 hours in paint

>> No.10637102

>Bracelet of Melody
t. Cardia

>> No.10637154

Thanks for your effort, but there is still plenty of good ones missing ;p

>> No.10637162

>Bracelet of Melody
it's fun

give me some recs and i will try expanding it

>> No.10637238
File: 1.25 MB, 1779x1079, taffer_award.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I jumped from the third floor balcony right into the well in Trial of Iron and as I went through the hole a scroll appears in my inventory called Taffer's Award. Anyway, missing some 130 pieces to get full loot, any tips on some hidden spots?

>> No.10637278

Ok I will try, here are my suggestions.

Being thief 2
Into the odd
Endless rain
Lost among the forsaken
The sound of a burrick in a room
Behind closed door
Whispers below the cobblestone
The turning of the leaves
the whistling of the gears

(Personal preference; some big names missing)

>> No.10637553

i honestly never got the appeal of scarlet cascabel. out of all the 2018 contest missions, it's the one that feels the least like a classic thief mission.

cardia's missions feel like schizo fever dreams. they're not great missions, but they're worth playing for the trip alone

>> No.10637576
File: 260 KB, 516x477, 31212312312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it that this hammerite skin (the one in the left, similar to original t1 haunts) is included in the game files but it's unused in the original games and most fms?

>> No.10637662
File: 1.78 MB, 1400x5865, 1691322458726394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here bro i added some shit

>> No.10637724
File: 54 KB, 620x451, 1599945709678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can you kill the undead knights with your sword?

>> No.10637738

Thief has some female appeal it seems. The only 2 people I know irl that even knew about Thief were 30+ year old women and both said Dark Project was their favourite game

>> No.10637872

The updated version of Cascabel is a lot better.

>> No.10637950

Thanks ! But you really don’t like Endless Rain, don’t you ? ;p

>> No.10637980

You damage their corpses so much that their vengeful spirit can no longer stick to them I guess? But they are already a little more than a skeleton in an armor, so I don't have a good answer for ya.

The real question is, why can you kill ethereal apparitions with 32 bonks to the head with a blackjack? And why can't you eventually hack zombies to pieces? It's pretty annoying how they are supposed to be the most "basic" undead yet those are the only ones you can't get rid of completely without limited resources. Especially as many undead FMs are maze-like catacombs where you have to blindly wander thorugh the same rooms multiple times, waking zombies over and over again. I really like how T2X handled them in a roundabout way where you can chop off their heads and arms at least.

>> No.10637984

ok, I'm retarded, it's literally spelled out in that journal you pick up.

>> No.10638048

What the fuck you can kill the ghosts too? Thats so stupid, does that mean holy water arrows work too?

>> No.10638287

Holy Water Arrows are weaker against haunts and ghosts than against regular zombies for whatever reason, I don't know the real damage numbers but you'd probably waste a ton of water arrows trying to kill them. Zombies will always take either 1 or 2 to kill, ghosts and haunts might take like 6 or some shit. What you can do however is backstab ghosts with your sword, one unalerted backstab overarm swing with the sword and then one more overarm swing while detected usually kills an apparition.

>> No.10638305

I am on arcane sanctum right now and I feel blown away.
I think they couldve gone even harder on these missions and make then twice bigger holy shit.

I kinda already been spoiled by the internet for the ending but the symbolism and cues in the game are incredibly.

I love the fact that its already day when you rise up in jaws of darkness, its like you just witness stuff you should not have seen, but there is still the day out there. AN Arcane Sanctum immediately after feels on two levels like a bittersweet celebration that there are worse things than death and life goes on, and a celebration of the Dark engine and thief. Fantastic.

I kinda already know this is not going to end well but again there are worse fates than death indeed.

You have no idea where that mission goes.

>> No.10638313
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I have also been using a nice very soft reshade. I think it helps dark engine a bit.
I would pay a lot for more campaigns like this, wonder if they are setting up bohn for a campaign or its a reference to an FM, I played some fms but not that many.

>> No.10638319
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, dump016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also been using a very soft reshade with eye adaption that really improves look on modern monitors.

>> No.10638363

Thats fucking retarded
and I felt so bigbrained too when I tried the flashbombs on the ghosts

>> No.10638440

In hindsight it would make for a better game, but lgs was trying to make a game normal people can beat.

Some stuff in BP cant be killed but i was surprised they didnt go harder on it.

>> No.10638442

The problem with holy water arrows dealing dissapointing damage on haunts and apparitions is, the holy damage is more or less constant, and does not get the usual x5 multiplier from surprise attack. Only base damage from water arrow is multipled, and 5 x 0 is still 0.

Best to save your flashbombs for zombies also, if you manage to get them down with regular attacks, single bomb is usually enough to splat zombie.
For ghosts, follow >>10638287 's advice, and if you can't get a sneaking approach at them just charge them head on and start clubbing them like a young seal. While blackjack only deals 1 point of damage to them and they have 32 HP, you can eternally stunlock them like any other magic caster enemy in the game.

>> No.10638475

So where's the secret statue entrance in this level?

>> No.10638482

Also, the little girl monster is how every paranormal monster should've been in this game

>> No.10638489

Its a nice tough for people who played Deadly Shadows, The hag is also burning evidence of herself and Garrett.

I kinda agree but then again its a nitpick not a biggy Jaws of darkness still goes in hard. I wish it was even more insane.

I love how Hume is silent in the deepest depths, there is nothing to say really. The run to the top is enough.

>> No.10638496


The Hand Mages are a nice addition and BP really gives them a nice treatment.

Overall i agree as well, but I would still retain if possible all 3 missions but with improved level design for the thieves guild, and because the statues in the mages tower being a cool element. Also not fucking the last city.

>> No.10638571

>Best to save your flashbombs for zombies also, if you manage to get them down with regular attacks, single bomb is usually enough to splat zombie.
Didn't know that. But having the ability to kill ghosts and undead knights tht "easily" is kind of disappointing, I treated them with far more respect than necessary, would I have known that most of the pants shitting moments I had wouldn't exist

>> No.10638807

I feel you man. I've played Thief for the first time when I was a clueless 10 years old, didn't even expect any magic content after mission 1, so that first zombie in Craigsleft suddenly starting wheezind and standing up on me gave me nightmares for weeks. Haunts and apparitons later on made me even less eager to even approach, let alone attack them. It's a bit of shame that a lot of that vidya magic just vanishes with time as you grow older and understand some mechanics better.

I assume you are going through the regular Thief campaign right now, but if you want to consider some fanmade content, it's really worth giving a try to The Black Parade campaign mentioned here multiple times. It has some unique beasts and undead, along with general map decor, which can give some serious creep even if you feel prepared.

>> No.10638823

I just got done with getting the eye today so I still have to finish the main game and I'd also like to play the sequel first before I get into any mods
But I gotta say this game is creepier than most horror games I've played

>> No.10638857
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Thief masterclass in design and especially sound creates the best unintentional horror ever in videogames.

And the best thing its that its classic fantasy yet bizarre and surreal at the same time.

I would describe Thief overall almost as the prog rock of videogames.

>> No.10638893

Yeah, I think the last time i was this immersed in a videogame was my original run of Stalker. I just wanted to check if everything works/rebind controls and the next thing I knew was that it was 4am and I was stuck in the middle of the thieves guild(fuck the thieves guild by the way)

>> No.10638912

Sadly, i might be wrong but even with tfix and the sound enhancement mod i think soudn was better back then but I might be wrong.

I think EAX effects were better, still it does not detract from the game.

Thief 2 also has some banger ambiance\sound and missions.

Deadly Shadows has tons of issues, writing etc buts its still a great thief game and concludes the story,poor game being crammed into an xbox but there is a big pc patch for it. Sneaky upgrade mod.

There were already very good FMs but Black Parade made me realized we kinda live in a golden age of fan made content for good classic games. Made me rethink videogames as a whole.

Doom mods\build game mods, HL mods like Echoes etc, Quake, even Caesar 3 and Homm3. It goes on.

>> No.10639294
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>> No.10639492

Might as wel skip that garbage level.

>> No.10639839
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Down Among Dead Men. Highly memorable ludo experience. I haven't played T2X since maybe like 2008 or something at the latest, possibly earlier. This level still manages to impress even in 2024.

>> No.10639871
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>> No.10639874
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>> No.10639973
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I don't really like how T2X uses Cavador as some sort of character link to Thief 2 when this is basically meant to be happening alongside it time-wise, in Thief 2 it was implied that Cavador has been with Karras for a while as head engineer (it's not like they built the Cetus Amicus/set up camp in Karath-Din in a day, that stuff has probably been going on since before Thief 2 even starts).

A few missions ago (in The Redistribution Game I think it was) there was a readable that references Truart's men storming the Crippled Burrick to find someone (Garrett), but all of this stuff in Sunnyport is still supposedly taking place before Blackmail (Truart's death) and Cavador joining the Mechanists, here he is instead head of the Hammerites in Sunnyport. Black Parade made a good choice in keeping character links minimal because these timeline shenanigans in T2X are kinda immersion breaking.

Still, pic related is a humorous readable.

>> No.10640071

Great mission. I remember standing in that exact place waiting and watching the zombies patrol routes. Have fun with that one.

>> No.10640114

I only tied two missions and dropped that shit, zendaya is shit, the writing and tone is trash.

>> No.10640164
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Kek. But yes, Zaya is shit and the writing is mostly shit. There is also a bunch of forced ghosting segments and map re-use in the campaign.

BUT there are also a few really good maps that stand out. Tailing missions are usually always shit in Thief but the one in T2X has a cool moving train segment (honestly it should have been longer and been a whole mission of its own though, without the tailing), the Hammerite Cathedral level is good, Down Among Dead Men is really good, the Brothel level is good and the Grand Hotel is good. Most of the level highlights happen super late in the campaign which is unfortunate because Zaya, the shitty writing and shitty voice acting is a filter for a lot of people.

>> No.10640171
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Its a shame there is good effort on the maps I know.

I mean if you are making a female character in such a setting, dont make her a shit snowflaky waifu, make her a psychopath femme fatale.
Anyway its all forgiven. I hope we get more BP stuff but I know we probably wont.
Gonna try some famous FMs to bridge the gap.

>> No.10640196
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>> No.10640206

looks nice, thanks for the tip


>> No.10640224
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>> No.10640226

If you're going to play T2X please do go in knowing that as I said here >>10640164 the writing, voice acting and characters are all quite shit and can be very cringe inducing, but you can definitely find a lot of enjoyment in some of the levels.

I get the feeling that most of the positive things that TBP's team says about T2X is likely Thief community styled virtue signaling in a sense because T2X was the first big name and big production value fan campaign with its own main character that isn't Garrett. TBP absolutely shits all over T2X in terms of writing, characters and voice acting to the point where the biggest issue people have with it is that Hume's VA doesn't sound quite right for the character, which really tells you a lot when Zaya's VA fails in every aspect and all of the random guard VA and shit is awful in T2X compared to TBP.

>> No.10640236

The only thing missing in BP is Hume saying a couple more lines and big shadowplay cutscenes between the biggest revelations. But I understand making the normal ones is already hard as fuck. And they look super cool.

>> No.10640264 [SPOILER] 
File: 750 KB, 1920x1080, dump007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to climb into her window and get a closer look with the help of some boxes. Get a load of this character model, and the Bow Upgrade I found in the room too. Is this enough to make janny shit his diaper I wonder?

>> No.10640279
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There is also no reason to shit on thief2x, I dont like it but as I said it has some good map design for its time in the community. I mean the majority of games cant even do something like thief 2x except a very small minority of well regarded classic games, like i said we are living in the golden age of that fan made content.

I mean shit like this would never be done in a normie videogame, its an adult game, nudity cant hurt you. I say god bless all the modders and fan content creators of this world, theirs is the builders paraside.

>> No.10640293

I just wish we had a cool campaign for the dark mod. A big one maybe 15 missions.

>> No.10640308

>There is also no reason to shit on thief2x, I dont like it but as I said it has some good map design for its time in the community.
I know. It's still worth playing, the good outweighs the negatives when it comes to T2X. The voice acting, characters and writing may be cringe but the level design is good and new arrow types and gadgets offer some interesting gameplay that has barely been seen since T2X despite all of the hundreds of FMs that have come out since then. I think (Water) Ice Arrows making ice platforms in water Majora's Mask style and the (Moss) Confusion Arrows giving off madness-inducing spores is pretty interesting stuff, there's also EMP Bombs which I'm sure have been in some FMs since then but the only notable appearance I can think of them showing up since is in TBP of all things.

There's obviously no actual reason to denigrate T2X for its faults publicly, they obviously tried their best at the time (and for the time it probably was the best FM campaign), but I can't help but think that when someone is like "TBP is to T1 what T2X is to T2" then people who haven't played T2X might get the wrong idea and go into it expecting something of the same sky high quality as TBP.

>> No.10640340

Can we retroactively put some AI garrett VA into some fms that would be dope.

>> No.10640417
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Why is your health bar all broken up like that? I played through it in November and it looked okay for me.

>> No.10640419

nta but probably because of resolution

>> No.10640432

I play in 1920x1080 16:9 so probably something to do with that.

>> No.10640451

Honestly unless you're in a hurry you should probably play not only Thief 1 and 2 but also Deadly Shadows before Black Parade. Black Parade contains some spoiler references to stuff in Deadly Shadows.

Though, Deadly Shadows isn't very good compared to T1&2, even with the Sneaky Upgrade patch, but it's worth at least one playthrough to end the trilogy.

>> No.10640464

You don't like SlyFoxx doing a bad Garrett impression for all of Death's Cold Embrace?

>> No.10640549
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Go on Benny go have a drink with that lady. Relax.

Holy shit Arcane Sanctum this mission is full comfy.

I like how BP mixes both eras Thief 1\2 correctly. You dent even need colored lighting textures do the job.

I cant even imagine if we could have this in a more advanced engine, while looking the same even with the wonky models only a bit improved. Servants lighting candles, more animations, more custom scripted stuff.

>> No.10640762

Arcane Sanctum was meh imo. VERY linear and too long also, it didn't feel like playing Thief.

>> No.10640785

I didnt feel that way, I think its full of non linear secrets and nice architecture. I just love the overall vibe as well.

>> No.10640814

wat, i only played it once but I explored pretty thoroughly and I found like 4 or 5 different ways to actually enter the building, and then within there are a few secret routes up to the higher floors, the only really linear parts are in and out of the archmage's quarters

>> No.10640859

And then theres the small castle as well, multiple secrets, jesus christ the mission is great and a huge flex.

>> No.10641019

So which FMs are these names for Garrett a reference to? Palmer, Philby, Talbot, Messer Johannes? And which FM is "Judge Azamlarg" putting a price out on Garrett's head only to then retract it a reference to? I'm assuming these are all FM references, like the stuff that mentions Rocksbourg, Guilesatpeak, etc.

Any knowers/french people pretending not to be devs of TBP?

>> No.10641047

>Certainly gives you a lot of perspective when you compare this with modern games where devs have to make confessions like "We had to slather the ladders, which were already in plain sight, with bright yellow paint, or otherwise faggot testers and journos were getting stuck on a main route".

This over and over, playing bp and thief fms is cleansing my soul desu. I think I might try my hands on dromed.

>> No.10641070

Maybe if both thief 1 and 2 got a revamp with newdark, expanding areas even further and with more complex design and loot and secrets to find.

I kinda have a soft spot for strange bedfellows cause it really does give you a feelign shit is going down if the trickster is willing to attack hammer in the open. And the alliance with garrett is well done.

>> No.10641147

Strange Bedfellows is a kino moment if you're immersed in the story (and you should be) at that point, desu. On my first playthrough I thought that shit was so hype, when Garrett has a twinge in his voice asking himself where all the hammers were, realising that his work with the Trickster had likely gotten them all killed, and the fact that he was so out of options that he decided to go to the hammers to tell them what had happened despite what they might do to him for his part in it. Sure the gameplay of that mission leaves a little to be desired but it was fucking cool in any case.

If there was a remake of Thief 1 (by the community using Newdark in a style similar to TBP) my main gripe with Bedfellows from a layout perspective is that it literally makes no fucking sense in how it overlaps with the lower areas of Undercover, so having a unified map layout for the areas that the two maps cover would be great.

>> No.10641157

I imagine bedfellows now in a more grand style map like trial of iron.

>> No.10641172

Melan fms (Azamlarg = Disorientation, pseudonyms = TDM stuff).

>> No.10641178

Unconvincing Garrett impressions are SOVL.

>> No.10641295

Later in the campaign when Hume is dying from the curse, I found the voice acting to get really annoying.

>> No.10641308

How are you supposed to defeat the last boss anyway? I just ran up to the altar and placed the thingy there and he exploded, is this how it was supposed to be done?

>> No.10641315

It's literally the same thing as Constantine in TDP. How are people having trouble figuring it out?

>> No.10641319

I never said I had any issues with it, I'm just asking if that's how the devs wanted me to do it. Weak ending desu, didn't even need to sneak around

>> No.10641345
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I know it's called the "Black Parade" but goddamn, I have to crank my gamma up almost all the way to even see the floor under my feet in a few places.

Pic unrelated

>> No.10641353
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>> No.10641374

Hey Skacky you fag, I know you love Sperry's Shadow of Doubt, well I think it's SHIT (aside from the atmosphere it has), so when are you going to remake it and give it the makeover it deserves?

>> No.10641468

I have just beaten Thief and gotta ask, have they run out of money/time? The last few levels were weirdly short, with mostly only one main objective and not very good to be honest, the last level was straight up just Xen. Didn't expect it to drop the ball like this, but after the haunted cathedral everything was just eh

>> No.10641524
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Use a reshade with decent eye adaptation settings. that way shadows remain inky black but your eyes adapt somewhat to darkness when in shadow.

Thief was made for crts.

>> No.10641528

They wanted to go crazy in the maw of chaos, like a descent into the underworld and steal from Satan.

The maw in thief 2 is honestly neater overall. But the ending level in thief 2 is also insane.

>> No.10641531

Even TDM gets love eh?

Wish TDM had a big original campaign. Maybe set it in one of the cities mentioned in Thief\Fms.

>> No.10641534

can you take a before/after shot? be good to see the difference and what that is doing

>> No.10641538

does anyone know if renderer -> mesh textures still works in thief gold? all I'm trying to do is reskin a guard using stock models/textures. I found some ancient tutorials saying that it should work fine but I just cant get it to work

>> No.10641548
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See those shadows at the back inky black right?
Difficult to see in screenshots but its as a i mentioned. The eye adapts.

The reshade is in nexus, just disable all the other faggot effects and I personally just leave those 3, with sharpen at 0.50

>> No.10641556
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Then i get close to that shadow and i can see the outlines of textures inside the shadow.

Thief is really a game from crt era with primitive lighting, it all rides on sound and level design.

Maybe if one day we got RTX? I dont even have an rtx card so fuck it.

>> No.10641568

That's cool. Subtle.

>> No.10641584

If you want to see more inside the shadow, put adaption strength form 0.300 to 0.500.

Wish i had a nice expensive oled for thief. need to get one.

>> No.10641591

Yeah, I really need a new monitor. Mine bleeds so much light it's ridiculous

>> No.10641604
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I think I discovered one bit of symbolism in BP
In the long shadow falls in BP there is a reference to The hanged man card.
The Hanged Man is the card that suggests ultimate surrender, sacrifice, or being suspended in time.
The next card after the hanged man in the major arcana, is XIII, death

>> No.10641798

I think it's a good metaphor for being branded. Also this got me thinking about how return to the city has readable about executioner playing with thief's corpse after hanging it, but I can't think of any way it could be related, TBP just has a lot of death by hanging in general.

>> No.10641809

The hanged man also works as the perspective of the innocent man as the world comes down on him as a scapegoat. Sometimes the hanged as an halo.

I think Hume sounds like a brigand and an asshole at first, but then the layers are removed.

He had a hard life, he saw unspeakable things done by men, and unspeakable eldritch horrors beyond time, he even got a holy sword I think thats a sign he has a holy work to do before his time is out

>> No.10641929

Benny really is the ladies man of the series.

And I have to agree, seeing a lot of new content in the game just makes me think about how cool would that be if servants could clean up moss patches by default now, or that guard dog npcs would be perfect for manhunt type of fan mission. What do devs actually think about someone borrowing their stuff for the fan maps anyway? Are they against it? Or do they not really care as long as you credit them?

>> No.10641946
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such.. beautiful things

>> No.10642135

Hume should've survived but been crippled by the effects of the curse or something which would be his reason for retiring from thieving.

>> No.10642748

Today I discovered that attacking the Benny guard with a sword instead of blackjack actually makes me feel like I've done something wrong. I've been subconciously avoiding killing that guy for god knows how long, because he's just funny as shit to listen to.

Also, I fucking love how guards constantly fuck with servants by telling them "hey you missed a spot there" now, making servants get all pissy and flip out at them every time.

>> No.10642905

>Hume survives but the curse makes him permamently glow in the dark and his footsteps make clown shoes noises, effectively rendering his thief career dead
Truly a fate worse than death

After years of playing on expert I just can't bring myself to kill any human opponents, even when FM allows it. Hard to count your regular guardsa as not "innocents", guys are just doing their jobs. The only exception where I allow it is if mission featurs thieves or assassins hired specifically to kill Garrett. I know he is not a kind of man that willingly goes for murder, no matter the circumstances, but in those situations I jusrt feel an urge to slay them all and leave their corpses neatly piled up in public place to send a better message.

>> No.10643016

I started playing Thief 2 with T2fix and everything is dark as shit, like literally black in the shadows. I have to crank the brightness up to almost maximum to barely see where I'm going. So the problem now is that the lightsources have bloom and they burn my retinas, also the map looks like absolute shit, can I change this crap somehow? In the first game I just had to put the brightness up one notch, this is ridiculous

>> No.10643024

Are you playing with any of the graphical (((enhancements))) in T2Fix?

>> No.10643043

open cam.cfg and put a ";" before the enable postprocessing line.
or you can turn down the intensity, it's dumb but it's on by default for some reason.

>> No.10643104

No, I just installed newdark

Thanks, it was in cam_ext.cfg though
also found a seperate gamma setting for the map there

>> No.10643309

Probably my next fm now that I'm done with Ascend the Dim Valley.

>> No.10643419
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>Going over a loot list to try and see what the fuck I missed
>go over every location of loot one by one with the help of the loot list's screenshots
>everything is gone
>where is the piece of loot i'm missing, I don't get it
>go over every location again, visualizing myself picking the items up
>well this one is just a vase sitting on a little table in a well lit open room I've been in several times, surely it can't be this
>tfw it got bounced inside of a couch by a piece of camera debris from all the way across the room when I shot a camera with a fire arrow an hour ago
what the fuck man

>> No.10643684
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I knew it was worth stacking all those boxes to see what was up there...

>> No.10643689
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This mission is rather atmospheric. (Thief 2X Mission 12 - The Cure)

>> No.10643691
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>> No.10643736
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Oh right, I forgot about this, kek.

>> No.10643809
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Imagine getting deadnamed in the special thanks section of the credits.

>> No.10643830

Great mission all around, but I still don't quite understand how those haunted head enemies are supposed to work when confronted. Sometimes they go straight to the zombies and cause youno further problem, sometimes they decide to fuck your shit and shower you with barrage of projectiles, taking your helath from max to zero in span of one second.

Most dissapointing shit right there, you get ready for a great chase through The Maw and suddenly ten minutes later the mission is over.

>> No.10643858

Yeah I usually just bonk everyone because even without the no kill rule its still a lot faster to just blackjack someone and they don't scream or leave a blood pool.

I went full murder hobo in the final mission in TBP though because fuck those necromancers for getting me cursed, I'm taking them all down with me.

>> No.10643862

It just makes sense at that point to go full murderhobo, if there was a don't kill anyone objective there it would be extremely immersion breaking.

>> No.10644126

Its a bit of a owner desu, Hume deserved at least and exile again.

But it does create a nice noir story and the build up is intense.

>> No.10644157

I honestly kinda thought he'd become a Keeper in the end. Might've been a bit of a Gary Stu ending for some nobody Criminal OC but I think after all Hume went through and accomplished by the end he proved himself and it would've been a nice way to turn his life around. Doesn't really cause much issue in universe either with later canon, you can just assume Hume irrelevant because he's doing Keeper bullshit that has no relation to Garrett and the Dark Project/Metal Age.

>> No.10644169

That would be cool but a bit too much. I think exile helped by some keepers who saw his shit would be nice. But i like the balls they had to do this.

>> No.10644241
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>the tune that plays when you go through the gate on the outer wall
literally nightmare on elm street vibes

>> No.10644272

The FM would probably be a lot less dark and not as memorable if he beat the curse. After finishing the whole thing, it makes mission 5 a lot creepier to me in retrospect knowing that's when he contracts his death sentence. It puts everything else in a new before/after context. Even the cheesy line he says at the beginning of the mission takes on a new meaning. You initially think it's just going to be a stroll into the sealed section, the FM's equivalent of THC. We've yet to see how the story will affect it's replayability.

>> No.10644294
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times you acted like the Taffin?

>> No.10644302

Also is Raputo the same Lord Raputo from CoSaS: Mission X?
Speaking of which,thats also one of those FM's with amazing production value. Lots of memorable voice acting and superb level building. Not sure if there are more references to CoSaS if these two characters are in fact the same.

>> No.10644303

Raputo is mentioned in the og game.

>> No.10644306

I would not mind and extra BP gold where we can have teh option with a couple levels more to make Hume live

>> No.10644334

You know how it would be received though? Like TG with Thieves Guild and the like. It would be known for ruining the theme and the tone of TBP and there would be discussions in threads like this one analyzing exactly why it is soulless and should be considered non-canon to the original FM.

>> No.10644338

It would be the ultimate homage to Thief TDP\Gold then.

>> No.10644461

>The Black Parade Gold
fuck that would be so good, what would be good ideas for extra missions that slot in like Thief Gold's did and Thief 2 Gold's would have, personally I don't think epilogue content would really fit the style of a Gold expansion

>> No.10644480

So Hume is an old guy who had history as a thief in the city before being carted off to prisons and work camps, I forget how long it's said he was in prison for if it was at all, I guess you could make prequel FMs starring Hume if you got the voice actor to do some new stuff for it, but it would have to be set quite far before TDP in that case and the references to the original game would be minimal outside of the historical stuff. The Old Quarter zombie outbreak was like 50(?) years before TDP and a younger Hume FM wouldn't be that far back (he's not like 70 or something lmao), so it would have to be something truly intermediary.

>> No.10644495

Do you think Voodoo47 seethes every time someone releases a fan mission with "don't use this with any HD mods" or explicitly recommending TFix Lite and not TFix in the description because the new models are neckless blob men like TDP and not copying T2's style?

>> No.10644509

I have quite a number of people preferring the options in tfix like the guards over tfix lite.

Some people just have no taste.

>> No.10644564

I certainly wouldn't complain if hypothetical TBP would allow Hume to survive in the end. I don't have any ideas for extra missions which could take place chronologically before Mission 5, but perhaps extra two or three maps which can be triggered only by finding specific key clues in order to give Hume more chances to look for alternate trinkets and methods to lif the curse would be nice? I know that Pagan missions are probably least welcomed in general, but second map from Godbreaker proves that this theme can be done well if you tone down on hellish aesthetics and focus on ruthless nature in untamed wilds setting. No ancient gods or complex scheming, just craymen and giant moths out there seeing you as next walking meal. I'm sure that TBP crew would be able to come up with some impressive creatures. Maybe some mission taking place in tombs of TotallyNotEgypt as a little nod to T2X too?

>> No.10644574

Hume just needs the magical life giving meme scales from T2X to fix himself.

>> No.10644594

>every Thief youtuber uploads quicksave/quickload spam ghost videos

>> No.10644764

Is there a Thief FM or mod I can download which is just the original TG FMs but with the killing restriction on Expert completely removed? I kinda wanna see just how unhinged the gameplay can get if I'm allowed to just murder everyone like on Normal but with lower health pool and more objectives.

>> No.10645579

Funny Thief anecdote I remembered upon seeing that thread that you guys might enjoy.

>> No.10645946

>Hume backstory arc
>he talks like a happy go lucky young man, full of hopes and dreams, always super optimistic about literally everything and never doubts any of his friends
That would hurt my soul on so many levels.

>> No.10645984

Whats the appeal of playing like this, let alone watching someone play like that?

Accepting your fuck-ups (except jumps) makes the game so much more fun. I just escaped Jaws of Darkness on expert with one hp left after a brawl with whatever the fuck was down there guarding the tablets.

>> No.10646049

Honestly, the only appeal those videos have for me are small segments in which player demonstrates on how to ghosts specific parts of the level you've played by yourself and thought "okay, this one absolutely can't be stealthed, I need to alert someone / bonk someone on the head / use specific tool".

Issue of never ending save / load cycle you've mentioned is a big one on its own too, but personally what I dislike the most is how supreme ghosting effectively disregards a lot of effort that people put into more creative FMs.

>See those unique new weapons and tools that modders gave us specifically for this mission? Say goodbye to them all, killing and wasting resources is forbidden
>See those cool entities and monsters which attack and behave like nothing you've seen before? Fuck them too, we'll sneak around them like they're generic guards and reload when they as much as growl
>See this well-thought level architecture which lets you take alternative routes and shortcuts? We've not doing that either, some areas have too much traffic in them so we're not going there, instead watch me backtracking entire level three times to return that key back to the beginning of the map
>See how we can grab this loot through the closed doors? We're not doing that because engine exploitation is against the rules! And no, doing segmented walk to not emit step noises or soundless landing on stacked potion bottles is totally not an exploit

Sure, playing like that takes a lot of effort, but it effectively dumbs down the possibilities of engine to bare minimum of walking and jumping around, and that's in a game where jumping and mantling is rarely 100% reliable.

>> No.10646181

I just finished my ironman ghost playthrough.
Who would have chained Hume? Hammerite haunts wear chains. Presumably because fallen hammerite warriors kept coming back as undead so they started locking the corpses up in chains while the barricades were being built.
Ramirez in Thief 1 has a document listing all the city wardens. There's Ramirez himself, DeWall, Raputo and also Viktoria. Interestingly, according to TBP and the official storyline, the only warden left is Raputo. DeWall is in prison, and by the time of Thief 3 Ramirez and Viktoria are dead. That's a big power vacuum.

>> No.10646240

>city wardens
There's Webster too, also mentioned by Ramirez. He's the warden of (Wayside?) Docks, Dayport and Eastport. I don't remember if he is mentioned in TDS.

>> No.10646297

Right. I always get DeWall and Webster confused

>> No.10646315

New ones would probably take their place, like what happend in TBP after The Long Shadow Falls

>> No.10646342

btw during my ironman ghosting attempt of TBP, I came to the conclusion that in M08 there's a singular mandatory escape route back to the entrance areas, and it deposits you directly onto a marble floor making the loudest landing noise in the game, alerting a nearby enemy. Does anyone have any idea how that could be avoided?

>> No.10646530
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>> No.10646835


Japanese fms were ever attempted ?

I guess not their pc scene is dedicated but small.

>> No.10646876

there's only one jap author that I know of: JIS. his missions are "odd" but enjoyable. he's also good at capturing the classic T1 aesthetic. his largest missions are Hammer and Garrett and Elevator Mission. each of those has a million different versions (EM even has a T2 version, but I don't recommend it). I recommend v1 of Elevator Mission and v2 of Hammer and Garrett. he also made and interesting undead mission named LostAge

>> No.10646885
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Interesting. Looks pretty nice.
A nipponese with good taste.

Shame their pc scene is so small , their austim could produce some bangers iam sure.

>> No.10647167

are there any cheats that would give me holy water flasks? I accidentally used up like 3 in a row but said fuck it, and an hour later now I really need it

>> No.10647320
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Just get the sword upgrade bro
pic not related

>> No.10647568

The Turning of the Leaves was pretty kino, though I didn't like how the forest was just walls with tree textures on them. But the cultist temple was spooky as fuck.

>> No.10647696

Anyone want to watch me replay Shadow of Doubt? I have a history of being extremely butthurt about this campaign but all the big FM authors simp for it so I figured I might try and replay it (while being semi-familiar with some of the ways it fucks with the player).

I can probably stream it but it's gonna be borderline unwatchably dark because it's a really dark FM.

>> No.10647747


Here in case anyone gives a shit, hopefully it doesn't count as shilling if i'm a literal nobody with 0 viewers. I upped the gamma on OBS a bit so maybe it'll be watchable.

Can someone tell me why every time I see someone stream Thief they are always using a vtuber plugin thing?

>> No.10647795

Its weird Thief is the only classic 90s game where i prefer filtered textures.

>> No.10648979

I actually don't mind ending, but the fact that we don't get to kill Dahlquist makes me platinum mad, Azaran sort of got what was coming to him in the end, if we assume his notes were just him talking crazy after his plan was completely ruined when he's found in t2, but I'm pretty sure Dahlquist even survived until the end, unless I missed a readable somewhere, or something.

>> No.10649010

Azaran in Thief 1 and 2 was basically an amateur and dilatant mage who could barely resurrect a human before acquiring one grimoire and finally killing himself. He was penniless, had no apparent social connections and probably didn't half-understand the forces he was messing with.

The Black Parade's take on the character makes no sense from a lore perspective, especially if its a prequel.

>> No.10649687

>when you enter DeWael's chamber and that beat from Assassins kicks in

This mod blows everything released in the past years out of the water, so many memorable moments
Just wrapping up on Arcane Sanctuary now. Question for those who did an ironman run; does that include no saves/loads from fucked up jumps/ladders or do you tolerate those?

>> No.10649786

>Question for those who did an ironman run; does that include no saves/loads from fucked up jumps/ladders or do you tolerate those?
I did use saves for some ladders, ropes and some tricky mantles because of how restrictive the geometry in TBP is. There are just so many places where the Dark Engine was never designed to be able to handle in your mantling. There are also some general glitches that require saving and loading to prevent, like the key-carrying guard in Iarodo's chambers. Sometimes he stops right in the doorway, preventing you from getting into the room to steal the loot.

>> No.10649798

Dahlquist gets sent to Cragscleft


>> No.10649873

>The reshade is in nexus
I hate that dumb website. It seems they ban throwaway accounts used by multiple IPs, but aside from that their login page just plain gives me 404 now. Could you upload it on catbox or somewhere?

>> No.10650000
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Ok taffers, how the fuck do I move this box?
Second level of DS, on the way to the painting on the balcony

>> No.10650018
File: 2.39 MB, 1920x1080, dump032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing man.


>> No.10650019

the Deadly Shadows engine has a pushing mechanic that imparts zero force on the object at first, but the longer you hold the movement key the more force you use. So to move massive objects you need to push them for a few seconds.

>> No.10650028

also, should I really play DS or just read a summary and then get on with playing TBP? DS is fine so far, they have the aesthetic mostly right. But everything is pretty casualized. Might just be because it's an early level and things will get interesting, but if most levels are this tier, maybe I'll just go for the summary.

>> No.10650032

You need to roll quints to move large objects. I don't know what Looking Glass was thinking with such a dumb mechanic.

>> No.10650034

Thanks, I was already fiddling with the settings but it wouldn't hurt to have a reference.

>> No.10650038

With the new patch is a decent enough game, Its still Thief. Eric still did a incredible job on sounds and ambiance.

Its a miracle it even looks so good on the og xbox with no ram.
The writing i think takes a beating but missions are still nice.

I would say give it a spin and if you dont like it just see a summary yeah.

Invisible War is then same but had the benefit of retaining the same writer.

No problem.

>> No.10650049

Was a nice stream, i had to go to bed cause it was 2 am here.

Shadow of Doubt is insane wtf.

>> No.10650081

I see it already has its own cam_ext.cfg, plus the
line in it, on which NewDark documents say:
>Before running the game in a Thief 1/G install you must add the config var "dark1" (NOT "game dark1") to the
"cam.cfg" (or "cam_ext.cfg"). Failure to do so will lead to strange things happening and ultimately a crash.
For a brief, NewDark itself is a rewrite of Thief 2 engine so there should be some compatibility issues with the first game to which these docs refer, although they don't elaborate in any detail on what dark1 switch exactly does -- perhaps affects game logic? Peculiar why shader pack author included it.

>> No.10650086

yep forgot to remove the cam_ext,

Just use your own.

>> No.10650153

It's helpful anyway for people to know that the dude threw his own irrelevant shit if they took it from nexus.

NewDark configs are little obtuse but I prefer to do them manually, gladly it's five years old and done installation. Normal people should probably use premade TFix packs.

>> No.10650232

I keep forgetting that they use actual characters mentioned in the notes and papers you read in the main game, I always end up forgetting about the little bits of lore in games.

>> No.10650235

What is character_detail in cam_ ext anyway

>> No.10650265

I used search function and got no hits within the official docs, so made-up setting?

>> No.10650273

Its on tfix lite but not on others its weird.
Its below ark 1
character_detail 1

Cant find docs on it as well.

>> No.10650278

Or maybe it relates to those hi-def models or something which tfix patches introduce, nothing from newdark itself.

>> No.10650330

As far as I know the game can be feeded whatever through these configs and there's only marginal difference between all of them, so it makes sense that TFix author would put something of his own in it. It could've been left there as a precaution measure for some fan missions which might have these high quality models, not from TFix exclusively.

>> No.10650570

Allow me to shill my ironman ghost playthrough of TBP

>> No.10650618

I suppose it would help to actually include the playlist url https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmqYHnLFUbaIS-N2DsfizF0q8ez7uVelw&feature=shared

>> No.10650736
File: 731 KB, 1280x960, Looking Glass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The quote list sure isn't going to help me convince my mom that I'm not gay.

>> No.10650742

>Why don't we all just Xerox our asses and ship THAT?
Looking Glass? More like Looking Ass.

>> No.10650748

Yeah lets just ignore the eldritch monster. My god I wish jaws went even harder, deeper, with more stuff you are not meant to see.

>> No.10650773

Welp, my copy of TBP crashes on mission start so that would be it, unless I find the cause.

>> No.10650794

Are you using tfix lite?
Try angelloader disable all mods except the interface patch.

>> No.10650834
File: 65 KB, 800x450, 8e9n3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay so I CBA to finish DS, just not enough time. I get to pick one campaign and it's TBP.

How much of DS's story do I need to know?

I read the fandom wiki but I'm in a fever haze and basically just got picrel out of it. Here's what I've got:

- garret has to steal some stuff from pagans and hammerites for the keepers
- there's a prophecy that if the clocktower falls it'll be the end times
- also it will point to the Big Bad Guy
- G Dog makes it fall and it points to one of the high-tier keepers
- Akshually it also points to a good guy too
- Some interpreter girl is in line to get lots of powers
- There are Bad keepers and there are Good keepers
- Actually all the keepers are fine, the problem is the Hag
- The hag can make statues live
- Good and Bad keepers agree Garrett has to destroy the keeper magic / glyphs to stop the Hag
- Garrett saves the day
- Epilogue: some kid tries to pickpocket garret and he says the quote that introduced us to him in TDP

if a kind anon would spoiler anything I'm missing that is necessary to appreciate TBP, it would make me very happy.

DS's plot seems legitimately cool with some interesting elements (exploring the city that changes over time) but I just don't have time to fit it in.

>> No.10650840

Oh wait, I was idiot trying to launch it with the second game and not Dark Project. Rookie mistake of not reading things, thanks for reaching out nonetheless.

>> No.10650848
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Still use angeloader, i see a lot of people using old ass fm loaders.


Think of it this way play BP, then play DS since its an actually decent game, then play BP again. Or read the summary again more carefully and see the cutscenes\watch a playthough.

BP can stand on its own, the small details are for people who know Thief series in and out including famous fms.

>> No.10650860

Shame there is no centralized server with mirrors like with idgames and doomlauncher so I could download them from the get-go. Biggest shame though is that many of the links on Thief Guild are fucking dead, had to rely on Russian Thief community and their cloud services most of the time unbelievably enough. Yet it also might not last long.

>> No.10651018

Played it last week too, agreed it was pretty good - especially if you go for the optional objectives (or the hidden ones).
A shame we don’t have more forest missions.

>> No.10651098
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>> No.10651128
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I've just wrought a cerebral tear on some malnourished haunt so as not to suffer his obnoxious patrol route and then failed "Don't kill any humans" condition, must be a script problem or something idk.

Although I should say, for whatever little time I've spent there, being inside that small herbalist's cabin and hearing rain droplets hit the roof was incredibly cozy.

>> No.10651179
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, Thief2_rX14tYaB60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I roleplay a stranding vagabond, it gets even cozier without any candles flicked on, complete darkness and claustrophobic stonework never felt that welcoming. I can imagine a humidity seeping through the walls in fullest of senses.

>> No.10651248

It was a bit of an endurance run playing through it from start to finish, I also cheated to finish the first mission because the objectives broke somewhere along the way, though I completed what the objectives actually were I'm pretty sure.

Nightcrawler defeated me again and I had to resort to checking ttlg about half way through it, that level is absolutely awful, there are multiple ways to just absolutely fuck yourself and softlock yourself from being able to finish it which I was wise to at least (I remembered something to do with not wasting gas arrows and I remembered the underground water area that you can get trapped in). It's a shame Nightcrawler is so bad because the rest of the campaign is decent, even though there is similar keyhunt fuckery in Tears of Blood and similar cryptic bullshit in Broadsword of Sheol.

>> No.10651401

I've watched till Nighcrawler until I passed out, but what I didn't like about these missions was that it seemed like a repetitive slog. Each mission boiled down to getting a key to open the door to progress further. Once you do that you repeat these steps a couple more times. Nothing felt natural or organic, hardly immersive.
It felt video gamey for a lack of a better word.

>> No.10651429

That's old antique FM design for ya. Probably the majority of old missions are just keyhunts and mandatory secret hunting (adventure game puzzle tier) to progress. Nightcrawler just happens to be one of the worst examples of it.

>> No.10651450

Did you stop being butthurt about Shadow of Doubt?

>> No.10651452
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I basically almost ghosted the police station in Thief 2 just now, only had to destract a guy with an arrow once, feeling pretty fucking slick right now
Maybe I'll crank this baby up to expert, as I am one

>> No.10651454

Mostly apart from Nightcrawler. I think a little higher of the other missions in the campaign but that one still drags it down a lot.

>> No.10651464

>he plays Thief or FMs on any difficulty other than expert

>> No.10651469

This is my first time playing so I didn't want to immediately start on the highest difficulty

>> No.10651472

>Broadsword of Sheol
Dont remind me of that nightmare fuel mission, Jaw of Darkness in TDP definitely gave me similar vibes. I don't even want to know what the fuck was happening during the last 20 minutes in that dark crawl

Feels great right? KO'ing everyone just dumbs the game down and basically removes all the fun from sneaking around. Good luck on expert

>> No.10651513

Are there any fan missions like the Thief Gold bonus mission?

>> No.10651690

I'm not that great at finding secrets, so playing on hard results in me ghosting a mission perfectly. While playing on expert results in me ghosting mission but missing 10-100 loot required for the minimum, looking for it while trying ghost for about 30 minutes, getting angry, spending 20 more minutes clubbing everyone I meet, because they're in the way of looking, searching for indefinite amount of time, giving up, watching loot video and either getting pissed at myself for missing very obvious shit or getting pissed at author for hiding mandatory piece of loot too well.

>> No.10652153
File: 312 KB, 1226x602, by the builder's hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I play next? I've had some of these FMs sitting in my fmsel for literally years. And should I stream it >>10647747

I'm already quite familiar with who the good and shit authors are and have played approximately 200 fan missions in total prior to these (they're not in my fmsel but I keep a spreadsheet).

>> No.10652157

Actually some of these are so old I think they actually have the some of the meme contest pseudonyms attached to them under the author tag.

>> No.10652279

Out of the ones I know about from the list:
Builder's Paradise is a very interesting mission, it's a beautiful fan mission trying to imagine thief 2: alternate bad end route, very well regarded by fans, I ain't got much else to say about.
Ten little taffers is a short experimental mission, some reviews describe it as almost interactive movie, that is actually quite fun, but it's mostly mystery focused rather than taffing and, as some people could guess, it's inspired by famous Christie novel with a similiar name, instead of difficulty you pick playable character, first is a proper thief misson with some backwards elements+mystery, second is mystery and nothing else, but with some extra complications, last one is a bonus round you should play only after first two. As far as mystery itself goes I liked it, puzzles are not too hard answer to mystery makes sense, my only complaint is that I think they shouldn't have forced the player to solve mystery twice, it could be better if it was stealing only in garret mode and puzzle only in guest mode instead, also there is a huge spoiler on results screen, so load right away without looking at it if you die, if you want to avoid early reveal.

>> No.10652814

>Think of it this way play BP, then play DS since its an actually decent game, then play BP again.

No, you see, I only have time to play one campaign, not three

>> No.10653027

how do I install tfix lite, do I just put the folder in the thief gold steamapps folder or do I extract the individual items and replace? not working for me.

>> No.10653067

> must be a script problem or something idk.
No, you just failed for a trick of the fm author ;)
Next time you give a try to this mission, try to frobb the face of that haunt…
(Really liked that twist, I must say)

>> No.10653079

Plenty of good ones. I can especially recommend Ascend the Dim Valley - aesthetically, it’s kind of a mixed bag ((if you tend to prefer more modern looking textures), but the level design is great. Best use of verticality in a fm.

>> No.10653083

You unpack it yeah and put everything in your thief folder.

Customize your cam_ext.cfg file, and get angelloader for fms.

Maybe someone should try to make a standalone thief install with everything g set up for new players.

Its not hard to install but i feel there are a ton of small things that can be fucked up

>> No.10653094

I love lost among the forsaken.

>> No.10653136

The Scarlet Cascabel is absolutely massive, I clocked 5-6 hours on the second mission I think? Absolutely amazing and with some of the most genuinely scary moments in my Thief career. Pretty sure there's an updated version of it so keep that in mind if you're planning on playing it.

Many other decent ones in this list. The Scholar's Hand is probably my favorite nicked mission so far, very atmospheric daylight mission. The Tomb of Saint Tennor has a great tombcrawl for its second mission. Feast of Pilgrims is an amazing rooftop mission with loads of things to do and discover. Heart and Soul, Shadow Play, Cinder Notes, all of them very memorable.

>> No.10653215

think I'm just going to have to accept tfix I guess, I'm never gonna make that cfg not crash it seems with all the bullshit commented and uncommented.

>> No.10653225

Its an easy document.

dont install any of the extra shit from tfix just the interface patch.

>> No.10653254 [DELETED] 

mind being a hero copying your cfg.ext to pastebin?

>> No.10653279

mind being a hero and copying your cam_ext.cfg to pastebin?

>> No.10653318
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, dump010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need man trust me, the only thing one might mess around if fps limit, texture filtering, or maybe extra newdark stuff like hiding UI, or maybe you like a little bit of bloom in light sources?

Dont be overwhelmed by it just read it. its fine.

>> No.10653630

Are the paths in install.cfg correct?

>> No.10653691

And darkinst.cfg for the Metal Age, this is what I have in mine to make games portable. Mind you, pathways are different as I shuffled files around and created 'data' folder myself. Dot behind the slash symbol stands for a root folder where .exe file is located. NTA.

;cd_path .\
install_path .\+.\data
language english
resname_base .\+.\data+.\data\res
load_path .\+.\data
script_module_path .\+.\data\osm+.\data
movie_path .\movies+.\data\movies

I noticed that a bit too late, dude shouldn't have been making those unnatural ghastly noises. I think the trick was a bit unfair in that regard.

>> No.10653938

been a while since ive seen a taffer thread

>> No.10653998

It’s a fair criticism. Personally, I liked that twist and it makes sense with what you discover after, but yeah, I get that it can feels a bit like a dick move at first.

>> No.10654007

> The Scholar's Hand
Daylight mission ? Atmospheric ? I know what I’m going to play next !

>> No.10654015
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>> No.10654021
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He looks like he's about to lose it

>> No.10654042
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bumping with some art

>> No.10654060

I think we're past the bump limit and I simply didn't have much time or energy spare to post this week; will bump the next thread. Thanks for the FM recs, lads

hey thanks for making this

>> No.10654071

Thanks for doing these.

>> No.10654086

oh and thank you streamfags, you gave me some entertainment after long hours in retail