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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10618975 No.10618975 [Reply] [Original]

how does the game boy behave when the cartridge slot is empty but the link port is occupied? if it starts executing code it reads from the latter instead would it be possible to connect it to a PC with a USB adapter cable and make it play games from your hard drive? does such a thing exist? I wanna homebrew and all the shitty everdrive clones on aliexpress still cost too much and probably don't work

>> No.10618982

This is a troll, right? Literally no one could be this dumb.

>> No.10618991

The Game Boy won't be able to read from the link port at all when it's stuck on the bootstrap screen so no this won't work

>> No.10619008

ha no this is a laugh and a half. the link port is only a data port and a quite slow one at that and no it can't execute code from there.

>> No.10619018

Sorry kid. A game has to initialize the link port first for it to work. And even if it did, the link port was made to transmit tiny amounts of data, not entire games.

>> No.10619026

Dude those EverDrive clones are $23.

>> No.10619031

yes, too much

>> No.10619037
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>> No.10619043

He lives in Latin America where $23 is $113.

>> No.10619051 [DELETED] 

i hate gen z

>> No.10619053

no, I am a self respecting person who will not allow himself to be judaised

>> No.10619054

You sound poor

>> No.10619063

I come from a very wealthy family, because my ancestors took care of their savings and refused to spend 23 dollars on things made for 23 cents

>> No.10619072

For the original Game Boy and Game Boy Color, you can't do shit without a cartridge.
For the GBA, it can actually read incoming data from the link port without a cartridge. Some games like the Super Mario Advance series can do limited multiplayer with just one cartridge being shared amongst players, and of course the GBA can be used to link to the Gamecube using its appropriate cable in select titles.

>> No.10619102
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only the PSP can do this, right

>> No.10619107

Then emulate for free shlomo.

>> No.10619110

homebrew demands real hardware

>> No.10619184

If you had any self respect you'd have deleted this thread

>> No.10619197

>how does the game boy behave when the cartridge slot is empty but the link port is occupied?
It behaves very poorly. It talks back to its parents and refuses to eat its vegetables.
>poorfag retardation
lol. I mean huehuehue.

>> No.10619208 [DELETED] 

your clogged and failng heart will beat its last while you type out another post like this and the insects that now feed on your dirty dishes and old pizza boxes will pick your bones clean before anyone finds them

>> No.10619609

I mean, you could literally just buy a couple $2 dollar chips and make your own basic flashcart that'll play 99% of the gb library

>> No.10619616

There is a feature which exists, but only for GBA.
Something similar exists for DS over WiFi.

>> No.10619629
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it works you just have to go into the gb bios settings and enable boot from lan

>> No.10619901

so what you're saying is that your ancestors were stingy. fucking live a little, buy the stupid flashcart if you can afford it. either that or admit that you're poor.

>> No.10619934

Not even sure there's that many games I want for this but their early design had great aesthetics

Same with Japanese stereos from that era

>> No.10620016

This thread reminded me of when I was a small child and thought I could build a functional airplane entirely out of cardboard if I tried hard enough.
Thanks for the memories, OP.

>> No.10620059

The Gameboy and Gameboy Color don't do anything if the CPU doesn't have a cartridge's ROM to read from. End of story.

What you're describing may be possible with GBA (and specifically only GBA games, no GB/GBC) because it's capable of a basic download play feature. Unfortunately download play is a pretty unexplored area of GBA homebrew from what I can tell.

In either case, even if you were to somehow make it far enough with mods and homebrew to attempt something like this, you'll run into a shitton of problems.
>It would require monstrously modified roms, literally rewritten entirely from scratch, to prevent the consoles from ever trying to read anything from the cartridge port (good luck)
>The data transfer speeds of the link port are likely too slow for pretty much any game to be functional
>There wouldn't even be enough free processing power on the GB/GBA to handle link connectivity features underneath running an actual game. Multitasking is not something you can get a CPU from the 70's to do.

>> No.10620073

The GBA can do that but it requires the ROM to be on a special format and the size is limited to what can fit in the RAM.

>> No.10620101
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>Unfortunately download play is a pretty unexplored area of GBA homebrew from what I can tell.
Not true at all, in the early days of GBA homebrew an xboo cable plugged into your PCs parallel port was a popular way to upload homebrew roms.

I remember the Goomba emulator also supported transmitting emulated Game Boy games to other consoles via link cables. Game Boy Interface also lets you transmit a ROM to function as a GC controller. It's well explored territory.

>> No.10620251

It doesn't. In fact there's plenty of homebrew that can only work on an emulator.

>> No.10620439

Do you not wear clothes either faggot?

>> No.10620780
File: 81 KB, 973x610, 34081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a coincidence, I've been exploring ways to move Pokemon from Gen 2 to Gen 3 (originally impossible). I thought it was a crapshoot but there is actually a tool that does it. Behold my pokey men
You just copy-paste pokemon across gen. Not even joking.

>> No.10620857

A simple Google search would have shut this down in 3 seconds but for once I do appreciate that you shared your crazy idea with us

>> No.10620868

>Do you not wear clothes either faggot?

usually but not when me and your sister are in the same room together

>> No.10620930

This thread reminded me of when you weren't a drama queen and still answered my messages.
Thanks for the passive-aggressiveness, anon.

>> No.10620949

OP is a genius and I would fund his kickstarter in a heartbeat. Reminds me of the part in A Murder at the End of the World where an astronaut hacks a car to run because it has an OBD terminal (note: IDK what that is). NINTENDO HIIIIRE THIS MAN!! NINTENDO..

>> No.10620979

if it has never once been played upon a game boy it cannot be called a game boy game

>> No.10621148

is this the schizobait thread?

>> No.10621201

Stop with your flattery, Nintendo has already hired him. Now it's only a matter of waiting for the goods to come out.

>> No.10621585

Unless the file extension is .gb.

>> No.10621893

Wow. I didn't think it was possible for someone to be more retarded than OP.
Your post is called a game baby cope

>> No.10622081

No idea who you think I am, but get help, schizo.

>> No.10622085

This was meant for you

>> No.10622124

This, people who program for fictional hardware can fuck off

>> No.10622296

this is true for the gb and gbc, but the gba could boot from the link port (and a few things actually used it like the gba camera, e-reader, etc)

>> No.10622298

and the e-reader and gba camera among others

>> No.10622304

pkhex has been the standard for this and general pokemon save editing for years, and it looks and functions way better than whatever shitty vb6 program that is

>> No.10622701

Yeah, alright. I'm a schizo because of our friendship. I regret ever meeting you.

>> No.10623546

The DS could do something similar

>> No.10625131

Was the Link-Cable ahead of its time?