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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 34 KB, 609x600, N64Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10609735 No.10609735 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the B button green? B is usually the back button, or the "no" button, something negative. But green as a color is never used as something negative

>> No.10609738

Green means bad on the planet of three-armed monsters that Nintendo designed the N64 controller for.

>> No.10609826

It's so mysterious and sexy bros

>> No.10609935

Idk the Saturn controller did the exact same shit on its controller. I wouldn't have minded an all black design like sega did since the colors are kind of autistic looking.

>> No.10609947

I remember everyone unanimously hating the god awful N64 controller my entire life, until I finally came to /vr/ in 2013 and saw people actually defending that abomination here. My entire life, everywhere I went, people despised this piece of shit, but only on this putrid shit-hole did I find any of the cockroaches hiding in the crevices of society posting here that actually enjoyed it.

This should give you a vivid insight into the quality of this board.

>> No.10609953

Jesus, lighten up. We love video games here

>> No.10609958

explain why you think it's bad?

>> No.10609968

Cause red is start, and it looks more aesthetic this way.

>> No.10609972

Retarded placement of the analog stick, having two possible different d-pad layouts with the official d-pad and then the C buttons, the shoulder buttons which become annoying and awkward to use especially if the game focuses on the analog stick to use, and then there's the the fact that the trigger goes on the middle dildo instead of being on the right hand side which would make a whole lot more sense, but refused to because of autism or some other reason. I could also point to the fact that the analog stick is generally very loose and easy to dead-zone.

>> No.10609974

It's literally not even bad.

>> No.10609984

The colors were decided by mental stable grownups. Simple as.

>> No.10609989

You’re supposed to grip the controller differently depending on the title you are playing. You seem not be grasping this simple concept.

>> No.10609994

anon, clearly you stretch your thumb over the DPAD to the thumbstick

>> No.10610003

Everyone I knew adapted to it fine including my mother that never played a video game in her life before Mario Kart 64. It's not great (if only for the lack of rubber and contouring) but people making it out to be some crime against logic are just being faggots. The alternate left handed positions were intuitive for every person I know.

>> No.10610029
File: 281 KB, 1146x574, Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 22-43-36 Control Pad (Saturn) - Sega Retro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Saturn controller did the exact same shit on its controller
Only half of the nip controllers and a BR one

>> No.10610032

That's part of the problem.

>> No.10610034

It's still better to have access to the D-Pad without having to change grip. Proper D-Pad placement could have allowed shit like putting the boots and ocarina on the D-Pad in OoT for example

>> No.10610796

It still can do that

>> No.10610845

>Red: Start
>Green: B
>Blue: A

>> No.10610854

In Japan, they're both considered blue buttons.

>> No.10610859

Blue means yes in Japan, they already had red and yellow elsewhere. B gets green

>> No.10610861
File: 1.79 MB, 540x303, 1705578946270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start is stop sign red

>> No.10610865
File: 155 KB, 2400x1600, Traffic-Lights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan uses blue traffic lights.

>> No.10610910

there's something straight up wrong with you if you have a mental freak out over using an n64 controller

>> No.10611219

Must be a manlet with little girl hands, tough life, let off some steam brother

>> No.10611243

>start pauses the game

>> No.10611264

Im left handed masterrace and never had any trouble with the N64 controller. Right handed subhumans stay seething.

>> No.10611271

I’m not sure that affects controllers too much because you’re using your hands, not your arms

>> No.10611282

>colors are autistic
I thought they were gay? now they're autistic?
fucking colors man

>> No.10611286

what the fuck does "pausing" relate to a stop sign?

>> No.10611584

Indeed, but they still use red for stopping.

>> No.10611601

This. Why didn't Nintendo just copy the Xbox One controller design? Smh

>> No.10611616

Funny, everyone I knew loved the N64 until I came to /VR/ and it was full of detractors who loved getting epilepsy from wobbly PlayStation graphics. Maybe you grew up in a bubble with retarded opinions?

>> No.10611674

It's Spanish.

>> No.10611685

If you honestly think our modern controllers, either symmetric stick or otherwise, you're retarded. At least the control was designed with some thought towards ergonomics.

>> No.10611691

Modern controllers are better*

>> No.10611696

You're grasping. Are you unaware that different cultures have different association? Whatever the case you're an insufferable faggot.

>> No.10611719

Because Miyamoto raped your mom

>> No.10611730

It's two controllers put together, retard. You don't need to use all 3 at once for any game.

>> No.10611742

I have never had any difficulty whatsoever using different controllers for video games outside of maybe 70s controllers and its crazy to care this much

>> No.10611785

Because pausing "stops" the gameplay

>> No.10611791


>> No.10611802

>You don't need to use all 3 at once for any game
The AKI wrestling games all use both the d-pad and the stick, plus the buttons.

Tendie cope status: Debunked

>> No.10612221

This is the fault of the controller.

But when a game has crappy control on Snes, PS1 or Xbox, then we all agree that it's only the developers' fault, right?
eh ?

>> No.10612304

Yes, because bad control schemes on the systems you mention are caused by a failure on the developer's to utilize the controller's features. Only on the N64 are developers punished FOR using all the capabilities of the controller put in front of them. Make your game for our system, but oh yeah, please don't use the d-pad we put on there for decoration. Or, use the d-pad, but you can't have analogue controls. Alternatively, you can have both... but only two buttons, like you're releasing something for the fucking NES.

Compromise compromise compromise to mitigate disastrous design decisions. The N64 controller is proof that tendies will defend literally anything.

>> No.10612401

Why is anything about the n64 controller the way it is? Nintendo must have been taking huge hits of LSD when they made that fucking thing.

>> No.10612449
File: 1.19 MB, 1432x462, QABlI9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10612454

Name five (50) games that use the middle one

>> No.10612460

every shooter on the console

>> No.10612468

also Sin and Punishment and Bangai-O

>> No.10612470
File: 1.32 MB, 1388x1018, Hexen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hexen for N64 has two control schemes to pick from and neither of them do the middle one.

>> No.10612493

No lies were told here, nintendostans seething about it.

>> No.10612507

Yeah and that was fucking stupid, there was no need to break it into 3 like that. Ps1 already had four shoulder buttons and 4 face buttons on a control you only hold in 1 way and shortly after N64 came out launched a dual analogue controller which fit two analog sticks on the same easy to hold controller. Nintendo should have just kept it as a two hand controller and moved the stick and Z over to the left hand side with the stick above the dpad obviously instead of having the switching hands shit.

>> No.10612513

Anon the Playstation analog came out after the n64

>> No.10612647

>I remember everyone unanimously hating the god awful N64 controller my entire life
Your entire life as a zoomer who grew up reading internet posts about the subject.

>> No.10612841

Growing up in a 3rd world shit hole must have been rough, I can only imagine.

>> No.10612857

I literally had no problem with the N64 controller back then, the only ones that did were dumb faggots who were never pleased with Nintendo's "unorthodox" controllers, and then shouted "PLAGIARISM!" when the Wii U pro controller resembled an Xbox 360 controller.
What's wrong? I thought you wanted Nintendo to conform.

>> No.10612867
File: 546 KB, 2889x2889, gnemupcirn121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they hastily slapped on sufami colors after ditching the based ULTRA aesthetics

>> No.10613076

And Nintendo could have been a fast moving company like Sony and released their own update controller after Sony dunked on them with the dual analogue.

>> No.10613081
File: 677 KB, 720x1123, image_2024-01-19_035929207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10613098

most games didn't use analog sticks on PS1

>> No.10613385

I disagree with your stance but fpbp for making me kek

>> No.10613403

You might not have noticed since you're sperging, but the c-buttons aren't a dpad retard

>> No.10614581

Ultra felt like a proper next step from Super.
I wonder why they scrapped this at all...
It would've been a lot better.
Damn it, 90s Nintendo.

>> No.10614585

Not really, fag

>> No.10614592

>be 10 years old, with ps1
>at friends house, with n64
>"here's your controller bro"
>"um...what the fuck how do i hold this"
>"oh you have to use the analog stick to move around"
>"uhhh yeah im gonna use the dpad"
>"it doesnt work like that"

>> No.10614614

You autists bump the worst threads it's incredable.

>> No.10614740


>> No.10615004
File: 66 KB, 1024x690, Nintendo has SquareSoft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crazy how /vr/ is a blatant tendie board now and the faggots don't even try to hide it, worse they even have a victim complex where they do think everyone here's out to get Nintendo, it's retarded. N64 sucked, it still sucks, deal with it.

>> No.10615017

This is the type of satire I love. Keep up the good work.

>> No.10615654

>/vr/ is a blatant tendie board now

>> No.10615732

It's true

>> No.10617034

This is a meme right? There arent actually retards who think youre supposed to use all 3 grips at once are there?

>> No.10617040

You have small hands if you cant reach the dpad when your left hand is on the middle hold. That is especially embarrassing when you realize this was designed by the japanese.

>> No.10617045

Wrong. Turok uses left hand on middle right on right.

>> No.10617047

you can do both

>> No.10617116

Wouldnt know, only ever used the default aka the real settings

>> No.10617120

so why post?

>> No.10617128

To let that faggot know he was wrong about the middle image. Your gotcha of alternate controls was irrelevant

>> No.10617132

there really are some special level trolls on this board

>> No.10617140

so why post?

>> No.10617149

because you started with a legitimate post and it devolved into drivel

>> No.10617150

Mysterio's Sexy Bros. is what supposed to be a launch title for the console. Unfortunately Nintendo couldn't secure a deal with Marvel so they've had to muster up some mid-tier replacement.

>> No.10617167

Ive been completely salient. Drivel is talking about settings and configs nobody ever or would ever use.

>> No.10617241

the real blunder was not just including a second analog stick but accepting the premise of a single stick controller I do kind of struggle to think of a better alternative to the trident outside of something like a wii style nunchuck. If you put the stick on the same side as the dpad then that eliminates the wasd fps control scheme, if you put it on the right that means no face buttons when you're playing mario, and completely skirting tradition and having your movement control placed on the right side.

>> No.10617245

the funny things is that so many dumbfuck devs still couldn't figure out the middle. the obvious equivalent of wasd + mouse is rarely the default and you have some weirdass scheme where you're strafing left and right with the stick.

>> No.10617321

Because they used the left image. You move with the c buttons tardo. stick is purely aiming.

>> No.10618560

And it's totally comfortable right? Reminds me of people defending the claw grip for playing Monster Hunter on PSP

>> No.10618568

Fun fact, the old kanji for "Ao" could mean both Green or Blue, it was considered the same color. It wasn't until more recent times that japanese started using Midori to differentiate Green.
Did you also notice the N64 controller still use the 4 colors of the SFC controller? Yellow, blue, green and red.

>> No.10618592

Must suck to live around retards