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File: 665 KB, 1902x1263, sonic ultimate genesis collection sonic 3d blast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10611124 No.10611124 [Reply] [Original]

yesterday nostalgia hit me and i played sonic 3d blast for the first time since +15 years, on my sonic genesis whatever collection for my ps3
it's nice and everything, but... idk, I started to feel something I didn't feel before when I played sonic as a kid: fatigue
I don't know if it's because now I'm old 26 fuck or because... I started to develop thoughts: "this is so normal, so common".. I probably got tired of playing sonic. like, I might need to play other games, because right now I don't even feel like playing the trilogy again, I played them back and forth so many, many times I got bored. it's a matter about comfort zone, which I got tired of. besides I never liked how fucking easy sonic games are
There are a lot of beautiful, great games out there, luckily that collection gives a couple of new experiences. Last year I unlocked Fantasy Zone and it was fucking kino. Now yesterday after I beat sonic 3d blast I went zapping and tried Beyond Oasis. I always evaded rpgs, but I played 5 minutes and really liked it!

sonic is fucking easy and boring. actually that's the problem with platfforms: they're all easy and shallow

>> No.10611130

There are hard platformers out there and the reason you feel Sonic is easy is because you already played them a ton

>> No.10611139 [DELETED] 

>and the reason you feel Sonic is easy is because you already played them a ton
nah, sonic was easy since day 1
I was 4-5 when I played nes, and it had Mario 1 - I didn't like, I played other nes games, but not mario, I didn't like it, part of the reason was because it was hard, I bet nobody beats Super Mario Bros without using warp tubes. Then at age 6 I was gifted a sega genesis, sonic 1 came with it (actually a 4-in1 cartridge)... and I fell in love with it, and I beat in the first day. It wasn't hard at all

sonic games aren't challenging at all. You can get hit thousand of times and you won't lost as long as you carry 1 ring (or grab it back when you get hit, thus making it an endless cycle). That's not counting the shields and power-ups on its sequels

>> No.10611145

>and the reason you feel Sonic is easy is because you already played them a ton
nah, sonic was easy since day 1
I was 4-5 when I played nes, and it had Mario 1 - I didn't like, I played other nes games, but not mario, I didn't like it, part of the reason was because it was hard, I bet nobody beats Super Mario Bros without using warp tubes. Then at age 6 I was gifted a sega genesis, sonic 1 came with it (actually a 4-in1 cartridge)... and I fell in love with it, and I beat in the first day. It wasn't hard at all

sonic games aren't challenging at all. You can get hit thousand of times and you won't lost as long as you carry 1 ring (or grab it back when you get hit, thus making it an endless cycle). That's not counting the shields and power-ups on its sequels

>> No.10611148

There are plenty of great games in that set.
Play Ecco the Dolphin and Space Harrier.

>> No.10611163

>Ecco the Dolphin
january-february from last year I did, infact that was the core reason why I got this collection in the first place. Yes I fucking loved them
>space harrier
eeew no. Not a fan of short arcade chaotic games (yes, played just 5 minutes, died and dropped since there was nothing else to do)

mid-2023 I played Decap Attack. I just went because I needed to play it to unlock another game - I quickly became addict to it! I ended up playing it all the noon. too bad I lost, I should have been more careful earlier (it was a new game so I didn't know all its mechanics and tricks until much later at harder levels, logically), but I did enjoy it

some are interesting, some are meh. Now I'm opening myself to rpg, as I said, Beyond Oasis caught my attention

>> No.10611191

Lemmings paintball

>> No.10611465

>I bet nobody best SMB1 without warp tubes
You'd lose that bet

>> No.10611645
File: 33 KB, 500x248, tumblr_on921iqJ1R1qlj42ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, did you only play Sonic 3D Blast or did you replay the classic trilogy? I quite like Sonic 3D Blast, but I'll admit it right now, it's not up to par with the other Genesis titles, not even close, OP.

>> No.10611804

Play Kid Chameleon

>> No.10612375

nah, 3d blast is different and that's why I went for it after ages. same old trilogy is fucking boring, I don't even need to play them for the 50th time again. I loved 3b blast as a kid
but the point it's it left me thinking anyway, how much I need to play other stuff

>> No.10612548
File: 256 KB, 600x352, 1656499720119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, I think the issue with how you worded the OP is that it sounds like you dislike Sonic overall and find the classic trilogy to be bad, but you're just experiencing fatique, if that's the case then... well, yeah, you should play other stuff that feels new and exciting for you instead of just replays.

>> No.10612773

You might like some of the shmups on Genesis like Thunder Force III and IV. They can be pretty tough imo. Also check out the Streets of Rage series if you haven't already

>> No.10614070

I can smell the Aspergers from here

>> No.10614216

op here
beyond oasis is so fucking awesome, i wonder if zelda games are like that?? I remember I tried it once when I was a kid, the first zelda atleast, and it wasn't like this, here you can pull out combos, like beat'em up
it even uses the same sounds I think lol

Because yeah, I read Yuzo Koshiro in the title and of course I pressed start

>> No.10614639
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I never beat Sonic as a kid... was I a noob?

>> No.10614661

nigga you are 26 stop trying to pretend you are some old fag its cringe.

>> No.10614682
File: 99 KB, 1024x512, where_to_buy_blue_bunny_sonic_the_hedgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 and CD are pretty easy. 2 is tame until the final boss, we all got stuck on the barrel in 3.

What's more interesting to me is that if my math is correct, OP was born in 1997, which means he was gifted a Genesis in 2003, long after the Dreamcast had already come and gone. Which makes me wonder was it an og Genesis model. or one of the later TecToy variants?

>> No.10614757

wrong. you see my birthday was two weeks ago
I'm not from the u.s.a, and genesis was very popular here (same with the ps2). I have no idea what you're talking about but I had "sega genesis 3" to be precise
don't know how other versions are, but just last year I learnt sega genesis could, indeed, save the progress! due to the existance of rpgs, I went and investigated. never knew how the data system in sonic 3 worked (I always assumed it was only there in case you resetted the game), because yeah, my sega couldn't save date files, and I have zero idea how to do it anyway

>> No.10614761
File: 169 KB, 640x535, hyfplx6-db7eb309ef384cc8f916790895168922-640-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Brazilian too, OP? Mega Drive was a big deal here and, despite being born in 1999, it was my 1st console, I didn't get a PS1 and PS2 until I was almost 10 years old, but the Mega Drive was a perfect introduction to video games and I'm so grateful that I grew up with it, still my favorite.

>> No.10614775

lol I read brazilians were the kings of piracy, you must have lived a paradise

for me it was
kindergarten: "family" (that's how we called it, but it was a nes basically. to this day I still can't find nor remember what version it was exactly. sad)
6yo: sega geness 3
8yo (I think): pc
9yo: ps2
11-12yo: internet

I was a happy kid, can't complain about my childhood journey in videogames

>> No.10614779

I had a few fake cartridges, but it was with the PS1 and CDs where piracy really took over, I've owned so much PS1 and PS2 titles it's insane, I remember my childhood fondly too, also had a Famicom clone, between my Genesis and PS1.

>> No.10614789

...To think we had LOT of games for the sega and the ps2 for cheap prince haha you know? I wonder if people in the u.s.a actually paid high prices for every original game
we were lucky hehe

>> No.10614803

True, for once we were blessed to be born in the absolute shitholes we were born in, but then the PS3 came along with its Blu-Rays and took years for piracy to even become a thing, mostly digital, it was like my childhood was dying right before my eyes, I should've gone for the XBOX 360 then.

>> No.10614810

nah get fucked /b/ fuck .I.