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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10599386 No.10599386 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10599404

All are great
N64 has the top games of the gen
Saturn has the most underrated games of the gen
PS1 has the most great games of the gen

>> No.10599409


>> No.10599419

I'm just imagining what Saturn would need to beat the N64. I'm thinking 3 really good complete 3d sonic games. I'm thinking a new phantasy star game. Exclusive tomb raider franchise.

>> No.10599441 [DELETED] 
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>le ebin 4channer contrarian face

>> No.10599448

I like 2d fighting games so Saturn is the best for me :D

>> No.10599451

You don't need to imagine it

>> No.10599453
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>no jag
how am I supposed to play this masterpiece on a playstation?

>> No.10599457
File: 59 KB, 395x401, 24798351233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaguar? More like...

Fag, you are!

>> No.10599478

Jaguar/3DO/32X are gen 4.5 consoles.

>> No.10599525

Do the math buddy

>> No.10599621

Japan chose the Saturn over N64, they were right

>> No.10599786 [DELETED] 
File: 877 KB, 1018x3962, N64 is a failure_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10599926 [DELETED] 

Your post literally proves my point
It just has an incorrect title lol

>> No.10599932 [DELETED] 

was it autism, or just lack of female attention?

>> No.10599937 [DELETED] 

she's right though

>> No.10599943

N64 and Saturn console sales were pretty even in Japan, actually. And N64 has more million sellers in Japan than Saturn.
Japan liked the N64 alright, and they had a different taste than the rest of the world, for example, while Yoshi's Story and Kirby's Crystal Shards weren't as big in the west, Japan have them as classics.

>> No.10599962

>look up any list of the "best Saturn games"
>mostly niche titles (JRPGs, shmups, fighting games, etc)
>no killer 3d platformer
yeah it seems like it failed for a reason

>> No.10599973

Of the 3, ps1 wins on sheer volume. 64 probably aged the best as far as being solid titles people now would go back to, but only a small portion of its library. Saturn has the highest quality "arcade at home" and arcade like experiences.

If i was a nip though and could know the runes, it would probably be PS > Sat > 64.

>> No.10599978

Not much considering it has like 5 good games lmao

>> No.10600006
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>> No.10600009

So does the N64

>> No.10600019

you googled "saturn 3d platformer" and went with the only one that wasn't multiplatform, didn't you? there's no goddamn way you think this is on the level of SM64, Banjo, Spyro, etc.

>> No.10600026

jaguar only has 1 good game and it's an arcade port made by a furry.

>> No.10600029

I actually saved that image months ago.
Also, that was clearly a joke post.

>> No.10600031

Thats what I meant

>> No.10600040

Is Willy Wombat actually good or is it just a meme?

>> No.10600042

Back in the day? PlayStation, hands down.
In retrospective? Saturn, a fun little console and a guilty pleasure for me, might not have been as impressive as the PSX, but boy do I like its games, specially the ones that got translations recently

>> No.10600047

Objectively it’s the playstation. I personally love the Saturn and have one hooked up to play regularly, but i cut my teeth on the og playstation. Theres a reason it was number one that generation. Triple dick controllers, and weird quad based 3d were not gonna sell systems.

>> No.10600059

I only had the N64 back in the day but I feel like it objectively has to be the PlayStation. It just has so many more games across a wider variety of genres.

I think the N64 heavy hitters like Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, and Goldeneye are in a league of their own, but they don't make up for the overall worse library.

>> No.10600154

For me it's Playstation > Saturn > N64
With N64 still being great
Personally never gave a shit about neither Mario nor Sonic. Zelda's fine I suppose

>> No.10600168

it barely outsold it

>> No.10600178

>numeric generation nonsense

>> No.10600184

SS > PS > N64

>> No.10600210

Playstation. Nothing else comes close, there's so much good shit on the PlayStation 1 that even the 2 pales in comparison. Yes, I would rather have a 1 than a 2 on a deserted island. Anyone that thinks that is crazy needs to go back and really look through the library. PlayStation 1 is SNES level good.

>> No.10600241
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>would rather have the one that can't play PS2 games than one that plays PS1 and PS2 games

>> No.10600329

>N64 has the top games of the gen.
If you like jrpgs, tactical games, RTS games, infiltration games, fighting games, realistic car games, cinematic games, 2d shooteumups, beatemups, rythm games, visual novels, light gun games, survival horror games, weeb games, 2d action games, 2d platformers, combat flight simulation games... etc, N64 has nothing to offer you. If you're looking for games that aren't about Hollywood action heroes or jumping plushies, N64 has almost nothing to offer you. If you don't want to spend a whole generation playing almost nothing but games from the same two companies, always with the same characters, the same style, the same premises over and over and over, N64 has almost nothing to offer you.
If I were to make a top 50 of my favorite games I don't think I would include a single N64 game, even though I had the console (I bought it expecting a SNES 2). It's not as if I didn't have fun with Mario 64 or Zelda OOT, but both game had very serious flaws even for the standards of the time. To this day I still wonder why magazines didn't warn me about Mario's extreme repetitiveness, tiny levels or shitty bosses. Or why they didn't warn me about Zelda's poor framerate, desertic map, mediocre puzzles, excessive number of automatisms... But leaving aside how I feel about Mario or Zelda, the fact is that for all the people that wanted to play games from the genres I mentioned before, N64 will never have the top games.

>> No.10600346

This copy pasta again

>> No.10600412
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You're forgetting the Alien vs Predator game, and was pretty fun and badass.

>> No.10600438
File: 1.65 MB, 4032x2998, N64firstyear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo 64. Not only did it do the most to revolutionize hardware, it had the most banging first year releases of any console ever.

>> No.10600509
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>> No.10600557

>the most
anon, the n64 had a major drought at release. even the national media complained about it

>> No.10600560

>nba jam
>super burnout
>cannon fodder

>> No.10600927
File: 124 KB, 640x1225, 3913_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of these it's PS1, but the correct answer is >>10599409 and maybe FM Towns and PC-FX

Dreamcast did this and is better than both imo

Why, when PS1 has more? Including games like Advanced V.G. 2 and Marvel vs. Capcom

>> No.10600936

The best Saturn games imo are the ones actually made by SEGA and a few by Capcom, but those are unfortunately eclipsed by generic shmups and other JP exclusives nowadays. Not that they are bad games, but they're not beating Sonic or NiGHTS anytime soon imo

>> No.10601061

i dont know pretty much the entirety of the 5th gen was the peak of gaming
it was all downhill from there

>> No.10601147
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I feel the Dreamcast and GBA were able to more or less carry the torch from fifth gen, then again I also see the Dreamcast as a fifth gen console itself. DS and PSP had a lot of good stuff as well, though as far as consoles are concerned I kind of agree. Fifth gen was basically the last time we saw a lot of classic 2D games before they all got completely replaced by 3D. And obviously Dreamcast was the last actual SEGA console

>> No.10601506 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 1019x3962, N64 is a failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10601701

Its good, but the game slowly gets you into it, so dont judge it off the first or 2nd stage. Its part 3D platformer, maybe closer to a Crash then a Mario 64, still has bits of exploration though, and combat is closer to Gauntlet. View is from a sort of top down/isometric view and the shoulder buttons spin the entire world view so you can change your perspective. I have played a lot of Saturn action games and its one that holds up a lot better then other stuff. As an example, i would say its more fun then stuff like Rayearth and Burning Rangers, though of course thats subjective. Its Hudson so it has a good pedigree. Give it a shot and see if it clicks, but of the anons here that i have seen try it for the first time, i haven't seen any yet claim they hate it.

Steamgear Mash is also decent, but not as good as Willy.

>> No.10601805
File: 18 KB, 319x321, Screenshot 2024-01-14 223249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vote results are literally just market share
Disappointing. At this point you think more people would've tried the other platforms that they didn't originally own.

>> No.10601846

Playstation obviously wins and people claiming otherwise are edgelords. I owned both PS and N64 and my neighbour had a Saturn. The Saturn sucked so hard and had so few good games that anyone who owned one was trading it for a playstation within 2 years of getting the thing. N64 put up more of a fight but the games were too expensive, costing double what a PS1 game would cost normally and the cartridges severly limited the gameplay experiences that could be had on it. Thus N64 ended up with a whole lot of platformers and two Zelda games and that's about it. Playstation 1 helped advance fighting games, driving games and RPG's to a level that hadn't been seen before. From Gran Turismo and colin Mccrae, to Sould Blade, the Tekken series and RPGS like Final Fantasy and Vagrant story etc. It's just no competition and anyone that pretends that the N64 is even in the discussion is either deluding themselves or is still salty that they were stuck playing their 15th platformer in a row while as a kid and were completely left out of all the school yard discussions about Resi evil, Final fantasy, Gran Turismo and everything else.

>> No.10601850

I did, that's why I voted for saturn.

>> No.10601958

I grew up with the N64. I voted for the PS1.

>> No.10602039

In hindsight Saturn was the best even if it didn't sell as many consioes

>> No.10602041

I grew up with the PS1, so I voted N64 since I missed that mostly back then

>> No.10602047

The PS1 was fucking revolutionary. I love the n64 and Saturn, they have SOVL, but the original playstation is definitely the best.

>> No.10602050

I voted for all of them

>> No.10602058

That depends really, the PS1 definitaly has the highest number of good games but the N64 was the first home console that could do real 3D and it showed in its games, giving an experience not possible up until that point

>> No.10602119

I laughed

>> No.10602139

They’re all great.
N64 had great multiplayer games.
Ps1 had a ton of variety, great RPGs and great Namco arcade ports.
Saturn had great arcade ports of Capcom fighting games.

>> No.10602178

I think he means if he only had one console library to choose from.

>> No.10602228

If anything both americans and europeans need to play more PS1 games, especially not western trash that give them a false impression of how good the console actually was.

>> No.10602256

>I'm just imagining what Saturn would need to beat the N64. I'm thinking 3 really good complete 3d sonic games. I'm thinking a new phantasy star game. Exclusive tomb raider franchise.

1. Some really good 3D Sonic games

2. For on making an economical designed console for cheaper price. Just like how they did for Dreamcast. Sell Saturn at $299.

3. 1 really good CPU. Not 2 mediocre ones. Add more system Ram.

4. For Sega to support developers and provide proper documentation and dev kits. Not letting devs figure out stuff on their own.

5. Actually listening to Sega of America and Sega of Europe when they tell Japan that it's too soon to release a sequel to Sega Genesis for them. And to wait until 1996 like N64 did, and do a proper worldwide release so every country is on the same release schedule. Nintendo got it right.

6. Release proper sequels to Sega Genesis franchises like Streets of Rage, Sonic, etc.

7. Optimize Saturn on 3D development.

8. Bonus: Have the Saturn Cartridge slot be backwards compatible and play Sega Genesis games.

>> No.10602610 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.10602625 [DELETED] 
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why do they keep deleting this image? are we not allowed to say anything against nintendo here?

>> No.10602709 [DELETED] 

Mods are n64 troonrunners, they mainly shitpost in hhg

>> No.10602979

thank you, it's so gay

>> No.10602987

ps1 > saturn > n64

>> No.10602992

your post is gay as fuck

>> No.10602994

I grew up with a PSX and I voted Saturn.

>> No.10603242
File: 103 KB, 270x400, 1702038914230051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple:
Back then most people chose PS1 because they weren't retarded, many still chose N64 because they were retarded tendies, and few chose the Saturn because why would you choose it at all?
Now most people still chose PS1 because they aren't retarded, many still chose N64 because they are retarded tendies, and few chose the Saturn because why would you chose it at all?
It's not rocket science.

>> No.10603350

Even though I like a lot of N64 games, some even more than most PS1 titles, I probably still would have gone with the PS1. N64 just had too many release droughts and not enough third-party support.

>> No.10603378

Like Japan know what's high quality is.

Maybe if N64 had more shmups and high school visual novels to jack off too then Nintendo would've sold more units.

>> No.10603386

Japan bought the Saturn for Virtua fighter. Nintendo didn't have a japanese killer app

>> No.10603716

>pictured: 1/3 of the entire N64 library

>> No.10603718


>> No.10603813
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where pippin?

>> No.10604298

>N64 has the top games of the gen
since when did the only 5 decent games for N64 count?

>> No.10604423

>N64 has the top games of the gen

N64 doesn't have a single title which can compete with Metal Gear Solid, just lot's of kid friendly platformers, save the princess, fight the evil boogie woogie man, collect the gems and emeralds etc. MGS alone blows the entire N64 library out of the water, a game that felt like a movie with an intricate plot involving international conspiracy, nuclear arms and genetically altered super soldiers. It was the the moment that launched modern gaming and showed that computer games could be a work of art on the level of a Hollywood movie.

>> No.10604472

>he thinks the mix mash of pop-culture, pseudo-scientific ideas and concepts a jap man over heard and strung together counts as a "work of art"

I mean, you got the Hollywood movie comparison correct at least.

>> No.10604519

You know what I meant pedant, if modern movies are considered art, which they are, as movie making is an art form, then so are games like MGS. The classification of art has nothing to do with your subjective view on it's quality, If I paint a shitty picture it's still art even if no one thinks it's good. Literature, painting, drawing, theatre, sculpting, acting, these things are called the "arts" it doesn't matter if you like them or not. It's like saying basketball isn't a sport because you don't like watching it.

>> No.10604531

By that logic video games have been art long before MGS, and to that I agree. I personally feel movie like games imitate established movie tropes and are less impressive artistically compared to games where the gameplay itself tells the story rather than a cutscene.

>> No.10604549

Well exactly yeah, many SNES and NES games were definitely art, Link to the past, earthbound, the early final fantasy 3/6. Adults (read boomers) were still unwilling to admit that though and referred to them as nothing more than child's playthings. the PS1 was the console that changed that view with games like MGS and FF7 that were able to show that games could attract mature audiences.

>> No.10604552

MGS is literally just a different variety of "fight the evil boogie woogie man". Its deep if you are in middle school.

>> No.10604559
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Not surprising I voted for Sony trumpstation

>> No.10604564

All great stories involve boogie woogy men/man, metaphorically or actually or both.

>> No.10604572
File: 214 KB, 500x282, stops copies me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stops copies me

>> No.10604584

Sorry didn't see it, I didn't actually go into the thread before voting and posting.

>> No.10604592

MGS2 predicted our current techno feudalist reality and information control by governments over 20 years ago. It was a lot deeper and more relevant than 99% of Hollywood movies.

>> No.10604604

I was referring more to stuff like Yar's Revenge and Millipede, RPGs are just proto-movie games following TTRPG tropes instead. You know what else attracted mature audiences of all kinds? Pac-Man. All that movie game shit is so self-serious it's bordering on melodrama. Nothing wrong with it, but that wasn't what I was referring to at all.

>> No.10604609

While i love my n64 and been enjoying recently the saturn catalog, it would be dishonest to not recognize the colossal influence that the ps1 had in the industry. Support for 3rd parties in both development and distribution, the extreme variety and quality of its catalog, and the opportunity for experimentation in its titles solidified its status as the #1 console in the 5th generation. It had every advantage that both of its competitors had or wanted.

>> No.10604610

Luv the N64. Luv Zelda. Luv Wetrix. Simple as.

>> No.10604612

I like to think of Nights into dreams as the "3D platformer" that would compete against Mario 64, even when it doesn´t fit in the same genre.

>> No.10604720

Ps1 games aged better than than 64. Mario 64 sucks hard.
Only Zelda holds up.

>> No.10604721

PlayStation>Saturn>>>N64. They're all fun systems with awesome games, but the N64 simply doesn't have the massive quantity of quality games that the PS1 and Saturn do.

>> No.10604731

MGS was a great game, but in the end it felt like an enhanced snes/genesis port of an existing game.
Its focus on top/down action didnt add anything new really.

>> No.10604751

Its true

>> No.10604752

Wetrix is on a lot of systems

>> No.10604817

N64 is doing worse than its market share. Saturn is doing better than its market share.

>> No.10605082

Idk the saturn enough to know if it's >ps1 or not but I know


>> No.10605084

They're gonna bring this topic up here 100000x more and then say n64 is the best to be contrarians

>> No.10605091

Is that what you’re gonna do huh?

>> No.10605101

>N64 right now with 64 votes
it's the little things, lel

>> No.10605113
File: 49 KB, 579x707, Screenshot 2024-01-16 132902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I expected to believe there are at least 191 unique users on this board?
Also the comment section is quite interesting.

>> No.10605115

As a SEGA fan I can tell you it is not better than PS1. Dreamcast might be, but not Saturn

>> No.10605117

>Am I expected to believe there are at least 191 unique users on this board?
dont underestimate the amount of people lurking

>> No.10605120

>but the N64 simply doesn't have the massive quantity of quality games that the PS1 and Saturn do
The Saturn is mostly ports and the exclusive games it does have aren't amazing.

>> No.10605124 [DELETED] 

Yet still outperforms the N64. Enjoy rocket robot in wheels though

>> No.10605128

Yet still outperforms the N64. Enjoy rocket robot on wheels though

>> No.10605134

>Yet still outperforms the N64
By what metric? I've played the "hidden gems" on Saturn and was not impressed.

>> No.10605136

>PlayStation rightfully in the lead
>Sony fanboys still seething itt
For what purpose?
What is this phenomenon called?

>> No.10605142

>Yet still outperforms the N64. Enjoy rocket robot on wheels though
If it's library is only half as good as you claim it to be, then it's market share in the west woul've been a lot bigger back then.
Most saturn exclusives are medeocre at best

>> No.10605147
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>> No.10605179
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Not that anon, it had more 2D stuff in general, if you like those kinds of games. The SEGA and Capcom stuff is better than the hidden gems imo. I think N64 and Saturn are both in a similar boat, both made by companies that did spectacular in 4th gen but neither quite as good in 5th gen.

I probably prefer Saturn over N64 but I am finding more and more solid N64 titles like pic related. Also discovering games like Earthworm Jim 3D are actually not bad.

>> No.10605181

I voted 4 times on the ps1 with different ip's

>> No.10605185

now n64fags will start crying that everyone who voted ps1 used multiple ips to cheat and n64 is the winner because it has the highest amount of "real votes"

>> No.10605192

God damn you have issue, is this also you? >>10605084
no one cares

>> No.10605240

fpbp, inarguable and non-controversial

>> No.10605246

Yet still dominated and fondly remembered.

>> No.10605252

You can't have this opinion. Snoys are bleeding from their artificial bonus-holes just from reading your fair post.

>> No.10605257

Business nerds seething

>> No.10605262

Another two fair and informative posts. Good, interesting discussion and qualitative points made instead of raging like faggots over their personal childhood battles.

>> No.10605278

Star Fox 64, Wave Race, Snowboard Kids, and even fucking Stadium are considered some of the all-time greatest games.

>> No.10605427

The fate of the 5th gen console war hinges on this poll

>> No.10605461
File: 225 KB, 2048x1366, sega-atlus-tgs2020-online-cosplay-contest-mokorosu-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't technically the first but it could handle a lot of effects that PS1 and especially Saturn couldn't

This is probably the most accurate estimation of each platform

The SEGA CD already did a lot of these things, CDX having the Genesis cartridge slot in the back. Saturn was more of a 32X successor with stuff like Virtua Fighter, Tempo, and Stellar Assault. Console gens don't really apply to SEGA, they kind of just made whatever whenever

>> No.10605503

The N64 has 5 decent but wildly overrated games.

>> No.10605509

Man, the 64 really does trigger fanboys doesn't it

>> No.10605518

It's probably just 1 guy who browses here 24/7 and always reacts

>> No.10605521

Fanboys of what?

>> No.10605535

>It's probably just 1 guy
4 out of the 5 replies were saying the N64 only had a handful of mediocre games, and are new IPs. What's with N64babies and insisting that every single person and fanbase that doesn't want to pretend the same 5 okay N64 were better than they actually were is actually the same person? People older than you were playing more games back then and didn't have a small handful of Nintendo games imprint on their childhood.

>> No.10605561

It actually has a lot of hidden gems, they just aren't as widely discussed as Saturn kusoge #2324


>> No.10605570

>they just aren't as widely discussed as Saturn kusoge #2324
That's quite the chip you've got on your shoulder.

>> No.10605635
File: 40 KB, 337x457, 20182_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. I like the Saturn but could not care less about Ninpen Manmaru or most of its extended JP exclusive library, including half of the shmups. I prefer it over N64 but if people are going to list stuff like Nekketsu Oyako as their favorite Saturn games I feel N64 deserves a fair shake as well. Plenty of people haven't even tried the JP exclusives and third-party titles on N64 before saying it only has ten games.

>> No.10605647

I'm not big on shmups either, and I only care about some of the arcade ports. Saturn still has the best versions of several classic JRPGs and has a fucking plethora of strategy games and platformers.

>> No.10606735

They all had strengths and weaknesses, but I have to say the play station was the best one. Each genre was well represented on the PS.
I grew up with the play station and the N64, but I actually think the N64 was the weaker console of the generation, it had great exclusive games, some good 3rd party games but most of them play better on the Play Station and the Saturn is a console that I'm exploring it's library and it's quite solid.

>> No.10607706

>1 really good CPU. Not 2 mediocre ones
The sh2s were fine, the problem with the Saturn was the gpu.

>> No.10607729

The problem with the Saturn is low western support, nothing more

>> No.10607816

No they're not.
>starfox 64
Pure mediocrity from casuals who gave never played any other rail shooter
>snowboard kids
Also mediocre, really scratching the bottom of the barrel
>pokemon stadium
Irredeemable trash and one of the worst pokemon games, ever move takes 6 fucking hours

>> No.10607925

>Pure mediocrity from casuals who gave never played any other rail shooter
The only rail shooter better than Star Fox 64 is Sin & Punishment. Panzer Dragoon Zwei is way too simplistic and lacking in depth to compete.

>> No.10607965

Shhh don't say things like that, anyone even remotely hinting when they enjoy a Nintendo game will be labeled as a tendiechill who needs to broaden his horizon by playing the PSX instead

>> No.10607978

I haven't played Star Fox 64 or Sin & Punishment but I agree that Panzer Dragoon in general is kind of meh

>> No.10608060

The PS1 is the true spiritual follow-up to both the SNES and Amiga with universal appeal.
The N64 is cool but handicapped by cartridges and low framerates.
The Saturn is cool but handicapped by poor 3D performance and Japan-heavy library.

>> No.10609297


>> No.10610662

Panzer Dragoon shits on star fox, star Fox is so fucking overrated by you faggot tendies who haven't played more than 10 games in your life

>> No.10610670

What is a good price for an NA Sega Saturn by itself?

>> No.10610673

Do people really think that anyone that says tendie has any merit to anything they say?

>> No.10610675

How does that work? Everyone labeled as a tendie is only allowed to exclusively play the PSX instead as it broadens their horizon
The Saturn does not exist in this usecase

>> No.10610680

Whatever you’re willing to pay for it
Check Facebook marketplace first

>> No.10610691 [DELETED] 

You can tell that brown hands wrote this by how blatant it is. the retard just blindly gratified eachone on a hollow basis, without adding a smidge of insight. you can interchange the designatiom he gave to tye console and thisnpost wouldn't be perceived any different.

Go back to Instagram you non-sentient pajeet.

>> No.10610695 [DELETED] 

You can tell that brown hands wrote this by how blatant it is. the retard just blindly gratified eachone on a hollow basis, without adding a smidge of insight. you can interchange the designations he gave to the consoles and this post wouldn't be perceived any differently.

Go back to Instagram you non-sentient pajeet.

>> No.10610756 [DELETED] 

You can tell that brown hands wrote this by how blatant it is. the retard just blindly gratified eachone on a hollow basis, without adding a smidge of insight. you can interchange the designations he gave to the console and this post wouldn't be perceived any differently.

Go back to Instagram you non-sentient pajeet.

>> No.10610768 [DELETED] 

>t. I hate one specific console and I will shitpost about it until the day I die

>> No.10611162
File: 2.91 MB, 640x480, Quality.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no. The evolution system and multiple paths barely change anything because the gameplay is so simple. Barely any movement mechanics, just drag the cursor over enemies the game.

>> No.10611285

You've never played metal gear solid

>> No.10611287

Sore winning

>> No.10611473

n64 has more soul but ps1 has better games

>> No.10611494


>> No.10611495

>pronouncing jaguar like it has three syllables

>> No.10611496

N64 was considered the "party console" and PS1 was the "1P console"
anything else is wrong

>> No.10611524

PS > Saturn > N64
And I say this as a Nintendo fan. The SNES shits all over the 64.

>> No.10611624
File: 166 KB, 1080x1110, Screenshot_20240118_101826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I didn't expect this mogging. I voted ps1 because of demo derby, was the greatest shit ever when I was 10

>> No.10613280

You just described starfox you fucking idiot.
You just described the rail shooter genre.

>> No.10613421

I voted Saturn not because I think it's the best but because I (correctly) guessed that Nintards were skewing the list

>> No.10613482

>because I (correctly) guessed that Nintards were skewing the list
Are you blind?
God damn the anti Nintendo rhetoric on this board is stupid

>> No.10613484
File: 147 KB, 1000x1000, 81utwmNj0FL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is wave race but cooler
never seen a game get mogged this hard in my god damn life


>> No.10613494


>> No.10613516
File: 13 KB, 342x176, cmnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit going on in the comments

>> No.10614593
File: 95 KB, 750x745, 9e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not an Anti-Nintendo rhetotic, stop being a victim, /vr/ has always been a tendie board full with tendies who can't let the 5th generation's failure go, all you need to do is look at this poll, PS1's got less votes than it's market share, for example, despite basically no one besides a few tendies caring about the N64 back then, it had barely any software to it and sucks even today.

>> No.10614670

PSX literally has one of the most vast and varied library of any platform ever, with dozens of classics.

N64 is the reddit choice. Only a handful of great games, most of them being reddit-core, and very limited genre variety.

Saturn is the contrarian choice. Overwhelming vast majority of the good games on it are just arcade ports.

>> No.10614742

>tendie board because people like Nintendo games
Get a life
Besides, this thread and that poll proves you wrong
Everyone knows you fanboys are insufferable, just look at >>10614670
You probably fled from /v/ because you’re sick of people calling out your shitposts

>> No.10614749

For multi-player- N64
For 1 player - Ps1
For pretending to be Japanese- Saturn

>> No.10615832

If it was a best console of all time poll I'd still probably vote PSX.
It's "If the SNES is so good why didn't they make a SNES 2" the console.

>> No.10615908

Saturn will always get the short end of the stick because it's gonna get rated by biased Nintendo fans who literally don't play video games. They believe the console with Nights, Virtual fighter, panzer dragoon series, radiant silver gun, die hard arcade, guardian heroes, burning rangers, virtue cop, Daytona, virtua racing, outrun, symphony of the night, powerslave, shining force 3, Sega rally is shit and without any games. And that's just a quick list I could find on google, not including the even deeper cuts and classics that people love on the console.

>> No.10617181

What's the tldr summary?

>> No.10617269

Yup, both were 2D powerhouses that could do a bit of 3D as well.

>> No.10617274

well that's not true at all for the PlayStation
it wasn't a 2D powerhouse

>> No.10617413

Consoles with JRPGs ruled that era...and you can't convince me otherwise
prove me right :)

>> No.10617427

>People claim the 3DO and Jaguar are 5th Gen.
>No once mentions the Pippin.
Cmon man. The 3DO and Jag are at least 4.5 Gen, just like how Dreamcast is 5.5, but no one even mentions the Pippin? Lame.

>> No.10617639

It actually was, it could output thousands of sprites on screen at any one time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXf1WPOOaic

>> No.10617668

That is using flat 3D shapes to create 2D
The NeoGeo is a 2D powerhouse

>> No.10617705
File: 52 KB, 861x699, 1555876130115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely got ahead of the Saturn in Japan
>raped in Europe
>only foothold it had was in the US and even then the PS1 outsold it 5 to 1

>> No.10617786

They are the most enduring classics of the generation
>Mario 64
1st great 3D platformer holds up to this day
>Zelda OoT
Best zelda dungeons
>Majora's Mask
Best zelda gimmick
Also some of the best dungeons
1st great Splitscreen FPS holds up to this day

There were no games on the PS1 greater than these four.

>> No.10617973

Doesn't matter, whilst doing so it still completely mogs 2d systems and is able to do arcade perfect ports of 2d arcade games that ran on powerful hardware. There is no such thing as flat 3d shapes anyways lol, that is just terminology being used to help people to visualise what is happening, the output to screen is still a 2d plane. The PSX was better than the NeoGeo and could output more 2d sprites at a higher resolution at any one time. Metal Slug runs better on PSX than it does on NeoGeo

>> No.10618041


>Mario 64
Great blueprint for the platformer genre, there were better ones over the years but it definitely holds up, can't argue with this.

>zeldy zeldies
Fucking irrelevant to the games industry babby's first fantasy games.

the great grandfather of the kind of consolified shooter that would eventually kill the genre itself. This game is nothing to be proud of.

If you want to talk about good N64 games there are a few others you can pick, but people always talk about the same 5 examples and they are all lame. Every console has some good games, I dare say even total failures like 3D0 and Jaguar have a few decent titles, but N64 was a shit console overall.

>> No.10618062


Why the fuck are you guys always posting shit from this cunt's channel, that's the single most annoying voice I have ever heard, even when I have a similar northern accent myself. Why is he reading the script of his YouTube videos like he's the presenter of a 90s BBC young adult show, goddamn, it's fucking grating.

>> No.10618067

I voted PSX 1, Saturn 2, pippin 3, nothing else is worth considering or discussing as an adult

>> No.10618095

>enduring classics
yeah, you play with your four games over and over while kids play with a new, shiny game every week or so

>> No.10618692

Look out guys
Mature gamer over here

>> No.10618693

3D sprites*

>> No.10618714

lol I hate his way of reading it too it melts my head. I just posted it because I watched it the other day and it was relevant to the discussion here

>> No.10618721

missing half the animation frames