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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10576917 No.10576917 [Reply] [Original]

What was the reaction like to this series when it launched?

>> No.10577306

Ayo this shit sucks! CrapCum failed attempt at making a MMO (without the M for Massive) for the PS2

>> No.10577371
File: 151 KB, 620x465, Monster-Hunter-2004-Shot-01-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The general reaction at the time I remember being that some people thought it was too hard, but for those it clicked with it was incredible. I maxed the clock on Monster Hunter at 999 hours long, long before I was done playing it. To this day the original os one of my favorite games ever made

>> No.10577406

It had a niche following sort of like Demon's/Dark Souls did at first, and I imagine with a degree of overlap, but most people were just kinda uninterested by it. I seem to remember it did a poor job getting across what kind of game it actually was, people were confused if it was an RPG or a Zelda or what, and that's the worst thing for a new franchise.

There's probably an alternate timeline where if FromSoft didn't release the Souls series, and if this series was less painfully fucking weeb, it would have gone on to occupy the same position Souls does today.

>> No.10577527

Execpt Monster Hunter did become massive here for a time with it's PSP entries. At that time everyone was playing it. The thing that put people off the most was the control scheme of the original game which is unlike anything else and amazing once you get the hang of it, but a chore to learn.

I think a lot of why Demon and Dark Souls caught on the way it did is that Monster Hunter had crawled up it's own ass a little by that time and most people moved on but still craved a challenge and it filled that niche.

>> No.10577768

>Monster Hunter had crawled up it's own ass a little
What do you mean?

>> No.10577783

Awkward niche weirdo game, played by the kind of people that liked things like dynasty warriors and armored core

>> No.10577802
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>Dynasty Warriors in the PS2 era
>awkward niche weirdo game
pick one

>> No.10577819

It's good IF you can get into the controls. IF.

>> No.10577831

It is though. Only autistics were into that pile.

>> No.10577868

Easy gameplay, tons of chick characters, cute horsies to unlock, couch co-op
If you were old enough you know bitches loved it

>> No.10577898

That's maybe not the best way to put it, but once the series caught on Capcom did it's Capcom thing and started really pumping them out which over saturated things and you started to get a lot of the same monster recolored sometimes several times like red rathalos, blue rathalos, silver rathalos etc. To try to keep things fresh they added more and more gimmicks each time some of which were good, but most end up cluttering the whole experience. In the end many people just burned out on it. Many of the people I used to play MH with moved onto the souls games.

>> No.10577923

Kind of fair, but normal people only played one of them on a rental and never beat it. I'm thinking of people that played all of 3-5 and some of the expansions (it was me)

>> No.10577937

Tell me about OG MH. I have only played 2+.

>> No.10577951

was a niche hit in my city back in the day, mostly weebs playing in their PSPs. Not bad for a small SA capital city

>> No.10578009

NTA but they designed for hardcore fans too much, to the point the experience of a new player made it seem like an impenetrable jungle of autism and reused assets

>> No.10578012

I remember seeing little snippets and screenshots in magazines, and I thought it looked and sounded so cool. I didn't have home internet, though, and I didn't think it had any offline content.
That's fine. 12 year old me would have probably hated it. I'm kind of glad I got on the train with Tri and then worked my way backwards after.

>> No.10578027

Most people ignored it. With that Online mark on it, people did not give it the time of day. Because DLS/cable internet was only just starting to become widely available. Online gaming for consoles was also very new at that point.

It was a fun game, if not infuriating.

>> No.10578043

kys zoomer, Dynrasy Reddit was always popular it was even featured in popular TV shows back in the 00's, i remember seeing it on The O.C

>> No.10578045

There is a reason why World was a huge smash hit. It made the info simpler to understand, mainly because the fuckin info is in the game. You don't need to load up a fucking guide/wiki to understand how the skill system works and where the monster is weak to your type of damage.

>> No.10578174
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That anon and what I meant is the opposite. The original game is extremely hard, particularly if you are playing offline. Beating that first Rathalos for example with the gear available to you at the time is far more difficult than anything in Demons Souls or Dark Souls (only played the first two). Really I think they balanced it thinking you would go online first but for whatever reason that's how it turned out and really did appeal to hyper autists like me.

When they made the PSP sequel though it was assumed to be played solo a majority of the time and wanted to broaden the audience and made it much easier. Since then they have steadily made it more and more accessible to a wide audience which I understand but made the game less interesting over time. I still love Generations but have lost interest in the series since.

Totally agree.

>> No.10578218

Post-dialup internet was fairly widespread in the us by 2004, but hooking up children's consoles to it was still very weird. Adults probably couldn't be bothered to run ethernet cables around for you and only brand new higher end homes would have it run in the walls by contractors. I can hardly imagine MH1 on PS2 got played online by more than a relative handful of enthusiasts.

>> No.10578219

*in the us obviously

>> No.10578290


>normal people only played one of them on a rental and never beat it.

Guess that makes me normal people.

I remember really liking Dynasty Warriors 3 because it was a large scale battle and it was around the time the LOTR movies came out, where the large battles were the coolest part. But despite spending a lot of time on the game I definitely never beat it, it felt like the game was just an infinite series of identical levels.

Man they should really have done a Lord of the Rings DW crossover game. The LOTR games were cool but they never captured the scale of the movies fully.

>> No.10578346

Also, network adapters for the PS2 weren't very common. I got mine specifically for Monster Hunter and though pretty well all my friends had PS2s as well I was the first person I knew to actually get one.

>> No.10579936

I have a few reviews in magazines giving it very low ratings but it sounded so perfect to me so i went for it

for me the original games were so beautiful and clean in atmosphere and gameplay it felt seminal and it hurts that it was so popular in japan it went the way of lightheartedness/self-comedy/level60 gear WoW

>> No.10580528

It wasn't well received, mainly reviewers complained about lack of story and bad controls.

It's similar to games like Morrowind getting 7 and 8 out of ten at the time, at that time in gaming Metal Gear Solid 2 was seen as the next step in gaming, and anything without a story seemed really out of fashion.

A game with very good combat would not have been received well without some JRPG anime story to tie it all together.

The single player MMO type game was pretty new and no-one knew how to play it at the time.

Players constantly expected dot be told WHY they were doing anything in a game, just like they need strong characters with three negative traits and world building now to read fiction.

>> No.10581540

PS2 was pretty muted compared to PSP release and all the subsequent releases

>> No.10581571

It's so painful how shit this series is now

>> No.10583242

MH Generations exists, is a lovely homage to the original game and has thousands of hours of stuff to play. But yeah, with World and Rise it's basically WoW now and will never be what it once was.

>> No.10583286

What about it is so different? I didn't get into the series until 3U but I've enjoyed every entry since, World and Rise included.

>> No.10583360

The fuck is that supposed to mean?

>> No.10583404

it means that people didn't talk it up as much as when MHF released, and he's right

>> No.10583454

It wasn’t until the psp version that it was actually good
The limitation of a singular thumb stick and the local multiplayer fixed everything wrong with it

>> No.10583461

I honestly had no idea the series existed until tri came out, and I didn't like it at the time.
Now I love the series, I just finished G-Rank on MHFU and I'd like to play dos or play the original sometime soon.

>> No.10584071

Nah. The original control scheme was the best thing about it and a damn shame it never came back.

>> No.10584204

What was the original control scheme like?

>> No.10584313

So the main thing is that while you use the left stick to move around, all your attacks are done with the right stick. It's unlike really anything else so takes so getting used to, but once you have the hang of it, it's very fluid and gives a sense of verisimilitude to the whole thing. Using a greatsword, you are swining it back and forth slowly, using a lance you're stabbing forward for low attacks, back for high attacks etc. A lot of people didn't like it because it's not just the typical press button to attack, but I think it worked amazingly and is one of those things that made the game feel special.

>> No.10584358

Look up "muted response" it might come in handy one day. I had a friend who played the online RE game and one who used his PS2 to play FFXI but I didn't know anyone who cared about Monster Hunter until the PSP release. And I didn't play it until Tri

>> No.10584380

>I seem to remember it did a poor job getting across what kind of game it actually was,
i thought it was some monster rancher spinoff desu

>> No.10584960

Nta, just off the top of my head--played a ton from FU thru XX, did one playthrough of World circa Iceborne release, tried out the Rise demo, currently have World installed but unsure if I'll continue
No longer broken up by loading screens so zones don't feel as unique
Older were more stylized vs photorealism of gen 5; in older gens gather points "stood out" unaided vs newer needing extra visual effects or having them lost to the scenery
Cluttered without delving into the options, there's always something popping up
Smoother in the newer games, more "action" feeling vs older having a jankier, positioning heavy feel

>> No.10585238

That’s why I’m glad they made the PSP

>> No.10585353

You have never played monster hunter get off my board for old people you lying PoS

>> No.10585365

You're trying too hard, Kiddo.

>> No.10585374

This. It wasn't really until the PSP that it became more popular in the West then even by modern standards it was fairly niche until it got invaded by normalniggers I would argue post World. Much in the same MMORPGs or even this imageboard are culturally dead.

>> No.10585383

As the crazy original Monster Hunter fan here I have to say this is my experience as well. No one I knew had played it, and the word was it was supposed to be neat but weird. I basically took a chance because the setting looked neat and then got hooked, but everyone else in my friend group who got into it was because I was so obsessed. Even then it wasn't till PSP that most started playing.

>> No.10585428

Very few people played it, everyone I knew was more interested in Final Fantasy or FPS games. I was a council estate kid so I ended up having to join a Monster Hunter club that was hosted in a shop that sold models, D&D, hobbyist stuff like airfix just to hunt with other people. F

>> No.10586418

nigga they sold bundles with dinasty warriors

>> No.10587225

There are a lot of Monster Hunter "classic" fans who will only play the games up to a certain point, usually a point when the series switched consoles. For some, that point is only the PS2 games with the original control scheme. For many, it's up to FU before Tri "casualized everything" and added underwater. For some, the breakoff point is before 4 added verticality, more cinematic moments, and mounting. For others, it's before Generations added all the style anime bullshit moves. Then there's World, which made preparation easier while radically changing classic movesets and also removing loading between zones, not on a Nintendo console, has Handler, and sold very well in the West. Aside from FU, this is the other big "classic" breakpoint. Finally, you have the ninja flipping dog-riding latest entry, which may or may not be "classic" depending on how much someone likes the Switch.

>> No.10587556
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What's the reaction of all the /vr/ users realizing this is the new flavor of the month?

>> No.10588307

My neighbor had a Network Adaptor and I'd watch him hunt with randos. It reminded me of WoW, with the immense amount of prep work and intricate planning with teammates. Cool shit. But eventually we'd get bored and play Golden Axe or SF2 Turbo.

>> No.10589360

I just started a file for the first time and I have mixed feelings. I appreciate the avant-garde approach but it made camera controls atrocious. L1 to snap forward is not great. If it had a lock on it would be fun.

>> No.10589380

That's a common feeling early on. The reality is that a lock on wouldn't work for the game. Pretty much the whole point of it is learning enemy patterns so you can target specific spots to aim for and a lock on feature would trivialize it if good and fuck it up if bad. Later entries the camera control is improved some though.

>> No.10589393

hard as balls and unforgiving. when portable came out i became hooked.

>> No.10590262


>> No.10590546


>> No.10591148

Games up until generations were made with the idea that your movement and positioning when doing anything mattered. It made fighting the monsters feel worth it, you had to focus if you really wanted to win. The newest games give you so much mobility that everything becomes trivial, and it's pretty clear these movement options were reworked only because they wanted the goyslop consoomer money. Don't get me started on how weapons stopped "feeling" like weapons. Up until generations, using the greatsword actually FELT like your character was swinging a big fucking sword around, and as such you had to be conscious about the fact that you were now required to commit to making your swings count. In the latest game, Rise, it feels like swinging a wooden stick around and much faster than it should too.
tl;dr, the series lost its SOUL and as a result Capcom became even richer and got every lemming back on their side after how much hate they were getting right up until RE7 and World released.

>> No.10591776

>What went wrong?
Picture of Ps1 JRPG
>How did people play this
Picture of NES classic that is difficult
>Who likes this trash console
Picture of PS1 or gamecube

>> No.10591841

I'm sorry but the only people I've ever played dynasty warriors with were the least autistic normie motherfuckers I know.

>> No.10591851
File: 83 KB, 862x575, 1fa28e8be0b40f116920bc13bb874d70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loading screens were a good thing
holy shit

>> No.10591921

I doubt he meant the loading screens were the good part. MH previously had series of interconnected zones within the general map of desert, jungle, forest etc. Each zone where a large mob could be was designed like an arena with which that part of the fight takes place. So not him but what he's likely talking about is how in the other games those areas felt intentionally designed. With World the open map nature of it does away with that making it a big free for all. Which is definitely something that attracted new players, but turned off others as it felt like the Monster Hunter style was changing.

This is all pretty accurate. Also worth noting that the games are extremely long. If you're playing all the way through to end game content, especially if you're experimenting with various weapon and armor layouts you're looking at 500 hours per game easily if not much more. Most people simply burn out on it eventually. Even if Rise and World were more traditional at this point, I don't know that I'd have continued anyways. Generations had so much content that whenever I want more MH theres a boatload still waiting even though I sunk like 800 hours in.

>> No.10592027

It was niche as hell and only internet addicted weebs knew it existed.

>> No.10592337

The new open maps also feel a lot smaller. Just compare second gen jungle to its remake in rise. It feels tiny in the latter. The same is true with the other remade maps but I found that one the most striking.

>> No.10592356
File: 27 KB, 400x240, MH4U-Old_Desert_Screenshot_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah definitely, the desert is where I usually notice it most. Even just visually, you can be in an area where the play zone isn't that huge, but it looks like the area you're in is incredibly vast and sprawling. When they made the maps open for World it meant everything has to be contained so you don't have the same sense of scale.

>> No.10592645

This is 100% the fault of the improved movement, you can basically zoom around the entire place be it through your dog or your wirebugs. Take those away, and make the characters default movement what it was in Generations and it will suddenly feel a lot bigger. It's a shame, but the next game seems like it will keep making things worse. Oh well, no one will ever take away the time I had with 3U and 4U.

>> No.10592714

In the original Japanese release, there were no Dual Blades. And the attacks were bound to the right thumbstick. And if you got attacked while carving up a monster after killing it, it uses up one of those precious interactions and you get nothing out of it.

>> No.10593570

I'd say that's just s small part of it. The maps have simply been compressed to make the space between the old zones not a long slog to walk through.

>> No.10594509

>And if you got attacked while carving up a monster after killing it, it uses up one of those precious interactions and you get nothing out of it.

Pretty sure that was the case for most of the series

>> No.10594571

It isn't the case in FU and later at least.

>> No.10594606

Back in first gen there were a lot more small monsters around and dead monsters vanished a lot quicker.

>> No.10594647

It was always shit.

>> No.10594678

Why do you think so?

>> No.10594686

Awful gameplay with even worse hitboxes.

>> No.10594698

He means you can't recarve if you get knocked out of it like the rest of the games

>> No.10594734

Uhh huh. Tell me more about how the hit boxes filtered you. Did you need lock on?

>> No.10594736

In the west it was just some janky, bland-looking crap nobody cared about. I believe it took off in Japan right away though

>> No.10594743

Where did I say anything about the camera or controls? Those suck too but if the gameplay was good it wouldn't matter.

>> No.10594752

So then explain how the hit boxes seem unfair to you at least.

>> No.10594761

Have you just not played the games? It's a series where a monster stomps its foot lightly having a tantrum and you lose half your health while standing three feet away.

>> No.10594768

Ohh I have played it a great deal. That's why I'm asking you to articulate why the hit boxes gave you so much trouble.

>> No.10594804
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>all I did was let myself get trampled by a 30 foot long, 5 ton dinosaur how come I didn't just take some minor tick damage? This is bullshit!

>> No.10594808

An enemy putting its foot down lightly feet away is not being trampled on.

>> No.10594814

They're not that loose by far. If you get hit you were too close. The clouds of dust when they stomp should indicate the power involved.

>> No.10594816

what's up with all the threads with this exactly kind of question lately? Is it a new millenial "meme"?

>> No.10594852

I was surprised when MH got big later and I found out there were games in the series brought to the west in the PS2 era. I had literally never heard of it, if magazines mentioned it I don't remember it.

>> No.10594914

Most games that used the HDD or online functionality in Japan had that functionality removed or gutted in the west, so that little side-section of the PS2 never really took off. Especially when Microsoft had Xbox Live mogging the everloving shit out of Sony's pathetic PS2 online services. Even Sega was doing it better on the Dreamcast and on the GameCube with PSO.

EGM probably couldn't justify wasting page space on a game that maybe 12 people tops were going to enjoy if market trends at the time were the be believed when they had to cover a bunch of other PS2, Xbox, GameCube, and GBA titles all in one magazine. And yeah, they were right. Capcom didn't even bother localizing MHG or MH2.

>> No.10594937

This. I got my network adapter just for Monster Hunter and at the time was the only one of my friends who had one. The ones who did then get one it was also for MH and barely used for an else. I think MGS3 was the only other thing I used it for.

>> No.10594943

>and if this series was less painfully fucking soulful
Fixed that for you.

>You're trying too hard, Kiddo.
Says the retard crying about subspecies in MH. You're a larper plain and simple.

>> No.10594956

Are you really trying to say that them getting lazy and copy pasting monsters with different sub species didn't hurt the franchise?

>> No.10595004
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This thread is making me want to try MH again but the only one I have is this
Worth playing or should I emulate the ps2 ones?

>> No.10595028

Nah 4 is pretty good.

>> No.10595036

4 is great but you have to consider that Nintendo is shutting down online services for the 3DS fullscale in April and being able to play with other people is one of the main draws for this series and it's not retro. IMO, the only Monster Hunter games worth playing are whatever ones are still being supported by Capcom and whatever your most nostalgic one was, so that's 4, and World or Rise which are also not retro.

If you started with 4, I honestly don't think you'll get anything out of a PS2 entry that you wouldn't get from watching a YouTube video.

>> No.10595043

Go check 3U out, there's a vibe to it you might enjoy

>> No.10595045

Generations is on Switch too which is the best option for those wanting the older style over World or Rise.

>> No.10595085

I always forget Generations exists

>> No.10595403
File: 33 KB, 470x353, monster-hunter-ps2-review_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think Generations is the best Monster Hunter. I will always hold a candle for the original, it's wacky control scheme and being the kind of crazy game it was at the time but I know I'll never play it again. Generations gave me Forest and Hills back though along with a truckload of content. I feel it's the best mix of sanding off the rough edges of the earlier games while essentially keeping the same feel before the series transitioned into Rise and World.

>> No.10596649

monster bump

>> No.10596668

Yes. The only people who would cry about subspecies were going to shit on the franchise for being grindy anyway.
Tons of games reuse assets and MH still stacked enough distinct content that having variations on the boss fights and gear was a good thing, not a bad one. You sound like a zoomer who needs constant new stimulus to enjoy something. You're already hunting the same monster 50 times for gems and mantles anyway might as well have options for people that like the look of a set but want different skills/elements.

>> No.10596673

>But yeah, with World and Rise it's basically WoW now and will never be what it once was.
You don't know shit about Monster Hunter. Or WoW for that matter.

>> No.10596715

>There's probably an alternate timeline where if FromSoft didn't release the Souls series, and if this series was less painfully fucking weeb, it would have gone on to occupy the same position Souls does today.
No way. Souls games can be enjoyed outside of the multiplayer experience. MH games DEPEND ON the multi experience. And Souls games have some sort of linear progression, whereas you may be stuck farming monsters for materials you need in MH. Not to mention the lack of atmosphere or worldbuilding compared to Souls. It's a piss-poor comparison.

Not saying MH is bad, just that it isn't for everyone, in the same way Souls aren't for everyone.

It's like saying Mega Man X is a replacement for Super Mario World because they're both somewhat similar.

>> No.10596730

We disagree I suppose.

I never played WoW I'll grant that, but after thousands of hours on Monster Hunter 1 to Generations I can say World and Rise do not feel like Monster Hunter to me.

>MH games DEPEND ON the multi experience.

They really don't. I have soloed most of the time I have played Monster Hunter over the years. But I do agree the two series are so different it's pretty pointless comparing them. Monster Hunter is probably my favorite series of all time and I think the Souls games I tried, Demons and Dark Souls 1 were terrible.

>> No.10596750

I'm finding it insanely hard to believe you've played "thousands of hours on MH1 to Generations" if you're really getting hung up on subspecies and think World suddenly changed the whole franchise. It has everything a MH is supposed to have, and innovated on a lot of the mechanics that added unnecessary hurdles to the experience like dividing up online and offline progress. I really can't fathom thinking it's suddenly not MH anymore and became an MMO. Because it did away with loading screens in maps? Because multiplayer was streamlined? I seriously don't understand and no one ever seems capable of articulating it.

I've played since picking up Freedom for PSP in 2007 and played every game since, and I admit the promotional materials and trailers for World made me worried they were casualizing and westernizing MH. Then I played it and realized how foolish my worries were. It's only made me start to believe everyone acting like an oldfag who suddenly started hating the franchise when World came out just looked at the trailers and decided to pretend they knew what it was like without trying it.

>> No.10596767

I'm not super hung up on sub species I just think they were over done. But yes sorry, World just doesn't feel like Monster Hunter to me anymore. But also I'm fine with Capcom moving on with the series and I'll always have generations.

>> No.10597057

Are you really going to pretend Plesioth and it's bullshit hip attack didn't exist?
>standing at least 2 meters to the left of monster's side
>monster leaps to the right - away from you
>get hit and sent flying rightwards
Pretending the hit boxes weren't jank is pure fanboy blindness.

>> No.10597094

>They really don't. I have soloed most of the time I have played Monster Hunter over the years.
Opinion discarded.

>> No.10597120

>There's probably an alternate timeline where if FromSoft didn't release the Souls series, and if this series was less painfully fucking weeb, it would have gone on to occupy the same position Souls does today.
I don't really see it, too lighthearted and narrow of an idea, even less weeb a big game hunter premise is pretty goofy. people are never going to obsess over that like a dark fantasy universe.

>> No.10597389
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Lol okay yeah his vortex hip is a legit bad one. There were a few, especially in the first few but overall they're very well done which is what makes the game so good. I just can't help poking fun sometimes

If soloing is too hard for you, that's your problem not mine. I like playing with friends, but randoms usually just suck and nothing's worse than losing at the last minute just because random retard McGee comes back out after he carted twice.

Some smatterings of MH saves. I

>> No.10598191

Yeah Souls appeals to the grimdark fantasy nerds and Monster Hunter is the total opposite of that.

>> No.10598195

>World just doesn't feel like Monster Hunter to me anymore.
>and no one ever seems capable of articulating it.
Nail on the head.

>> No.10598264

Everything since Freedom Unite is absolutely worth playing. Anything older than that is more up for debate.

>> No.10598270

You've really never seen anyone explain why they don't like World?

>> No.10598357

I bought a 20 ft ethernet cable just to play Metal Gear Online

>> No.10599529 [DELETED] 

There was a fair amount of discussion about it in this thread, it just got dismissed. I think this guy >>10587225 sums it up pretty well. The series has been slowly changing over time from something that felt more like a unique experience to something that feels more like an MMO. For me the addition of companions like the shakalakas and palicoes was one of those big steps.

Another that's been talked about a lot is how changing the maps from being split into zones to one open area really changes the feel of the game.

>> No.10599557

There was a fair amount of discussion about it in this thread, it just got dismissed. I think this guy >>10587225 # sums it up pretty well. The series has been slowly changing over time from something that felt more like a unique experience to something that feels more like an MMO. For me the addition of companions like the shakalakas and palicoes was one of those big steps.

Another that's been talked about a lot is how changing the maps from being split into zones to one open area really changes the feel of the game.

>> No.10599602

Same as now, most people go meh but select autismos went nuts for it for reasons I still don't understand. I mean the combat is shit and the upgrade paths are so basic... what the fuck is it that makes people go nuts
I don't thinks so, it was huge in Japan but nowhere else did it actually get big until World

>> No.10599665

>There's probably an alternate timeline where if FromSoft didn't release the Souls series, and if this series was less painfully fucking weeb, it would have gone on to occupy the same position Souls does today.
One has level design and drop in multiplayer
The other is a endurance test on every boss unless you are playing multiplayer.

I agree with the anon comparing early MH multiplayer with WOW.

>Metal Gear Solid 2 was seen as the next step in gaming
MGS1 was a game where you would aim at something, hit the codec button, talk to the relevant expert, and get a fucking TED talk about crows or Soviet ammo supplies
MGS2 was also filled with this, alongside a lot of extensive systems.
MGS3 came out later with even more of the same.

The point of MGS1-3 is that its still very impressive, because games do not do things like that often.
Instead we got AAA with a shitton of audio logs and little content or gameplay.

>> No.10599790
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That was me who compared it to WoW, but I was comparing modern Monster Hunter as being more like WoW than it used to be. I may have spoken out of turn since I'm not actually familiar with WoW specifically, but I do know other MMOs so I just picked that as a popular example.

Anyway what I meant was the multiplayer focus has grown more and more as the series has gone on. The first game had multiplayer, but it wasn't necessarily the focus. When the first PSP game came out they made it much easier partly because it was assumed people were playing mostly solo and then with their friends when it was possible.

But as it's popularity grew they also realized most people liked playing in groups more than solo. For one, so long as someone doesn't suck and lose the mission, fighting the big monsters is far easier with multiple people. Not just because there's more DPS being dealt making the fight shorter but with 2-4 targets the monster is distracted by it makes it much easier to heal, sharpen etc.

Then with MH3 they introduced companions so that even playing solo you didn't really need to solo because there were other things to draw the mob's attention. To most that was a great thing and made the game more accessible, but to some older fans it was one of the things that started to throw the balance off who liked the feeling of one-on-one boss fights.

Another thing to speak to this >>10599602 is that yeah the upgrades aren't all that amazing because that's part of the point. You're not playing so you can get the Master Sword that lets you kill everything with ease. The whole point is it's a challenge and the reward is the fun of the fight itself. When you beat the hardest mission in MH3, soloing Alatreon literally the most reward you get is a "Wowie kazowie!" That's why I love it.

>> No.10600314

>I seem to remember it did a poor job getting across what kind of game it actually was
I remember seeing a commercial for it and the chibi tigrex mascot made me think it was just another pokemon type game

>> No.10600357

FU introduced companions before Tri.

>> No.10600358

Should I try this game if I suck at dark souls

>> No.10600654

Suck how?

>> No.10600739

NTA but world is pretty undeniably different from the old gen games. To just kinda write it off as "its the same but better" because it follows the same gameplay loop is kinda reductive. The entire flow and gameplay balance has been completely uppended and is something totally new. Monster hunter before world was consistently all about committing to your actions at every turn. When you did something, you had no out and you were forced to stick with it for good or for bad. World almost completely did away with that in favor of complete freedom and it shows. Theres a reason that monster walls in oldgen are things like village tigrex or plesioth and the walls in world are fatalis and alatreon (dps checks, one shot novas, and elemental gear checks). its a completely different kind of game. People like to just say things like basecamp restock, rolling out of sharpens, and moving while drinking potions are "quality of life" but the reality is they are fundamental changes to the core game. Thats not even to mention the overall aesthetic being gentrified to bland nothingness and the SOS mechanics completely ruining any sense of online community and the overall multiplayer experience

>> No.10601375

Huh look at that, seems I remembered wrong. I've mostly avoided using them anyways.

>> No.10602623

Why they decided to market it with cute chibi monsters never made sense.

>> No.10603184

I think this guy articulates it pretty well. Especially with things like sharpening and moving while using items. There's an attitude that that was bad or clumsy game design, but it was all very deliberate. The same reason there isn't lock on, the game is about learning the monster's behavior and positioning so that you sharpen your weapon when there's an opening. The way the series has gone sharpness on a weapon fir example is far less important than it once was because the process of keeping it sharp is so much simpler.

>> No.10603195

I don’t think it had a huge reception, online games that weren’t on PC were still in their infancy. It wasn’t until the PSP game that it picked up steam, mostly in part due to the flexibility of meeting up with people wherever for match making. But even then, it was huge in Japan, but only relatively popular in the West.

>> No.10603202

Tell me more about how the series has changed in the newest games. You can drink potions and move at the same time? Are there special attacks or something of the sort? What about that hook you use to fly around?

>> No.10603213

Just want to add my opinion. I’m also not a really hardcore gamer, so take this with a grain of salt I guess:
I think the old games were overall a bit harder, quest to quest. And the grind for materials and such could be a bit aggravating. But I was able to play through almost all of MHFU and Gen solo, start to endgame, which I can’t say about World.
Like, World is really straightforward and easy in the early game, but the endgame stuff, like World versions of Furious Rajang, or the OHKO stuff from Alatreon, I just didn’t have the taste for that stuff. The difficulty spike endgame World is way waaay more than old games, and I think that’s because Capcom probably pushed harder for a multiplayer experience for that stuff, where you do need more people to at least take the pressure off
There is some good stuff in World, but I do still prefer the old handheld ones more

>> No.10603217

I miss gens… that was probably the peak of enjoyment for me. World was neat in seeing it all high def and stuff, but it just has a really different vibe

>> No.10603220

I miss the old map sections, haha. The felt a little more cinematic or like set pieces, I think because they only had to be roughly “connected” to the other sections
It’s kind of spergy, but when I finished a mission, I’d try to find a cool part of the map, so when the big “COMPLETE” slapped up on screen it would look like a cool little poster shot, haha

>> No.10604136

>I’d try to find a cool part of the map, so when the big “COMPLETE” slapped up on screen it would look like a cool little poster

I hear ya, I did the same thing!

>> No.10604268

Any time I did a delivery quest, I'd try and time it so that it would cut to the rewards screen while I was sleeping in the camp bed.

>> No.10604280

I remember using it on the internet on my PS2, playing with random japanese players that couldn't speak or communicate in anything approaching english. It was fun but weird because the mechanics were strange and internet guides were a bit harder to follow.

>> No.10604284

i have a copy of dynasty warriors 4 in my basement that my brother left before he moved out
i can show it if you want

>> No.10605274

Back then?
Little to no reaction at all. Weaboos weren't a normal thing.

>> No.10605787

Monster Hunter was originally not very weeaboo at all.

>> No.10606293

Play the Portable Team ones (FU, P3rd and GU). The rest is strictly worse than what you can find there.

>> No.10606560

Me too!!

>> No.10606657

Always wanted to get into it, but the tutorial quests just put me to sleep every damn time i try and start a new game.

>> No.10606694

Off topic, but i remember when pokemon was coming out, for some reason i had this idea that it was a big crossover game where you had to capture game characters like Crash Bandicoot and Sonic.

>> No.10606740

Which games have offline multiplayer?

>> No.10606829

You mean like split screen?

>> No.10606842

Yea or like local play between two systems.

>> No.10606895

I think all of the portable ones have that.

>> No.10607607

This >>10606895
But none have split screen.

>> No.10608325

Didn't Tri have a split screen arena or something?

>> No.10608441

Ohh possibly, Tri is a version I haven't played. Would be cool if it exists though.

>> No.10609506

Hit the nail right on the head. The movement options the newer games have, alongside with the "qol" improvements made to things like mining, potion drinking, sharpening, and the way weapons work now all add up to basically an entirely different series. They seem little in a vacuum, but they're certainly not

>> No.10609545

Has anyone tried the private servers for the original game that are available? I dont really want to play with randos, but i figure it would be a way to do couch coop with a friend with two ps2s.

>> No.10610740

there is actually dedicated community for psp game using prometheus online plugin. it's compatible between emulators, vita's adrenaline and the real hardware. these are technically offline because they use similar system to hamachi using adhoc mode for creating virtual lan. could be set up fully locally into fake infrastructure between 2 people

>> No.10611708

It's so good to hear that's still going. Running the PSP games on a Vita could be a nice way to play actually.

>> No.10611894

PSO but a mid boss gauntlet

>> No.10611910

>ughhh why isn't everything mimicing my favorite Tolkien+post-apocalyptic trashium

>> No.10613962

They have no creativity

>> No.10614257
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>No longer broken up by loading screens so zones don't feel as unique
You can't possibly be this fucking retarded

>> No.10614265

He's not joking in any way, the move to open zones really changes the feel of the whole game and unironically makes the areas feel smaller.

>> No.10615442

Setting up the multiplayer for JP version of the first game on PCSX2 is a pretty cool experience.

>> No.10617352

Wasn't allowing the player to move and use items at the same time a necessary change once there were no loading screens between zones? In the old games you can just run to another area to fully heal, buff and sharpen your weapon, and monsters basically never followed you. If monsters can follow you anywhere, taking as long to use items as in the old games would increase difficulty considerably.