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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 86 KB, 640x480, eve-burst-error_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10591330 No.10591330 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any PC-98 games that are legitimately really good? Seems like the vast majority are untranslated anyway.

High quality PC-98 animation is literally my unicorn. I wish there was something like VNDB for these obscure, older games.

>> No.10591353

There are a few websites like that.
Refuge.tokyo is a slick website with a romanized titles option so searching is easier for you.
PC98.org is form over function and the guy who manages it generally plays/boots the games for a short bit unlike refuge.tokyo so you get something of a very small idea of what it is.
Seesaawiki is pretty decent too, but the actual lists themselves are being repopulated with videos instead meaning that you'll have to use the search function to see if they have a small article with screenshots+gif, an audio sample and generally some advertisement.

You also have .xrea lists in Japanese, but those tend to be text only with some useful cataloguing information at best.
Somewhat related for PC-88 there's 8-bits.info, that comes with a randomize option and has 1100 games listed which is a good chunk, but as its name implies, it doesn't have a section for PC-98 (it does for X68K so they lie).


Unless you have learned Japanese for ancient Japanese and definitely non-pornographic literature like most 4chan JSLs, don't bother.
If you did, just pick something and give it a shot, as a system it relied heavily on its very early larger resolution making it perfect for ADV, RPGs, strategy and VNs when they became a thing. Anyone making anything actiony for the most part stuck to other systems (that honestly were even less suited most of the time). That's not to say it didn't exist, but it is quite outnumbered.

>> No.10591370

An extremely high quality post? In my 4chan? Must be dreaming.

Did the language used back in the nineties for this game really differ that heavily from modern Japanese? I'm not adverse to learning more, but if it's something where you have to be beyond fluent to grasp it, there's probably no point.

Thank you for the links. I will be investigating them thoroughly.

>> No.10591380

Function over form for PC98.org btw, automatism.

>> No.10591391
File: 21 KB, 448x288, KURO_no_KEN_119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuro no Ken (there's a voiced PS version and apparently even a Windows one, though probably not voiced on the account of its size) is a pretty cool JRPG. It's untranslated.

>> No.10591419

Oh and, no. Aside from old slang jokes which is a thing in most every language. Everyone who learns Japanese for gaming reasons on 4chan definitely didn't do it for porn initially though.

>> No.10591496


>> No.10591537
File: 114 KB, 642x402, 1652343299222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what game?

>> No.10591583


>> No.10591643
File: 19 KB, 1280x800, 1680655486594330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Just get a text hooker if needed.

>> No.10591912

corpse party

>> No.10592192

GreenGoobased and periodpilled

>> No.10592241

Brandish series (3 and VT or the improved version "Brandish 4" for windows not translated though)

Madou Monogatari series versions for PC98 which have a lot of gore compared to the more child-friendly versions for other systems, better pixel art too.

>> No.10592281

Goes show lit snes music on spc player: http://maloga.dotera.net/files/mymusic/cop1snes.zip

Example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2YefFV-oLU&si

>> No.10592318

>that vn

>> No.10593354

Yu No is good. Without a guide, it's actually got a lot of game to it to find all the routes. You'll need a guide though if you don't wanna take notes and draw flowcharts

>> No.10593706

>Are there any PC-98 games that are legitimately really good?
>Seems like the vast majority are untranslated anyway.
Hopefully it will stay that way. The fanbase is cancerous enough as it is.
>Just get a text hooker
Based faps to asciiart grandpa

>> No.10593757
File: 1.62 MB, 992x2304, 1613507715616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of the remake?

>> No.10594452

I don't think I've ever seen a better example of SOVL vs SOVLLESS

>> No.10594536
File: 466 KB, 605x782, 381 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i'm i wrong or is the only PC-98 emulator like 50 steps long?

>> No.10594539

YU-NO is hands down the greatest game ever created.

>> No.10594541

What game is this? Is it the same as in OP?

>> No.10594554

That is Xenon.

>> No.10594562

dosbox-x werks pretty well too

>> No.10594563

Correct, that is Eve Burst Error.

>> No.10594583

It is if you need to do multi-emu launcher autistic version usage with an extra frontend.. Most of the video is preparing it for that/doing that. Something you won't need to do if you are massively intelligent with a wicked sense of humor, as you can just download the emulator, the roms you want and maybe change the .ini to allow for savestates and texthooking which are both disabled by default.

>> No.10594640

It takes two minutes.

>> No.10594705
File: 3.65 MB, 4160x3120, bursterror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this. ordered it online back when it was sketchy as fuck lol. Fucking love this game.

>> No.10594708

Nice. Would you recommend it?

>> No.10594710

yeah, its fun. sort of like a choose your own adventure books but better.

>> No.10594721

Right, I'll try it out. Thanks, anon.

>> No.10594756

no prob, dev is C's Ware theres a few more in the eve series IIRC. quite a few on archive under dev name.

>> No.10594772

Were they translated, too?
I remember playing another game by C's Ware... was it Dividead or something? It started up spooky and mysterious for the first half an hour, then it went retarded and I didn't understand the plot, IIRC. That's been nearly 20 years.

>> No.10594805

burst error is the only one I ever bought unfortunately, the story and plot makes sense on burst error though for what its intended to deliver lol

>> No.10596390

I could figure this shit out in 2003 what's your excuse

>> No.10596901

There was a Patreon cashgrab who localized the games in the old school way, meaning he didn't know Japanese and just guessed what's going on.

>> No.10598236
File: 220 KB, 876x1200, GCw-aXVaEAAOb5G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the breast

>> No.10599339
File: 180 KB, 1502x1678, 1646432001703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always will be.
Retronomicon? I liked his works, it was fun to play. I even became a patron.

>> No.10599916

vn is the second game. first game is like alone in the dark... or that nes horror game i forget name of. one that inspired resident evil

>> No.10600021

Sweet Home.

>> No.10600039

Its all porn. If you're not a coomer(Im not so my machine stays in the closet) there's nothing there for you.

>> No.10600380

yeah that. corpse party basically ripoff of that. and later yume nikki. some people claim that games like alone in the dark arent really horror anymore because horror didnt exist yet so it was more in realm of adventure games, like point and click or a walking simulator. all these games have this in common where it's neither vn or survival horror, but like an 'adventure' game in old school sense of that word

>> No.10600391

Is the pc-98 version of Corpse Party translated? If not, what would be the best version to play?

>> No.10600738

Abaddon? That game is far less sexual that Corpse Party.

>> No.10601538

Corpse Party > Sweet Home

>> No.10601762

Dead of Brain (Return of Living Dead-inspiring)

>> No.10602163
File: 54 KB, 873x567, Screenshot (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll post an interesting one.
giten megami tensei. it has a translation in the works for both the pc 98 and the windows version but they're both buggy rn.
most stable way to play is in jp on the pc 98

>> No.10602167

i love pc 98 artwork so much

>> No.10602172

np2kai, my anon

>> No.10602196

what's a good text hooker i can use with a pc 98 emulator?

>> No.10602219

If you need a little tuto: https://vgmrips.net/wiki/Setting_up_Neko_Project_2_with_Textractor

>> No.10602403

How good is the game?

>> No.10602541

The most unforgettable horror porn game

>> No.10602562

just use screen hook and MTL. translations aren't any better than interpreting it yourself

>> No.10602586
File: 28 KB, 640x480, b1bfa920-04d3-4cc0-8d51-175b187d5c8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have fun playing the Wrestle Angels series.
Like legit fun, not just for the fanservice.
Couldn't really enjoy the V series because ive no idea how training works there.

>> No.10603362
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, 1615525771951.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jailbait has never been more terrifying.

>> No.10603387

i want to lick that bellybutton

>> No.10603817

ty, anon!

it has a lot of cool ideas like you have an arm computer with useful functions on it - a minimap, a translator that lets you negotiate with demons, etc. but you can also accidentally download viruses onto it that makes it unusable.
it's also bs at the beginning and unforgiving

>> No.10603902

>you can also accidentally download viruses onto it that makes it unusable
Looks fun. I'll wait until the translation is complete.
>it's also bs at the beginning and unforgiving
IIRC Megami Tensei 1 & 2 also have bullshit prologues.

>> No.10603985

This is upsetting.

>> No.10604065

>half-moe style & downgrade death
What were they thinking?!

>> No.10604148

are pc 98 games the best that games have to offer in terms of 2d art?

>> No.10604640

Do these "remakes" ever come with an original mode? This shit is repulsive...

>> No.10604651

does the remake actually add anything good?
like qol or something?

>> No.10604809

They are up there for anything pre-2000, the issue with post-2000 is that everyone prefers making 3D games as it is easier and cheaper to do than high quality 2D and the Japanese didn't really advance that quickly in that.
The PC-98 had a pretty insane resolution for the early days too, granted that advantage shrank as time went on, but in return it got FM synth which is nice (along with literally any other JPC, being a synth producer probably helps).
There are western games with good artstyles and similar resolutions in the pre-2000 era too, but it definitely was all a bit more "standardised" in Japan as that was just their base style most of the time with minor variations for starting artists. The bottom of the Japanese barrel in art is extra alien though, but luckily those don't get much attention in the west.

>> No.10604821

Depends what you mean by legitimately really good.
I thought Necronomicon was very cool when I watched someone stream it a while ago, but I don't think it has any translation yet.

>> No.10604971

what do you think is the bottom of the barrel for japanese art?

>> No.10605015

That depends on the era, if we'd really want to go ugliest, keep in mind that I'm specifically talking within the context of games.
Stuff in the early 80s is obviously not going to look pretty unless you want the game to spend a long time drawing every scene unless you try to "draw" using characters (essentially ASCII art with special graphical character) which tends to be creative at least. Trying to go for sprites comes with massive clashing of colours between sprites, but that's not unique to Japanese systems.
If we're talking actual art, think terrible proportions. The typical artstyle already has somewhat deformed proportions which isn't a bad thing, but when they fuck it up badly you just get actual aliens.
Also we can think of the comical, I forgot the name of it, was a small or middling game/anime franchise where the official artists drew everything with excessively oversized breasts and gigantic eyes. I'm no prude, but that was a bit much. I've seen it posted before here so someone probably knows its name. The rest of the artstyle wasn't exactly amazing either, but at least it was original.

>> No.10605201

Not the anon you're answering too, but I remember the gigantic tits & eyes monster.

>> No.10605212

>load floppy
>install game on hdi
>drivers missing
>wrong hardware settings
It isn't as simple as selecting the right emulator. There needs to be a database of settings for each game, instead of trawling through forums to see what version of the sound chip a game supports.

>> No.10605216

What games aren't running for you, anon?

>> No.10605294

No particular title - it's a general issue when only a floppy is available rather than an hdi with the game already installed.

>> No.10605340

>there's actually no problem

>> No.10606936
File: 47 KB, 640x400, GD4extxaMAAEnyA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad her original designer still loves her

>> No.10607656
File: 270 KB, 645x465, 1612188202942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't?

>> No.10608914
File: 7 KB, 640x400, 519815-misty-blue-pc-98-screenshot-recording-studio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of misty blue? it's been in the back of my mind ever since someone posted a song from it in an ost thread. it has good music.
i'll probably check it out soon

>> No.10608945

also, something funny about misty blue is that one of the songs sounds like the corneria theme from ff1

lovers - misty blue

corneria - ff1

>> No.10609083

Never played the game, and I can't if it's not translated anyway.
That being said, it's a good song indeed, thanks for sharing.

>> No.10609146

From what I heard it's largely a step up from what ADV games used to be when it comes to production value and it starts the shift from ADV game to VN. It's more important as a PC-88 game, but that's from a historical perspective. For playing it's largely irrelevant what version it is.

>> No.10609325

They turned the rasta man into black Mike Pence

>> No.10609496

Damn anon, I can't unsee it.

>> No.10609618
File: 1.98 MB, 729x1969, ca1a0bz4ainx-133590151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small or middling game/anime franchise where the official artists drew everything with excessively oversized breasts and gigantic eyes


>> No.10609726

Dayum, lina inverse looks like THAT?

>> No.10609861
File: 3.65 MB, 960x544, You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren’t you Well, you were pounding an elementary schooler all along.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that VN
The most unforgettable horror porn game I've ever played. No other game had a bunch of elementary schoolers gangbang a teenage girl against a wall. And the teenage girl loved it. No other game I've played had a 17 year old bishonen guy drink a 14 year old girl's piss and chase her down the hall to rape her, only to wind up getting anally raped by a 32 year old fat man. I still remember the scene where a 16-17 girl was hiding under a bed as her same age best friend was having sex with that same 32 year old fat guy on top. She heard every moan, bed shake and sound. In the wrong end she was discovered under the bed by her friend and made to join. A most terrifying scene was when an unwilling girl relives another girl's sex memories. The girl in the memory consented but the reliving girl didn't. It didn't matter that she was mentally screaming, her body in the memory did all the motions and actions as in history. It's like mind control rape except the victim was fully aware. Another scene the same girl and a friend were almost raped in a magic sex ritual, saved by the girl's older sister, and the backlash made the older sister want to rape her younger sister and friend.

The loli in this pic is freakishly lewd and once disguised herself as a teenage girl, fucked a boy until he nearly came, transformed back saying
>You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren't you? I'm an elementary schooler all along!
And leglocks that boy, forcing him to cum inside her unprotected, when he screams in fear upon learning this. This isn't even getting into the tentacles, the gay sex, the lesbian sex, the incest, the sequel's mother/daughter lesbian scene, etc. The first chapter alone contains lots of lesbian sex scenes with an unavoidable girl masturbating in the bathroom. Truly horror is intrinsically connected with sexuality.

>> No.10610468


>> No.10610689

i tried it and it connected but it doesn't capture the jp text. it just says things like"window" "emulate" etc.
i don't know what i did wrong or maybe it's just the game. i'll try a different game

>> No.10610801
File: 6 KB, 540x136, tex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like that, anon?

>> No.10610863

What is the horror game called?

>> No.10612269

yeah, stuff like that. it says weird stuff in all the dropdown options

>> No.10612424

Sorry anon, I haven't been using it for a couple of years. IIRC you need a special (old) version of NP21 called NP21W, which supports text hooks. The savestates are hidden but you can add them easily in the config file.

>> No.10612538

PSPee special edition

>> No.10613436

i got np21w. the 0.86 version specified in the tutorial. i'll look around more and see what i can about fixes. i probably just messed up something stupid and it'll be an easy fix or something

>> No.10613440

The newest version straight from the website works fine though after you edit the ini though, just add the given hooks and wait for some actual text to appear (images and buttons are generally not text).

>> No.10613567

i'll try it. ty, anon!
just to make sure, i have to add "USETHOOK=true" right? because that's what i put in the ini in the version i was using.

>> No.10613669

Yes, USETHOOK=true in the version of NP21w's ini you'll be using.
Then after opening up textractor and hooking it to NP21, you'll add the following hooks manually in case Textractor doesn't. Any other hooks can be removed to get rid of clutter, but you'll still get clutter anyway. After some actual text is displayed, you should look through the lot. If you don't fiddle with the menu too much before starting emulation and hooking, they should end up near the top.

>> No.10613691

oh, i added the second hook you mentioned but i never did the first one
maybe that's what's wrong. ty, anon!

>> No.10613986

Ryuuki Denshou: Dragoon. Probably the most fun and unique TRPG I've ever played. It got a remake for PSX and an erotic OVA, but unfortunately no translation

>> No.10614041

Not the anon you're answering to, but thanks for being helpful.

>> No.10614048

Why does untranslated matter? If you're not a faggot, you can just learn the language. Reading those old VNs will make you fluent all on its own.

>> No.10615410


>> No.10615748

this video is retarded.

>> No.10615761


>> No.10615769

wow, that example is awesome

>> No.10615812

okay, it worked, anon! ty again!
is there anyway to have my user hook text automatically get copied to my clipboard?

>> No.10615891
File: 14 KB, 192x256, T081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10616261

It's crazy to me just how different the exact same scene can look vastly different when done by a master vs an intern. Even with a fraction of the available colors they can pull more feeling in the piece.

Take the drowning scene. The original, all the bubbles evoke a sense of panic and show that the girl is struggling to stay alive. The remake, she already looks dead, and the man seems more annoyed than panicked.

>> No.10616281

How do you post images with sound like that?

>> No.10616417

Should just be an option in textractor iirc.

>> No.10618523
File: 53 KB, 561x79, eve11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump, I'm playing OP's game right now and man is the translation absolutely insane.
I'm confident that this line was made up and is nowhere to be seen in the original version.

>> No.10618953
File: 35 KB, 640x401, bgsaori2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10618957
File: 58 KB, 639x395, chromep3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10618962
File: 96 KB, 640x399, hypers3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10618969
File: 38 KB, 639x398, ohotuku3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10618972
File: 133 KB, 638x396, seirei3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10618974
File: 70 KB, 640x398, splatin4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10618978
File: 85 KB, 638x397, tbuster3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10618981
File: 40 KB, 639x396, bbody_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10618983
File: 92 KB, 638x397, crw1_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10618985
File: 72 KB, 640x397, cybers24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stop there. Bump if you want more.

>> No.10619181

i always enjoy seeing pc 98 artwork but could you also say what games they're from?

>> No.10619428
File: 93 KB, 640x399, asurab12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, just ctrl f the file names on here: https://www.pc98.org/main.html
Good screenshot website for pc98 games.

>> No.10619432
File: 61 KB, 639x401, waku2_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post some more, keep the thread on life support.

>> No.10619434
File: 25 KB, 639x397, starfir3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10619436
File: 64 KB, 640x400, mkousat2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10619439
File: 85 KB, 637x396, lastg1_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10619446
File: 85 KB, 641x513, Daifuugou_Gakuen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10619463
File: 81 KB, 638x398, farlan32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10620951
File: 100 KB, 512x864, 1419353563167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10620974
File: 15 KB, 384x288, Star_Platinum_131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10620987
File: 16 KB, 464x236, 1419352978612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can relate, honestly.

>> No.10620993
File: 63 KB, 640x400, c059a2d0fecd1ebdf807c9fdb6eb05e8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's the mascott of PC98 for me.

>> No.10621253


>> No.10621420

I'm thinking of getting a PC-98, but I'm worried that those magnetic floppy disks have a limited life-span.
Has anyone had any problems with that?

>> No.10621432

While not the mascot it is funny that most Japanese comments I see tend to remember Lakers as "that series where the boob sizes went CRAZY after the first game"

>> No.10621676

is this from a real game?

>> No.10621712
File: 33 KB, 519x182, How to use Saucenao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press this button.

>> No.10622036

I freaking love tamori wataru's art more than life itself

>> No.10622223

Well, I got temporarily banned from Twitch for streaming that game. I don't get it, as there wasn't much of sexual content at all.

>> No.10622251

twitch sucks. there are no good video game streaming platforms. youtube sucks for streaming too. they're all too inconsistent with their rules

>> No.10622275

Oh well, it's not like I had any viewers anyway.

>> No.10622286

i despise modern anime aesthetics so fucking much bros...

>> No.10624238
File: 261 KB, 1072x620, DqapXYKV4AAJWpF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand, anon. I won't post the other "remake" bait pics.

>> No.10624363

nta but i don't mind if you post more comparison pics between original games and remakes. i just like the pc 98 and 88 aesthetics

>> No.10624437
File: 32 KB, 640x400, EIv8BBAXYAE02Jy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90's had the best animation/art quality japan ever offered, pretty sure it's somehow related to their economy and budgets back then but i'm no expert

>> No.10625223

Remake do grow on you?

>> No.10625227

not sure if someone with a hood or a very racist caricature.

>> No.10625262

No, but they grow on old video games like a cancer.

>> No.10625339

Is there a way to convert multi floppy hdm files to a single hdi? I have a couple of patches to apply on a game but one works only in hdm and other in hdi.

>> No.10625484

You install it.

>> No.10625672

I'm an idiot. thanks lol.

>> No.10627581

You can commission him to draw more MegaMilk. Price is 50k Yen.

>> No.10628278

Yeah, most of the images of her he's done were commission. But his style is different from the 90s these days.

>> No.10628496
File: 27 KB, 640x400, NP2_0008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll try Animahjong. Starting with V3. Never actually seen people play it, but I guess that makes sense considering what the game is about and how you get it (actually playing mahjong).
Always figured the literal (you) forced the girls to play stripjong, but it was their old man all along. Literal please fuck my daughter story here.

>> No.10628853
File: 18 KB, 640x400, Start with a ready hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get 2 ready hands for free (selection of tiles that are 1 away from a winning)
>run her out of points despite them not being worth that much
>just speeds through all the scenes
I assume no points means I actually have to win for every scene? Does this count as easy mode? Cute retard though.

>> No.10628881

Sorry anon, I never understood how japanese dominoes work.

>> No.10628884

I expect that anon. It's basically like slightly more complex poker where you have slightly more control and slightly more autistic winning hands.
It's all slightly more. I'm just bumping.

>> No.10628889

>style is different
It's been more than 20 years ago since the last Lakers series. 31 years since the first Lakers. I played the first one in late 94 or early 95.

>> No.10628908
File: 208 KB, 841x976, natune01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm well aware of the passage of time. Heck, even by the early 2000s his style was changing away from the way Lakers looked. I want to say this image here is 2001 ~ 2004? Either way. Funniest part was back then I couldn't even recognize it as the same guy. "Wow, whoever this guy is he sure likes Natsune".

>> No.10628949
File: 699 KB, 850x1200, GC1eKHeaAAAr8Fk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I couldn't even recognize it as the same guy
You're not the only one. His style change a lot.
BTW, someone commissioned a pic of Narusawa Yui from Doukyuusei 2 a few weeks ago. It's the only Yui pic in Skeb I found.

>> No.10629439
File: 17 KB, 640x400, Too old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is really short.

>> No.10629643
File: 319 KB, 448x320, Animahjong_X_PerfectA8_03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's X Perfect, Mahjong Elegance and Mahjong Sports Line if you want more.

>> No.10629987
File: 16 KB, 288x208, Ambition 63.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah.

>> No.10630487

How faithful are the PSP versions? I only ever played the first little bit of the first game on PSP back in like, 2010.

>> No.10630806

Wow I played the steam version and don't remember most of that. I mean, yeah it some weird shit like the bathing scene but not that.

>> No.10631265

There's a ton but there's no point in sharing if you don't know Japanese

>> No.10631332

would you mind sharing? i'm learning japanese

>> No.10631339
File: 15 KB, 640x400, NP2_0008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10631414

Any worthwhile murder mystery VN's that don't rely on 11th hour supernatural plot contrivances?

>> No.10631553

What level are you? Do you promise not to translate anything?

>> No.10631842

idk what level but i learn new stuff often.
i'll probably never make translation patches.

>> No.10631851
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1702530840053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really missing some of the best parts. I came buckets when one of the girl’s was fucked in a pool and the chad kid who liked her was forced to watch. The ending cg with the shot of the girl’s limp legs had me in diamonds. I also love the fact that all the tomboys have big boobs. And the scene where the main boy gets a double blowjob from his tomboy childhood friend and younger sister was great. The OVA had nice original scenes too. Once that chad kid was holding back a door when the ugly middle aged fatty used his tick to break through the door, aiming his dick right at chad kid's anus and lifted him into the air with his long dick. But we can't forget the double blowjob the main boy gets from his tomboy childhood friend and his little sister. Why do you keep on forgetting https://files.catbox.moe/8wpfo0.jpg?

>> No.10631967

NTA but it'll be nice to get PC-98 recs for plot heavy ones if possible. I'm probably around ~N2 at this point in terms of reading comprehension.

>> No.10632121

What's your beef with translations?

>> No.10632209
File: 32 KB, 640x400, Kokushi Musou'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP thread and RIP me.

>> No.10632361

EOP weeb scum are unworthy

>> No.10632376

Nothing. That guy has nothing valuable to say nor actually knows Japanese.

>> No.10632590

Auto-sage time, I'm surprised the thread lasted so long. Thanks, it was nice.