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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10583778 No.10583778 [Reply] [Original]

>download MAME romset preconfigured with everything
>games STILL need certain files

>> No.10583779

>multiple arcade machine
>this just means it needs multiple files to actually work

>> No.10583783

Felt this. Had to download an older version of MAME to get carnevil to work.

>> No.10583795

Apparently not. Deal with it, scrub.

>> No.10583802

>roms that come with it (including the Ch. and other shit some need)
>STILL don't launch with the Mame version it came with

>> No.10583819
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>Has to download multiple free files near-instantly off the net and move stuff around in a file explorer.

>> No.10583831
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>have to do things for HUNDREDS of games

>> No.10583832

>boot PCSX2 with big picture mode
>can't navigate the menus with gamepad

>> No.10583840

works on my machine

>> No.10583860


>> No.10583906
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>> No.10583915

mame and retroarch are both pure shit
it is a direct competition to see who can produce the worst software user experience

>> No.10583931

I almost feel like they do it deliberately. If it was good out of the box, you no longer would need updates and you wouldn't give them attention.

>> No.10583949

Retroarch works if you aren't retarded

>> No.10583953

mame devs got sick of providing support to dummies and now deliberately engages in gatekeeping of their software and I for one love it.

>> No.10583957

>using the shitty forks/broken "updates"
they literally removed games
they are faggots

use coinops or sometype of front end if you dont care about accuracy

i prefer finalburn neo and my REAL PCB
that's the one good thing that came from that crappy software at least now I have the real components

>> No.10583964

>time for yet another MAME hate train thread

>> No.10583968

I am not mad, just wonder what possibly could compel someone to make a package of a romset with an emulator and not make everything work together from the get go

>> No.10583976

it does. you drop the romset in the folder called roms and you double click the executable.

>> No.10583980

>this rom is missing:

>> No.10583982

no it doesnt
it runs like shit
hundreds/thousands of games are missing random bullshit and dll files
i hope the government tells mame devs to cease and desist

>> No.10583987

>they literally removed games
they dont want hotwater from current gen "rereleases"
M2shottriggers would sue

>> No.10584002

even then i think there is only 1 game that has been removed that didn't get added back eventually. and all it takes is going into a word document and modifying 1 line to put it back in

>> No.10584032

>lady comes over
>lets play vidya anonkun!
o-ok w-w-wait, hang on uh w-wait
*fiddles with shitty Ui and settings over and over again

what a fucking unironic nightmare
protip for all reading this thread:
do NOT install retroarch or mame
if you have it installed, uninstall

>> No.10584048

>fiddles with shitty Ui
Been using it for 3 years and have all settings saved with all the games in playlists. Meanwhile you're fiddling with standalones hunched over your keyboard like an autistic dildo.

>> No.10584069

I legit don't know how dummies can't figure out mame. I just installed it on my laptop before flying at christmas and I literally did 2 things:

Downloaded "ROMs Full 0.258 (Merged, 73.33GB torrent" from archive

downloaded Mame 0.261b self-extractable archive from mame

dragged the roms into the rom folder and double clicked the executable. the torrent even contains all the bios files ffs

no sympathy for people who can't figure shit out as simple as that

>> No.10584072

i have actual arcade pcb
mame devs themselves have stated publicly multiple times they prioritize preservation over playability/accuracy

use final burn and stop doubling down
mame has always been SHIT

>> No.10584076

>blast 100+ GB of space
>still have the shittiest software experience on earth
>j-j-just use this dead torrent i got years ago guise!!!!

it's autism isn't it
there are literally better options available
why are you emotionally invested in playing games the worst way possible

>> No.10584097

>>blast 100+ GB of space
complete romsets take up space yes, are you too poor to afford hard drive space?

>j-j-just use this dead torrent i got years ago guise!!!!
0.258 is the latest romset (2023-08-30)
0.261b is the latest mame release (2023-11-28)

Stupid liar tells stupid lies.

>there are literally better options available
ahh the mask slipped, just a concern troll

>> No.10584102

Okay then, show me a torrent or download that has a complete romset that works out of the box

>> No.10584109

if youre happy with the ugly thats great anon
i prefer final burn and a curated list
i dont need 200gb of majong games

>> No.10584118

they wont
they cant
they cant even update their existing setups without breaking things or losing games
it is the worst software on the planet
it was literally never good

imaging not only using mame
but building an "arcade cab" for it
aka ruining OG hardware on a scale redditors and /hhg/ could only dream of

think of how many ruined gbc it would take to add up to a fullsize cabinet kek

h o r r i b l e

>> No.10584119

>i have actual arcade pcb
Your terrible English exposes you as a brown niggertard wearing milk cartons for shoes. Please stop your crossposting faggotry and shitpost in a hardware thread or go back to twitter and/or reddit

>> No.10584393

Not providing the necessary files isn't gatekeeping, it's tedium that immediately makes it inferior to all of its competition who do exactly what Mame does, but better and more efficiently.

>> No.10584438

MAME scrubs filtered. All is right with the world.

>> No.10584449

mame posters never stopped seething
only break/solace is the gap between mame hate threads

its TRADITION at this point

>> No.10584462

Doesn’t final burn play most of the games worth playing these days, and better than mame?

>> No.10584467

>lady comes over
>lets play vidya anonkun!
The only thing that ever happened after it is you woke up

>> No.10584472

>j-just emulate bro

>> No.10584485

This. Even in final burn going through the games you want to play and configuring every single fucking ones controller is tedious, but at least it's not having to sift through thousands of uncurrated goyslop pachinko and mahjong bullshit that takes up more space than the games I actually want to enjoy.

>> No.10584491


>> No.10584496

I spent half the weekend going through mame sets, it appeases my autism. My big problem is I need the .chd files for biltz2k and blitz99 for the 0.139 set(mame 2010) and apparently I found them but they fail to load. I took the .chd files from another set(0.78) I already had and blitz works fine, blitz99 and blitz2k gets to the load screen after you pick your team and it stays there but the music keeps looping fine.

>> No.10584503


>> No.10584531

Learn to use CMPro idiot.

>> No.10584550

>ITT: Zoomers who don't know how to use CLRMamePro

>> No.10584602
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I'm not saying that clrmamepro doesn't work, but no other emulator + frontend involves this kind of shit

>> No.10584606
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>> No.10584609
File: 346 KB, 719x992, Screenshot_2024-01-08-14-14-17-930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10584615

Do games only work on specific versions of FB Neo like with MAME?

>> No.10584616

no other platform is as diverse as arcades either

arcade games werent just one big rom file like consoles, they were split over multiple mask roms and EPROMS and interleaved in differents ways

>> No.10584626

Kind of. But if you search non merged fbneo romset, it should just work. Final burn only has working roms in its predefined games list, so you won't get broken games in a final burn set.

>> No.10584631

I use final burn, so it's not much different just less of a headache to setup. This is really for people who need every iteration of every arcade game. Nobody has the time to play every ROM, it's just a fucking mess if you ask me.

>> No.10584640

I just downloaded that one version of the full romset where every game is in its own .zip with all the files needed to play. It takes more space but with that version you can easily go down the list in bittorrent and only download the games you want
I've still got to set MAME to not update which is annoying

>> No.10585361
File: 259 KB, 570x469, fbneo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home, white man

>> No.10585392

I use it but in RetroArch because standalone doesn't have integer scaling in fullscreen. But yes, FBNeo is the best arcade emulator for 2D stuff

>> No.10585410

>OP got the roms but not the CHD'a

There's little point in getting full MAME sets. Most of it is either "Not Working," broken, or mahjong.

>> No.10585468

anon pls its 2024
vidya is normie-tier now
it was always the girls idea btw

>> No.10585575

No, that's not fun. And I'm setting up an old sbc anyways, os is based around retroarch. That's why I'm using one romset that came out before Dubya got his 2nd term.

>> No.10585624

They're called laws.

>> No.10585626

>try to play dungeons and dragons
>what the fuck is qsound hle?

>> No.10585639
File: 21 KB, 272x764, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The simple ESL mind hates the white man with complete romsets. They can't fathom launching an emulator and simply typing the name of the game they want to play. Downloading all this only took a few clicks of a mouse button.

>> No.10585647

>Cheap russian prostitute barking some racebait and foaming at the mouth out of sheer impotence
Is it ever not the case?

>> No.10585659

why do people even post here? It's just miserable people being miserable to each other. I don't get it

>> No.10585710

This thread went into the garbage really fast

>> No.10585921

You retards mis the part where I CLEARLY said EVERYTHING (as in the CHs and other shit)

>> No.10586043

Retroarch works okay most of the time (especially for anything before ps2 era) but the other ones have less glitches

>> No.10586047

I got mine to work almost perfect from a tutorial online. It was simple when I watched it

>> No.10586050

Only the newer stuff doesn't work for me. Racers from 2004+ and some others

The rest of it does

>> No.10586104


You do have all the files though...for a very specific version of MAME.