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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 188 KB, 1024x1024, n9q6vjenrimb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10577256 No.10577256 [Reply] [Original]

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality. Many available products
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with low prices

>How do I get games
Google: cdromance, tiny best set

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 200$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX, PSX with extras, 5th gen + Dreamcast plus some PS2/GC, PS2/GC capable)

>Recommended devices
Prices depend on when and where you buy.
- Retroid Pocket 4 (SOON)
- Retroid Pocket 3+ (150$, horizontal, 4.7" 16:9 Screen, can play some PS2/GC, android)
- Anbernic RG405M (150$, horizontal, 4" 4:3 Screen, can play some PS2/GC, android)
- Retroid Pocket 2S (100$, horizontal, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, can play some PS2/GC, android, pocketable)
- Powkiddy x55 (90$, horizontal, 5.5" 16:9 Screen, PSX with extras, linux)
- Powkiddy RGB30 (90$, horizontal, 4" 1:1 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- Trimui Smart Pro (60$, horizontal, 5" 16:9 Screen, PSX with extras, linux)
- Anbernic RG 35XX Plus (60$, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- Miyoo mini plus (60$, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- R36S (40$, vertical, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, up to PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)

>Things I need to know
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Throw them away and buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering, specially linux devices.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.

Previous thread | >>10569009

>> No.10577260

Probably I didn't get some things like price or screen size right, but hopefully we improve them with time.

>> No.10577264

asked last thread but since it quickly died I'll re-ask here

Gonna be stuck in a hospital for the next day or two. Not sick, but there for a family member who needs me present for a good chunk of their stay.

Any comfy retro games someone can suggest to me that doesn't require sound or a lot of intense involvement? I wanna be able to kill time while still being able to be present and talk with staff/family. preferably something where forgetting what I'm doing cause of distractions won't cause issues, so no RPGs or Metroidvanias or things like that

>> No.10577267

Any metroid or metroidvania games that you have not played before.

>> No.10577272
File: 282 KB, 1242x1786, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are like 10 Mario/Wario games on the platform. Pokemon pinballs are quite entertaining too. Street fighters alpha 3 is a good port for the system. Adventures of Lolo is a good puzzle game for the system, very addictive. Small maps.

>> No.10577275 [DELETED] 

You have a hoarding disorder. Seek help.

>> No.10577283

As for x86 handhelds, I have or used to have:
Stim dick (sold)
Stim dick oled
Legion go
Gpd win (sold)
Gpd pocket (sold)
Gpd win max (sold)
Gpd win 3 (sold)
Gpd win 4 (sold)
Gpd win mini
Onexplayer 1s (sold)
Onexplayer mini pro
Ayn loki zero
Anbernigg win600

The device that i keep going to is the onexplayer mini pro for AAA games, and loki zero for indie 2d like sea of stars and VNs.

Getting the onexfly, ayaneo flip ds and maybe the msi claw soon.

>> No.10577296

only the steam deck and asus one look somewhat comfortable to hold

>> No.10577297

id go for some GB Tetris runs

>> No.10577379

Kirby is what you need.

>> No.10577450

You spent more money in that picture than I spent on my previous car.

>> No.10577536
File: 193 KB, 712x1165, 1704553809981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're better off shelling out a little more and getting a 256GB Steam Deck. It can actually play games.

>> No.10577548

What are you playing right now? I played Pokemon Fire Red, Super Mario Land and Mole Mania and that's it.
I do really need a handheld that can do PS2 properly because early 2000 is my sweet spot when it comes to complexity in games, I just can't get hooked on really old games unless they are on PC.

>> No.10577563

That's not how words or numbers work

>> No.10577572

What's the best controller for phones these days? I have a Razer phone 2, that I bought used a couple of years back as a dedicated emulator machine, but the Junglecat controller sucks ass and is falling apart. Ideally I'd replace it with something that plugs in.

>> No.10577576

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread. Phonefag general is two pages down.

>> No.10577590

Puzzle Bobble.

>> No.10577593 [DELETED] 

Now this is hoarding.

>> No.10577603

currently have
>miyoo mini+
>datafrog sf2000
>powkiddy v90
what's my next move guys? i want to get something that can play N64 and up. Thinking RP2S or something similar, $150 or below

>> No.10577604

kishi v1 or gamesir pro 2

>> No.10577605

second question:
is the R36S worth it?

>> No.10577619

R33s where?

>> No.10577628
File: 169 KB, 400x422, Wall-E the Chad RG280V that conquered the love of an Ipod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You call that a collection, fren?
Where is your RG280V?
Sus, very sus.

>> No.10577631
File: 220 KB, 468x380, Chrono Cozy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono Trigger

>> No.10577683

I feel like a dork paying 300 canadian for an android gaming phone.. are there any current or upcoming 180-190mm wide x86 devices that can do ps2?

>> No.10577692

steamdeck, anyways I'm sure you made the chinaman that runs these very happy.

>> No.10577694

An s10 or plus etc

>> No.10577697

>180-190mm wide x86
The GPD Win Mini is the only x86 that gets that small I believe.

>> No.10577716
File: 234 KB, 2220x1280, E6XaB2_XIAAXilY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel they smoked too much opium making that one

>> No.10577717

Going back to something like the OG 3DS when used to the Steam Deck is fucking wild. This thing is tiny. How the fuck did I ever play Monster Hunter on this?

>> No.10577748

I don't understand how anyone played anything that required active circlepad control. My o3DSXL felt like it'd come apart playing Smash and Medarot Dual, went back to JRPGs and other passive games and never tried again.

>> No.10577763

Seems like retroid delivered with the 4 pro


>> No.10577785

yeah i had an original 3dsxl as my daily driver when i was in middle/high school a decade ago, my circle pad broke off while playing smash after many years of use

>> No.10577790

bros. I won a 400 dollar gpu in a giveaway, but my pc is shit and I feel like rtx is a maymay and I don't like modern games or the fact I'd have to upgrade my machine to not bottleneck the card. I'm contemplating just selling it and buying a steamdeck oled what do you lot think?

>> No.10577791

I'd do the same

>> No.10577801

how the fuck is a steam deck handheld if you need a briefcase to carry it around?

>> No.10577806

it's as handheld as a switch practically.

>> No.10577807

You hold it in your hands.

>> No.10577830

Jesus Christ, that video was useless. 2 hours of fucking around and like 10 games played, nothing on Wii, nothing on Saturn, one whole game for 3DS (the worst one).

Yeah, I bought a new GPU and still found no use for it.

You're not pocketing anything with sticks.
You're not pocketing anything with sticks.

>> No.10577832
File: 28 KB, 345x612, deck pocketable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not pocketing anything with sticks.
Excuse you.

>> No.10577836

>what are recessed sticks?

>> No.10577839

Killed by pockets, that's what they are.

>> No.10577851
File: 119 KB, 327x319, 7ce4d97161610d3c393b4f812b453a4cc152da8e0d644956507c532d0ce258eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done with non-handheld PCs for games. I just prefer playing on handheld whenever possible. Handheld PCs have gotten so good, and I don't need high resolutions. My GPU is 7 years old and about as powerful/weak as my Deck, similar situation with the CPU. The next time I upgrade it's probably gonna be a Deck 2

>> No.10577854

The RP2S is pretty pocketable despite the sticks. Since they’re hall-effect, you don’t have to worry about damaging them

>> No.10577859

RG35XX H or Plus? I don't really need to upgrade either way because my RG35XX does the job but it is tempting.

>> No.10577860

H between those.

>> No.10577861

Same here. Next rig is a deck for sure, if it cant with a game there is always geforce now or whatever

>> No.10577909
File: 469 KB, 1120x720, The Anbernic RG35XX H Plus Mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guesses for when they release the RG35XX H+ model
Unless they do an RG35XX HM (Horizontal Metal Shell)

>> No.10577915
File: 418 KB, 1360x600, Dream Horislop Handheld Mebernoid RG 66V 3.5 inch ver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just trying to figure out how feasibly small a four inch 4:3 screened device could be before it becomes impossible to play. It could still go smaller, but you'd be using like RG Nano buttons on it.

>> No.10577943
File: 275 KB, 1120x720, dream anbernig horislop photoshops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pay $100 for a device with this form factor, d-pad, buttons, and the Allwinner H700.

>> No.10577987

Wait, so they came out with the RGB10Max3 PRO and are now releasing a non-PRO version? Wtf, is it smaller or something?

>> No.10577997

It's the same size screen so probably a little smaller yeah, but both still mid sized. I'm guessing the draw is supposed to be the shell (which does look like a good shape and comes in transparent) and a cheaper price.

>> No.10578016

Right on, handheld bro.
I got rid of my TV when I hacked my Switch and put Retroarch on it. Got a Deck in 2022, and currently waiting for my RG35XX to arrive.
I'm done with desktops and consoles, and will only get a PlayStation again when they make a true handheld again.

>> No.10578054

Next OP.

>> No.10578063

Naming convention is all over the place, they just reuse names based on popularity. As you can see, they have nothing in common, maybe screen size that's all. The RGB10 max 3 is cheaper, more ergonomic, less powerful, and I think they don't even share OS.

>> No.10578070 [DELETED] 

>three steam decks
do valveshills really?

>> No.10578072 [DELETED] 

That's a fairly small amount of Decks for an average-sized person, I'd say?

>> No.10578076

Is there a reason you're still holding onto the Win600? The games I'm making/would like to show make heavy use of the D-Pad and that position seems really nice. But I've also heard a lot of shitty things about the system.

>> No.10578081 [DELETED] 

None of those are OLEDs either so he probably bought a 4th one after that pic too.

>> No.10578093
File: 477 KB, 300x222, HAHAHA NO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not the Anbernic 353V or the RG505 or even the Powkiddy RK 2023

>> No.10578094
File: 91 KB, 850x850, 1693966278694749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this from a tiktoker / youtuber that does product reviews? Because otherwise I do not see why anyone would ever have this many hand helds, especially 2x of each kind.

>> No.10578098
File: 213 KB, 950x660, The Anbernic RG MAXIMO 720p Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have I fucking done

>> No.10578104

Tiktok is not youtube, though. But yeah, I still get at what you are saying with this typical 2x of each kind of handheld.

>> No.10578120 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 640x320, 1704572042088438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10578121 [DELETED] 

How does it force you to play any Pokemon game?

>> No.10578123 [DELETED] 

reddit game uncle got his rp4 yesterday and he still hasn't uploaded a review wtf bros

>> No.10578125

What's the best vertislop overall?

>> No.10578128 [DELETED] 
File: 987 KB, 740x860, chink actually shilling the miyoo mini on le reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a meme quoting a Retro Dodo review of the RG Nano where he says, "I really like how it forces me to play Pokemon Crystal."

>> No.10578132

I don't even think any retro consoles output at 720p.

>> No.10578139

At the moment, RG35XX+ though the R36S actually has analog sticks to play the games above PS1.

>> No.10578167 [DELETED] 
File: 823 KB, 643x751, I really enjoy how it forces me to play Pokemon Crystal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If I start thinking about this like a Pokemon Crystal machine, all of a sudden I just like it a lot more. ...the moment I turn it on, I don't have a choice. It's just going to go directly into Pokemon Crystal. So it kind of forces me to enjoy that game just like how it used to be on a Game and Watch or Tiger Electronics device.
>Anbernic removes and blocks all customer reviews of the RG Nano, kek

>> No.10578184 [DELETED] 

I just can't help but feel my eyes will burn out playing more than 5 minutes on this thing.

>> No.10578203 [DELETED] 

I dont get the joke.
Why does it force him? because it is the only game playable at that resolution/size?
Why did Anbernic remove the customer reviews?

>> No.10578235 [DELETED] 

>65 burgers
WTF!? I would unironically give it a try for turn based stuff if it was like 20-30.

>> No.10578243 [DELETED] 

for >>10578203
>Why does it force him? because it is the only game playable at that resolution/size?
Any action game that requires fast and precise inputs is unplayable on D-pad and buttons that small. Any home console game is unplayable on a display that small. So that basically leaves us with JRPGs for handheld consoles, out of which Pokemon games are the most popular.
>Why did Anbernic remove the customer reviews?
Because people realized that the damn thing is too small to be usable after they got it into their hands and quite a few buyers gave it low scores.

>> No.10578287

Can someone other than powkiddy make a 4:3 RGB30 with a better processor? thanks.

>> No.10578294
File: 658 KB, 1000x1350, 1684840047297138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark my words, powkiddy will release a new clamshell before anyone does.

>> No.10578295

that's the rp2s anon

>> No.10578354 [DELETED] 

You have A pink arm tattoo and you're not funny
It's an "ebin maymay" he spams every thread

>> No.10578362

He's retarded. It's good for Gameboy, neo geo pocket, and game Gear

>> No.10578384

what handhelds run linux? just curious about it

>> No.10578402

Playing Sonic 1 8-bit. I kinda like it more than the 16-bit original in some ways, I like how the Special Stages are just for farming continues and extra lives, while you just need to search throughout the levels for Chaos Emeralds. Plus I weirdly love the more cutesy-tunes of the Master System than the Genesis/MD.

>> No.10578437

but the only 4:3 console that could actually use the analog sticks is the n64

>> No.10578454

There are some PS1 games that use sticks well. Not a ton, usually optional, but there are some.

>> No.10578468 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 800x800, -1272601949-1137029972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who buys chinkhelds and emulates games, I still think it's a pretty shitty scumbag thing to do when the Chinese sell romhacks on individual carts.

>> No.10578472 [DELETED] 

okay poketard.

>> No.10578484 [DELETED] 

Selling sd cards with thousands of random roms to americans and not giving a fuck is based.
Selling cartridges without clock support or abandoned hacks is gay. simple ass

>> No.10578490 [DELETED] 

got it poketard.

>> No.10578537 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 800x800, 14536435251672359371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally only picked Crystal Legacy because it showed up in my feed, but enjoy the three day vacation for being such a needlessly irate retard.

>> No.10578541 [DELETED] 

These nano and micro handhelds all use the same OS and screen size, only difference between them is the form factor and pricing. The FunkeyS being the best of them, but they are all just a novelty/proof of concept and aren't meant for actually gaming on them. These devices do not get any more useless than these, and it is hilarious that Anbernic spent so much resources on it thinking it would be a Miyoo Mini killer.

>> No.10578542 [DELETED] 

What does a pink arm tattoo have to do with anything? Pink is a color of inner strength and confidence, only faggots are intinidated by pink

>> No.10578559 [DELETED] 

The guy with the pink tattoo is literally a faggot.

>> No.10578568 [DELETED] 

>Ctrl+F every thread for weeks
>Was last mentioned months ago and had to go into the archives to see it
You sound personally affected by this meme, Russ. I mean people rightfully shit on the Nano all the time but this "forces me to play Pokemon Crystal" thing isn't nearly frequent enough for any sane individual to be so upset by it existing at all.

>> No.10578573 [DELETED] 

Okay? And? We're all faggots here, Narwhale. Why are you obsessing about one anon and his womb tattoo?

>> No.10578575


>> No.10578582 [DELETED] 

Did you already forgot what you JUST posted you absolute brainlet?
>only faggots are intinidated by pink
So you think the literal faggot got a pink tattoo because... he's intimidated by it? How does that make any sense?

>> No.10578583 [DELETED] 

I mean there was a while where Redditors were actually being openly shamed because they were just buying chinkhelds to display themselves loading the title screen of FireRed, Emerald, or Crystal and not actually playing them. It could be a Redditor that is personally jaded and now OBSESSes here about himself being called out in one of the screenshots or some shit.
It's pretty fucking sick in the head to schizophrenically OBSESS about someone who laughed at you fot playing Pokemon to the extent you accuse anyone of having similar opinions of being him. Like, "I would eat my own feces if I knew the man who once slighted me in passing would find it to be unsightly!" mindset shit.
Pink arm tattoo guy must have fucking had a sword long enough to pierce through Mister Narwhale's blubber armor.

>> No.10578584 [DELETED] 

You really are upset by thr color pink

>> No.10578585

I love mine. It can actually play some Dreamcast games with a reasonable frame rate too, PSP is hit or miss. Up to PSX though it's amazing. PortMaster ports of PC games are cool too.

>> No.10578587

Don't listen to this shill btw >>10578585, R36S is only good for PS1 down.

>> No.10578609

Shill for what, the world renowned Game Consoie company? Nigga you're retarded, for Dreamcast just use GDI dumps, japanese_cake for bios, up the resolution to 640x480 and turn down the default anti-aliasing from 4 to 2 or 0 and you're good to go. Soul Calibur is almost full speed. I also play PSO on my R36S. PSP is getting an experimental emulator build on ArkOS that allows you to fine tune more options in order to obtain smooth gameplay.

>> No.10578614 [DELETED] 

Shaming works!

>> No.10578619

lol okay faggot keep lying that it can even start up a dreamcast game

>> No.10578632

>0 new
Why has epic forsaken us?

>> No.10578652 [DELETED] 

Not always. Actual chinese shills upset that people aren't buying the RG Nano after the initial FOMO faggots "got theirs", and then the only thing they think is a slight against them is a fucking pink tattoo (it's red ink, but I'm not gonna fault a chink for knowing nothing about tats) they chose to have because they think having a tattoo is an admittance of being LE EVIL.
A chinaman can obsess about someone having a tattoo until his social credit score hits zero, all it does is advertise he's embarrassingly chinese.

>> No.10578656 [DELETED] 

Tattoos are shameful. You have desecrated your body and violated ethics.

>> No.10578660 [DELETED] 

"I like how the RG Nano forces me to play Pokemon Crystal" was pretty funny, Russ. Especially when the entire video felt like a chink was holding a gun to your head the entire time after your initial review of the Nano. Anbernic is really upset they invested so much into that failure, huh?

>> No.10578665
File: 3.85 MB, 4000x3000, 20240105_182825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally woke up my R35S from a sleep mode I had forgotten it in while playing a DreamCast game last thread. Are you arguing that the R36S is less powerful than the R35S?

>> No.10578679 [DELETED] 

That's not Russ, it's a chinese Anbernig employee responsible for encouraging people online to buy dead RG Nano inventory that nobody wants. He's getting more and more irate because as more people don't buy the Nano and make fun of how stupid it is, the more trouble he gets into at his job and with his country.

>> No.10578682 [DELETED] 

I wish the world would remember that the average chink is a good foot shorter than the rest of the world including neighbouring Asian countries, they have tiny little hands. Things are simply just not going to feel the same for every other human being on the planet as it will for a tiny little chinaman.

>> No.10578683

how does that run? 60fps?

>> No.10578704

>Several posts upset after misunderstanding someone photoshopping Anbernic handhelds is to insult them
>Several posts upset about tattoos
>Several posts defending the RG Nano
>Several posts with straight up confusing grammar, like capitalizing "a" when proceeding nouns or adjectives but not capitalizing the nouns or adjectives themselves
Oh ya. We have a sweating Anbernic employee in this thread attempting damage control.

>> No.10578705

I had an Odin Pro awhile back, ended up selling it though. Is the RP4 Pro around the same, or weaker than it? Tempted to order one when more reviews come in but I'd like to know that it plays Kirby's Air Ride and Animal Crossing New Leaf with at least 2x res.

>> No.10578707

It does not run at 60 fps. I've regularly had 40 outside of one or two instances with Tails or Eggman when too much was happenin' on screen. But to have a proper Chao Garden in my pocket for $40 is such a joy.

>> No.10578717
File: 18 KB, 400x400, Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool shop, anon. Want to bring it over to my house? We should inspire more customers like you to like making suggestions visually. It's what makes /hhg/ great.

>> No.10578721
File: 392 KB, 1372x870, R35X+DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still haven't finished this one.

>> No.10578730
File: 494 KB, 500x213, when she eats your cake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I should hate this by gut reaction but... the more I look at it... the more it makes sense and, even ingenious. And I don't know whether I should hate it for that, or hate myself for not seeing the light sooner? This fucking thing is making me so conflicted holy shit. Like it's not flawless but it does a lot of things so brilliantly that I've never seen anybody try before and it's blowing my mind? Maybe change the redundant start and select buttons on the right side for a touch pad and I don't know what else you could do to improve it.

>> No.10578736
File: 371 KB, 870x1372, r36x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all started as a joke when somebody did this

>> No.10578738

>severed face buttons
That's the second image, not the original one that started it all.

>> No.10578739
File: 558 KB, 1372x870, c buttons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10578742

This just looks like a Fisher Price 2DS for actual retards and I can't stop laughing at it

>> No.10578748
File: 448 KB, 1372x870, MiyooMini+DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have the miyoo plus pink edition!

>> No.10578752
File: 261 KB, 860x600, Powkiddy RGB30V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't save any others since they were such small incremental steps each time someone did something but I did find this

>> No.10578756

Now a vertislop RGB30 is something I would buy

>> No.10578757
File: 801 KB, 1200x1200, Left Handed GBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10578759

I'm left handed and never in my life needed something that was designed for it

>> No.10578760
File: 301 KB, 1104x565, 1702501334037143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The watermark on this one is what gets me.

>> No.10578763
File: 59 KB, 580x270, 1701978449261916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10578767
File: 64 KB, 720x959, 1703651733569218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So will the Anbernic Flip have the rockchip or new allwinner chip?

>> No.10578768

Neither, it's going to be an empty replacement shell for the GBA SP with an RG Nano inside, kek

>> No.10578771
File: 48 KB, 382x282, Kowpiggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs a power bank!

>> No.10578776


>> No.10578781

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread. Phonefag general is two pages down.

>> No.10578784

Change the stock firmware to run n64 psp ps1 dreamcast

>> No.10578787

Not that width, but ayn loki zero.

>> No.10578797
File: 271 KB, 1372x870, 1704572042088439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need more? MONKEY PAW!

>> No.10578803
File: 113 KB, 757x531, 1704500864520793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10578804

Gamesir g8 or the v1 kishi. The kishi 1 isnt that good, but it literally can't damage your usb poet if that's a concern.

Whatever the 35xx+ has, but you'll have to pay the anbertax

>> No.10578815

Because of the dpad placement that is perfect for VNs.
I have a lot of VNs that do not use analog at all like 428 Shitbuya Scamble, so the dpad on top is just nice.
But i wouldn't recommend win600 if you only want a single handheld.
Dpad is shit, need high force to press to register - shit for fighting games.
Both analog is shit. It's like the shittest version of fake joycon type of analog - on genshin, it's either 0 or 100%, not to mention the placement of the analog is also shit.
No support on drivers, or maybe it's just my unit - it only works with the stock oem drivers. The moment i update any drivers, be it from amd website or automatically from Windows Update, it crashes the moment it rebooted, the whole thing become very slow.
I kinda fixed it by installing tiny11 core, which do not have windows update, and install only the oem drivers. It sucks because it do not have the access to amd adrenaline, but at least it works.
I also have a tiny usb with batocera for emulations up to ps1. Ps2 games works too but i dont wanna play ps2 games on it with that shitty analogs.
All these problems do not exist with ayn loki zero.
So if you want the cheapest x86, i recommend you ayn loki zero. Win600 is shitter and more expensive (in my country)

>> No.10578816
File: 730 KB, 1770x916, Folding purple GPD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed my mind on the flexible parts of the screen. Only the middle needs to bend. That way, the locking mechanism that keeps the screen stiff when open has an armored housing. This also protects the sides of the device more. The keyboard will be more symmetrical in the centre and the grips & triggers should fit into each others negative space, without compromising ergonomics. Ok, someone tell Gabe or whoever to make it. They can't ignore us all.

>> No.10578823

How much would adjusting the keys to have a clean, simple line down the center fuck up your ability to type unconsciously?

>> No.10578825
File: 42 KB, 727x656, Odin vs RP4 Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the RP4 Pro should end being up a fair bit better with its Dimensity 1100 chipset, at least if these synthetic/gaming benchmarks are any indication. Not substantially better in some cases, but a noteworthy step in others. With how much more power it has in a smaller size, it should at least be worth keeping an eye on.

>> No.10578830

Can you share the portmaster game folder please?

>> No.10578839

There isn't a single good ps1, n64, saturn, or dreamcast game that requires you to use both the dpad and left stick, and ape Escape is literally the only one that requires the the right stick at all.

This means you can play games from all of those consoles without any sticks, you just re-assign the dpad to be the stick on retroarch. I've played games like ocarina and sonic Adventure this way and it never phased me. You never need that kirsch precision on any of these games. The only place the extra precision of a stick is truly needed, is using the right stick for first person aiming, which none of them ever did.

Also, you're not comparing dpad to a full console stick, you're comparing dpad to a tiny ass little vita/switch nub, which makes even less of a difference for movement since it's too hard to do micro movements.

>> No.10578843

>There isn't a single good ps1, n64, saturn, or dreamcast game that requires you to use both the dpad and left stick
Quake 64, Quake 2, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark play best with dpad to move and stick to aim, retard.

>> No.10578845 [DELETED] 

>aids-kun is a schizo who accuses everyone of being a secret Chinese brand shill or a youtuber who's probably never even browsed here

>> No.10578848 [DELETED] 

You spam the same shit every fucking thread.

>> No.10578852

Can you elaborate on that?
What are gdi dumps? I have CHDs.
And what's the deal with that bios?

>> No.10578868

>I've eaten shit this way and it never phased me.
I hate it when people settle for trash and think it's a worthwhile recommendation to make. Several N64 titles, unlike modern games, actually use the full analog direction and degree of tilt. Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon has seven distinct fucking movement speeds, I have no idea how many Super Mario 64 has. And it's not like these games can let you magically create and assign a toggle speed button to walk/run/tip-toe.
>Also, you're not comparing dpad to a full console stick, you're comparing dpad to a tiny ass little vita/switch nub
My dude are you fresh off the tour boat and believe that Nintendo and Sony are the only fucking handhelds that exist out there? In this fucking thread of all places?

>> No.10578872

What the fuck are CHDs? A form of protected disc you can't copy files from?

>> No.10578874

A file format for CHADs I guess?

>> No.10578882

>There isn't a single good ps1, n64, saturn, or dreamcast game that requires you to use both the dpad and left stick
No but the majority of N64, Saturn, and Dreamcast games require you to use the left stick.

>> No.10578884

It's been done before, but I think in this case it can be done with absolute minimal effect. If you notice, the GPD keyboard has already been altered from standard keyboard orientation to be more compact. This would arguably represent a larger deviation than slight symmetry tweaks.

>> No.10578893


>> No.10578902
File: 173 KB, 1160x868, IMG-20240106-WA0161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10578903
File: 453 KB, 2048x2048, 548378A3-37E0-4BB2-81A6-1BC4BBD3DFC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder

>> No.10578913

Hello lads, I'm trying to upgrade after sticking with my RG351P since launch. Should I buy a Retroid Pocket 2S or just pony up the money for potentially a Retroid Pocket 4/Pro or AYN Odin 2? The max I care about playing is Ape Escape 2/3 on PS2, if that runs well I'm okay.

>> No.10578920

RP4 should be good enough of Ape Escape 3 since it already ran decently on the 3+.

>> No.10578934

this cant be right

>> No.10578936

grandma can we please take the plastic off the keyboard :(

>> No.10578960

>PPi patrol
i-i-i-it d-doesnt MATTER how good the screen is!
im happy with my laggy knockoff!!!
miyoo ppi = 200 at VERY low resolution

>> No.10578963

how dare u

>> No.10578979

Yeah, too good for you.

>> No.10578989

Couldn't find any footage of your parasocial friend playing the ornamental vertical, phoneposter? Wonder why.

>> No.10578996

What’s the point of all that extra resolution on a Game Boy Color emulator?

>> No.10579008

Literally numbers go brrrr meme, like what they do with smart phones to convince people they need an upgrade each year. And then the consumer wonders why their phone with more storage and more memory has the same issues running and downloading larger media files. The Analogue team would have guaranteed income if they just released a new Pocket each year with a higher PPI but with no change in the physical dimensions of anything. "Now instead of four pixels representing each original pixel... you have five!"

>> No.10579014
File: 120 KB, 640x320, 1704572042088438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone discussing a fucking retro handheld meme got warnings
What the actual fuck, retard?

>> No.10579016

Anbernic just bought an ad and advertisers can influence moderation. They likely bought an ad specifically because of you and your inability to stop making fun of the RG Nano.

>> No.10579021
File: 51 KB, 228x258, GBC Mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys my own ad
What now niggies

>> No.10579034
File: 8 KB, 300x168, this guy are sick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10579036 [DELETED] 

I thought it was this.

>> No.10579049

>We can no longer feel incredible
>We can no longer violate ethics
>We can no longer hello, cancel
>Just buy new Anbernic product and get excited for next Anbernic product

>> No.10579054 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but my wirry wronger.

>> No.10579071

lotus tit

>> No.10579083

Look how proud he is of HIS design.

>> No.10579087

What is the 'D' for?

>> No.10579102

It Dougs.

>> No.10579104
File: 434 KB, 1200x880, Untitled-Shithelds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thing supposed to be a GBC chopped in half with a GBP sized screen replacement, or is the entire device shrunken down and uses a regular GBC screen? It ain't no Frog Boy Color but it's still cute.

>> No.10579112 [DELETED] 

nOOOOoooOoOooo not my heckin chinkerinos!!!!!

>> No.10579114
File: 618 KB, 1260x1490, GBC Mini Backside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular GBC cut in half, making it more square shaped. Also still has a cartridge slot to play physical games, or you could use a flash cart instead. Purely a concept tho, not actually being made. The screen would actually be 2.6 inches and hopefully 320x288, needing a different bezel around the screen. Not sure where the speaker could go, though.

>> No.10579139

Did they really buy an ad lmao

>> No.10579181
File: 385 KB, 960x960, -514058970-1044084669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five and a half inches... cute.
Powchaddy packs seven.

>> No.10579201 [DELETED] 

Kill yourselves you shizo faggots I'm neither and you're a fucking retard

And your tattoo is pink. Much much pinker than the miyoo plus you sperg about nonstop.

>> No.10579204 [DELETED] 

The rg nano is great for Gameboy, you just change it so the shoulder buttons are A and B. I've played a bunch on mine, and I'm 6 foot tall white guy from Ohio.

>> No.10579214 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 816x1310, Screenshots_2023-12-27-15-31-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be allowed to live down the fact that after 6 straight months of calling btw purple miyoo plus pink, and being btfo, you revealed that you in fact have a pink arm tattoo and aids.

>> No.10579218

Well the first 2 are inferior ports of pc games that source ports so that's retarded regardless. I guess you just don't get play Goldeneye and perfect dark. Whoopdue doo.

>> No.10579219

imma just commission my own handheld in china frfr fuck it goated linux 6incher incoming yall

>> No.10579225

The chinkhelds all use vita/switch sticks you dumb fucking faggot. Learn to read.

And you don't need any of that precision in those games, because they never demand it. You are userl stick full throttle in whatever direction 99.99% of the time in any n64 game.

>> No.10579226

You can assign the dpad to be the stick in retroarch you fucking idiot

>> No.10579232


>> No.10579238

Tons of games "demand it", you've obviously never played them. Especially 3D platformers where your footing and momentum are so important, even when artificially introduced like in Banjo-Tooie where you have to tip-toe for one of the first only available Jiggies to not wake up the bastard guarding it. In fact I don't think Banjo-Tooie is possible to complete without an analog stick.

>> No.10579243

So when you eat shit and just assign the Dreamcast and N64 analog controls to a d-pad, do you get to at least set the sensitivity or are you 100% veering left and right like a retard at full tilt?

>> No.10579249 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 1199x610, pink anon from hhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not well at all and I wish you would stop trauma dumping in threads meant for emulating old fucking video games on handhelds.

>> No.10579259 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 670x218, PINK GOLD IS NOT RETRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been cataloguing the anonymous person on 4chan who called your handheld pink for six months now and call others schizo, huh?

>> No.10579264 [DELETED] 
File: 1.49 MB, 2305x4145, 1681357086675503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The type of people this place attracts, I swear

>> No.10579268 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 168x300, sickness of the mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know whether I should ask how you're seeing and replying to all of these posts, or rather why you're looking for and responding to all of these posts.

>> No.10579270 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 420x240, Drop it on a child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drops miyoo mini plus on his mother

>> No.10579272 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 838x990, break through customs with children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favourite >>10566214 along with, "All staff were personally shot" or whatever the store's description for, "we personally photographed all of our handhelds" was.

>> No.10579274

What do I buy?
>any os
>up to psx
>has analogs that arent shit
>has d pad that doesnt have false diagonals and need me to fuck around with electric tape

>> No.10579276 [DELETED] 

You were all JUST warned for this shit I swear to god


>> No.10579286

Retroid Pocket 2S or 4

>> No.10579292 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should go back to being a janny on reddit again. They were more understanding and tolerant of your kind there. They love censorship too.

>> No.10579321
File: 1.11 MB, 2920x520, Vita had a baby with Retroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine it would look something like this, if you crossed the two together.

>> No.10579327

>"honey, why does the retroid pocket vita have black shoulder buttons and a smooth dpad? neither of us have those...."

>> No.10579332

Holy shit anon, you just realized (one) of OP's major mental illnesses, wait till you find out he's a faggot as well.

>> No.10579331

We should draw handheld-tans

>> No.10579334

I dont see any Anbernig ads popping up on my end, but it would be fucking hilarious if they did that just so people would stop making fun of the RG Nano.

>> No.10579379

Wait a minute, waaait a minuuute...
Oh no. Oh nonononono ahahaha nooo no nononon, no fucking way.
The complete freakout and meltdown about people not finding it acceptable to play DreamCast and N64 games with just a d-pad, in the same manor of freakout over the Nano being meme'd...
No fucking way, is the RG35XX+ not doing so well sales-wise?

>> No.10579381
File: 504 KB, 761x583, He actually bought it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying anbernig

>> No.10579385

In Mario 64 you need to tiptoe around the piranha plants.

>> No.10579389

Literally any game with steering such as Wave Race, 1080 Snowboarding, Cruisin' Gay, even Tony Hawk's Pro Skater adjusts the pitch of your turn based on the tilt of the stick. You can't do that with a d-pad, period.

>> No.10579393


>> No.10579394

Nobody wants a d-pad instead of an analog stick for 3D emulation, what the fuck? We just want the d-pad properly placed above the analog stick. That's what people mean they say they want a "d-pad over the stick". Over = above, not instead of.

>> No.10579398
File: 3.09 MB, 800x532, its not working.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10579409

Imagine having a lot of pride thinking you designed the perfect handheld and before it's even in customers' hands they're all telling you they can't even physically play the games they want to on it because there aren't any analog sticks, my sides are in orbit.

>> No.10579415

I'm sure the RG35XX+ is selling fine. And I believe the anon who got an ARC and said his customer review link was glitched, which explains why it doesn't have a single review yet despite everyone praising it. But it's still amusing to imagine a man freaking out while his government stands behind him shaking their heads in grave disapproval.

>> No.10579423

The problem with the RG35XX is that it's completely redundant. Everyone who wanted an RG35XX already got one or a Miyoo Mini Plus almost a year ago, and anyone who wanted a better d-pad on their RG35XX already long replaced or modified theirs. The few people who were waiting on getting one are more likely to get the RG35XX H now due to the sticks and horizontal form factor. The allwinner chip in the RG35XX+ is completely useless, as it doesn't allow you to actually play anything the RG35XX already couldn't with CFW (oops there, lol!). Speaking of which, the RG35XX+ isn't open source and won't be getting its own CFW like the Miyoo Mini Plus and RG35XX original did thanks to Anbernic's fuckery.
At least the RG Nano is unique; a solid FunkeyS that you can actually feel safe having on your keychain without it snapping in half like a toothpick. But the RG35XX+ is a completely useless, pointless device that nobody asked for or wants to buy. It feels like Anbernic got more success than they bargained for with the original RG35XX and they're now crowding their own products trying to turn it into an entire product family line like Apple.

>> No.10579425 [DELETED] 

Banjo is fucking gay. Literally a tranny game. You don't need it for Zelda, mario 64, Bomberman, goemon, paper mario, or the other 5 good n64 games.

>> No.10579426

*The problem with the RG35XX+ is that it's completely redundant.
God damnit, these companies need to start giving these things more distinguishable, memorable names.

>> No.10579427

It plays completely fucking normal. You are a filthy casual if you've never played any 3D games with a dpad, beginning with the 90% of the ps1 library that didn't even use the stick for precision

>> No.10579428

It's arguable the Arc's Saturn-style dpad lends itself better to becoming an analogue alternative due to its travel. If a few optical mouse sensors were placed around the outside edge measuring distance direction & speed. It could register minute movement as analogue.

>> No.10579429 [DELETED] 

You sperg every thread. The quality of hhg would improve so much if you'd jyst an hero already

>> No.10579434
File: 3.84 MB, 1500x1500, 1691328830758869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you straight up lying, dude? You have violated ethics. You can't fucking play DC and N64 titles normally with a d-pad, except for like WCW vs nWo World Tour kek but then you can't use the analog stick for holds/breaks.

>> No.10579435 [DELETED] 

>more shizo nonsense

>> No.10579437

Not really
Get gud
Everyone who's actually good at racing games knows that using the dpad tapping method is better than stick, that's what everyone always does when they're stuck in a game like gran turusmo. Also, the psp has some of the best racing games ever and everyone uses the dpad not the worthless nub

Filthy casual

>> No.10579439 [DELETED] 

What? Like Lizzo?

>> No.10579445 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 877 KB, 1018x3962, N64 is a failure_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far the only game you've mentioned banjo troonie
I'll add smash 64

Aaaaaaand that's it. The N64 is for literal faggots btw.

>> No.10579449

>everyone already has one
99.99% of the people who buy these have never heard of this website. You're retarded. You're like those dumb faggots in the FGC who can't b process that their small minority of screeching tourney fags aren't even 1% of customers. Delusional levels of self importance.

>> No.10579451

Ocarina, majora, mario 64, and literally ALL dreamcast games work just fine. You're a filthy casual talking out of his ass.

Players have the left stick full throttle 99.99% of the time in 99.99% of all video games ever made

>> No.10579456

>if you don't bitch and whine about every new device that you never intended to buy anyway, you're clearly a Chinese shill

>> No.10579459 [DELETED] 

I only buy devices without sticks explicity because i don't want people playing gay ass nig 64 troon runner games (all 3 of them)

>> No.10579461

Why are you talking about this website and why would 99.99% of RG35XX owners need to have heard of it...?

>> No.10579470

No, neither RG ARC model has mouse sensors in them, it's a basic fucking rubber pad that only registers eight inputs like all other (decent) d-pads do. Unless you're just terrible at English and are trying to express a fantasy about somebody modding an ARC.

>> No.10579472

Because you said anyone who wants a device like that already has one. That's retarded. These are the kinds of devices that people never stop buying, that's why American grocery stores have been selling pure shit 10,000-in-one famiclones for 20 fucking years. So the "everyone" you're referring to is the tiny number of gay autists who shitpost in the threads, and that's it.

>> No.10579475

I don't want a stick on the arc. Sticks aren't pocketable. I just want it to have a better chip for saturn.

>> No.10579476

So why does every MonHun player use the claw?

>> No.10579481

Every handheld I have with sticks is pocketable except for the Vita, it just doesn't feel safe in one. But I'm not arguing for a stick on the ARC either. All I argued is that the ARC is selling fine and everyone seems to like it who got one.

>> No.10579486

Well, since you're reading comprehension is poor. I will explain again that the dpad style would be adaptable to analogue movement. Perhaps in future, functional hybrid dpads could have more utility.

>> No.10579487

read that filename as "entitled shitheads.jpg" at first

>> No.10579491

Cool fantasy, but neither ARC does that. Not that I would want anybody to change them, outside of maybe a mini version with a smaller screen.

>> No.10579492

One finger for movement, one finger for Camera. Not really any other option on a real psp. In emulation you just set the right stick to be the Dpad

But on dreamcast and ps1, dpad and stick were pretty much always the same. Same goes for 99% of the n64 as well. Ocarina uses the down button to toggle map but there's no select button so you can just make select = down

>> No.10579494
File: 148 KB, 400x263, 1689258630654368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you can play OoT with a dpad doesn't mean anybody actually should.

>> No.10579501

You can't afford any of it anyway so not sure why you're throwing your meds away and seething.
Works on my machine.
>b-but s-st-stutter text you just don't notice because you're bad!!!
I can do speedrun glitches in Super Metroid and beat arcade mode in SNK fighters just fine. Works on my machine.

>> No.10579504
File: 553 KB, 200x221, 1178120939069556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Works on my machine
I'm buying the Retroid Pocket 4+.

>> No.10579505

>Still no footage or evidence of her even picking it up, let alone turning it on
She's not even displaying it properly, we can't see which loose cartridge she has in it!

>> No.10579508
File: 213 KB, 631x513, 1677743982953654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Virtual Boy is a handheld. Prove me wrong.

>> No.10579510
File: 340 KB, 335x506, I kneel TO VOMIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atomic purple

>> No.10579512

Why would I argue you, you're right

>> No.10579520

>People who can afford the Analogue Pocket can't afford whatever chinkheld you saved up for and now vehemently defend
Or do you think, "laggy knockoff" refers to the Deck? kek

>> No.10579560 [DELETED] 

>I dont [Hearcanon]
>Buys gifts for people to play gay ass kekga and sega shitnesis goymes
If you're buying handheld gifts for your newphews, make sure your ass they can play shit-c engine and roblox only. Bitches love roblox.
Get the nextgen powkiddy device. It'll be better than the g99 AND d1200 combined. Screencap this

>> No.10579569

I never see Powkiddy owners arguing, with themselves or others.

>> No.10579574

Nothing to argue about, always satisfied. (;)_(

>> No.10579615

I'm just too busy having lots of fun playing my handheld

t. Odin 2 owner

>> No.10579623 [DELETED] 

Powkiddy has never made a good device. Shut up.

>> No.10579628
File: 27 KB, 640x428, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the RG35XX+ isn't open source and won't be getting its own CFW like the Miyoo Mini Plus and RG35XX original did thanks to Anbernic's fuckery.

Black Seraph's patreon sent out an email 2 days ago stating Garlic OS 2.0.0 public alpha now supports the plus and the H

>> No.10579629 [DELETED] 

I've never seen so much ESL in a single post before.

>> No.10579632 [DELETED] 

Is called reiterating, Juan.

>I'm buying the Retroid Pocket 4+
What does that have to do with me?

I can't decipher what schizophrenic post you hallucinated to argue with sorry.

>> No.10579648


OP should be amended

>What to know about brands

>Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)

Also Android only which can mean more setup if you're emulating multiple systems

>Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality. Many available products

People have complained about shoulder buttons on every vertical anbernic device made before June 2023

>Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)

Always have a permanent $10 coupon on their store.

>Miyoo: One hit wonder

Two hit wonder - the mini and plus are both big sellers

>Game Console: Copycat popular products with low prices

Can be modded to improve the poor build quality


Maybe put something in there on how its can be better to order from ali or amazon than direct, because their stores are slow to ship compared to ali etc.

>> No.10579649 [DELETED] 

>Doubling down

>> No.10579656

the idea is so any resolution you throw at the thing will properly integer scale and still use as much screen real estate as possible (outside of aspect ratio letterboxing/pillarboxing)

not sure if *this* much ppi is really needed but i think it's nice that there's at least one gizmo out there with a no-half-measures approach to this kind of thing

disc image format the mame devs came up with, i like it because it allows you to keep bin-cue packed into one neat little file

>> No.10579705

legend of zelda minish cap because i finished a link to the past a few weeks ago. just finished metroid zero mission after finishing fusion before link to the past. i think i'll play castlevania circle of the moon or golden sun next, maybe ff tactics or ff6 on an upcoming trip.

>> No.10579738
File: 2 KB, 446x73, 1704546441699065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>castlevania circle of the moon
There is some anon with a prepatched rom that has yet to share it with us.

>> No.10579742

Are you one of his simps? Why don't you post all his updates here.

>> No.10579759

Which particular games are you interested in? Link me up to a decent free file upload site or a server and I'll see what I can do.

GDI is an uncompressed game dump. Large files, but it may help the emulator load the data faster. Normally you wouldn't care, but the RK3326 chipset isn't particularly strong, so you wanna help it in any way you can. Generally speaking you're also better off with PAL games rather than NTSC. As for the BIOS, it's a homebrew one that removes any sort of region locking, forces the best video output possible and has an added benefit of boosting the performance of emulators:

The .zip comes with retail and devkit versions both, but the only difference between them is the boot logo, devkit one looks like this:

After you download it you'll have to rename the BIOS files, use this link as a guide:

>> No.10579765 [DELETED] 


>> No.10579823

Stardew valley and shredder revenge, as per advertised on the r33s promo pic, please?


>> No.10579830

I've got Stardew Valley, bit busy at the moment so I'm phone posting, but give me like an hour and I'll turn on my PC, dump the files from the SD card and upload them.

>> No.10579839

well shit, thanks for the info anon. guess i'll be going with the zero after all.

>> No.10579845
File: 2.62 MB, 3196x3576, PXL_20220523_133228585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never use any of my handhelds, also got a gpd xd recently its pretty comfy
>You're not pocketing anything with sticks.
vita has dual stick and is easily pocketable

>> No.10579846

turn yourself in before you hurt someone, anon

>> No.10579853

Thank you!

>> No.10580140 [DELETED] 

It's not the fact that you reiterated, it's what you were reiterating. Literally decade old, "MY side of the ship isn't sinking!" rhetoric.

>> No.10580230
File: 244 KB, 1280x1094, dcsx-sega-dreamcast-portable-real-hardware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dual screen for vmu

>> No.10580241
File: 121 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.Anx.RQMRuxobxTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10580263
File: 468 KB, 511x681, rg280v megaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10580265

wtf how does that thing get pc stardew but not android, switch or vita

>> No.10580269

The Cheetos and Cum Guard?
No Sonny, not until you leave the house.

>> No.10580323

>Cruisin' Gay
ashamed to admit this made me kek

>> No.10580334 [DELETED] 


>Are you one of his simps?

No, but I signed up for the patreon awhile ago before I bought my first handheld, when I was trying to suss out the difference between the MM+ and the 35xx. Never paid a dime though.

>Why don't you post all his updates here.

Couldn't. I caught a ban for making fun of a troon in another thread.

I did order the 35XX H though.

>> No.10580348

https://youtu.be/P2P_PYHX69s Trimui bros ...

>> No.10580376
File: 1.22 MB, 4031x3023, IMG_8104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10580394

This looks worse and worse every new shot I see of it. How did they fuck up a circular d-pad worse than the Xbox 360's controller?

>> No.10580395

I might be dumb enough to still get this if they fix the d-pad not doing the BARE MINIMUM of returning to center by launch (they won't).

>> No.10580401

You are to hold it in the middle by balancing it with your thumb

This encourages dexterity and balance

>> No.10580481
File: 20 KB, 440x330, Linux-vs-windows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the power of native loonix games.

>> No.10580546

It's good for screen filters. The Pocket's PPI is so high it can literally emulate the individual subpixels of the original screen (and it does have a mode for that).

>> No.10580580

what's the /hhg/ consensus on retroid pocket build quality? never owned a horizontalslop before but the 4pro looks like their most refined model yet thinking of getting it if they have a sale or coupon this year

>> No.10580590

Their build quality is very high quality aside from the Flip's shitty hinge.

>> No.10580603

Just had the RG35XX Plus ship from Aliexpress. Excited but also scared I am going to get CHINKED!

Is there a guide for flashing a new SD card for this thing?

>> No.10580607

Their stuff feels VERY very nice post-2+, especially the 2S.

>> No.10580608

2S feels a bit frail as far as enduring day to day abuse goes, but the d-pad and sticks are great.

>> No.10580616

welp i'm convinced RP4+slop it is thanks frens

>> No.10580621

You buy an SD card.
You format it to Fat32.
You copy and paste the files from the old card to the new one.
You're done.

>> No.10580648 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 657x527, 1461032537543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a weird feeling reddit game uncle is going to give the rp4 a kind of negative review tomorrow. like he'll basically point out everything is good about it but he doesn't like it.

>> No.10580657

Playdate crank on the side?

>> No.10580710

Just draw circles on the bottom touch screen

>> No.10580748 [DELETED] 

Max file size for fat32 is 4gb no?

Do I have one fat32 card which has the system and emulators and the other card (different format) which just has the roms?

>> No.10580813

>Retro Tech Dad RP4 Pro video
>he's still using PAL roms and playing Gamecube games at .7 resolution
kek, is he purposefully trying to make this thing look bad or is he just stupid?

>> No.10580818
File: 28 KB, 721x165, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over...

He probably just doesn't know what settings/emulators to use and wanted to shit this video out fast. If he pulls this in his actual review then yeah I'll be concerned for his IQ.

>> No.10580826

orange pi arm WHEN

>> No.10580827

its already arm innit

>> No.10580863

rp4 screen color balance lookin kinda shit
why would you ever send out review units in such a bad state

>> No.10580870
File: 62 KB, 645x773, 1467327849979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because that is actually the final state and it is completely unfixable. it's joever retroidsissies, we lost...

>> No.10580916
File: 139 KB, 570x325, PGB30S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10580919

Dios Mio...

>> No.10580976

Probably the best build quality out of all the major players right now. There are some exceptions though.

>> No.10581006

Would buy unironically

>> No.10581010

FEEDBACK must be sent.

>> No.10581021

Now make it a waifu

>> No.10581081

R33s status update: Miyoo STILL has a hold on international market, so only being sold in china. This won't be permanent as aliexpress will stop giving a shit eventually, but their horizontal device will probably come out before then

>> No.10581143

It worked, I no longer care and am now excited about the GKD Pixel. Miyoo won, Game Consoie can die off now.

>> No.10581148

Unless the R33S retails for $25-30, it's useless now. The RG35XX+ is the new stickless hotness.

>> No.10581154

Spend the extra hundred on the Odin 2, its basically endgame. A couple years down the road we might have better switch emulation but that's it

>> No.10581205

Hasn't Switch emulation on Android already improved drastically with that new Yuzu CPU setting?

>> No.10581219

Yes but still has a long way to go, for the games that I'm playing it's already perfect tho

>> No.10581293

The Analogue Pocket is good until you realize it's made by fucking Analogue and in a year or two the product will be abandoned like their NES, SNES, and Mega Drive clones and sourcing parts for repair, especially the screen, will be a hassle and a half because they don't sell them.

>> No.10581332
File: 2.77 MB, 1280x720, zpg a1 unicorn dual playing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay yah so maybe the d-pad is worse than the Xbox 360's
But can your device actively play two GameCube games at the same time?

>> No.10581364
File: 1.12 MB, 2312x1300, 20240105_161046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The New Mini King"

>> No.10581368

Why the fuck would I ever need to do that?

>> No.10581372 [DELETED] 


You mean RGC Russ?

>> No.10581374 [DELETED] 

Yeah. he said he would upload a review vid this weekend or monday.

>> No.10581386

I need an horizontal handheld with >4" screen.

>> No.10581398


His video from yesterday is heaping praise on the Odin 2 - whereas the Odin Lite is probably the main alternative to the RP4. Like if he just spent a week straight playing the Odin 2, he might naturally emphasize where the RP4 is inferior to the Odin 2. But he may have gotten some incentive from Ayn for the glowing Odin 2 review too...

With that in mind, I too am kind of expecting a half handed pass on the RP4 from him, like he did with the 35XX H.

>> No.10581407

>I need an horizontal handheld with >4" screen.

Silly, you don't need any of these things they are toys for children. But if you do want a bigger screen for cheap get an X55 or trimui smart pro.

>> No.10581428

i'm assuming you meant to put "4:3" in there somewhere because that describes pretty much every widescreen handheld.

>> No.10581430

That's part of the reason I started to expect it, yeah.

>> No.10581443
File: 1 KB, 128x128, Shane_Fallen_Down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries! And yo, sorry it took me so long, legit felt like crap today, didn't use my PC up until now.

With that out of the way, here's the link:

Everything from the .zip file (so both the "Stardew Valley.sh" file and the "stardewvalley" folder) needs to go into the ports folder. In my particular case, on SD card 2 (the one for roms), since I like to keep only system files on SD card 1.

It will take a while to launch, but once it does, you're good to go. If it appears to boot, but throws you back to the EmulationStation menu eventually, it means you're missing one of the PortMaster library files.

If that's the case, download:
...and put it in roms/tools/PortMaster/libs folder on SD card 1 (the one with the OS).

Would be nice if someone could download it and mirror it somewhere, maybe compress it better to make sharing easier, 7zip or some shit?

Scout's word there's no sketchy shit in there, you anons can simply download and enjoy, but I'm sure eventually the link will get nuked.

>> No.10581469

Lmfao. I read that as 'I need a horizontal handheld with 4 screens'.

>> No.10581516

And these chinkhelds that release 5+ models a year will? Lmao. Some of them even cost about the same or more. So you can't even use the "muh cheaper" argument in that case. Stop being a fag and just use what you want.

>> No.10581601 [DELETED] 

no way LoL that's crazy !!!

>> No.10581608 [DELETED] 

Who hurt you?

>> No.10581615

this just looks like 2 videos playing, lol

>> No.10581623 [DELETED] 


>> No.10581624
File: 3.24 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys going to buy this? looks pretty sure but jesus is so fucking small

>> No.10581626

>he may have gotten some incentive from Ayn for the glowing Odin 2 review too...
It doesn't need glowing, its the best android handheld there is right now.

>> No.10581645

These are shit. Is there anything new upcoming? Or something in 4:3 at a higher price point thats not already in the OP?

>> No.10581650

How are they shit?

>> No.10581670

What will happen first?
>miyoo flip
>retroid vertislop

>> No.10581683

>Are you guys going to buy this?
Maybe if it was like 40 bucks lol

>> No.10581684

I understand that ultra small handhelds are funny as a novelty, but this looks atrocious to play on. Its like they tried to copy the RG Nano before it came out.

>> No.10581712
File: 13 KB, 240x240, 35132513616312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best DMG screen mod that doesn't require any soldering?

>> No.10581721

Powkiddy x19s and trimui vertislop. But seriously, but flip is coming soon.

>> No.10581724
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, ayaneo flip ds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me crazy but I think is a little too big, fuck I was actually thinking about buying one


>> No.10581734

handheld pcs are fucking big yeah. that said tbf those are tiny asian girl hands making it appear bigger than it actually is.

>> No.10581832

Why are their screens so small compared to their competitors in the same power/ price category?

>> No.10581878

So close, yet so far.

>> No.10581883


>> No.10581889

I still have no clue how that second screen even functions. Regardless, it has to be thick considering its an x86 handheld, they have to fit in all the parts and decent cooling there somehow.
I'd be really curious to see how hinge holds over time though.

>> No.10581898


>> No.10581920
File: 962 KB, 320x218, 715.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't fold down the middle to become pocketable.
Nah, I'll wait for the ultimate clamshell.

>> No.10581937

Better than Androidshit.

>> No.10581939

Why are there not as many Koreahelds as there were in the mid 2000s to early 2010s. I BELIEVE IN YOU ROK!

>> No.10581945

X18S, or something else entirely??

>> No.10581964

iirc that one has shit ergonomics and controls

>> No.10581969
File: 162 KB, 248x224, 618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10582006

Just get a steam deck dude.

>> No.10582013

Ergonomics on the X18S do leave at least some things to be desired, sure. Still better than the Retroid Flip and RG 35XX H, Anbernic 280v, Anbernic RG Nano, Anbernic 351P Retroid Pocket 1.0, Powkiddy v90 sans CFW, and the typical Miyoo Mini +

>> No.10582016

Does Valve make a folding 10" clamshell?

>> No.10582060

If Valve made a Steam Deck Mini, I'd quit chinkhelds right now.

>> No.10582070


>> No.10582092
File: 71 KB, 695x318, proxy-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the one weakness of larger devices. And to think it could be fixed.

>> No.10582176
File: 74 KB, 609x844, star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man.
I added image and description, plus a readme on how to install, and uploaded to:

https:// we.tl /t-bz3TK5Npps
(remove spaces)

Link only last for a week tho.

I wonder if we can do Sea of Stars, it's not listed in the PortMaster supported game tho.

>> No.10582186

How well does it actually run on the r36s?

>> No.10582190

The one androidshit ds emulator supports dual screens AND still the best ds emulator at the moment. BOOM.
Gamepark is ded and odroid has no idea what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.10582206

Not constant 60fps, more like Russ-type of playable if you know what I meant.
The top back of the console is very hot after 10 mins tho.

>> No.10582210

This can play all of the best Harvest Moon games ever made and people want to play Starmeme Valley? Can you at least do multiplayer over LAN?

>> No.10582217

Hmm, the novelty of it is cool but I bought this thing to play old stuff, I'm worried about melting the screen's adhesive like some of these things suffer from. Thanks for the link regardless, I might still try it out.

>> No.10582218
File: 481 KB, 1440x1080, Steam Fusion sliding keyboard 2nd screen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it's not even that big..

>> No.10582219

>I wonder if we can do Sea of Stars
It doesn't have a Linux version for that.


>> No.10582238
File: 69 KB, 680x952, Sharon marsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this foldable? Maybe if both screens were flexible? It's a stretch..

>> No.10582240
File: 657 KB, 1920x864, 201038D08EB1D9347B44245310331067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even atomic purple shitposting, what the absolute fuck is with that plastic quality? Literally every single shot they show makes it look worse and worse and they keep trying to pretend they're part of GKD when they're not.

>> No.10582245

At least it looks purple now

>> No.10582250

It looks more like they're trying to have some in-community playful banter by placing their shitheld ontop of the most popular sister company's most popular devices. Like a younger brother suddenly jumping on your stomach while you're laying on the couch doing your own thing but the little fucker weighs so little it felt more like a cat jumping off of you than anything.

>> No.10582258

Original promo shots just looked like a thick frosted plastic, like the different transparent N64s. But >>10582240 looks like actual Dollarama brand knockoff quality. Which is insane considering what an actual beast the hardware inside of it is. This is the opposite of lipstick on a pig, it's mud on a princess. Shit on a unicorn.

>> No.10582262
File: 325 KB, 1920x1920, IMG_7481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, forgot the pic and can't even blame captcha for it (this time).

>> No.10582273
File: 718 KB, 3128x1826, IMG_7482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused now looking at the + shape hole the d-pad is inside of, is it actually a d-pad or is it some sort of shitty flat arcade stick? It would explains why it doesn't recenter properly. It might actually be a disc on a stick on a disc again like with the Xbox 360's d-pad, except even worse.

>> No.10582278
File: 37 KB, 134x111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be this thing.

>> No.10582279
File: 392 KB, 984x1384, ai unicorn dpad disaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight
That is the fucking d-pad
And that is the hole for the d-pad


>> No.10582284
File: 746 KB, 200x200, 7542574a8b2fd349c71de53cc6ee538d_w200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was hyping the Unicorn as the one 1:1 device for me for months

>> No.10582286

It’s a secure mechanism most likely, is it hard plastic or soft. If it’s soft it’s a common practice to fasten things to other things. You’re just inexperienced and haven’t dealt with it.

>> No.10582287

Powkiddy... forgive us....

>> No.10582293
File: 376 KB, 600x450, F8SI5-WWYAEcNtd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no vita killer
try harder chinks

>> No.10582298
File: 100 KB, 1822x691, size comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So can we get consensus that these dimensions are "pocketable"?
>Width - 4.469" (113.5mm)
>Length - 6.299" (160mm)
>Thickness - 2" (50.8mm) roughly
This is shorter in length than a PSP btw.

>> No.10582303

How can you kill something that's already dead

>> No.10582305
File: 127 KB, 626x572, When the A1 Unicorn drops her D-pad in class next to you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am actually upset by how bad this shit is

>> No.10582363

I think there's four tiers of pocketable/portable.

1: Very Pocketable. Think GBA, or an RG35XX. These are the kinda things that you can just throw in your pocket without even thinking about it, no hassle

2: Pocketable Enough. Original Gameboy, Switch Lite, Retroid 3/4. Most pockets will take it just fine, but it's not always a sure bet, and you have to make sure you won't need that pocket for anything else

3: Portable. Normal Switch, SteamDeck, Odin. You're probably keeping it in a backpack or a sidebag, but it's not a burden, and outside of pocketability it's still able to be played like any other handheld.

4: "Portable". Gaming laptops, consoles with screen attachments, the kinda things that you can take around with you, but need to set up a dedicated "space" to actually use comfortably

Personally I never go beyond 2

>> No.10582382
File: 267 KB, 1500x1500, proxy-image (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this thing is a "tier 2" gaming laptop it could change everything. It's a little thick, but I can see it fitting in a coat pocket.

>> No.10582401

Very nice anon, you're welcome and thank you too, will definitely look nicer with a proper description and a screenshot to go with it too.

Well enough, but with occasional slowdowns. Very playable, but not silky smooth like the Android port. It'll have a hiccup every now and then, just the processor struggling with all the code, doesn't matter what's actually happening on the screen - you could have all your animals out grazing and a farm filled with a bunch of shit or step outside to an empty field and it'll still have this stutter every now and then. I'll save you the time, no - messing with any of the settings won't improve it, it is what it is. You'll get used to it eventually. If you find it too much to deal with it, I'd recommend Back to Nature.

>> No.10582423

Im not sure anon but I would recommend learning some soldering. Learning the basic bits of it for a DMG screen mod is pretty easy and can be fun.

>> No.10582441

We won't get a chink device with vita build quality ever.

>> No.10582452

>I would recommend learning some soldering
It's on my to-do list but I'm just a big fan of clean plug-and-play mods. They're fun and I like the peace of mind of knowing I can undo any changes I make.

>> No.10582454

Vita can't run N64.

>> No.10582464

3 is acceptable if you're going on a weekend vacation or something. Any other time it's worthless despite what Deck shills will tell you.

>> No.10582476

I had a deck for a while, was genuinely stunned at how well it performed for the price point, but realized the main thing I used it for was gaming in other rooms in the house. wound up reselling it for most of my money back (these were still a brand new thing at the time so resale was good) and getting an Odin Lite, my first proper introduction to the retro handheld scene.

I then listed it in eBay the same day because fuck me running the Odin shills never talked about how awful the input lag was. eventually just said "fuck it" and got a rg353v. not the best handheld ever made but for my needs it worked pretty great, and the form factor was nostalgic for me. But now it's hard to go back to non-pocketable systems, all the gaming power in the world means nothing for a handheld for me if I can't take it wherever. Currently rocking a 2S and pleased as hell with it

>> No.10582498

3 is good enough if you just want to play in bed, something very pick up and play, that you can have some fun with for a while before going to sleep, and just leave at your bedside table once you're done, also useful in trips like you've said. A lot of us don't really care or feel comfortable playing vídeo games outside, I can't really focus and get in the mood, because if I'm out on the streets then I'm usually busy with something else anyways, otherwise I'd be home, so I don't want to play at all.

It's been particularly useful for me now that I spend every other weekend at my GF's place, taking a console would be a more cumbersome thing, and sometimes I won't get much time to play, women do demand a lot of attention afterall, so it's good having something that I can easily pick up and also put down in an instant.

>> No.10582515

I tend to go for 2 because, while I don't play stuff like MGS in public areas, it's a great thing to have if you just wanna kill 15 minutes.

I've had several times where I was out doing something only to discover I had a 10-15 min wait ahead of me, so I just whipped out my vertislop and did a bit of Pokemon Emerald grinding, or some Tetris, or maybe a Katakari stage on PSP.

3 can be nice, but it's also nice to have something tiny you can tuck away as a side piece

>> No.10582524

Fair, usually when I have to wait for a bit I'll just browse 4chan and shitpost with you guys for a few minutes, though I can see the appeal of playing something, and for that something being pocketable is really crucial, it's just not my thing, so 3 is pretty much perfect, but if I enjoyed to play outside then I'd never go beyond 2.

>> No.10582572
File: 443 KB, 220x358, ultimate-rollerblade-matrix.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I need to keep reminding you people
They're ALL pocketable.

>> No.10582578
File: 131 KB, 1800x942, fits in MY pocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never been important whether something is pocketable or portable, but whether it's a handheld device.

>> No.10582582

Ordered the 4+, I think the Odin 2 has more power than I realistically need. I've had hit and miss experiences with Retroid in the past, so I'm hoping it's good.

>> No.10582583

What the actual fuck

>> No.10582591

I think it has more power than any android device realistically needs. Like, what would you use an Odin 2 for that you couldn't do with any other high power (and cheaper) android device? Maybe switch emulation, but if you're spending that kinda money on an android handheld I feel like you can afford to just get a moldable switch and play the whole library for free anyways

>> No.10582592

>and you have to make sure you won't need that pocket for anything else
I was able to fit my RP3+ and phone in the same pocket but it was a tight fit.

>> No.10582606

one of the photoshop anons should start doing modular designs

>> No.10582607

> Pinned notes: For whatever reason, Dolphin automatically disables the dual-core option on F-Zero. Thanks to FruitLoops for the tip, I can confirm that F-Zero is holding up well at 2X resolution with the dual-core option enabled.
We reached the endgame of chinkhelds bros

>> No.10582608

you technically can do that but I feel like comforts a factor. I also get personally little worried when I pack my pockets that full cause if I have to bend my legs for any reason it gets pretty taut, and I'd be worried about hurting the devices or my pants

>> No.10582609

What needs to be modular on a handheld device besides the battery?

>> No.10582614

modular screens with collectible bezels like the gameboy screen resolution would have a gameboy bezel

>> No.10582619

>if you just wanna kill 15 minutes
But if you wanna just kill 15 minutes, like the other anon said, you can just browse this shithole or watch a video or surf the web on your phone. That's why I still feel unsure about whether I want a pocketable device or a bed/off-desk device. Sometimes I get the urge to play something on my commute but not always.

>> No.10582620

>We reached the endgame of chinkhelds bros
not with that screen lmao
>b-b-but it's not final
it's garbage until proven otherwise

>> No.10582628

nah we're at endgame.

>> No.10582629

Christ, this device is fucking retarded.
>Hey dude we made that dual screen handheld you almost wanted but we packed a fucking portable PC into it, far more than even 3DS needs and like 90% of modern games have no use for a second screen
All they had to do was clone the RP3 Flip, put a better chipset in there and add a second, bigger screen and that shit would sell hard.

>> No.10582637

fucking memelord Air Dolphin

>> No.10582643

Respectfully, I find Mario, Kirby, and Pokemon to be slightly more fun than scrolling through Twitter.

Besides, if just playing at home is the end goal why not just get some mid tier android device and Moonlight from your PC?

>> No.10582650

It sucks that it's windows, but if we're being honest, how else would you do dual screen? Afaik Linux doesn't take touch input and android doesn't support multiple displays, and I doubt anyone would be happy with it being stuck on some half-baked bespoke OS

>> No.10582665

I've heard this argument a couple times here and it makes no sense to me, a switch can't play ps2 and gamecube at high resolutions. The switch can barely emulate n64. The switch joycons suck and have terrible joysticks and buttons. After actually playing switch games on the odin 2, it definitely has way better battery life than the switch, even though yuzu is in early development. Not all switch games work well on yuzu yet, but a surprising amount do and it's just a way better experience.

>> No.10582671
File: 456 KB, 1202x920, RP4V and RP4V Pro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Would a widescreen vertical handheld be possible?

>> No.10582674

Yeah I was thinking of getting the RP4 Pro since it covers both bases as long as I'm okay with game streaming. Playing games natively on something like the Deck is still enticing though.

>> No.10582676

I'd accept that argument if the Odin was pocketable, but since you're gonna need a backpack or shoulder bag to carry it, having two devices isn't much different than having one.

>> No.10582682
File: 476 KB, 620x413, RGB20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very possible but no one makes them because vertislops are designed to appeal to nostalgia. The closest I've seen to a wide vertical was this ugly ass Powkiddy with a 3:2 screen.

>> No.10582683

Why would you want that

>> No.10582686

I suppose, but as a vertislop enjoyer, wouldn't really appeal to me. Like >>10582682 said, they're ment to give you the old school gaming feel, and very few of those games really needed 16:9

>> No.10582697
File: 272 KB, 1202x920, THE RETROID POCKET 4 PRO NANO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No BUT we can make the screen a larger focus while still having functional buttons!

>> No.10582704

So I should just buy a weaker redundant handheld that I don't like any of the controls on because I'm apparently going to carry it in my backpack?

>> No.10582710

And 4:3 aspect ratio, I forgot that.

>> No.10582713
File: 921 KB, 1200x1200, The magic of having the analog sticks in the right spot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's called doing this

>> No.10582715

that tall screen tho, not wide

>> No.10582719

YOU'RE tall and not wide.

>> No.10582724

Oh, um, thank you?

>> No.10582736
File: 71 KB, 280x400, game controller case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically want a phone with a form fitting protective case that adds a d-pad and buttons on the outer edges.
I don't give a fuck if it would only be viable with one specific phone model.

>> No.10582739

>the dpad on his desk

>> No.10582773
File: 344 KB, 1242x948, rgb20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What always got me was the fucking back of this thing

>> No.10582779

Now that's what I call a Chinese Finger Trap.

>> No.10582801

Wish I had a handheld that could be plugged to TV & Emulate Dreamcast, Saturn, PS2.

>> No.10582806
File: 422 KB, 1500x2250, proxy-image (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, lucky for you Chang. They exist!
For a low, low price on offer you can get a RP4.

>> No.10582884

For another 50 bucks you could get a RP4pro.
The Gamesir G8 Galileo.

>> No.10582895

if you want bed then you better off with a tv stick

>> No.10582896

>JXD S7300
I actually own this handheld lol, got it over a decade ago

>> No.10583029
File: 183 KB, 1140x852, downwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Linux port of Downwell anywhere? I love this game, but I can never find the right screen to play it on. The RGB30 would be a perfect fit for it, if possible.

>> No.10583059

why doesnt china ship directly to the landfill to save everyones time?

>> No.10583061

How come taki and or rgc haven't reviewed it yet?

>> No.10583070
File: 47 KB, 800x800, xiaomi_redmi_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I emulate with this crap?

>> No.10583085

why don't you post on reddit for the same reason

>> No.10583106

maybe up to PSX and thats it. Wouldnt push it

>> No.10583157

Jxd... My beloved...
Expect a 120min review taliibg about vague inane bullshit
Too busy talking to his drawings, plus does he even have a review unit?

>> No.10583262

Seems comparable to the T618?
So whatever the retroid 3 can play

>> No.10583369
File: 631 KB, 500x493, 1704724465450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Linux doesn't take touch input
Why do retards insist on opening their mouth? Yes, Linux supports touch input. Yes, it supports multi-touch. Open a Chromium based browser and try pinching to zoom. Guess what will happen? Like the Steam Deck has been out for years now. You'd think people would stop spreading this same wrong point.

>> No.10583371

>I think it has more power than any android device realistically needs
All that power is for inevitable linux build

>> No.10583372

>No Digimon
>No Wonderswan Crystal
Just what I noticed
I don't care about every bootleg and chinkheld being represented

>> No.10583375

> and android doesn't support multiple displays
I've been having two windows open on Android devices since my Galaxy S9 and the ability likely existed long before I got that phone, you dishonest little shit.

>> No.10583410
File: 1.60 MB, 4000x3000, 20231211_161614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is cruel

>> No.10583420

>my shit is better than your shit
Linux or skip, thanks.

>> No.10583442

Stupid question: does the MM+ have any issues running PS1 games? I would mostly be playing RPGs or "low effort" games like puzzle games and such.

>> No.10583446

only minor issues on the heaviest games

>> No.10583450

See it yourself

>> No.10583458

Just replayed through Spider Man on the Dreamcast. Fucking GREAT game. Looked clean as hell with the MegaBezels Dreamcast preset shaders on my Legion Go. It's fucking huge and I can't take it anywhere but all my use cases are either in bed or on my couch so battery life and whatnot isn't a concern. My left speaker on it is borked and I'm outside the return window, hope I can buy a replacement part or something.

>> No.10583486

I see, thanks for the YT video. Going to go ahead and consoom a MM+ then.

>> No.10583504

and it's a damn shame since i'd totally ditch all these chinkhelds and stick with a vita if it did

>> No.10583530

So I bought a RG35XXP the other day, I'm liking it so far but because for some reason the stock sd card doesn't include Super C I decided to add my own ROMs from my collection. However I had trouble getting PC Engine CDROM2 and PS1 files to work. What specific format/extension does it need? The PS1 ROMs I have are all over the place, multiple discs, some .img, some .bin, etcetera. Any tips or guides?

>> No.10583559

Trimui smart pro toolchain released https://github.com/trimui/toolchain_sdk_smartpro

>> No.10583564

The RG35XX plays all PS1 games flawlessly except for Harry Potter (doesn't run) and Ape Escape (needs sticks to play).

>> No.10583582
File: 136 KB, 750x794, no memes today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10583587

Now ask the anbernic guy the same

>> No.10583605

lets be real rp4 pro is DOA

Bring on the rk3566

>> No.10583609

thank you overlord kid, truly you are my greatest ally.

>> No.10583612
File: 24 KB, 247x177, 113953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming
I feel incredible

>> No.10583613

>42:55 min long
the fuck?

>> No.10583615

I'm honestly disappointed that their machine translation is functional now. There's something cute about their broken english.

>> No.10583617

Handheld review is my favorite slop.

>> No.10583621

>And so, in conclusion, the screen is shitted and flopped, and will never, EVER be fixed. John and Jane both threw this shit in the trash and just got a Steam Deck.
powchaddys... please take me back...

>> No.10583634

>Screen is too small nowadays

>> No.10583636

PowChaddy is going to release a dual screen RGB30.
RP4keks will have to kneel

>> No.10583638

>donkey kong country returns not playable at 2x resolution
>donkey kong country returns playable at 4x resolution

So who fucked up here?

>> No.10583651

I fucking hate the way this guy ends every other sentenceee

>> No.10583657

Obviously the one with lesser performance, RGC. Tbf Retro Tech Chad fucked up embarrassingly bad on F-Zero GX (corrected on his X account) and some PS2 games.

>> No.10583686

Southerner thing.

>> No.10583694
File: 299 KB, 726x484, rp4pro screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's dim and yellow
>"This could be a good or a bad thing!"

>> No.10583698

screen is dogshit and anyone who blindly trusts 'it will be fixed for launch honest' is retarded

>> No.10583717

They purposely did this so people buy the odin 2

>> No.10583734

Is the screen actually bigger?

>> No.10583737

Isn't it the exact same screen? Why the fuck is it worse?

>> No.10583740

not according to specs

>> No.10583745

I don't doubt it will likely be fixed eventually (they have a good track record on software updates and fixing busted hardware), but I'm almost positive they won't have it fixed by launch. Their updates are always a month or two after they say they'll be.
It's just sitting higher and thus closer to the camera lens due to having longer/larger trigger bulges and 2mm larger thiccness overall.
Presumably related to software and how it relates to the new chip.

>> No.10583750

Why wouldn't it be fixed? It's the same exact screen as the previous models that had no issues. The problem is that they didn't implement the color temperature setting in the version of Android on the 4 Pro. One quick software update that adds it will fix it. It's an easy fix.

>> No.10583794

Some games play fine like star fox 64

>> No.10583814

>chink beggars have to play retro games in 2024 on awful unused camcorder lcds with frameskip and all kinds of cope techniques to make it enjoyable
>meanwhile on steam deck shit just works and with the oled screen you can't get any better in image quality
Stop spending 200 bucks every 6 months on crap and just save up for quality

>> No.10583830
File: 27 KB, 670x178, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute state of rgc fangirls(male).

>> No.10583843

>dim screen
>bad triggers
>loud fan
>bad ergonomics

It’s SO fucking over for retroid holy shit

>> No.10583845

Rent free.

>> No.10583849

What are you even butthurt about?

>> No.10583869
File: 169 KB, 391x481, 1700547439900925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh RP4 screen too small
Making it any bigger would make the device no longer pocketable and when you consider that Ayn and Retroid are sister companies, that's the entire point. Retroid is their pocketable line and Odin is their bigger handheld. Making the Retroids close to Odin size makes zero sense.
This is just like the faggots who insist on having analog sticks on top, they want to keep taking away niches from us little guys. Let me have my fucking d-pad on top, pocketable devices. Not everything has to be big and Xbox styled.

>> No.10583880

This might be another 2S situation where the display comes piss stained for no reason and you have to change color temperature. I'd imagine the shills would be on top of that though, so maybe it's fucked.

X28 has a bigger screen and it's pocketable. Stop wearing skinny jeans.

>> No.10583881


>> No.10583882

>the X28 is pocketable
t. still wears jnco jeans in 2024

>> No.10583889
File: 143 KB, 427x427, S1325ccf145fd49b593ba2bd617a62508x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M17 guys are making that.
>Psp screen
>Somewhat better specs than the m17

>> No.10583901


>> No.10583902

Retroid and Ayn aren't related though. People only think that because of a single business filing that was proven to be a mistake, as Retroid themselves have said they aren't affiliated

>> No.10583904

It can barely handle psp so whats even the point.

>> No.10583909

Overstock on psp screens and they need to get rid of them in a way that makes em cash.

>> No.10583920
File: 893 KB, 3024x4032, Rats!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The soldering ones you can usually undo them easily as well but I get no solder ones are fun. I have some picoboots for gamecube but for my Henshin Tigers gamecube im going to wait and put the new FlippyDrive solderless drive replacement (that lets you keep the original drive too). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPq48Wm8y-U
Again not sure what the best option is for a DMG that is solderless. Not sure if there even really is one. This on you only need to desolder and resolder the speaker but it needs shell modification (or to get a different shell for it) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDmJ1IJG_Zo
I hope you find what you are looking for or even take the plunge on modding one. I have modded a GBC and GBA to have some nice screens and it was a fun time. Pic related.

>> No.10583926

>RP4/4 Pro has the same exact analog trigger problem as the Loki
And people still say the companies aren't the same.

>> No.10583927
File: 300 KB, 712x660, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah 5.5" is my favorite size for 16:9 screens and I still thought rgc recommending that size was a stupid suggestion. At that point you're looking at needing a completely different shell size, likely encroaching on the Odin. You can fit the 5" screen from a Vita/RG503/RG505 comfortably within the bezels of an RP3, tho, if retrosizer is to be believed. Not a huge real-world difference, but if you're measuring 4:3 space like he was, clearing a nice whole number like 4" may have been enough to calm his autism unlike 3.8".
kek I've actually carried my X28 around in my pocket a couple times while walking around my apartment. not super pocketable but surprisingly doable in a pinch.

>> No.10583930
File: 334 KB, 2048x1536, DyQwYBTUwAE5mhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just run the windows version on linux. A nice screen for it is the nintendo switch with a flipgrip. I got a physical version of it that came with a special red version of the flip grip which is cool.

>> No.10583935

>>RP4/4 Pro has the same exact analog trigger problem as the Loki
wait what

>> No.10583937
File: 1.38 MB, 1179x1459, IMG_3407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the screen tearing and artifacting make q5 ips unusable for me
i literally cannot walk to a new screen zelda without graphical fuckups
i know its a minor thing but
it just feels SO shitty and ruined
i would take the worst chinkheld over a crappy chinese screen that leaves you with 1:14min of battery life (less if you use weaker rechargeable AA)

aka its shit-tier
stop recommending people ruin the og hardware faggot

>> No.10583939

The analog triggers barely activate even pressing down more than halfway and most of the actuation is on the last 10-20% of the press. Loki has the same exact issue. They fixed it on the Odin 2 so it's bizarre that it's suddenly back.

>> No.10583942

>"mod" gayboy
>post title scren to leddit
>never power on again
soon there will be no gameboys left kek

>> No.10583945

Oh, thought you meant that weird as fuck issue where pressing L2 all the way down would also push the left analog stick down.

>> No.10583952

stfu chink shill, they never even bothered making their websites different kek

>> No.10583956

spic review in the good color

>> No.10583967


>> No.10583969

Wait, what needs to happen with the 2S color temperature ?

>> No.10583973

Most people thought it was better if you went to Android Settings > Display and set it to high-contrast mode. I didn't care either way personally.

>> No.10583975

What are YOU even butthurt about?

>> No.10583978

RGC fangirls(male)

>> No.10583983

Why is there no telecopic controller with the sticks on the bottom? And why do all their dpads suck? I can't believe I got memed o. the wee2t
The chinks WARPED and DESTROYED your mind the same way they DESTROYED their shit screens.

>> No.10583985

Glad we could clear that up.

>> No.10583992
File: 1.18 MB, 2229x2106, Fm9SBs6WADAiem7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MiyooChad+ hermanos; what we playing during the new [Latest Device] drama?

>> No.10584004

que no el pobo ese es español?

>> No.10584008

My three year old gets confused about why sometimes the touchscreen works and other times only the buttons work.

>> No.10584009

yeah, spic for hispanic. for central and south americans I say bean instead.

>> No.10584010

fine as in Reddit Game Uncle "fine" or actually full speed all the way through? are levels like aquas accurate?

>> No.10584012

>Why is there no telecopic controller with the sticks on the bottom
Because they're all designed with game streaming in mind and not retro games and most people fall into the mindset of retro games = d-pad centric controller, modern games = analog stick centric controller.
> I can't believe I got memed o. the wee2t
Yeah the Wee2T is a piece of shit but it was only shilled from a bygone time when there was nothing better. Right now, the G8 Galileo is probably the first telescopic controller that I would actually call good and worth the money.

>> No.10584014

>Can't even run widescreen games
>D-pad in wrong spot
>That fucking dump truck ass
This looks hilariously stupid

>> No.10584018

>emulating using android

>> No.10584026
File: 25 KB, 500x281, AWW YEAH THIS IS HAPPENING (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Samurai Showdown IV on my ARC and probably gonna start Crystal Warriors tonight.

>> No.10584027
File: 1.14 MB, 3024x4032, sudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not a title screen
I have a rechargable battery installed in it too. I have not noticed any screen tearing/artifacting. Got any footage?

>> No.10584034

It's pretty warm by default. People swear by increased contrast, but I just went automatic contrast and standard colors.

>> No.10584036
File: 54 KB, 862x892, 1000020949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vita can barely emulate SNES and the UI is atrocious
Screen have bad mura
PS1 save game management is a straight pain the ass

I have 3 Vitas and I'd rather die than use Retroarch on that

enjoy your proprietary charger

>> No.10584045

>the UI is atrocious
>Screen have bad mura
nope. I use the 2K for the slimmer and rounder ergos tho.

>> No.10584046

damn RP4 was looking really good until the screen guess i'll wait for redditors to beta test it for a few months

>> No.10584049

>Let me have my fucking d-pad on top, pocketable devices. Not everything has to be big and Xbox styled.
Preach, anon.

>> No.10584052

The screen is probably the first thing that's going to be fixed since they outright addressed that already. I'd be more worried about the triggers and the fan problems being fixed.

>> No.10584054

What's wrong with the triggers?

>> No.10584060

I had a feeling their first run of active cooling would be fucked, but what happened to the triggers? 2S seems fine.

>> No.10584067

post your vitas larp
the ps1 and vita games work fine
i'm not interested in playing Nintendo games on it with the wrong resolution and button layout
what would be the literal point
for RPG it's probably fine
the vita came out 10,000 dogyears ago
i will never sell mine

>proprietary charger
usb anon

>> No.10584082

why me (second anon)? I love my vitas unlike that first faggot.

>> No.10584084

Fine for non autists

>> No.10584085 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.59 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry kek

>> No.10584090
File: 392 KB, 1280x960, IMG_05072022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another drive girls enjoyer
holy BASED not actually the nigger in the reflection, just shooped that in to get (You)s on /v/

>> No.10584091
File: 2.79 MB, 3600x2700, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes

>> No.10584095


>> No.10584096

>youtube shill:
"well ok now you will have SOME ps2 a lot of games run at a playable 13fps wirh some slight audio hiccups but nothjng major totally worth $500 buy it!"

>> No.10584098

Yeah this doesn't make sense, they were already fine on the 2S. I assume they were fine on the Flop, too.

>> No.10584103


>> No.10584108
File: 3.19 MB, 3600x2700, file2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are talking about the RP3+ or RP4 base I guess, I have no problems emulating ps2 games at 1080p with texture packs on my odin 2

>> No.10584110
File: 3.86 MB, 4000x2846, 20240108_144740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to take a pic of my Vita
>can't find it
It's not in the drawer I usually keep it in, but I might have taken it out before the last move. Somebody better not have swiped it.

>> No.10584112

>what you want to do is turn off texture filtering, run the resolution at a 0.5x scale, that'll get the frame rate going, then what you want to do is turn the audio off as the audio will hurt your performance. Now I know what you're going to say but hear me out, our sponsor spotify will provide you with plenty to listen to instead! Next ill show you how to get spotify running on your device with no audio skips.

>> No.10584128

>it's a "performance test video but they suspiciously kept the frame counter off" episode

>> No.10584130

i'm not measuring frame-by-frame differences with actual hardware on CRT or some shit, i just don't trust all these chinkheld fuckers and their take on what they deem playable

if it's fully steady aside from occasional cache dips or whatever, that's "fine"

so is it that? or some "you gotta use the PAL version and mess with every video setting under RA to get it full speed" shit

serious question, as i'll go for a vita if star fox 64 works, otherwise i'm going rp4pro and never looking back since it seems endgame, i'm just a sony fanboy and would be content with sf64 tops

>> No.10584162

So you're asking if it works with stock settings out of the box or if it requires setup. Which is fair, I'm lazy and never bothered updating my RG35XX, R35S, or R36S outside of adding roms of specific games I wanted to play and just playing them as they performed with the devices' emulators.
I agree with you too; Too many people have a wide range of what's "fine" and "good". As far as I'm concerned, it's not running "fine" unless it's running at the native resolution at full speed with no graphical glitches with no tinkering required. The most I'm bothered to do is add my own games and boxarts, MAYBE convert the rom/iso file if needed to.

>> No.10584168

Ehh nta its been a while since I played sf64 on my vita but i think i can help you out.
You dont have to use the pal rom or mess with settings much to get it working, but it's not a perfect experience.
It does look really nice on the vitas oled screen though, but there are occasional dips and quite frankly i just dont feel like the vita itself is laid out or the best size for a comfortable sf64 experience.
Playing it on a vita should be seen as a nice bonus and not something that makes or breaks buying it/getting it over another device.
If you want to emulate, dont get a vita. Vitas are best used for native games,psx, and psp, the later two are arguably better/just as good on emulation devices, too, so ideally, vitas are for Vita games. Dont buy a Vita for any other reason, or you're likely to be disappointed, especially RA lol its so jank on vita.

>> No.10584180

i don't even mind tweaking settings in retroarch for certain one-offs, but the idea of making individual game profiles for an entire console just to make them playable is fully doing too much
i appreciate it, i fully modded my psp and 3ds when they were available so i'm not gonna pretend the tinkering portion isn't fun to me, but vita's capabilities are getting btfo'd these past couple years in a price-to-performance sphere, but i do still see merit for adrenaline/vita native stuff etc

>> No.10584185

>1 hour of battery life

Playing burnout 3 on mine, full speed at 3x upscale on default settings, stay mad

>> No.10584191
File: 94 KB, 750x500, IMG_6947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do NOT fall for it
dead internet theory is true
most of the traffic here is shills/paid
or literal buyers remorse from falling for it

do NOT buy jank knockoff devices anon
consider yourself warned

>> No.10584193

This isn’t something like a T610/618 handheld where reviewers grossly overestimate how playable PS2/GC is, Odin 2’s chipset is well more than capable.

>> No.10584194

>>1 hour of battery life
I have no idea where you got that from, but I average 5.5 hours emulating PS2 at 720p. That's not even for the OLED model.

>> No.10584198

why would i be mad?
you are the one pretending to play bidya
emulation = pretending to play
mobile ps2 does seem exciting though
however either price or compatibility need to improve first for it to be personally worth it for me

>> No.10584205

Only worthwhile thing about PSP is the battery mod for 10+ hours of gameplay. So, of you want to game on the go, or on a long trip, etc... this is the best option. Any DS is also good for Nintendo stuff as they have bready gud battery life too.

>> No.10584206

>1 hour of battery life
The OLED has surprisingly decent battery life for an x86 handheld.

>> No.10584210

The Vita (which means life) is a jank knockoff device and you're engaging in buyers' remorse right now.

>> No.10584215

the batterylife is abysmal but the vita & ds both are fine standing by for days on end
i just charge my psp3k before use
& i play about 1 hour at work
people crying about the screen are tards its fine at night for me even in 2024

>> No.10584223

I hear you I always got these handhelds and modded them as they came out as well. The biggest issue with the vita versus modern devices though is just how much slower tinkering, moving through menus and file transfer can be compared to chink shit/android.
Playing on a vita in 2024 should really only be reserved for those who already own one, are interested in playing a vita game on native hardware, or the hardcore playstation enthusiast who will get a kick out of just enjoying the hardware itself.
I definitely do NOT recommend it as a all in one emulation device as not even snes emulation can be considered "great" on the device. MGBA is solid and feels great on it though if gba is your favorite device to emulate.

>> No.10584224

>knockoff device
kekked audibly
trollposting outside of /b/ is a bannable offense anon
the vita is one of the few instances where i will never have regrets, i got it for way cheap from japan, modded it myself and loaded the bitch down with so many titles i could never play them all

>> No.10584225 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 640x153, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, woke up to this from this thread yesterday. The jannies on this board are fucking insane. Easily the most overzealous moderation I've seen on this site.

Either way, has anyone tried the OoT port on these Android-based handhelds?

>> No.10584228 [DELETED] 

first time? newfren?

>> No.10584229

There are no /vr/ related games that will burn your battery out so much that you only get 1 hour playtime on a deck. Try again.
Enjoy your washed out picture and cramped hands though. Gotta have something quirky to pull out though right?

>> No.10584234
File: 2.94 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20230601_161429302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we out here

>> No.10584237

Damn even at 200 bucks i feel like i got my moneys worth but you got a once in a lifetime deal fren

>> No.10584240 [DELETED] 

No, I've had quite a few on-topic threads of mine deleted in the past. I just find it funny how petty they can be sometimes.

>> No.10584241
File: 1.37 MB, 1190x1029, it's fucking yellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have my vita anon

>> No.10584243

Bro I literally bought a boxed Vita for a bill. Jap eBay still has better deals than most anywhere else.

>> No.10584248

Tried the m64 one, is super good but haven't try that one yet since I can play the 3ds version with texture packs, maybe I'll do it later

>> No.10584251
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literally and unironically what the heck does this mean?

>> No.10584252
File: 1.40 MB, 1179x1420, IMG_9976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

precovid prices brother
i overspent on the psp3000 disidia ff limited edition sparkle model to make up for it

>> No.10584258
File: 552 KB, 711x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LG Wing
>Retroid Pocket with the design of the LG Wing

>> No.10584260

I fucking hate when they do this

>> No.10584262 [DELETED] 

ya its part of the fun
seeing the rage the janitors cause is hilarious though
esp in more autistic threads /hhg/ is tame
dont use the feedback button though they instaban me everytime i call them out, its better to live & let live kek

>> No.10584263

Yeah Vita batteries are trash, my n3dsxl still holds like a 6-7 hour charge after like 6 years, I leave my DS lite uncharged for months and it still has near full charge. My psp, tho, I modded that bitch with a huge 3.57 volt lipoly and it literally lasts forever.

>> No.10584265
File: 159 KB, 1080x1440, sony-clie-ux-50-v0-b4l7fiqd6rcb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you have exquisite taste my friend, white and lime combo undefeated. reminiscent of some type of early 2000s european aesthetic style

>> No.10584270

I got mine around the time p4g was releasing, so I'm not mad at the price i paid, but it does go to show that good things come to those who wait.

>> No.10584275

the sparkle dmg gameboy
is NOT ips lcd fag shit btw
it is an oem screen with a kitsch bent led blipped under the original screen
not recommended as its a bitch to install without causing damage to the display
i know its autistic but i prefer the original screen look/feel
esp on faster games that ghost the screen like the ending of kirby2

>> No.10584281
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sorry for namefagging
my browser is fucking up and keeps putting it back now

>> No.10584285

Sexual joke.

>> No.10584287

Fuck it dude, imo taking the original screen out is haram. If you're going to change the original device so much so that you want a new screen you might as well emulate imo because it wont stop there. Next you'll be changing the dpad then the buttons, you might as well build yourself a new console.

>> No.10584294
File: 823 KB, 643x751, I really enjoy how it forces me to play Pokemon Crystal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of the thread got warnings just for discussing an RG Nano meme.

>> No.10584297

How does a person pretend to play video games?

>> No.10584301

Oh no a heckin warning I’m so scared, these trannies have banned me a million times it doesn’t matter, I can’t even perceive what their agenda is because some weeks it feels like you get insta banned for Nintendo criticism then the next week there will be 7 anti-OOT threads and none of them are deleted, makes no sense, they’re actual schizos on HRT and “low quality posting” is entirely based around how they feel that week. Getting on a plane soon anyways so clean up my shit you janny niggerfaggots

>> No.10584307
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I barely use the Steam deck, it's just too big and uncomfortable for long sessions, and yeah the battery kind of sucks on non-OLED. I'm always having to charge it and it's annoying after using the odin 2. If I bring the giant deck somewhere, I also have to bring a giant battery. The trackpads are good for fps games though, but a computer is obviously better for that kind of thing. The Odin 2 has a way better looking screen too imo, the colors and black levels are really nice for an ips. Maybe if they made a smaller version of the Steamdeck I might use it more, but the battery would probably still suck, which is why I never bought the Loki Max.
RP2S is better than both though for when you wanna throw something in your pocket and go somewhere, or just play something in bed quickly before sleeping.

based New Love Plus 3DS poster

>> No.10584337
File: 71 KB, 1170x370, IMG_6345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like jelos on the trimui smart pro is going to happen after all.

>> No.10584341

>this device forces me to enjoy teh gaem
as a $14.99 keychain i would buy it
but realistically its ewaste
like most of this thread
it is a strange cultural shift it seems
those with legit hardware are chastised/accosted

but yes, anytime you emulate you are pretending to play the game
which is fine, and a great solution to see which systems/flashcarts/CiB shit to buy

>> No.10584343

>I gotta meet my slur quota or I won't fit in with the heckin 4channers :(((

>> No.10584347

>anytime you emulate you are pretending to play the game
retroarchfags on suicide watch

>> No.10584348


>> No.10584349

Do not reply to this nigger in earnest, they are either trolling or a reseller

>> No.10584351
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>anytime you emulate you are pretending to play the game

>> No.10584382

>you must buy a huge unwieldy brick if you want to emulate game boy

>> No.10584414

'preciate it anon, i'll consider just grabbing one if i'm in japan or something but otherwise stick with chinkhelds i guess

ireally am a sony fanboy though to the point that i use a nw-a106 android walkman for music and of course cabled headphones (also sony)

have you seen the pspi6 project? i still have my psp-1000, considering busting it open and putting a cm4 in there, might be fun

it's reversible, i'm not destroying my perfectly good psp

>> No.10584465
File: 89 KB, 240x240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about getting one of these handhelds for like a couple of years now but I was waiting for the performance to improve and/or the prices to lower. Thinking now is a good time to get one but I can't decide which one... I like the 35RGXX H but the RGB30 looks cool too, also considering the 35RGXX+ but I'm not sure about the lack of joysticks... but I'm not even sure I'll want to play anything that requires joysticks anyway... I'd just get the R36S because it has them and it's cheaper but I want something with wi-fi... what do I do sisters....

>> No.10584473
File: 3.28 MB, 1489x1527, IMG_1916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anytime you emulate you are pretending to play the game
/hhg/ everyone

>> No.10584478

Think about the most demanding system you actually want to play on it and then filter out your handhelds from there.

>> No.10584479

out of those i'd get the rgb30.

>> No.10584505

I want to play GB, GBC, GBA, SNES and PS1 mostly but having N64 and Dreamcast would be nice too (that's the only thing I'd want the joysticks for). I don't expect to play stuff like PSP or GC/PS2.

I am very tempted but I'm not sure about the square screen... I know it'd make GB and GBC look fantastic but I think a 4:3 screen would be better for me overall (and more pocketable)... also I'm broke so I'm trying to spend as little as possible and the RGB30 costs around $80-90 while some of the others are $60 or less...

>> No.10584517

If the Windows Ayaneo Air lineup and Loki handhelds are any indication, a Steam Deck mini just won’t be feasible any time soon with current technology. x86 just isn’t a very efficient architecture for portable use compared to ARM, and that’s not even getting into the cooling solutions and batteries needed for such handhelds.
Thankfully Ayaneo’s Android version of the Air and AYN’s Odin devices are very worthwhile for emulation. Plus every now and then you get an official worthwhile port on Google Play.

>> No.10584521

Get the trimui smart pro.

>> No.10584535
File: 214 KB, 274x249, 1535264678804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a perfect 3:2 screen for GBA again so I can upgrade from this RG351P.

>> No.10584540

If caring about games running with 100% accurate speed and visuals makes someone an "autist" then "autists" are superior beings and non autists should be forced to sit at the back of the bus and drink from separate water fountains.

>> No.10584541

You know it's true. Where once stood the finest from Capcom, Konami, Bandai Namco, Square, Rockstar, all sorts of cool niche games and even good licensed games, you now had... Compile Heart and adjacents. And a bunch of mobage rejects with no hope to compete on phones. And you couldn't even cope with emulation proper because homebrew culture just fucking went belly up during it and 3DS.

The RGB30 is really fucking cool, I love it, but I can't recommend it as a starter device or a jack of all trades, it has dozens of quirks (thanks RK3566) and the d-pad can be weird. Look into Pocket 2S, sit out Pocket 4 (Pro) until everyone got theirs and any issues become public knowledge.

>I want to play GB, GBC, GBA, SNES and PS1 mostly but having N64 and Dreamcast would be nice too (that's the only thing I'd want the joysticks for). I don't expect to play stuff like PSP or GC/PS2.
Yeah, 2S would get you there.

>I am very tempted but I'm not sure about the square screen... I know it'd make GB and GBC look fantastic but I think a 4:3 screen would be better for me overall (and more pocketable)...
It's also great for integer scale NES and SNES.
>RGB30 costs around $80-90 while some of the others are $60 or less...
It goes on sale for $60 sometimes (namely 11.11 on Ali).

>> No.10584545

Get the RG35XX-H for better quality, or R36S for less money.

>> No.10584552

yeah 2S really is the best one to get, but I get the feeling he's too cheap even for that which is ridiculous.

>> No.10584561

>Get the RG35XX-H for better quality
>no CFW
Fuck off shill. Anbernic is dead.

>> No.10584565

The 35XX-H is getting MinUI and that's all you need.

>> No.10584567

does minui even let you configure retroarch settings?

>> No.10584568

I get it, it's a nasty market, anon's right to be wary.

>> No.10584576

I'm curious if windows emulation on android will improve more over time, that would be nice. I heard a lot of games work on Winlator but that the controller settings are a pain to set up

>> No.10584591
File: 12 KB, 194x259, download.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press buttons
Press buttons
Same shit
Maybe game console will do a 351p shell clone.
Psp's libary is just as shit as the vita. You know it was over for handhelds when dsi got shit ports of kino mobile games not counting blades of darkness. Psp? Only worthwhile game is gladiator begins. Vita? Only soul sacrifice. Mobile games owned the shit out of the 7-8th gen.
>Anbernig is [Headcanon]
Zhou dual screen slider handheld? Ypu would buy INSTANTLY once it comes out and retr*id will SUICIDE out of awe and shame. Believe in zhou
Exagear's the past. People use mobox or whatever the fuck it's called these days.

>> No.10584595


>> No.10584621

I'll look into mobox, thanks anon

>> No.10584628

>Psp's libary is just as shit as the vita.
Not even reading the rest, make like the Vita and reach EOL prematurely.

>> No.10584657

Brah, the psp had acutal mobile ports in the form of mini's and was the FRIST handheld to get ports of kemco "games" mobile phones literally OWNED handhelds of the 7th and 8th gen. They even got better sqaureshit ports.
>Best versions of dragon quest
>Gta ports still look beautiful to this day
>First time romancing saga in english
>Sonic episode 4
>Infinity blade
>Dead space mobile
>Re4 mobile only beaten by re revalations. The rest of the handheld re's are shit ports.
>Ffiv 3d with unfucked framerate
>KINO rings.
>Shit ton of delisted skateboarding games. That's the ONE point I'll give the psp and ds. Vita and 3ds got NOTHING for skate chads.

>> No.10584658

I got a little of time and managed to install it, any reason why this isn't at 60fps like the sm64 port? seems really odd

>> No.10584668

Meant connect to a TV by wired connection. Not a smart TV. An old TV.

>> No.10584683
File: 39 KB, 500x324, Fq0dnA9X0AMoop6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thing is completely hadoukenable and shoryukenable
His voice sounds a lot less annoying and better paced with the cold.

Next best thing would be buying a mini PC with some latest Ryzen and decent iGPU and a transcoder. It's not ideal, but I doubt the old ATI cards people use for that would do well with Saturn.

>> No.10584698

So odin would not Saturn or any better or worse than retroid 4. Is that correct

>> No.10584704

If you could name the exceptions when you get a chance.

>> No.10584707

guessing you meant to say
>So odin lite would not run Saturn or any better or worse than retroid 4. Is that correct
and yes that's correct unless retroid pulls some special drivers out of their ass like they did for the t618

>> No.10584730

The whole point of it is not fussing with configuration autism

>> No.10584776

The trimui smart pro default os hides that shit away but still allows you to configure when you really want to. minui is fucking gay and shit.

>> No.10584823

girl=female, particularly at the biological level. Oh Gender theory indoctrinated grooming victim in the pic, do seek help.

>> No.10584837

What are you getting at, elitist fucktard. Your condescending and gloating won't get you out of any debt.

>> No.10584943

Getting an Odin 2. And Mexico's gonna pay for it.

>> No.10584994


>> No.10585050

>Best versions of dragon quest

>> No.10585060

Wait is this actually a thing?

>> No.10585068

What this even mean

>> No.10585070

Zoomers literally need a notification congratulating them on jumping on their first goomba in Super Mario Bros to order to enjoy playing it.

>> No.10585074

Yes and even worse, there's actually people who consider it a necessary feature to enjoy their retro games.

>> No.10585075

It's why Gen Z refuses to buy a chinkheld without Wifi to automatically keep their achievements updated

>> No.10585080

Of course the first game to get achievements was a fucking Sonic title

>> No.10585081

I listed mobile games, ya quack. Ds and psp WISHED they had sonic 4.

>> No.10585085

Why dont you think about getting a good job instead so you dont have to settle for bootleg nintendos.

>> No.10585086

WTF this is kinda making me regret getting into this after ordering a chinkheld

>> No.10585091

>WTF this is kinda making me regret getting into this after ordering a chinkheld
You can just ignore all of that you know

>> No.10585092
File: 2.54 MB, 1562x1562, 1687646253600856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 4 is one of the shittiest Sonic titles ever made, why wouldn't you fucking mention the Rival titles instead? Shit rate bait.

>> No.10585095

I know I don't actually regret it but it really shows me that people are fucking retarded.

>> No.10585098

None of the ones I own have this shit on it, you have to manually do it yourself or be one of those GarlicOS/OnionOS meme fags that consumes what they're told to.

>> No.10585109

>kinda making me regret getting into this
>I don't actually regret it
>people are fucking retarded

/hhg/ in nutshell

>> No.10585153

you could just like, not compare yourself to others

>> No.10585154

Yep. Its a retard. And rivals somehow makes the dimps games look kino

>> No.10585164

sanest post of the day

>> No.10585173

>Kinolating using android with performance kernals
Yup. Yuuuuup. And yupperinos

>> No.10585176

you just love to see people hating without explaining why, it means you're doing something pretty awesome and epic

>> No.10585254

I have a job but I live in a third world country where that isn't enough to not be broke.

>> No.10585270

An Odin 2 clamshell would be pocketable though?
RP4 could work with a bigger screen IN clamshell form, WITH dpad on top. Embrace the White man's form.

>> No.10585275

2S has the best value of the bunch.

>> No.10585276
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, GDVlM1WbUAMPY3M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont like that the RP4Pro seems to have a green tinted screen.

>> No.10585280

holy kek as a diehard sega saturn lover it fills me pride seeing the saturn still be the champion heavyweight of being a pain in the ass, causing retroid pocket 4 reviews to gloss over all the pre-2000s consoles but then stop on the saturn for two minutes explaining why shit is busted

>> No.10585283
File: 563 KB, 1219x718, SXyUQQQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10585302

>#We are the worrd! We are the cheeldrin...#

>> No.10585310

It'll probably get fixed fast via software update but still dumb of them to send review units like this in the first place. It's not a good look for the company.

>> No.10585314

their social media guy on twitter says the release version screens will not have this problem. I guess I'll wait and see before buying.

>> No.10585323
File: 58 KB, 415x236, sega saturn watches over you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek yeah that made me laugh too. the yabasanshiro dev seemed to like the RP3+ quite a lot and even made an update for the standalone with it in mind, so I'm hoping he'll be willing to do the same with standalone on RP4/Pro.

>> No.10585341
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20240108_213100_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Red Orange"
>actual unit looks like an orange freezie/ice pop

>> No.10585364 [DELETED] 


>> No.10585381
File: 1.15 MB, 1248x606, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What frontend is this? Pegasus?

>> No.10585484

chink companies being shady as always

>> No.10585523

No that's just life m8

>> No.10585528

You people need to stop buying these pieces of trash ugh just look at those buttons what the FUCK!

>> No.10585539

What would you suggest?

>> No.10585546
File: 495 KB, 1237x815, bezels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question, why do so many people in the retro handheld scene seem to hate having any sort of branding on the fronts of devices? Every time I see an old, clearly branded device get a brand-less revision, every review says "And it's good that they finally got rid of the logo on the bezel"

When did this become a thing? Because as far as I know, every "real" handheld had super clear branding around the screen, and I never hear people talking about it "aging poorly" like other dated features. I never heard people say like "Oh the game gear was great to play, but it had bad battery life and viewing angles. Oh, and the bezel was gaudy!"

Most of the handhelds we see made today take super clear inspiration from these devices, and most people enjoy that fact, so how come this is the one detail that makes everyone hold their noses?

>> No.10585569

because it makes them remember that they aren't playing on a nintendo

>> No.10585580

the chink logos are shit, look at the gameforce ace one lmfao

>> No.10585581

I love these handhelds but I feel like it saying "Retroid" or "Anbernic" in the corner isn't the main thing holding it back from feeling just like a GBC.

Truthfully, I like the branding cause it makes it feel more legit in a way, more like a proper console and less like "Game Device 38"

>> No.10585648

Steam deck oled

>> No.10585657

None of these chink handhelds are prestigious enough to be worthy of branding their mark on the front of the screen.
Retroid and Anbernic did it for a while, but they realized how low rent it made their products look because they're nobodys and their logo designs, and their names are not up to par with the big boys.
The only company to even come close to that kind of branding on their handheld now is Valve by having a button called steam on it.

>> No.10585689

Someone talk me out of grabbing a rg nano now that it's on sale for $40.

>> No.10585704

>no CFW

GarlicOS 2 supports it. Going to have a choice between that and minui - fantastic

>> No.10585712

Text logo's are lame, but I like it when the only branding powkiddy puts are their devices is their goofy looking mascot.

>> No.10585716
File: 204 KB, 610x518, frogtech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The new Retroid Pocket 4 Pro by FROG TECH

If I pre ordered that I would be fuckin pissed. Way to kill a product launch. Luckily, I waited it out and saw the very mid PS2 performance, loud fan and green screen. Guess I'm going to wait a couple months and pick up an Odin 2 or whatever new hotness is at that price point.

Still I might pick up a 2S if it goes on sale for like 75 - just to have a retroid product that people love.

>> No.10585727


>His voice sounds a lot less annoying and better paced with the cold.

It doesn't give me ASMR chills like with the normal Russ-isms.

The way he hisses and some times whistles the letter S
>"This product costs a little lesSSSSS"

Whenever he has to click through a confirmation
>"Are you sure you want to do this? Yeah man, I wanna do it"

No homo.

>> No.10585787

I really thought the PS2 was the god of broken as shit. I kneel SaturnCHADS

>> No.10585918

looks like ass

>> No.10585930
File: 35 KB, 290x500, 1681094278773716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based battery modders. and if you're into underclocking. there are lot of slower 2d jrpgs that are absolutely playable at 133mhz clock speed, which should give you even more battery life
i was actually shocked that this Brandish soulless remake that came out in 2015 apparently somehow is playable at 80mhz, lowest clock speed psp can do. were those devs gods of optimization or something?

>> No.10585950

Subtle branding is just seen as more modern. Logos plastered right under the screen or whatever are seen as outdated. This trend probably happened because smart phones all have their branding on the back, if I had to guess.

>> No.10585975

>green tinted screen (said to be fixed on retail units but no proof yet)
>poor actuation on analog triggers (this has actually been fixed already apparently)
>super loud fan on anything above Quiet setting (no word on this at all from anyone at Retroid)
>shit battery life because of previous fan issue and also the D1100 is just not a very power efficient chip (no word on this either)
>Russ started autism about the analog stick placements from his videos (not a negative for me personally but now it's pissing people off who take his opinions as gospel)
The RP4 Pro is in bad water right now with all these points floating around, not gonna lie. It's not like the RP3+ and 2S launches where everyone was praising them to high heaven.

>> No.10585980

>pink dan
That's aids-kun. He's 30% of the posts in these threads and of all of the shitty ones. He has a pink arm tattoo which he claims is light red, but then also spent days claiming a purple miyoo plus was pink when AI proved it to be purple. He's completely mentally unhinged and has some weird love/hate relationship with pink.

>> No.10585989

Convert all ps1 games to chd
You can also just download them 1 by 1 from chadmaster on archive dot org
It doesn't have an issue on any "heavy" games

>> No.10585997

several of those are easily fixed with software updates and I imagine the stick placement will be less of an issue if you use the grip with it, and I imagine the battery life will only really be an issue if playing the higher end systems(GCN, PS2, Wii) for long stretches of time, and well that's pretty much to be expected on these kind of devices

>> No.10586018

Page 10, new thread time


>> No.10586172

Worst of all, it requires continuous internet connection.

>> No.10586189

Yeah, programming for that platform was completely bullshit back then, and emulating it is also completely bullshit. Glad it's burning in hell.

>> No.10586193

>Russ started autism about the analog stick placements
What's the problem now?

>> No.10586246

wouldnt that kill battery life also?