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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, AVGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1052565 No.1052565[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are Tiger games, video games?

>> No.1052589

Fuck I laughed so hard at this shit.
I used to have a bunch of old Tiger Electronic vidya.
They're probably still around my house somewhere.

>> No.1052602

You control elements on a screen via buttons in a kind of game.

So, maybe not good ones, but they are video games

>> No.1052607

The Game Boy is an advanced version of the Tiger Handheld games. Its uses the exact same technology, just on a bigger scale.

>> No.1052612

They're just of really, really poor quality
I used to own about six of them before I donated them to Goodwill a short while back. They were a good half hour of entertainment before you wanted nothing to do with them

>> No.1052613
File: 32 KB, 455x382, Tiger-Sonic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New AVGN? On Tiger Handhelds? AWWW YEAH

>> No.1052621

I still have my Simon's Quest and a Tiger GP handheld in a box with some of my old childhood junk.
Had a Home Alone 2 as a kid as well but some cunt stole it.
As a child myself and friends really enjoyed the LED handhelds and played the shit out of whatever we had. i see them get shit on here in /vr/ but of the day they were popular and a cheap alternative to gameboys.
I guess it's a case of "you had to be there" to really appreciate the old Tiger games.

>> No.1052626
File: 71 KB, 595x450, TheTerminator-Tiger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can totally relate to what he said about the artwork. I don't know why I expected anything else than shitty calculator tier graphics whenever I got new Tiger game.

>> No.1052646
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>> No.1052658

I agree that the regular tiger lcd games are jurassic and sometimes really lame, but I still like then even today with 26 years old. But R-zone and Game.com are unforgivable, I liked this avgn episode, some of the better are the crappy console analysis. Waiting for him to make an episode about Ngage or Apple Pippin.

>> No.1052663

I actually had an okay time playing the Ninja Gaiden Tiger game in 3rd grade. Off Road was alright too.

I'm not saying they're good games, but for a little kid at recess in the early 90's, it got the job done when you couldn't play NES.

>> No.1052679
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A video game has inputs, graphics, and some measurable goals. Therefore Tiger games easily fit into this massively broad category.

>> No.1052692

Do you count Game & Watches as video games?

>> No.1052696

Why does it matter? Why do you need it to fall neatly into this category or that? Ambiguity is a fact of life.

>> No.1052714

>Sonic 2 tiger handheld
God I still remember the "music" that thing played....

>> No.1052742

I wanted the Power Rangers wristwatch game so bad. I even knew a guy who had a Starfox version. I was so jealous.

>> No.1052743
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Ashens got James beat on this video.

Also, it has some odd timing, and the getting angry is beyond phony.

I'd say this worries me for the movie, but that is not possible. There is no hope for that movie being good.

>> No.1052759

This was the only video game I had back when I was young. I played the HECK out of it. It got to the point where I could go through it as many times as I wanted without dying.
... Maybe I should do a speedrun.

>> No.1052769

If you're not expecting the AVGN to be intentional schlock, then you're completely missing the point.

It's like complaining that Airplane! is silly.

>> No.1052771


The schlock could be better, really.

>> No.1052775


I know, but he doesn't do it well, and it's just cringeworthy.

Also, many times he gets "worked up" and it's not even clear why. It's not clear at what is it that he's angry either.

>> No.1052781

I wish he spent more time on the game.com.

>> No.1052806

>in 1989, the Game Boy revolutionalized portable gaming


>> No.1052821

Do you have a point to make or just general shit posting?

>> No.1052837

Do you not know what revolutionalized means?

>> No.1052839

Revolutionalized isn't a word.

>> No.1052848

Yeah it was really awkward the way he says "Heh, 64 bit... 32 bit... 16 bit... 8 bit. 4 bit. 2. bit. ONE BIT. HALF BIT. QUARTER BIT. THE TIGERRRR WRIST GAAAAME!"

It was like a Dane Cook joke. "Oh man, I have this really funny joke. I bet it'd be even funnier if I screamed it!"

>> No.1052865

So you have to get all autistic over semantics?
Why don't you do everyone on this bored a favour and commit sudoku

>> No.1052869

I don't really like it when AVGN does that crying-like voice. It seems like he's been doing it more recently. Anyway the review was pretty good.

>> No.1052914

fortunately, the english language isn't fixed. it gets revolutionalized with new words all the time.

>> No.1052916

I can't care about AVGN anymore. he should do a video on why real life is a bad game because it can accidentally give you a baby

>> No.1052917
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>> No.1052918


It was a reference to the Atari Jaguar commercial though.

>> No.1052920

Oh man, the R-Zone, my friend had one of those back in the day. That thing was a huge piece of shit even back then.

>> No.1052924

Shit nigga I used to have an R-zone when I was a kid. I remember having to play it in the dark in order to be able to see shit.

best shit ever

>> No.1052928

I had an R-Zone too.

I kind of liked the Star Wars game it came with.

>> No.1052930

I can't even remember what game I had. I think it was batman.

>> No.1052932

ashens is in this video?

>> No.1052943


No, Ashens reviewed the Game.com too, and he did a better job.

>> No.1052952


>> No.1052968

he probably opened that batman wrist watch to piss off collectors

>> No.1052970

I thought about that, he must have paid $300 for it on eBay "mint on card" just to cut it open and make fun of it. Classic.

>> No.1052983
File: 73 KB, 600x501, nintendo_game_and_watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>dissing LCD games
what is a nintendo game and watch?

>> No.1052994


Nintendo G&W series was great because they were games designed within the limits of the technology.

They really needed no more than what they had. These street fighter and turtles and batman games really were the product of the thought "what can we do than can be remotely called street fighter?"

>> No.1052995

They were well thought out (for the most part) and weren't just cashing in on IPs.

>> No.1053005

This review was actually really good.

>> No.1053010

actually, some one else probably bought it and then "donated' it to him and THEN the did that.

>> No.1053017

the later ones pretty much were just cashing in on IPs though... but then again that may be why they stopped making them

>> No.1053016

the batman tiger wrist game is rare?

>> No.1053020

hi James

>> No.1053026

Seriously, they cost a lot?

I have two mixed in with an old bin of hotwheels.

>> No.1053028

I imagine any tiger electronic game in mint condition still sealed is rare

>> No.1053049

I just watched the new AVGN episode, and I have to agree that it is scrapping the absolute bottom of the barrell. I'm just as guilty of enjoying one at the time that I had it, I'm not sure if it was done by tiger but it was in the same style, had off-road like truck you drove, could run over wheel power-ups and something for the boost. You had to basically jump over obstacles, don't know what happened to it but I'm sure it got lost in a move at one point.

>> No.1053085

I honestly never heard of the R-Zone until now. You really have to be desperate to copy the Virtual Boy of all things.

Anyone remember having those Sonic LCD games from McDonald's? Had the Green Hill themed one with Sonic.

>> No.1053123

Oh man, I had both of them. Loved those things so much.

Still have a bunch of assorted LCD games at my parent's place, like the original Sonic the Hedgehog one, some Toy Story one, one for Bug!, Eternal Champions, and one of those weird cylinder ones Tiger did for awhile called Meeba.

>> No.1053134

The Game.com might just be the worst thing ever made

>> No.1053154

The word is revolutionized.
He meant revolutionized.
His tongue slipped. He said the wrong word. There's no two ways about it.
Revolutionalized doesn't even work in English
Revolution (n) + ized
Revolutional (adj) + ized
It's simply not how the language works

sage because why am I even pariticipating in this argument

This was a decent AVGN episode. Didn't see the topic of Tiger handhelds coming.

>> No.1053356
File: 42 KB, 375x500, sonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had the one that was blue, that u would race in, i also remember a shadow the hedgehog one that was black. i dont know if these are retro though

>> No.1055336

I remember the first Sonic on there. That music was so..wow

>> No.1055363

I have wondered if Tiger games were real videogames since I was 4.

My conclusion is no because Tiger games do not have any video. The screen is a static image that lights up only certain portions of the screen at any one. Video necessitates motion. A Tiger game gives the illusion of motion, but it is not true motion.

They're still games, but not videogames. I also do not consider Game and Watches videogames for the same reason, despite the label they are given as "Nintendo's first videogames"

>> No.1055383

I remember playing some spyro game that was like the tiger handheld games. I think I got it from McDonalds, but I am not too sure. Does anyone know if tiger ever made something like that?

>> No.1055434

I worked at McDonald's in high school and I stole a bunch of 'em. They were okay.

>> No.1055438

All screens give the illusion of motion. Tiger handhelds are just screens with very few pixels, and the pixels are shaped like things.

>> No.1055441

Yes, because they do not update their screen via a video signal.

They have many aspects of video games

>LCD screen
>sounds and graphics

but they do not have a constant visual update like a true video game. They barely miss the mark.

>> No.1055447

Shit, mean to say no. But they do fall into the category of electronic games like Mattel Football and Simon.

>> No.1055460
File: 22 KB, 225x300, $T2eC16h,!yEE9s5jHQS!BQ(HLDpqyQ~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about handle LCD/Tiger games is the technology is good enough for some really entertaining games, but most of them were just shitty uninspired imitations that tried to capitalize on a brand name.

There are plenty of fun gaming concepts capable on these things. Mostly video iterations of traditional games like chess, checkers, etc.

If they had sold Tiger Handheld Chess games with 2-player connectivity I'd have been all over that shit.

>> No.1055464

Technically, modern LCD screens only light up the necessary portions when you play a game, and the lit portions only change when the game requests it.

But yes, I get your point. They don't have a complete video signal per-se.

>> No.1055540

my friend had a Game.Com and I thought it was kind of cool when I was like 7

>> No.1055560


I almost didn't believe AVGN when he said it's name isn't "game dot come". I mean, what's the point of the dot if it's not part of the name!?

>> No.1057195

Pretty much.

Game & Watch games were designed from the ground up to fit the limitations.

Tiger games were the opposite, they took advanced high-tech game concepts and stripped them down until they'd fit into a piece of hardware they were never meant for.

Has anyone ever made a Tiger handheld emulator?

>> No.1057212

>Has anyone ever made a Tiger handheld emulator?

That doesn't really make much sense if you think about it. Each game would need its own emulator, and who would even bother with it.

>> No.1057303

This website has several of the handheld lcd games available for play.

>> No.1057314


>> No.1057320

>each game would need its own emulator

Why? They all have the same kind of processor. The hardest part would be reproducing the screen which is unique to each game, but you could use a scanner.

>> No.1057338

Oh yeah, I remember those.
I still had no idea what the hell was going on.

>> No.1057379


>> No.1057396

Why is it that 90% of what AVGN says sounds extremely forced and he only seems genuinely annoyed on pretty rare occasions, but I still want to cuddle up next to him under a blanket and play Mario Kart or something?

>> No.1057401


Because while the AVGN can be an annoying persona, the person James Rolfe is very pleasant to be around.

>> No.1057407

This. The anger and the poop jokes get tiring, but James genuinely seems like a really nice guy. I want to support him.

>> No.1057414

Makes sense.

>> No.1057418

The Nerd gets laughs outta me when he does skits. Though he hasn't been doing much of those lately.

>> No.1057442

This was a pretty good episode because it was not as forced as usual. The best ones are the ones without the nerd, like the pong consoles video.

>> No.1057451

I laughed a little at the "ass****... ass... hole... ass****" bit.

>> No.1057454

>Are Tiger games, video games?

They don't output a video signal, so no.

>> No.1057458

I remember having the Altered Beast one. It certainly kept me entertained, and I thought it was a decent enough recreation of the console/arcade. I probably didn't have too high expectations for it, of course.
Wouldn't mind if I still had it.

>> No.1057478

Best part IMO was when he threw in a new Bullshit episode in the middle. Wasn't expecting it, and damn if that fucking packaging didn't deserve an episode. Fucking hate hate HATE that shit.

>> No.1057495

>They don't output a video signal
What does this even mean? What bizarrely specific definition of "video" do you have which Tiger handhelds don't fit?

>> No.1057501
File: 84 KB, 547x431, pics-hand-LCDbaseball01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forget the fucking image

>> No.1057498

This is the only tiger LCD game I remember having anything close to 'fun' with.

>> No.1057505

I guess it wouldn't be so bad if the times he genuinely IS angry weren't so completely different.

>> No.1057538

the dictionary definition?

>> No.1057560
File: 26 KB, 360x316, sonic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my greatest shames. I had my parents buy this because Toys 'R Us put an image of the actual Sonic 3 on the screen of this one of their ads.

I never revealed my disappointment outwardly but in hindsight I am not proud of myself.

>> No.1057556

I actually managed to cut myself on that type of packaging while trying to rip it open.

>> No.1057561

oh shit i had that one too.

>> No.1057620

>I had my parents buy this because Toys 'R Us put an image of the actual Sonic 3 on the screen of this one of their ads.
Is that even legal? Literally false advertising.

>> No.1057637

So in order to answer OP's question, I looked up "video game" on Wikipedia.


Reading this article is fucking hilarious. See especially the sections on "casual game" and "serious game" (which for some humongously fucktarded reason have ARTICLES OF THEIR OWN).

>> No.1057662

They don't have processors at all. That's the problem.

>> No.1057661

I lost it when he started singing the Baby's song from Dinosaurs. The whole episode was pretty great, I like it when he reviews hardware or general themes (like his sports games video)

>> No.1057970

i had the star fox watch

i miss it, it was genuinely fun but i didn't know how to change the actual time so i'd look like an asshole whenever someone needed the time

>> No.1057989

>The average gamer is 30 years old and has been playing for 12 years. Eighty-two percent of gamers are 18 years of age or older.


>> No.1058027
File: 45 KB, 600x450, Tiger-DoubleDragonII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had Tiger Double Dragon 2 and I honestly loved the fucking shit out of it

they definitely are video games iyam

>> No.1058030
File: 177 KB, 600x886, 3119_1359043605570_Tiger_Inspector_Gadget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one I remember having is this one. I know I had others, but I can't remember what they were. I might still have this around somewhere, actually.

>> No.1058041

At least most of the well-known Game & Watches were a few years older than the Game Boy. and yes I would consider Game & Watch systems to be games. Mario Bros. and Octopus and Popeye were part of my growing up and they were pretty fun and addictive.

>> No.1058047
File: 17 KB, 300x264, Sonic Underground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to find the other Sonic one I had, it was orange and had a little switch on it for spindashes, it wasn't even based off of a specific game.

Either way the other one I had was based off of Sonic Underground.

>> No.1058054


I had that fucking thing, and Rolfe is right: I never knew what was happening. It was just a cacophonic button-masher trying to escape the damn loop-de-loop every 27 seconds.

>> No.1058059

On second thought, that thing does have the switch on it, so it was probably the only one I had. Nevermind it was just that one.

>> No.1058074
File: 141 KB, 968x1296, nCAI7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and this

>> No.1058071
File: 29 KB, 371x500, 5394369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember having this one

>> No.1058080
File: 14 KB, 173x213, pamperchu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember having a motorbike racing game that used this style of LCD *and* it came with gum.
I thought it was pretty fun and challenging actually, wasn't a tiger game though.
also, >mfw /vr/ is tsundere for James Rolfe

>> No.1058529

the ngage is proply to new for him. And the apple pippin is very obscure. If he has one it would be a James and mike episode

>> No.1058596
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>> No.1058990


hey look this guy gets it

>> No.1059319
File: 25 KB, 400x340, 1990s-TIGER-DOUG-NICKELODEON-CARTOON-ELECTRONIC-HANDHELD-LCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I Doug?

>> No.1059326
File: 28 KB, 375x281, dougfunnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1059328

>Disney's Doug

no thanks

>> No.1059372

why did this obliterate my sides

>> No.1059403

I guess you could say it was pretty fuckin' Funnie

>> No.1059402


>> No.1059409

>le epic adventure time meme response faces

>> No.1059413

...What's the Doug button do?

That looks a lot like Paperboy, so maybe he Dougs a paper in to someone's yard?

>> No.1059425


>> No.1059447

I'm not going to lie. My family was poor as a kid so I didn't get a Game Boy until the Color version.

Until then I had the Sonic 3D Blast and Goosebumps Tiger Electronics

>> No.1059463


Same here, except with no Tiger games. Man, though, when I got that Game Boy...what a day.

>> No.1059471

I opened my GBC along with Pokemon Blue
on Xmas morning.

I think that was the happiest point in my entire life.

>> No.1059476


You know, I think that was the same for me too! It's been a long time but I don't think my GBC was a Christmas present. I do know that one Christmas, I got two copies of Pokemon Blue, and I was able to switch out the other for Red.

>> No.1059529
File: 145 KB, 320x480, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving visual images
Then what the fuck about those flashing LED billboards inside Pizza Inn?

>> No.1059534

>Pokemon Blue
Christmas 1998 was the best bro. I got the same thing.

>> No.1059547

Remember these as a kid, I'm pretty sure I had one of the wrist games. And they were so fucking terrible, but the novelty of them as a kid made them somewhat cool to own, so I feel indifferent about them.

>> No.1059605
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>being this autistic

>> No.1059632
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Oh hi


I actually owned the Donkey Kong one as a kid. That brings back some nostalgia.

>> No.1059660

>trying to discuss a defintion, around which the very question posed in the OP hinges, is being autistic

can we stop this trend of "you're autistic if you nitpick anything the slightest bit"

>> No.1059664

Shut up, I hate it when people say this


What the hell is "the" dictionary? I hope you know there's more than one?

Lots of languages have a definitive central authority which dictates their grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling. English isn't one of them.

If we're going simply by common use, then I've never met anyone who thinks Tiger handhelds aren't video games, and if this thread is any indication, I hope I never do.

>> No.1059669

If you don't count Tiger handhelds as games, then you can't count OG Gameboy games as games, as they use the EXACT same tech, only GB uses a more sophisticated version.

They both use. LCD dot matrix screens.

>> No.1059672

Aren't Tiger electronics more like a Game & Watch? The Game.com was probably Game Boyish but...

Also what was the "com" in "Game.com" even standing for?

>> No.1059697

I had a Beauty and the Beast one as a kid. I used to really like it.

>> No.1059721

>They both use. LCD dot matrix screens.

They are both LCD but only Game Boy is a "dot matrix" (the grid of pixels).

>> No.1059732
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>> No.1059809


Tiger handhelds are what a Game & Watch would be if everyone involved in designing it put in the barest minimum of effort.

>> No.1059853

Merriam-Webster's is THE go-to dictionary for the English language, Britbong and Clapistani dialects.

>> No.1062309

Oxford is the number one dictionary for academic purposes.

M-W is just a cheap off-brand anyone can afford, and has horrible quality checking.

>> No.1062767

Just watched the episode. It was going great until halfway through. You know, the part where he started ranting?

>> No.1062834

What's really going to blow your mind is when you start looking into it and thinking about it, and begin to realize that even the most authoritative dictionaries are compiled by a tiny fraction of language speakers, yet dictate what is and isn't "proper" language to all the hundreds of millions of others who use that language. They have no real oversight except their own. In other words,a few dozen academics and researchers tell you how to speak and what to say, every single year, and very few of you ever question that authority because you're afraid of being seen as "wrong."

>> No.1062868


1991 Desert Storm:
The military guys would wrap these shitboxes up in electrical tape and toss them into tents of the arabs who didn't know what they were.

Cue yakkety sax music and running towelheads in all directions.

On the other hand, you fucked with no man's gameboy over there.

>> No.1062865

www.game.com really was its website.

>> No.1062874

>being this tiresome when someone is trying to simply point out a spelling/pronunciation error

jesus christ dude not everything is some sheeple conspiracy

>> No.1062917


It's a multi-function button, it does different things depending on when you press it

>> No.1062919

Add that to the fact that logically, a language is not static, thus any dictionary as a documentation of the state of a language at a given time must inevitably become incorrect sooner or later, and it will always be playing a game of catch-up.

>> No.1063168

Tiger displays are not video. So no, they are not video games.

>> No.1063194

The standard joke here is that the game is actually from Patty's perspective. That's why the only options are "DOUG" and "FASTER"

>> No.1064016


>> No.1066006

film history bub, learn it

>> No.1066021

this emulation is terrible; the games never played this responsively