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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10569286 No.10569286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck does everything in this game have to be so fucking bespoke? I've been trying to get this fat wad of pudding to speak to me for an hour but he just keeps whinging about how Ruto is missing. Yeah, I'm here to help you, fuckwit. Why won't you let me help you? I even played Zelda's lullaby and showed him Zelda's letter to prove I'm a royal messenger but it doesn't do anything. Lighting a fire just down the stairs made a jingle but didn't do shit, don't know what the fuck it does. Is it really that hard for this fat fuck to listen?

Oh, and the worst part is I did the diving minigame, so I can dive deeper now. Cool, right? Well, I dive into this little cavern and it took me all the way to Lake Hylia, that's fine, right? Nope, because the passage to Zora's Domain from Lake Hylia is too deep for me to dive to with my current oxygen or whatever quirk the game has in mind—I thus have to march all the way to Hyrule Field, through Hyrule Field, through the river bank, and finally get back to Zora's Domain where I reunite with this fat cunt. Is this trek I made the reason people consider this 10/10 perfection and unambiguously the best game ever made?

>> No.10569291

Ruto is cute.

>> No.10569321

Did you try asking him nicely?

>> No.10569331

Fuck you

>> No.10569353

all of hyrules water

>> No.10569424
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>> No.10569427

please speak like a human being

>> No.10569435

>because the passage to Zora's Domain from Lake Hylia is too deep for me to dive to with my current oxygen or whatever quirk the game has in mind
My dude... Just... Look, If you have the Silver Scale from winning the Zora's Domain diving minigame, then you have everything you need to get back from lake Hylia back to Zora's Domain. Get the bottle with Ruto's Letter in it. Show that to King Zora... and for fuck's sake... stop being such an ADD zoomer faggot.

>> No.10569436

>Get the bottle with Ruto's Letter in it

>> No.10569446

It's in Lake Hylia. You can spot it resting on the bottom just outside the little tunnel's exit. Grab it and dive back to Zora's Domain.

>> No.10569450

Honestly, like, why are you sperging out on 4chan over this? You didn't have the patience to figure out a fetch quest, and your response was to... make this thread?? Have you, like, never played a video game before? Sometimes there are puzzles. Take your time.

>> No.10569459

Bot's broken again

>> No.10569460

Why the fuck can't I just talk to this fuckhead king?
>I'm a delegation from the Hyrule royal family. I'm here to rescue your daughter, please allow me to investigate the surrounds for clues.
The more time this faggot spends obstructing me the more danger his little brat is in

>> No.10569462

I bet it's the same retard from the mario madness thread >>>10564767
Either pretending to be bad at popular video games is the newest zoomie meme or this anon really is braindead.

>> No.10569465

>Why the fuck can't I just talk to this fuckhead king?
You can. AFTER you get information from the written message inside the bottle. It was written by Ruto, King Zora's daughter. In the message, it is revealed to you that she was swallowed by a giant whale, which is located behind King Zora. He moves out of the way, and you continue your quest...

>> No.10569467

Thanks, I had a feeling I was being bated. No one is actually this retarded, except for the actually mentally retarded.

>> No.10569468

>I'm a delegation from the Hyrule royal family. I'm here to rescue your daughter, please allow me to investigate the surrounds for clues.
Why can't I tell him THIS from the beginning like any other game? Does Link not want to help him?

>> No.10569469

Why do you want people on 4chan to spoil the game for you? Why make this thread? You can just look at any of the millions of guides and walkthroughs if you like.

>> No.10569470

Oh, so it is a bot. Abandon thread.

>> No.10569472

Yeah if you don't give swimming praise to literally every aspect of oot you are a troll

>> No.10569485

Guides don't give you (You)s

>> No.10569517

I agree that it's video gamey, but Nintendo prioritized the puzzle experience over realism. Take it or leave it, because being "bespoke" is part of the fun.

>> No.10569593

>"let me look around for clues fishman!"
>can't advance because he missed a very obvious clue

>> No.10569605

OP is a faggot but those niggers are far worse posters than he could hope to be

>> No.10569634

>OP can't comprehend what's being said to him and repeats dailoge on a loop.
>Is somehow not a bot.
The only nigger here is you.

>> No.10569641

>No one can be a retard
>No one can be autistic
>No one can be a troll
>The only explanation is if the thread is made by a computer program
Do you actually think this?

>> No.10569760

Oh you want to talk about clues? You have two signposts in Zora's Domain that advise you on speaking to the Zora King:
>"Just Ahead. King Zora's Chamber. Show the proper respect!"
>"To hear the King's royal proclamations, stand on the platform and talk to him."
As far as I'm concerned, I can just go speak to him and show him my royal credentials. On that note, up until this point, the game has told you to let characters know you are the royal delegation in order to make them take you seriously:
>Zelda tells you as much, hence writing a letter for you with her signature
>Impa tells you as much, hence telling you the royals' secret hymn (Zelda's Lullaby), known only to trusted people like their vassals.
>To get to Death Mountain, you had to show Zelda's letter to the soldier keeping the gate.
>To speak to Darunia, leader of the Gorons, you had to play Zelda's Lullaby to him
As far as I'm concerned, I can just go speak to him and show him my royal credentials, but these rules just get thrown out the fucking window, and why the fuck? Why can't I just tell him I'm the royal delegation and that I want to save his fucking daughter, and therefore need permission to investigate the surrounds? Again, does Link not want to save Ruto? Does the Zora King not want Ruto to be saved? Does he actually just fucking hate her and want her to die, but reluctantly moves out the way once you show the letter since there'd be no plausible deniability for continuing to block the passage?

Anyone calling me a retard should Google "Ocarina of Time King Zora" and find dozens of forum posts, many of which are over 20 years old, of people rightfully asking what the fuck you're meant to do. The intended solution goes against basic logic and defies the hints the game's already told you.

Also, how the fuck did Ruto's letter end up in Lake Hylia? How the FUCK?????

>> No.10569771

>Also, how the fuck did Ruto's letter end up in Lake Hylia? How the FUCK?????
It's right in front of the little portal thing that links the lake and Zora's domain. Please stop pretending to be retarded its very gay.

>> No.10569797
File: 490 KB, 498x290, autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10569801

Trolling outside of /b/ is a bannable offense.

>> No.10569814

She was inside Jabu Jabu, so the only way it would get to Lake Hylia is:
>she somehow gets it out of Jabu Jabu in the first place (why not herself with it?)
>it somehow slips under her dad's ass, the source of all of Hyrule's water (how the FUCK didn't he intercept it?)
>the guy watching the diving spot 24/7 doesn't intercept it
>after falling 100 feet, the jar doesn't shatter upon impact with the relatively shallow water
>no one else sees or hears it
As for buoyancy, it just makes no fucking sense. In order to get into the little cavern that leads to Lake Hylia, it would have to sink... but to get from the exit to the particular part of Lake Hylia it's in, it would have to float... and then ultimately sink again. It's completely fucking retarded, and all of this retardation could have been averted if I could just do what the game already trained me to do which is talk to the Zora King and prove my royal credentials.

>> No.10569818

Okay. Let's say you can talk to King Zora. You show him your "credentials" or whatever. What do you want him to say, exactly? Nothing changes. Ruto's still missing. Neither you nor he has any idea where she is. You still have to find out where she's gone somehow.

He gives you a clue when you talk to him. Ruto is missing. You have to go look for her. Find clues to her whereabouts.

>> No.10569820

>can do anything because designated royalty
>is asking fishman for permission to do things

>> No.10569824


>> No.10569837

>What do you want him to say, exactly?
"You have my blessing to investigate the Zora realm."
Then he moves his ass, giving you access to the fountain.
"Please, you must pursue any leads you may find!"

>> No.10569849

They accidentally left a developer's option menu in the giant fish so she threw the bottle quickly then turned off clipping/hit detection til it got to where it needed to be.

>> No.10569857

don't listen to this faggot, he's trying to get you to go through the portal again so you have to run all the way back again.

>> No.10569884

But without the letter, you wouldn't know that Ruto was swallowed my JabuJabu.

>> No.10569890

not op but I would have

>> No.10569894


>> No.10569908

Permission is important because as far as I can tell, Hyrule isn't an autocracy and the vassals have a large degree of independence.
You wouldn't need to know that, you could just investigate the fountain and indigenously find your way into Jabu Jabu's belly, and then stumble across Ruto.

>> No.10569926

No, you can't because you need to get Ruto's Letter so you can keep the empty bottle. You need the empty bottle to catch a fish and present the fish to JabuJabu to open his mouth so you can go inside.

Everyone, please, stop being so very, very gay.

>> No.10569949

>You need the empty bottle
Nintendo could have designed a billion other ways for you to acquire a bottle (I in fact already got a bottle from the Kakariko chicken lady); the validity of your argument hinges on it being impossible for Nintendo to have provided a bottle outside of the existing quest with Ruto's letter. But again, this shows another aspect of King Zora (and more generally, the game designers) being extremely anally retentive: the game will not allow me to proceed with my Kakariko-derived bottle alone, nor can I present a fish without a bottle from the dedicated fishing minigame. Link can hold a fucking chicken in his inventory but not a fish?

>> No.10570010

Hi everyone, I'm OP and I know that 4CHAN looooooves popular games like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time!
To share in that love (receive it, not give it), I want eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone to think I'm playing it right now!! (I'm not, of course: I've never owned any copy of that game)
To bait you all into responding to me and my thread and give me attention for this poooooooopular video game, I'm going to complain about it!! It's funny because I get the attention I want from the people I respect by acting like the child I am!! I don't reeeeeeeeeeeally have feeling about that game, but YOU do and I'm soooooooooo much smarter than youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, so I'm BAITING you!!!


>> No.10570076

Of course it's bespoke you idiot, do you know what that word even means? Probably not seeing as you cant work this bit out

>> No.10570112

holy fuck I hate zoomers

>> No.10570124

The only people who make stupid threads are zoomers
And importantly the only people who criticize zelda and established good games are zoomers
It cannot be anything but zoomers
It must be zoomers
Say zoomer
Post zoomer a hundred times
Do it every thread
Post it every moment you are challenged
Post it every at unusual opinion that doesn't conform to your expectations
Zoomer thread!
Zoomer board!

>> No.10570132

Lol this part trips me up too. It's easy to gloss over the cues telling you to go to Lake Hylia and the diving mini game feels optional. I consider gaining access to the first two child dungeons fairly easy, with tons of explanation in kokari, moderate explanation in goron city. The sparse explanation in zora's domain shows the indifference of the zoras and prepares the player for the challenges of the adult stage
A- Game Design

>> No.10570136
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>> No.10570143 [DELETED] 

>child dungeons
ok magatard

>> No.10570167 [DELETED] 

Excuse me? Don't speak out of turn Sit the fuck back down`

>> No.10570209
File: 104 KB, 719x556, OoT3D_Magic_Bean_Model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't played this game in 20 years and never beat it, started playing recently and holy fuck is it overrated. you cannot defend this, and the game is PACKED full of obnoxious bullshit like this that would be unforgivable if done by any other company

>> No.10570228

the trumper is triggered

>> No.10570238

Another day, another absolutely terrible thread full of faggots from the OP all the way down, and I'm including myself for even wasting a post on it. This board isn't quite as bad as /v/ or /pol/ yet, but man it's getting there.