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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10554636 No.10554636 [Reply] [Original]

What are your top 5 squaresoft games and why?

>> No.10554643

1. FF7
2. FF9
3. Parasite Eve
4. Parasite Eve 2
5. FF10
Why? Don't feel like typing

>> No.10554649

>1. FF7
Are you a 12 year old from 1998 they just thawed out? There is nothing about this "game" that holds up

>> No.10554670
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I still like it but it has some of the worst Square designs and the dialogues are silly

>> No.10554693

What's this about holding up? The game is as good as it was back then, you're the only one that changed (ie became more ignorant)

>> No.10554696

No Final Fantasy games "hold up" really. The entire series is pretty much babby's first RPG, story-wise and from a gameplay perspective. There's not a single entry which has a narrative above the average anime slop, whilst the combat is always simplistic and easy.

>> No.10554712
File: 3.34 MB, 854x480, Screen_Recording_20230919_191716_SaGa Frontier (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song
Romancing SaGa 2
SaGa Frontier
Final Fantasy Legend II
Romancing SaGa 3

There's nothing else like the SaGa series and if it clicks with you it clicks.

>> No.10554780
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>> No.10554831

looking good

>> No.10554934
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The fanart from around that time definitely does hold up.

>> No.10554961
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Are you telling me that art's not official? I could swear it was and it was a minor kerfuffle when the fanbase found out because we obviously didn't see it in the West...

>> No.10554994

Legend of Mana
Saga Frontier
Final Fantasy Tactics
Parasite Eve
Rad Racer

The RPGs have some different gimmicks instead of being your standard story-driven Dragon Quest clone
The last one is just because it's one of the very first video games I played and the music got stuck in my head ever since

>> No.10555017

Super Mario RPG
Final Fantasy 6
I should play more squaresoft games

>> No.10555058

1. Final Fantasy 1
2. Secret of Mana
3. Final Fantasy Adventure
4. Final Fantasy 4
5. ----

>> No.10555105

way to invalidate your post

>> No.10555116

>There is nothing about this "game" that holds up
Except for the gameplay, story, writing, design, music, sound effects, graphics, replay value, the list goes on...

>> No.10555163

it's a real CRT.

>> No.10555168

Front Mission 3
FF Tactics
Parasite Eve

>> No.10555196

If you mainly consume Hollywood movies and Netflix shows and hate anime, jrpgs certainly aren't for you. But that doesn't mean they should change in order to please people that consume almost exclusively Anglo culture, it just means that not all products aim for the same audience.

>> No.10555202

Are you a 12 year old from 2023

>> No.10555208

FFVIII, FFVII, Parasite Eve 1, Parasite Eve 2, Chrono Trigcross. Phoneposting while making food, can't elaborate.

>> No.10555213

unfathomably based

>> No.10555228

what the fuck am I looking at
this looks like some fake video game you'd see on NCIS or something

>> No.10555634

I've never been into anime but love JRPGs ... ironically the most anime I ever watched was on Netflix when a buddy recommended this show about retarded giants eating people, it was okay for a season.

>> No.10555758

This whole thread should just be these games in different orders desu.

>> No.10555765

1.Chrono Trigger
2. Final Fantasy 7
3.Super Mario RPG
4. Parasite Eve
5. Final fantasy 8

>> No.10555807

Parasite Eve 2

For 5th position I dunno lol probably Rad Racer

>> No.10555829

Crono Trigger
Bushido Blade
Saga Frontier

Really, this is a very uncomplete list since Square put out so much good shit in the 90s. For a while they couldn't do wrong with any genre they touched.

Had to be there man, and you obviously wern't

>> No.10555835

3. FF6
1. Secret of Mana
2. Chrono Trigger
4. Secret of Evermore
5. Seiken Densetsu 3

>> No.10555841

In no particular order:
Chrono Trigger - It's one of the few JRPGs I don't think is complete shit
Front Mission 3 - Has giant stompy robots
Vagrant Story - Isn't filled with JRPG bullshit either
Bahamut Lagoon - I like tactics games
The Bouncer - Because I was that fucking desperate for a Streets of Rage sort of game at the time and I actually have fond memories of it

>> No.10555858

FF7: Best FF game IMO
Chrono Trigger: World, Characters and music.
Secret of Mana: Tied with SOM 2 they are both good but I prefer 1.
Vagrant Story: Battle system, world.
FF Tactics: I prefer this over the Ogre series.

>> No.10556212


>> No.10556503

Final Fantasy is over hated. I'd rather play a Final Fantasy game over something like Breath of Fire or Suikoden.

>> No.10556564


And that's it. Not a fan of the company but something or other was alright.

>> No.10556714
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>> No.10556715

1. FF1
2. FF4
Never a fan of melodrama in a video game and I like dragoon.

>> No.10556747

FFXIII is actually good it’s only problem is throwing you balls deep into a world using a ton of jargons that all sound similar.

>> No.10556749

The Saga Frontier remaster was so fucking good

>> No.10556783

Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana

How'd I do

>> No.10556792

>walk straight down this narrow corridor for the entire game
FFXIII is quite possibly the worst FF of all time.

>> No.10556808

How has nobody said Front Mission: Gun Hazard? I loved it.

>> No.10557178

>FFXIII is quite possibly the worst FF of all time.
I don't know about worst. 15 looked so bad I didn't want to touch it and 16 doubly so.

13 is definitely where it went to irredeemable shit. 12 was still servicable at least.

>> No.10557286

Parasite eve 2
Front Mission 3

because I could play them in my psx back then, also great atmosphere in all of them.

>> No.10557324


>> No.10557361

the exact opposite of ff8, which still holds up excellently to this day

>> No.10557364

I've only ever played the gb ones, which other saga is best to start with? Is that the frontier remake in picrel?

>> No.10557370

chrono trigger
chrono cross

kinda a lame list but its mine

>> No.10557372

actually i lied swap ff9 and cross what was i thinking

>> No.10557395


>> No.10557563


>> No.10557752

What's up with Yuffie's leg anyway? Did she wreck her knee and have to get a prosthetic or some shit?

>> No.10557778
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Without falling into the Enix side of games, you made me realize despite always going for their games in my youth, Square has to revisit the same games. I'd like to say the deeper cuts like Einhander, Tobal 2, or Xenogears, but it seems like the favorites they make are the usual ones:

Chrono Trigger - the best there is, the best there was, the best that ever will be thanks to its steally story, characters, visuals, music, and playability.

Final Fantasy Tactics - my favorite game on the original Playstation. Looks and sounds amazing makes me feel like a genius always winning.

Final Fantasy 2 (4 easy type) - My 2nd SNES game after the pack-in, and it was the game that got me to love JRPGs. Its pacing just keeps me playing.

The World Ends with You - Super stylish visuals and innovative using unique controls. The music has so much variety.

Secret of Mana - it was multiplayer fun with cousins. While flawed and surpassed by its sequels, it still was special with its music, mood, and shared experience with family.

A lot of their original Playstation output sure hit with me like Dewprism, Parasite Eve, FF7/8/9, Vagrant Story, etc, but they sure have faded from being a system seller developer for me.

>> No.10557785

FF8 is the game where every time you switch disks you lose gameplay and get more videos to watch.

>> No.10557792

Is the Final Fantasy Legend collection on switch any good or should I just emulate/track down a copy?

>> No.10557820

zoom zoom

>> No.10558212

You can just emulate it, you're getting the same experience and you get to dip your toes into the series.

>> No.10558643

Beyond based. Came here to post this.

>> No.10559185

1. Final Fantasy 6
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Super Mario RPG
4. Final Fantasy 4
5. Final Fantasy 7

>> No.10559232
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1. Final Fantasy 6
2. Final Fantasy 9
3. Seiken Densetsu 3
4. Final Fantasy 4
5. Secret of Mana
Honorable mention goes to Einhander

>> No.10559259

i like ff7 because midgar was so grimdark and you get to be a terrorist

>> No.10559268

Can't go wrong with Romancing Saga 3.

>> No.10559336

1: Super Mario RPG: i kinda like the linear structure of it where each area is its own stage to go through. I also love seeing the cast of Mario characters dealing with a threat very unlike their series identity, something the remake elaborates on a bit more.
2: Live A Live: im a huge nig for multi chapter/scenario games like this, the SaGa games probably could also fit here, but the variety and settings of LAL do it the best for me. Battle system is neat too.
3: Final Fantasy 6: just the best FF imo.
4: Threads of Fate: something about this felt like a 3D MegaMan, especially when using the girl. Very under the randar as far as square stuff.
5: Kingdom Hearts: i can appreciate the artistic skill involved, but i fucking hate disney. That said, Kingdom Hearts may be close to my favorite premise for a game ever: a merging of anime and western animation styles both clashing and supporting each other, a character traveling to a bunch of different themed worlds. It tickles me in a way similar to Live A Live. I LOVE the concept of a game where each world is based off of different public domain stories or fairy tales, i just really hate that it's the Disney adoptions of them, yet at that same time that artistic influence permeats the identity of the series. I know people will fight me on this, but i will forever say KH could have worked without the disney stuff in some alt universe where they pulled out at the last minute and square had to redo the worlds, but keep the whimsical feel of the game. You could have Sora teamed up with Frog and Mog going to worlds based on Alice in Wonderland and 1001 Arabian Nights with various Sqaure characters filling the roles in those tales. It makes me upset thinking about it because KH is a paradox that i both love and hate. Dont care for the rest of the series really though, i liked the grounded combat of the first the most.

Special mention to Tom Sawyer as being their closest Mother-like game.

>> No.10559357

Top Five.

1. Parasite Eve
2. Chrono Trigger
3. FF8
4. Chrono Cross
5. FF10

>> No.10559371

>i thought that was leg hair

>> No.10559409

1. Kingdom Hearts
2. FFX
3. FF7
5. FF4

>> No.10559545
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hol' up...

>> No.10559574

Id take out kingdom hearts and ff4 and swap them with ff5 and ff6

>> No.10559772

going nuts with the materia at the end and breaking the game is so much fun in the end game

>> No.10559781

Chrono Trigger
FF 7
FF Tactics
FF 6
FF 9

>> No.10560303

1. Final Fantasy IX
2. Final Fantasy VIII
3. Final Fantasy Tactics Advace
4. Vagrant Story
5. Saga Frontier 2

>> No.10561793

Threads of Fate
Brave Fencer Musashi

Threads of Fate is number 5 because while it's charming as hell, it's also a bore to finish the whole game imo. FFVIII is an honorable mention but the Junction system is aids. Brave Fencer Musashi is simply one of my favorite games of all time due to it's colorful variety and unique aesthetic.

>> No.10561870

5. Chrono Trigger
4. Final Fantasy 9
3. Final Fantasy 7
2. Chrono Cross
1. Final Fantasy 8

>> No.10561878

You like Cross more than Trigger?

>> No.10561879

there is nothing anglo about mainstream western "culture". it's not even jewish anymore, it's just internationalist thanks to blackrock.

>> No.10561881

I should also specify the DS version of Chrono Trigger, as it connects to Chrono Cross and confirms Guile=Magus, but for the most part Square peaked with PSX, then went off the rails with jpop slop once the PS2 came out and now everything they make is pure AIDS

>> No.10561883

SaGafags are a cult

>> No.10561887

Yes. It's a better game.

>> No.10561895

Saga Frontier

>> No.10561907

>Are you a 12 year old from 1998 they just thawed out?
Where do you think you are?

>> No.10562224


>> No.10563260

FFT Xenogears ChronoCross FF8 Parasite Eve.

Because they're fun and made you think.

>> No.10563309

1. FF11
2. FF12
3. FF10
4. FF6
5. FF9
I did not care for Chrono Trigger.

>> No.10563363

-Chrono Trigger
-Final Fantasy 4
-Final Fantasy 6
-Secret of Mana
-Trials of Mana

>> No.10564945

schizo frontier 1
schizo fantasy 2
radical schizos
lov' me schizocore

>> No.10565981

underrated comment

>> No.10565987

Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Super Mario RPG
Kingdom Hearts 2
Final Fantasy 7

>> No.10566113

FF7 is a great game with an exciting story. The sadness from living in a ghetto to the horror of cosmic evil in a giant office building, it then loses a bit of luster after exiting midgar, but it still has some great moments. The mystery that unfolds with Cloud's memories, the love triangle between Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris. Red XIII finding out his deadbeat dad actually was a valiant hero and saved his village. Shinra trying to destroy the world with the big materia. Hojo and Sephirorth origin story and the mystery surrounding them. Aeris, being an ancient being offspring. This all culminating in the finale against One-winged angel.

>> No.10566460

Tourist in this board, but i'm surprised you lot arent more positive about FF, its like the holy grail of retro

>> No.10566562


>> No.10566594

What is with you retards that this word causes you to break down and start crying? It's effectively the exact same word as 'shit'.

>> No.10566597

Square Soft? More like Square Shit

>> No.10566602

>not Squareslop
One fucking job.

>> No.10566612

Go back to playing Ultima and Daggerfall then.

>> No.10566613

Come on, anon. Out of all the JARPIGs devs there are you gotta pick the most bland and generic of them all? You're better than that, fren

>> No.10566626

Howabout I play daggerfall, Ultima underworld, xenogears and ffvi ? Can you handle it porkmeister? Can you handle my chocolate all up in ur peanut butter?

>> No.10566632
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>Ultima series, TES Arena and Daggerfall
>Japanese in origin
Are you delusional , do you suffer from some kind of mental illness? Get your head out of your cloud of delusions and read a book on those series history or something, or blow your brains out with a magnum

>> No.10566648

Age is getting the best of you, gramps. You can't even understand the implications of a simple sentence

>> No.10566809
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>He thinks that criticism of his "jarpigs" shitposts is a sign of being a gramps, or maybe also similarly old-aged uncle
Try getting some better material.

>> No.10566858

Damn dude you're senile, man, get some grip dumbass