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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10557586 No.10557586 [Reply] [Original]

Every day, I become more certain that this is the greatest first person shooter ever made.
>good story with memorable characters and dialogue
>lush graphics that ooze atmosphere and still look beautiful 20 years later
>10/10 god tier OST
>amazing enemy AI
>superb gameplay with smooth controls, well-balanced weapons and truly cerebral combat
>impressive physics system
>timeless multiplayer modes
This is as good as it gets.

>> No.10557628

Besides the two levels after library (they’re still fun), the game is a masterpiece. Dated, sure, but that’s a problem for zoomers to cope with. I’ll never forgive bungie for not getting the marines. right in he sequels like they did in CE. My only gripe is they’re underpowered when equipped with anything other than a power weapon. Still, halo ce is in my top 10. playing this christmas morrning is one of the most memorable things I’ve ever experienced.

>> No.10557642

>playing this christmas morrning is one of the most memorable things I’ve ever experienced.
I can only imagine. I'm 32 and I didn't play this for the first time until 2018, and it has still cemented itself as my favorite shooter ever. I think it's a testament to the greatness of the game that I can enjoy it so much without even having any childhood nostalgia attached to it. This game is something special, man.

>> No.10557646

Still the best AI in games

>> No.10557684

Weapons are ass aside from the two pistols and the level design didn't take advantage of the floaty jump you had at ALL. Those alone knock it down heavily, but it's still alright.

>> No.10557701

What is with all the Halo shitposting lately? The gunplay fucking sucks, having arguably the worst assault rifle in the history of video games. The only guns worth using are magnum, shotgun, sniper rifle and rocket launcher. All the alien guns are shit and cringe, except the plasma pistol for nuking elites shields and going for the magnum headshot immediately after. Some redditor will defend the Needler, but it also sucks. A lot of maps are just pushing through giant open fields and then pushing through the same indoors section over and over. Then when the flood comes you get to run through the same levels but backwards. Halo is a fun coop campaign shooter, but it's a shit fps in general and can't be taken seriously for high level comp pvp.

>> No.10557724

OP mentioned he wants to make friends because he doesn't have any. And is using an internet forum to do so. That's about it.

>> No.10557730

>The gunplay fucking sucks, having arguably the worst assault rifle in the history of video games.
I'm sorry man, but you're an unironic shitter. AR is for killing groups of grunts or de-shielding an elite in CQC, I'm sorry you were too retarded to figure this out.
>muh alium gums
Plasma pistol is unironically better than the Magnum in most situations. Plasma rifle is also very powerful when used well. Needler is one of the worst guns, but it's useful when you're pinned down by multiple elites in an enclosed area and have low health. Bare minimum, you have the Magnum, Plasma Pistol, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun and Rocket Launcher which we can probably agree feel good to use and are fairly powerful, and this is more than half the weapon roster -- so it seems like your complaint about the weapons is almost exclusively reserved for one or two guns which you just don't know how to use properly. Using this as the basis for complaining about the entire game's combat is pretty retarded.
>A lot of maps are just pushing through giant open fields and then pushing through the same indoors section over and over.
Other than the library, when does this happen? I'd wager you think this less because you're actually "pushing through the same sections over and over", and more that you only feel like you are, because you're getting raped so many times that you keep repeating the same segments. I bet you absolutely despise Truth & Reconcilliation and got BTFO in the first room of the ship with the 4 doors.
>it's a shit fps in general and can't be taken seriously for high level comp pvp.
I played Quake 3 competitively for over a decade and I couldn't give less of a fuck about "high level comp pvp". How about fun and enjoyment? Go donate to another twitch stream you guarine-addled retard.

>> No.10557747

60% on marketing. Without this, the game would have been forgotten.

>> No.10557753

>it's bad because it was marketed

>> No.10557772

I finished the game on legendary multiple times, it's fun, to some extent, but it's still a shit fps, don't tell me that each gun has its use, because none of the guns ever feel good to use, regardless of situation

>> No.10557781

>Pistol is the best weapon in the game
Unironically good design

>> No.10557796

The Shotgun and Sniper Rifle are also pretty shit

>> No.10557797

>don't tell me that each gun has its use, because none of the guns ever feel good to use, regardless of situation
I will tell you, because you're being a faggot. Each gun having a use is not a matter of subjectivity, it's an observable fact. A sniper is going to be more effective at killing a distant elite than a group of grunts. An assault rifle is going to be more effective at killing a group of grunts than a distant elite. This is common sense, stop being a pedantic retard just because you have a bulbous purple hateboner for muh gaylo. You can say what you want about the AR or the covenant weapons, but if you don't at least think the magnum or sniper feel good to use, then you're being disengenuous. There are so many games with absolute shit tier weapons, like Quake 1 with its salt and pepper shaker shotguns, and you're going to tell me Halo's weapons feel bad? Get real.

>> No.10557829

Shitty and forgotten game

>> No.10557837

>says it's forgotten
>is talking about it

>> No.10557917

Bro I don't even hate Halo, I like it enough to play it on legendary and think that it's a fun coop campaign shooter. I just think the guns are shit, and Halo 2 and beyond made the right call by adding the battle rifle and covenant carbine thing. Halo has earned its place in the fps history books, I just can't believe anyone would genuinely believe that Halo is the best fps of all time

Tbh last night I got hammered with my old friends for our annual Christmas drinking night and I don't have the energy to argue with you right now

>> No.10557923 [DELETED] 

>dude uh abloo bloo uhh halo 2 uhh battle rifle, drinking with the buddies uhh fuck halo
Shut the fuck up.you nigger haired parasite.

>> No.10557926 [DELETED] 

No, you shut up nigger, Halo 2 and beyond are objectively superior to Halo 1 because of the battle rifle and covenant carbine. Halo 1 is shit because it has shit guns. Halo 1 babies are omega cringe

>> No.10557930 [DELETED] 

>shit guns
See, the fundamental problem is that you're bad at video games. You have a small, crooked penis and you're too retarded to use a plasma rifle properly. That isn't the game's fault.

>> No.10557938 [DELETED] 

>bad at video games
>finishes the game on hardest difficulty with ease
Nah kid, Halo 1 sucks and has shit guns, you just can't cope with your precious shit hole game being attacked for being the shit hole game that it is. Gay baby aliens with gay baby alien guns that are not fun to use is the fatal flaw of gaylo 1. Halo is like the special olympics of fps games, and you are king retard riding the short bus when you defend it

>> No.10557947 [DELETED] 

No ammount of coping will make Halo or Half Life good or respected on /vr/.
Rpgcodex hates them.

>> No.10557949 [DELETED] 

>dude i'm too tired to argue with you because i got like soooo hammered last night haha but uh let me keep arguing
>gay baby aliens!!!!!
No wonder you like Halo: Breaking Benjamin Edition. I repeat, you are objectively bad at video games and I would choke your fucking face Mark MacGrath style in Halo 1. In fact, I'd play you right now, but you're clearly a pussy and I'm sure you have better things to do, such as sucking your friends' cocks while you down White Claws and watch Rick and Morty.

>> No.10557954 [DELETED] 

Why are Halo babies so bad at fps games that they defend a game where most of the guns can't even do headshot damage? How old are you?

>> No.10557958 [DELETED] 

>So bad at fps
Says the retard who got filtered by "gay baby aliens". Enough of you.

>> No.10557959 [DELETED] 

Acceptable fps to like: Doom, Quake, Unreal, Duke, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Dark Forces, Marathon, Cybermage, Strife, Hexen, Heretic, Sin, Shogo
Unacceptable: Half Life, COD, Halo, Nu Doom, Nu Wolfenstein, Serious Sam, Goldeneye, Timesplitters, FEAR, Perfect Dark, Overwatch, Counter Strike, Battlefield, MOH

>> No.10557963 [DELETED] 

Did I get filtered if I finished the game on legendary and enjoyed it? Why are you so mad that I think babies first fps has shitty lame guns? It's a good game, I just think the guns are lame. Why are you so mad about that?

>> No.10557971 [DELETED] 

We've been over this: the guns don't suck, you do. Now if you want to see how bad you are at video games, name literally any retro PC FPS and I will play you right now. Put your money where your jizz-crusted mouth is or shut the fuck up. Quake 3, DOOM 2, Unreal 2K4, you name it. If you're too pussy to play, then you don't deserve an opinion. I await your excuse.

>> No.10557975 [DELETED] 

I'm not getting out of bed, but I'll shit in your mouth in CS any day of the week

>> No.10557978 [DELETED] 

BR was the worst change made to the game besides only having one level on Earth. The whole game should have been on Earth. I can't express my disappointment that cold November morning in 2004 when the first rays of sunlight were coming through my window and the campaign was over. Multi-player was the best thing about Halo 2. Ran 3 one campaign and never played a Halo game again.

>> No.10557981 [DELETED] 

>pussies out
Go change your neovagina tampon and get back to beauty rest you ch00b tranny.

>> No.10557982 [DELETED] 

the guns do suck tho, if they didnt suck we wouldnt be having this conversation

>> No.10557985 [DELETED] 

>resorts to tranny memes when his shitty game gets called out
Lol, stay mad kid

>> No.10557989 [DELETED] 

Did you know you're a bisexual manlet with rosacea? It must be true because if it wasn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

>> No.10557990

CE is fun but the level design is trash through and through. Even as a kid I'd get bored as shit every time I got to the 2nd level (Halo)

>> No.10557993 [DELETED] 

>abloo bloo
You talked shit, got challenged and bitched out because you know damn well you'd get your pansy ass handed to you and uploaded on YT. Embarassing. No more (You)'s for you, shemale.

>> No.10557997 [DELETED] 

>hating kino serene valley with clusters of monsters wandering around forgotten brutalist ruins
child you was a faggot

>> No.10558001 [DELETED] 

You're a greasy overweight NEET and you are not good at video games kid, you never were, as evidenced by you being ass blasted over someone saying Halo 1 has shit guns. Only people who are bad at video games defend Halo

>> No.10558003

Halo CE is one of my personal favorite games, but I just don't know if I can call it "the greatest FPS of ever made". Those are strong words.
You've got some strong competition from more "pure FPS" games that have no cinematic elements ... personally I'd consider Quake to be up there, and I think people could make arguments for Doom 1 or 2, and Quake III, plus there's games that do similar things like Half-Life, Far Cry, Fear, the Metroid Prime games ... maybe AVP ... even Halo 2 ... if we're generous about the definition of FPS, you have games like Deus Ex, System Shock 1 & 2...
Plus, Halo CE does have obvious flaws: I think you can rightly criticize its second half. You do have some arguably weak levels like the Library and Keyes.

You can use a lot of nice adjectives but I don't think that helps with forming an objective opinion.

Hell, even a game I'd consider less stellar, Star Wars: Battlefront, both does some things even better than Halo (massive battles with dozens of AI, vehicle combat on huge open levels, "lush graphics"), but it also has no obvious flaws for the type of game it is.
It doesn't have a campaign to match Halo, doesn't reach Halo CE's heights in terms of story and presentation: but it also doesn't have any obvious flaws for the kind of game it is. It is exactly the kind of game it's trying to be, Battlefield + Star Wars, without any noticeable failures in reaching what it sets out to do.

With that in mind, I think the devil's advocate could make a strong argument for Quake as being "not as good" in terms of story/adventure/cinematic factor (whatever you want to call it), but "less flawed" in terms of having noticeably weak levels (I think the final boss level is weak, but that's it), and, given that it's a more "Pure FPS" game, I might rate it the better FPS.

Maybe I'd call Halo CE the "greatest cinematic adventure FPS game" but at that point you're just making up categories.

Idk. It's a 5 star game among many 5 star gaems

>> No.10558009 [DELETED] 

2000s FPS are ALL TRASH. Growing up being blown away by the games of the 90s on PC & console, including the many great FPS, I was a hopeful seeker of new experiences thoroughly addicted, which led to a road of suffering through all the shite of the 2000s. All the time spent playing retard-tier 2000s FPS is one of my biggest gaming shames & regrets. The people championing them in this thread I assume either don't know better or are simply retarded. Something I find fascinating is there is not a single FPS in the 2000s that meets 90s gameplay standards. Just endless linear, repetitive, braindead shit. You'd think there would be one exception, but no, all the glory completely abandoned. There is but one exception that came close, and that is the Stalker games, though they're still not quite my ideal. Yet they're the only ones I consider remotely monocled of that decade, and worthy of a gaming historian's time. 90s FPS glory: -Genuine Challenge -Resource management (health, armor, ammo for 10+ guns, often minor inventory) -Non-linear level design that requires a little brainpower to navigate, as well as allows for multiple approaches. -Environmental hazards and puzzle elements -Platforming and climbing -projectile-based combat. 2000s on the other hand all hitscan hell. -Notable degree of environmental interactivity. -Huge enemy rosters with diverse behaviors, not just all human enemies and maybe a few extras if you're lucky. -Sometimes even entire optional/secret levels. -Swimming, or even freeform flying. (this is of course without going into the other side of the monocle coin with 90s realism-based tactical shooters, like System Shock, Deus Ex, Rainbow 6 or whatever).

>> No.10558014 [DELETED] 

Each 90s game had a twist on this formula, either small or a big twist, but retained the core standards defined by the mighty doom (for the most part).
Quite the design formula that made FPS a great genre. Prestigious. Actually demanded something from the player, moderately deep gameplay. FUN in abundance. All turned into linear shooting galleries with zero substance, graphics & realism emphasis over gameplay, laughable attempts to tell a story. To enjoy this shit you have to have a simple mind.

Certain ignorant people love to blame consoles for the decline, but that's horseshit when PC devs were largely the trend setters of the genre (Valve, id & Ion Storm were basically considered the kings), 90s console FPS were largely great too (NOT Goldeneye though it was ok at best), and there's not a single 2000s PC FPS that retained old gold standards, whether multiplatform or designed specifically for the PC. Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Unreal 2, Call of Duty, Quake 4, Bioshock, just endless SHIT.

Outside of Stalker, I cannot happily recommend a single 2000s FPS among all the trash I played. I could recommend a select few in the 7-8/10 (at best) range, but why bother when there's many better games to play?

And yes, Deus Ex is technically a 2000s game, but fuck off that game is 90s through an through, pretty much the culmination of a particular breed of 90s design standards, spent the majority of its dev time in the 90s. It's the ultimate end-game 90s game to top off the golden decade.

>> No.10558019

You are not allowed to have this opinion because uhh ms bad, console shooters bad, goldeneye better, babbys first shooter etc etc so tired of the bitching, my first fps was Wolfenstein 3D and i fucking loved this game

>> No.10558020 [DELETED] 

Make playing the following 90s greats

Duke 3D
Shadow Warrior
Doom 1/2
System Shock 2
Deus Ex

An absolute priority for peak first person gaming, then branch out from there once you have more acquired taste & understanding (Arx Fatalis, Unreal, Half-Life, Turok 1 & 2, Doom 64, Quake 2, Heretic, Descent, Ashes 2063, System Shock 1 and on and on).

Half-Life would be in the required playing list but it has a habit of making people retarded, resulting in them desiring realism, graphics, set pieces & storytelling over monocled engaging deep gameplay (this is relevant because gameplay is ~95% of most game's running time, therefore if it is shit and you enjoy it you should be questioning your life choices or reevaluating your intelligence). It is required playing because it did those things very well while still offering a *decent* gameplay experience, but not required before experiencing the real deal and gaining perspective.

>> No.10558021 [DELETED] 

>writes all that shit complaining about 2000's FPS games
>"Nothing comes close to 90's games"
>"there is but one exception: Stalker"

>> No.10558025 [DELETED] 

Nope we hate Goldeneye, Half Life, CS and other non old school garbage.

>> No.10558028 [DELETED] 

Tribes 2 should be at the top of the acceptable list.

>> No.10558063

>The gunplay fucking sucks
maybe for 2 and 3. most of the guns are extremely good in 1, well animated, great sounds, and even the AR has utility against the flood. that being said, enemies are highly reactive to being shot with stun states with multiple animations. comapre to this to dogshit like Quake 2, SIN, Unreal, HL, etc that are fellated on this board constantly where there are almost no fucking stun states or pain animations for enemies and those get passed as 'good gunplay' by spergs here.

>> No.10558086

Good post. That's one of the most baffling things to me, when people say Halo 1 has shit guns and then proceed to praise Quake or Unreal which have weapons that feel like you're shooting nerf darts or airsoft or some shit. I legitimately want to know how you can play Quake 1 and come away thinking, "wow the weapons feel so powerful". They feel like absolute dogshit. Same for almost every retro FPS outside of maybe Quake 3 and Goldeneye/PD. If anything, CE has some of the more beefy weapons in a retro shooter. People are fucking deranged.

>> No.10558092 [DELETED] 

>Sin, Shogo
if you literally wanted to play peekaboo with hitscan enemies. COD and Goldeneye legitimately do it better than any of those games.

>> No.10558093

Halo series are great 2-player but I find them boring solo

>> No.10558107 [DELETED] 


>> No.10558113 [DELETED] 

ignore the pasta tranny

>> No.10558114

I don't really have a stake in defending Quake 1, plus I do think the weapons feel great in Halo CE, but the fun of playing Quake is a very different kind of fun compare to Halo.
Halo is a power fantasy, Quake is built around this adrenaline sensation from fast deaths, fast kills, and the NiN soundtrack.

>> No.10558123 [DELETED] 

Your favorite fps is shit

>> No.10558125

I agree completely, Quake is fun in its own right, but it just seems a bit disengenuous to attack Halo's weapons when most retro shooties have weapons that feel underwhelming. I enjoy Quake, but the impotent weapons are my biggest complaint. Q2 isn't much better.

>> No.10558153

I'll pivot the convo back to Halo: it might be kind of underrated for how good the weapons feel.
I should caveat that when I play it solo I usually just play on normal difficulty, I don't feel the need to tryhard with Halo, I like to just breeze through it and soak in the adventure, but man does the AR feel good.

>> No.10558175

The kind of person who plays a shooter on normal would say the Halo AR feels good lol

>> No.10558176

Halo 2/3 might be a decline in aesthetical touches to shooting. but the actual stun states/pain animations are there and still vary.

conversely, you can play so many PC shooters that get worse in every proceeding game in terms of shooting in their SP components, most notably with the mechanics.

Doom 1/2 -> Doom 3
Blood -> Blood 2
Duke Nuek 3d -> DNF leaked beta
Rogue Spear -> RS3
Quake -> Quake 2
Hexen -> Hexen 2

Medal of Honor -> MOH AA

every monolith shooter feels like complete shit past blood. barring maybe FEAR

>> No.10558192

The AR does feel good ... on normal difficulty. Obviously you have a faster ttk, like in Quake, and you actually get to feel like you've got an "in honor of James Cameron's Aliens' Pulse Rifle" ridiculous bullethose in your action figure hands.

Since I'm thinking about it, I wonder how Halo CE would feel with enemies having the amount of health they have on Normal difficulty but doing the amount of damage they do on Legendary: because that's my biggest complaint about the high difficulty modes. Enemies start to feel bullet spongey.

>> No.10558196

the only knock I have against F.E.A.R. is it gets repetitive in the mid section with the offices

that aside, the graphics were advanced for a time where competition was at an all time high, the weapons work, the maps/arenas all work, the A.I. most definitely works, the atmopshere works, the story if you care works. it's just a solid package.

it's Shogo that's lacking

>> No.10558220

Local schizo has returned, uses older FPS games as his platform of choice for shitposting. Usually brings up Half Life, RPGCodex, and posts a list of "acceptable" to like FPS games.

>> No.10558223

My issue with the AR is that there is just no range or accuracy to it at all. It feels like I have to be point blank range to actually do anything with it, almost like it's a shotgun, except it's not a shotgun, it's a rifle. I feel like I can't even burst over a few meters to headshot a grunt because it doesn't do headshot damage either. I just hate everything about it, except it's kind of useful for killing Flood, but at that point I'd just rather use the shotgun lol

>> No.10558228

>00's fps

>> No.10558247

Idk. The Halo weapon sandbox is perfectly balanced to me, I wouldn't want another headshot weapon in the mix. Every weapon fills a role.
I feel like the range feels fine on Normal difficulty, it's a solid mid-range weapon with better range than the shotgun (which obviously has higher range than your average shotgun). Not doing headshot damage could be a complaint if you care about realism, but I think the AR was meant to feel like a handheld chaingun ... or the Pulse Rifle from Aliens ... it's just unfortunate that the difficulty mode where it actually feels good to use is Normal mode.

Not because Normal difficulty isn't hardcore enough either: it's unfortunate because a lot of gamers will never know how the AR should feel because it's trapped in a difficulty mode that affronts their sense of pride.

>> No.10558323 [DELETED] 

Cry more janny

>> No.10558381

Can I emulate this game somehow without xbox emulation?

>> No.10558415

forget emulation, there's a native PC port
that's the full game download. you'll also want the "chimera" mod which restores a few missing visual effects from the xbox version and adjusts fov etc. for modern hardware.
download, extract into the halo root folder, done. now you've got the full xbox experience in HD with mk+b controls and real online play. enjoy.

>> No.10558426 [DELETED] 

>gaylo threads
/vr/ is dead

>> No.10558436
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I know, I played it last year and beat it. Fantastic game, though I can see why hardcore shooter gamers hate it pretty much why hardcore rpg gamers hate zelda. I was asking because nowadays I play on my handheld.

>> No.10558439

Yeah, that's another thing too: I think most people who complain about Halo's weapons are trying to play on legendary and holding the whole game to that standard. Legendary in Halo is basically Nightmare in DOOM, it can be complete bullshit and is intentionally designed not to be fair because it's supposed to be the ultimate challenge for seasoned players; a challenge which demands strategy and understanding of weapon dynamics that lower difficulties don't require. Don't listen to that other fag, normal/heroic is how the game is meant to be played, and there's nothing wrong with going back and breezing through the game when you've already cleared legendary before. The AR does indeed feel good and absolutely cuts through enemies like butter at close range on lower difficulties. Even on legenedary it's still perfectly viable when you know how to use it. People look for any reason to shit on this game.

>> No.10558441 [DELETED] 


>> No.10558442 [DELETED] 

>it's not my shit tier 90s shooter that i played on my dad's office computer so it's automatically shit
Fuck people like you. Literally no fun allowed faggots.

>> No.10558448

>I want to emulate an xbox game without xbox emulation and I already beat it the only other way it's playable
can't tell if well poisoning or retarded

>> No.10558449 [DELETED] 

You have no taste

>> No.10558454 [DELETED] 

Tell me a shooter you think is better than Halo and I'll be happy to have an intelligent conversation about it if you want to argue in good faith. I can almost guarantee I've already played it because I've played almost everything you could name and nothing approaches Halo other than Quake 3 which is stunted by being MP-only. It sucks that you're such a bitter, jaded retard that you can't accept a "console shooter" as being better than anything else just because it wasn't available in 1996.

>> No.10558459

Let me help you
- Some games like zeldas, mario, perfect dark got pc decompilation
- Some games have been ported to other systems
- Halo is a PC game too not just an xbox game.
- Some games have been remade from scratch like devilution or croftengine.

>> No.10558465

why would there be a decompilation for a game that's already on PC retard? how dunb would you need to be to think they'd port Halo to a system that isn't an Xbox? and yes, Halo is on PC, we covered that.
>Some games have been remade from scratch like devilution or croftengine.
who the fuck would want to play something like that?

>> No.10558470 [DELETED] 

Doom and Quake zoomies

>> No.10558472 [DELETED] 

*Doom and Quake board

>> No.10558474 [DELETED] 

Both bad series outside of Quake 3. So fucking tired of this board sucking Doom's dick. Doom is a stone wheel and nobody would give a single fuck about it if it weren't for mods.

>> No.10558487 [DELETED] 

id software shooters:
>made by a guy with asperger's that killed his cat, a cross-eyed beaner that loves trannies and has an unironic wife's son, and a fat niggerloving mormon
>every game is the same milquetoast weapons in ugly as shit environments
Bungie shooters:
>made by functional, normal heterosexual white men
>every game has a unique world and premise, satisfying weapons and is soaked in an ethereal aura

>> No.10558493 [DELETED] 

Don't forget American McGee that was almost raped by his dad st his 13th birthday party and now collects "non-binary dolls". What exactly was going on at id?

>> No.10558496 [DELETED] 

kek at this freudian slip fag.

>> No.10558497 [DELETED] 

Only /vr/ and codex know halo, half life, cod, cs, goldeneye, 00's fps are fucking garbage.
Even /v/ is compromised.

>> No.10558502 [DELETED] 

Floigan really buckbroke you huh

>> No.10558506 [DELETED] 


>> No.10558515 [DELETED] 
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Very funny. Meanwhile...

>> No.10558517

>who the fuck would want to play something like that?
I don't understand you. These decompilation of pc games exist, and people play then. Why is a separate matter. Are you retarded or did anyone poisoned your well?

>> No.10558523 [DELETED] 

>satisfying weapons

>> No.10558526 [DELETED] 

The day moderation gets replaced by a voting system will be a sad day for the LGBT+ crowd.

>> No.10558551 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 720x717, Screenshot_20231230-151801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that will ever happen, frankly. The sub is now that way permanently by the way, lmao.

>> No.10558557 [DELETED] 

>not like Marathon weapons
>not like Halo's magnum at bare minimum
low T faggot child. i bet you think dumping 100 pistol rounds into a hell baron is satisfying though, right?

>> No.10558565 [DELETED] 

How exactly did a game about killing demon's get coopted into homosexual propaganda?

>> No.10558571 [DELETED] 

look at the queers who made it

>> No.10558573 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10558575 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 641x140, reddit loves halo more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditors are fags
That would explain this:

>> No.10558584 [DELETED] 

I notice a conspicuous lack of LGBTQ representation here.

>> No.10558587 [DELETED] 

>tfw babies are more based than doomniggers

>> No.10558592 [DELETED] 

22 years later and carmacklets still can't get master chief off their minds.

>> No.10558596 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry you feel left out of your Reddit community.

>> No.10558602 [DELETED] 

Jokes aside, I'm sorry your favorite game has a subreddit with a gay nigger flag on it. Want me to ruin the series even more for you? Wait until you find out about Doomguy's ethnicity, as confirmed by John "Trans Rights" Romero

>> No.10558609 [DELETED] 

I see I touched a nerve; Why do you care so much about reddit? Sensitive type?

>> No.10558621 [DELETED] 

No matter what you do, you can't escape the fact that Doom was made by faggots, for faggots. By the way, Doomguy is a jew according to Romero, Tom Hall and Carmack, as is BJ. You worship a series about white-hating jews that love gays and niggers.

>> No.10558628 [DELETED] 

The amount you try to cut only shows the dilation of your wound.

>> No.10558630 [DELETED] 

>n-no ur the gay one I swear
Stay mad, ma'am.

>> No.10558641 [DELETED] 

>these things effect the gameplay

>> No.10558646 [DELETED] 

>I don't mind if my games are extremely gay because muh shootie shoot

>> No.10558650 [DELETED] 

>brings up reddit
>called a redditor
Go back.

>> No.10558653 [DELETED] 

>plays a game made by trannies and fags
>is a tranny faggot
Checks out

>> No.10558659 [DELETED] 

thread hidden, you're as boring as your favourite game

>> No.10558664 [DELETED] 
File: 580 KB, 720x1243, Screenshot_20231230-155738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id sisters...
not like this...

>> No.10558671 [DELETED] 

>thread hidden
got 'em

>> No.10558705 [DELETED] 

That pretty much sums up this thread.

>> No.10558710 [DELETED] 


>> No.10559121

CE was special alright. i didn't really like the direction they took with 2 onward. apparently jason jones didn't either. the idea of being this lone space marine stranded on an otherworldly alien structure was great. the game had a very calm, low key kind of vibe that i meshed with. then came halo 2 and a lot of took place on earth and it tried to be "epic" and had fucking licensed music and shit, really just a rotten game coming off the subtle and understated CE. i'm also baffled at how they actually managed to make the graphics worse in 2. CE was a beautiful game, 2 looks like muddy dogshit. 3 was alright for multiplay but the campaign was the worst by far.

not retro and it's a highly unpopular opinion but IMO halo 4 is the second best halo, partially because they managed to recapture a little of that lonely and serene CE vibe and stopped shitting things up with dual wielding and other dumb stuff. no idea why everybody hated that game so much. but yeah CE is the GOAT.

>> No.10559216

Christ anon.
I'd be one of the first people to agree with you that Halo CE has a nice classic mysterious adventure feeling, and I could understand it if someone preferred CE to the direction things went with 2, CE is more understated, but I remember Microsoft explicitly marketing Halo 4 as a return to form in that sense, getting back to the sense of mystery and exploration...

And when it came out the game was just godawful.
Full of cliches'. No sense of subtlety or mystery present in the script *at all*
Don't tell me you fell for that marketing

>> No.10559234

i didn't fall for any marketing, i barely even knew anything about the game before playing it. i'm not saying it's comparable to CE but it's a hell of a lot closer to CE's campaign than 2 or the disaster that was 3. a lot of the environments had that same lonely wilderness feeling as CE, and the introduction of a new enemy type made things feel fresh again, much like CE did the first time around. also had some very cool guns and the hottest cortana by far (with a fat dumper to boot). even the multiplayer was cool, call of duty sprinting/perks notwithstanding. i seriously don't know what people hated about it so much. it was 10x better than 3 or reach for that matter (one of the worst halos)

>> No.10559440 [DELETED] 

I am dismissing you as a shitposter.

>> No.10559469 [DELETED] 

you're a faggot and you aren't very bright

>> No.10559475 [DELETED] 

If you're stressed take a few deep breaths.

>> No.10559479

>that escort mission
Made me stop playing the game.

>> No.10559480 [DELETED] 

>somebody says they like halo 4
>start acting like a hysterical woman
>you're like, so stressed
you missed your afternoon dilation i take it

>> No.10559483

>he got filtered by the 2 minute keyes segment
Unironically git gud

>> No.10559670

Halo 4 is just awful. CoD-ified the gameplay, awful new enemies that literally teleport behind you, then teleport away when they're about to die, added a bunch of redundant weapons to the sandbox, weird Tron/generic sci-fi artstyle ... all of which could almost be forgivable, if the writing were good, but they retconned the story in ways that utterly destroyed any mystery and turned Chief into a simp.
Not liking Halo 2's licensed music I get, but preferring Halo 4 to Halo 3, specifically because you think Halo 4 is "more mysterious" is a shitpost. The script is so bad.

>> No.10559691

They hated him because he told the truth.
Vehicles, grenades, enemy ai, and funny alien banter, the rest was always shit.

>> No.10559696

I'm 33. Got introduced when my friend's older brothers handed me a controller for online multiplayer via Gamespy and I was obligated to git gud. I am again reminded how people of the same age can have vastly different experiences with games

>> No.10559701

>specifically because you think Halo 4 is "more mysterious" is a shitpost
nobody said this

>> No.10559703

I'm not enough of a HARDCORE GAYMER to make that kind of judgement, but I will say that CE's campaign is my most beloved FPS campaign of all time. I don't care if it's the best, I like it the most.

>> No.10559736

Plasma rifle is a goated weapon. It fucking shreds through hunters and elites

>> No.10559742

You were going on about "the vibe of being this lone space marine stranded on an otherworldly alien structure"...

>> No.10560314
File: 129 KB, 1920x1080, halo-energy-sword-1920-x-1080-wallpaper-f7yj8o5uhgdqbgek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat Halo 2 for the first time an hour ago. Got the MCC on sale now that I actually have a decent laptop. Back in the day, I never had it on PC and never had an Xbox. I've been exposed to Halo all the way back to the first one coming out, though, when I was around 12 years old.

The energy sword is easily my favourite weapon to use in any first person game.

>> No.10560520

i gave a half dozen reasons i liked halo 4, you singled that one out and said i liked it "specifically" because of it and started filling your diaper. i think the problem is that you're a lorefag and you care too much about the story. the story has been gay since halo 2. my complaints about halo 3 are less about the story and more that the design of the campaign itself is just kind of shit. it's extremely long-winded, repetitive, tedious and the environments are boring. i'd even be willing to concede that halo 4 has some stupid plot points (making chief the product of some dumb old hag's muh secret weapon program was lame and gay), but again, story is second to gameplay. halo 4's gameplay murders halo 3. if you disagree, oh well.

>> No.10560661

Anon, the story of Halo 4 was overtly incomprehensible and all but outright demanded the player read Microsoft’s new books to even understand what was going on.
Here’s a quick summary:
>Master Chief wakes up + the UNSC Infinity crash land on the dyson sphere
>Chief’s new commanding officer is an asshole for no reason so that they can do the “Chief has gone rogue” cliche
>Cortana tells you, as overtly as possible, “Haha, oh no! I’m going Rampant Chief!” and spends the entire game remind the player that she’s going Rampant, and overtly telling you what that means instead of actually behaving like she’s crazy. Compared to Halo 3 where all her lines are fragmented memories and demonic pseudo-scripture? Her characterization in the directly preceding game? It’s a TOTAL loss of subtlety. She was already rampant in Halo 3. The only difference is Halo 4 is written for people with room temperature IQs.
>The Forerunner show up. Everything about them is the worst part of the game. Their design, their characters, everything, but the real cherry on top is that every time they open their mouths they reference the new novels that were concurrently released with Halo 4. Their story and motivations are completely incomprehensible in the base game, and I actually did not care. I’ve never cared about Halo’s books. Accuse me of caring too much about Lore? You picked the one game to defend that actually makes no sense *unless* you care about the lore.
No, anon, in a story I care about good dialogue, good characters, good plot, and things like *being able to tell what’s going on without indulging a shitty Microsoft multimedia campaign*
The point where you tip your hand is in saying you prefer Halo 4’s gameplay.
The new Forerunner weapons are neon covered jokes, that are completely redundant to the existing weapons, and the new enemies literally teleport behind you and teleport away when their shields are down.

>> No.10560725

>get called lorefag
>write a synopsis of halo 4
you're a parody of a human. i'm sorry you didn't get whatever le ebin star wars plot you wanted. halo 4 is a better game than 3 and i'll happily take my cool weapons and cortana's ass over your faggy storyshittery. go ahead and type out your analpained midwit response, i'm not gonna read it.

>> No.10561091

>having basic memory of the events of a game I played is being a “lorefag”
It’s the struggle of having a triple digit IQ.

>> No.10562282

I agree.

>> No.10562373

I've never played another shooter where the enemies actually felt alive. There is almost never a time where they aren't aware of your presence. If you shoot from anywhere nearby, they'll immediately become alert and go looking for you. If they see you, they'll pursue you until they find you, unless they are instructed to defend a particular area. If you hide behind cover, they'll gradually move in on your position and try to flank you. If you leave the last place they saw you without them noticing, they'll continue to look for where they last found you. Sleeping grunts will even wake up if you try to melee them and miss. Elites alone will juke and roll around, take cover when they need to regenerate their shields, get angry and try to rush you, they'll even occasionally laugh and/or shoot your body when you die... to say nothing of the myriad other foes. You have to deliberately mislead enemies to catch them by surprise, and they react realistically to your actions. Enemies with this type of awareness don't exist in any other shooter, retro or otherwise.

>> No.10562727

Dogshit ass game. Laziest fucking level “design” I’ve ever seen. Just endless copy pasted levels of the exact same shit over and over and over and over again. There’s like three good levels in the entire game and the whole rest of it is just copy pasting shit from those three levels. Even the last fucking level in the game is literally the first level all over again.

>> No.10562734

back to doombabby general

>> No.10562880

Yeah Halo was legit.

Good stuff.

>> No.10562905

What makes it so good? Genuinely curious. I'm not familiar with Halo but I know most shooter games have shit AI.

>> No.10562914

each enemy / mob behaves differently. Instead of most games where it's just 'see player, shoot and get to player' etc.
Grunts work packs, elites aggressively push you, snipers / long range enemies keep their distance and move to better cover if you approach.
Enemies work together to push and flank you. Using the environment etc. Stealing vehicles and using them against you.

I would have liked to hear in-depth in how the programmed the AI desu

>> No.10563056

Hear it from the mouths of Chris Butcher and Jaime Griesemer, Bungie devs on Halo CE

I hate to rain on your parade, but just for the sake of keeping things grounded, I want to point out some of the behaviors you described aren't actually in Halo CE.
Off the top of my head I know there's no sniper enemies in CE and they don't steal vehicles.
They do get into vehicles and turrets that they're scripted to board when you pass a trigger volume, and you can interrupt them and they'll react dynamically.
But yea the Halo CE AI is great.

>> No.10563617

What a load of shit. The vast majority of the game is unique. There are a few levels with what amount to copypasted areas (e.g. Assault on the Control Room and those little circular rooms and hallways), but they're generally used as links between large, handcrafted areas and don't take much time to traverse. Even still, they are rarely truly copied and will have slightly different features or lighting. The only level that feels truly repetitious is the Library, and it does admittedly drag on -- but it's one level out of 10. Think about the entirety of Halo with its rolling hills and different structures, or Truth and Reconciliation which shifts between a nighttime stealth mission in a moonlit canyon to the interior of a massive alien ship, or the Silent Cartographer with all sorts of different geographical features and multiple deep interior areas, etc., etc. You are way overplaying how often the game repeats itself. Even those times when the game makes you backtracks or reuses earlier areas, they are given entirely different context, with different routes open or closed and different obstacles. andThe level design is, for the most part, quite good and different from just about anything else you'll find in a shooter. Honestly, any time I hear somebody make this complaint I can only imagine that you got filtered and thought that the game felt repetitive because you died so many times that you kept seeing the same areas over and over, rather than the game actually repeating those areas.

>> No.10563815

Good AI is not necessary powerful or smart AI, it must be memorable. Do things differently.

>> No.10563865

you said basically nothing here, but what you're trying to say is that Halo CE's AI is not only complex, but has personality, which helps produce the illusion of intelligence.

>> No.10563867

>gaylo zoomer (it's always a zoomer or extremely late millennial)
>incapable of basic sentence structure and formatting
It wasn't until the mass flood of gaylo threads lately that finally made me side with the oldfags protesting the inclusion of 6th gen consoles as "retro."

>> No.10563881

>>gaylo zoomer (it's always a zoomer or extremely late millennial)
I'm 42.
>muh formatting
>phoneshitter that can't read without redditspacing
You can go back now. Sorry you got filtered by ludo and had to come here to dilate.

>> No.10564331

>I'm 42
lol, 24, nice try retard.

>> No.10564529

>Halo, Truth and Reconciliation and Silent Cartographer

Ya, as I said, there’s three good levels. The entire rest of the game copy pasted dogshit.

>> No.10564540

I don't understand this rage towards halo.
in 2001 on console what was better? Killzone?
the first TimeSplitter?
the Medal of honor??
no, when you play them you feel that these games are partly anchored in the 5th generation.

Halo is an important step in the 6th generation of consoles.

the PC? I couldn't spend €1500 on it, €300 on an Xbox yes.
it will still be better than the guys who have Killzone and the PS2.

and I turned 20 on February 20, 2003.

>> No.10564551

In 2001 no FPS was better than Halo. PC games were in a pathetic spot at the time. Go on, name drop me the best action focused PC games of 2000 and 2001 that totally destroyed Halo with facts and logic. You're gonna come up empty handed because Halo was the next leap in the genre in both MP and SP.

>> No.10564638

Half Life had already been out for 3 years. Halo was just another generic game like Red Faction except it had a big marketing budget.

>> No.10564639

This isn't exactly related to the thread topic, but it doesn't warrant making its own thread...

But I beat Half-Life for the first time last night, after getting it free from Valve's Half-Life anniversary event a few months ago.
It's an amazing game, deserves its reputation, almost an instant favorite, but man the final boss leaves a bad impression. Circle strafing around a big idiot and having to figure out its esoteric gimmicks to beat him just isn't a fun way to end a shooter like Half-Life.
Quake has the same problem as Half-Life where Shub-Niggurath is this big blob creature that you defeat with a gimmick after circling around it in its arena. You really only fight the enemies guarding it, but actually beating it requires figuring out a dumb gimmick. It took me a few minutes of wandering around before I figured it out.
Boss fights like this seem like they're meant to be tests of the player's skill and intellect "can you figure out the trick and survive the onslaught?", and it seems like the designers are working from the theory that a big challenge makes for the most fun ending...

But it should be noted, and this is why I post this in the Halo thread, Halo really nailed a satisfying climax. It's just a lot more fun to make the player take part in an awesome action sequence, where the focus is on going full throttle, barreling through a level at top speed against cannon fodder enemies, than to crank up the challenge of a game to its most frustrating.

>> No.10564726

Can I get a real reply? Thanks.

>> No.10564743

CS was out at the time and already representing the upper limit of skill and precision, meanwhile Halo 1 tards would use their shitty meme weapons to not shoot each other in the head.

>> No.10564758

CS represents the peak of awkward imaginary recoil systems, a system valve and its community have struggled to teach players about. The best thing about the game was the mod scene for it, which didn't mature until years after Halo. Halo hit the scene the same year with full vehicle integration, systems which rewarded risky play unlike CS encouraging camping, extrapolating Quake's power up/power weapon map control to large maps with vehicles. CS could never.

Not to mention CS' complete lack of a proper AI. It took years after its launch in 01 for players to develop various AI plugins for bots, and it was still mocked for being poor performing AI even for its time.

>> No.10564841

You did specify "on console" which I missed. In 2001 I was playing GTA which had FPS. Halo wasn't even remotely close.

>> No.10564857

If you look at it from a pve perspective, yeah, CS had no AI (lol, don't care, pvp game) and the vehicles were jank as funk (loved driving the Sandcrawler into the wall on starwars), so it couldn't compete with Halo for that. However, as a pvp game, Halo is not even remotely close to CS. CS had infinite replayability with pubbing on your favorite servers, sweating hard on real maps like inferno and nuke, and then cooling off with he_dodgeball, de_walmart, awp_dust, iceworld, etc. Then eventually if ya got gud, you left the pubs and played comp and the real sweating started. I won't defend the random recoil for sprays, despite all comp players learning spray patterns, but I will say that the precision and grace of 1 AKs, 1 deags, 2 m4s, etc was the peak of fps gaming for me. Just fucking smoking people with such precision was just never possible in Halo, and Halo will forever be a mediocre pvp fps because of it. It's a fun campaign coop shooter though, do not get me wrong on that.

>> No.10564898

People think Halo ruined the FPS genre for a long time because after it's release every company started to copy it, like having slower gunplay, much more limited equippable guns, etc

I have no opinion on this topic myself but this is just what I heard for years for why people hate Halo.

>> No.10565261
File: 70 KB, 378x710, captain king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry buddy, but your N64 and 'cube shooters were always "Babby's First"

>> No.10566750

absolutely laughable

>> No.10566753

> In 2001 I was playing GTA which had FPS.
Lmao, what?

>> No.10567193

except there are more than 3 good levels. in fact every level is good except the library. you don't like assault on the control room? keyes? even the first level is pretty fun, has great close quarters fights and some fun stuff like the wall of grenades towards the end. i bet you're the kind of faggot who hates great levels like two betrayals because MUH COPYPASTE even though the level plays out in a completely different way, in reverse, at a different time of day with a totally different mood and different encounters. shit two betrayals might even be my favorite level. watching the flood and covenant duke it out while you sneak around in the dark is one of the coolest things in the game. Halo is kino.

>> No.10567204

aotcr is good until it goes on for like 2x longer than it needs to and gets super repetitive

>> No.10567221

i dunno how anybody feels like this game drags on unless you're playing on legendary. if you're even remotely good at shooters you will absolutely blast through this game on normal/heroic. legendary is where you get into the 2 hour long levels of over and over assrape, and that's because it's intentionally designed to be unfair and punishingly challenging. aotcr has a few of those little rooms with the sleeping grunts that are repeated a few times but again, those take like 30 seconds to get through if you're not playing on legendary, and even then they aren't that bad. other than that you're exploring the massive snowscapes and interior complexes all the way up to the tower with some fun encounters around the base. also nifty that some areas that seem empty/pointless end up becoming populated by items and vehicles in two betrayals. it's a great level.

>> No.10567787

You guys realize you don't need to be buttpained abiut Halo anymore, right? The game has been out on PC for 21 years. You can play it. Right now. With the best graphics and controls, and only multiplayer. You don't need to be jealous anymore. You don't need to form an identity around hating the game. You can just play it.

>> No.10567820

>you must like the game I like or I'm reporting you
Just like a real redditor

Tribes 2

>> No.10567824

inferior to halo in every way

>> No.10567830

>you must like the game I like or I'm reporting you
I don't think anyone said that, though you would deserve it for not recognizing ludokino of the highest degree.

>> No.10567870

You said it just then.
>you would deserve it
Unable to handle disagreement and insisting one subjective taste is better than another >>10567824 is the reason these threads see little positive activity

>> No.10567884
File: 887 KB, 560x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unable to handle disagreement
This but for deriders of Halo. Point out the flimsy physics of Tribes or the lackluster weapons, fairly typical health system from before its time, it feels notably dated. For the longest time its biggest fans could only frame it as a game that's totally "Halo but better!" but in reality it was "We have Halo at home."

Do I think there's no merit to it? Of course not. All games have purpose and value. Can I see clear as day why it succeeded and dooming it with awkward quips like this on official material only served to position it as a title in the shadow of a bigger one? Absolutely.

>> No.10567896

The basic gist here is that you're a bitter fag and you need to download Halo: Combat Evolved.

>> No.10567901

Whats this I hear that Halo was originally a sequel to Marathon?

>> No.10567904
File: 323 KB, 2459x1060, marathon-logo-in-the-halo-ce-logo-v0-hgyw2w8omwwa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't even "originally", it is. Look at the middle of the logo.

>> No.10567906
File: 43 KB, 1161x159, didn't care for it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason people like it despite your criticism is the same reason you like halo despite other people's criticism. What's the point of getting defensive with pointless accusations of fanboyism?
I did a long time ago. I'll stop needlessly taking up space in your thread much like halo needlessly took up space on my computer.

>> No.10567909

i don't know what else to say, man. you have no taste in video games and you probably got filtered by legendary. your hateboner is bizarre and i think you might be bisexual. see you around the board, i guess.

>> No.10567916

I just thought they were using that as their trademark logo.

>> No.10567918

there is clearly a connection.

>> No.10567969

You can shoot in first person in GTA, and it's a much better game than Gaylo.

>> No.10567982

I read someone from an anon that Halo was, when being designed, as a direct continuation as something along the lines of "Everyone reincarnated except for Durandal, he survived the end of the universe and so did the W'rkncacnter, which was changed by the death of the universe and became the flood".

>> No.10567994 [DELETED] 

>shooting enemies in first person fucking GTA as a replacement for Halo
please be bait

>> No.10568018 [DELETED] 

I don't know nearly enough about lore in either series to offer much insight, but I could believe it. I remember reading once about how Master Chief is actually the protagonist in Mararthon, and it had all these crazy connections that made a lot of sense. I mean, just listing the obvious stuff here:
>both characters wake up from cryo sleep and are needed to fight evil aliens with a predominantly purple aesthetic
>both characters are assisted by an AI companion
>both games feature similar themes, weapons, environments, color palette, etc.
Not to mention things like the Halo CE marines wearing almost identical armor as the player in Durandal, or the fact there are marathon logos plastered over everything in Halo. Even guilty spark's eye/lightbulb is a fucking marathon logo. At absolute least, Halo is a "spiritual successor" to marathon with major inspirations taken from it, if not a direct continuation.

>> No.10568225

i played it and it's still a piece of shit

>> No.10568356

you're actually dogshit at fps if you think the CE Sniper is bad, sorry you had to find out this way. the only.bad weapon in CE is the plasma rifle, which they immediately fixed in H2

>> No.10569196

the plasma rifle isn't even bad though. that

>> No.10569203

that thing is very helpful on T&R especially*

>> No.10569289

Halo tards will never admit that their game was shit for pvp.

>> No.10569302

"shit for pvp" is a way of saying you played it online a couple times, get raped from across the map by somebody who was better with sniper and gave up

>> No.10569317

people didnt even play GTA 3 for the gun combat. you fucking retard.

>> No.10569318

Yeah sure kid, let me play a pvp game on console with a controller in "lobbies" lmao while using shit console baby guns designed for a controller

>> No.10569323

Halo retards who defend the pvp are on the same level as the retards who play cod with a controller

>> No.10569329

uhhh Halo CE is on PC and there are no "lobbies". have you even played this game? no, no you haven't.

>> No.10569332

Yeah I have, finished it on legendary with friends many times. It is a great campaign shooter but the pvp is so low quality that it's not worth the time when games like CS, Quake and Unreal exist. PC port is irrelevant when the game.was designed with consoles and controllers in mind, and the AR being a close range weapon with 0 precision is proof of that.

>> No.10569335
File: 22 KB, 480x360, x1ma32ug8phz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>controller: the gun
>Le every gun has its place!!!!!
You are full retard, and you are too low skill to realize it

>> No.10569341

what is this retard trying to say

>> No.10569342

you thought this game had lobbies lmao you didn't finish shit you lying faggot

>> No.10569343

he's angry and has never had sex

>> No.10569347

Do you not queue into a matchmaking lobby on the console? Are there dedicated pubs like in real games from 90s/00s? I only remember queing into matchmaking with randoms

>> No.10569349

the console version doesn't even have online multiplayer dude. i'm starting to think every faggot that hates on this game has literally never even played it.

>> No.10569357

Oh, maybe I'm confusing it with Halo 2 or 3 then. Either way, it's a fun campaign shooter, but the guns are too shit to every take it seriously for pvp

>> No.10569358

this may be the dumbest board

>> No.10569361

>doesn't even know what game he's talking about
halo haters, everyone

>> No.10569362


>> No.10569364

This post made me physically angry.

>> No.10569375

I'm mature enough to admit when I am being a retard guys. I'm sorry for being a retard. Guns still suck though.

>> No.10569397

>the worst assault rifle in the history of video games. The only guns worth using are magnum, shotgun, sniper rifle and rocket launcher
this is true in every good fps going all the way back to fucking doom

>> No.10569398

>the guns in this game I haven't played suck
kill yourself you retarded faggot

>> No.10569576

Nah, the CE Sniper do in fact be stinky. It suffers from the same problems as pretty much all the other bullet weapons in the game where there's a noticeable disconnect in the actual firing and the feedback you're given. It's no coincidence that the magnum is the best weapon in the game and has the least of that awful, smell miasma hanging around it.

And then the vast majority of the rest of the weapon lineup is just pure garbo lolololololololol

>> No.10569937 [DELETED] 

>the retarded is still at it
what made you into such a homo?

>> No.10570052 [DELETED] 

If anything would turn anyone into a homo it's how fucking gay the weapons are in Halo CE, lol. Each one is a bigger piece of fag shit than the last, and you're big mayor prince of gay town for liking them.

>> No.10570485
File: 108 KB, 900x782, AR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the assault rifle so much in Halo CE. I hate it so much, and it hurts because it looks so fucking cool, man.

>> No.10570624
File: 3.44 MB, 3788x2820, trin_halo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still gorgeous and extremely fun
i'm playing it on my fat 360, loads extremely fast and it's great in the winter for warming the room up lol

>> No.10570628

>It suffers from the same problems as pretty much all the other bullet weapons in the game where there's a noticeable disconnect in the actual firing and the feedback you're given.
you mean you have to lead your shots because its not hitscan? its barely noticeable anyways

>> No.10570958

you hate it because you don't know how to use it. you can pick off a grunt at a distance of roughly the length of the first bridge you cross in level 2 (right after you get out of the downed pelican) by firing a couple quick bursts instead of using full auto. the spread is much, much tighter when you tap instead of hold. even on legendary, this thing chews through grunts, jackals and flood if you know what you're doing.

>> No.10571723
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>A lot of maps are just pushing through giant open fields and then pushing through the same indoors section over and over.
yes, thats the point.
play literally any FPS game back to back on a PS2 and see how fucking claustrophobic and constrained a lot of the levels were and you'll have an appreciation for how open and large halo's levels are.
go play shit like pic related since it basically ripped off halo completely but did it with tiny levels and tonnes of loading screens and you'll see where halo exceeds and avoids becoming just another boring mediocre forgotten title of the early 2000's.

>> No.10572725

good post

>> No.10573475

I was so jealous of not having an Xbox and this game as a kid. I remember getting into an argument with some manlet at school about Xbox being the best console and I defended my gaycube to the death. That manlet ended up being right and I still seethe that I didn't get the cool kid console. At least I had RE4 though.

>> No.10573635
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Bread and butter. Good for almost any situation but rarely the best at anything. Less useful vs elites on legendary and isn't very good versus vehicles.
Grunt killer. Used for wiping out large groups of weak enemies. Surprisingly effective at killing elites 1 on 1 in close quarters. Also has a functional compass built in.
Unchallenged in close quarters. Rapes flood and elites. Somewhat limited by range and the reload time is painful.
The best weapon for ranged encounters. Extremely high damage, can kill a red elite on legendary in 2 headshots. Sucks for close quarters unless you're some faggot noscope god, but even then, it has a pitiful mag size, poor firing rate and takes awhile to reload.
Anti vehicle weapon, and last resort nuclear option. Bulky, slow, can only hold 2 rounds, and takes up half the screen, but provides a near guarantee that almost anything you shoot at will be killed.
Unironically a contender for best weapon in the game. Kills small enemies almost as easily as the magnum, chews through elite shields with only a few shots, and the overcharge shot can instantly deplete shields of both elites and jackals. Shoots as fast as you can pull the trigger and has a ton of ammo. Its only downsides are lack of scope (compared to magnum), slightly less damaging to unshielded opponents (than plasma rifle) and it overheats.
The choice of true patricians. At first glance it may appear useless compared to the magnum and other similar weapons, but in the right hands it is deadly. High firing rate, good damage and firing it in controlled bursts provides a near infinite stream of highly accurate fire (that avoids overheating) limited only by total ammo.
A nuanced gun that is effectively a weak explosive weapon. Poor in close quarters situations, worthless against vehicles, and yet it can turn the tide of battle when pinned down by large groups of powerful enemies.

>> No.10573705

Halo CE is incredible, but its not even Bungie's own best work. That's still, and will always be, Marathon 2. And it's fucking insane that that's true, since Marathon, Marathon 2, most of Marathon Infinity and all of Halo through to 3/ODST are mind-breakingly good. Bungie just don't miss.

>> No.10573718

Durandal is a fantastic game but I'd still have to say Halo tips the scale. Durandal too frequently gets caught up in meandering mazes and totally separate areas lazily linked by teleporters. Halo is a much tighter experience overall. That said, Durandal is a masterwork of environmental storytelling and has some great guns, and gameplay in general. Atmosphere is off the charts, too. Now I kind of want to go back and play the Aleph One ports again. Either way, like you said, Bungie never missed. One of the most consistently good developers of their time.

>> No.10573720

By the way, people who bitch about Halo's weapon balance are just autistically angry that the game doesn't give them every single weapon at once like PC FPS games. Instead of picking up on how the weapon availability compliments the level design and flow, they try to use the AR the entire game or use the Sniper rifle indoors like dumbasses and then get mad when they get their dick kicked in.
Every weapon in CE is usable if you know when to use it; the AR does suck pretty hard on Legendary but then you should know how to play the damn game before you touch Legendary. Even then, it's still usefull for spraying down Infection Forms in the second half of the game.

>> No.10573747

yep, you nailed it. IMO they should have locked out legendary until you beat the game on a lower difficulty, this alone would've solved most complaints because too many tryhard shitters jumped into legendary from the get go, got filtered and then said it was the game's fault.
also on note of what you said about weapon availability, i find it humorous that almost every mention of halo's weapon system seems to view the 2 weapon limit as some kind of casualization or oversight, rather than a purposeful implementation designed to make you think critically about situations. i'd love to know the reasoning behind "dude only carrying 2 weapons is baby's first FPS shit" but having instant access to every weapon is somehow le hardcore gaymur design. this is coming from somebody who loves quake, mind you. 99% of people are legitimately too retarded to understand this game.

>> No.10573978

>Durandal too frequently gets caught up in meandering mazes and totally separate areas lazily linked by teleporters
Does it? I seem to remember that being a problem mostly for the alien ship levels.
Halo is a serious fucking disappointment if you play it after Durandal or even Infinity, it's like Bungie forgot how to make levels.

>> No.10574141
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The neurosis over "best fps" is ultimately the source of all retarded claims about Halo. People angry and upset that it's considered better than other superficially similar things, so things other works do arbitrarily get considered THE ONLY TRUE AND REAL FPS STANDARD so that we can back and forth rules-lawyer each other over who has the real "FPS". To anybody who disagrees with OP, you can have that word if it means a lot to you, your favourite first person perspective game with a gun is the best "FPS". I will call Halo an adventure game that happens to have guns and be presented in a first person perspective, so it is now subject to different rules. Can we have a real discussion now?

There was never a sufficiently strict and widespread adoption of a standard form for "fps" to be a coherent set of like experiences that we can measure and compare them to the extent that retarded gamerbrains would like to. All of the notable ones considered competitors had different creative intentions, were working within different technical possibilities, and did not consider themselves in competition with each other for the most part. Look at the spread laid out by >>10558003. He's actually on the right track (has probably been reading my posts) in pointing out how different they are, but doesn't outright conclude that we shouldn't be comparing them. Look at the questions raised in this post. Nobody answered them because we can't. This discussion is absurd. Halo is in a class of its own, not "fps".

The battle rifle is functionally the magnum with less ammo and you now hold it with two hands because they probably decided a handgun being so strong was a bit odd. They didn't "add" the battle rifle. They changed how the magnum looks and added a pistol that actually works like a little sidearm. As for the carbine I think it provides a very safe and functional option that works for a lot of situations, but is arguably less interesting for that.


>> No.10574253

>hate halo 1
>try 2
>my biggest gripe with 1, the movement, is improved
>everything else sucks
i think this series is just bad unless you like conspicuously placed cover props everywhere

>> No.10574332

It's definitely up there. I might be in the minority in that I enjoy 1 and 2 equally and I really don't like 3 much. Such a phoned in video game.

>> No.10574413

Nothing I've seen about Jason Jones is likable. A very business minded guy, in all the commentaries he constantly says he doesn't remember anything whereas Joseph Staten and Marty constantly swap banter, stories, and trivia about development.
>not retro and it's a highly unpopular opinion but IMO halo 4 is the second best halo
Third best. Fuck Halo 3, and ODST is massively overrated.

>> No.10574418
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>Nothing I've seen about Jason Jones is likable.

>> No.10574420

Go back to fucking up Destiny Jason.

>> No.10574425
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>> No.10574458

what, you don't like guns that sound like wet farts and only do anything against two enemy types?

>> No.10574631

objectively holds up far better than goldeneye64, which is sucked off endlessly due to nostalgia (like most n64 games).

>> No.10574991

its definitely the halo I enjoyed the most, I can't remember much from 2 and 3 while with 1 I have tons of vivid memories and can hear the soundtrack in my head

>the epic start as you fight your way on the sheep and you are introduced to the misterious halo ring
>when you land and they give you open maps you can roam in and regroup with the marines
>"this cave is not a natural formation"
>cool sniping at night to then board the covenant ship
>meeting the sword elites for the first time
>then that moment where the flood are introduced and the game almost turns into a fucking horror
>the god damn library where it feels like there's infinite enemies that chase you down
>the snow levels with the covenant and flood are battling
