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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 58 KB, 378x263, StarFox64_N64_Game_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10557287 No.10557287 [Reply] [Original]

This game is so fucking godly in every aspect. That's all.

>> No.10557292

This totally needed its own thread

>> No.10557293


>> No.10557295
File: 3.83 MB, 546x400, Titania.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah bro

>> No.10557297

The perfect game. Can easily beat it one casual sitting. Wish more games could make me feel like I go on a sweet adventure in such a short amount of time like this.

>> No.10557309

A shmup for babies.

>> No.10557313

It's far better than any shmup ever made, not that such a thing is difficult to achieve.

>> No.10557321
File: 67 KB, 212x159, 1698108659132080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10557421

I'm still disappointed how much of a failure all the sequels were. Star fox 64 2 seems to make Nintendo allergic

>> No.10557445
File: 40 KB, 720x711, assmad-andross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw when your crt circlejerk or waifu thread gets bumped off the board because of actual discussion of games

>> No.10557446


>> No.10557447

Pretty tough to hi-score too

>> No.10557452

RIP "could this one weird trick have saved the saturn" thread

>> No.10557480

Star fox 64 is great , i borrowed it from a classmate and had lots of fun with it

>> No.10557534

Finally got all Gold Medals on Expert Mode recently.

>> No.10557541

i was pretty cold on this coming back. the SNES game is a masterpeice though

>> No.10558056

I agree.

>> No.10558074

And that's all it needed to be. It's great.

>> No.10558078

If Panzer Dragoon were as good as Star Fox 64 Sega would still be making consoles.

>> No.10558137

Panzer dragoon is still good but is short and not content rich. It should have been a bundle like wii sports or at least not sold at full price.

>> No.10558174

Tbh, I didn't see the appeal.
Or I guess I saw the appeal, but it just didn't click with me.
I should give it a replay.

Context: played the 3DS version first, didn't like it too much, played Star Fox: Assault and actually liked it quite a bit (besides the on-foot sections), then played the N64 version - liekd that a bit better than the 3DS version but it still didn't click.

>> No.10558178
File: 391 KB, 594x395, SF64 routes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were your Favourite missions?
>Area 6
Target rich environment with a lot of enemy variation starting with static defence stations, usual mix of fighter then moving onto capital ships physically trying to block you as you hear the ncreasingly panicked chatter of the Andross Forces as you punch through their defence lines.
Really sold how the shoe is on the other foot from the defensive settings of Corneria/Sector Y/Katina

Also loved Sector Y and Katina simply because the Corneria Forces actually exist and are fighting with you rather than being on your own like most of the game.

>> No.10558190
File: 798 KB, 1280x720, image_2023-12-30_101032025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Fox Exploration Showcase (EX) romhack for SF1 SNES is even better
> A brand new map with 17 new levels, new bosses, music, backgrounds, enemies and more!

>> No.10558231

Nintendo can't make real games like this anymore.

>> No.10558238

When I got a N64 in 98, I was 10 years old and Starfox 64 was the only game I had to play until I got OoT the following Christmas. I played the fuck out of this game, and loved the alternate route leading to the harder fight against Starwolf and his crew.

>> No.10558245
File: 240 KB, 420x307, starsoldier64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accidentally posted the wrong image, sorry guys!

>> No.10558265

>reddit quip the game

>> No.10558301

That mission felt impossible until you learned holding Z or R made you turn sharper. After that when you went back to any other all-range section the game was suddenly ez-mode
I'm not even sure if the manual mentioned that mechanic

>> No.10558505

Why are they so afraid to make another rail shooter out of starfox?

>> No.10558530

It's a risky genre nowadays. People don't get the concept of playing for score.

>> No.10558536

nobody buys them and companies are incapable of developing something for a cheap budget also they dont understand visceral or flow style gaming at all anymore. they tried to make a space harrier spiritual successor and it sucked. nobody can do that shit anymore

>> No.10558585

>furfag sim
when nintendo does it its okay.

>> No.10558636

>every form of media with anthropomorphic animals is furry sex
you are the mentally ill one

>> No.10558652

how mad was shiggy when trashure mogged his game 3 years later? sin and punishment makes star fox looks like a lightweight railcon.

>> No.10558670

check their sales numbers and you'll have your answer

>> No.10558706

I'm glad since and punishment got an international release on wii

>> No.10558709

why cant we have both ? neither usurps the other. they arent the same game at all

>> No.10558757

>>every form of media with anthropomorphic animals is furry sex
Yes. I'm glad you understand.

>> No.10558946

I feel like this and Panzer Dragoon are the last in shoot 'em-ups that were bigger budgeted titles that started with Space Invaders and these games were the last of the cycle of those games.

I know there are other later games like Ikaruga, but those just felt like ramped-up 80s-styled shooters for a more niche audience than the "this is made for a wider audience deals".

>> No.10558958

We need your help star Fuc-*hits start*

>> No.10558959

Hi, auster. Good to see shiggy and nintendo still live rent free in you, we're close to your 10th anniversary of nintendo seething, at least on /vr/

>> No.10559397

Nicely done. That's a tough feat!

>> No.10559404

>Also loved Sector Y and Katina simply because the Corneria Forces actually exist and are fighting with you rather than being on your own like most of the game.
Same, my favorite is Sector Y for the reason you said, plus it has my favorite level progression. A close second is easy route Venom, it's such a fun, chaotic mess that really tests your skill with the shoulder buttons for tight turns.

Oh and fuck Aquas!

>> No.10559450
File: 91 KB, 667x1000, 7161I-kah3L._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andross's forces freaking out over comms how you're blasting through their defensive lines made me feel like the baddest mother fucker. I've never seen another game do that even half as well.

>> No.10560209

Thanks. Back in the 90's/00's I could get them all EXCEPT the Gold Medal on the Armada Stage before Venom. I tried again this year on Switch and finally managed it. It wasn't too hard, actually. I just had to double Nova Bomb the minefield at the beginning.

>> No.10560213
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Required viewing for all Star Fox fans:


>> No.10560497

actual furfag shit

>> No.10560501


>> No.10560508


>> No.10560527

I hate furfags as much as the next guy. They can all yiff in hell. But, A Fox in Space is pure, unadulterated kino. Don't get filtered, faggot.

>> No.10560536

>it's just animal kino, not homoerotic furfaggot fanfiction bro
You haven't seen the second episode, I take it...

>> No.10560541

Oh, I have. I linked it a few posts above. What makes you think I hadn't?

>> No.10560548

Because it's homoerotic furfaggot fanfiction.

>> No.10560553

Go ahead, timestamp where exactly. I'll wait...

>> No.10560564

>drop your pants, fox
Yeah, I'm out.

>> No.10560569
File: 126 KB, 1053x736, MV5BMmY4NzM2ZmItMmE4NC00M2UyLWJmNTktNWMwMDgyZjM5MDRlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTk2OTAzNTI@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The story is whatever but definitely play this too if you want a different sort of rail shooter

>> No.10560573

That's episode one.

>> No.10560578

This one is more like a gallery shooter

>> No.10560584

... so you agree with my initial statement.

>> No.10560595

I never denied it. I'm just pointing out you've never watched it yourself. Nothing remotely gay happens in episode 2. You saw a meme, or a clip in passing, and made a generalization. I will deny it now, however, A Fox in Space is not "homoerotic furfag shit." That one scene in Episode one is pretty gay, not gonna lie, and they play it for laughs. Again, A Fox in Space is kino and all furfags can yiff in hell.

>> No.10560598
File: 861 KB, 1200x628, floigfox69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, ok fucking retard. It's a good game, but godly it is not.

>> No.10560646

Not a Star Fox fan and watched this on x2 speed, but first 2 out of 3 acts are just a bad sitcom filler slog. Passable at best.

>> No.10560745

No accounting for taste...

>> No.10560786
File: 1.04 MB, 956x621, lylat system.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the renders from this game.

>> No.10561640

Idk. I think the story in that is pretty great. Not like it's amazing, but fun for how fast paced and cracked out it is

>> No.10561679

Zones is by far my favorite. Has my favorite visuals in both the original and 3DS remake, I love shooting the searchlight, Kat's theme is cool and being able to spam bombs on the boss fight is great.
Fuck Zero for making it entirely based around the shitty hacking bot

>> No.10561686

considering this is the direct sequel to soldier blade, what a fucking letdown in all aspects

>> No.10561687

If Star Fox was so good Zero would have to be made in the first place. Checkmate furrshits!

>> No.10561689


nintendo co-developed the game
it sold like shit anyway because nintendo knew the n64 was declining in japan

>> No.10563168 [DELETED] 

Agree. It's a pure video game