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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10548274 No.10548274[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you play old games without being sad at time having gone by? I tried setting up my old N64 but was just overcome with negative emotions:
>Pathetic I'm in my 30s going back to playing these old games from my childhood
>Sadness that I'm no longer a kid with loving parents and friends playing these games with me
Etc etc.

>> No.10548278

you play old games because nostalgia shit
i play old games because they are good

>> No.10548289 [DELETED] 

Accept that you are free to choose how you spend your time in the present as it passes, that you and everyone will pass as time does, that worrying about the passed present is a pointless waste of time and energy. Enjoy what you please. Eat at Joe's

>> No.10548292
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God, you sound just like me… honestly brother, when you have a fine ass GF with a good job and still have time to play /vr/, all that negative nostalgia goes away while you’re playing them. I used to feel that way until I got /fit/ and became a mortgage broker. My PS1 collection is set up in my office at work. That fuckin’ awesome feeling when I get a fellow /vr/ bro client from that generation that gets excited, throws me hella props, and acknowledges it.

>> No.10548293

Accept that you are free to choose how you spend your time in the present as it passes, that you and everyone will pass as time does, that worrying about the passed present is a pointless waste of time and energy. Enjoy what pleases you. Eat at Joe's

>> No.10548320

buy an ad fag

>> No.10548329
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>> No.10548335

Have you tried not being a loser your entire life?

>> No.10548340

How much I feel like that depends on how my life is going at that point in time, OP.

Clearly you have some shit in your life that's making you unhappy or you wouldn't be calling yourself a loser. I hope you can get it sorted and learn to be happy.

They're just videogames from a different time period. Playing them doesn't make you a chad or a loser.

>> No.10548349
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I relate, OP. I feel the same way even with modern games. "What the fuck am I doing with my time". Even though I hate the feeling, I do think people who can still enjoy videogames are mindlets in a way, little boys in adults' bodies. I mean, once you've seen and experienced more of what life has to offer and of the shit you could be using your time for instead, it just ruins the feeling. It doesn't help that most videogame stories/setting has about as much depth as a bad fanfic, usually even worse than Hollywood slop. I have no answers for you I'm afraid. Pic related, it's me playing any videogame at 31
4/10, weak but I liked the office part with the clients giving props

>> No.10548359

The only negative emotion I have with retro gaming is that time I remember how I was pretty ungrateful for games one Christmas even though they were pretty good games and they put thought into what we would like but I was just a too cool 4 skool brat who thought the game would go on special in a couple of months or a similar stupid reason so asked to exchange it. It totally didn't register at the time I was being an ungrateful shit until many years later thinking of that memory.

>> No.10548371

OP is a fag

>> No.10548413

Could have a good point there. I do have a good job right now, but no fine ass GF. But I remember when I did have a fine ass GF and we played Nintendo 64 I didn't have those sad, pathetic feelings.

>> No.10548487

I just watch the Wave Race intro over and over. It's timeless.


>> No.10548524

Exactly this. I don't play old games to recapture my childhood or bask in nostalgia, I play old games (or any games really) to experience their unique mechanics, challenges, and atmospheres. When you look at things with that mindset, it's easy to enjoy any well-made games regardless of their age

>> No.10548535

How do you deal with the shitload of mechanics and UI crap that aren't really "unique", just outdated and badly implemented?

>> No.10548546

For me, finish the game and shit on it /here/ for like a month