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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10543687 No.10543687[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did the XBOX do right that the GameCube didn't? Was it simply the overnight popularity of Halo?

>> No.10543695

It had launch titles worth a shit.
It had a controller that wasn't shit (unless you had tiny Asian girl hands)
It wasn't a toy for small children.

>> No.10543702

better third party support
better first party titles (also more original ones)

>> No.10543735

it was an actual competitor to the ps2

>> No.10543738

it wasnt a purple lunchbox marketed under clean is better than dirty. the gamecube failed because even a retarded public could see through its facade.

>> No.10543776

Halo helped. But you could do a lot more with it. GC was mostly Nintendo titles, & couldn't play CDs. But everyone I knew who owned an OG XBox had their music collections ripped to it and the like too. Nintendo doesn't try to compete with the other consoles, they do their own thing, and focus on selling toys to kids, not teens and 20 somethings.

>> No.10543784

should’ve bought a Dreamcast.

>> No.10543787

The shape of the gamecube is nice. It just couldn't compete in functionality. I'd happily buy an emulation machine or a little PC in a case like that.

>> No.10543792
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You lost. Time to give it up.

>> No.10543796

Halo was arguably better than anything in the Gamecube library for its splitscreen multiplayer and being able to play its campaign co-op. It was a graphics showcase too and showed the Xbox to be a more powerful console...
But Halo is about the only memorable thing from Xbox. Xbox was otherwise just a multiplat machine that had titles from PS2 and some random PC games like Kotor II.
Gamecube has a lot more going for it in terms of memorable software.

>> No.10543798

>they do their own thing, and focus on selling toys to kids, not teens and 20 somethings.
Nintendo has never focused on selling games to kids. It has always been to adults, teens and kids. With the fifth generation a lot more adults started coming on board.

>> No.10543805

Retarded faggot

>> No.10543832

It was an American console
It had the backing of one of the most important American tech companies
Only launch titles I remember were Halo and Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball. Never had one tho

>> No.10543838

>It was an American console
So was the Atari Jaguar, this enough doesn't warrant anything.

>> No.10543845
File: 1.31 MB, 1770x1464, xbox hueg huge backwards games gaems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did the XBOX do right that the GameCube didn't?
better games

>> No.10543849

Take all the multiplats off that list and post it again.

>> No.10543852

>take off good and fun games for no reason

>> No.10543858

those multiplats disc games from ps2 and pc that are also on xbox works on your gamecube?

>> No.10543861

Non-exclusive games don't count.

t. Endie

>> No.10543865

Why? Because multiplats on GameCube were always the worst versions?

>> No.10543868

gta games
are xbox exclusives since those games aren't on GCN

>> No.10543869

Several of the games on that list are also on the Gamecube.

>> No.10543872

Far better multiplayer which scaled massively, GC did not.
Far better controller
Far better single player games

They are not worth playing on the GC because the GC is not worth playing.

>> No.10543873

Reasoning not your strong suit?

>> No.10543884

All of these are also on PS2 except Doom 3, and all are also on PC except Black.

>> No.10543887

I repeat because it seems you don't know how to read.
Does your ps2 copies from those games works on your gamecube?

>> No.10543908

the gaypube was just an entrance fee to play re4, REmake, and metroid prime

>> No.10543912

I'm just saying those games aren't Xbox exclusives.

>> No.10543939

Online in general

>> No.10543950

Why do faded Xbox game cases turn blue with age while others turn yellow?

>> No.10543997
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What is Serious Sam (GCN)?

>> No.10544003

He means those games WERE in the GameCube.

>> No.10544005

Do the ps2 copies of those games work on you XBOX?

>> No.10544008

I owned a gamecube and it's still one of my favourite consoles.

but at the time just wasn't "cool" and didn't appeal to the general public at all. The Xbox was aimed at edgy teens and was easier to appeal to the people. Halo did help in my opinion too.
both consoles were dominated by the ps2. Sony really knew how to sell their console and they were riding off the success of the PS1

>> No.10544010

Many of them weren't.
And the ones that were, were inferior to the Xbox version.

>> No.10544013

GameCube doesn't have Fuzion Frenzy.

>> No.10544051

emperor's tomb
red dead revolver
sttarfighter 1
jedi starfighter
are xbox games

>> No.10544052

Better exclusives, best versions of a multiplat due to custom soundtracks, custom soundtracks, internal hard drive, online gaming and a great controller.

Piracy would have killed it. Thankfully piracy for the original Xbox didn't kick in until after the launch of the Xbox 360.

>> No.10544090

Online capability and better SEGA exclusives

>> No.10544094

Better price to performance ratio.
Better controller.
Better graphics.
Plenty of entertainment features.
Better GAMES
>b-but muh halo...
gotham racing
panzer dragoon
jet set radio
the BEST version of all console multiplats
and the only system in the 6th gen era that could remotely keep up with the PC, while COSTING THE SAME AS THE PS2

>> No.10544105

>Xbox better than Gamecube
Maybe if you didn't have a gaming PC, PS2, and Gamecube.
Halo was the "killer app" as they called it, but Metroid Prime and Prime 2, Unreal, Doom 3, HL2, and Quake 3 all kicked the shit out of Halo.

>> No.10544163 [DELETED] 

DVD players were still expensive at the time and having an all-in-one game console/dvd player was a major selling point

>> No.10544173

wait nvm forgot you needed a kit to play dvds on it
im a huge faggot please rape my face

>> No.10544178

Its insane how delusional nintendo fanboys are

>> No.10544181

>Metroid Prime and Prime 2, Unreal, Doom 3, HL2, and Quake 3 all kicked the shit out of Halo.
Forgot opposite day landed on Christmas this year

>> No.10544195
File: 408 KB, 1545x1364, janny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you have something better to do on Christmas, Sonic/Anti-GameCube fag?

And are you really a janny? Or how are these actual console war threads allowed here for hours and days now?

>> No.10544198

>Retarded faggot
Almost all of those posts are OP samefagging

>> No.10544214

Xbox has always been the poor-man's gaming PC replacement though. It almost became Dreamcast 2, but MS being a western corporations went all DUDE DORITOS AND MOUNTAIN DEW BRO instead of carrying on with heavy arcade influences.
Credit where it is definitely due however, the later XBL Arcade was very awesome. But that was on the 360 so.
OG xbox is great now though for modders and homebrew. But back when the big three of that gen were still hot, it always seemed like fuckers had a PS2, GC, and maybe a gaming PC if you had a job or your parents spoiled you.

Getting an Xbox NOW is definitely better than getting a Gamecube. Anything you wanna do on the Cube can be done better on the Wii.
Gamecube has a shit and ass disc drive assembly. So you have to look into an ODE for long-life use of one.
From what I gather, Xbox is a tough platform, unlike it's successor's unfortunate fate with the EU-mandated faggot-ass lead-free solder(RoHS).

An unlocked Pentium-3 box is a valuable thing nowadays.

>> No.10544216

You did, yes.
PS2 > Xbox or GC.

>> No.10544217

>Maybe if you didn't have a gaming PC
It costed a fortune, of course most people didn't have it.
>PS2, and Gamecube
These were very much the inferior systems if you wanted to play PC games.
>Metroid Prime and Prime 2, Unreal, Doom 3, HL2, and Quake 3 all kicked the shit out of Halo
No they didn't, and Xbox had Halo 2 and HL2.

>> No.10544219

Prime on GC was made obsolete by the superior Wii versions.

>> No.10544224
File: 44 KB, 493x331, 1698614878989490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Halo mentioned 11 times ITT
Yep, Xbox got literally nothing except Halo. And you have to be clinically retarded to play precision shooters with a controller

/retarded consolewarnigger thread

>> No.10544226


>> No.10544240

Xbox games were catered more toward hardcore audiences from start to finish. It was a great counterpart to a PS2 which satisfied all other genres. The tone shift you're talking about only stated in 04 before peaking the following generation in 08.

>> No.10544243

The GC was objectively the worse console unless you're a nintendo addict or a weeb. Xbox had better exclusives and the best version of every multiplat games due to the hardware performance and resolution. The library size is almost twice as big. The controller was a shit ton better. The GC was lame as fuck, it deserved to sell the poorest among the 3.

>> No.10544249
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That console sucks and is completely soulless. Gamecube is a billion times better.

>> No.10544252


>> No.10544254
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Not all games are best on the box, but the difference between them and PS2 versions usually comes down to controller perference. When the lead is big on Xbox, it's big!

>> No.10544309

meds, now

>> No.10544312

The Wii is literally just an upgraded Gamecube.

>> No.10544317

Metroid prime was mentioned 8 times.

>> No.10544321

>Halo was arguably better than anything in the Gamecube library
Maybe if it had mouse and keyboard support. It's a 2/10 game with a controller and aim assist

>> No.10544326

>taking meds so you don't see something that's happening right before your eyes

>> No.10544340

More like a downgrade since you need the Wii-mote to access the gamecube games before using the gc controller, rather than using the gc controller itself.

>> No.10544341

Damn when you put those two together, it's a good aesthetic.
Love the 2000s

>> No.10544351

>It wasn't a toy for small children.
Yeah bro, Kameo isn't Pokeslop for generic woodland fantasy nerds!

>> No.10544356

Wasn't this board massively shitting on Star Fox Assault a few months back?

>> No.10544358

This game was the true tomb raider from 6th gen.

>> No.10544380

Seriously, you're way off the mark here. This is far from a console war thread, it's just a thread asking for explanations on why the xbox sold better than the cube. OP isn't even making a judgement. It's an actual fact that the XBOX outperformed the cube, even moreso in America, the most important market. If these facts make you mad, then yes, you have a problem and should be on meds for uncontrollable fanboyism.

>> No.10544382

All three logos and aesthetics are awesome.
XBOX HUEG was a meme, but I actually like how big it is, and the green accents kick ass. It's almost retro-90s in fact.
Gamecube does look like a baby's toy, unless you have a proper silver one, then it easily fits on on an entertainment center without breaking a sweat.

The Wii is simultaneously the worst mainstream console of all time, and the greatest non-PC gaming system of all time, depending on if you've modded it and have a CRT to take advantage of that sweet 240p output over component.
Neo-Geo and CPS-2 games on a Trinitron using component is a joy to kick back with at night.

>> No.10544383

>unless you have a proper silver one, then it easily fits on on an entertainment center without breaking a sweat.
Pearl GC was nice too

>> No.10544429

Full DVD support
Integrated HDD eliminating the need for memory cards
Integrated NIC, local network support
Later, built in online support
custom soundtracks
could hold your drink if you removed the jewel

>> No.10544437
File: 95 KB, 634x800, booba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing unironically. What makes you think it did? No one even talks about it here except Halo which is better on PC

>inb4 sales
There aren't even reliable Xbox lifetime unit sales and you should take anything Microsoft says with a grain of salt. They probably hid 10m "sold" Xbox's in an Indian burial ground somewhere

>> No.10544440

Sadly I don't have a CRT because it went out on me in 2012. Been buying HD/4K TV's since then.

>> No.10544441

It had a dvd player

>> No.10544450

>No one even talks about it here except Halo which is better on PC
I wonder why the console directed towards adults who were 25 at the time and are now 47 won't discuss it on imageboards plagued with zoomers growing up with the cube and later the wii who were 8 back then

>> No.10544482

It's good karma that Nintendo, who HATE piracy, emulation, and modding/hacking, managed to make one of the best systems for it, and sell so many of the damn things that anyone can get them for cheap and EASILY turn them into a masterclass pirated games system.
Cuz FUCK YOU for shitting on your fans and community.
Microsoft, for all their bullshit, are also in tune with gamers and allow hacks, modding, etc.
XBone was their worse example AFAIK of anti-consumer shit in their gaming division, and they paid a price for it.
Nexus and GOG on PC though shows that MS is a more friendly company. Nintendo would NEVER allow something like Nexus mods for their vidya to be used on the current Nintendo systems.

Xbox as a brand deserves credit for this freedom.

>> No.10544483

No it wasn't, but it had the best hardware of the era and the internal hard drive was used to save your games without a gay peripheral as well as to cache some data off discs to improve load times somewhat. The bios/operating system was better than PS2 and Gamecube as well. It had SOME good exclusives and the best muiltiplatforms except when they were poorly ported/optimized.

>> No.10544565
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GC = PS2 > PC >>> Dreamcast > Xbox


>> No.10544582

Xbox can suck a dick because Bill Gates is an evil pedo, an out of shape beta male who has no business buying up farm land or funding a deadly vaccine. Xbox is a woke company. Hence why I don't buy the Xbox brand. Makes me glad I built a gaming PC over buying any Xbox or Playstation comsoles. Nintendo is one of the few companies that isn't woke.

>> No.10544583

No he didn't. Those people won and shaped the game industry of today. You haven't been paying much attention if you think otherwise.

>> No.10544604

kameo was 360

>> No.10544607

>Halo is better on PC
Is that a recent thing? I remember everyone bitching about how bad the port was. Same for Halo 2.

>> No.10544614

>I remember everyone bitching about how bad the port was.
it's a meme propogated by shitters who didn't have a computer capable of running it or xbox niggers that didn't like sharing their killer app. its only major flaws are a few visual bugaboos (a missing shader here and there, etc) and lack of co-op. that last one stings, but in return they added actual online multiplayer with mod support (that let players add co-op back in anyway), 6 new MP maps, new weapons, higher resolution, better framerate, m+kb controls and a few other things. it's a perfectly good port.

>> No.10544642

custom edition was mostly for brazilians because the free demo had free online mp. it ran poorly, looked far worse than the original, and lacked any real community. Any PC game that shipped with those flaws today would be considered the worst PC port of all time, but during that gen it was fairly common. RE4 for example had no mouse support.

>> No.10544682

I'm convinced the post-9/11 political climate was essential to the Xbox's success
It was made by an American company, went all-in on shooters, and had a controller with triggers like a gun

>> No.10544703

who said anything about custom edition? besides, it was literally just a free version of the PC port without the campaign, it didn't look or run any worse than the original PC version. you're also completely overplaying the visual aspect; the Xbox original and PC port are nearly identical, there were a few missing or altered textures and visuals effects that you'd never notice unless explictly looking for them, that's it. in every other way the versions are basically 1:1. also, saying it "ran poorly" is bizarre because the original game was 30fps with dips, meanwhile you could get much better performance on PC. granted, it depends on hardware, but that isn't the game's fault and it certainly isn't an issue in 2023.
you're comparing a game that replaced 3D models with sprites and had fucking keyboard aiming in 2007 to a perfectly good port of Halo that added mouse and keyboard controls. what a retarded post.

>> No.10544717
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>who said anything about custom edition
That is what the PC version is called iirc
>you're also completely overplaying the visual aspect
No, I think I'm underplaying it. It's a massive downgrade and poorly represents the game. Fast Forward 10 years after Halo 1 came out and I saw the same PC gamers that would play Halo CE talk about Stalker Clear Sky, the first game with "god rays" when Halo 1 had it on a Pentium 3. The skybox that would float off the horizon, the far worse texture and shader details, seeing how today PC gamers treat a game their only exposure to was a shoddy port they completely miss the historical context of it and have no understanding or appreciation for its artistic and technical identity.

>> No.10544741

>That is what the PC version is called iirc
you don't even realize there are two versions of the game and you're trying to speak from authority? get the fuck out of here you clown shoe.
>bro here's a screenshot of something you already described as an issue and a paragraph of subjective bullshit
you're an idiot.

>> No.10544752

>you don't even realize there are two versions of the game
apply it to the one it is relevant for, sounds like the favela remark got under your skin.
>you're an idiot.
>art doesn't matter.
>it's all subjective.
>it's been fixed anyway (15 years later)
>I can't talk about impact, it's subjective.
>by the way you're dumb even though I'm showing my own limitations
thank you for conceding. If you don't care fuck off, you waste.

>> No.10544759

For the record, most of those are also on the PS2.

>> No.10544787

you're trying to act like you know anything about this game, but you didn't even know that there was an original PC version and a free version? just think about that for a second.
no, shut the fuck up faggot. you know nothing about this game and nothing about the individual versions. if you didn't know that custom edition is different from CE then you sure as fuck aren't qualified to talk about visual minutae. your entire argument is something i already addressed in my initial response (small visual differences, that by the way, are largely resolved based on graphics card), meanwhile also trying to hamfist complete bullshit like complaints about "performance" when the fucking xbox version objectively runs worse. i repeat, you are a clown.

>> No.10544807
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>apply it to the one it is relevant for, sounds like the favela remark got under your skin.
These screenshots do not look the same, it is not an opinion, but a fact that the art was poorly translated and butchered on PC. PC gamers do not know the impact of this game, and you're proof of it.

>> No.10544826

>here's another picture of of a visual downgrade like you already mentioned
very convincing argument dr. faggot. i like how you continue to speak from authority while ignoring the fact that you can't even get basic info about the game right, let alone address the PC version's myriad improvements. not like any of this even matters because the original devs were kind enough to support the PC version for nearly 2 decades and added mod support so any conceivable issues have been solved. but uhh i guess if you're living in 2003 then... you have the version with better water shaders (and worse performance, controls, resolution, multiplayer and content). epic win bro.

>> No.10544831

>rock textures, waterfall and particles look better on PC
Did you mean to BTFO yourself with this pic?

>> No.10544832

the xbox was the first microsoft console while nintendo already had a long year stand in the gaming and console industry.

>> No.10544834
File: 2.90 MB, 654x480, haloflare.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very convincing argument
Then you agree, it is not subjective.
>i like how you continue to
Like I said, insert the name where it matters to you. That is the one I'm talking about. It seems you love both, because either way you're incredibly defensive about the poor state of this only subjectively inferior version. It's objectively worse by the way.

>> No.10544837

A whole hell of a lot of it was Halo.
Nintendo also made some arguably questionable decisions in that gen. They devoted the least attention to online and did weird things with their biggest franchises (cel shading in windwaker, water hose stuff in mario sunshine) that left a lot of people wondering what the hell they were thinking after SM64 and Ocarina of Time.

>> No.10544843

>yes the PC version runs better
>yes it has better textures
>yes it has better resolution
>yes it has better controls
>yes it has more content
>yes it has real online MP
>yes it has mod support (that has fixed any possible issue)
>b-but it's the inferior version because in 2003 it had a worse water texture in a game almost entirely devoid of water
>btw here's my webm of visual effects the PC version always had that i didn't think it had because i'm a retarded faggot who thought custom edition was halo PC
good night bro

>> No.10544849

Their questionable decisions paid off by them getting outsold by the new box. Genuinely, Halo was not the deciding factor.

It was Halo 2. That's the game that leaped the Xbox over the GameCube, and proved the strength of blockbuster titles. All the while MS was courting the hardcore, Sega, Ninja Gaiden, rolling the red carpet out for online play, Conker remake (a game already declared a cult classic.) Xbox was for the gamers, GC was for the kids who got a box with mario on it cuz their parents recognized it.

Despite this, PC gamers seethe over the game deriding it as "babies first FPS" despite it completely destroying its contemporaries. They clearly do not appreciate the impact it had, and demonstrate they can't understand. They're too mentally retarded to comprehend it.

>> No.10544850

Original Xbox using Dolby ProLogic II is best.

I guess with CE on PC, it's currently this:

- MCC CEA: Best graphics by far AND you can buy it, but the sound is broken (unless you use custom maps, which makes it the *best* audio on PC at the cost of being locked out of most online features), multiplayer has some pretty major issues in its core gameplay, and the classic controls are sluggish on controller and don't match the original controls at all

- Map geometry is still based on the Gearbox version. Sidewinder's teleporters are two-way, Hang Em High doesn't have a lip on the pit, and you can't jump through the windows on Creek.

- Custom Edition: The graphics are completely and utterly fucked, the netcode is trash, and there's no analog movement in multiplayer, but you get modding support, server lists, dedicated servers, and *full* custom map support, and besides the crappy netcode and lack of analog movement, the multiplayer at least works the same as it did originally

- Retail/Trial Halo PC: Same as Custom Edition, but somewhat better graphics at the cost of fewer mods and maps

- Xbox (via XEMU): Worse performance than any native PC release (for obvious reasons), no online netcode, no native keyboard&mouse support built into the game, and it's legally dubious, but it's the original game, and there are mods for it to add custom maps

This may be why people play on the Xbox version using aging hardware from 20 years ago.

Chimera and refined work in Halo PC and Custom Edition.

>Halo PC
>Product Key: MHJYD-HCYX4-VC8TD-J32X8-7KD4B

>32-bit-Enhanced Refined stock maps for Halo PC (Better than CE)

>Chimera is the update to Halo: Combat Evolved for the PC that we should have had but never got

>> No.10544863

>low res, low fps, controller only with no online is best

>> No.10544864

>Animations are capped at 30 FPS with no interpolation, making everything jittery (fixed with custom edition mods)
>Broken shaders, bump maps etc anons have mentioned, makes Jackels impossible to determine by rank since their shield colors rely off shaders
>Some textures are lower res than Xbox
>Some models using earlier revisions

The only good thing Gearbox did was add the Flamethrower to MP, but the leaked Halo 1 beta proves it was something bungie made beforehand and they tossed it in anyway

>> No.10544870

the animations were 30 fps on the xbox you fucking retard
>muh shaders
graphics card issue
>some textures
greasy jewish way of saying the PC has by far better textures on 90% of objects
>some models using earlier revisions
captain keyes and uhh, uhhh...

>> No.10544875

Yeah the "only good thing" they didnwas adding a useless weapon, not the online multiplayer, extra maps or better controls right?
How do you even argue with militantly retarded people like this?

>> No.10544903

QRD on custom edition and spv3?

>> No.10544917

There were two versions of Halo Combat Evolved on PC: one released in 2003, and one called "Halo: Custom Edition" that's basically the 2003 version but multiplayer-only and offered as a free download in 2004.

>> No.10544919

Ancient nintendrone meme for manchildren afraid of blood

>> No.10544923

>What did the XBOX do right that the GameCube didn't?
They didn't use those small disks the GC did. Xbox also had much better 3rd party support and a decent 1st party lineup. GC had some weird marketing, too.

>> No.10544925

>that let players add co-op back in anyways
Where the AI doesn't even sync LOL

>> No.10544949

For me it’s that I’ve beaten more snes games on my Xbox than the actual system.

>> No.10544954

I wanna know why GC games cost so much.
It's kind of fucking retarded because of the insane ease at which the games can be pirated and played.

>> No.10544959


>> No.10544961

Nobody wanted to play the next Nintendo remake again. That’s it in a nutshell. I’d played Mario 64. I played Donkey Kong 64. I’d played OoT and MM. I’d played all the 3D offerings Nintendo had made. What was going to be so vastly different on the GC? Nothing. They were going to be pretty much the same game with a new gimmick; which they all were.

Halo was the console gamers first taste of a lan parties. Halo 2 brought online gaming to the masses. The Xbox was a glorified Halo machine but it’s all it ever needed because everyone during that time period was fucking obsessed with it. And they’d pick up a few other games, like Hitman, Max Payne, etc. Only other place besides the Xbox to play those were pc or ps2.

GC you didn’t have shit and was viewed as babbys first nintendo

>> No.10544979

Sega saved xbox. The designed their controllers.and provided japenese 3rd party better than Nintendo

>> No.10544992

Most important American tech companies had zero knowledge of consoles and almost tanked if it wasn't for sega

>> No.10545023

It was the overnight popularity of Halo. People that never gave a shit about games started playing Halo, the dudebro shooter culture was born, and gaming went from a semi niche hobby to mainstream. I still have no idea how ps2 won that generation other than people had them as dvd player/madden machines.

>> No.10545035

>backwards compatible with PS1
>DVD player
>gets all the new games
Was it cheaper than the Xbox? That would have helped, too.

>> No.10545052

Not only was it cheaper, but it came out at a time when a new DVD player could actually cost you as much as a PS2. So if you were going to buy a DVD player at the time, it might as well be a PS2. The Xbox could play DVDs too, but it required an addon peripheral and a remote to get around licensing the dvd tech.

>> No.10545058

It was cheaper iirc, came out first, and got massive media hype that I don't remember with xbox. If it wasn't cheaper at launch, it was definitely cheaper later on.

>> No.10545060

Lmao. 20 years later and you're still posting this teenager shit? Wtf is wrong with you, old man. Have you not learned anything? You shoukd be wiser by now, fool.

>> No.10545078

Also, the backwards compatibility wasn't really a selling point. Everyone who was interested in ps1 games already had a ps1, and that really was a time in gaming when nobody was looking back because the future seemed so bright.

>> No.10545079

It was as >>10545052 mentioned, not only cheaper than an xbox, but cheaper than most dvd players. "Do I get a dvd player and videogame console separately (as separate machines or by buying an addon for a more expensive videogame console), or a dvd player thats also a really great videogame console"?

NTA, but out of curiosity, what does the *good* Halo PC release look like in 2023? (And Is there a good PC Halo 2?) (Do any of the PC versions work with a pad and split screen if you want to play couch multiplayer with your bros like the old days, or do I still want to use my 360 for that, and need to hunt down more working 360 pads?)

Yes, I know keyboard and mouse control better, and online is a thing, but thats not so useful for couch multiplayer with my brother-in law while drinking a few beers (though I might still get a game in with him online without him coming over, so I'm still a bit interested in online shit even if its not my primary interest). I haven't played Halo since like 2009, and it was the original disc in my 360.

>> No.10545084

So out of these two which one had the better hardware? I always see comparisons between PS2 and Dreamcast or PS2 vs XBOX and Gamecube, but not between those two consoles

>> No.10545090

>Wasnt a selling point.
It was for me. I used my PS2 for PS1 games at least as often as I used it for PS2 games.

>What about your PS1
It went into a closet because of a lack of space. And then I used it more for a while. And then the disc reader died and I used the PS2 for everything. And then at some point I switched to emulation and ripped my games to ISO.

>> No.10545118

>I switched to emulation
Your opinion doesn't matter.

>> No.10545176

>Hardware autism.
The PS2 looks like shit on a modern LCD with composite or rgb out, and I can get higher resolution and AA and the like on my gaming PC for nicer looking PS2 games. Sometimes also gameplay mods or balance overhauls. Also, I don't want to have a whole bunch of consoles hooked up all the time, or to dig them out of the closet whenever I want to switch consoles. You just have a stick up your ass.

I do like to use my original dualshock 2s (and my joystick-less PS1 pads for PS1 games though - so I bought a USB adapter)

>> No.10545469

there are so many "literal who" titles on that chart

>> No.10545478

This is historical revisionism to a fucking T.

Nintendo required all games on the NES to be family friendly to recieve their seal of approval. Same with SNES, which is why they removed the blood from Mortal Kombat.

It wasn't until the N64 they began to relax their censor-happy hands.

>> No.10545481

Good thing Halo was never a precision shooter.

>> No.10545767

>It wasn't until the N64 they began to relax their censor-happy hands.
Because they were losing their 3rd party devs to sony.

>> No.10545891

>the backwards compatibility wasn't really a selling point.
In Europe it was.

>> No.10546021

XBOX >>> GC >> PS2 >>> DC

>> No.10546038

>better games
>built in hard drive
>first console with true online gaming thanks to Xbox Live having titles actually worth playing against strangers on the internet, unlike the PS2 or Dreamcast
>overall seen as a more "mature" choice, this is where "Nintentoddlers" first became a thing

>> No.10546043

But anon, the Chicken Little liscenced game is a certified Xbox classic
Real example of the quality Xbox has to offer

>> No.10546047

Back to r*ddit /srs

>> No.10546065

>your a idiot
Kek, retard

>> No.10546068

"you're an idiot" is grammatically correct, retard ESL

>> No.10546076

>>overall seen as a more "mature" choice, this is where "Nintentoddlers" first became a thing
Losing Rare damaged Nintendo's image a lot on this front. You could see that event as the beginning of Nintendo consoles being associated with kids.

>> No.10546169

>Same with SNES, which is why they removed the blood from Mortal Kombat.
and yet mk2, mk3, and umk3 were all uncensored, which you would know if you werent a zoomer

>> No.10546201

>Was it simply the overnight popularity of Halo?

>> No.10546218

I always find funny this tricky online mental illness that exclusives only count for ps2 but not for xbox.

Even funnier when these xbox game are on pc/xbox, xbox or xbox/ps2 and not in NGC

>> No.10546226

>Piracy would have killed it.
Wrong. Piracy never killed a system
>b-b-but muh dreamcast
Also wrong.

>> No.10546417

The fact that Dreamcast games were being pirated during the Dreamcast lifespan, ending with a quick demise is proof enough that piracy kills systems. If piracy didn't kill, the Dreamcast would of had a longer lifespan, especially since I was able to play DreamSNES on my Dreamcast, allowing me to play SNES games in 2000. But it never caught popularity, Dreamcast owners were way more interested in pirating Dreamcast games than buying them, leading to a lack of sales of Dreamcast games, leading Sega to go third party in 2001.

>> No.10546434

The system itself barely sold.
It didn't even sell half as much as the GameCube, which already sold like shit.
Didn't even manage to sell as much as the Saturn, another Sega failure.

Unless people were downloading whole consoles from the internet, priacy got shit to do with it.

>> No.10546439

Dreamcast had plenty of other problems besides piracy.
Healthy platforms like the PSX, PS2, NDS can have piracy on an enormous scale without affecting their fortunes.

>> No.10546448

reminder that piracy only mattered in 3rd world countries who werent going to buy the games anyway

>> No.10546452

There was barely any difference between the sales numbers of those consoles, anon. Gamecube is considered a failure only because it's always compared to the likes on NES and SNES.

>> No.10546458
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>> No.10546462

When you realize how little XBOX sold in Japan, and it still beat the Cube globally, you get how much of a disaster the latter was. Its only saving grace was being cheap to manufacture, saving Nintendo from economic problems.

>> No.10546467


>> No.10546468
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It also had a solid software attach rate. That's where the margins are.
Also Nintendo handhelds of the time were extremely successful so they had something to fall back on.

>> No.10546469

literally nobody on this board could refute this, as a genuine reason i've even heard from people as to why they bought an xbox, and it's hilarious /vr/ and /v/ users still try and fight being the designated tendie boards. No one but these faggots cares this much, stating an objective fact of what went on at the time doesn't make anyone elitist to anything, it's just how shit turned out, and that doesn't even make gamecube a bad console or nintendo stupid for making it how they did.

>> No.10546470

Dreamcast still had an insanely high attach rate compared to other consoles on the market at the time, so it wasn't like people weren't buying legal games. That said, I still believe that knowing how thoroughly broken the security of their system was might have affected Sega's decision to ultimately pull out. But whether that was a valid reason in favor of that decision is another matter entirely.

>> No.10546482
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True, but to Nintendo's credit, the GC was still profitable on its own despite pitiful sales. Still, I think they could've captured a bigger portion of the market with DVD capability and a less kiddy image. The GC suffered from a bad image from the get go, it literally looked like a toy compared to PS2 and XBOX, and the original purple color did it no favors. Imagine if it had looked like pic related...

>> No.10546494

>DVD capability
Not having to pay license fees for DVD technology like PS2 was part of the reason why Gamecube was cheaper to produce and managed to turn a profit despite "bad" (at least considering Nintendo's track record) sales.

>> No.10546498

Sega Dreamcadt sold 9.13 million consoles, Sonic Adventure sold 2.5 million copies. By the time people were able to pirate games, Sega was in trouble, leading to them to pull out early as a result of piracy.

Impressive homemade covers.

All I know is that once I notice my friend trying to sell me CD-R Dreamcast games for $5, I knew things were going to be bad for Sega. He was the one who sold me the DreamSNES CD-R.

>> No.10546502

I think the software selection was a bigger deal. Nintendo's "kiddy image" wasn't just a failure of marketing, but an actual limitation of the library. Nintendo mocked GTA at E3 2003 but San Andreas alone almost outsold the Gamecube.

I love the Gamecube's library but it seriously lacked in those mass appeal games. Even big games which align with Nintendo's family friendly brand like Kingdom Hearts just weren't there.

>> No.10546505

Gamecube not having a CD or DVD drive was actually smart, it prevented the games from getting pirated so easily, thus leading to more sold games.

>> No.10546509

By March 2003 Nintendo sold 9.5 million Gamecubes and 60 million games. That puts it in the same ballpark as the Dreamcast which enjoyed a similar timeframe before discontinuation which reportedly had an attach rate of about 8.
Measured by sales volume and given the same time, there's very little difference between Gamecube and Dreamcast.

>> No.10546514

The difference is that Gamecube wasn't easily pirated. Dreamcast was. "Attach rate" is nonsense.

>> No.10546518

>"Attach rate" is nonsense.
Every post you have made on this subject has been invalidated.

>> No.10546527

False. All your arguments are invalid. My arguments makes sense 100%.

>> No.10546835

Yeah, piracy was certainly a problem for the Dreamcast. It was even a problem for the music industry back then because of Napster. People who defend piracy, are usually the ones who are okay with companies dying because of piracy. Or in music's case, bands/artists losing money as a result of piracy. Piracy has always had a negative impact on physical media.

>> No.10547103

The most important game of the generation was not GTAIII, or Halo 1, but The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
People looked at the consoles' games on the shelf, and said, not, I need Halo 1, but, I really don't want toddlercore garbage. I don't want it for myself, I don't want it for my kids over the age of like 5.
If TP (the definitive game of the generation) had come out at launch for the GC, if they had pushed to make a game that combined Nintendo quality game design with looking cool, or at the very least not looking embarrassing to play, there would have been much less room for the Xbox, and Microsoft might have recalculated.
TLDR Americans prefer games not to have zero testosterone.

>> No.10547180

I think there's some truth to this. If they'd just done sequels in the same style as all the big n64 games, they'd probably have done a little better. People just wanted better graphics, not the weird gimmicks.

>> No.10547223

How so, though really? Piracy can still happen with streaming apps where you don't own any of the media on said subscription services.

>> No.10547337 [DELETED] 
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>left gets deleted
>right doesn't

>There was barely any difference between the sales numbers of those consoles, anon
There aren't even any reliable Xbox numbers. Almost no one owned that thing in real life and the GameCube has way more million sillers

Believing Microsoft is almost as retarded as this thread or the pedophilic moderators on this website seething about Nintendo 24/7

>> No.10547347

I love how MS in their grand wisdom memoryholed the OG Xbox by giving newer consoles the same name which makes looking things up a torture. Only Sega and Nintendo had the commonsense to give individual consoles individual names

>> No.10547359

At least Playstation chads have the PSX acronym :^)

>> No.10547363 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 345x348, 1662593502676587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like your massive hateboner for Microsoft? Cope and seethe nintendunce. The OG Xbox had better online than the GameCube and even the PS2. If the Camecube was so successful then why wasn't it so popular even in Japan and South Korea? I have both a Phat model PS2 qnd DOL-101 silver GameCube BTW, Mr console warrior fuckwit.

>> No.10547390

Whether or not piracy can still happen with streaming apps is a whole different issue because it has nothing to do with physical media. Musicians are making money on streaming apps due to ad revenue. People these days don't even bother with pirating movies, music or games. Streaming and digital downloads has become the norm. But back in 1999, 2000, and 2001 piracy was highly popular because 1) people wanted music, movies and porn to download. 2) it was a great way to pirate lots of games, especially PC games.

I remember downloading Resident Evil for the PC because I had already own the Sega Saturn version on disc and didn't want to re-buy the same game for the PC.

My point is that piracy does affect physical media negatively, thus causing no one to buy what they already downloaded, there woahpuld be no point.

>> No.10547397

Nobody in the year 2023 plays a single XBOX game, whereas Gamecube has multiple titles that are still wildly popular and have a lifetime of replay value.

>> No.10547398 [DELETED] 

Holy shit the butthurt of this guy

>> No.10547409
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Ironic, that was the tendie's Halo (ignoring mid ass Assault)

>> No.10547413

>The most important game of the generation was not GTAIII, or Halo 1, but The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
How so?
>TLDR Americans prefer games not to have zero testosterone.
Yeah they prefer nintendo games nowadays.

>> No.10547460 [DELETED] 

No one even cares enough about Xbox to have a hateboner for it. And your random drivel doesn't justify your hyper biased moderation on this board

>> No.10547471

Damn you are dumb still highlighting that post considering Halo is at...let me check...53 mentions ITT right now

>> No.10547476 [DELETED] 

Seethe, ya fucking lying twat cuntface.
You care enough to be an asinine fuckwad bitching about your console dick-waving and such. Furthurmore, I am neither a mod nor a Janitor on this site. Its true that the aforementioned thread which got deleted didn't deserve it, I'm not denying that.

>> No.10547482

I just call it PS1, PSone, or "Original PlayStation"

>> No.10547516 [DELETED] 

>Seethe, ya fucking lying twat cuntface.
>You care enough to be an asinine fuckwad bitching about your console dick-waving and suc
Why do you talk like a literal retard? Make a point or shut the fuck up, you mentally ill caricature of a human being

>> No.10547543 [DELETED] 
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OK shitheap. Its not my fault you don't like certain colloquial speech terms. My point is that you do care enough to be an asinine fuckwad and dipshit, complete with all that dick-waving and the like!

>> No.10547573 [DELETED] 

Tendies are mentally ill

>> No.10547608

Xbox had Xboxlive. It was the place to be. The game cube was still awesome. Pikmin, Luigis mansion, animal crossing(if your gay like me), rez evil 4, super smash brothers

>> No.10547637

You are the one spamming Nintendo = bad threads on Christmas. Nintendo haters on /vr/ might be unironically the most deranged people I've ever seen in my entire life.

>> No.10547897

Good thread, sirs

>> No.10547973

>more horsepower
>absolute badass homebrew scene that sprouted overnight because of PC architecture and easy softmodding
>had actual online play and you could even play PSO on it
>hard drive made memory cards redundant (this was a good thing for the most part)
>had official lightgun support
>badass, masculine design with the HUEG box and duke controller design with kino Mountain Dew green instead of faggy purple with Fisher Price buttons and a lunchbox handle
>featured solid ports of GTA games
>could play DVD's if you bought a remote or softmodded your console
>better support from Sega, felt more like a true successor to the Dreamcast if you weren't that big into Sonic 3D Chris Chan autism simulators

>> No.10548040

>better first party titles

Aw man XBOX had so many classic first party games like Halo and Halo 2.

>> No.10548046
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>> No.10548205

It's fucking bullshit how there's no lightgun for the n64 or gaycube. Fucking toddler consoles.

>> No.10548267
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Is there a reason, I haven't looked for an og Xbox for years, that alot of old xboxs up for sale on eBay are now for parts and not working? Did that clock battery thing really fuck them all over at once or something?

>> No.10548279

NTA, but
Conker remake
Jade Empire
Ninja Gaiden Black
Halo 1&2
Tony Hawk 2XL
DOA Ultimate/3/Volleyball
Is a pretty cool list.

>> No.10548319 [DELETED] 

Still a mile away from objectively better than the Cube's exclusives

Though this entire thread just exists as a proof that jannies are Snoy faggots. They want to put us against each other

>> No.10548342

Half of these games are better on PC though.

>> No.10548384

>my console makes me so much more mature than yours does to you
Don't take this the wrong way anon but you come across as the type that should never hold anything even resembling a gun.

>> No.10548421

Being a media centre. Halo drew crowds by reputation probably better than anything else around. I bought a GC myself and it really was a difficult choice. The GC handle was a minus. It has to be one of the stupidest design features ever. The black version was also mandatory. Luckily the games I got were bangers. Also I swapped with the neighbours Xbox a few times too, so good times.

>> No.10548448 [DELETED] 
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How come Nintendo fans have such a hard time understanding the word "objective"?

>> No.10548604
File: 2.42 MB, 2700x4800, xbox hueg og 8chan4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed post

>> No.10548610 [DELETED] 

why are nintendildos like this?

>> No.10548627

You answered your own question.

>> No.10548629

They sold around the same and Gamecube made money whereas Xbox lost money. If Xbox was a success then so was Gamecube.

>> No.10548630

GC had piss poor sales for a nintendo console. Xbox was a financial failure but a commercial success. It paved the way for Xbox 360 which made a ton of money.

>> No.10548647

It's nintendo's second worst selling console and barely had any notable releases post 2004.

>> No.10548648

>Xbox 360
Then the GameCube paved the way for the DS, Wii and Switch and Nintendo won anyway. They no longer invest in outstanding hardware compared to the other two and their games have a shoestring budget and sell like hot cakes. Most importantly, they are the only ones staying loyal to themselves and still do the same thing they did 30 years ago. Sony meanwhile closed down their only good studio because they no longer need it, abandoned many other IPs and puts gay shit in everything

>> No.10548649

Do you live in an alternative reality? GC got and still gets a lot of flak. There is zero need for a thread with the sole purpose of shitting on it. it's trite console-war faggotry that just wastes everyone's time because, even if you hate it and want to ignore it, you don't want a bunch of psychos telling lies to hypothetical impressionable lurkers

No one likes this shit. It doesn't do anything for anyone. And /vr/ used to be better than this

>> No.10548662

GC didn't pave anything. Microsoft deliberately spent money to gain a market foothold so the 360 could almost beat the PS3.
>They no longer invest in outstanding hardware compared to the other two and their games have a shoestring budget and sell like hot cakes.
It was the gameboy that inspired nintendo's later business decisions, their only successful post NES console prior to the NDS. The SNES got decimated by the Genesis everywhere but in Japan so it doesn't count.

>> No.10548670

>GC didn't pave anything.
There obviously wouldn't be a Wii and DS without the GameCube. It was a direct result of the experience they gained during the GC era

No one made more cash with consoles and games than Nintendo

>> No.10548675

The only reason they reused the gamecube hardware is they were being cheap as fuck. The concept was totally different, they relied entirely on the wiggle gimmick.
It's a GBA with two screens and 3D accelerator. It's got absolutely nothing in common with the gamecube.

>> No.10548679

Nintendo, unlike all others, produces all their hardware and games for free, pay zero dollars in marketing or development costs, meanwhile playstation has only lost sony trillions of dollars.

How does this make sense? It just does.

>> No.10548761

>The concept was totally different
Because they have broken with tradition after the (sales-wise) disappointing GC was a culmination of everything that came before and couldn't be realistically improved via simply adding to it. Besides the Wii literally being a GameCube, they were planning the Wii Remote with the help of smaller GC projects (brought to pass games like Jungle Beat)
>I created somewhere between ten and twenty teams, each consisting of around three people. These teams were given free rein to couple a dedicated controller or peripheral with a GameCube title, and then see whether or not the end result was marketable. This project gave rise (...) to a number of ideas and designs that would find their way into the Wii Remote.
You don't know what experiences they made and what conclusions they drew from what. Just a random example that was actually given by Miyamoto, though:
>I think it was learning what is most important and, in comparison, what are less important. Even now, working on Zelda, I sometimes feel that there aren't enough buttons. Of course, when I mention this to the folks in my team, they look like they want to strangle me! (laughs) I shouldn't really be saying this, because I myself have been telling them that we have to move on from making games that need more and more buttons. In that sense, I want to make games simple and easy to understand, but part of me wants to make them more complex at the same time.
Took five seconds to find this, so not sure why you shitpost instead of just reading more
>It's got absolutely nothing in common with the gamecube.
Since they broke with tradition because of the GC era, it does

No one said any of those things

>> No.10548782 [DELETED] 
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>And /vr/ used to be better than this
The interesting thing is that it still is with the sole exception of threads shitting on Nintendo, which are selectively allowed and bumped. All other threads within spitting distance of console warring get deleted

>> No.10548789 [DELETED] 

doom is the real sacred cow of this board, not nintendo. say any meanie words about doom or john cuckmero and you're getting banned. they deleted the halo thread with 200 replies for this very reason.

>> No.10548831

Covered the meathead western "mature games for mature gamers" demographic. MS had fuck-you money to throw at it. PS2 ate GC's lunch in the nip game department. All GC really had going for it was the 4p and Nintendo games which were rather sparsely released. The rest of its titles were on PS2 which had more good games released on the regular and/or on Xbox which ran them better. Seeing that PS2 and Xbox were ahead, 3rd parties just slept on it after a couple years.

>> No.10548861

>worse than the original
>post-bg bioshit
>good example
>post-bg bioshit
>already mentioned
>no-THPS3-yet tide-over
>coomer vf
>worse than the first game
Most of these games are pretty damn overrated tbqh.

>> No.10548864

you sound pretty damn biased

>> No.10548872

I'm not. Just not particularly impressed with those choices. I've never been one for warring so don't project that on to me.

>> No.10548879

Are you the one who said Billy Hatcher was better than OutRun2, PD Orta and VF4 in the other thread?

>> No.10548890

Doom, justified. One of the best games ever made and infinity remixable. Romero always seemed like a clout riding no-talent ass-clown, though.
>30 years later
>still making 1997 tier Doom wads that are laughably outdone by fan works
I need not mention his other memery and cringe takes throughout the years.

>> No.10548892
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Not real critiques, all those games are great unlike well, this $800 gamecube exclusive

>> No.10548895

Cry Star Fox babby

>> No.10548897

No, you absolute schizophrenic, lol. I've always been one for playing good games wherever/however and I have no skin in warring. I guess in the end I just don't like a whole lot on the hueg though honestly. I recognize it has a few that justify its existence and runs shit better but I'd just rather play many more things on PS2 and GC.

>> No.10548901


>> No.10548902 [DELETED] 

okay.jpg not fighting this war, friendo. You win. Xbox forever. Fuck nintoddlers, comrade.

>> No.10548905
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Gamecube games are on average, lower quality than their contemporaries. These bitchin' exclusives don't exactly scream system seller, except maybe to a 3 year old.

>> No.10548906 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10548909

>MOGS Burning Rangers
What's the issue here?

>> No.10548910
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There is nothing wrong with low budget games that focus on a premise, something like firefighter fd18 likely cost konami 2 months, a $16 coffee maker to share between 30 people and delivers a comedic package with tense gameplay and ridiculous scenarios, but there's something to be said that while the generation was rounding off preparing for the next with mondo ass games like god of war, xbox touted titles like ninja gaiden, strangers wrath, fable and scrapland, GC had nothing to show except that now sports games needed to be split up into two discs.

>> No.10548927
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The ultra powerful gamecube meanwhile in its twilight years was firing off....games that looked like 2001, 2002 gamecube titles.

Maybe even worse. It feels like it regressed and never concluded its arc.

>> No.10548950

Has the janny already explained why he allows this console war shitpost thread? They always got deleted so far and they still get deleted if not targeting Nintendo. Not reading every single post ITT

>> No.10548956
File: 1.34 MB, 1124x1124, 1681929713846954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, you've been crying for days. Grow up. Instead of dishing it out and debating you just cry to the jannies.

>> No.10548960

>Let me post some terrible screenshots of certain places to push my narrative

>> No.10548962

>why do jannies allow retro console discussion on the retro games board
no idea dude

>> No.10548980

love de lict games aren't really known for pushing hardware

>> No.10549014

>better graphics
>new and interesting IPs
>appealed to older demographics
>broadband connection I think?
>no memory cards
>DVD/CD player

gamecube was always the better console and aged better imo. never understood the hate. the whole point was you could easily take it round your friends houses which is what we did. same with GBAs. and it has some banger 4 player games. the controller is fine too. I actually switched to xbox just for Halo, that's how culturally relevant it was at the time.

>> No.10549017
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So Gamecube was being left behind, its users robbed of interesting experiences. While Xbox deployed XBLA, Playstation had its online starting to roll out with hits like SOCOM which only brought promise for the future.

Nintendo on the other hand seemingly gave up, not trying and not doing anything interesting. You were gonna get the same old tired games and you were gonna deal with it. Buy a fucking DS if you want online play. GC festered angrily: >>10548960

Offering nothing for starved players who either festered in their lack of content or fled to greener pastures.

>> No.10549020

1. It's not only me
2. This is a console war thread only retards partake in and nothing comes out of besides 'your games bad', 'no your games bad'. Even /v/ deletes those and you can find a million examples of threads like this getting deleted here as well in the archives. The ones that don't shit on Nintendo even still get deleted. Even threads that simply suggest that the GC has good games get deleted because they trigger your pathetic ass
3. I'd respect the janny more for just admitting that he hates Nintendo but until then people deserve answers

>> No.10549029

>It's not only me
So what you're telling me is that Nintendo fans are incapable of debating vis a vis and need big strong moderator to settle arguments for them?

>> No.10549079

How about in a neutral thread instead one where the OP presupposes that the GC is worse and the first 10 posts are him samefagging?

Retarded brainlet

>> No.10549105
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>How about in a neutral thread instead one where the OP presupposes that the GC is worse and the first 10 posts are him samefagging?

>> No.10549140 [DELETED] 

triggered the nintenyearold :(

>> No.10549148 [DELETED] 

The first part? 2nd grade+ reading comprehension since OP went out of his way to stress it, answering his own question and using past tense
Second part? Logical inference and the fact that the archive is filled with similar examples

This thread is shitting on the GC literally since the OP. Why would Nintendo fans have an interest in bumping it even IF they were interested in retarded console warring? Ofc you want it to get bumped and we both know you will bump it till it expires

Dunno, you snoy jannies look pretty triggered to me sitting on a mountain of deleted threads that dared saying somehing positive about Nintendo and now allowing this cope shit here lol

>> No.10549151

XBox performed better to to it’s look being far more appealing than the purple lunchbox, and having the best version of the multiplats that generation with the best online the consoles had too.