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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 5 KB, 352x228, Shamus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10546008 No.10546008 [Reply] [Original]

Is Shamus a Metroidvania?
In that game you explore a big maze and you collect items (keys of various colors) that let take previous impassable passages.

>> No.10546017

The concept of exploring a map on a grid with keys opening locked doors, existed long before Metroid or the Metroidvania genre.

The key distinction with a Metroidvania is that as opposed to finding a key, you find an upgrade that enhances your characters abilities, which makes certain obstacles passable.
Further to this, the obstacles could be a hard or soft requirement. A simple example is scaling a height; finding an item that makes you jump higher is the simple solution, but what if there is a more complex solution that is skill based or creative?
A facet of this flexibility is that it serves as dynamic difficulty: You have an alternative means of entry, but are you prepared to challenge what lies ahead without that upgrade?

>> No.10546081

Classic that was never on any Japanese systems outside the GBC remake from '99 so /vr/ doesn't care about it.

>> No.10546106

Sorry your games blew goats, Nige.

>> No.10546116

game was American, wasn't even on any British systems. the original version released was for the Atari 800.

>> No.10546129

Remember that Pink Floyd song, "Seamus"?

>> No.10546135

Whatever. If it wasn't a PC FPS or a golden age arcade game, retro western games as a whole aren't worth bothering with.

>> No.10546208

you must be 18 or older to use this website

>> No.10546301

I don't think Shamus was as appealing to Japanese because it doesn't really have puzzle solving, just go around and shoot stuff. They loved Lode Runner because it was puzzle-oriented but probably not this one.

>> No.10546315
File: 45 KB, 600x600, aputhinken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it pronounced

>> No.10546335

Only the original Atari version will do; boot up Altirra and try it out but this game gets mean fast.

>> No.10546351

OP pic is the C64 port which I don't particularly like and wouldn't recommend.

>annoying sfx
>b8-ing "pirate this game and we will find you" message on the title screen
>shots are tiny so it's very hard to hit enemies

>> No.10546408

Holy underage

>> No.10546430

No, giant mazes with locked doors is the hallmark of the DragonSlayXana-em-up genre which predates metroid by years. It's a development of the Adventurelike.

>> No.10547350

This game is absolutely badass; as anon said it unfortunately got no Japanese versions or even a console port so it's not as famous as it could be.

>> No.10547374

I'm not the OP of this thread but I did post that thread about Miner 2049er about 2 weeks ago and I used a screenshot of the PC-8801 port so it would guarantee replies.

>> No.10549694

isn't this that game that was programmed by a tranny?

>> No.10551407


>> No.10552179

yeah the programmer later got a sex change operation

>> No.10552583

as others said the Atari original is the best and all other versions are just ports

>> No.10553609

It's a shamus-core game

>> No.10555149

Into the trash it goes

>> No.10555404

Also the M.U.L.E. programmer.

>> No.10556484


>> No.10556787

That's like half of all programmers

>> No.10556971

>Further to this, the obstacles could be a hard or soft requirement. A simple example is scaling a height; finding an item that makes you jump higher is the simple solution, but what if there is a more complex solution that is skill based or creative?
Are metroidvanias honorary immersive sims?

>> No.10557207

please explain belt scrollers based lingual anon

>> No.10557783

FPBP. I dont understand how so many people dont get that gaining abilities is THE defining feature of a metroidvania.
Also, besides making obstacles passable, upgrades often make it easier to defeat or avoid enemies. So its not as much of a chore to retread screens youve been through.