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10543515 No.10543515 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you play the original FF on NES? Think it is worth playing?

>> No.10543519

>US port

>> No.10543524

just to like the first boss back in the day. its just a bit too primitive and slow for me. i think the only nes jrpg ive completed is mother, and that was on emulator and i used cheats to toggle random encounters on/off so it doesnt really count. i didnt really like these games until the snes when they improved drastically

>> No.10543528
File: 550 KB, 1040x2508, Final Fantasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great, one of the best RPG on the platform. Also it's one of the least grindy, proper tactic and preparation, and a bit of luck, matters more than grind

Alternatively you could play the PSX remake which has the same balancing but with upgraded graphics and musics and some bug fixing.

>> No.10543529

Play the PS1 version instead. It fixes all the bugs of the NES version.

>> No.10543534
File: 649 KB, 1284x1113, FF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10543559
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PS1/WSC are the best versions, followed by NES, followed by everything else.

>> No.10543608

In that order.

>> No.10543613

Doesn't work properly on emulators as the game's RNG was seeded via the random junk present in the console's RAM at power on.

>> No.10543619
File: 486 KB, 813x752, 1000000512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you play a version with fixed bugs. Some of the spells and stats don't work properly in the US version. But on /vr/ one man's big is another man's soul, so choose whichever suits you.

>> No.10543658

You can do that with good emulators too, it's an option.

>> No.10543692

I played the ps1 version and couldnt handle the encounter rate after a while so I switched to psp which is even more different than the snes og. IDK, both of what I played I enjoyed and its a comfy experience but the OG encounter rate is too brutal for me

>> No.10543719

I've beaten the PS1 verdion twice.
I wanna hunt this one down and beat it. I've done Dragon Warrior 1 and 2 on NES, so this won't be as grindy.

>> No.10543750

Also if you are playing on actual NES hardware remember to hold that reset button. I had no idea initially and lost several games to it as a kid. Even when I did know, it still deleted my save just outside the tower on the last ever attempt I made to finish the original.

>> No.10543779

>magic system making sense

>> No.10543831

NES version is the only one I've played. The PSP version has some remastered OST, doesn't hit the same for me. If you try this version, have it on speed 8. Otherwise, it's slow as molasses.

>> No.10543901

The NES/Famicom versions straight-up don't function correctly. Several spells do nothing. Spells don't scale off stats correctly, making pure casters weaker than they should be.

Pixel Remaster is probably the 'best' version to play in terms of actually being able to trust what the game tells you.

>> No.10543996

It's a shame really because the original version is the one that has the mystique and the inviting atmosphere that the remakes lack a little.

>> No.10544610

>the mystique and the inviting atmosphere that the remakes lack a little.

Can you describe what you mean by this? I am genuinely curious. Was FF1 a game you played when it was new and you miss a sense of mystique that came with that? Or do you see it as a kind of relic from an earlier era and that gives a sense of the mysterious. Or am I missing something else entirely?

>> No.10544676

Then fuck off and go back to playing Ultima, Blade of Darkness, or Wizardy 1, 2, or 3.

>> No.10544683

You don't have to do it on Flash carts of course but the RNG in FF1 fucks up for the same reason it fucks up on emulators.

>> No.10544697

the hold the Reset button down thing is only necessary for MMC1 games as they can't disable write access to the cartridge RAM. you should not need to do it on MMC3 or MMC5 games. i know on Kirby's Adventure that you definitely don't have to hold Reset down despite the cartridge having the usual warning on the back about it.

>> No.10544704

Kirby autosaves after you finish a level and doesn't display any warning about holding Reset down so you're clearly not expected to.

>> No.10544758

wrong, the bugs are irrelevant and the aesthetic "upgrades" water down the experience unnecessarily (although you can of course enjoy them in their own right if you want to)
every complaint about the bugs is theorycrafting about how they COULD make the playing experience worse, and no complaint about them is an account of how they DID make some specific person's experience worse (because they didn't)

>> No.10544840

It's legitimately and unironically the best jrpg of all time. I was just thinking about this again today. It strikes just the right balance of battles that require strategization and observation SOME of the time, but not all the time.

>> No.10544854

Back in the day, FF1 for NES was a game that you played. Today, it is a caution tape-ringed fountain of trigger warnings about how you shouldn't ever touch it if you have bug-related traumas in your past because you might experience a debilitating panic attack when... well not when you notice the bugs, because you won't, but rather when some right-living person on the Internet worriedly informs you about how you've actually been enjoying sinful, forbidden code that a human programmer didn't even intend to write, and that therefore must have been written by none other than Satan.

>> No.10544872

Uhh, yeah this I guess? FF1 was filled with bugs and I never noticed a single one of them growing up. Had a blast. Still do. It's all part of the adventure and I literally, unironically, genuinely, with full knowledge of the repercussions state that it MAKES THE EXPERIENCE BETTER. It requires you to actually think about everything that's happening in the game and pay attention. It makes the world more mysterious and unknowable, and there's joy in that. It wasn't intentional; it was serendipity. I literally would not change it for the world. Like a live recording that ends up being way better than the studio album, the FF1 NA experience was lightning in a bottle that surpassed what was designed on paper.

Definitely this. NES version or nothing for me.

>> No.10544878

I never played JRPG. Should I play FF or DW or something else

>> No.10544890

Not him but I understand what he means. Just play the original, it can't be adequately expressed in words.
>Or am I missing something else entirely?
Yes. Stop overthinking things and just play a video game. For best experience, I suggest this hint: play the version that captured everyone's imaginations and lit the fire, not the versions that came years later riding on its coattails. You can play any version you want, I don't care, but it might be an interesting philosophy to realize that games become beloved hits for a reason and there's no reason "remaking" it should necessarily be viewed as an "improvement" when there was already something special to it in the first place that was responsible for it becoming the icon it is.
Imperfections and limitations don't make something bad. Smoothing over any uniqueness to create a safer, more normalized experience, however, do.

>> No.10544892

It hasn't aged well. Dragon Warrior is better.

>> No.10544893

You should play the game that makes you say "Hey that looks fun, I really want to play that, my fingers are itching to get a controller in my hands and dive into that adventure."

If nothing makes you feel that way you shouldn't get involved in video games just for the sake of saying you played it to satisfy some checklist.

Do games interest you? Does looking at a screenshot make you think "Damn, I want to play that!" ?

>> No.10544909

It's 2023 and most of us on this board are 40+ years old anon. This "bait" has all the originality of my kid showing me what he just picked out of his nose.

>> No.10544935
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Good emulators don't have this problem

>> No.10544942

I have neither the checklist feeling or the screenshot feeling. I'm just asking a question. I'm not sure why you made these disingenuous assertions.

>> No.10544946

Flip a coin. Heads, DW. Tails, FF. Coin doesn't land properly, Pokemon.

>> No.10544973
File: 3.06 MB, 640x640, 1673999140017690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bugs are irrelevant
>upgrading the Monk makes it worse

>> No.10545001

Yeah, was the first rpg I ever played on my own without my older brother. I can't remember if I actually beat it or just died to chaos and quit. I know years later someone told me chaos was garland and I don't remember that at all, although if it was revealed subtly I might just have not understood.

>> No.10545162

>I-I'm just asking a question
Don't piss down my leg and tell me it's snowing, zoomer. You aren't unique in any way.

>> No.10545167

>the bugs are irrelevant
Yes. Congratulations making a post, complete with "epic reaction pic", that makes you look like an incompetent, butthurt twit.

>> No.10545485

Anon who made the original post here; put it better than I could.

>> No.10545497

I'm going to play the NES version as is, thanks.

>> No.10545992

Having a couple of neat bugs like the Peninsula of Power is different than the game's mechanics straight-up not functioning as they're supposed to.

>> No.10546975

I have, played the NES version with the bugfix patch to fix spells and other shit, it was a great experience tbhdesu. Something about the NES version is immersive in a way I don't think I would feel about newer remasters, they are too bright and colorful.

>> No.10547284

I'd honestly skip most old jrpgs unless you're really doing some personal history research because of a deep love of the genre.

>> No.10547514

Nah. Newer jrpgs are unplayable with how long they take to load and the self indulgent overlong writing

>> No.10548118

I'd honestly skip most new jrpgs unless you really have shit taste.

>> No.10548120

I'd go for jrpgs that aren't too old or too new tbqh.

>> No.10548137

Newer RPGs all have those samey vtuber designs, it looks quite terrible.

>> No.10548569

How did strategy guides (English and Japanese) at the time cover the broken spells? Did they acknowledge they were broken or did they print how they were supposed to work?

>> No.10550621

final fantasy was never good

>> No.10550808
File: 94 KB, 256x257, Final_Fantasy_Legend_II_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.10550860

This. The game is still playable despite it being buggier than normal.
With that said, the NES version starts out slow and can be mind numbing with the grinding at the beginning and I didn't really care for the Elf section at all. It gets better after that and once you get the airship, it becomes the best game of the whole NES library from that point on to the end.

>> No.10551362

I love FF1. Would you like FF1? I dunno, do you enjoy random encounters, turn based combat and dungeon exploration/resource management? Because that's what that game is, there's barely a story to speak of. And that's why it's great. It's pure turn based RPG gameplay.

>> No.10551365


>> No.10551395


>> No.10551436

>Also it's one of the least grindy
How, I remember playing it when the PS1 version came out and it was like
>leave town
>be mobbed by goblins who destroy you every couple second
>have no real idea about where to go so you're in for a lot

>> No.10551509

So you didn't even play for more than 5 mins...

With that said the majority of Famicom RPGs have the player grind 30-60mins at the very start of the game, but not FF1. You start with enough money to buy everyone top equipment available in the first town. Do that, equip it, and those goblins will die and you can go straight to the first dungeon.

>> No.10551558

The game's RNG is just a lookup table.

>> No.10551560

The game was coded by an Iranian Apple ][ developer, so you can blame the magic not working on him rather than any Japanese design elements.

>> No.10551564

>there's barely a story to speak of.

Maybe pay attention to what you're doing, looking at and reading. Because there isn't a wall of text every 5 mins doesn't mean there isn't a story. FF1's story is more developed than DQ1 or even DQ2. Every small region has its own story tied to it, which all tie into the grand scheme.

>> No.10551568

Wasn't that the second game? Also he was an American citizen.

>> No.10551571

Nasir did the first 3 NES Final Fantasies and Secret of Mana.

>> No.10551574
File: 120 KB, 933x1125, Famimaga 1990 Feb 23_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitting on Nasir is the trendy thing to do. You probably think it makes you knowledgeable.

The truth is knowing that Square owes its entire empire to him. Square before Nasir: mid-tier games that flopped.
The moment he joins you get Rad Racer, 3-D World Runner, and Final Fantasy. All worldwide phenomenoms the entire company was built on.

The bugs in FF1 are nothing compared to the bugs of competing jRPGs and he was one of the best video game programmer of his generation in Japan. When FF2 was in dev, his work visa expired. Did Square replace him? No, they delocalized the entire dev team to follow him to California. When FF3 came around, just him was enough to advertise the game.

>> No.10551583

>Spells don't scale off stats correctly, making pure casters weaker than they should be.
the game is beatable solo as each class, stop being a fucking pussy. I can't believe you subhuman pieces of shit get filtered by this game

>> No.10551593

Huh that’s interesting, the elf portion is when I started actually getting into the game. What do you not like about it?

>> No.10551942

How's the Wonderswan version?

>> No.10552187

i had it as a kid
but i didnt get heavy into FF series until the pokemon boom
i was 13 so i had just beat ff7 & 8
i got pretty far on the nes cart, been meaning to finish it someday

"worth it" depends on you and what you value in an rpg OP
the original FF is filled with odd bugs, cryptic bs and grindage
i liked it

>> No.10552230

Same as the GBA version but without the bloat.

>> No.10552235

i have them
its japanese
very japanese

>> No.10554182

It's a classic for a reason

>> No.10554203

OP said
>original FF on NES
Implying the original NES Final Fantasy you fucking hipster

>> No.10554261

>Every small region has its own story tied to it,
oh fug, that's true. there's no excessive dialog so I tend to downplay the story but there's quite a bit of lore through the world it was enough for 8-bit theater.

>> No.10554290

I've played it, but I played the Famicom version with an English patch on emu. Never actually saw the cart in my life. And yes, I do have a NES.

>> No.10555909


>> No.10556001

it's the best FF game so yeah

>> No.10556089

This guy forgot to buy and equip weapons

>> No.10556301

I thought the pacing dropped to a crawl there (reminded me of Xenogears when you go to Nocturne if you've played that, but not as bad), involving more grinding there than at any point in the game to keep up with the Marsh Cave. I was finally happy to awake the prince and move on to the next area after.

>> No.10556365

1991 was before the us really did proper strategy guides, at least for japanese games. There was some nintendo power feature for it but it was mostly maps and the boss strats were to grind more if it kills you. No idea how jap strategy guide culture worked or its timelines. The first bug minutiae tier inside baseball I remember reading in a strategy guide was for xcom UFO defense informing me that the difficulty levels were broken.

>> No.10556509

This board attracts the same sort of bitter, maladjusted nerds as /v/ but with the added bonus that the guy acting like a cunty teenager is probably 40 years old or so.

>> No.10556649

What? All I did was ask a question. I'm not doing anything to anyone.

>> No.10556670

I've never seen the cart IRL either.

>> No.10556674

the fact that he did Apple II coding would have made him quite ace because you had to be really fucking good at 6502 to code a game on that thing while on C64 or something it was just like "write to register to move graphics around."