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File: 76 KB, 1212x1080, SMT II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10532379 No.10532379 [Reply] [Original]

This boss actually made me jump when I first played through SMT II. He looks so different from the other demons in the game it's creepy.

>> No.10532383

Yeah, those eyes stare straight into your soul. For a non-horror game SMT II was really good at being spooky. YHWH was kino too.

>> No.10532392 [DELETED] 

get a fucking blog faggot. no one gives a shit if you piss your pants at nondescript pixels.

>> No.10532426

I like the bat necklace for the Michael Keaton reference. The walking around version of betelegeuse that looks like a guy in a suit has a bat headpiece thing too but I didn't put that together until now

>> No.10532440

Also a piece of advice for this game: fuse something with teleport and traesto. the game has an obscene amount of backtracking and needle in a haystack searches and any travel time you can cut is great. If you got used to smt 1 giving those spells to the girlfriend character you will miss them badly. I'd tell you to fuse heqet for it but it's actually kind of difficult. Otoh unlike smt1 the encounter rate isn't beyond all comprehension so the repel spell isn't absolutely mandatory anymore
If you can't handle incredibly obscure plot advancement triggers prepare to suffer

>> No.10532481
File: 440 KB, 1340x2220, IMG_0086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Megaten demon by far. I wish I didn't get filtered 60% of the way through SMT II, I should give it another go sometime. I beat SMT and Soul Hackers so I don't know what my problem was.

>> No.10532490

>I don't know what my problem was
SMT II has a particularly bad case of obscure progress triggers that were common in JRPGs of the era. For example you can fight Demi-Nandi as a random encounter at the factory where your objective is to "defeat Demi-Nandi and Betelgeuse" but the actual objective is to walk into a spot on the overworld and defeat one specific Demi-Nandi to advance. If you just beat Betelgeuse and random encounter Demi-Nandis it won't count.

>> No.10532491 [DELETED] 


>> No.10532506
File: 1.46 MB, 2405x3600, 20170426_013351485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that checks out. I think I got tied up with some fetch quest thing with pillars? It was years ago now, maybe I wasn't even half way through, who knows. For whatever reason it felt a lot clunkier than SMT to me but the music and atmosphere are so good.

>> No.10532508

I haven 't played this in over a decade, wasn't the entire dungeon darkened too? so you just stumble around in the darkness until this dude pops in

>> No.10532531

Not to mention that the fan translation came with bugs that would make certain story triggers not work properly.

>> No.10532537

Such are AeonGenesis hackjobs

>> No.10532560

Smt 1 is vastly more straightforward, I can't remember a single "so where do I go" situation as bad as smt 2 is like 75% of the time. That's despite having a lot of hint systems like bars discos and fortune tellers that just seems to make things worse sometimes. Smt 1 also almost never makes you backtrack while smt 2 beats you to death with it
Otoh smt 1 has some insane qol issues 2 fixed

>> No.10532584
File: 739 KB, 1504x2544, Kamen-Hijiri_%28SMTII_Art%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pillars are right before the transition point to the last third of the game, and things do get way more streamlined from there - but yeah, that part specifically is total dogshit, and requires junk like talking to that one mutant tribe elder from 6h prior with no indication, or getting through a really obnoxious stat check that itself probably requires really wonky setup.

So quick tips for any newbies coming in here, to save yourself tons of frustration:
-Gaeans / Messians can be recruited by chucking money at them for 30+ turns and are TOTAL bros; they wildcard fusions and can break the level cap for outputs, plus don't cost magnetite to keep on hand.
-Make sure to MANUALLY NAME CHARACTERS YOURSELF WHENEVER ASKED; You can use the defaults, just so long as YOU type it in.
-Make your Heroine PHYS FOCUSED; total waste otherwise.
-De-emphasize VIT, aim for a MANDATORY 10INT by level ~25, and GET AT LEAST 7MAG by level ~30 - that's where it's boostable with drinks to get the necessary 10, though getting the moon cycle to play nice in a way where you can actually reach the needed area in time is kinda unintuitive.
-And also, if you're planning on playing the super hidden, super minor postgame dungeon - KEEP A SLOT 2 SAVE FILE FROM *RIGHT* AFTER LUCIFER (or right before, for Lawfags), AND BE AT OR NEAR 30 FUCKING LUCK WITHOUT EQUIPMENT BOOSTS. I had my postgame entirely pulled out from under me when I realized I'd have to grind out 7 levels of luck to finally see the fiends, and even with emulator speedups it took like an hour. Can't imagine how mad I'd be if I didn't happen to have a good save to fall back on.
-And, uh... also remember to return and activate the holytown terminal after your initial exploration. You probably will, but *I* forgot it was there and might've spent 80% of the game assuming the devs just didn't give you one. Can't tell you how annoying it was walking back and forth like a retard.

>> No.10532589

That is the number of advantage of first person RPGs: high res awesome looking monsters

>> No.10532603

I completely missed that the third exterior arrow of the holytown main town lead to anothet section instead of just being a generic entrance until I accidentally brushed into it and saw it was the fusion/healing/terminal hub id wanted since starting the game. I could have very easily missed it completely

>> No.10532674
File: 636 KB, 1896x2668, 1467243865576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

killer, thanks man. Very glad to hear I wasn't a retard, just got frustrated and put it down. I think I've lost that save file but I do intend to beat II and V some day...
Thanks, that makes sense. I played the iOS (more or less the GBA port) version of SMT when it was still available so it had a lot of QoL improvements.

>> No.10533537

we've come for your daughter, chuck

>> No.10534623

sandworms, you hate em right? I hate em myself.

>> No.10535350

Man another issue with smt 2 is that you are stupendously overpowered in the late game. Like not have any demons summoned and autofighting 13 bosses in a row. Smt 1 wasn't hard at the end but you still had to heal and buff and do basic rpg things. Maybe if you fused the best swords but at least that would feel rewarding; in smt 2 I haven't fused anything and I'm still there.

Also the guy saying to recruit and fuse humans wasn't kidding, I triple fused shiva (level 72) at level 30 something and was allowed to summon her. Still didn't use it to save magnetite and didn't need it for anything but hey

>> No.10536696

When's SMT II on ps1 getting an English patch? Preferably one with no bugs.

>> No.10536963
File: 770 KB, 820x639, 1673588291087279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully, never. If Tom has anything to do with it, it'd be better off if it didn't exist at all.

>> No.10536965
File: 19 KB, 554x555, v8511s4d7cfz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're jakidding me...

>> No.10536975

Based faithful translation autist
I hate the "ogre" shit

>> No.10536981

The drawback is that you don't get to see your own guys though

>> No.10537176
File: 93 KB, 700x700, it's all ogre now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10537821
File: 62 KB, 640x480, fuck off and scram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom is based you dumbass, would you rather have someone like GideonZhi and his retard crew doing it?

>> No.10538303


>> No.10538792

If I knew then, what I knew now — maybe I wouldn't have had my little "accident".

>> No.10538878

Is there one of those japanese game wikis for old smt games? Like the ones that are in a very simplistic layout but ultimately have all the info collected by autists for 30 years.

>> No.10539132

I haven't found any on the english web. The megaten wiki on miserable corporate wiki site is actually good in terms of actual content.

>> No.10539248

this website has excellent info on at least soul hackers and shin megami tensei 3, but only on battle shit. it's more correct than any other resource i know of such as the wiki, but for anything beyond battling and fusing you'll need to look elsewhere

>> No.10539260
File: 13 KB, 320x205, 6003615470_370ecce6f7_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just ripping off this Beetlejuice snake scene in the movie.

>> No.10539349

I'm really spoiled by the metalmaniax website for metal max games. I had the idle thought that someone might have analyzed the smt 2 slot machines to see if one of them is a fast payout because metalmaniax would definitely know that

>> No.10539386
File: 50 KB, 480x434, D----d and M----y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic Kaneko, back when he made a furry platformer and disney parodies before NFTs and letting that tokusatsu-obsessed hack Doi take over SMT.

>> No.10539392

Inoffensive and can be easily changed with little work, unlike most soiled t-word translations.

>> No.10539393
File: 63 KB, 600x575, nchwl69sth171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the point nigga

>> No.10539426

>"Coach, where's the bathroom?"
>"I'm not your coach! He survived."

>> No.10540546
File: 698 KB, 1366x1536, PCE Destiny Land Exclusive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10541679

*NES family family edition

>> No.10542046

Man, people say this is the law game but I don't think they've ever painted demon society as more harmlessly human or lucifer as more totally good. Does anything bad happen to anyone that isn't in the middle of an atrocity in the chaos ending?
Some demon schlub even says lucifer got mad at aleister crowley for expecting demon orgies.

>> No.10543565

all Tom ever does is antention whoring like kojima

>> No.10544726

The point is that seeing something like that should be a red flag for anyone with a brain. If THAT is the approach they took to translating something so simple, then what hope is there for the main script?
Besides, changing everything like that misses the point of the race names, which are intended to convey some general "at a glance" info for the player. An effective naming scheme should make it easy for the player to guess the alignment and the species of a given demon. This isn't just semantics crap - it affects gameplay.
Any translator who fails to take this into account should not be doing any translation work on games.

>> No.10546582

What's the normal localization and is it too bad? I mean, you can kinda tell they're all ugly monsters, so does it matter?

>> No.10546839
File: 92 KB, 394x720, Three_of_Moowis_Forms.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy didn't scare me but I was happily surprised that it took me off guard especially since I didn't save beforehand.

>> No.10546862

>tokusatsu-obsessed hack Doi
Sounds based.

>> No.10546981

Until you see how shit the demons look now.

>> No.10549347
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolphins are evil?

>> No.10551156

Coach... I don't think we survived that crash.

>> No.10551182

Why do the manual names matter?

>> No.10551262 [DELETED] 
File: 661 KB, 1891x1050, balanceherosmt-3Q5FcoCeyiJEf49uvwZawY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choosing not to take initiative in naming, far less in naming *yourself*, is considered a spiritually pacifistic choice... in a series where being passive has extremely far reaching repercussions.

Just popping this straight in from a gamefaq, but: Law alignment is 0-111, Neutral alignment is 112-143 and Chaos alignment is
144-255. Aleph starts at a value of 128...

But letting the game just use
the default names of the characters, and then just agreeing to let the heroine join with no pushback, gives
you a whopping 53 points toward law, digging the player into a Law aligned
hole that is very hard to get out of

And, spoiler: this is probably not the game you want to larp as a crusader in.

>> No.10551267
File: 661 KB, 1891x1050, balanceherosmt-3Q5FcoCeyiJEf49uvwZawY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choosing not to take initiative in naming, far less in naming *yourself*, is considered a spiritually pacifistic choice... in a series where being passive has extremely far reaching repercussions.

Just popping this straight in from a gamefaq, but: Law alignment is 0-111, Neutral alignment is 112-143 and Chaos alignment is 144-255. Aleph starts at a value of 128...

But letting the game just use the default names of the characters, and then just agreeing to let the heroine join with no pushback, gives you a whopping 53 points toward law, digging the player into a Law aligned hole that is very hard to get out of.

And, spoiler: this is probably not the game you want to larp as a crusader in. Welcome to SMT, hope you enjoyed that fun little mechanical curveball deciding your ending.

>> No.10551272

I liked the Law route in 2 though.

>> No.10551294

You can like it for the novelty of what it does, and for the extra characterization it gives to people you wouldn't expect it for - but as a first time player going guideless, is it really something you'd *want*? And even if it was, would you really have been AIMING for a blind Law route, given the scenarios the game puts you in leading to the alignment lock?

Hence the warning. Can't imagine most people are going to play SMTII and go 'Hm yes the center seems to have the right of it' - and regardless of narrative quality, getting locked into an unexpected route, just because you did the normal thing in the first 20 minutes of the game, is always gonna feel like total ass.

Other alignment modifiers just make it worse, too, like how freeing center prisoners gives you fuckloads of law points... for some reason. TL;DR if you're not eyeballing an alignment guide start to finish, you're probably not gonna want to get swung to an extreme right out the gate.

>> No.10553014

They are intelligent which means they are a threat to humanity.