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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 23 KB, 256x358, Ecco-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10535846 No.10535846 [Reply] [Original]

Spending the weekend being frustrated to high hell by this game was awesome, and I don't mean that "ironically"

>> No.10535856

Which weekend

>> No.10535872

When you use a cheat to turn off the stupid air meter it's a pretty enjoyable game

>> No.10536210

You cheated yourself.

>> No.10536287

Is the cheat to play Ecco Jr instead?

>> No.10536624

why the fuck can't a dolphin hold their breath for more than a minute? Is Ecco defective?

>> No.10536649

Good man. Ecco is a timeless classic. How did you enjoy the music? One of my favorite aspects.

>> No.10536916

Yeah, the music was good and mood setting.

>> No.10538050

Why can't bionic commando jump?

>> No.10538120
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What part frustrated you the most? There are a couple of steep difficulty spikes, but over all it's not super hard, you just have to be careful and not rush which is very unusualfor games of that era.

This guy is pathetic, everything is designed around your aur meter, that would turn it into a complete baby's game.

>> No.10538138

Dolphins can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes. Since Ecco is the chosen one, he should be able to hold his for even longer than that.

>> No.10538158
File: 99 KB, 640x1061, 21366_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEGA CD version has a phenomenal soundtrack. As for the games themselves I'm too dumb for the main series but I did enjoy what I played of Ecco Jr.

>> No.10538203

One of the best cover art ever made and I didn't even play it for longer than 10 minutes. Maybe I should change that, I actually liked it.

>> No.10538259

I find the Genesis chip music far better than the CD tracks. Not that Spencer's music is bad, but it's pretty typical new age music and has a relaxing sort of positive vibe that I don't think fits the game nearly as well as the original music which is much more foreboding and eerie.

>> No.10538279

Yeah, it feels like a whole different game and not in a good way, with Sega CD music.

>> No.10538284
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>> No.10538292

It could have been great but the game was purposely ruined with unreasonable difficulty. Some sections of the game are retarded like the shark level where you must swim straight though nothing and sharks for 5 minuets straight. I would really love to see a romhack of this to fix is retarded problems. It could be altered to be realistically beatable. Then it could be something great.

>> No.10538338
File: 473 KB, 500x310, ecco_lqyqh0g3MR1qk26dzo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are really only 3 genuinely hard parts in the game and one of them >>10538120 has a hidden passage nearby that lets you bypass it. The open ocean level is lame, but it's also piss easy and it doesn't take five minutes, you can easily clear it in less than one minute.

>> No.10538590
File: 10 KB, 320x224, Ecco_the_Dolphin_JP_debug_menu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another cool thing about the music in the Genesis version is that Ecco has a debug menu which lets you do a few cool things like teleport within the level or be invincible but also you can change the music tempo and get some really neat effects.

>> No.10538606


The game has a password system. I finished it in a few days. It's not a problem.

>> No.10539106

Yeah, it plays so differently from most 16 but it's really not that hard and most levels are short.

>> No.10539687

I want to pet it

>> No.10539710
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He wants to "pet" you back.

>> No.10539721

Holy shit, I want to play with slow tempo music for extra feels.

>> No.10540563
File: 987 KB, 631x438, tumblr_ms27kzlUzL1s3t6r6o1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the tracks sound really weird and cool slowed down

>> No.10540805

Agreed, I never believed the story about Spencer's music being the original music and the cart music an adaptation of that.
Its just typical average new age music that completely misses the point of the levels.
Its really weird, Eternal Champions CD also has this weird new soundtrack that while awesome just completely misses the point of the levels.

Ecco deserted level : lonely music that makes me feel sad to be alone.
Ecco CD deserted level: now breathe in.. and out.. you are on the 7th astral plane away from the chaos of the world.. you are at peace..

Eternal Champions Jurassic level: drums and foreboding spookyness.
Eternal Champions CD Jurassic level: 80s speed metal solo

I dont think they really told these musicans to go for certain themes, they all just did whatever.

>> No.10541412

god damnit

>> No.10541425

>Game makes you play as the villains

>> No.10541823

>play as a fish
and people are surprised sega lost in the end

>> No.10541945
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>> No.10542181


>> No.10542186

>the game was porpoisely ruined

>> No.10542373

>Be Ed anunziatta
>Make great game
>Decide to ruin it right before release because muh rentals!

Ecco and Chakan could have been so awesome.

>> No.10543236

Ecco is still awesome. People who wine about it being too hard mostly just suck and have barely played it if at all.

>> No.10543240


>> No.10543261

Lol autocorrect, but indeed maybe they are just drunk and that's why they suck.

>> No.10543395

I reached the Deep Water level and got bored. None of the levels are designed around the epilagic zone besides the first one where nothing happens.

>> No.10543413

So your complaint about Ecco is that it's not a dolphin simulation where you just meander sunny ocean bays catching fish?

>> No.10543461

It's so unremarkable to play that the only reason people remember it is that there's a giant alien head at the end. Once you get the damage sonar you can just bruteforce through it mindlessly.
Jumping and doing flips over coral reefs at high speed was the most fun thing about it. Why wasn't the whole game about that instead of pushing starfish around to break rocks?

>> No.10543478

That's an interesting take I guess. I find the various main areas like the warm sea, frozen ocean, sunken atlantis and the prehistoric world all very interesting. It's weird that you mention the charge sonar letting you bruteforce things because in most of the sections people have trouble with its of no special use. Pushing starfish around to break rocks is what tests your ability to remain calm and precise under pressure. It's fair if you don't like that kind of challenge, but complaining that a game that was never meant to play like Contra isn't a Contra clone with a dolphin is a little silly.

>> No.10543497

That's fair. If you enjoy being frustrated or overcoming a (dumb) challenge, Ecco sure is a game.
What did you think of The Machine?

>> No.10543509
File: 1.74 MB, 250x224, eccofgc018etdslide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ss probably the board's biggest Ecco fan, the Machine is the one part of the game that legit sucks and part of the reason Tides of Time is nowhere near as good. Other than that the game is brilliant but definitely not for everyone.

>> No.10543513

Glad we're in agreement. When I recently played it, I tried defending it so much. There's a valid interesting game concept, but that last level is fucking mean

>> No.10543570
File: 20 KB, 556x370, 90fd567925ab1e5718ddd0208206229f--creepy-stuff-ecco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's so much mean as just a stupid boring waste of your time. It's like 4 minute long QTE segment, basically impossible until you've memorized it and then just a pointless slog. It's why Tides of Time is such a let down, they for some reason thought more stupid auto-scroll levels would be good.

>> No.10543581

>It's like 4 minute long QTE segment
closer to 6 minutes, just to get to the boss that isnt a checkpoint.
if that isnt mean i dont know what is. note how i didnt say "hard", i said mean. it challenges your perseverance and stubbornness rather than any sort of skill

>> No.10543605

Yeah I agree, it's the one part of the game I just skip usually. To me though the rest of the game is so good I don't mind.

>> No.10545268

Tides of Time has that many brutal scroller parts? I don't remember that many and iirc they were a lot more forgiving. The real tedium was collecting all the asterite orbs... it just went on and on. The giant orb that tries to crush you also freaked me the fuck out.

>> No.10547789

They're much easier and shorter but there are several of them and even though they're easy it's still the same bullshit of just memorizing a random scrolling map.

>> No.10548920

Ecco is an amazing game, but one can not deny that it has some stinker levels in it.
can't say that Open Ocean ever bothered me though, you just go fast and jump and attack a lot and in 2 minutes you're out.

>> No.10550574

What's the redpill on novotrade? Their Castlevania port on amiga is bad, really bad. They were basically a shovelware company until Sega came along, or they did any other good game before Ecco?
Also Sega CD version is better than Genesis version

>> No.10550591

The same guy who changes the Batmobile's tires, of course!

>> No.10550746
File: 24 KB, 314x295, IMG_4423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once you cheat you can't pass the asterite cause one of his globes won't appear or something
you can just use the cheat menu to pass to the next stage though

>> No.10550765

Ah, just what /vr/ needs. Another "Sega Sucks" thread.

>> No.10550767
File: 172 KB, 947x233, IMG_3311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he never did leap home

>> No.10550901

The Atlanteans needed him more than his pod.

>> No.10550984

incredible idea for a game but just couldn't enjoy it, too much trial and error, too many respawning jpegs nudging into me. got to the last level and tapped out of that shit.

>> No.10551940
File: 123 KB, 600x608, DC_ECCO_THE_DOLPHIN_DEFENDER_OF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, you should try this game if you have the chance. It's pretty good, too.

>> No.10551986
File: 341 KB, 675x1200, 1617755477725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ecco jams

>> No.10552963
File: 40 KB, 117x220, Vortex_queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What part frustrated you the most?
Spaceship right before fighting the alien final boss finally broke me and forced me to use Quick Save.

>> No.10552993

looks like a cock head

>> No.10553848

I don't blame you for quick saving through that at all. I memorized in a time when there was no other option but there's really no reason to

>> No.10553865

I am amazed at the patience I had as a child, I think it took me three days to get through that shit. The satisfaction of finally beating her was amazing but still, no one should feel bad about save stating their way through the machine.
Still, I think the worst obstacle was figuring out the air barrel "puzzle" right before Atlantis. Took fucking forever to figure that out, and just now I lean it's a CD exclusive.

>> No.10554635

His arm weights a ton.

>> No.10556305

Welcome To The Machine can eat a bag of dicks and you know it.

>> No.10557882
File: 114 KB, 672x680, EiY7zsgVkAE277l~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, no disagreement here. I love the rest of the game and it sucks because the vortex queen fight is actually pretty fun, but the machine just plain sucks in every way. If I ever get around to learning how to romhack it's the first project I would focus on. Take the layout of the level but make it free roaming like the other levels and instead have big waves of aliens so it's a fast paced action level.

>> No.10558932
File: 393 KB, 960x674, eccocco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game fucking broke me. I'm not even saying it's terrible, I kind of respect it still but I was not buying what the game was selling. It was like treading a speeding needle through a fiery, spiky obstacle course full of screaming coked up muslims with scimitars. A very long obsrtacle course. I hate resorting to them but I started using savetates at the prehistoric stages, they were just too long and tortuous. Still think the controls are a piss poor fit for the actual level design of this game, the few parts you can actually swim around and do jumps feel great and the aesthetics are awesome but whatever, I know, I suck.

There's also the fact once you finish the Machine it sends you flying towards the queen with no warning which means dying and having to do the level again, it's like everything about the game was tailor made to torture people.

Lmao yes

>> No.10558949

The Sega CD ver has checkpoints in the levels, and a few extra levels that are linear action levels (lots of fast swimming and jumping)
But yeah for most of what the game wants you to do (go through complex mazes moving around crystals) the controls lack. I still also respect it for being so original and unique.
One of my favorite western games, Tides of Time too.
And yeah so true about the final boss killing you for sure the first time. Also to that anon who said the alien queen fight was fun... Was it? I just remember it being annoying and very RNG

>> No.10558961

I thought the alien queen herself was fine, I just imagine it must have felt nerve-wracking to fight her after that hellish slog of a stage and the bad things felt amplified.True the respawning aliens are aids but you had space to maneuver and get some distance unlike the wretched Asterite fight. I think that glorified anal bead bundle is the absolute low point of the game.

>> No.10559465

I played the sequel last weekend and it sucked.
I liked the Dreamcast one though.

>> No.10559497

Wasn't Ecco created by some new age cult?

>> No.10559516

No. But it was inspired by a hippy dippy drug addict who's wife fucked a dolphin.

>> No.10559552

well everything in the game is really new agey, Atlantis, aliens, time travel, psychic stuff, the music, etc.

>> No.10560021

Ecco is a lowkey horror game.

>> No.10560130

deadass, it's no cap scary af

>> No.10560486

fr fr, tho. Ecco must take place in Ohio.

>> No.10562316


>> No.10563305


>> No.10564598
File: 192 KB, 362x507, 532647capcom_vs_snkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10565931

his star tattoos are badass

>> No.10566062

John Lily is the name to google, had a whole schizo cosmology, part of which was a galactic collective called ECCO. He famously invented those Joe Rogan sensory deprivation float tanks and did research e/ dolphins in which he gave them LSD, during which time his wife iirc did in fact shag a dolphin. Wild shit. The movie Altered States was loosely based on him.

>> No.10567123

That was me who said it was fun and indeed, much as I don't like The Machine I think that actual last fight is quite fun. Agree with this guy >>10558961 the Asterite fight is way less fun.

>> No.10569125

this nigga flipping me off with his dick

>> No.10569269
File: 127 KB, 640x876, f45a780c5d04e862687913bffd3266dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the superior Ecco title on SEGA Genesis.

>> No.10572069

Are there ROM hacks for this game? If not, I may make one myself. One where Ecco has more health, and can hold his breath a bit longer. Oh, and rework The Machine if possible. Fuck that level.