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File: 24 KB, 265x375, Metalgear2boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10526695 No.10526695 [Reply] [Original]

>buy metal gear SOLID 2
>expect to play as SOLID snake
>solid snake is on the box art
>all promotional material and advertising features solid snake
>put the game disc in
>you don't play as solid snake

All memes aside, how the fuck did they get away with this?

>> No.10526703

Metal Gear Not Solid 2

>> No.10526706

Did you skip the Tanker mission?

>> No.10526714

>buy metal gear solid _2_
>expect a sequel to metal gear solid
>put the game disc in
>get a shitty remake instead
>game basically calls me a cunt for wanting the same game again even though I didn't

>> No.10526716

>All memes aside, how the fuck did they get away with this?
it was passed off as le epic troll kojima strikes again

>> No.10526747

A lot of people didn't like it to be fair. Everyone hated Raiden.

>> No.10526789

can you emulate mgs4 yet

>> No.10526993

they kinda didn't get away with it at all. the original PS2 release of MGS3 sold anywhere between 2 to 3 million fewer copies than MGS2 did, likely because a huge amount of players felt either cheated or that the series had gone off its rocker.

>> No.10527017

Holy shit just read the fucking Wikipedia article, it's prerelease hype with fake trailers has been heavily documented
2004 was also saturated with big name sequels. Besides MGS3 you had
>Burnout 3
>Pandora Tomorrow
>Half-life 2
>Halo 2
>Rachet and Clank 3
>Jak 3
>Kotor 2
>Metroid Prime 2
>Paper Mario Thousand Year Door
>Pikmin 2
And probably two dozen more I forgot

>> No.10527034

Anyone who bought a magazine or looked at a website knew you played as Raiden. Same way everyone knew Arnie was the good guy in Terminator 2.

>> No.10527036

Wasn't this really the first big Kojima troll?

>> No.10527038

>t. euro
That wasn't the case in America

>> No.10527039

>Arnie was the good guy in Terminator 2.
Yeah but Arnie being the good guy was in the trailer straight away, Raiden wasn't in anything before MGS2 came out besides having a brief unexplained mention in Ghost Babel.

>> No.10527112

They didn't get away with it, everybody and their mother shat on Raiden. You can tell a poster's age by how they think MGS2 was received, it's remembered completely different now.

>> No.10527113

I thought the whole torture sequence and different endings in 1 was a bit of a troll. also the psycho mantis fight.

>> No.10527117

Its narrative subversion and for that reason I think it can be justified

>> No.10527147
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>> No.10527736

>all memes aside
not possible with mgs2

>> No.10527743

>solid snake is on the box art
looks more like clint eastwood to me

>> No.10527843

My local PlayStation magazine warned about how you spend a bigger chunk of the game playing as Raiden, but even then most of their screenshots showed Snake and the Tanker chapter. The few Plant chapter screenshots were all in FPV so you couldn't see Raiden.

>> No.10528054

do gay faggots actually care about which character theyre playing. its just a bunch of polygons on screen. i could play as a stickman. or a rubber chicken. i dont give a shit.

>> No.10528068

To be honest, I actually liked playing as Raiden more, simply because he got the HF Blade and Snake didn't. Plus Snake had a worse roll move IIRC.

>> No.10528295

That's a interesting question because actually playing the Tanker depends on pretty vague choice the game asks when you start it. You actually can never see the Tanker chapter.

>> No.10528358

I thought you could only skip the Tanker in Substance?

>> No.10528382

Apparently it's only in EU and JP versions. What a weird thing to include

>> No.10528523

They could skip the tanker?

>> No.10528534

desu, all of Kojima's protagonists act the same way, and Raiden isn't particularly special.
The player is always a chump, who gets fucked with and memed on the whole game. Kojima loves doing that shit.
Even Snatcher basically baits you into being pervy with the female character, and then she locks you out of her house and refuses to talk to you.

>> No.10528536

Can confirm. EB Games shelves were filled with used copies of Sons of Liberty in the early 00s.

>> No.10528543

It's just that Raiden is portrayed as a total newbie and a buffoon in ENG adaptation. That's supposed to just be his cover story and in JP his attitude is clearly that of a disillusioned old soldier who's just pretending to be a newbie which is exactly what the story is. He's supposed to be a Gackt style too cool for school character, not a rookie idiot. How that went over ENG's cast head I don't understand.

>> No.10528549
File: 126 KB, 683x1001, IMG_2614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s your too cool for school grizzled veteran solider, bro.

>> No.10528556

Yeah, if you say that you didn't play (or watch) MGS1, you skip straight to the Plant chapter.

>> No.10528561

you can emulate mgs4 with youtube

>> No.10528565

fucking kojimbo

>> No.10528624

Also I've just reminded myself that, even 20 years later, the MGS2 menu theme is still really unsettling despite not being a horror game.

>> No.10528629

I would debate whether or not MGS2 even isn't a horror game.

>> No.10528645


>> No.10528662

Suck my dick.

>> No.10528745

>Arnie being the good guy was in the trailer straight away
The point is that it was supposed to be a surprise, that's why they set up the "GET DOWN" scene as a bait and switch

>> No.10528784

lol was going to say this. Also a lot of people sunk real time into the demo. Still the only demo I’ve played where I’ve logged more time then some games I’ve finished to completion and that was all Solid Snake.

>> No.10528787

Speaking of not playing as Solid Snake, that’s the real offender. DONT fucking @ me big boss is the real solid snake or whatever the fuck they said in that 60s prequel after leaving the cliffhanger of the century aside from matrix reloaded.

>> No.10528808

I've never looked into it, but I've had the impression 3 was made as a prequel/BB origin story to give Kojimbo some breathing space to figure out how the fuck he was going to follow on from 2's ending.

>> No.10528956

Not retro but Hideo did that again with GZ. What a legend.

>> No.10529189

Happened to me by accident. Didn't know about the tanker mission before way way after finishing it. Remember a conversation with a friend of line where I realized it was "missable" in that way.

>> No.10529196

Also I'd like to add. I ofc knew about mgs1, but only played it in short bursts at a friends place. Playing mgs2 without knowing about the tanker mission being the proper start to the game made it feel very esoteric. I figured I should have played mgs1 and that it was referencing stuff from that game, or stuff in between.

All in all I realize it was a very unique experience of the game, so I am pretty grateful just for that.

>> No.10530007

Iirc Kojima didn't even want to make 4 which is why 2 ends how it does and 3 is a prequel (and everything in between is irrelevant)

>> No.10530250

in nipland, girlyboys are considered manly as fuck. And the opposite, buff manly dudes, are gay as fuck.
To communicate the idea of Raiden's "manliness," Kojimbo would have needed to redesign him to make him look more like Papa Nier

>> No.10530374
File: 612 KB, 1709x2200, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you look at the design documents of MGS2 and how the game plays out, its pretty clear that they intended the Plant chapter to be for new players
>new characters and a scenario that is initially self-explanatory
>has tutorials about pretty much every game mechanic, wheras Tanker only explains new additions
>easier and more straightfoward level design in Shell 1
>that one Raiden 300 missions in VR line at the start that only happens if you completed the Tanker
the design document also indicates they wanted to set a flag to turn off tutorials if you played the Tanker, but in the final game you still get call raped by MGS1 codec tutorials from the Colonel. Maybe there are less call prompts? IDK.
the whole plot point about Solidus larping as Solid Snake and Snek being dead is thrown out the window too. in JP Solidus and Solid share the same VA, so you'd hear Snake's voice in moments like the D.Mic sequence
also Olga/Ninja had Meryl's VA, which adds more subtext to the game
>All in all I realize it was a very unique experience of the game, so I am pretty grateful just for that.
those kinds of experiences are always curious and I wish I heard more people with those, reminds me of people who played Persona 2 Eternal Punishment before Innocent Sin

>> No.10530693

You posted it before I did, but I was about to say that Plant certainly eases you in the game moreso than Tanker, despite coming later. I wonder if there was a plan to make Tanker harder if you skipped it and only played Plant, but that pulled that off with Snake Tales C.

>> No.10530956

I liked Raiden.
I liked Fortune.
I liked Vamp.
I liked Fatman.
I liked the idea of knowing Snake was doing shit in the background.

What would have been cool is if we had a chance to play as Plisken on the shell.

>> No.10531672
File: 259 KB, 1400x400, Screenshot_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Metal Gear Solid 2

>> No.10532374

MGS2: Substance has Snake Tales, but they should’ve put more effort into it like RE4 and Separate Ways.

>> No.10532382

MGS: snake is clean cut and military
MGS2: snake had the most canonically embarrassing haircut

Millennials don't understand the mullet was a choice

>> No.10532393
File: 173 KB, 749x1200, IMG_2619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10532403

Solid refers to the 3D objects in the game, also called solid shapes.

>> No.10532415
File: 442 KB, 1440x1080, SLUS-00594_2023-12-20_20-19-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shape, Solid Shape.
I love when he says that

>> No.10532424

Not a mullet

>> No.10532432
File: 14 KB, 374x338, IMG_2620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurt’s hair has product in it there, but it looks about the same length as what Snake is rocking in MGS2. If it was just combed down straight, it would look the same.

>> No.10532448

It was in the manual

>> No.10532452

Well mgs4 is one of the most atrocious sequels I’ve ever played in gaming. Lol I’ve heard this a lot on VR and I’m not saying your wrong but that’s the equivalent to seeing the end of reloaded as the example I used earlier, them doing a prequel movie next and then going “yea we really didn’t want to make another sequel to the matrix.” Like if you didn’t want to make a sequel to it don’t end it w the series main protagonist literally diving after the main villain into the ocean and leave a bunch of plot threads that seemed pretty clear they needed to be addressed. Mgs4 really does shit all over any threads left by one and two.

>> No.10532462

The sequels are just Kojima being a whiny baby because he fancies himself as this great auteur director that’s above sequels. Death Stranding is what happens when he’s left unchecked.

>> No.10532469

>Patriots are dead
>Patriots AI is dead
>Obama is 44th
>Ocelot dies from FOXAIDS because he fingered himself with Liquid's arm

>> No.10532503

Death Stranding is GOAT.

>> No.10532587


>> No.10532635

>broccoli hair with a ponytail

>> No.10532638

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10533262

hits even harder after beating the game

>> No.10533764

Are there modders who take the MGS2 engine and create new levels?

>> No.10533771

>source: I made it up and im gay

>> No.10534398

30 years later and i'm still fucking MAD!

>> No.10534881

He didn't even want to make 3.
However both 3 and 4 are straight masterpieces. Sickens me how so many people were filtered as fuck by 4.

>> No.10534926

>Menu Gimmick Simulator 3
MGS4 was great though, shame it's online only

>> No.10534969


>> No.10535068

It's had its own RPCS3 build for a while. I got through the whole thing except for the last cutscene (crashed every time). So yes, pretty much.

>> No.10535313

let's make shadow moses but over water.

>> No.10535328

This, basically the exact same experience without it being tedious...as tedious

>> No.10535356

shadow jesus standing on water
sasuga creatividad

>> No.10535998

I've had this game since my childhood, I don't have a fucking clue what I'm supposed to do when I start playing it to this day.

>> No.10536029

You some kind of a super retard or what?

>> No.10536169

No, that was my first MGS game and none of the quests gave you any info on what to do.

>> No.10536171
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>> No.10536186

the disc in your case was not mgs2

>> No.10536191

The case is exactly the same as the OP's pic, what was I missing?

>> No.10536197

this has to be a troll, you could just run into random doors for 5 minutes on tanker and end up where you're supposed to be cuz it's so small. i'm calling shenanigans on this post

>> No.10536208

Bro, I was a 10yo kid who never played stealth games before, I didn't even like the game at all since it was utterly retarded, so I never found the appeal to try and finish it.

>> No.10536938 [DELETED] 

They didnt
MGS3 sold poorly because of it

>> No.10536947

I dont know why people keep spreading this myth. No, 5'7" Cloud is not considered manly and strong by the japanese.

>> No.10536973

The person who translated the game, Agness Kaku, outright said she rewrote it to try to make it make sense.

>> No.10537339

IIRC, didn't Snake have a mullet prior to MGS1, but he shaved it off so he wouldn't be mistaken for Liquid? He was in 'retirement' until Campbell pressed him back into service.

>> No.10537345

I think NFS:U2 also came out in '04.

>> No.10538240

You don't play for the same characters in resident evil, silent hill sequels. There was no rule how sequels should look like, they still weren't so common. Changing main character was a common trope from movies

>> No.10538306
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you can even play it online on pc
you can google mgo2pc and they have a setup for it on their website
wouldn't recommend the online though, but the singleplayer's really kino
if you want to try a good online metal gear experience i recommend peace walker on rcps3 in coop it's a lot of fun and it's quite easy so it's good to introduce people to mgs

>> No.10539121
File: 730 KB, 2856x2056, MGS2S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a different time. I was on GameFAQs at the time, and didn't visit the boards when the game dropped so I didn't get spoiled. We had no idea what was going to happen back then. We only knew of the tanker scene and nothing else.

Still my favorite game of all time, as you can see.

>> No.10539125

Yeah. Raiden's cartwheel owned, and could be used down stairs.

Raiden was a good character because he felt like someone who grew up wanting to be like Snake, like we did when playing the game, but he was actually a real super soldier at the time in his own right. He was younger, stronger, faster and smart too, obviously, but without Snake's wisdom. Over the course of the game you and him end up surpassing Snake in skill, and it's pretty amazing.

>> No.10539145

I wish.

>> No.10539173

Fuck thatd be crazy. I've thought about modding the hifi blade into the beginning of the plant section, but you'd have to reverse engineer the whole thing. There was no "game engine" mgs2 used, it was an in house construct way before fox engine. Unless they left assets in the game itself for debugging (idk I honestly haven't checked to see if mgs2 has been modded) or tools for model manipulation... That would be a very tedious task. I have no doubt if you keep putting it in the ether, you might get your wish. But it can be a monkeys paw in those situations.

>> No.10539182
File: 2.62 MB, 400x225, 8bfa1691ba464e8005384b5fdcf12604-1701309068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MGS4 was great though, shame it's online only
Uhh, well no. I was just playing it on my PS3 a few weeks ago, along with mgs1/2, and mgs1/2/3.

>> No.10539184
