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File: 185 KB, 1974x850, snes_vs_mega_drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10526067 No.10526067 [Reply] [Original]

One more fucking time.

>> No.10526071

snes man, genesis was only acceptable back in the 90s, these days the snes library completely mogs the genesis'

>> No.10526109

I had both as a child but as I've gotten older I favor the Genesis more because the games are faster and way more fun. The SNES would implode on itself trying to run something like Alien Soldier. There's also a lot of exciting arcade ports in development for the Genesis right now, while porting anything to the slow babby machine would be a waste of time without using the special chips.

>> No.10526121

Mostly because the best Genesis games are arcade ports which can now just be played in MAME without compromises

>> No.10526134

I like both but overall I prefer the SNES for the superior support it got from japanese devs. I find western games from this gen mediocre to awful for the most part.

>> No.10526143
File: 187 KB, 736x991, Big with the games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNES because it has more Japanese games and more original non port games.

>> No.10526147

sega consoles were shit until the dreamcast which was pretty much an arcade machine
sad that they died when i finally liked them

>> No.10526151

>console wars trash
I sleep

>> No.10526173

I grew up with both in the 90s and it was, am I 100% sure of it, the best childhood a kid could ever have.
>b-b-b-ut emulation! noooo GTA on the PS2 was better!! nooo you can't have a better childhood than I did!
Yes I did and I'm sure of it.
I pity those who didn't get to be segatendo idort growing up. No wonder you turned out to be a console warrior. It's called COPE

>> No.10526183

I'm not a n*ntendo cultist or a segatard so I can pick the objectively better megadrive without any bias

>> No.10526193

Yeah both is very obviously the right answer. Even if you prefer one over the other because they tended to have different kinds of games, there are still enough awesome games on both that a few would appeal.

>> No.10526214

Well, there's the good console versus the other good console. Hmm, when this thread, the final battle thread of the entire war, ends - we will be left with one less good console. That one will have been erased from history thanks to the power of the console warriors. So overall my vote is, BUMP FOREVER so that the powerful console warriors' magic never triggers and we get to keep two good consoles.

>> No.10526223
File: 130 KB, 600x800, 1676772423468223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only correct answers. You will find good games you enjoy on both systems. I love both Super Metroid and Streets of Rage 2

>> No.10526239

You don't understand Anon, we NEED one to be shit so we can say we prefer the other because we're so smart and we have such good taste

>> No.10526282

>without compromises

>> No.10526374

You have to be severely autistic to believe this is an argument debate

>> No.10526382

Full romsets for both of these games is like 2GB and cycle accurate emulation along with non accurate but enhanced emulation (depending on hour preferences) exists, dilate

>> No.10526383

PC Engine was better than both

>> No.10526386

Now this is hilarious.

>> No.10526395

Sovl by gen:
NES > Genesis > PSX > DC > Gamecube > Who cares lol

>> No.10526403

Indeed. I ended up with a much bigger Genesis library, but both have tons of great stuff on them.

>> No.10526406

One advantage of going with real sega HW in 2023 is that its easier to get a decent looking genesis due to the black plastic that still looks good today vs the yellowing SNES issue.
Also the Genesis outputs a pretty good RGB signal.
I still plan to get a snes though.

>> No.10526551

One more time go round:



>> No.10526586

Mega Drive always felt to me like the console with tons of good games but only a few great ones
Snes on the other hand had much less good games but the great ones were truly irreplaceable and unique.
I can't choose as I love them both too much

>> No.10526592

Bad joke, anon

>> No.10526594

Shantae on TG-16

>> No.10526854

only at shooters and digital comics, lol, and i guess arcade ports in general
great 3rd place console though

>> No.10526882

>ummm actually I buy real arcade machines and play on them
Good for you, the rest of us have to pick between home versions and MAME is pretty much always the best one.