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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10521208 No.10521208 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a zoomer who unironically grew up with the Atari 2600 AMA.

>> No.10521216

dude I hope they add the duck from Adventure into Fortnite!!

>> No.10521220
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...how? Were you a retro-only autist as a kid? Did you have weird parents who never bought a console past a 2600 and insisted you used it?

I'm a zoomer too (1999) but even then the poorest among us would've had a SNES or something, and that would've been when I was in like Kindergarten

>> No.10521229

That sounds pretty ironic.

>> No.10521234

I stumbled upon AVGN when I was six (born in 2005 so this was about 2011-2012) and I was infatuated with the old systems and since my mom grew up with Atari she was more than happy to get me a 2600.

>> No.10521250
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You are the coolest zoomer ever. Unironically cooler than me. Keep on keeping on, friend!

>> No.10521259

Oh wow, so you're the unregulated internet access breed of zoomer. My mom would've skinned my alive for watching AVGN in preschool, I had to wait till middle school when I had at least a little privacy. Godspeed

>> No.10521267

Glad to hear it's still happening. I'm a millennial who grew up with one

>> No.10521289

Favorite game?

>> No.10521309
File: 114 KB, 449x336, gertie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would your parents subject you to that. seriously, it's like they said "hey, you like dinosaurs? you should watch gertie, it's not like all that other fake stuff!"

>> No.10521314

Oof that's tough. I'd say it's a toss up between Missile Command, Breakout, Berzerk, Battlezone, and (seriously) Pac Man.

>> No.10521315

Do you like audio cassettes and VHS too?

>> No.10521320

Never heard of this, but it looks kino, going to watch it now.

>> No.10521323

I was the one that asked for a 2600, and I already was into older stuff too (I watched the original boomerang a lot so I was watching SATAM cartoons all the time). Plus I had a GameCube and (not retro) PS3, but I always preferred my Atari.

>> No.10521324

I was like this but older than you, and I didn't go as far back as Atari.

I was born in 1996 and grew up with N64 and PS1 but in the early/mid 2000s when I got on the internet for the first time I got really fascinated with the SNES so my mum asked my older cousin to give me his console and games, since he never played them anymore.

>> No.10521328

(Sorry for spamming, I keep seeing new questions after I post) I love VHS tapes and for a long time I watched them unironically because they were a quarter at the thrift store and we didn't have cable for a little bit.

>> No.10521420

how did you even get your older games?
have you played any uncanny-valley games?
what is it about them that you find unique compared to other games?
did you mom at least regulate your time on the console?

>> No.10521447

>how did you even get your older games?
Originally I would get them at a flea market for a quarter a piece, sometimes the owner would give me some for free which was nice.
>have you played any uncanny-valley games?
Way off from the 2600, but Lego Star Wars The Video Game from gen 6 always gave me an uneasy feeling.
>what is it about them that you find unique compared to other games?
The simplicity and the graphics drew me in. Also I found it cool that the games actually came from the 70s and 80s. It was like holding a living time capsule.
>did you mom at least regulate your time on the console?
For a little bit then she slowly stopped caring about my game time.

>> No.10521451

i meant to say was there any Atari games that gave you the uncanny-valley feeling or just made you uneasy.

what is it about the simplicity? can you describe the feeling? was it similar to SNES games or was the vibe different?

>> No.10521481
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Now that you mention it there is one game that gave me an uncanny valley feeling. Picrel has wild sounds that weirded me out as a kid. As for simplicity it was sorta calming? Like it's easy on the eyes and just gave (and still gives me) the warm fuzzies. So yeah it's kinda like SNES games.

>> No.10521520

How did you get a old enough TV to play anything on it

>> No.10521529

At the time we had (and still have) a bunch of Carts so that wasn't an issue.

>> No.10521560

Lol, my parents didn't give me unrestricted internet access till 18. My mom did buy me a Nintendo, started playing when I was 6. Lasted till 2014, until my brother fried it.

>> No.10521572

How does it feel to be a /vr/ celebrity now? And how does it make you feel knowing I'm jealous?

>> No.10521585

I wouldn't call myself a /vr/ celebrity until I get mentioned in other threads. btw if that happens call me the Atari Zoomer kek.

>> No.10521601

Nothing wrong with this. Kids that age will play whatever, they dont know whats "modern" game design. Simple Atari games would be perfectly fine for a young child to dick around on.

>> No.10521936

What is your approximate body fat percentage?

What do you think of Adventure, Pitfall, Tutankham, Yars' Revenge, E.T., Barnstorming, Seaquest, Haunted House, Crazy Taxi, and the NES port of Klax?

>> No.10521938

No Adventure and Dragonstomper? To be fair the later needs a tape expansion.

>> No.10521939

I meant how did you connect the console to the TV. Isn't it the old prongs?

>> No.10522483
File: 25 KB, 474x471, th-140572374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but the Atari has an RCA cable coming out of the console that you're then supposed to plug into an RF switchbox. Now, the earliest models came with a switchbox that only took the really old prong connectors, but you could then use an adapter to convert those prongs to the usual F-type RF connector that is still in use today. My old switchbox was like pic related, so it already had the necessary output and could plug into any TV, but honestly, either type is terrible and introduces a ton of noise. However, you can instead get a simple RCA-to-RF adapter, bypassing the switchbox altogether, and that will get you a much cleaner signal.

>> No.10522886

>What is your approximate body fat percentage?
Hard to gauge since I don't know how much muscle I have, but it's definitely high kek.
>What do you think of Adventure, Pitfall, Tutankham, Yars' Revenge, E.T., Barnstorming, Seaquest, Haunted House, Crazy Taxi, and the NES port of Klax?
The only two games I haven't played here are Seaquest and Tutankham so I can't give an opinion on those, I like the rest of them except for Klax, not a big fan of it.

As mentioned above I do enjoy Adventure, but I haven't tried dragonstomper. I'll have to give it a try today along with the two games the other anon listed.

>> No.10522908
File: 612 KB, 691x960, 1657546220601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I thought I was special for being a zoomer that grew up with a SEGA Mega Drive and then PolyStation (FamiClone)... you're cooler than I, OP, glad your childhood was awesome aswell.

Berzerk and Adventure are peak Atari, you have great taste afterall, OP. Atari was just sweet AF.

>> No.10523869

NES Klax is different from other Klaxes (miraculous soundtrack)
fat people can't be cool past a certain point, so you may still have a chance

OP tell us your thoughts on Dodge 'Em, Venture, Kaboom!, Chopper Command, and Astroblast

>> No.10523874

also Kangaroo and Jungle Hunt
at least a one-word review for each please

>> No.10523875

Didja ever play the naughty titles like Beat 'em and Eat 'em or Custer's Revenge?

>> No.10523879

Not OP, but I (born 1997) got introduced to SNES and Genesis by my father having emulators and roms. We often scouted the costly dial up web for games to emulate while also owning a GameCube. So I got the best of both worlds.

>> No.10524009

>Dodge Em
Fun little maze game, you need quick thinking which makes the game rather challenging.
I actually never played it until a few minutes ago, I really enjoyed it! It reminded me of Berzerk.
Another game I haven't played (even though I own the cart itself), I have played Avalanche from Atari which is the exact same premise and I enjoyed that a lot.
Gonna be honest, not a big fan of it, feels janky even for Atari standards, but it may be because I'm playing it on an emulator and not on real hardware so I won't say it's bad outright until I can play the cartridge.
Best way to describe my feelings towards Kangaroo is "It's bullshit, but I like it."
>Jungle Hunt
I love Jungle Hunt and the 2600 port is very impressive in my opinion.
I've played them before, they're funny but not really good games.

>> No.10524285

Do you feel that you can destroy the Gond without aid, or do you prefer to delegate the destruction of the Gond to Luther?

>> No.10524328
File: 809 KB, 2460x1080, Luther after destroying the Gond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was younger I would've employed the help of Luther, but eventually the student will become the master.

>> No.10524369

Not the anon who originally asked, but do you plan to do anything about your BMI? >>>/fit/ is addictive

>> No.10524380

I'm gonna start going to the gym again soon, waiting for a new years sale or something like that. I used to lift quite a bit and put on some muscle but stopped because of loss of motivation.

>> No.10524910
File: 119 KB, 640x882, joyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's stay on topic now

>> No.10525235

it's called the video computer system you fucking degenerate

>> No.10525246

What is this backseat janitry? He answered the question.

>> No.10525540

Yar's Revenge?

>> No.10525567

Well if we wanna get technical, my first Atari was a 2600 JR and not a six or four switch, so I technically did grow up with a 2600 instead of a VCS kek.

Yar's Revenge is also great, but I'd still prefer something like Berzerk over it.

>> No.10525795
File: 103 KB, 1183x1200, callus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just being playful anon, look at the picture and watch the video. You can exercise with even games as old as Pac-Man

Please place the apostrophe correctly if you want to be a true vidkid

>> No.10526720

That's normal. Everyone likes SNES games, and in your case you had to only go back one generation.

>> No.10526876

>I stumbled upon AVGN when I was six
Did he embiggen your vocabulary?

>> No.10526989

Well I knew what a shitload of fuck meant from a young age so yeah.

>> No.10526995

>I'm a zoomer who unironically grew up with the Atari 2600
was VCS deadass vibing ong fr?

>> No.10526997

That shit was and still is bussin bussin fr fr, respectfully.

>> No.10527042

you are not as special as you think you are. I'm 22 and write 6502 assembly.

>> No.10527424

I'm seven and I 3D-printed a time machine that I'd designed in Minecraft and then I went back with it to inspire Charles Babbage with paradoxical future knowledge by whispering in his ear while he slept

>> No.10527468

I'm like a decade older you but AVGN is literally what got me into older games too. Before that I solely played GBA and PS2. Pretty cool someone else got this autism too.
I showed my mom AVGN and she just shrugged and told me not to curse. Then again I was 12, but he's the tamest thing online.

>> No.10527483
File: 1.66 MB, 1500x1948, gals-fighters-neogeopocket-flyer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanted retro games as a kid because of edgy youtube reviewers
>Didn't have money, no local stores that had older stuff
>Finally an adult that has disposable income
>They all cost an arm and a leg because of resellers
I remember watching Classic Game Room and he talked about how great the Neo Geo Pocket is because how cheap but well made it was. "It costs ten bucks on ebay, games included!". This video must've been in 2009-2010
Fucking look up how much the handheld goes for now

>> No.10527571

I love me some CGR but Jesus Christ his estimates for how much retro games are have aged horribly. Didn't he say you could get a Vectrex for like 80 bucks or something?

>> No.10527648

To be fair it's probably partly his fault for people being aware of the potential to jack up the prices for these

>> No.10527705

Oh, my bad. Sorry for the angry, anon

>> No.10527727

I'm not even gonna jokingly say Underage v& because I don't wanna have to crunch the basic arithmetic of 2023 - 2005 and come to grips with the passage of time. It's nuts, I'm a pretty young looking guy and there's all these hotshots in my department who are super young and I'll catch myself talking about shit they have no idea about. You're super based, though.

>> No.10529650

Your mom is based.

>> No.10531514
File: 712 KB, 842x473, S5E36.080_Muscle_Man_Suggesting_Mud_Wrestling.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who ELSE is based?!?

>> No.10531516

I used to do that when I was 12, 40 years ago.

>> No.10532730

>zoomer who grew up with the Atari 2600
this is child abuse

>> No.10532768

I was born in 1992 and my first console was a Gameboy Color, then the PS2. Bought a NES because of AVGN this year, despite never having played it before. I like it.

>> No.10532885

>Bought a NES because of AVGN

Because of what specifically though? James & Mike Mondays or something? Or did you want to personally experience the true unpleasantness of Jekyll and Hyde?

>> No.10532930

You already had knowledge of the latest video games and probably played them too. "growing up with the Atari 2600" would mean you had no internet access or other options available.

>> No.10533016


>> No.10533137

Back in the day Atari was a toy you'd play with your friends, like monopoly, cowboys and Indians or ball.

I think later kids missed out on games being part of play where they're a replacement for play now.

>> No.10533143

>only reason he got interested in retro games is the eceleb he watched on youtube
Can't make this shit up, zoomers are fucked

>> No.10534116


You think that six-year-old should have carefully crafted a strategy of not only training for world-class skill in both Fortnite combat and Fortnite dances, but also regularly studying the old classics in order to gain a deeper insight into the modern pursuit of electroludologically facilitated self-actualization?

>> No.10534723

Gertie rules. Also, why go on a retro gaming board to make fun of people for liking old stuff? It's what this whole board is about essentially.

>> No.10534726

Have you tried the Ultimate Yars variant (I think it's option 6 for one player)? I think that is the full Yars experience. My favorite.

>> No.10534728

Are you ok now?

>> No.10535059

Have you never run into a "So poor, the only video games they had were Tiger Electronics LCDs and Plug and Play systems from WalGreens/Dollar General" kids before?

More than likely, that's the REAL reason why OP grew up with the Atari 2600.

>> No.10535232

hearty laugh, anon. I think the opposite is true.

>> No.10535404

gratz wanna cookie?

>> No.10536232

Did you also make cat noises whenever saying Atari Lynx or Jaguar?

>> No.10536247

>All these anons who got introduced to retro gaming by AVGN
I found Classic Games Room to be more my vibe, really conveyed the comfiness of retro games in a way I think AVGN rarely did.

>> No.10536268

No I have not actually, it sounds interesting though so I'll give it a try.

I'm a zoomer, I was never ok.

I also grew up with CGR, but I liked AVGN because he was the funny swearing guy.

Partially true, we were poor when I was growing up and retro games were still relatively cheap compared to new stuff, but like I said I also had a PS3 and played quite a few games on it too, but just always preferred my Atari.

No but that sounds funny so I might start doing that.

>> No.10536269
File: 2.41 MB, 2193x1428, atarivcs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the new one?

>> No.10536296

Looks cool but it's too expensive for what it is in my opinion. I'd rather get a normal mini PC.

>> No.10536328

I thought I had it bad for only having a PS2 in the 7th gen (PS3 broke in 2007)

>> No.10537086

Gave it a try. Felt like a completely different game and I loved it.

>> No.10537097

Pixel rip 1978... is insane.

The game is nuts.

>> No.10538403

go away mark
go inflate vectrex prices or something

>> No.10538706

I used to watch his reviews a lot when I was in my teens. I liked the graphics cause they reminded me of the Gameboy color.

>> No.10540134

How old were you when you watched Atari porn episode?