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10514064 No.10514064 [Reply] [Original]

fuck, I love Namco for this.

>> No.10514078

i dropped this after 3 hours, game is pretty boring and the slowdown is atrocious

>> No.10514114

For me it's the PSP cross version.

>> No.10514135

For me, it's the mobile version with higher difficulty, micro-transactions, and no save points before bosses. If you die, you can just pay $2 to revive your party. It's quality of life features like that which make it the best version out there.

>> No.10514197

I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.

>> No.10514257

Agreed, every retro game should be re-released with microtransactions built in. it's so practical to just pop in a few bucks and don't have to worry about game overs.

>> No.10514258

Good game but fuck random encounters. Symphonia not only got rid of it but is also still the best at balancing encounters

>> No.10514259

based. real gamers accept the challenge.

>> No.10514341

FPBP. The first really great Tales game was Tales of Destiny, this one was just too flawed to hit the mark.

>> No.10514346

Should have come out for PSX and should have been 500mb or less

>> No.10514643
File: 7 KB, 256x224, Arcus123_title (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will we can play Wolf Team's older titles in English ?

>> No.10514646

>cd based jrpgs

>> No.10514649

When you learn English.

>> No.10514650

isnt this just insert coin to continue

>> No.10514661

Speak for yourself.

>> No.10514673
File: 87 KB, 469x600, Mint.Adenade.full.849420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally underrated game I just beat it for the first time about a week ago and it's great. My only regret is that I played the SNES instead of the PS1 version.

>> No.10515352


Overclock emulator

>> No.10515384

I dropped because of the dungeons design, they copy paste way to many stuff making them confusing to navigate.

>> No.10515973

Only Tales I've played and one of my favorite SNES games.

I wish there was a way to have the SNES version's music in the PS1 version.
Kinda prefer the old sprites too.

>> No.10516062

Which of the other 2D tales games are worth playing?

>> No.10516143

All of them except for Rebirth.

>> No.10516190

Do any of the later ports/remakes fix the horrific encounter rate of the original? That’s the game’s only serious flaw.

>> No.10516209

The PS1 version both has a lowered encounter rate and gets rid of the mechanic that increases the encounter rate when you dash. This carries over into the PSP ports too.

>> No.10516214


>> No.10516260
File: 14 KB, 768x672, 1694816487464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the other Tales games come close to this one in my opinion. Fantastic setting, storyline, soundtrack, graphics, and gameplay. My only true gripe with the game is the extremely high encounter rate. You can purchase an item to lower the ecounter rate to an acceptable amount, however it is annoying to have to stock up on those every time you go to a town.

>> No.10516292

For some reason the very first dungeon (small forest with a Mana tree) has extremely high encounter rate that is not present in later dungeons. It's like every 8 steps without Holy water, even Moria gallery is better in that regard. What sucks even more is that you have to visit that tree multiple times.

But still the other forest sucks more, hated looking for that girl that transports you to Ninja village, not sure if it was even necessary to progress the game though.

>> No.10516314

Does the PS1 version work on the PSP?

>> No.10516342

>fantastic storyline

>> No.10516373

People who shit on ToP don't like RPGs.

>> No.10516374


>> No.10516384

Style over substance.

>> No.10516428

Style is substance

>> No.10516436

Bot post. Go back to playing Blizzard games and other western developed bullshit.

>> No.10516470

You mean the best version?

>> No.10516472

Hack to fix this when.

>> No.10516478

What does western developed stuff have anything to do with it? Phantasia's plot is underwritten tripe and not a big reason for playing the game.

>> No.10516484
File: 379 KB, 900x1162, 1702705957949646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the way the SNES version looks but it doesn't have the skits that the PS1 version has and I wish I could've seen them.

>> No.10516486

Yeah the SNES version is easily the best. I was really disappointed with the music compositions on the PlayStation port, and changes to the aesthetics overall.

>> No.10516493

The only good tales game is xillia

>> No.10516585

Only really played the SNES version and I love the hell out of it - except for the utter jank of the combat system.
Most of the harder battles boil down to "who can put the opponent in the corner and stunlock them to death first?", the fact that you need a running start for a jump attack is retarded (and I heard that they dropped it for every other version) and your actions getting interrupted by every fucking thing is annoying as shit.

>> No.10517081
File: 32 KB, 120x206, Philia_Status_(ToD_PSX)_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ToD is peak and Philia is best girl

>> No.10517129

Which version do I play? I hear the PS1 version is missing content or something, however it looks much nicer than the PS2 version.

>> No.10517139
File: 1.68 MB, 2059x809, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSX, the remake is utterly soulless

>> No.10517161

The PS1 version plays pretty terribly, whereas the PS2 version changes the story and alters the characters pretty significantly. It's really a choose-your-poison situation, for me the PS1 version simply isn't fun so I swear by the PS2 version. For others the changes are sacrilege.

>> No.10517167

Probably going to go with the PS1 version simply because of how much nicer it looks, however I recall hearing that the skits were removed from the English version. Kind of a shame.

>> No.10517175

The English version of every Tales game up to and including Abyss was mutilated in some way or another (either removed skits or removed voice acting). Namco has always mistreated this series horribly.

>> No.10517182

>Good game but fuck random encounters.
The game gives you access to Holy Bottles right from the start to reduce the amount of random encounters.
Later on you can get an item that permanently lets you decide if you want to raise or lower the random encounter rate.

>> No.10517215

>Later on you can get an item that permanently lets you decide if you want to raise or lower the random encounter rate.
Wasn't that given at the complete end of the game in the optional bonus dungeon?

>> No.10517252

fpbp. Yeah, I tried to play this, I really did. however the machanics are just shit for it. Also the input lag was pretty bad in battles. Dropped it half-way through.

>> No.10517291

This series just never really clicked for me, same with Star Ocean, though i grasped Tales battle system more so.

>> No.10517297

How does the gba version stack up to other versions? Thats the version i played years ago, but i recently got the snes original and know enough nip now to stumble my way through it.

>> No.10517327

Reviewers and autists hate the GBA port but I bought it in 2006 and really enjoyed it. I've played and beaten both Tales of Destiny 1 and 2 on the US PS1 and love them too. I don't care for the 3D Tales games.

>> No.10517395

I don't think it's all that bad, but it's clearly the worst version of the game.

>> No.10517405
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1344, gsdx_20210528152207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute horseshit. Destiny PS2's aesthetics are great.

Don't. This guy is fucking with you.

>> No.10517414
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1344, gsdx_20210530185714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything, this guy kind mid-poly 3D mixed with artsy 2D embellishments has been a largely lost art since the 6th gen.

>> No.10517439

My apologies, but I'm going with the PS1 version for the raw 240p pixel art kino.

>> No.10517468
File: 1.43 MB, 2910x1040, ss-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that's FUGLY. But the worst fuckup remains the status screen.

>> No.10517516
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1344, gsdx_20210527233125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing out on a ton of good skits and one of the best combat systems in the series, anon. Don't make a big mistake.

>> No.10517528
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro but the PS1 and 2 games are, and the PS2 game looks incredible. Behold the peak of 3D models on 2D backgrounds.

>> No.10517532
File: 19 KB, 318x477, Suzu_Fujibayashi.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont get best girl in snes version

>> No.10517564

There's no rule saying he can't play both versions eventually.

>> No.10517576

I think PSX Destiny is just a bad game. Wolf Team was just split into the Tales team and tri-Ace and the former were still getting their bearings and try to define an identity for the series.

>> No.10517583
File: 3.68 MB, 1280x716, Tales_of_Destiny_Directors_Cut_2023-08-28_23-10-29-sneed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ps2 Destiny is bad cause....it just is ok!

>> No.10517986

Pretty bad. It's just a port of the PS1 version with lower quality sound, fewer voices, no FMVs, the terrible SNES control scheme forward-ported to the GBA, super washed out colors (it was designed for the OG GBA without a backlight), and tons of slowdown. Also the English version is full of typos, mistranslations, and terrible voice acting since it was a rush job pushed by Nintendo at the end of the GBA's lifespan in the US to try and cash-in on the unexpected popularity of Symphonia.

If you can grok Japanese, the best version to play is the PSP version which is a souped up version of the PS1 version. If you want to play in English, the translation patch for the PS1 version is floating out in the ether online and it's pretty good too.

>> No.10518845

The snes version has no cd loads.

>> No.10518930
File: 46 KB, 500x371, d4ps5f7-5766c901-f760-4ac7-85c0-6e345cd9eab2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10518970

Jiggle jiggle

>> No.10518985

This. They are getting back to the roots of retro gaming and letting you pay to continue. Just like the good old days at the cade

>> No.10519056

>wtf I didn't know the SNES could SING
I kind of miss being so impressed by simple stuff like this

>> No.10519070

You are obviously are mentally ill

>> No.10519151

Fucks like a tiger.

>> No.10519639
File: 13 KB, 120x202, Philia_Status_(ToD_PSX)_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny coping strategy you got there, but I remain correct.

>> No.10519683
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1344, gsdx_20210531171905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Washed out coloring. My favorite!

>> No.10519735
File: 70 KB, 400x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And blurry too. What a pointless demake.

>> No.10519882

i played the Absolute Zero translation of the ps1 version and its great

>> No.10519991
File: 84 KB, 257x210, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ that sounds fucking awful AND they censored the jew star


>> No.10520049

Amazing game, prefer the original version the best
Shows off the power of the Super Famicom, inb4 Ausfag comes in and starts talking about how it was cheating

>> No.10520082

>"Shows off the power of the Super Famicom"
>turn-based JRPG
>still slows down constantly

>> No.10520104

>What the heck is THAT?
Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.10520115

>turn-based JRPG
At least pretend you've played it.

>> No.10520176

That screenshot is ugly. ToD isn't Trials of Mana or anything. Its 2D graphics aren't that good.

>> No.10520442
File: 14 KB, 768x672, tales-of-phantasia-arche-tiger-dejap-009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five facts about Arche
1) Arche
2) fucks
3) like
4) a
5) tiger!

>> No.10521084 [DELETED] 

I wonder whoever came up with that line still thinks that.

>> No.10521261
File: 188 KB, 641x833, Mint swimsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint has big tits

>> No.10521272

Who said it was bad. It was constantly called one of the best in the se... oh wait it's translated now. I forgot. The best Tales game is always the one EOPs can't play.

>> No.10521345

that looks....not good, my man

>> No.10521581

It's still regularly touted as one of the best by people who have played it. Every game is going to have people who hate it, seeing one person in one thread shouldn't be fuel for your stupid sour grapes meme.

>> No.10521703

Having an intro song in a Super Nintendo game is impressive.
Having also a dog-version later on in it is amazing.

>> No.10522541

The English GBA release was bankrolled and heavily supervised by NoA. Other fun additions:

1) all chemistry between the characters is dropped, Arche is no longer horny

2) the cataclysm that ends the world is now called 'Kangaroo'

3) no Yume wa Owaranai

>> No.10522925

I beat the GBA version recently.
Your game sucks stop shilling it, complete waste of space.

>> No.10522994

Try shilling my cock in your mouth

>> No.10523064
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>> No.10523415

Definitely play the original first. The remake has a mix of improvements and downgrades, and I think it probably doesn't hold up if you don't have the experience of playing the original first.
I've been playing the remake for the first time myself and the main thing keeping me invested is just the voice acting and desire to see all the events in better graphics. The gameplay is theoretically improved but at the same time the encounter rate is doubled and a lot of fights feel way more stale than in the PS1 version since you can barely command other characters at all, it feels like they only use what you tell them to sometimes.

>> No.10523437

I also want to add that the map design is really ass sometimes in the remake. Like even some towns are disorientating and its hard to make sense of the town's layout.
Some of those dungeons though make me feel like I have to draw a map, they just copy/paste the same rooms and hallways over and over to a crazy degree sometimes.