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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 59 KB, 800x591, 285215-superstar-dance-club-screenshot-2754845678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10516842 No.10516842 [Reply] [Original]

I want to play a game with attractive women in it, but they're not the focal point. In other words, it's not an eroge or porn, or a visual novel; it's an actual quality fun game that isn't primarily sexual in nature, it just has visually appealing women throughout that I can ogle before moving on. Basically, eye candy.

One example is pic related ("Superstar Dance Club - #1 Hits!" for Playstation 1). Every time you finish a level you get to see the great art of the big titty gyaru girl. It's also implied that you're taking her shopping and making her happy, although it's not a dating sim at all. Another example would be Magical Drop, where you can choose a character with big bouncy titties and she's in the background the whole time, but she's not really relevant to the actual gameplay.

>> No.10516865

Duke Nukem 3D. Though the hottest Duke girls are the ones from Duke Carribbean, the ones in beach chairs who shake their giant knockers.

>> No.10516867
File: 881 KB, 1203x730, bish wtf u doin here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crash's big tiddy gf greets you at the end of every bonus in Crash 1 (she got cut and replaced by little sister in the sequels). It actually made no sense that she would appear there, other than the purely "cuz it's just a bonus round lel" gamer logic, because the whole time she's supposed to be locked in Cortex's lab and the point of the game is to save her. To me, I always thought that the bonus rounds were dreams crash was having.

>> No.10517110

Never knew Dance Para! had an english version, damn I LOVE big tiddy gyarus

>> No.10517116

Just look at porn bro.

>> No.10517245
File: 380 KB, 1212x1754, 1611293404066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10517259

Holy shit, someone who isnt me posted my secret fap hoe from when i was a kid. I guess the generic western cover didn't appeal to all brands of sickos.

>> No.10517273
File: 246 KB, 800x817, AVG2_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're into fighting games or wanna get into... pic related.

>> No.10517316

Lucky and Wild

>> No.10517383

I love the original Crash Bandicoot. Tawna is great. Crash 2 and 3 didn't do it for me -- maybe no Tawna is why.

>Dance Para
I can't find anything for Dance Para. Can you give me a push in the right direction? I'd love to play the original.

What game?

I didn't discover the game until recently, but she might be the closest thing to a waifu I've ever had.

>> No.10517418

Sorry I mistook the name, its actually Love Para

>> No.10517491

what the fuck nobody wants that cartoon furry ps1 girl.

>> No.10517495

You said no visual novels but Sakura Wars is only part VN and also has strategy gameplay with mechas. It has very beautiful women

>> No.10517504

>What game?
1. Press the blue triangle that points to the right on every 4chan post, then hit the button that says "SauceNAO" to be told the identity of most anime images on 4chan, including that one.
2. My dude, he literally said it in his post in all caps. There weren't even any other words around it. The name of the game is "LAKERS". It came out in 1993 and it's by Apple Pie.

>> No.10517559

>nobody wants that cartoon furry
not my thing either, but it's definitely not nobody
there was giant thread on it earlier this year

>> No.10517565
File: 3.44 MB, 268x300, angela rac2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about a furry ps2 girl?

>> No.10517568

Coco > Tawna

>> No.10517582

Wow what the hell this is not a basketball game

>> No.10517614

Ok sure, but its ultra niche. Also "Nobody liked" or "Everybody liked" is often used in English as a general statement its not literal

>> No.10517724


>> No.10518283


>> No.10518296

It's "Love Para".

>> No.10518301

Lakers is eroge. You fight a tactics-ogre-like-battle then you get to chat up one of the Super Sentai Lakers for a chance to see some nippleless tits and pixilated puss.

>> No.10518341
File: 71 KB, 250x250, 1652635417742f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10518376

Thanks for alerting me to this. Great project, already busted a nut to this.

>> No.10518404
File: 330 KB, 1024x896, Undercover Cops SNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10518560
File: 46 KB, 596x318, PachinkoCollection_01_02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hissatsu Pachinko Collection 1 - 3 on Super Famicom

>> No.10518573
File: 8 KB, 256x224, 548293-space-invaders-turbografx-cd-screenshot-winning-and-losing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Invaders The Original Game (PC Engine CD)

>> No.10518593

>not an eroge or porn
VG is an eroge, it was just toned down in later versions

>> No.10518595

What the fuck the future IS now

>> No.10518604

They had a frame with visible nipples too. Nasty looking hoes though.

>> No.10518610
File: 3 KB, 256x224, Hello Kitty World (J) [T+Eng1.00_Suicidal].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Kitty World!

>> No.10518624
File: 236 KB, 127x256, Ezgif-2-2f09e23d05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pop'n Music. Most are "cute" but some are sexy.

>> No.10518643
File: 201 KB, 660x1002, Milk_change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10518646

Advanced V.G. 2 is completely devoid of erotic content.
>but torn clothes
C'mon, bitch please.

>> No.10518650

Yeah that's the toned down later version, but this is a porn series

>> No.10518651

Weird thread in all honesty, we haven't seen one of these in a while. The last one I recall was 200+ posts of grown men getting too excited over Mai's pixels.

>> No.10518654

>but this is a porn series
Are you fucking retarded and can't read? I recommended ONLY A.V.G. 2 to OP, not the entire series. Geez...

Speaking of all-female fighters, I forgot to recommend the Asuka 120% series.

>> No.10518739

Are any of these translated into English?

>> No.10519249

>dat ugly furry shit.

peaked at DOA Extremeballz 1 and 2.


>> No.10519264
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, 1701353650467122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the magical drop series

>> No.10519316

It can either be hot or funny which is why this thread will be good either way

>> No.10519319

Some people want the emotional buildup of being in a good piece of media that's why rule34 is big

>> No.10519345

This is why people's brains are broken these days, by the way. Porn is not the same as titillation, and arguably not even the same as erotica.

>> No.10519367

Porn is for simpletons.
Real men strive for platonic fetishes like booba or handholding with fingers locked.

>> No.10519412
File: 519 KB, 900x895, 1690547184306038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silk from the Cotton series comes to mind, she accompanies the main character throughout the series and appears at the end of every stage, she's also playable in Cotton Boomerang.

>> No.10519438

Damn sexy kitty

>> No.10519656

I played the pc version
It's funny

>> No.10519661
File: 4 KB, 225x225, lmao lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>koei porcelain same face
You're not the one to talk.

>> No.10519838

I have all that with my IRL wife.

>> No.10519894

that only counts if she isn't fat, which she probably is - and if that's the case, then you still need 2D ladies to satisfy your deepest needs

>> No.10520007

I love fat women. Love em Love em Love em. Always wanted to see their facial fat jiggle as I pounded them with my dick. I think my sexual awakening was a fat girl and it influenced my sexual development

>> No.10520020

I like the concept of fat women, either in 2D form or the small percentage of attractive ones who flaunt themselves online. In reality, the vast majority of them are disgusting, with uggo faces plus poor fat distribution and hygiene issues.

>> No.10520036
File: 12 KB, 512x448, ss27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LazerBlazer on Super Scope 6 has some underrated waifus.

>> No.10520045
File: 154 KB, 620x457, Phelios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of each level, images of your girlfriend appears, asking you to rescue her. Very tame, but I think it fits your criteria.

>> No.10520072
File: 192 KB, 456x342, 0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irene from Xexex

Leila from Rolling Thunder would also be a good choice

>> No.10520554 [DELETED] 
File: 693 KB, 2236x3004, 1657930297714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just watch porn
It's like a tranny call sign, to demand everyone watch porn instead if they want any sort of attractive women in a video game.

>> No.10520657

There's stuff that transcends porn in terms of arousal, things like women's volleyball or women's greco roman wrasslin, thats what we want.

>> No.10520738

Oh, I'm gonna

>> No.10521248
File: 1.58 MB, 678x995, PngItem_1838338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yu-Gi-Oh! video games tend to have FINE lookin' women in the card artwork, especially if you can understand JP, so you can play their uncensored versions where cleavage is more common to see.

>> No.10521327

Looks fake. Never seen a card in that art style, at least of the period.

>> No.10521341
File: 629 KB, 652x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shina could rip me apart.

>> No.10521398
File: 3.15 MB, 1150x1560, Yu-Gi-Oh-DIY-Dark-Magician-Girl.jpg_Q90.jpg_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it is. It's what the community calls an OriCa (Original Card) as in it's made by fans, though I posted a more premium one that you can really buy if you want to, and it's got some nice art to them, but even the original card artwork you'll find in the video games are nice, especially for the original JP versions, as I've said before.

>> No.10521440

coomer shmups
captcha: swagtk

>> No.10521457

meant to reply to op but whatever

>> No.10521479

This is a specific Japanese-chibi meets late 90's 00's American cartoony type of cute-sexy that I love a lot and yet doesn't exist as much anymore

>> No.10521695

Basically every Japanese game has you covered.
That looks just like Ratchet with tits bolted on. I can only hear his voice in that gif. There's basically nothing feminized about the face or animation in comparison to him. Furries man, jesus...

>> No.10521780

A cat is fine too

>> No.10522178

Great theead guys. This is exactly what I was looking for. I think >>10521479 described it best:
>a specific Japanese-chibi meets late 90's 00's American cartoony type of cute-sexy
Generally speaking, the girls have an air of sexiness, but are also happy and carefree looking and I think that's what I like. It's not necessarily just boner-inducing; it also feels like comfort food for me. Especially in 2023 when there are people in reality, that I even work with, who seem to want to ban attractive, even non-nude women from everything.

Magical Drop is a fantastic rec btw. I never played it before. It kicked the shit out of me at first until I realized it was supposed to be REALLY fast paced. Then I hit a flow state so quickly; it's the first time I've done that in years.

>> No.10522319

Such as? Most seem to be either hard sci-fi or cute/funny. Parodius is hardly sexy even though it calls itself that, it's mostly just cute

>> No.10522397

Nah I'm well-adjusted.

>> No.10522428

Not him. But some ero-shmups have cute, softcore content. Like Gunner's Broom, Sentimental Shooting or Magic Polalamin.

>> No.10522448 [DELETED] 

Get with the times gramps, they're also catholics.

>> No.10522840
File: 3.26 MB, 3648x2736, IMG_20231105_015312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you beat initial D on ps1 you are gifted this hottie.

>> No.10522895 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 1170x1380, dca2a8ef7f0ca93682b316fcfb50e273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tawna's sexy! SEXY!

>> No.10523070

still ugly and a thot.

>> No.10523085

Cute and has sex with old men for money, literally a perfect woman (if you're a rich old man).

>> No.10523981
File: 123 KB, 1024x1024, 1696969133066108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10524010

>Especially in 2023 when there are people in reality, that I even work with, who seem to want to ban attractive, even non-nude women from everything.
Your workplace banned attractive women??

>> No.10524230

if Carrera (Viper GTS) converted into roman catholic.

>> No.10524235


>> No.10524391

Is this an NES game? I thought I'd seen them all. This looks great.

>> No.10524393

I'm very confused by this post. I also don't know what the OP is talking about, but now your post made me curious as to the context.

>> No.10524835
File: 140 KB, 640x873, carrera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's saying the girl in the OP looks like Carrera from Viper GTS if she were to convert to Roman Catholicism.

>> No.10524839

Famicom, but yeah. It's a re-skin of Balloon Kid for the Gameboy with Hello Kitty.

>> No.10524860
File: 326 KB, 510x378, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of Rares N64 games.

>> No.10524869
File: 1.78 MB, 1600x900, Screenshot (217).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys going to actually post eye candy in game or just ancient anime?

>> No.10524958

thats like all games before 2013

>> No.10525040
File: 11 KB, 127x186, DAINAPDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do mods for old games count?

There's a Kill La Kill inspired mod for Doom where you wear different outfits that give you different abilities.

>> No.10525626

Now Daisy have bigger bust size

>> No.10525628

Hypothetically speaking....
how can I find a 3D woman that looks like that? Or as close as possible.

>> No.10525865

Underrated waifu bombshell

>> No.10525907
File: 479 KB, 1920x1080, Mika-Slayton-Snatcher.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snatcher. A cyberpunk point and click adventure. You play the part as Gillian Seed. He's a detective who's investigating snatchers. Snathers are body stealing androids similar to one's in the movie blade runner. Anyway, Gillian is constantly surrounded and interacting with hot babes.

The version you want to play is on sega cd.

>> No.10525967

>VN has pretty girls/handsome men
Isn't that every VN ever

>> No.10526106
File: 706 KB, 885x1254, a578e154de07ea8446ae1801b3f0505f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably. But this game is exceptional.

>> No.10527440
File: 38 KB, 200x200, 1698812152074277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did the sweet artwork of Tawna this post was replying to go? It didn't have any explicit nudity in it, just a more daring concept and execution, but it's still SFW... it looked so nice. Well, at least we have a lot of 4chan archives so I can at least find the source and all.

>> No.10527526

Waruso.org, might know there

>> No.10527680

What's the best Magical Drop port to play?

>> No.10527764

It's warosu, dyslexic anon

>> No.10527834

Is this a real project? Source?

>> No.10528154

I'm no expert but I started with Magical Drop 1 on SNES and after more research found that 3 seems to be the one people enjoy the most. I know 2 and 3 add a system that stops games from dragging on forever, plus a larger story mode and many additional characters. The eye candy is also primarily in 2 & 3. The first one is much simpler, but still very fun.

The "ideal" game seems to be the arcade version of 3, or if you prefer English and a slower pace, there's a PAL version of 3 for PSX. I usually end up playing home ports so I went for that one. I'm only just experiencing the series for the first time, though, so perhaps some more knowledgable anon can chime in.

It's clearly AI-generated. Look at the menu text.

RIP big-titty Tawna. I love that image. I love the juxtaposition of bumbling moron and bimbo.

>> No.10528187

Drawn by Bigdad. Should be enough to find it again.

>> No.10528269


Indeed! It's just so nice, a shame it got deleted.

Will do! Thanks.

>> No.10528647

Games kinda real if homebrewer do story after Crash 1.

>> No.10530471
File: 116 KB, 751x1063, street_of_rage___blaze_fielding__fan_art_by_ganassa_ddelyzt-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Games with Eye Candy
Blaze from the Streets of Rage franchise is quite a FIIINE WOMAN, my man.

>> No.10530658
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1702395005406210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon for making this thread. I've been having a lot of fun with Superstar Dance Club today

>> No.10531524 [SPOILER] 
File: 241 KB, 1344x1056, strikers 45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10531530


>> No.10531567

>No eyebrows, no eyelashes, no tits
Can anything make a woman look more weak and sickly than this?

>> No.10531579

is this into the game or just fan art?

>> No.10531582

>No eyebrows, no eyelashes
She's blonde and you're blind.

>> No.10531590

It's legit in the game but stupidly hard to see

>> No.10531594
File: 754 KB, 650x953, blaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is, but that artwork is roastie tier shit

>> No.10531597

ugh, kinda remind me of progear. why they must gatekeep the fans from some healthy fanservice?

>> No.10531601

Because give quarters

>> No.10531603

I'm rating the planes btw.

>> No.10531621
File: 110 KB, 480x638, no eyebrows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the woman beside her is blonde, and you love fivehead albinos. Also not sure what being blonde has to do with having no tits as the stereotype is for blondes to have large breasts, but okay, keep coping.

>> No.10531626

nta, but if you zoom the pic you can clearly see some blonde eyebrows. maybe you're a bit colorblind. also her petite frame make her quite cute, boobies are good but not a must.

>> No.10531628

the one on the left is anglo-nordic blonde, the one on the right is german blonde.

>> No.10531637
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 794126f696b8368baf1d6e9d8c25cb53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally coloured her eyebrows in a darker colour. That's as thick as they are.
And the one on the left is ugly.

>> No.10531646

>That's as thick as they are.
because they're trimmed? what a weird thing to go all schizo upon. chill pal.

>> No.10531648

All I said is she has no eyebrows or eyelashes and it makes her look frail and sickly, which it does. You're the one with a receding stance flailing to defend her honour, dude, making excuse after excuse for why she looks so ugly, especially compared to everyone else.

>> No.10531650

>All I said is she has no eyebrows or eyelashes
And she does, you yourself just highlighted them. So what are you arguing about you schizo

>> No.10531652

So you have asperger's and take everything 100% literally. You must be a riot at parties. I'll say a glass is empty and you'll piss yourself arguing that the glass is currently occupying air and space and a thousand other things. Fuck off.

>> No.10531696

Next time don't start autistically arguing about shit you don't actually mean

>> No.10531708

Play Dancing Eyes. Perfect game for this. Make sure you play the japanese version, the best levels got cut in localization.

>> No.10531738

She has no eyebrows, in relative to every single other character in the game. If I meant she literally had no eyebrows at all, I would have said, "she literally has no eyebrows". The issue isn't me not saying what I mean, the issue is you taking everything 100% literally. That's asperger's dude, and the entire world isn't going to be walking on egg shells articulating everything they say in hopes of you not retardedly misinterpretating anything.

>> No.10531743

Like note that you didn't get all fucking retarded over the no tits comment, when she clearly has an A-cup. She literally does have breast tissue. But compared to everyone else, even the dude's pecs, she has no tits. You somehow didn't have a problem with that, so why are you so defensive about her no eyebrows?

>> No.10532008
File: 188 KB, 709x1001, 1703120639635944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Games with Eye Candy
All of the Metroid series really.
Samus is hot! HOT!

>> No.10532067

what game?

>> No.10532286

>no tits
A-cup is patrician tier.

>> No.10532317

You're being the schizo here