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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 524 KB, 2560x1440, 4TRlJB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10509193 No.10509193 [Reply] [Original]

Links Awakening now playable fully zoomed out, on pc


>> No.10509207


>> No.10509219

I hate this. It's devaluing.

>> No.10509229

Based, makes the world more immersive. More interested in ALttP and Minish Cap though

>> No.10509230

New spin on an old classic
It's also seamless

>> No.10509231

I don't see why this needs to exist, but I guess it's kind of neat.

>> No.10509232

You can play alttp in widescreen already. No point in zooming out too much, it's too hard to read. 8 bit works zoomed out because the simple graphics are easy to read

>> No.10509234
File: 740 KB, 2560x1440, sxwVx9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes you realize how much detail there is

>> No.10509235

>It's also seamless
This is nice. Then again, people are retarded and even prefer shit like those forced fake loading times for every door in REmake

>> No.10509242
File: 765 KB, 985x555, 456456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP left out that you can zoom in or zoom out the screen as much as you like, it's just an option. The main appeal was giving it a seamlessly loading map probably.

>> No.10509275

I never thought a game having discrete screens as a flaw, so I don't see this as an improvement.
Just a curiosity.

>> No.10509296

Isn't it required on some screens to exit and come back if you fuck something up? How is this gonna work with that?

>> No.10509297

>not open source
>.NET Framework required
I'll wait for a proper port.

>> No.10509301

ugly tiles, ruined

>> No.10509317

kay I was wrong. Source is included.

>> No.10509318

Indoors outdoors

>> No.10509319

You're not even going to touch the source so why the fuck do you care? Sperglord

>> No.10509321

itch.io has flagged the download as a precaution against "Try My Game" scams.

>> No.10509324

I would rather compile it myself than trust the included executable, which could be different from what's in the included source. Don't trust anyone.

>> No.10509325

Really neat. LA was the first Zelda game I played and I've replayed it countless times, this will add a whole different feel. I'll probably end up loving it, but will be very interesting to play.

Thanks OP!

>> No.10509352 [DELETED] 

>I would rather compile it myself than trust the included executable
let me guess you are an amerimutt who only downloads games and software from ''Le r/piracy approved sites'' huh?

>> No.10509396 [DELETED] 

>that obsessed europost randomly bringing up americans
holy shit lol

>> No.10509403

Having no screen transitions would, for instance, completely break the overworld difficulty of LoZ, as that relies on you appearing in the middle of a screen full of enemies that you can't trivially hide away from.

>> No.10509412 [DELETED] 

>Burgers mentioned: 0
>Still burger gets offended by imaginary Europeans.

>> No.10509416

Utter soullessness.

>> No.10509419

This. It destroys the atmosphere.

>> No.10509420

How does this affect enemy spawning and despawning?

>> No.10509428

What about dungeons?

>> No.10509450

>fully zoomed

>> No.10509509

now do pokemon

>> No.10509536

>trainers lock eyes with you from 4000 pixels away.

>> No.10509579

I don't remember super mario world looking like this

>> No.10509656

This is just another reason why CRT owners are chads.

The quest to eliminate the black bars on your wide screen displays has led to the rape of the developers OG vision.

>> No.10509681

Nah, this looks fun.

>> No.10509691

Zooming out is utterly pointless, but I guess if it gives more item zones or removes the bracelet popup then it's...fine-ish..not. The square on the hearts looks kinda bad.

>> No.10509726

Why's the UI look so fucking bad?
They didn't need to change it at all in the first place.

Scale a 144p image to your screen and tell me you think it looks acceptable. Unless your display is like 8", the scanlines are going to be unbearably thick.
>inb4 "just increase the resolution!"
If you're going to blow up the input signal anyway, there's no benefit to using a CRT to display it.

>> No.10509743

thank g*d I'm not a security schizo like you

>> No.10509747

>Scale a 144p image to your screen
The original game and most other GB games actually look fantastic on a CRT. Try it for yourself sometime.

>> No.10509775

I have, which is why I know it looks awful unless you output at at least 288p. And you still have black bars unless you stretch the 10:9 image to 4:3, use borders, or expand the viewport. At which point you're no better than the LCDfags you're complaining about.

>> No.10509843

Its a Gameboy game you retard

>> No.10509863

retarded fa/g/got

>> No.10509892

There are some articles on mainstream gaming sites linking to the release, so it seems to be under plenty of scrutiny, and there don't seem to be any reports of viruses or anything.

>> No.10509923
File: 181 KB, 651x609, 1488654166844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomed out
in more ways than one

>> No.10509940

You could give every 4Chudder a million dollars and they would still complain. Don't attempt to seek validation from this crowd, you will find none.

The port is objectively great, that's all you need to know.

>> No.10509945

That looks awful though... Just... Why?

>> No.10509947

PC trannies always gotta ruin everything

>> No.10509948 [DELETED] 

Why can't we have a non-tranny indie dev site?

>> No.10509993

Its a cool thing anon. Who cares?

>> No.10509998 [DELETED] 

The trannies and their people have made rich contributions to indie development. I must respect

>> No.10510020 [DELETED] 

>indie development
Could there be a worse achievement? Contributing to...indie deving...on itch.io? yikes.

>> No.10510026
File: 55 KB, 593x703, zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is it safe?

>> No.10510028 [DELETED] 

It's actually the autists who are adept at game design. A certain percentage of them just happen to be trannies, but all trannies are autists so there's crossover.

>> No.10510029

Try it and let us know.

>> No.10510039

>four button gameplay, four items equipped at once, you can run around jumping slashing and blocking with the shield all at once
>seamless world, although its weird in dungeons to see rooms ahead
>its too zoomed out by default, although setting it to scale x6 is similar to the Gameboy play field
>all the bugs and weird quirks; I suppose they will be fixed
>indie slop graphical flourishes like drop shadows, light sources, extra animations when slashing bushes

>> No.10510264

So what have you contributed to the world apart from your miserable existence?

>> No.10510275

Yay, another Zelda thread!

>> No.10510295

>indie slop graphical flourishes like drop shadows, light sources, extra animations when slashing bushes
I like it. It should be possible to turn off for the purists I guess.

>> No.10510314 [DELETED] 

go eat your microtransaction AAA games out of your trough then you fat fuck. i heard they're making a new FIFA game wow!!

>> No.10510319 [DELETED] 

meant to reply to >>10509948
sorry for feeding the troll

>> No.10510354

Me? I dev'd for gamejolt and freem.jp! My existence is a boon to my mankind.

>> No.10510369

>Why yes, I will want to tarnish my reputation as a developer for the rest of my life to infect the computers of the 100 people who will download this EXE I have spent 5000 developing.

>> No.10510383

I'm disappointed it took this many posts

>> No.10510398

Why the hell even bother with this if you're going to turn off all the enhancements though. Decomps and engine recreations for more modern titles make sense even for a more vanilla experience imho but you can already emulate gb games on damn near any old potato these days. Hell, I used to play gb games on my phone like 15 years ago.
I used to be really againts all the modern remake and remaster additions in games too but it's honestly not all inherently bad if applied correctly.

>> No.10510412

Some people want literally the exact same game but one or two features they personally want.
But true, purists are generally impossible to please and should be ignored because this isn't for them.

>> No.10510425
File: 596 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing. No screen transitions, entire map is visible except for secret rooms.
One thing to note about the game is that despite the fact that there are no screen transitions and the map is "open," enemies will not travel between rooms. Even in areas where the "room" consisted of several open areas to make a large room, enemies will stop at what the screen boundary would have been in the original game. Moldorms will bounce off invisible walls for example.

>> No.10510426

devaluing what? a $15 game boy cart?

>> No.10510430

an interesting caviet I ran into, is that flying enemies that drop bombs can move between "screens" and attack you in places where in the original it was a peaceful walk, simply because they exist on a "screen" adjacent to where you are now seamlessly. I say it's interesting because now the game is a bit harder it seems.

to say this remake does anything other than breathe new life into the game is underplaying it significantly.

>> No.10510434

read my comment above this one, it's not as simple as zooming in or out, because some "screens" have taken on a new experience vicariously.

>> No.10510435

My LCD is square and so is the Game Boy's

>> No.10510438

if you genuinely messed something up I've noticed that eventually objects reset themselves, and if they don't you just need to put distance between yourself and the objects you mucked up. leave the "room" like normal and you will see the objects resettle.

>> No.10510447

It was the second Zelda I ever played, and I had two copies. I traded one for Oracle of Seasons, which had the battery dislodged and I couldn't keep a save file, so I retraded it for Oracle of Ages and played that until the final boss. good games. I miss teleporting around like I originally could. It allows you to keep BowWow, that's a mod I would like to see in this game, keeping the doggo.

>> No.10510453

read my comment above, some "screens" are chalk full of enemies and they can inadvertently attack you in this remake on "screens" that used to be peaceful. it actually adds some difficulty that didn't exist originally.

>> No.10510456

it doesn't seem to, in the original there's a lot of enemies that don't respawn if you kill them and stay alive, but they come back if you die or leave and return. it's the same here.

>> No.10510458

the UI needed to change simply for the sake of there being four face button slots now.

>> No.10510460

itch.io is based, they have their own launcher app and everything. give it a spin sometime Bro

>> No.10510463

>extra frames of animation is le bad
off yourself

>> No.10510465

then they should play the original instead and remain bitter about it. fuck them with a rake.

>> No.10510473
File: 231 KB, 1200x675, harmonyofdespair_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the UI needed to change simply because it wouldn't work with the new resolution
whole thing reminds me of Castlevania Harmony of Despair.

>> No.10510485
File: 1.53 MB, 987x679, Shibai_Ukie_by_Masanobu_Okumura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10510489

Zelda is a franchise not a game. There are maybe two Seasons threads a year. Do you have dog shit where your brain should be?

>> No.10510504

I feel like Link's walk cycles animate slower than the original game.
Not that it's a huge problem. Just feels off to me.

>> No.10510503

Devaluing the experience. There is more that has value than money, anon. "All that glitters is not gold"

>> No.10510524

Not a valid application of that phrase.

>> No.10510529

A big part of the joy of a Zelda game is the feeling of exploration, of allowing yourself to be submersed in the experience of not knowing what's beyond the horizon, even if the horizon is the edge of the screen, even if you've played it before so you know what comes next. You allow yourself to experience the idea that you're in a place that has meaning, a certain neck of the woods, a bend in the path, a memorable landmark, a small little moment with just you and the pretty NPC. Taking away the horizon takes away the exploration. When you can see the whole thing at once, it becomes a novelty, a curiosity perhaps, but no longer an experience. The curtain is pulled back, the wizard revealed, the rainbow unwoven, the sausage is made, et cetera ad nauseum.

What's the point of walking to a place when you can see it just as well from where you are? What's the point of delving through a labyrinth when you can solve the whole thing like the maze on the back of a child's cereal box? LIMITATIONS are what define an experience. It is an urge of humanity to break limitations-- but be wary of what you may miss when they're gone.

>> No.10510531

>implying you'd actually read the source
Just admit it. You're trusting that because the source is included that someone else has already done the hard work for you and gone through the source to see if there's anything wrong with it.

>> No.10510536

It's a very valid application of the phrase. I'm sorry you're either an ESL, a room temperature IQ, lack a soul, or all three at once.

>> No.10510542

I hope he adds a 4:3 mode, it'd be fun to play zoomed out to about x6 scale at kind of a LTTP-spec.

>> No.10510548

Why not?

>> No.10510558

True, but curiosities are pretty fun. At least I think so.

>> No.10510559

Aren't there many situations where you need to reset a room? Even just to farm rupees or restart a puzzle?

>> No.10510563

Anon can never enjoy Link's Awakening DX on his Game Boy Color again. Damn.

>> No.10510570

But I already experienced the original.

>> No.10510603

I think it's fine if you think of it as a programming experiment done for the lulz or lazy romhack, not a serious remake. maybe someone could use the source and make it better or do custom maps or something.

>> No.10510609
File: 201 KB, 853x727, fookn vidya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.10510614

it's all accounted for

>> No.10510620

>stunted glaucoma suffering manchild

>> No.10510657

>This application has been flagged and quaratined by itch.io as we believe it contains malware

>> No.10510675

Fucking this.

Zelda is literally a cultural phenomenon at this point. Butthurt Snoys need to get over it already.

>> No.10510698

Probably nothing will happen, the download includes source and comes up clean on Virus Total.


>> No.10510703

I made a seasons thread this year.

>> No.10510704

I understand what you mean if you're worrying about some kid playing through the game for the first time or something, but you shouldn't. Let their parents worry about them. But for someone whose favorite game is links awakening, this should be a great, fresh way to revisit the game.

>> No.10510706

So people can play Link's Awakening on their computer without downloading anything while working at a call center.

>> No.10510707

Does itch let users report for malware? It could be an influx of shitters flagging it because it's popular.

>> No.10510738

Yes. There's a very small report button at the bottom of every game page.

>> No.10510773

it's a new account that's getting millions of downloads for their only release, I'd say it's automatic

>> No.10510809

why even post if you can't be bothered to click the link or read a couple of posts to get even a basic idea of what the thread is talking about

>> No.10510846
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, 17m5q4wb5hg21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the next 2D Zelda is like this
Tired of screen troonsitions. Glorified loading screens.
Maybe only in certain dungeons.

>> No.10510896

fully zoomed out for zoomers

>> No.10510962

Cheaters never win.

>> No.10510985

You don't have to play zoomed out if you don't want to.

>> No.10510989
File: 1.86 MB, 2928x2160, G4SE01_2023-12-14_20-58-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI try emulating Four Swords Adventure with Texture Filtering set to Nearest sometime.
The visuals look a lot better for it, it doesn't fix that they did a poor job of texturing the polygons used for the sprites though.

>> No.10511038
File: 3.92 MB, 1280x720, $R0X8RJ5.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10511117

I remember owning this but despite everyone i knew having a gba, they did not have gamecube connection cables so i had to play alone.
Not as bad as owning crystal chronicles was at least.. fuck that game.

>> No.10511196

Because people working at call centers can't watch Family Guy while working. It will get stale.

>> No.10511201

>pointing out a design flaw of the apperino...le bad

>> No.10511217

It's an optional feature. Turn it off if you don't like it. Or play the original.

>> No.10511241

Fucking disgusting. Obviously the environments were clearly designed for the screen by screen aesthetic.

>> No.10511246

Is there an OG(not DX) mode?

>> No.10511321

>seeing is a yuge flawrino

>> No.10511325

>he says about the screenshot where it's an objective improvement
you can use the monotone setting on reshader

>> No.10511354
File: 48 KB, 786x320, awakeningcomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro it's a fucking mess. Needlessly busy with many things distracting you when they have nothing to do with what you're currently doing.
And do you really think this giant ugly cluster of vines was meant to be seen together? obviously they were deliberately put there to frame the limits of each individual screen. by all means enjoy being able to select more than 2 items at a time but it's so fucking ridiculous to disregard the artistry that went into building the landscape the way it was

>> No.10511363
File: 17 KB, 336x346, ype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10511368

Oh man you missed out this is one of the funnest games with other people

>> No.10511373

refer to the /v/ thread

>> No.10511478

thanks i hate it

>> No.10511494

Should have included the source code, so it can be updated 'by others' after Nintendo slaps you with a c&d letter.

>> No.10511503

You're a faggot. Zelda Classic has existed for 20yeats and hasn't 'devalued' shit.

>> No.10511505

It does.

>> No.10511510


>> No.10511554

Never heard of either of those, nice try larper

>> No.10511880

bro you're supposed to close your eyes when the screen transitions, the devs didn't intend for you to see that! that screenshot is basically an axe wound.

>> No.10511883

ever since ZC released the original game went down by a whole percentile

>> No.10512098
File: 555 KB, 1873x983, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly, OP wasn't full of shit

>> No.10512176

Its not a flaw, it's cool
It's a Remix you dumb nigger

>> No.10512184

So glad I'm not autistic like you

>> No.10512230

Anyone have a mirror link? Nintendo nuked it

>> No.10512352


>> No.10512381 [DELETED] 

>omg Nintendo DMCA'd it, it must be good, and NOW I want a Link to the Past!

>> No.10512425

Wake me up when they do the Oracle games

>> No.10512454

uh oh boomer melting incoming

>> No.10512494


>> No.10512574
File: 985 KB, 3632x2723, 2hdjenhu4d6c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a big fan of some of the "enhancements", otherwise it looks to me that source ports is the future for retro gaming. They are more optimized for cheap handhelds, can fix some of their quirks, take advantage of larger screens and leaves the door open for additional features such as multiplayer.

>> No.10512603

This matches my copy. Original filename was "Links Awakening DX HD v1.0.0.zip" for the archivists/autists.

>> No.10512676

>design flaw
Stop using words you don't know meaning of.

>> No.10512721

Uh... the game has been C&D'd. I knew I should have downloaded it sooner

>> No.10512740

The link is just a few posts above you.

>> No.10512794 [DELETED] 

Thanks, just reported this to the FBI and Nintendo.

>> No.10512810

the music is kinda ear-rapey...

>> No.10512950

This isn't actually a source port. It's a legit remake, not using any code from the decomp.

>> No.10512968

Wtf, majestic

>> No.10513076 [DELETED] 

>Link is transitioning
oh my

>> No.10513338

Okay, cool. But where is the source code? I'm not downloading it unless I can see the source and compile it myself

>> No.10513345


>> No.10513349

what a bizarre attitude to have in 2023

>> No.10513368


>> No.10513394

it's in the archive you dope

>> No.10513409

It's a mod of a game you and everyone else who's already downloaded it played to death already.

>> No.10513412 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 512x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know its good when >/ourguy/ BigBlueFrontend approves of it

>> No.10513417 [DELETED] 

Guaranteed its a seething nint0ddler pretending

>> No.10513426 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 220x220, 1e5b63dc80f2bfd70f05a69c98d82e78.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"our guy"
>posts his own channel

>> No.10513432 [DELETED] 

He is ourguy
Im not him
Cope and sneed

>> No.10513442 [DELETED] 

Unironically kill yourself you piece of shit or I will come to your house and shit on your throat
You dont like games you fucking cancer

>> No.10513443 [DELETED] 

You are 100% HIMalayan

>> No.10513451 [DELETED] 

Every neckbeard faggot who says this is le zoomer should shave their beards(and their heads) and lose weight
Fucking cancerous niggers, your ebin oldfag LARP is not impressing anyone
Go back 2 reddit

>> No.10513459 [DELETED] 

meds schizo

>> No.10513463 [DELETED] 

End your worthless life nint0ddler

>> No.10513469 [DELETED] 

You would suck its cock if Nintendo made this remake
Just stfu

>> No.10513474 [DELETED] 

You are full of shit
You had maps in ALTTP

>> No.10513475 [DELETED] 

You are the HIMalation
You are HIM Kardashian
You're from HIM buk tu
HIMon and Pumba

>> No.10513481 [DELETED] 

Its seething tendies

>> No.10513486 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure the game is remade from scratch which is why it supports different framerates

>> No.10513497 [DELETED] 


>> No.10513505 [DELETED] 

This shit ain't nothing to me, man

>> No.10513519 [DELETED] 

the thing youre not making clear is why does this exist in the first place?
ive literally never heard of anyone ever complaining about screen transitions in the GB zeldas.
like its an impressive bit of math homework you all did to get it to work, but it doesnt serve any sort of purpose. no one needed or wanted this

>> No.10513528

Don't bother recording your crap, I'm not interested. Waste of google-space, global warming is all your fault.

>> No.10513542
File: 66 KB, 480x433, doghouse glitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real question is what the fuck is going to happen if you do the doghouse glitch with no screen transitions?
id assume it would just crash, since its literally not an 8-bit game anymore
but it also might look really really fuckin cool

>> No.10513546

This is why Nintendo has grounds for the C&D; they're distributing the assets including graphics, audio, text, and possibly map layout.

Decompilation and recompilation projects legally can't be touched by companies when they are genuinely clean room and don't distribute binaries with copyrighted assets/data. This is why things like sm64pcbuilder2 and Ship of Harkinian require the user to supply their own ROM file to compile an executable, or things like Sonic Mania or Sonic 3 AIR require the user to supply a ROM alongside a compiled executable that stores no copyrighted data.

>> No.10513548

This whole thread is proving you right lol

>> No.10513557

Unfortunately things like the doghouse glitch aren't possible, because it's not a port using decompiled or leaked code.
It's a straight up remake apparently in an engine called MonoGame (though I've not been able to confirm that).
The engine is notable for games like Stardew Valley, Axiom Verge, Streets of Rage IV, Fez, Celeste.

>> No.10513567

I thought most of those were written from ground up. Intredasting.

>> No.10513571

thats what i figured
iirc the old one works on the fact that some register that keeps track of enemies killed without taking damage (i think for power piece/acorn drops?) ended up getting used for the non-existent door transition of you going backwards through the in door

>> No.10513572

Don't bother, loonixbro. It's written in C sharp, proprietaryslop.

>> No.10513574

Shit, what a bummer.
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.10513575 [DELETED] 

>This is why Nintendo has grounds for the C&D
lol oh shit
then THATS who was flagging it as malware and getting it taken down so fast. ruh roh

would not wanna be op right now
poor retard just wanted senpai to notice his math project now hes staring down the barrel of nintendos legal team
rip op

>> No.10513578
File: 74 KB, 960x540, GNUlag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not sent to the GNUlag

>> No.10513594
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, 2023021012374300_s.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the number of enemies killed will determine the layout of the glitched submap accessed via the doghouse.
IMO the ideal number is 2 kills, exploration is manageable and you can find some interesting exits or treasure chests, stuff like getting the level 2 power bracelet or magic rod within minutes of starting a new game.
There's also a specific path you can take which'll crash the game, which is something I like to test whenever I'm playing LADX on a new system like Nintendo Switch Online, or the Analogue Pocket I got recently.
On 3DS Virtual Console, this would crash the 3DS system on earlier firmwares.

>> No.10513703 [DELETED] 

>why does this exist in the first place
Why do you exist?

>> No.10513709 [DELETED] 

In a perfect world, every piece of software would have a native linux port but honestly, shit just werks with wine these days. I tend to even run games through proton on my steam deck even if there is a native linux port.
just don't engage the angry mouthbreathing shitters anon. you'll only fuel their shitfling.

>> No.10513736

like clockwork, now you want it

>> No.10513779

Did you shoop that?

>> No.10513784 [DELETED] 

For fuck sake you're the 3rd stupid cunt in this fucking thread that has had it pointed out that the source was with it.

Kill yourself

>> No.10513795 [DELETED] 

I think it's really cool.
Anti-fun tranny

>> No.10513801 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying this man's a pedophile, but there's something in his voice that makes me think he has an encrypted hard drive somewhere in his house.

>> No.10513808
File: 29 KB, 299x265, 1688467673099527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sourcecode, no download. Simple as

>> No.10513810 [DELETED] 

Its not my game you shizo faggot.
This thing was covered all over the internet, you'd know that if you didn't groom kids on troonchord all day

>> No.10513813


>> No.10513818 [DELETED] 

>Troonrunner glitches
Nobody fucking cares
>4th dumb nigger who can't read

>> No.10513859
File: 57 KB, 633x356, twin links main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that Mark Frost, writer of Twin Peaks, confirmed this year that he worked with Nintendo staff giving them ideas for the development of Link's Awakening.

>> No.10513860 [DELETED] 

glitches aren't just for speedrunning, you know. sometimes people want to fuck around for fun.

>> No.10513893
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x870, titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10513954

Instant improvement.

>> No.10513993 [DELETED] 

translate from schizo to english please?

>> No.10514047
File: 462 KB, 160x144, Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Fisherman Glitch [ocEh8PzoUOg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, glitches like doghouse glitch and fisherman's glitch (original GB version only) are just fun to fuck around with.

>> No.10514079

Even just Select Warping is fun to fuck around with.

>> No.10514082

Select Warping is fun as fuck, it's like playing around with debug mode in Sonic games on Genesis, but with restrictions and skill execution.
There's a frame-timing that will determine your placement on the next screen, and whether or not NPCs travel with you (which enables the Fisherman's glitch)

>> No.10514095
File: 145 KB, 1290x911, 1694390448565775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10514104

legit or not, dumb move to put it on itch anyway

>> No.10514339

Phew! Glad i downloaded it.
So when's the archive.org reupload?

>> No.10514340

Jeez. I don't often come to this place but I am glad I did and downloaded it when it dropped.

>> No.10514482

Wine might just work, but I refuse to use it. Either shit runs natively on Linux or I don't care

>> No.10514506
File: 2.09 MB, 452x439, oicc5ff4osb81.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on, brother. More frames = more good!

>> No.10514509

A dozen reuploads have already been nuked off archive.org. It's not some bastion of piracy like you idiots think it is.

>> No.10514520

Livesey's walks proves that.

>> No.10514985

I like the concept, but I can't be bothered as I'm through with Link's Awakening. It was bound to happen after replaying it over and over for 25 years...

>> No.10515179
File: 156 KB, 640x640, 1506653654144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sprite game
>HD shadows
Delete this shit.

>> No.10515203

The original title screen is pretty boring looking. I bet the guy that made it would admit as much. Was probably during crunch time and he just shat something out.

>> No.10515207

Don't worry, Nintendo already has.

>> No.10515210

embarrassing post


>> No.10515221

You think the person working on the final pan up the mountain very deliberately made the mountain sparse of detail?

>> No.10515237

It adds to the scale and mystique of the egg you dunce

the clouds are just clutter that detracts from the effect. the ring is bad enough by blocking the mountain but what really kills it is having clouds that by stretching so high above the egg they end up dwarfing it, it no longer feels like this colossal feature standing above all else.
both things combined completely kill the sense of height and might of the frame

clearly you have no understanding of art

>> No.10515246
File: 312 KB, 710x1159, kohlint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also the perspective of the ring is completely off in relation to everything else

>> No.10515259
File: 253 KB, 802x1300, kohlinttherealone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10515263

>It adds to the scale
Wouldn't clouds add to the scale? Clouds don't form around tiny hills. Only giant, tall mountains. Therefore the egg must be giant.
Also the clouds do not obscure the egg in any way, they actually frame it and draw further it attention to it.
In the original, the framing of the final still of the title screen has no
>sense of height and might
Only with the context of the pan up do you get that sense.
Clouds give the sense of height. Because clouds are high up.
You are the one with no sense of art, you reddit-spacing faggot.

>> No.10515265
File: 1.71 MB, 320x144, la.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10515271

crazy how much more poignant the original is

>> No.10515274

The clouds hurt the pan up, but improve the final title screen.

>> No.10515275

crazy how much more poignant the remake is

>> No.10515276

Crazy how poignant your use of the word poignant is.

>> No.10515280

poignant how poignant your poignant of the poignant poignant is

>> No.10515285

Whichever version you play first will probably be your preferred version so what's the point of these comparisons? Feels like splitting hairs to me.

>> No.10515289

the gigantic cloud is completely unnatural only there to frame the text
ring ruins the height of the mountain and the perspective is off

I don't mind the DX title screen in its final form but in the context of the cinematic it's way, way worse

>> No.10515295
File: 17 KB, 704x448, tilesla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up with DX and I find the original infinitely superior today

>> No.10515310

Of course the game being designed from the ground up for the monochrome game boy will result in the original version looking more cohesive.
Just makes me realize how much the people working on DX had their work cut out for them despite it seeming like it should be easy to just make colored version of the tiles.

>> No.10515313

>left: dark stormy night
>right: a little touch of rainfall

>> No.10515323

I only had played the original, but this remake DX HD port is on another level. You can actually zoom way out and see all the monsters in the overworld are actively doing their thing, the island is bustling and alive. I love this shit. This is how DX should have always been.

>> No.10515325

let's hope nobody takes the bait

>> No.10515376

DX is definitively inferior to the original outside of a brainlet's superficial evaluation's (and this is coming from someone who was super hyped to get, and then greatly enjoyed, DX)

but here's a reupload of of this HD version, anyway, in case you missed it before it got nuked: https://files.catbox.moe/lj20al.zip

>> No.10515534

>oh look I used a new word and now I sound smart!
Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.10515568

Everyday I feel more strongly about my preference for the original version

>> No.10515693

it only made sense to play the original or the remake before, but now that DX HD exists I'm not gonna be able to go back

>> No.10515803

I already realized that, thank you.
Though this does make me wish for a way to play Oracles without having to pan around in the dungeons, where rooms are larger than the screen.

>> No.10515807

>that flat note at 0:57
I'll always hate VBA for having such shit audio emulation for so long that the title screen "schwing" and Ballad of the Wind Fish are messed up on every fucking LA YouTube video.

>> No.10515808

This but unironically.

>> No.10515814

Here's what it should sound like (1:03): https://youtu.be/wLLrqrHlc0A?t=53

>> No.10515819

Apparently it's real.

>> No.10515823

sometimes the emulation can be fine but getting the system running the emulator to produce sound decently can be a problem
not saying vba had accuracy or system issue though, no idea

>> No.10515828

VBA's audio emulation was ass, and totally fucked up LA specifically. If you had ever played LA in VBA back in the day you would recognize the shit in that video. Since you admit you don't know what you're talking about, why did you comment?

>> No.10515834

because vba isn't the only emulator in existence and advance also isn't the only system in existence
even recommended emulators for nes have oddities, not necessarily audio ones

>> No.10515836

recommended emulators in the wiki*

>> No.10515848

I want a JP version because the western ones have odd localizations that are like censors.

>> No.10515849

What does that have to do with the fact that most LA videos online have particular audio bugs that are characteristic of being recorded with VBA and fuck up the sound effects in the titlescreen, ending, and other places? This is a discussion about LA's aesthetics, with links to a fucked up VBA video or two, so why are you saying stuff like "recommended emulators for nes have oddities, not necessarily audio ones" that have literally nothing to do with any post in this thread? You could have described the dietary habits of the capybara and it would be as on topic as what you said.

>> No.10515861

you can gripe about vba but noticing things there doesn't mean retarded shit isn't happening in other emus that vba is doing better
same goes for other emu/systems, or even this fan made thing regarding problems, who really knows what's "accurate"
most people using official hardware like the super game boy for years probably aren't aware of inaccuracy

>> No.10516045

it's closer to the original vision of the developers. They were only limited to scrolling and zoomed in low res dogshit because nintendie systems always cheap out on the screen

>> No.10516047

dude its gameboy audio, not mozart. No one gives a shit if the beeping is slightly different. they are just going to mute that shit and play something good

>> No.10516073

>dude its gameboy audio, not mozart
Actually, it's Bach.



>> No.10516247
File: 104 KB, 224x313, dx2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the original vision of the developers-ACK!

>> No.10516423

This wouldn't be too hard to fix with some extra coding. Just darken everything around Link as he approaches this area. Fade out and fade back in at the entrance unless the condition is met.

>> No.10516451

right is better, 30 year old "boomers" can seethe

>> No.10516462

As someone who played the original version on a classic Game Boy, DX is definitely the one to play. But playing on the original GB when it was current is a level of soul beyond anything that's possible now.

>> No.10516474
File: 59 KB, 806x1024, 1640914380683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le zoomer edition

>> No.10516503

then why come I can download any game I want from there?

>> No.10516517

It's an interesting novelty but it's basically a cheat and sucks out a lot of the excitement of the original game. Even if you can zoom in it's not the same without proper screen transitions.

Kinda wish for a source port with just the 4 button mapping instead, that's the only real improvement the original game could seriously benefit from.

>> No.10516607

I'm sorry, were you expecting a widescreen 1080p color handheld back in 1989?

>> No.10516712

Did you know that the Virtual Boy has nearly the same resolution as the 3DS?
384x224 versus 400x240.

Virtual Boy was higher resolution than both the GBA (240x160) and NDS (256x192).

>> No.10516717


>> No.10516725

Yeah that's why I want a working Virtual Boy emulator for 3DS.
Baffles me that Nintendo never made it happen.

>> No.10516731

sometimes games just need to be burried, lol
although I just think it's neat that there's Tiger Electronics emulators..

>> No.10516775

VB Wario Land doesn't deserve to be buried. It's legitimately a great game.

>> No.10516787

remake it

>> No.10516993

is someone else getting stuck after angler fish? there's a bug after you get the 4th instrument

>> No.10517064

I wasn't being ironic

>> No.10517079

>smearing poop on a filmstrip automatically makes the film better
t. The underage faggot mindset

>> No.10517080

what kind of bug? it's a Windows game and playing it on Linux will probably result in some hiccups

>> No.10517761

>everything I don't like is poop
>not an underage mindset

>> No.10518046
File: 45 KB, 301x251, 1282883201060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I feel like this zoomed version is literally being used as propaganda by the Tile Guy faction to prove that any change to LA is bad?

>> No.10518047


I'm so happy that person has mindbroke /vr/

>> No.10518053

Less that he mindbroke /vr/ and more that he made every Link's Awakening thread the same tedious argument over and over again. I genuinely can't remember when anyone talked about this game without OG vs DX arguments.

>inb4 just make your own thread/talk about it yourself
Tried many times and the thread would almost immediately get sniped.

>> No.10518116

I'm sorry, the tile guy? Who?

>> No.10518132

someone who brought attention to how the tiles of the game were not designed with color in mind and as such do not blend more seamlessly the way they are supposed to making the original greyscale version aesthetically superior. Refer to >>10515295 for a good example. The flowers directly next to the trees look particularly bad in the DX version

>> No.10518134
File: 76 KB, 800x1023, Bogart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left has more of a film noir feel

>> No.10518137
File: 486 KB, 3191x3832, crazytracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of Link's Awakening threads started falling to shit this year because there's one guy who keeps insisting that the DX games are completely, mechanically unplayable because you can tell the the floor tiles are tiles. This then expanded into people claiming that DX ruined the game, so now every LA thread devolves into the same OG vs DX arguments.

>> No.10518139

And not just in /vr/. Same thing happens in /v/ threads too.

>> No.10518141

>there's one guy who keeps insisting that the DX games are completely, mechanically unplayable because you can tell the the floor tiles are tiles
This is false. I for one am glad the narrative that "DX is better than the original in every single way" that's been going on for decades is being corrected

>> No.10518173

Well gee, I wonder who could be behind that post

>> No.10518193


For those of us who dont perpetually live online, its not too much to ask for. Especially considering it was up for a single day before the takedown.

>> No.10518198

This has been reoccurring for well over a year.

>> No.10518208
File: 130 KB, 534x400, 1682313364881665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game suddenly becomes impossible to discuss because of ONE guy
I fucking hate this site.

>> No.10518210

It was up for 11 days. It got taken down the day after it got widespread news coverage.

>> No.10518216

On the plus side, it's only one game, and only here. On /v/ you can't really discuss any Zelda games at all. Not with ACfag, Eric, ZelinkOP, and others constantly shitting up threads.

>> No.10518234

I mean, I'll admit sometimes the tiling doesn't look as good in the color version, but that's far from unplayable - just unfortunate. Some people get worked up over the weirdest shit. There's either clouds on the title screen or there isn't, it's not important.

>> No.10518235

You can't really discuss any game on /v/ without somebody having a meltdown.

>> No.10518236

They happen occasionally. There was a great Metroid thread yesterday.

>> No.10518237

Nobody claimed it was unplayable, the person you're replying to is just seething someone dared to point out a flaw of the version they grew up playing

>> No.10518241


>> No.10518267

why you have to be mad

>> No.10518279

I didn't make the game you schizo fucking faggot. I found out about when it multiple places covered it at once. I'm tired of you gay niggers in every fucking thread acting like everyone is a secret shill for anbernic miyoo retroid retrobit random romhacks fangames and blablabla when the truth is that nobody even comes this board or even knows it exists.

>> No.10518282

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.10518285

Original is gay AF bruh

>> No.10518292

No it isn't

>> No.10518293 [DELETED] 

I'm not a troonrunner so i don't even know the glitches

>> No.10518294

u must be 18 to post

>> No.10518295

That exact room prevented 4 year-old me from getting any further in LA until I learned how to read.

>> No.10518298 [DELETED] 
File: 438 KB, 1920x343, zeldaspam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This franchise is pure brainrot

>> No.10518302

How did we get to the point where playing with glitches is something only speedrunners do?

>> No.10518424

You're a fucking faggot.

>> No.10518471

Basically this. Neat that someone made it, but I feel zero draw to play it this way. Just the same I think someone lamenting the existence of this must be completely retarded.

Yeah. The 'seamed' screens of the original owe somewhat to limitations of the hardware, but A), those aren't exactly hard limitations and they clearly opted for that approach out of choice, and B), it's ultimately executed well. The screen transitions are rarely any kind of hindrance or annoyance, they're there and that's how the game works, which isn't objectionable by any means.

It could be argued that those are almost a stylistic necessity given how any given room in Resident Evil (and thus REmake) is typically self-contained, so a transition screen feels really fitting as a way to "cap off" your visit in any one location as you go to another.
Most of the time, also, enemies stay in their rooms, and you will usually not have an enemy follow you into a room, nor will an enemy usually come out of a room that it stays in. Sometimes they do, but only as special events.

Maybe I'm just being weird about this part, but it's how I feel about it, that it's important that rooms in old Resident Evil games feel like borderline self-contained instances.

>> No.10518551

>theres something beautiful about this, so real and raw about this. a whole world rendered at once. the moblins in the woods are wandering about, even when im not there. so are the knights at the castle and the ghosts, and monkey on the beach.
- Sheep Lad dev

>> No.10518574

Why bother playing a game if you're not actually going to play it?

>> No.10518592

What kind of a geek doesn't enjoy watching code breakdown?

>> No.10518596

Please explain how playing the game wth glitches "isn't playing the game".

>> No.10518601 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 800x800, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skips past whole sections of the game
>"I beat the game"

>> No.10518606


>> No.10518772

Already shoah'd
Archive link anyone?

>> No.10518798


>> No.10518817

catbox link was posted in this thread.

>> No.10518831

Literally who?

>> No.10518951

You must be aware that speedrunners have separate categories, typically any%, 100%, no major skips, and some other arbitrary self-imposed goals?

You ever consider that regular people do the same and will play a game more than once?

>> No.10518987

So did they bothered with the Zelda 2 game maker port as well? it's also on itch.io and the tard that was targeting the LA pc port was in the thread that mentioned it.

>> No.10518996

When will romhackers do a definitive hack where you can play in both styles?

>> No.10519005
File: 85 KB, 1080x350, Screenshot_20231217_090815_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A dozen reuploads have already been nuked off archive.org.
>source: i made it up

>> No.10519025

I already downloaded it but will Nintendo get mad or are they cooler nowadays since Zelda is open world forevermore so technically this isn’t Zelda anymore.

>> No.10519060


>> No.10519205

Why are the pixel sizes uneven?
This shit can't even do proper pixel scaling.

>> No.10519270

so where is the dev hanging out and do they plan any updates?

>> No.10519272

dev is in nintendo jail, rip in piece

>> No.10519282

i assume this will be like AM2R where they dude or other people just keeps working in a discord or something despite being "taken down"

>> No.10519347

What if I already played the game, and I'm just fucking around afterwards? Why do we act like everything's being done on somebody's first run of a game?

>> No.10519351

He didn't say EVERY reupload, did he?

>> No.10519356

>he doesn't know about the tablets
>he doesn't know about the unskippable text
>he doesn't know about the color dungeon

If you ever get to play the real version of the game, you'll understand.

>> No.10519364

Before glancing through this thread and seeing that image I checked and saw uploads available in the range of ten, kind of a pointless statement to say it wouldn't be a decent source for some time after the non archive removal to me.

>> No.10519374
File: 236 KB, 500x500, 1423534425710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being cool

They've genuinely tried to stop preservation efforts for the goddamn Family Basic and the programs/games people wrote on them.

>> No.10519376

>actual game released
Ruined. It was better on planning stage.
>game starts being planned
Awful. It was much better when it was just a passing idea in its creator's mind.
>game creator is born
Horrid. He was so much more based when still sperm in his dad's sack.

>> No.10519580

Thanks anon

>> No.10519643

nevermind. you actually need to stop mashing before you get every instrument. If you do it too fast it crashes at the sparkles stuff

solid port. wish we could get MM already

>> No.10519657

that lady is so goddamned ugly

>> No.10519914

right, the only real bug I encountered in my whole playthrough is when I fell into a pit and it respawned me on top of some upraised pillars you're supposed to walk along. For some reason it spawned me stuck there unable to walk in any direction. I had to quit to menu and respawn at the dungeon entrance that one time.

Majora's Mask seems to be coming within a few months now. My guess is it will drop on the anniversary of the Ship of Harkinian's initial release.

>> No.10519936

D is for never dirty, and X for mostly clean.

>> No.10520383

He said a dozen

>> No.10520389

DocM64 is making a Hollow Trash clone

>> No.10520524

why do all you faggots have your gayman pc connected to the (((net)))

>> No.10520965
File: 119 KB, 1477x989, fookn vidya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was an epic journey. The Windfish mentions that it could be recalled, I hope Nintendo decides to make a sequel kind of like ALBW is to LTTP, y'know? also, since the dev bundled the source code with the release, I hope someone decides to recreate Oracle of Ages, and Seasons, with this engine. A+ stuff

>> No.10521189

do u think that windfish gets embarrassed when he poos out eggs on top of koholint??? sorry if this ofends anyone but i thought it was a funny thing haha

>> No.10521253

>poos out an egg
>containing himself
>inside his own brain

>> No.10521541

>It's also seamless

based. this was the best part about the remake on switch, but that had some issues like the framerate

>> No.10522419

>zoomed out

>> No.10522458

you're saying people never did missingno in pokeyman? even people in japan did that

>> No.10522662
File: 200 KB, 1184x720, dxhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to mod the sprites so you play Zelda as Zelda but this happens...

>> No.10522712

You need to edit link_cloak.png to make it line up to your altered sprites. Not sure how you change the tunic colours though, as without changing those, you'll just have to make Zelda/Marin green.

>> No.10523168

>play Zelda as Zelda
You already do, zoom-zoom. Link is the name of the princess.

>> No.10523203

were dungeons redesigned for this new perspective?

>> No.10523218


>> No.10523238


>> No.10523296

It is an antipiracy measure.

>> No.10523298
File: 50 KB, 800x450, sponge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual boi

>> No.10523354

It's the game's way of telling you to stop making trooncore mods

>> No.10524240
File: 52 KB, 600x338, 1645225792127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.10524251

goddamn you guys are faggots you better hope I never meet you in real life

>> No.10524403

I'm having fun but the instrument freeze bug is very annoying

>> No.10524478

A few things that kinda bug me about how they made this... For one, slimes coming out of the floor do so way faster now and can actually hit you. You can't just walk past them before they pop up anymore, you have to stop and wait for them each time if you don't want to get hit. But they're not the only enemy with an annoying change, the invulnerable enemies that you have to push away with your shield now move a lot faster.

After buying the shovel, bombs should be available in the shop alongside the bow and arrow. For whatever reason, the person that did this keeps bombs from appearing in the shop until you get to the third dungeon. This means you can't open the hidden room in the first dungeon on your first visit anymore, you have to revisit it later.

Some more minor things that bug me include how you have to get way closer to the Trendy Shop guy to talk to him. It's tradition for me to farm rupees there and in the original games, I got used to how you could start talking to him almost a tile away, but here I have to have Link's sprite touching his. Keeps throwing me off. Also don't like how the guy who did this sped up the dying animation for the bosses. It's like in this one, he had a "QOL"-like speedrunner-ish mentality towards that and was like, "Just have the bosses immediately disappear, we don't want to watch them die." which sorta disappointed me.

Otherwise, this is pretty cool, and a novel little thing. I think it's neat. It'd be nice to see this done for Zelda 1 and Zelda 3.

>> No.10524598

>It'd be nice to see this done for Zelda 1
Honestly, Zelda 1 would be massively improved with just better hit detection.

>> No.10524614 [DELETED] 

Zoomers are retarded

>> No.10524621

>It'd be nice to see this done for Zelda 1
Zelda Classic
>and Zelda 3

>> No.10524624

I don't know about the dialogue, but all the graphics appear to be in png format. Just edit them in paint or something and see if that changes anything.


Very likely the music is emulated since the music folder only contains a gbs.

>> No.10524641

I meant more the whole being able to see the entire map at once thing.

>> No.10524770

>you can't open the hidden room in the first dungeon on your first visit
how did you get the rupees for the shovel then..
dont tell me you stole the shovel, then went back inside and died, then bought bombs...

>> No.10524828 [DELETED] 

But enough about you…

>> No.10524850

What the hell does the shovel have to do with anything? I got the rupees from the Trendy Game, as mentioned. And since you're unaware, in the original games, bombs are available after you buy the shovel. For whatever reason the guy who made this changed that.

>> No.10525426 [DELETED] 

How did you know I was talking about me? This is an anonymous board, I didn't share any personal info.

>> No.10525539
File: 53 KB, 544x336, swamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasn't this already posted before
what your saying only makes sense for the dungeons
the overworld doesn't have self contained square rooms since it's seperated into zones (forest, beach, town, desert)

>> No.10525662 [DELETED] 

Now this is WOKE

>> No.10525673

There was Breath of the NES but it got shot down too.
Creator even promised to being it back all reborn but you're not gonna believe what he's been up to on social media almost a half decade ago!

>> No.10525676 [DELETED] 

Ironic snitch has never been funny. Also the thing got taken down yesterday anyway.

>> No.10525695

The sourcecode is in the game folder, you massive multifaceted dumbass.

>> No.10525739 [DELETED] 

Sounds similar to what's been happening with FF7 discussion on the other /v/idya boards outside /vr/, but more so that the autist ironically falseflags as a Remake fanboy while arguing against himself because he doesn't want people to have a genuine discussion over a Remake that shits on his childhood of the OG.
TL;DR "Stop liking what I don't like!"

>> No.10525770 [DELETED] 

>Chimes in just scold a 3 day old post with an answer that's already been repeated
ADHD be damned.

>> No.10526112

It was in a /v/ thread, and was very quickly reposted here, along with the response of >>10511363
I guess both Anons were in the same thread and this one.

>> No.10526421

This illustrates something important.
If you put a boundary on one side of a screen, an equivalent boundary needs to exist on the other side of the transition.
If you didn't, you'd have a situation where you move to the edge of the screen and either
>Don't transition with no clear reason why
>Transition and get stuck inside of a wall

The latter happens a lot when you're doing the doghouse glitch.

>> No.10526440

>you're not gonna believe what he's been up to on social media almost a half decade ago!

>> No.10528008

Lttpsisters... Why Awakening always get the spotlight?

>> No.10528470
File: 20 KB, 640x512, marintarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it kind of fucked up how Marin and Tarin sleep next to eachother?

>> No.10528484

what's fucked up is some yurop dude putting penis into the yurop localized text for awakening or something
needless to say he got fired

>> No.10528512

Every Zelda game is some epic adventure but 2 games: Awakening and Majora. One is a comfy side quest, the other is a dark side quest.

>> No.10528513
File: 57 KB, 320x288, EeiyfR2UcAI__YO[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the German localisation by Moyse with the infamous "Not without a condom" line?

Moyse also had a secret file select name that had a custom music track, similar to the Zelda or Totakeke easter eggs.

>> No.10528520

Very cool. How does it handle sections that rely on the on the fixed cam to work?

>> No.10528526

honestly if i had to deal with localizations i'd rather it be stuff like this than the social bullshit recent localizations seem to have

>> No.10528537

In a single room hut? No. If you're poor enough, the entire family may share sleeping quarters.

>> No.10528592

well i wouldn't. stfu and stop adding shit to the games dumb euro

>> No.10528627
File: 186 KB, 667x845, kirby09_eng[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moyse was wild with localisations for Nintendo's German content.

Club Nintendo, the official Nintendo magazine for Germany, had some insane comics authored by Moyse.

Here's Detective Kirby finding the body of a murder victim.

>> No.10528965

Happen to have versions in other languages?

>> No.10529362

it just dawned on me that that's Marin and not Tarin's wife

>> No.10529365

I wonder what that would smell like haha

>> No.10529371

LTTP is the defacto game, any deviation from it is to be celebrated lest we be talking about the most generic, barebones, lack of QoL entry in the franchise. (LTTP)

>> No.10529389

It's ok. You don't have to keep the thread alive anymore.

>> No.10529552

What the FUCK? They actually published that? I legit thought it was just some meme comic before reading the post.

>> No.10529636

I'm with this guy. LTTP had some cool stuff, but it was very generic. You go through like 20 miniature dungeons, too small to have impactful theming or presence. I didn't like the overall pacing of the game, it felt drawn out, rather than tightly structured and then polished. Awakening did feel polished, with a more engrossing story, faster pacing, and dungeons that felt thematic.
Obviously, some things have to have a generic story for there to be stories agreed upon as the generic ones. But LTTP doesn't do much outside the norm, and no one is going to play it purely off a promise of "saving a princess from an evil monster/man", whereas Awakening's premise is far more novel.

>> No.10529871

>faster pacing
I don't feel like that. Maybe because of constant screen transitions, or pausing the game many, many times to change items to do basic stuff or the frequent messages about pickups or if you accidentally grab a rock without wearing gloves.

A Link to the Past feels generic because it was successful to a point it became a template, upon which several later Zelda games build. So, yeah, if you didn't play it back then, you'll feel like you've seen that many times before. The game, as you noted, focus heavily in dungeons, which many players did like. I still do, but don't know what's the norm now. You can always quickly go from dungeon N to dungeon N+1, while sidequests were fewer and mostly optional.

Anyway, it's taste vs taste, and it's a good thing that multiple games within a same franchise appeal to different people. Perhaps that's one of the reasons Zelda is still alive today. For illustration purposes only, a lot of Konami games failed to do that and couldn't live on.

>> No.10529971

could it theoretically be added since they provided the source? it'd be cool to keep bowow

>> No.10530068


>> No.10530498

I think it could easily be added but I don't know my way around coding. There's NPC's programmed to have different dialogue when you have BowWow, so I imagine what would be nice would be being able to take doggo on walks and return him back at your leisure, similar to how you can trade something for the boomerang and back at the end of the trading sidequest.

>> No.10530574

You're right that on the tightest gameplay loop, the moment-to-moment action, Awakening is more stilted because of the constant pausing. I meant pacing on the story level, where things happen with the island characters and you get to explore more of the island as you go. Whereas in LTTP I felt like I was just collecting 24 MacGuffins and running back and forth on the overworld to get to them all, with not a lot of story in between. It's been many years since I played either one, so I could also just be misremembering.
There were a lot of dungeons in LTTP, but many were small, so it would be over just when I felt things were starting to get going. In Awakening, they were all extensive, even with mini-bosses. They felt far more substantial to me.
You're also right that the series offers many variations on a theme, such that it has appeal to many different people. When I said the game was generic, I again was only referring to the story itself. Saving a princess from an evil monster or wizard wasn't a fresh concept at the time of the game's release, as it was already being done to death in pulp fantasy novels and adventure movies. There's nothing wrong with a generic story done well, but something inventive and mysterious is going to make a bigger impression.

>> No.10530580

Fpbp. Link's Awakening is chunked up into screens and that a big part of the feeling of the game for me.

>> No.10530637

nta. I played it (the GBA remake) and if I had to give it something, it's the psyche at the beginning where you feel you beat the game but it's obvious in hindsight that wizard's not the final boss.
Still, having played the best games designed by mankind (aka. the Oracle+Awake triad), I could only give it fourth place. I simply didn't feel it outshone the Oracle series which already lean on the generic angle. It's an Oracle that you save instead but that's close AND you save a princess too. Sorry. There's inconveniences but also so much to do like getting rings. I suppose if you like not having screen transitions, well, you got LA DX HD! There's something for everybody, truly.

>> No.10531225

I was under the impression that it was a Father/Daughter dynamic going on.

>> No.10531245

>pointing that out but not the ancient OS

>> No.10531248 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10531251 [DELETED] 

Change your diaper, /pol/cel.

>> No.10531295

>Awakening is more stilted because of the constant pausing.
so imagine how bad LTTP gets with only a single equipable item at a time

>> No.10532001

It's not quite as bad because the Titan's Mitt, Pegasus Boots, and shield are automatically equipped at all times in LttP.

>> No.10532290

>"LA.exe" editor
It seems if you open the app with this flag you get an editor, has anyone managed to use it?
I'm not good at this stuff and get an error building it, seems you need mono/VS+Monogame+sharpDX(?). shrug.

>> No.10532296

I had to use a strategy guide as a kid for this. Not sure how they expected anyone to know what the fuck this message was about especially when the names of the enemies are never even said in game.

>> No.10532362
File: 25 KB, 960x864, LADX Screen Warp 2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone made a patch for LADX that restores the screen warp glitch.
Shit's fun.

>> No.10532442

Gib Moyse patch.

>> No.10532550

Just play the German release and understand German.

>> No.10533107

they're in the manual

>> No.10533129

This is /vr/ after all.

>> No.10533142

>be on retro board
>playing retro game
>can't use retro OS
sigh...I blame zoomers

>> No.10533171

>probably w7(2009)
shouldn't /vr/ be more w2000/xp?

>> No.10533406

Snoys don't give a fuck. It's butthurt sega fans that seethe endlessly over PlayStation and Nintendo alike

>> No.10533676

Ideally, Win98, since it retains the most compatibility with /vr/ PC games (DOS or not).

>> No.10533683

Minish Cap decompilation is currently at 99.9%. Soon, anon.

>> No.10533694

yea i meant at the "latest" because someone was trying to label 7 as /vr/
i'm not much of a sixth gen person as well, i wouldn't attach it

>> No.10534148
File: 146 KB, 719x641, Clipboard_12-22-2023_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this dude bugged or something? I keep shooting him with the bow and doing the sword charge attack and absolutely nothing happens.

>> No.10534171
File: 68 KB, 659x876, 1683986138601762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10534275


>> No.10534283

Probably. DX is a rushed port intended to be a tie-in with the OoT's launch (as well as one of few much-needed GBC launch games), and it wasn't worked on by LA's original developers.

>> No.10534706

use boots

>> No.10534824

I how they zoom that bad boy out first thing

>> No.10534831

the port has like one bug, it's polished to a spit shine T

>> No.10534879
File: 3.86 MB, 360x324, 2023-12-22 14-24-45.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was fucking around with screen warps inside of the color dungeon, and found one specific screen that calls an invalid OP code with unstable effects.
In emulation using BGB, it just crashes most of the time.

On real hardware running via EverDrive GB X7, it rarely hits an OP code *just right* that makes it freak out and reboot into a semi-GB / GBC mode that has background colors stuck from the EverDrive's real-time menu, but still displays sprites in color.
Screen fades look garbled since it can't dissolve colors, and the color dungeon won't let you in because it thinks you're in GB mode.

This also fucks up the flags for the overworld states and appears to reset or flip them; opening the entrance to Angler's Cavern without using the key, letting you re-collect heart pieces, re-open treasure chests, re-trigger owl dialogues, etc.

Footage was captured from a docked Analogue Pocket, but due to a design flaw with the dock's control scheme it's not possible to simultaneously press UP + Select or Down + Select, which is needed to screen warp. Set up had to be done prior to docking and capturing.

I fucking love Game Boy glitches.

>> No.10534920
File: 22 KB, 960x1296, LADX Color Dungeon Screen Warp Shenanigans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10535034
File: 119 KB, 1363x1062, gear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, that worked.
Shouldn't I have been able to use the bow though, like in this video?
I never played the original, so this is my current gear.

>> No.10535156

>need help to get through a game for kids
>using net video(compression) for help that not even adults back then would have at 3kbyte/s esque net

>> No.10535586

Cool shit

>> No.10535587


>> No.10535879

Can you force loading the game as Super Game Boy with BGB and try that again? Just curious if there's a difference, don't know if you can still get access through a save or something.

>> No.10535894

SGB mode in BGB was how I tested it.
The bug I encountered appears to be a very specific behaviour due to how the EverDrive GB-X7 likely does on-the-fly patching or memory modifications to support the real-time menu.
I suspect that the same OP code is being triggered in emulation, but in normal circumstances it does nothing, but the GB-X7 usage scenario coincidentally does something with that OP code?

I also have a GB-X5 I can use which lacks the real-time menu feature, so hypothetically won't produce the same result.

The real-time menu has its quirks. If I open it when playing Pokémon Prism, using the game's save function will force-open the real-time menu and can't be closed afterwards.

>> No.10535941
File: 166 KB, 905x729, wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't possible in the original is it?

>> No.10535945
File: 157 KB, 911x738, sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This also happens every time I visit the dream shrine, lol

>> No.10536031

How does that work in the remake?

What about the inside of the windfish egg?

>> No.10536043

Ugly and soulless. Whoever made this should be shot.

>> No.10536109

The Dream Shrine seems fucked, too. In the original, you could jump over those enemies on frame 1 of being in "jumping state", but that's not the case in this.

>> No.10536181

well maybe the port only allows the boots for the fight?

>> No.10536184

you get a text box and you're teleported to another screen, it's not so bad at all. in the egg, the screen pulls back/is darkened, and you only see your current room only, and as you walk to other rooms the next room lightens up, and the previous room darkens, and your current room is once again pulled back to the center of the screen.

>> No.10536225
File: 133 KB, 403x489, Pauli Heihachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much.
Coincidentally, I started a Link's Awakening DX playthrough during the end of November and I just saw a YouTube video on the remake topic plus the take down news. I knew there was a good chance that there'd be a thread on this on /vr/. I've only made it through the third dungeon on my original save file, but I'll start over with the PC port.
Thanks a ton for the reup.

>> No.10536250

I'm curious if anyone experienced the same, but with a remake of a game almost everyone's already played there's not much gameplay discussion or let's plays anywhere, so I didn't see anything when I searched around. It does feel more like an omission rather than a bug, since I haven't had any other combat bugs so far

>> No.10536262

well I didn't notice the difference, I last played this game like 15 years ago idk. I just assumed it was like that originally.

>> No.10536740
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x720, out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the raiseable pillars definitely have some jank

>> No.10536749

It's funny how people think this is a source port when shit like this happens.

>> No.10536753


>> No.10536754

>i shall show you the dance of my people

>> No.10536783

The 4-item layout is definitely nice, but between the bugs and the way some screens ahead of you are spoiled I'm wondering if I should've just played the original. It's a cool project but I wonder if it'll ever see bugfixes?
Also, it looks like the Armos Knight behavior *was* changed: https://github.com/ihm-tswow/Links-Awakening-DX-HD/issues/5

>> No.10537408

Well the original developer will probably never come back to the project now, so it would become a community maintained effort to fix the issues like the mistaken changes, lack of low health beep, etc.

>> No.10537409

so, uh I found the alligators or whatever and they gave me a song, I used it to wake up the blue rooster and he helped me get to level 8, which I have now completed, along with all of the other levels, except for level 7. where is the fucking key for that bitch ass dungeon?

>> No.10537416

It's in a cave in the mountains.

>> No.10537434

theres 3 enemies....it tells you that you need to kill them in order. even not knowing their names, theres 7 possible orders of killing them

>> No.10537525

And it's the order that's most inconvenient.

>> No.10537646

What's the problem anon. Answer me.

>> No.10537967

I seriously hope you're just replaying the game for the 10x time and not actually experiencing the game for the first time like this

>> No.10538072

On which part of the body? With which gun? You can't carry any punishment being so vague. Once again, the justice system fails. Thanks for nothing, I guess.

>> No.10538332

That gets cut down when you realize it tells you to defeat the imprisoned one first. At that point there's only 2 possible orders.

>> No.10538406

>easily avoidable non-game breaking bugs
I sleep

>> No.10538410

it's the definitive version no matter how much you reee

>> No.10538421

you need better bait

>> No.10538481

so I completed level 7 and went inside the egg, the shadow transforms into a bunch of different enemies, once it transforms into a shadow of ganon I can't hurt it, do I need silver arrows or something?

>> No.10538508

Spin attacks or Pegasus boots.

>> No.10538598

The final boss is a "use everything at your disposal" sorta boss.
There's one phase that requires magic powder; all other attacks are ineffective (other than a 1-frame window that spin attacks work on, which the HD port likely doesn't implement).

Final phase requires bow or boomerang.

>> No.10538621

yeah I beat him. cool boss, reminds me of majora's mask. kinda wish majora had more phases now, like maybe you have to fight it using each major transformation mask's abilities and best it before you get to fight sword/board.

>> No.10538627 [DELETED] 


>> No.10538629

I've always believed it needed to have a fourth form if you don the Fearsome God Mask. There's no challenge there at all if you do all the side quests.

>> No.10538680

>used it to wake up the blue rooster and he helped me get to level 8

whaaa? he was supposed to get you to the key to level 7. he better still be with you or you're screwed.

>> No.10538690

yeah I mean I pretty much agree.
yeah he stayed with me all throughout level 8 and I was able to use him to get the key for level 7 after level 8 was completed.

>> No.10538693

>so I completed level 7 and went inside the egg, the shadow transforms into a bunch of different enemies, once it transforms into a shadow of ganon I can't hurt it, do I need silver arrows or something?

me and my brother were stuck on this for weeks 30 years ago until one of us (probably him) figured out that dash attack works. i was sure you needed silver arrows or something.

>> No.10538721

>yeah he stayed with me all throughout level 8 and I was able to use him to get the key for level 7 after level 8 was completed.

that's good. i didn't know you could sequence break and do level 8 before level 7; you're supposed to need the mirror shield to get past the fireball cannon. did you save Marin in the mountains or did she never show up there?

>> No.10538750

I never saw marin in the mountains, no.

>> No.10538753

Maybe she's still there, lol. There is a cut scene after level 7 where Marin is stranded on a broken bridge just west of the Cucco House and you save her dramatically with the Hookshot, it's very dashing. Then she almost says she loves you.

>> No.10538795

Marin shows up there after you beat level 7, you need to get her so she return to town, and you can learn the Ballad of the Windfish to enter the egg.

>> No.10538840

>people seemingly using this to play the game for the first time
It's like you're playing with a non overleveled Missingno only to finish Pokemon gen 1 for the first time, just sounds weird.

>> No.10538918 [DELETED] 

I think you meant the band Seether.
I don't like them, and I hate you for reminding of them. Repent while destroying your ears listening to their songs. It's your punishment.

>> No.10538957

marin was in town long before I even got the ocarina, and I learned the song from her in the animal village.

>> No.10538991

Unfortunately it is the first time I play the game but as I said, I got a taste of what it's like on GBC.
I understand the limited screen size is important for immersion and other effects but what I really like about this port is the text speed and that the game doesn't prompt the same message 100x over but only a single time. I haven't booted it up yet but I might just play in with the original zoom level. I also like the fact that there are four item slots as switching between my jump, bracers, shovel, etc. became a little bit tedious already. You could say I'm a new age zoombrain bitch, but I really am a sucker for good QoL.

>> No.10539017

Nothing wrong with liking some QoL

>> No.10539036

>doesn't prompt the same message
Doesn't it? I still get the prompt whenever I get near an acorn/rock. That makes text speed and 2 slots the only QoL lol.

>> No.10539045 [DELETED] 


>> No.10539168
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, cello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First impressions: Trap holes in dungeons seem to suck me into them if I am .1 pixels off (black hole effect).

And my game just soft-locked after getting the cello.

>> No.10539172

reports are that it messes up if you hit any buttons when getting the instruments. also they say you can reset and grab it again and it is fine the second time when this happens.

>> No.10539181

Thanks for pointing that out!
Didn't work after five attempts, but a game reboot fixed it.

>> No.10539781

Well it makes sense, it's a significally smaller game (filesize-wise) compared to the other projects, both as a compiled ROM and decompiled. Alas, I'm glad, Minish Cap rocks.

>> No.10540484

Agreed. This is pointless since it's already been remade on the Switch, and the Switch does everything this does but better.

>> No.10540829
File: 175 KB, 960x720, la.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merry christmas, zeldabros.

>> No.10540984

Merry Christmas!

>> No.10541558

yeah, I hope Twilight Princess happens by 2025, it's my favorite but it's on the larger size

>> No.10541813
File: 215 KB, 1654x1630, Screenshot 2023-12-24 at 23-33-27 ZeldaRET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happened. Minish Cap decomp is 100%.

>> No.10541970

The wait is over. Now the wait can begin for someone to make a PC port out of it.

>> No.10541998

Sprites for playing Zelda as Marin mostly working.
link0.png: prnt dot sc slash dfYj6rX8PO2A
link_cloak.png: prnt dot sc slash m5VpbmM82fd7

>> No.10542018


This one doesn't work for me.

>> No.10542047

It's a blank image, all it does is turn off the cloak.

>> No.10542054

>before compilation
>I hate waiting
>after decompilation
>I'm so excited waiting bros!

>> No.10542057
File: 732 KB, 400x400, 1696260881932509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10541813 interesting...
Now if only there would be a decomp and PC port effort for Blast Corp and Body Harvest.

>> No.10542195

Nice job, lmao. I think I'd much rather have some QoL tweaks done to the original and DX and call it a day.

>> No.10543312

lmao who cares. the dev was based enough to dump the source code, so there is absolutely nothing tendies can do about it.