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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2 KB, 640x400, Miner 2049er PC-88 version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10508556 No.10508556 [Reply] [Original]

>it's one of those games that was ported to every system known to man and a couple known to monkeys
Except somehow the ZX Spectrum didn't get one. Pity that was.

>> No.10508562

What was the first game with diagonal platforms?

>> No.10508628

Oh I see it's one of those games ala City Connection where you paint the platforms in to clear the level.

>> No.10509163

This game has inspired Manic Miner, so it is an honourary Speccy game.

>> No.10509184

Was City Connection huge in Japan? I think there was manga or something. Played it once and it was fucking shit

>> No.10509202

It was somewhat big in Japan, but it's really only remembered for being a commercial for the Honda City.

>> No.10509684 [DELETED] 

nobody's ever done a Spectrum homebrew port of Miner 2049er? it's a lot better than that other Miner game anyway.

>> No.10509706
File: 15 KB, 640x480, SCRtoImage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Searching for "miner" on Spectrum Computing brings up only Manic Miner hacks and Russian Minesweeper clones.

>> No.10509715

If you did the PC-88 or Colecovision would be the best versions to use as a basis as they're much more similar to the Spectrum's hardware than the Atari 800 or something.

>> No.10509717

We don't talk about that here.

>> No.10509764

i loves me sum Miner 2049er. also it's strange how Americans did great platformers in the Atari era but totally lost it afterward.

>> No.10511946


>> No.10512226

City Connection was meh.

>> No.10512449

>What was the first game with diagonal platforms?
Uhh, donkey kong?

>> No.10512492

There was a sequel, Bounty Bob Strikes Back, which had a Spectrum version.

>> No.10513046

what an odd version of this game to post

>> No.10513084

Posting one of the JPC ports of Miner 2049er was a better way to get /vr's attention. If it was the Colecovision port or something nobody would notice and the thread would fall to Page 10 with no replies.

>> No.10513126


>> No.10513792
File: 3 KB, 384x272, extra_lire_fichier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Jesus the Amstrad CPC version wasn't a Speccy port.

>> No.10513820

>Thing: :/
>Japanese thing: :O

>> No.10513832

Lurk more, /vr/ loves the Coleco.
speccer a shit.

>> No.10513854
File: 78 KB, 1130x552, e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be a home computer

>> No.10513864

>speccer a shit
Be that as it may, the PC-88 was just a Spectrum on steroids. In fact the original PC-88 version of Bomberman was ported to the Spectrum (as Eric and the Floaters) before it even got a Famicom port.

>> No.10513887
File: 246 KB, 1464x900, DrillerTanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that early 1980s Hudson was seriously attempting to release software for every computer platform ever.

>> No.10513932

NEC had the manufacturing rights for Z80s in Japan. The PC-88 was basically like a Spectrum but with higher resolution graphics and a real keyboard. Would have been easy to port games between the two machines. Most of the early Japanese home computers used a Z80; the FME-7 had a 6809 and was pretty much a Japanese TRS-80 CoCo.

>> No.10514183

Needs a NES port.

>> No.10514213

kind of more annoying to program because the graphics page on PC-88 is not memory mapped, it's port-mapped and you can't directly get at it. that was kind of expected because it has 64k video RAM as much as the entire CPU address space while the Spectrum has just 6k.

>> No.10514729

Ok I don't happen to know anything about PC-88 and any tech info that would be is in moonrunes.

>> No.10514878

>The game was set to come out on the Apple II but the Atari 800 version was completed and shipped first. Big Five Software then ported Miner 2049er to nearly every viable platform--the VIC-20, IBM PC, Commodore 64, TI-99/4A, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, and Colecovision. Other ports on Japanese personal computers followed.

>The game had a slightly varying number of levels depending on the version. Most ports had ten levels. The TI-99/4A and VIC-20 ports had eight and the Colecovision port, released on a 24k cartridge, had eleven. The Atari 2600 port was released on two separate cartridges, titles Volumes I and II, with three levels each.[8]

>> No.10515298

>The Atari 2600 port was released on two separate cartridges, titles Volumes I and II, with three levels each
you'd think a single 8k cartridge would be cheaper than two 4k ones

>> No.10515337

selling you two $30 carts was more profitable than selling you one $40 cart

>> No.10515351


>> No.10516653


>> No.10516952

so if one was to do a Spectrum homebrew port, what version should be used as the basis?

>> No.10516962

It's more like it's a curious version of the game. It's strange to see Bri'ish poundland trash on a computer most of /vr/ is too dumb to emulate let alone ever seen in person.

>> No.10516965

Variable ROM sizes. The A8 and C64 versions were on a 16k cartridge, the TI and VIC-20 versions on 8k carts, the Colecovision one was 24k and the disk-based Apple and IBM versions were broadly based on the A8 version.

>> No.10516968

>It's strange to see Bri'ish poundland trash on a computer most of /vr/ is too dumb to emulate let alone ever seen in person.
beg pardon? Miner 2049er was an American not a British game (you're mixing it up with Manic Miner)

>> No.10517012

Probably some combination of cost or perceived market.

>TI-99/4A has a smaller user base so they only used an 8k cart for that
>VIC-20 user base is bigger but it's a budget computer so only gets 8k
>Colecovision can access up to 32k of ROM so why not do 24k and fit in an additional level
>Atari 2600 gets two 4k carts because it's more profitable that way than to sell one 8k cart

>> No.10517137

ColecoVision has the same CPU. You'd need to rewrite the graphics, and Speccy's colour clash would be a bitch to deal on diagonal platforms.

>> No.10517162

it has the same screen res it would be like porting MSX games to the Spectrum which was commonly done. i wouldn't recommend the PC-88 just due to the lack of English language tech documents.

>> No.10517174

For that the C64 or Atari 8-bit versions would be the best basis to use.

>> No.10517498


the VIC-20 version of this game is really cool. you have to love the Atari 2600-like sfx.

>> No.10517508


Sorry weebs but this really is a Spectrum game with higher res graphics, even same fart sfx.

>> No.10517629

there was a Gameboy version nobody remembers for some reason


>> No.10517636

For good reason. What the hell did you guys do? This is like Disturbed's cover of "Sound of Silence."

>> No.10517692 [DELETED] 

How shite was it that some chav refused to port to audio cassette?

>> No.10518036


>> No.10518069

ah, ok

>> No.10520034

though i find it odd there was no NES port considering this was on JPCs

>> No.10521728


>> No.10522748

I find it odd too.

>> No.10522762

It doesn't work, osto

>> No.10523667


>> No.10523887
File: 76 KB, 474x723, BBSB Spec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sequel Bounty Bob Strikes back was an even better game, and WAS released on the ZX Spectrum.

>> No.10525557

I love 2049er and bouncy Bob strikes back. Although I find the Commodore version has a bit more polish on the music

>> No.10526878
