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File: 97 KB, 800x800, tee-quake-logo-detail_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1050659 No.1050659[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright you fuckers
I have seen people from all over going nuts over this game from 1996 and I want to know what the appeal is before I spend money on this thing on steam.
I want to hear input from people who played Quake back in the day.
Convince me.

>> No.1050661

It's simply a very well-done FPS that has stood the test of time.

>> No.1050662

But I want to know what about it that's well-done

>> No.1050667

Shooting stuff is actually fun, unlike modern FPS. Good enough for you?

>> No.1050669

Why don't you just buy it and find out yourself? This game can't be more than a few dollars on Steam, it's not like you're dropping 60 bucks on it.

>> No.1050679
File: 169 KB, 1080x946, Shambler2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Doom except in full 3D and with jumping and shit. Oh yeah, and it's all brown and has creepy monsters with Lovecraftian names.

Does that sound good? If yes, go the fuck play it now.

>> No.1050675

Why OP shouldn't buy Quaket: he is clearly an entitled bitch who has already convinced himself the game won't be fun. And yeah I can't imagine it costs more than $5.

>> No.1050683

Don't forget to get the patch if you want any music m8.

>> No.1050687
File: 69 KB, 480x376, quake1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1050698
File: 765 KB, 500x281, 1378092636131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fully-3D DOOM. Not only was it pretty groundbreaking for the day (I remember killing a guy and then circling his corpse, marvelling at how it was a real 3D model and not a sprite that was always facing me), but it's a genuinely great shooter.

Also my 15-year-old self thought it was tits that the nailgun shoots Nine Inch Nails.

>> No.1050710

It's not half as good as Doom, though

>> No.1050715


>> No.1050735
File: 3 KB, 223x176, 1305865636915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1050743
File: 135 KB, 500x492, 1367645078253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like shooters and i wanna play it after that video.

>> No.1050753

I disagree. Doom feels really bland and simple compared to Quake.

>> No.1050764

I feel like a lot of people are overly critical of Quake's art style. People go "hurr brown and medieval" but I like Quake's weird blending of modern weaponry and gothic aesthetics.

Likewise with Quake 2. People accuse Quake 2 of being "generic sci-fi" but I can't think of too many shooters that match Quake 2's gritty, grimy, dieselpunk planet.

>> No.1050773


It's because every single other non-WW2 FPS then slavishly copied Quake's style, for a decade.

It just got run into the ground.

>> No.1050807

>Convince me.

Convince you of what? Quake has an alright single player, but the real mind-blowing thing about it (other than the graphics at the time) was the multiplayer. If you want to spend ten bucks or whatever on an alright single player campaign, go right ahead, but you're probably not going to be blown away.

And if you come back in a week saying "Oh this game was shit /vr/ how come you didn't warn me, justify this shit you nerds," fuck you.

>> No.1050814

I should ban you for this shit

>> No.1050815

Alright, I hope you got your answer, you fucker.

>> No.1050836

That's what I was thinking

>> No.1050839

Get nQuake. Free, easy and nice gfx.

>> No.1050883

If you've ever played Unreal or Quake 2, imagine that but with faster movement and better level design.

>> No.1050942

If you're too stupid and underage to have not played Quake yet maybe you should just kill yourself. Don't play it. An asshole like you shouldn't be allowed to.

..and if you're a troll. 9/10 raged hard.

>> No.1051078

Holy shit!
This isn't a TASR? That's impressive

>> No.1051408

I'm here to convince you NOT to waste money on the Steam version.

The music is an important part of the experience and you won't get it from the lazily put together Steam version. If they aren't going to deliver the game as it was originally intended they do not deserve your money.

If you want to play it on a modern PC with you'll have to download a bunch of stuff to get music happening whether you pay or pirate.

>> No.1051429

It's not TAS, but the stages are run by different people, and were recorded separately and then put back together into a video. So it's not like one person did that in one sitting or something. It's still impressive, though.

>> No.1051530

Why don't they make any modern PC shooters this fast and open?

>> No.1051531

So what's another legitimate way to get Quake then? Is id's website the only other way? They charge an awfully large amount for such an old game sold digitally.

>> No.1051537

Try the other way around, Quake gets pretty monotonous. The 3 episodes of Doom I are masterpieces.

>> No.1051536
File: 347 KB, 1129x768, 1365610395822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the Steam version and install the Ultimate Quake Patch which gives you the music and everything else you will need.

>> No.1051540

No thanks, I don't touch Steam anymore.

>> No.1051547

Hey OP, if you got a good enough pc, try running it using the Quake Epsilon engine. Shit looks damn stunning.


>> No.1051682

>I want to hear input from people who played Quake back in the day.
No you want to hear input from people who played Quake closer to 2003 era near it's petering out. Why? Because that was it's prime. That's when they had the quakeworld and modernized clients, that's when everyone knew to bunnyhop even if they couldn't. That's when everyone understood the concept of playing the items and timing. That's when everyone had good controls. That's when everyone had good connections. That's when even the worst players were competent.
Back in the day when it came out, it took a year for quakeworld to come out, until then internet was pretty poor. Then you have quakeworld you still had dialup and having high ping does affect the skill ceiling, this wasn't much of a problem because, a lot of people had fairly bad controls and they weren't really all that good and no one really knew the engine well enough. Back in 97' up until around 2000 you weren't seeing a ton of people getting 2+ air rockets, pinning people the ceiling with the lightning gun, moving incredibly fast and fluid and basically playing the game to it's full potential. Earliest players will have a drastically different remembrance of the game that was Quake, one that doesn't embrace the ferocity and aggressiveness the game truly had to offer.

Watch them in HD.

To put that in perspective watch thresh in his '97 red annhiliation match or in '98 USA/EU clan vs clan match shown here where he's better.

This is a modern match in a euro tournament. Without stakes as high as as red annihilation though this is still slower than a some one on one matches but shows the standard of gameplay in comparison. Watch the way they move, the way they aim, the targets the covering, the prediction.

Here's a match with one of those players Paradoks in one on one.

>> No.1051685

well, back in the day it was an improvement over doom with real-time lighting effects and 3D enemies.

>> No.1051694


wow, at first I thought he missed an enemy
That was kinda impressive

>> No.1051707

Yes, but it's really more fucking clever than impressive. I suppose 'impressively clever' would be appropriate.
Though his timing is fairly impeccable and use of explosions and movement/aim in general is impressive.

One of the most impressive things I've seen in Quake though was a triple air rocket from two people simultaneously, while in the air and circling each-other. So they basically spiraled up and down midair in a circle with one another until one of them went pop. That's damn hard to replicate in a real match, probably a bit easier to when practiced but still something. Nearly a one of kind of shot. I've only ever seen it once in all the video, demos or games I've ever seen or played.

It almost reminds me of the Quake 3 'rocket carry' where one player crossed a huge gap midair as his teammate shot him with rockets keeping him in the air, though that's somewhat easier. I've only seen that one once as well, but that's because you can't really do that in a real match unless team damage is off and you're on a map where that's possible and you can wrangle it when no enemies are around. It was done during a trick scheme. I've seen similar, plasma/nail carries but not rockets.

>> No.1051737

Unreal was better
get that.

>> No.1052008

No it wasn't. Also there's no port that makes really makes it decent. It's kind of janky.

>> No.1052631

>tfw people from my country contributed to QD100%
It's the first time I've seen someone from here do something of substance

>> No.1052634

>acquire QuakeSpasm
>acquire PAK0 and PAK1 from Steam version
>acquire musics from Google

>> No.1052746

>fast and open

Quake's pretty fast but it's not that open. More so than modern games but rooms are smallish and it's very dungeon-y, albeit with branching paths.

Watching a speedrunner break the game over their knee makes it look more freeform than it is for the average player.