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10506339 No.10506339 [Reply] [Original]

Now the first two games were nothing mindblowing but compared to this? They're fucking masterpieces. I can forgive half the levels being animal friend ones in DKC2. I can forgive the hold right to win nature of DKC1. At least they sounded good and felt good.

This is just bad.

>> No.10506346

What don't you like about it OP

I'm a huge DKC fanatic but I'm open to hearing opinions, maybe we can recommend you a better game

>> No.10506351

It completely lacks gusto. From the word go your mission is to babysit kiddy kong and coming down from DKC1 and 2's opening stage? You have the classic jungle japes theme with its superb ramp up and bass line, the whimsical pirate theme from DKC2 slowly unrolling.

This is just fart music. It sounds like how I imagine Canada smells (never been there!) and the levels themselves lack all the rich details and flow like a turtle with double sided tape on its feet. Awkward shifts in angles, movement speed thanks to the water...

Also is it just me or are Rare games *too* bright? It's actually causing my CRT to have weird sync pulsing issues. What's the deal with that? Even comes up on my capture card as weird bands. Only happens with DKC, no other SNES game so far.

>> No.10506384

>Chad Sonic
Gets better for four straight games, culminating in one of the greatest platformers of all time.
>Virgin Donkey Kong
Gets worse with every game.
People only remember the first one.

>> No.10506478
File: 11 KB, 225x225, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hold-right-to-win fad that only Westoids like

Donkey Kong
>Classic games, where, in Japan, the singular "bad baby game" outsold the entire Sonic series by 4:1

>> No.10506484

That's a whole lot of words to say absolutely nothing meaningful.

>> No.10506587
File: 3.98 MB, 628x480, DKC3 water skip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capture card
Post the recording of you doing this.

>> No.10506742
File: 13 KB, 256x224, Fire-Ball_Frenzy_DKC3_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets a little bit better after Kremwood Forest. Factory stages in this game have a cool sort of metal theme to them and you might like the toboggan stages in later worlds. I'll agree the game is probably slow to start compared to DKC2, though. You may or may not like the soundtrack, it's done by Eveline Fischer this time instead of David Wise who is known for the previous two games. There's also a bunch of side quests involving the bears, Banana Bird caves, and minigames you can play at Swanky's Sideshow if you ever get completely bored with the main game. Overall I also prefer 2, but 3 is fun to go back to every now and then.

You may or may not like DK64, it's more of a Banjo game with monkeys in it than a proper DKC game but if you like Banjo you might enjoy it.

>> No.10506758
File: 37 KB, 256x224, Squirt_boss_fight_SNES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add, the water stages in this game are actually kind of nice, especially if you like the ones in DKC1. Without spoiling too much the bosses are also very imaginative imo. Some levels are an exercise in patience (especially a certain pipe level) but you usually get rewarded with a fun toboggan level or something similar at some point.

>> No.10506778

DKC3 is a good game, fuck off

>> No.10506785
File: 18 KB, 360x360, 1572792517121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10506817

Dkc3 had simultaneously some of the best and worst graphics on snes. Fugliness was a helluva drug i guess. The music in 3 is very meh, i wouldn't say it's bad though.

>> No.10506830

DKC3 is a great game with GOAT atmosphere, GOAT overworld, and a great and incredibly unique soundtrack. I genuinely don't know how someone could dislike it. Not liking it as much as the first 2, sure, but hating it? Crazy.

>> No.10506940

I think DKC3 is the best one, I honestly have a hard time going back to 1 and 2 after having played 3.

The overworld and levels are incredibly comfy with a pleasant visual style. All the upgraded mechanics makes the previous games feel sort of barren. Beat it 100% co-op with gf and had a great time with it

>> No.10508567

>Now the first two games were nothing mindblowing
Maybe should have played them when they came out, you 25 year old zoomer faggot

>> No.10508694

>lacks gusto

is this the new "SOVL"?

>> No.10508753

the GBA version was pretty good though it had David Wise music.

>> No.10508773

>only Westoids like
>in Japan
Imagine thinking that winning in the biggest market is a loss somehow. Nintendrone logic.

>> No.10508776

DK64 was the most popular game in 1999
DKC was the most popular game of 1994
DKC2 was the most popular game of 1995

>> No.10508793

I'll give you 1994 but the others are laughable.

>> No.10508795

>It sounds like how I imagine Canada smells
Stealing that

>> No.10508805

Donkey Kong Country was the only game from 1980-1999 to be the top selling game for at least 2 years, besides Super Mario Bros and Space Invaders. When DK64 came out it instantly became the best selling console game in the United States that year

>> No.10509051

Try the GBA OST of DKC3.

>> No.10509095


As if an Eastoid had the mental capacity to understand complex economies.

>> No.10509303

The only truly great game in the trilogy was 2.
The first game was good but there were plenty of lackluster parts of the game, it's clear they were still figuring it out and not all levels worked out as well as others.
On the other hand, by 3 they had clearly prefected the formula but were running out of ideas which leads to some garbage gimmick levels.
2 is just right, made after they had figured out what worked and what didn't after the first game and while they still had plenty of fresh ideas to work with.

>> No.10509316

David Wise has always had some weird cult around him and people have always used him as a reason to stick it to DKC3. Some of them will deny it but the DKC3 GBA soundtrack is straight up monkey paw bullshit for these people.

>> No.10509332

People also conveniently forget that Eveline Fischer did tracks for DKC1 as well.

>> No.10509425

Bait thread from the usual guy.

>> No.10509457

I like the Canada aesthetic