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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10503951 No.10503951 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Discuss the time you lost all or part of your retro collection from shit you had no control over

>> No.10503953
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>anon, borrow me that game
>*never get it back*

>> No.10503967

I would be devastated if I lost all my stuff in a natural disaster, or war, or whatever, but I would have zero urge to recollect it. I think, at this point, I really only value it sentimentally. I like my old 2002 television, I like how easy it is for me to play a sega saturn or pc engine game on it, having it to the right of my modern pc monitor, but if it went up in flames, I'd be content with just emulating everything with fond memories.

>> No.10504149

To my mom, boxes and manuals were just packaging and would be thrown out as soon as I let my guard down.

>> No.10504153

I used to enjoy entering an old video game store and wondering if I could find a good deal on something from my childhood because I really do enjoy having a physical collection, but ever since the idiotic exponential increase in price for "rare" used vidya went through the roof, I have resigned myself to creating a digital vidya archive for emulation. If prices crash one day, I'll be happy to return to buying phsycial, but until then fuck scalpers and resellers

>> No.10504197

I had a decent collection (over 100 NES games, plus decent N64 and SNES collections) in the early mid 2000s and I sold it all because it was taking up too much space and I thought I'd just use emulators. In my defense, they were all PAL cartridges.

>> No.10504271
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>mom throws away old stuff every time I got a new console as a kid because "new = better"

Also not video games but still retro, a bunch of old books/comics/magazines I had as a kid were destroyed by a termite infestation. Looked like pic related when I found them.

>> No.10504298

Just never cared about old stuff when I was a kid. Left home and left NES and Mega Drive in it, my parents either sold of threw them out and I didn't care. Every one of my old PCs I just threw out as I got a new one, my DS got destroyed by a neighbors kid, my 360 RRODed and my PS3 YLODed. My PS2, I have no idea where it went but I don't have it. All I've got left from the past is a PSP and a Wii U and none of that is even /vr/. I also threw out my entire game magazine collection because I was going through the "heh I'm 20 now I grew out of it" phase. Turns out, I didn't grow out of it

>> No.10504370

>be 12 years old
>dad gets a promotion
>finally above lower class but still under middle class
>can finally afford the games due to hefty allowance
>began buying up games at swap meets and game stores
>dig out old game magazines where I would circle games I was interested in to keep track of which ones I bought
>genesis, snes, and nes games were fucking cheap, ps1 and n64 were on the way out as well so got them as they became cheap
>build massive collection
>we go on vacation
>come back to find out our home was robbed
>dad's century old whiskey and other alcohol collection was cleaned out with several bottles broken in the haste
>my collection was completely cleaned out

I still think my dad lost a bet and this was his way of repaying it because he was the one who showed me how to keep my excess games out of plain view. Ever since then, he's bought me every single console as they came out and any game I asked for without hesitation until his death in 2015 due to diabetes and depression. Never had the desire to try and collect games anymore and made a habit of selling off stuff I'm no longer using out of paranoia that it will "somehow get robbed" again.

>> No.10504769
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>anon, borrow me that game
>*never return it*

>> No.10504780

That's crazy.

>> No.10504796

You get what you deserve.

>> No.10504814

>be kid on family holiday
>bring my gameboy to play on the tour bus
>bus get robbed while we were in some aquarium
>my stuff was right at the back and wasn't touched
I still have it to this day :)

>> No.10504985

family had a beach house we spent most summer weekends at. end up keeping my super nintendo, genesis, and n64 there in high school so i’d have a change of pace from then-current ps2. go off to college. they call and tell me they’re selling the house to get one somewhere else. i think i have time to get my stuff. next week they call saying it’s sold with all contents in the bargain - buyer wanted a furnished home for rental. i’m sure people who didn’t give a shit ended up playing my games for years on rainy days and complaining how there was nothing newer there. all i wanted were my save games, i dont about the games themselves.

>> No.10505105
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lost my kirby's dreamland for the gameboy

no idea where, it was in my collection then one day I went to play it and it wasn't there

I think about it a lot

>> No.10505147

Never. I gave away a lot of stuff when I left the states but that was all choices I had control over. I've given away dozens of consoles and games to people, mostly my kids friends, again all by choice.

>> No.10505154
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>gave my brother my ps2 and my collection cause he was an even bigger collector than me back then and i had to move out
>years later he gets really into meth and sells everything he owns to buy more
>including my ps2
i had god hand, rule of rose, haunting ground, silent hill 2 and 3 all cib

>> No.10505164

Weird, years ago some meth addict sold me his PS2 along with God Hand, Rule of Rose, Haunting Ground, Silent Hill 2 and 3, all CiB.

>> No.10505169

> be me
> a kid
> needed money
> sold enormous collection of commodore crap to a friend just so i could buy better commodore crap
> 13 years later..
> in pawn shop looking for games/hardware
> shopkeep knows me well.
> "you want these boxes of disks?"
> i say yes without even looking. 200+ disks.
> recognize some of the writing on labels
> buy everything off him for $30.
> check disks when i get home
> find BASIC programs i made when i was 10.
> turns out i bought back my own disk collection i lost years ago
a coincidence.. the hand of god .. fate.. i have no idea what you call it but it was calling that day.

>> No.10506703

..fan fiction..things that never happened...larp...

>> No.10508306

What the hell happened to that building

>> No.10509709

Plastic trash collection goes in >>>/toy/

>> No.10510156

I "lost" my retro collection because the prices kept climbing and climbing and the idea that I'm going to spend the next 20 years scrimping for loose carts and games without manuals seemed ridiculous, especially as original hardware gets older. I ended up modding my PS2 and my Wii and thought I would go the MiSTer route for everything prior, but I've mostly been having fun in Retroarch and Launchbox instead so I still want a MiSTer but don't feel the burning desire as strongly. It would be cool to have all the NES/SNES, Genesis, N64, PS1/PS2 and DC games I was ever interested in, but that's really just the tip of the iceberg anyway. I want to play games, not necessarily collect them.

>> No.10510162


>> No.10510545

I know the "got robbed once and never stopped having it in the back of my mind for the next 30 years" feeling

>> No.10510646
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bronx collapse earlier this week. this morning the demo crew tore down the wall/floor with this guy's entire gaming setup and game collection and he had to just sit there and watch it fall 7 stories to the ground into a pile of wet rubble. pains me just thinkin about it

>> No.10510656

>faggot anon gets what he fucking deserves


seriously though insurance will replace all of that. You do have renters insurance, right, anon?

>> No.10510662

But why your emergency workers are so soulless, I am pretty sure in any other country they would help the guy to save at least something

>> No.10510702
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>pal versions

>> No.10510735

in a place like NYC, every job is specialized union shit, they're gonna come in, get it done and leave as fast as possible

>> No.10510764

NTSC/PAL hasn't mattered since the jump to digital video, grow up

>> No.10510832

Oh good, a mentally ill piece of shit on /vr/

>> No.10512185

It's obviously a safety issue.

>> No.10512203

>live in a shitty apartment
>at least you have your little collection of games to make life in your dump a little more tolerable
>lose that too, even though you can see them right there and feel like you should be able to get them somehow
Yeah, they're just games, but at a certain point you have to feel like something's just out to get you

>> No.10512208

Same. My mom let me cousins who are drug addicts and been bad apples their whole lives borrow my game collections. I’m missing a ton of SNES and N64 stuff and my entire NES collection. I hate junkies with a passion and I hate stupid women as much!

>> No.10512268

Yea I did something like this with my own collection. I was such an idiot degen

>> No.10512307
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Never heard of an exterminator?

>> No.10512312

Aren't they like 5 bucks on eBay?

>> No.10513314
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>have a hard drive failure and lost a ton of media.
>thought i had it all backed up.
>mfw i found out i didn't.
thankfully i managed to have my games, personal documents and some of my music backed up but every show, movie, comic and TTRPG module i had saved on my PC over the past 10 - 13 years? just gone and i still seethe about it because i could've sworn i had it all backed up.

>> No.10513354
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Two stories:

1. All the kids of my local church would always hang out with each other no matter what age we were and one of our buddies mom threw out all his
gamecube shit out of nowhere; not even as a punishment or anything like that she just threw them out. Im talking 4 good controllers, memory cards, and a shit ton of good games like melee, sonic adventure 1/2, mario kart, etc. shit happened sometime circa 2008.

2. Lost our house from the 2008 recession and had to leave everything behind including my gamecube and a few good games like mario strikers, sonic riders, and a few 3rd party games I dont remember. Shit sucked but I had a Wii at the time and some GC controllers on me when we moved. Quickly replaced all my lost games shortly after.

>> No.10513359

why couldn't you get your games back?

>> No.10513373

need more detail on story 2, like was it some kind of sudden eviction where you got locked out?

>> No.10514193

Evicted, lost ownership of our house. Again, because of the 2008 recession

>> No.10514942

Personal property has nothing to do with en eviction tho

>> No.10515239

>Lost our house from the 2008 recession and had to leave everything behind

>> No.10515549

It does if you have no place to put it.

>> No.10515720

I was a teen that was forced to leave pretty much everything behind and move in with a relative because my dad was dying. My dad had every game console from Atari to the PS3 (it was the early 2010's), and gifted all of them to me during the early stages of his illness.
Unfortunately, he decided to trash everything when he found out the room I'd be staying in was MUCH smaller. The only things that were saved were my books (dad saw how depressed I was; having literally nothing to my name, except the clothes I arrived with, so he sent me all of my books).

>> No.10515764

GameCube's got a handle, you put it in your hand

>> No.10515767

God damn this really is the "parents making bad decisions for no reason" thread

>> No.10515857

I'll be saying a prayer for that poor soul.

>> No.10515864

Thats brutal. Obviously the solution is to backup online. But if you're paranoid about hacks or have a data cap, do this:
>1. Buy a huge SD card.
>2. Back up your important files (stuff that can't be redownloaded) once a month.
>3. Keep the SD card in your wallet.
That way if your house burns down while you're out you'll still have the important stuff.

>> No.10516053

>your important files (stuff that can't be redownloaded)
user is underage

>> No.10516185

no but what I don't understand is the bank came to your house like that and kicked you out?? Don't you have a few days' notice to remove your things before they take over the house??

>> No.10516240
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>Mom made me and brother give away our top loader NES to some family that was poor
>Entire collection gone including some games I know are fairly rare today
>Later had us give away all of our toys cause we where to old for them
>Many decades later, when getting mental help, my psychiatrist tells me that separating children from every connection to their childhood is one of the worst things a parent can do
Well it certainly explains a lot of things and why nostalgia is such a huge market.

>> No.10516294

details were fuzzy, I was 4-5 years old at the time. All I remember is being forced out of our home at the time because of the recession

>> No.10516480

I just remembered a 3rd story:

Back in 09 I found an NES with 2 controllers and a handful of good games (SMB, Dr. Mario, and Zelda 1) at a local salvation army store for $20. Got home and hooked it up only to have the games not work right away (black screens, or corrupted games). I asked my mom to help me with the console (she grew up with the NES and wanted me to experience it for myself) and she ended up calling the nintendo support number on the unit. I only recall the lady over the phone saying that we need to clean the unit somehow (I was 5-6 at the time). During the call, I took out Dr. Mario and blew on it (as per usual) and it somewhat worked. Mom hung up the phone after I told her how to "fix" the games. It turned out we just needed to blow on the carts as anyone would tell you but my mom thought that was an indicator of the console not working anymore so she threw it out one night when I wasnt looking.

Yep. My mom threw away a perfectly good NES with a few games and 2 controllers only because we needed to blow on the carts each time. Later in life I soon realized that the unit just needed a good cleaning (I got it at a sketchy thrift store after all) and some rubbing alcohol would have solved everything. Still pissed about to to this day

>> No.10516528

My mother was an alcoholic, a hedonistic person who was primarily concerned with her own comforts. She would do insane shit, like buying me a toy or a game for Christmas, then throwing it away on January 2nd. My siblings and I would hide the stuff we really cared about deep in our closets - so I kept all my retro stuff I collected over the years in there. NES, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Playstation, N64, all sitting in a shitty-looking box in the back of the closet. It worked; while my new gifts would get thrown out all the time, all the old stuff stayed safe.

As my siblings got old enough to move out on their own, my mother seemed to mellow out a bit, not really caring what I did with what was mine. I did odd jobs around the neighborhood, a lot of yard work, and would buy games and peripherals from a neighborhood retro game shop.

My mother has a mental breakdown and is put in a home. I go to stay with my grandpa. Best years of my life. We bond over his love of old movies and model trains, and mine for old games. I gift him things like film posters and books, he gifts me games I mention and that he sees in my old magazines. He even buys me a Neo Geo.

My grandpa dies. I get home and I'm really shell shocked. My mother is there, since somebody needs to watch over me. Really, it's so she, my uncles, and my aunts can go over all he owned and carve it up among themselves.
We can't stay in the house anymore. My sister agrees to take me in, she's happily married with her own home. I start packing up. My mother says that anything I don't want to bring with me initially will be put into storage. I view this as a turning point in our relationship, I thank her, and I bring only the essentials to my sister's. A backpack with my hygiene shit, a few changes of clothes, and my laptop.

She threw everything else out the next day. Every single fucking thing I owned. "If you wanted it, you'd have taken it with you."

>> No.10516545

If you're going to samefag with shitty memes for attention you might want to learn English first, Amir.

>> No.10516550

Retarded non-response. Go back.

>> No.10516558
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you're telling me the NES support sticker number still worked in 09?

>> No.10516559

Jesuc Christ, anon. I'm sorry you had to live through all of that.

>> No.10516561

>hurrr get what you deserve
The thread is about uncontrollable scenarios retarded esl.

>> No.10516571

please tell me your mom died a horrible death since then

>> No.10516582

I hope your mom is dead.

>> No.10516735
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it turns out that nintendo never changed their customer support number so the same one on the NES is on the switch

>> No.10516736

It's just a drop in the bucket really. I got over it faster than my siblings did. I just went all-in on emulation and trying to have, basically, what I dreamed of back then.

She did and she is.

>> No.10516756

I grew up in a disaster-prone area so have always been acutely aware of how quickly things can be lost. I've made a conscious effort to not build up a big collection of things (vidya or otherwise) that I can't pick up and take with me at a moment's notice.

>> No.10516765

My family had to move to another state for work when I was 14 and I wasn't allowed to bring my stuff since the car was crammed full. Left my games in my old house with my uncle but when he passed away they moved them to an outdoor shed at my grandma's house. When I visited her a couple years later I found out various relatives took my consoles while they were staying at her house. Lost my SNES, Genesis, PS1, GBP, N64, GBA, Gamecube, Xbox and my old Win98 PC. Almost all of my games were still there in boxes and trash bags so I didn't lose too badly but it stung to lose most of my childhood systems.

>> No.10516802
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>attach some sort of lightweight rope and adhesive to drone
>get my games back one by one

Cmon this shit is too easy

>> No.10516831

i seriously think if it was my place i would have attempted to break in at night to get all the stuff out while nobody was paying attention

>> No.10516870

I suppose you could put a rope around your body and tie it to the other room in case the floor collapsed.

There's zero chance I'm just letting my fuckin games go without a fight.

>> No.10516885

young US citizens with names like Travis and Mike, who had learned English as their first and only language, used to say "borrow me [thing]" when intending to request for the specified item to be loaned to them
it isn't about being "Amir", it's about being a stupid kid who talks in kid-slang that happens to be popular at the moment
I hate memey garbage too but those posts were fine, Pepe in himself is not evil, he's just a random cartoon character and those two invocations of him were not harmful ones

>> No.10516903
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according to my extremely scientific analysis, the floor was only sloping like 2 degrees, you could have easily walked on it. there was like 1000 lbs dead load leveraged on the end without joist failure so another 150 on the middle would have been no big deal

>> No.10517561

>anon, borrow me that game
>ok, but only if you let me borrow one of yours
I got Pokemon Sapphire while she ended up with Children of Mana

>> No.10517952
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>anon, can i borrow your Splinter Cell game?
>a week later he tells me he enjoyed it and gives it back

>> No.10518228

What games did he have?

>> No.10518308
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First column is PS1 green stacked on black
Second is PS2 red stacked on black
Third is PS2 black only
not sure what the middle verticals are
Next column is PS3 red and black
Next column is PS4
Last column is PS5 on XBox

>> No.10518315
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Grew up playing the families NES. Born in 89 but can remember being like 3 years old and shit. first system I got was a Sega Genesis. Fuckin loved it. Asshole Mom sells it when I'm older without telling me. Get an N64 as a Christmas present during my parents divorce. Moved to Galveston before the storm washed away all the housing for the niggers and Mexicans. House gets robbed and they steal the N64 and all my games. Fast forward to 2008. working making my own money and really into old school stuff. Buy this on eBay and get a decent deal on it. Fast forward to 2014. Broke unemployed and just got into a car wreck. Have to sell the statue for half of what I paid for it to pay for heart meds, phone bill etc. I'll never get over losing such a badass super rare Nintendo item. The only time I've ever seen another one is at an arcade in Japan and in the personal collection of the guy that owns WATA. Fuck WATA but yea. Still hurts. I cry evertim

>> No.10519667

>Obviously the solution is to backup online
i'm >>10513314 and that's the thing i thought i did because i had some issues with my computer a few years back and i backed shit up online in case i had to get a new computer.

>> No.10519708
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same happened with my gbc with F1 race
shit still hurts

>> No.10519924
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nah, those two are right. look closer

>> No.10521382


>> No.10521408

>borrow me that game
ESL moment.

>> No.10521442

And leave the scaffolding there for 10 years.