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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10502578 No.10502578 [Reply] [Original]

>generally reviled upon release
>repeatedly and consistently referred to as the worst entry in the series
>people who played this as kids are now in their 20s
>suddenly it's the most underrated game of all time, a hidden gem, the secret best "kino" zelda, etc etc
Interesting coincidence I guess

>> No.10502580

It happened with Ocarina of Time, too. So the cycle continues.

>> No.10502589

I enjoyed it when it came out and I still enjoy it today. Actually, I liked it even more after emulating the Gamecube version through Dolphin.

>> No.10502615

I hated it when it came out and still hate it today. I've tried replaying it multiple times because there must be something I don't get. Nope it's just shit I give up

>> No.10502619

That sucks. It's one of my favorites 10/10 goty all years

>> No.10502620

What are you talking about?
You’re talking about kids whose first console was the Wii
Of course they rate TP high

>> No.10502623


>> No.10502625

>>generally reviled upon release
according to whom? it has 95% on metacritic, IGN gave it 9.5 too.

>> No.10502629

>b-but IGN says-
How embarrassing.

>> No.10502641

be careful anon. there is some kind of deranged weirdo running around this subboard accusing you of being some kind hater every time you criticize the game. he believes its just one person hating on this great without any reason.

>> No.10502645

metacritic has an average of 95% you retard. IGN is the normalfag site where half the people took their opinions from.

>> No.10502681

40 pounds of pussy and ass.

>> No.10502698

The only reason why this Zelda game is remembered.

>> No.10502702

>generally reviled upon release
>repeatedly and consistently referred to as the worst entry in the series
>people who played this as kids are now in their 20s
>suddenly it's the most underrated game of all time, a hidden gem, the secret best "kino" zelda, etc etc
but enough talking about the Reddit Waker, that shit game everyone back then had stadards and mocked it's baby tier art style but now that S-O-Y- manchildren dominate the Zelda fanbase that shitty toon link art and graphics became Le Kino!

>> No.10502716

>on release
oh shit this is like lotr, finally a non baby zelda
>revisionist opinion
this was a soulless gimme to dumb fans nintendo didn't want to make
these sourgrape boomer threads always mischaracterize the original genuine mass opinion

>> No.10502721

>on release
This feels like an OoT remake
>After many years
This is an OoT remake

>> No.10502732

I have major criticisms of Wind Waker in terms of its lack of difficulty, stilted pacing and lack of polish in some areas, but personally I love the art style. It feels like a hybrid of 2D and 3D Zelda art styles, in a good way imho. But the game overall does feel targeted at even younger audiences than is usual for Zelda so I can understand if that along with the cartoonish art style grinds your gears.

>> No.10502735

kids are stupid as fuck, this is nothing new. see all the gamecube shilling here and wetting themselves over sandbox garbage like gta and bully.

>> No.10502757

This happens with every 3D Zelda once it stops being the newest entry.

>> No.10502804

>actual data vs you just pulling something out of your ass

Yes, I would be very embarrassed if I were you

>> No.10502808

It was derivative.

>> No.10502814

The biggest problem with TP was its protracted development cycle resulting in multiple delays. Okami and Shadow of the Colossus sort of ate its lunch.

>> No.10502815

Did it happen to Skyward Sword?

>> No.10502820

Isn't the first half of the game basically one big tutorial level?

>> No.10502832

No, because it’s never actually happened
it was always just loud Sony or SEGA fanboys shitting on them

>> No.10502856

sadly, this is the only person in this thread who remembers somewhat correctly. of the mid-period zeldas, there were only two that were contentious, majora's mask and wind waker. majora remains a love-it-or-hate-it affair that most people at least admire on some level, and wind waker is still underappreciated, though i don't personally consider it like, a top 3 zelda. everyone gobbled up twilight princess, even though it's the worst 3d one by a country mile

>> No.10502861

I thought people appreciated it at least for being closer to OOT style after Wind Waker. I don't think it was reviled.

>> No.10502862

It did indeed, although to a lesser extent than with previous games.

>SEGA fanboys

>> No.10502879

It's decent or merely okay.
Wind Waker is horrible though, one of the worst games I've ever had the displeasure of playing.

>> No.10502883

Yeah and then it just becomes a mediocre OoT knock-off

>> No.10502891

Historical revisionism should be a bannable offense on /vr/

>> No.10502912

It was. OP is just trying to rile us up.

>> No.10502946

I’m the opposite. I consider Wind Waker a masterpiece and find Twilight Princess to just be pretty good. Same with Majora’s Mask.

>> No.10502950


>> No.10502962

I like WW, the ending in PH was nicer though.

>> No.10502963

It's odd, on one hand whenever I play it I feel like it overstays its welcome by the end of the oni island dungeon but I recognize the fact that the story definitely wasn't finished by that point even if I was already tired of the game but then on the other hand I get the urge to replay it every 5 years or so, it's an odd feeling.

>> No.10502967

I remember Nintendo fans giving everyone else shit back then for "brown and bloom" until Zelda did it, then it was a good thing

>> No.10502973

>everyone gobbled up twilight princess
ofc they did, it's the best Zelda game period (2D and 3D)

>> No.10502987

agreed, it's a barebones game for toddlers i had better time playing fucking Minish Cap than i had with WW

>> No.10502993

Wind Waker was really good until the final stretch of the game

>> No.10503014

Twilight Princess would be an easy 10/10 if it wasn't braindead easy and just let you do a few dungeons out of order.

>> No.10503025

It's the Zelda cycle. Same thing happened with Majoras Mask and Windwaker. Both good games but flawed compared to their predecessors yet considered by fans who were kids growing up as peak Zelda.

>> No.10503030

It has Midna, so it's the best game in the series.

>> No.10503038


>> No.10503049

That was always my problem with TP, I couldn’t stand the ugly palette.

>> No.10503054

zelda games have been terrible for 30 years, but each generation has to pretend to love whichever game(s) they grew up with

>> No.10503075

lmao are you that autistic German that tried to compare Gothic to Ocarina of Time?

>> No.10503238

Yeah, based

>> No.10503273

At least you can see what the fuck is happening in Wind Waker. Twilight is an ugly, muddy, blurry mess of browns and jaggies. Also, 3 hour farmer/furry intro? Fuck that noise. Twilight was and is bad.

>> No.10503290

>>repeatedly and consistently referred to as the worst entry in the series
?????????? no it wasn't? the fuck? if anything people welcomed it because they were so thoroughly filtered by WW. also the worst entries are skyward sword and zelda 2, maybe even tears of the kingdom

>> No.10503458

>generally reviled upon release
>repeatedly and consistently referred to as the worst entry in the series
This never happened. At worst people complained it was a retread of Ocarina. At the time most people still hated Wind Waker for being cartoony and "gay".

>> No.10503470

Yeah, Okami is a very text-heavy slog at times. I know what you mean.

>> No.10503495

>push them on what's good about it
The people who like this game are just furries.

>> No.10503587

I’m forever mad that Nintendo didn’t have the balls to make Zant the villain. They just had to shoehorn Ganondorf in.

>> No.10503607

I'm genuinely not sure how you can be this ignorant.

>> No.10503613

>literally named MID na

>> No.10503623

Twilight Princess received good reviews from all the major magazines and websites back in 2006. Claiming it was "reviled" is absurd.

>> No.10503629

This game was so loved when it came out that an 8.8/10 score caused controversy.

>> No.10503641

It’s arguable if this is even in the top 10 Zelda games. I’d place it behind LoZ, ALTTP, OOT, MM, Oracle, Ages, BotW, Links Awakening, and TotK.

>> No.10503714

this game made me stop liking legend of zelda and i never even remotely disliked a zelda game before it. literally every aspect of it besides zelda's design is wrong. it's like if sony made a zelda game

>> No.10503775

>>generally reviled upon release
Literally where?

>> No.10503815
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I want to gobble that goblin

>> No.10503824

That's only the case up until you get the green clothes. From the Forest Temple onwards, the tutorial is over.

>> No.10503828

More buzzwords please

>> No.10503846

To be fair, way back before the game had a subtitle, around the time the second trailer was released, mediums like EGM kept asking if Ganondorf would be present, wondering about how he'd look in "realistic" graphics, alongside the blurb "an evil character would join Link to oppose Ganon".

Ganondorf was inevitable.

>> No.10503864

Coulda sworn OoT dick riding happened pretty soon after release, not like TP where people were tearing their anus over it still after a decade. Remember, the meme video that said it was the best came out not even a decade after oot

>> No.10503934
File: 23 KB, 317x314, Alundra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's like if sony made a zelda game
The Playstation had its own game in the Zelda formula, and it was better than anything that series produced.

>> No.10503949

Now this is cope.

>> No.10503954

It’s PlayStation, not Playstation.

>> No.10503973

Eh, I just see it as a great action adventure. Not more, not less

Awesome music and playability and 2-3 dungeons are excellent

>> No.10503979

As someone who really wants to like Alundra, no, you are retarded. It looks and feels the same everywhere, the music gets boring after 10 minutes and the puzzles are unpolished and often stuff you could do with pen and paper and don't need a video game for

>> No.10503998

god i love midna so much

>> No.10504007

>generally reviled upon release
/vr/ should have a rule against revisionism bait

>> No.10504015

This, would still put it in the top 5 games of its gen

>> No.10504024

There is but mods are fanboys too so there are selective ground rules. He really loves Doom and Thief and Sega and SotC, not so much Zelda

>> No.10504035

it was mixed at best. me and all my friends loved it. everyone thought it was a good followup to wind waker for the art style alone. it was also the first T rated zelda which made it kinda cool

>> No.10504052

How is it that you get so invested in this place that you know who the mods are? I’m here every day and couldn’t pick out individual posters with any accuracy.

>> No.10504054

Zelda is faggot shit with boring gameplay and a lack of plot. They even stopped pretending Link wasn't a twinky faggot recently and just embraced it.

>> No.10504061

>wanting plot in games
Just watch a movie or read a book, man. "muh plot" is exactly what ruined vidya, just look at modern shit. Movies with minimal gameplay.

>> No.10504064

Mega cope

>> No.10504074 [DELETED] 

Zelda has plot, it's just shit and the same thing every time.
Nah, Zelda is a series made for and beloved by faggots and women, it's why the protag is a crossdressing twink. There are no real women on /vr/ so I guess that narrows you down.

>> No.10504084

people wanted to like it, but they hated wolf shit.
after the bamboozling that was wind waker, people were so excited to get the gritty and "realistic" looking zelda that they had been anticipating since the gc tech demo and general graphics improvements across the industry. but then they got wolf shit. it felt like a monkey's paw. and then skyward sword got waggle shit. and then botw got a massive map, but removed most of the other zelda elements. every game feels like a monkey's paw release. its like they're actively avoiding just making a simple 3d lttp.

>> No.10504118

I see, sounds like a very serious and well-founded opinion

This is the last time I'm bumping your thread

>> No.10504128

>and often stuff you could do with pen and paper and don't need a video game for
I hate it when games do this, almost every western RPG

>> No.10504134

Just like Mega Man and Castlevania. The plot doesn't need to be good, it's an excuse just to go stab shit and solve puzzles. I don't know what's this retarded obsession with plot in games nowadays.

>> No.10504143

>>generally reviled upon release
My dad had a coworker who shared his copy of the game with us.
The AVGN mentioned thinking it kicked ass in his second Chronologically Confused video.
I don't know where you're getting this from. What's the year of your birth?

>> No.10504235
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>> No.10504237

you might be thinking of wind waker

>> No.10504248

Try the unworking designs romhack
It fixes the main problem I had with the game which was inflated enemy health, turning everything into a boring damage sponge

>> No.10504338

Yeah yet I love it enough to pay scalpers for the hardcover version of the artbook.

>> No.10504490
File: 103 KB, 689x675, reviled zelda tp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, both games were loved by pretty much everyone

>> No.10504524

in his head

>> No.10504647

Alundra 2 is better than OoTrash and MM

>> No.10504661

This is the last good Zelda game the real Sequel of the N64 games

>> No.10504750



>> No.10504765

No it isn’t.

>> No.10504815

3D Zelda went down in quality after the god tier game MM.

>> No.10504894

OoT was immediately recognized at the GOAT and has remained as such ever since.

>> No.10504895

good thread sirs

>> No.10504898

>reviled upon release
Fucking zoomer revisionism. It was hailed as the dark fantasy game fans wanted instead of Celda

>> No.10505028
File: 3.87 MB, 1523x3927, HW_Twili_Midna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks, this is the true Medina.

>> No.10505049

It was beloved at release from normies everywhere, meanwhile actual fans of Zelda recognized it took everything bad about WW and made them worse. Aonuma is cancer.

>> No.10505064


Any post below this line is the schizo janny samefagging to bump his shitpost thread which he knows violates the rules and should get deleted:


>> No.10505085

I never thought Twilight Princess was that bad. I liked the look/feel of the game (though it can be overly muddy looking) and still do. I just thought the introduction and wolf stuff were tedious and that there wasn't a great reason to ever replay it over Ocarina of Time or whatever. I still think that too.

>> No.10505126

Grew up with LTTP, OOT, and MM, Windwaker and TP and I'd still rate Twilight Princess as pretty damn good. OOT and MM are my top replayability though.

>> No.10505160

i don't mind people coming back and liking this one as long as we still keep shitting on the piece of garbage that was skyward sword

>> No.10505395

This game would be better if it didn't have shitloads of bloom on top of low-res faux-realistic graphics, or an obscenely long, boring intro sequence. WW may have had a long intro too, but at least it was comfy and fun.

>> No.10505771
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I'm half way through the game and I am not enjoying myself. What do? Do I keep playing? I want to drop it but I don't like leaving games unfinished.

>> No.10505784

If you're not enjoying it. You're not enjoying it, just drop it and move on, forcing yourself to complete it isn't going to make things any better.

>> No.10506123

>>generally reviled upon release
>OP projecting again

>> No.10506189

It wasn't 'immediately' reviled, but fans quickly realized what was up and how restrictive and padded out the game was. You ville collect all the bugs.

>> No.10506749

TP could really use a fanmade master quest

>> No.10506754

Another low quality Zelda thread. Shame on you OP

>> No.10506782

The last good 3D one at least. A Link Between Worlds was good for what it was.

>> No.10507018

Yay, another Zelda thread!

>> No.10507047

Remember, everyone asked for Twilight Princess to exist. They asked for it so much they collectively lost their shits when they finally saw the hyper realistic link riding Epona in the 2004 trailer. And then the moment it released they said Wind Waker was the better game and better looking too.

>> No.10507060

How to acquire tall redheaded goth gf?

>> No.10507079

Care to make up any other BS, OP?

>> No.10507081

>Maybe if I fly in the face of history with bold faced lies, these chuds won't notice!
Twilight Princess was acclaimed on it's day of release and for years afterward. It wasn't until Breath of the Wild came out that zoomers suddenly decided they didn't like Twilight Princess anymore. Absolute children, the lot of you.

>> No.10507184

I was somebody who was eagerly anticipating this game and was irritated when they bumped the GC version release date to be after the Wii's. I played the GC version back then and loved it. Never replayed it, mostly because I'm an autismo who struggles to play a Zelda game without the urge to 100% it, but I plan to in the near future.

>> No.10507220

I've put the game on a backburner and played something else before revisiting it. A good primer like playing through Witcher 3 makes TP feel way better afterwards.

>> No.10507332

It was the highest selling Zelda game until Breath of the Wild, although you can argue the Wii heavily carried it.

>> No.10507347

Did it? I thought everyone at time creamed their pants at the idea of a 3D Zelda and ate it up on release. And with Twilight Princess everyone hyped it up because they were miffed at the Wind Waker art style and were now finally getting a serious Zelda.

>> No.10507438

I played it when it came out and thought it was pretty good.

>> No.10507461

Loved it to death when I played it back at release, it's the OoT I've always wanted as a kid, dark, adult link, good swordplay, etc.
But those wolf segments, God help me, made me want to drop the game every single time

>> No.10509260

I tried to give this game a fair shake but I hated it
>3 hour tutorial village
>everyone is ugly as fuck
>1st dungeon is full of annoying monkeys and sucks
>bunch of shadow monsters attack when I leave that look like they're from a different game
>I have a gremlin thing that turns me into a wolf and the gameplay is ASS
>think the game is FINALLY going to get good as I find a new area
>nope, I'm forced into a wolf again and have to collect bugs to unlock the area like I'm in a fucking ubisoft game

>> No.10509549

All of this is both true and completely justified.

>> No.10509973

your threads are all the same and nobody will care when you die

>> No.10509983

I hate all zelda games that have been made after a link to the past. the worst of them is botw and totk.

>> No.10510007

Midna is pure sex.

>> No.10510016

Links Awakening too? Impossible. Also check out ALBW.

>> No.10510421


it's actually just the under appreciated blacksheep, for being everything Zelda was supposed to be. as time goes on, most people seem to be straying from the core principles of Zelda and this game gets elevated higher.

>> No.10511956

OoT was loved from the start. It only got shit because Fedora's Mask lovers spammed the interwebs in the 2010's trying to shift the narrative saying it was the superior game with the normie brigades coming online but people who actually played the games knew better.

TP was better purely because it didn't look like WW and didn't try to rip off Ghibli, which is all Zelda is anymore.

>> No.10511967

HD Remaster is the inferior version. The bloom is unironically part of the game's charm and millenial's somehow memed it as a bad thing when it really wasn't that big of a deal.

>> No.10511986


>> No.10512026

Wow, 3hrs on the tutorial. What were you doing for two hours? Fishing? At that rate the entire game would take you 120hours.

>> No.10512039 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 500x359, [Disgusted Sigh].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>suddenly it's the most underrated game of all time,
>Is actually overrated and constantly dicksucked to no end by pedophiles/dogfuckers on /vr/
It's the new Fedora's Mask

>> No.10512040
File: 56 KB, 680x590, the joke is porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10512050
File: 1.56 MB, 1056x594, YoshitakaDies_banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Yoshitaka Tamaki

Also, Nintendo fucking hates Camelot artist for some fucking reason. They fucking told Waluigi's creator to remove all the fanart of him and Walpeach fir no fucking reason.

>> No.10512051

and you need to arrest yourself

>> No.10512052

Giga Arrest

>> No.10512258

I'm playing it right now and god the fucking wolf sections why.

>> No.10512348

Really can't imagine Zelda fans hating a new release nowadays. They bootlick that corporation with a sensual passion and aren't critical at all. Even if they didn't put out BOTW and just did increasingly lazier OOT clones they'd probably lap it up and harass you for rating it as mid or whatever

>> No.10512427


>> No.10512428

there is not even bait on that hook.. why would fish bite on that bare metal?

>> No.10512430

I didn't care much for the last two not retro games. Nor did I care much for a few of the other not retro entries that came out prior to that.
I want to see another combat focused overhead Zelda.

>> No.10513935

>I have a gremlin thing that turns me on
That's the point.

>> No.10513964

As evidenced by this thread, the degenerate coomer fanbase makes me like the game less.

>> No.10514343

not to mention the fact it had a spinoff adaption series by some old zoophile mangaka women, who apparently had a hand at making TP.

>> No.10514347


>> No.10514753
File: 477 KB, 875x1348, 475565890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, which only gives more reason for Twilight Princess being the best Zelda game.

>> No.10514772

>remember night atmosphere
>hidden village
>vague western theming
>fun fishing
>cool link(design)
>go for a replay
>annoying stupid villagers
>gay link(face)
>instantly bored
>get through everything about to start the forest temple with monkeys
>take a break
>never pick it back up

>> No.10514798

Destroy WHAT?

>> No.10514820

Twilight Princess was the highest selling game in the franchise up to that point, it's exactly what people wanted and was the most well-liked game in the series just under OOT. Modern 4Chud revisionism is not real history.

>> No.10514842

I don't see what history or the thoughts of others has to do with my opinion. I'm just being myself. Id like to replay TP one day though.

>> No.10514847

You should. It's worth a playthrough I think.

>> No.10514849

I played it on release

>> No.10514851

Yeah, but you said yourself you dropped it. I'm saying you should replay it and see it to the end, it's worthwhile I feel.

>> No.10514853

No I beat it back then

>> No.10514857

>repeatedly and consistently referred to as the worst entry in the series
False. It's not even the worst 3D Zelda.

>> No.10514918

Twilight princess is 1.2gb. Way too big. They should have gotten lower to 500mb

>> No.10515278

Stuff like this is why Nintendo needs to sometimes be shaken out of their Jap retard bubble. I haven’t played Tears of the Kingdom yet, but Breath of the Wild was way too Japanesey.

>> No.10515328

I wish botw was smaller but more dense and the shrines and dungeons were totally reworked. Totw was the opposite direction for me. I also just think the games are visually dull. I want muh ashitaka game

More focus on being alone would be a preference for me too. I didn't like the guardians and power shit at all.
But I guess that is not zelda

>> No.10515330

Shadows. Get your hammer and start now.

>> No.10515338

It was beloved when it first came out aside from the wind wakerfags seething eternally

>> No.10515348

Zant broke Ganondorf's neck so it was worth it

>> No.10515353
File: 3.79 MB, 352x244, WomanTalking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically this, but Telma weighs more than 40 lbs.

>> No.10515357
File: 1001 KB, 975x1080, 1677402158505246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game is a long boring slog until you beat the third temple, when it suddenly flips the awesome switch
Yes, this is also true of OoT. The slow comfy beginning is there to filter ADHD zoomies like you.

>> No.10515361

Wouldn't say so. Zelda generally straddles the anime line in a way that's charming, without being garish.
I wouldn't want Zelda to just be super standard Western fantasy. That would diminish it's identity.

>> No.10515362

>Play fishing mini-game
>actual lake to row around
>see autumn leaves falling from a tree
>small rainbow in the waterfall
>move on to next temple
>later come back to fish
>walk to the lake
>snow everywhere
>realize the seasons change everytime you walk through the door
>>Fishing In A Winter Wonderland
details like this are why Twilight Princess was kino

>> No.10515365

Lots of games have tits and ass. For me, it's that voice.

>tfw Midna will never read you bedtime stories in a forgotten language as you fall asleep
Why even live, bros?

>> No.10515372

>wolf sections
why are zoomers like this

>> No.10515386
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, japilepsy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need non-stop flashing lights and number fireworks in my face or I get bored and stop playing
why are millennials like this

>> No.10515405

That doesn't even make sense

>> No.10515409

Huh? If you say so

>> No.10515413

people get so weird and naggy about these gamecube zeldas I just stay out

>> No.10515441

- What is my motivation for driving the bulbins to near extinction? They didn't kill anyone. They just roughed up some people and violently intimidated people. Maybe the bulbins should have killed some people.
-Why are all the ordons ugly mutants, everyone, everything is more attractive than an ordon. Maybe they have been crossing with those ugly baboons?
-Why are some of the Hylans ugly mutants?
-Did Zant only kill one person? Fish queen? I can't think of anyone else he killed.
-I have to do a crappy escort mission to save fish prince IDGF about.

-You don't have to do anything if you want to rush through the game. The game isn't that hard if you don't mind skipping all the extras.
-Getting bugs and poes kinda fun. Run around in the dark looking for the glowing thing, easy peasy. I liked the poe caves.
-Every time you get a new weapon in a dungeon it is the weapon you will use to slay the dungeon boss.
-Fishing can be fun, there are even fish in dungeons.
-The weird characters like the ooccoo, yeti are very cute silly and charming.
-The settings are all pretty nice to look at.
-Plenty of gorgeous females, kinda odd that almost none of them are Hylan or Ordon. Were there any gorgeous men, IDK, Gannon looks like a bad ass so maybe Gannon, gays/women please weigh in on this.

>> No.10515448

Rusl and his family are like the only sympathetic characters in the entire village. Everyone else was just kind of dumb or mean

>> No.10515453

Probably a good reason to resent the first hour of the game. Back then I was thinking the Bulbins killed the kids in a ditch or something like that but after a few hours of game play. Nope, no one except Rusl was injured by the bulbins, correct me if I am wrong.

>> No.10515464

Yeah I don't know. I don't want to be the guy who says "the new Zelda game should have a rape scene" but its just kind of weird when th game seems to try to evoke dark fantasy but has no teeth whole also straddling the line of just European fairy tale and then just like edo(?) Japan along the edges

>> No.10515476

Link kills baddies, and natural fauna, left and right. I think a few off camera deaths would be fitting. NPCs yammering about how a bad guy killed hundreds of people. But nope the bad guys don't seem to have much of any head count, in any of these games...

>> No.10515486

I'm not like others where I'm a zant fanbut I think both zant and Ganon were weak. They should have committed to one or the other and have it be strong and overbearing darkness. Its weird that the land has literal darkness covering it yet I felt like there was a more looming threat in out. All the game in the series are weak on that though with ganon seemingly sitting in his tower doing nothing but waiting for things to happen. I think something that stuck out is when hyrule castle has that big twilight zone around it and people in castle town are business as usual. And that scene where midna freaks out and breaks it and links team is assaulting the castle but people are just meandering around. Felt like if you were the average Joe you wouldn't have even noticed this plot at all

>> No.10515514

Yeah, especially funny when Rusls resistance friends are meandering around and hanging in a bar most of the time. Is anyone doing anything, not really it seems. Zant did a thing in the beginning, not much after that. Link is just going around killing everything after that.

>> No.10515519

What if zelda was reduced down to just one forest but its really detailed and dense and you just wander around doing dungeons and looking for shit to beat Ganon like back to Zelda 1 but tra slated to 3D in a more literal way than botw

>> No.10515526

Yeah I'm not clear if Zant taking over and Zelda surrendering just happened like that week or several years ago

>> No.10515552

I didn't like it when it came out, and I was one of the ones excited about a new Zelda with a more mature art style
On the other hand, I didn't like the Toon Link shit but when I played Wind Waker I loved it

>> No.10515562
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>suddenly it's the most underrated game of all time, a hidden gem, the secret best "kino" zelda, etc etc
>"Interesting coincidence I guess"
We've been going on about this for over 10 years.

>> No.10515564

I like sailing and I think that kind of slow paced but appealing travel could be experimented with more

>> No.10515569

This is a dumb post man. Muh zelda cycle. You're just being condescending an making it clear you haven't read anything

>> No.10515576

OPs pasta is stale and your jimmies are rustled.
I apologize for nothing.

>> No.10515579

Uh. Ok.

>> No.10515606

Agreed, it'd be a nice complement to horse riding

>> No.10515703

I still hate it.
Windwaker was still better.
The only thing it was good for was porn of midna.

>> No.10515821
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My big gripe is that unlike Wind Waker, which has that classy, timeless Studio Ghibli look to it, BotW often crosses the line into garbage Saturday morning anime tier shit.

>> No.10515825

Zelda was never good.

>> No.10515873

this was the last video game my dad ever got interested in before he got addicted to opiates

>> No.10515925
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She knew what she was doing...

>> No.10515961

this would probably be improved if it was just cel shaded instead with a dramatic blac

>> No.10515969
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>>people who played this as kids are now in their 20s
But I’m thirty-f…
Oh, you mean ACTUAL kids and not those who were in high school when this game came out…!

>> No.10516080

I think it was never great. It never warranted fans speculating anything. It is kinda like Mc Donalds, a simple guilty pleasure. But it has always been good enough for the masses. Anyone from an average adult to 5yro with downs syndrome could enjoy Zelda. Nothing about it is complicated or out of reach.

>> No.10516090

safe horny

>> No.10516097

>repeatedly and consistently referred to as the worst entry in the series.
That would be Skyward Sword.

>> No.10516291

Skyward Sword is definitely the closest the mainline Zelda games have come to a major misfire. It’s the only one I’ve finished and never had the desire to revisit.

>> No.10516727

he's under selling it, kids that played Twilight Princess are married and have kids that are like 3 years old now

>> No.10517737

>>generally reviled upon release
>>repeatedly and consistently referred to as the worst entry in the series

I hated this game for years upon years but this objectively false. You clearly were not there. People always fucked this game off and I always had the contrarian opinion. Why lie OP? Just to start discussion?

>> No.10517739

>fucked this game off
kek, meant "sucked this game off"

>> No.10517895

Damn there is a lot of samefagging in this thread

>> No.10519647

So I have the wii version and it's fun as fuck, what gives? Wasn't it supposed to be bad?

>> No.10519893

Liked it then, like it now. Maybe it’s too formulaic, but I recall the devs saying they wanted TP to be everything OoT could not technologically achieve at the time of its development. Maybe it is too same-y, but I enjoyed it for what it was. It felt epic in scale and you really felt like you were on a big adventure, much more so than OoT imo. Maybe it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s fine, but I really liked it then and still like it now.

>> No.10519925

That's the nostalgia cycle. You could see the same thing happen in real time with Mario Sunshine or Kirby 64, too. People who were on the older end when the games came out hated them, but 6 year olds who got the games for their birthday loved them to death. So once they hit a certain age, suddenly there's a swarm of people who love the game to death. Then eventually a new generation shows up who has no nostalgic connection to the game, plays it, then realizes they weren't great in the first place.

If you're a Pokemon fan, you can see this happen every few years like clockwork. I've heard the sonic community does it, too.

>> No.10519934

This is why I hate the fact that most of the big gaming boards don't have archives that go back that far, so you get a lot of revisionist history. A good example of that was when /v/ somehow got it in their heads that nobody actually wanted in Geno in Smash back in the late 90s/early 00s, when everyone who was actually active online at the time knows he was on a LOT of wishlists.

>> No.10520271


>> No.10520278

>BotW often crosses the line into garbage Saturday morning anime tier shit.
Are you talking about Kid Icarus Uprising or

>> No.10520285

All Kirby 64 fans since the release are pedophiles now

>> No.10521321

>everyone is ugly as fuck
TP literally has the hottest Zelda they ever made are you insane

>> No.10521409

he's not wrong. the whole game is a shitty anime. i dont give a shit if its 'japanese'. its a huge pile of shit for dumb weeb retards who blindly believe anything that has a generic anime style is high art because its drawn well.

>just like tolkein right?
exactly. its a reverse version of it on the extreme. at least with TP you are allowed to call it shit and a mixed experiment but you can't say the same for botw/totiktok without the industry trying to destroy your life.

>> No.10521416

people now praise skyward sword as a "full dungeon game", including the linear ass overworld

>> No.10523065

This happens with everything. People now think FFXII is a masterpiece... the Star Wars Prequels are defended constantly... Human beings are just stupid.

>> No.10523216

people forget that when you remove the hype from these games its a lot easier to appreciate them for what they are.
TP, FFXII and the SWP's are only defended ''now'' because fresh faces don't have to deal with the relentless shilling and marketing that used to follow the previous entries, as well as fans moving on to other things to complain about.

>> No.10523769
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>8.8 was almost 20 years ago

I'm wasting my life...

>> No.10525390

This game doesn't get enough shit for just feeling clunkier/shittier to play then OoT/MM and Wind Waker.

Seriously, why does controlling Link feel so shit? Why does it feel like he has no impact with the world? Compare shooting a skulltula in the first dungeon of OoT to the fucking spiders in the forest temple in TP, TP feels like fucking dogshit.

By 4 hours into fucking OoT you have beat a dungeon, travelled across Hyrule, met Zelda, and you are easily on your way to Death Mountain.

4 hours into fucking TP you finally beat the fucking monkey temple, and you are a FUCKING DOG again getting god damn light beads.

t. playing TP right now

>> No.10525709 [DELETED] 

TP is a Zelda game only furry/pedo coomers will get.

>> No.10525730

So which is it? Is it bad because it reminds you of that Zelda SatAM cartoon or it reminds you of some shonen cartoon?
Either way, you're proving yourself as some ironic anime watcher that plays trite like FFVII and Persona while cringe at any specific anime.

>> No.10526972 [DELETED] 

post nose.

>> No.10527050

I like anime actually, lots of it, but BoTW leans too hard into the real pretentious category of anime nonsense masquerading as if its high art at the expense of the quality of the game, and it ends up damaging the brand. All because Aonuma wanted to create his faux Ghibli bs into a franchise that didn't need it.

>> No.10527061

>major magazines and websites that are known to be written by paint huffing retards
>indicators of anything
Pick one

>> No.10527068

When did 4chan become journo cockgobblers?

>> No.10527215


>> No.10527502

>>generally reviled upon release
>>suddenly it's the most underrated game of all time, a hidden gem, the secret best "kino" zelda, etc etc
You just made up both of these statements


>> No.10528843

Midna sex

>> No.10528861

>this game have Ganondorf so is Ocarina of Time 2.0
so all Zelda games are Ocarina of Time except Majora Mask

>> No.10529310
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>Human beings are just stupid.
No, it's just Zoomers.

>> No.10529381

worst aspect of this generalization is that Twilight Princess never gets recognition and praise for its unique elements. It has god tier world building, and actual character development.

>> No.10530583

It's the best Zelda game.

>> No.10530914

i was 15 when this piece of shit came out. hated it then, hate it now.
>that horrible fucking intro
>every single wolf section
>the fucking bug hunting
>those fucking twilight enemies whose theme is random notes on a casio keyboard
>ganondorf showing up for no reason
>those forgettable dungeons besides the ice manor
>that worthless, empty hyrule field
>the dominion rod
>that fucking chicken
>shitty "stalfos link"
fuck, i can't remember everything else i hate. hyrule field was nice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6JgG__XbRA

>> No.10530917

holy fuck wait, i forgot it's just this sick cover i like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z-ffEuvZ20 the original hyrule field sounds like fucking garbage.

>> No.10531912

>Seriously, why does controlling Link feel so shit?
The combat in TP is the best in any zelda game by far. Its one of the last things you should be criticizing it for.
>By 4 hours into fucking OoT you have beat a dungeon, travelled across Hyrule, met Zelda, and you are easily on your way to Death Mountain
You meet Zelda in the first hour of TP

>> No.10532006


What world do you live in? It was considered an 8/10 game when it came out and it's still considered an 8/10 game. Not a masterpiece but definitely a well made game.

>> No.10532659

>you meet zelda in the first hour

>> No.10533124 [DELETED] 

Solid reading comprehension, anon.

>> No.10534039

If you genuinely can't make your own decisions to such a degree that you can't STOP playing a video game you don't like, you need to stop and take a step back and realize you have actual serious mental health issues that are going to be a major obstacle for the rest of your life if you don't get help of some kind.

>> No.10534045

Ou yeah like what

>> No.10534985

you meet her as a wolf when you're stuck in the castle. What the other anon said was correct.

t. playing right now, starting the abyssal temple today

>> No.10534995

Either way Twilight Princess is front-loaded with a lot of tedium. It takes a while to get to the good stuff.

>> No.10535005

i agree with this statement. It took me what, 10 hours to get where i am? i finished all the forced wolf parts, and did it by knowing the game (finished it in 2010 but still remember boss tactics etc)