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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10498254 No.10498254 [Reply] [Original]

>XStation mod so games can be played perfectly without hitches
>PS1Digital HDMI mod for pristine visuals and crystal clear audio
>Memcard PRO for virtually infinite saves for every game
>65" OLED for immersion and amazing picture quality
>Wireless adapter for the perfect sitting distance from the huge TV

>> No.10498262


>> No.10498263

Enjoy your shovelware

>> No.10498269

Or just emulate.

>> No.10498291

>Not using a CRT
>Not using original controllers

>> No.10498309


>> No.10498335


>> No.10498356

Fuck that, how long until I can softmod my PS1 and play pirate games on it via USB?

>> No.10498362

The ps1 doesn't have USB ports, anon.

>> No.10498364

This post gave me AIDS and sucked my soul out as I read it.

>> No.10498370

But it has a memory card slot; can't we make custom cards with SD cards on them?

>> No.10498418

Pretty much a ship of theseus. You're so far removed from the original experience that you might as well be using an emulator.

>> No.10498548

Lol, I love pissing off cunts like OP with how I play games

>> No.10498556

PS1 doesn't do the same data transfer speed through memory card that the PS2 does
And also the fact that you wouldn't be able to save

>> No.10498591

lol (You)

>> No.10498595

PS1 doesn't use any kind of firmware or separation of OS/User code so there's nothing for a softmod to hook to turn CD access into USB or whatever. The closest you can get is parallel port bus injection like the PSIO tried (and failed.)

>> No.10498602

>PSIO tried (and failed.)
This is irrelevant to the hardware and is instead related to how the business was run

>> No.10498605

Its doubtful that the PS1 would be able to play games fast on those memory card transfer speeds.

>> No.10498642

Well done, anon. This is something I might want to do one day. There are a lot of weird and obscure PSX games that I would probably enjoy.

>> No.10498646

A lot of weird and obscure PSX games that you can enjoy without doing this.

>> No.10498647

I want to do this

>> No.10498662

>how the business was run
Not everything is exposed to the parallel port bus. The hardware mod was inevitable if you needed 100% compatibility. That's the first way they failed, harsh reality. The second way they failed was to miss the mark on 100% compatibility even WITH the hard mod. And that was related entirely to how they operate and the talent they had.

>> No.10498665

What game isn't possible to run through the PSIO that isn't related to the firmware?
I have an XStation though, because I didn't want to deal with that shit

>> No.10498704

Maybe, but I don't trust emulation for fifth generation consoles. People say the games are playable, and I'm sure they are, but the emulation is no way near as accurate as it is for earlier gens.

>> No.10498707

The PS1? What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.10498742

Well, is it truly accurate? I tried playing Street Fighter EX 2 plus Alpha a few years ago on my laptop and it wasn't that great, though it may have been my laptop that was the issue.

>> No.10498747


>> No.10498790

I hope the solderless ode becomes a thing soon

>> No.10498810

Why not?
And why does it matter what others do?

>> No.10498821

Who said it matters? It just doesn't make sense. And I don't see why you would. You could accomplish the same exact thing with no effort and no cost and no difference in results. This is like taking the maximum amount of steps to achieve something no different in the end. Of course I'm going to ask why.

>> No.10498834

you sound like the raspberry Pi meme

>> No.10498839

Okay, well. I don't care about Pis either. I just don't get what the difference would be doing this versus just emulating versus just using original hardware. This feels like the most arduous of all worlds, with none of the appeal that those of each find in their own ways. So I fail to see what the appeal is here.

>> No.10498846

>doing this versus just using original hardware
it is using original hardware

>> No.10498849

Mmmyeah. Okay. Well. You enjoy.

>> No.10498851

Thanks, you too

>> No.10498860
File: 32 KB, 880x440, 2893647-4665353816-DS4.j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont you wish you had snagged that limited edition ps1 themed ds4? I know I do

>> No.10498957

For me it's just a modchipped PSone hooked up to a 21" CRT. Damn glad you got a PocketStation though

>> No.10499010

assuming I own a PS1 and expect to acquire a PS2 in the near future, should I just wait until the MemCard Pro 2 becomes available? Im juggling saves on my OEM card right now

>> No.10499015

I mean, if you don't mind waiting
also if you don't mind swapping the card back and forth

>> No.10499156

Good for you anon, im still coping with my pstv hooked to an 55" oled

>> No.10499176
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I mean, at this point just emulate, you can have all of the ROMs you could ever want to play, and use a CRT filter so that it doesn't look too pixelated on your 65' OLED TV, don't you agree?

Same, but I find the DualShock 4 to be hideous even with this great color scheme, so whatever.

>> No.10499203
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>all that rotting plastic

>> No.10499469
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>Paying that much for a glorified emulator box

>> No.10499473

>You're so far removed from the original experience that you might as well be using an emulator.
I sure love the experience of having a bad disc locking up during a cutscene and losing all my progress.

>> No.10499483

Explain how anon
There is nothing in there that is removed from a PS1 experience, unless you like the sound of a spinning disc
Which you probably burned anyway

>> No.10499564

More than worth it for the quality.

>> No.10500204
File: 675 KB, 1280x720, smugelf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s h i l l

>> No.10500284

At least use a Dualshock 3, c'mon.

>> No.10500593
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Terrible design/ergonomy, DS4 is peak dual shock.

>> No.10500609

This is like putting gold armour on a donkey

>> No.10500676


>> No.10500858

Rama said that he would work on the mStation, which will probably get renamed due to legal reasons, after publishing the next xStation update at the end of this year.

>> No.10500867

>PS1Digital HDMI mod for pristine visuals and crystal clear audio
>65" OLED for immersion and amazing picture quality
Thanks for making me vomit

Perfect analogy

>> No.10500881

sheeeit i didn't know they sold these individually without the console

>> No.10501007

Nice bait

>> No.10501021
File: 494 KB, 990x768, IMG_4372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perfect analogy
Tell me how

>> No.10502708

Wouldn't it be better to just emulate at that point?

>> No.10502731

If by better you mean cheaper and worse...

>> No.10503869

>65" OLED
Look into the Retrotink 4k
I prefer actual hardware as well, though I think the PS1 emulation is probably the same. The only trouble spot I can think of is lightgun support. Those originally only worked on CRTs with RCA composite cables but there are new infrared based guns that work on modern televisions (like the gun4ir) that might work with MiSTer or the upcoming Mars FPGA. As far as I know all of these are USB based and there's no way to hook them up to the actual PS1 (though I think JayBee was working on a way to get them working on the PS1 I don't think he ever released anything for that).
For PS2 you should definitely stick to actual hardware when it comes to games that use the pressure sensitive buttons (some Metal Gear games, Zone of Enders, and others) since there is no driver support for pressure sensitive buttons on the computer side anywhere (and as far as I can tell, no interest to implement it either), you'd likely have to build it yourself with an arduino and emulator patches or something.
What? Do you have a link? The only ones I'm aware of are the xstation and the picostation (and I think the latter is abandoned based off their github https://github.com/paulocode/picostation ).
Waiting for the MARS to come out.
Did any PS1 games use composite cable smearing like older generations?
Wanted to buy a PS1digital kit for years but always sold out. Seems it's been replaced by the Retro G.E.M. Might pick one up. Just not sure if I should get a shiny or holdout for the Retrotink to come back in stock.

>> No.10503984

Memcarspro is based

>> No.10504165
File: 430 KB, 908x572, pcsx2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since there is no driver support for pressure sensitive buttons on the computer side anywhere
PCSX2 has supported the pressure sensitive buttons on the DS3 for ages now.

>> No.10504184

oh wow, do you know if it works in linux? I know pressure sensitive buttons don't work for DS2 because those require a USB adapter and the support would have to be implemented at that level afaik (and I'm not aware of any that support it for DS2 and couldn't find any last I checked).

>> No.10504226

>Did any PS1 games use composite cable smearing like older generations?
It is one of the most egregious consoles that use dithering
The hardware itself output a screen wide dithering pattern due to limited colour depth

>> No.10504234

Yeah it is
Waiting for the PS2 one as well

>> No.10504435

Butchered. Just emulate at this point.

>> No.10504548
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>> No.10504803

I love it when people who don’t understand how shit works post dumb shit

>> No.10504810

>Your FPGA will be rotting plastic 25 years from now on too

>> No.10504864
File: 404 KB, 722x541, 1623396646476-captain-commando-210609-002515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The PS1?

>> No.10504871

They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.10504878

>65" OLED for immersion and amazing picture quality
Wouldn't you need something like a retrostink for that to look amazing? You ain't sticking an RGB SHART cable into an OLED.

>> No.10505012

>Load Duckstation on whatever device I have next to me
It's gaming time.

>> No.10505023

DualShock 4 is the worst controller in modern gaming this side of the Dreamcast controller.

>> No.10505027

captain commando has problems in emulation? I gotta admit when I played the game on my PS1 it seemed a little weird like it's an early game but it appears to have come out in 1998. I wonder why it has issues in emulation.

>> No.10505361

one day we will all be playing games the way the devs intended - on fpgas outputting video to 16k microled displays running at 540hz with crt shaders enabled

>> No.10505691

Not that anon but what's so bad about it? I like the DS2 most but they're so old they're starting to break down on their own, and the pressure sensitive buttons aren't supported on PC currently. DS3 through Dualsense all seem more or less the same, just a DS2 with inferior trigger buttons.
XBox controllers are all designed around shovelware online FPS games which are only popular in the west.
Nintendo reinvents the controller with every generation but nothing they've done has really stood out as the best for anything. Even games specifically designed for Nintendo controls (like Okami which was designed for the Wii) were often more popular on other systems.
I've been using a Dualsense lately just due to its slightly better hardware support over the DS2 (though it's advanced haptics still aren't supported on proton/linux) but I'd say it's probably equally bad as the DS3 and DS4. Though I've just learned that the DS3's pressure sensitive buttons are supported on some platforms and may be supported on Linux, which would make it slightly superior to the Dualsense imo.
You're absolutely right. I feel like an idiot for somehow forgetting this basic fact.

>> No.10505696
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>> No.10505708

Wrong thread?

>> No.10505715

It's Mike Chi, the person who made the Retrotink. It's true that the one piece of hardware missing from the OP's setup is an external scaler but it felt relevant in spirit.

>> No.10505721

Why would op need a scaler to complete his setup when his ps1 is already outputting digital signal over hdmi.

>> No.10505758

My understanding is that his 65" OLED would likely be upscaling the signal using bilinear sampling but the Retrotink offers the ability to use other methods like nearest neighbor sampling or lanczos. I'm not sure though, I had some trouble finding reliable info about upscaling algorithms used in modern TVs.
Thinking about it some more, some variant of bilinear scaling might work better for properly dealing with dithering.
I only recently upgraded my TV to a 4k TV and didn't realize it wouldn't support my older consoles until after the fact (because I'm an idiot) so I've been looking into HDMI mods/upscalers/etc.. but haven't used them myself. So it's very possible I'm wrong about this and would welcome recommendations.

>> No.10505947

To 4K?
There is only the new one

>> No.10505983

Scalers still take the analog signal processed by the ps1 then upscale and output digital again while the PS1Digital mod is bypassing analog processing entirely. The PS1Digital board likely already can upscale as well but im not rich or skilled enough to solder one.

>> No.10506316

The Pixel FX Morph 4K is launching soon as well. It seems to have less features (no Lanczos scaling) than the Retrotink and I don't like the whole license thing. On the plus side the Retro G.E.M. (successor to PS1digital) can talk to the Morph 4K and send game ID data so that your preferences can be automatically saved/loaded per game.
I'd really like to know how the latency compares between the Morph 4K and the Retrotink 4K but we likely won't be getting that info anytime soon.
ps1digital can integer upscale to 1080p (960p with borders). If you throw that into a 4k TV it's going to upscale again using whatever algorithm it has built in (likely one preferred for real-world footage). However, the Retrotink can accept a digital signal as well and so you could run your PS1digital output through the Retrotink to upscale to 4K. This should give you more control over how you upscale and pre-process the signal. I'm not sure how worth it or desirable it is to do this, to be honest. Watching videos I'm hearing completely different opinions. Some people saying that you should always run hdmi digital signal to the Retrotink otherwise it will look bad and other people saying it's not worth it if you already have a reasonable hdmi digital upscaled output.
You're completely right though, with regards to analog signals. Here is some video of Sonic the Hedgehog being fed to the Retrotink via analog composite output through the MiSTer that I posted in another thread.
Probably not what a lot of people are expecting based on the hype.

>> No.10506334

Unironically me on the right, but composite. I wasted so much money.

>> No.10506352

Is there a PGXP mod to stop polygon jittering? If not, emulation is still superior.

>> No.10506358

>I wasted so much money.
Then you are not on the right

>> No.10506364

original controllers suck man. nobody wants to deal with drift on ancient mistreated controllers some 8 year old shoved up his ass at some point in his life. if there's one acceptable thing to compromise on when playing with original hardware, it's controllers.
and memory cards, fuck memory card management

>> No.10506365

Which controllers have drift?

>> No.10506371

>doesn't know how to take a controller apart and fix it up or clean it

>> No.10506547

Not that anon but all potentiometers eventually die.
I do prefer old controllers whenever possible though. Modern controllers are all too FPS-pilled (derogatory) and have bullshit triggers that are awkward for older games (especially the ones that require you to use L2/R2 with middle fingers).

>> No.10507007

>Not that anon
>Just another anon parroting the same anon
All thing eventually die. In your degenerations case, sooner than later. Tidepods. It's not just for breakfast anymore.