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File: 25 KB, 256x371, Ristar_cover_EU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10474534 No.10474534 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't it catch on like Sonic?

>> No.10474537

Not enough promotion on Shenmue

>> No.10474540
File: 76 KB, 482x800, 4651330-bug-sega-saturn-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All eyes were on a better game for a newer console.

>> No.10474608
File: 1.08 MB, 1600x900, have-you-played-sonic-cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really think it was meant to. Despite being made by Sonic Team, Ristar is in the same category as Tempo or Vectorman for me. That is to say, maybe not as groundbreaking as Sonic, but still better than some other attempts

This is the funniest thing I've read in a while

>> No.10474613

too late in the genesis lifecycle
ristar was like 1996, most people had eyes on the new consoles

>> No.10474624

>not as groundbreaking as Sonic
What exactly is groundbreaking about Sonic?

>> No.10474632

You're right anon, nobody has ever heard of Sonic. Must be some obscure Japanese exclusive

>> No.10474683

Sonic Team's later games is further proof that Sonic was a flash-in-the-pan marketing fad.

>> No.10474685

>That's it! Bug is the character that's going to make it for the Saturn!
What did Spielberg mean by this?

>> No.10474691

So then why didn't Ristar (or NiGHTS) catch on like Sonic?

>> No.10474703
File: 110 KB, 734x1000, 81gI3pWaAuL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He saw Bug's level layouts and got an idea for his own game involving rectangular structures.

>> No.10474706

I don't get it, all of the other Sonic Team games exhibit excellent mechanics, superb art and music and far more refined level design than the Nintendo contemporaries.

>> No.10474979

Too late as mentioned. It was a solid game, but in 1995 the 16 bit consoles were entering their final stretch. Something like a completely average and unremarkable Donkey Kong Country was able to make a home console splash but that was because Donkey Kong was an established name in gaming as well as the "WE 3D TOO, SORTA" graphical gimmick.

Not really, considering they're all solid games it just means they could make solid games. People who pretend no good games exist outside of the top few "most nostalgic" games are idiots.

I'd shudder to see what you consider the best music of the 90s. Nirvana? Red Hot Chili Peppers? Tupac? Absolute pleb mindset.

>> No.10475616

why is steven spielberg making games

>> No.10475627

Not enough holes to penetrate

>> No.10475629

The main mechanic is too hard to use. If the hitboxes were a tad more forgiving, it'd be a great time. Also, this game should've had an infinite continues mode, at least.

>> No.10475643

To clunky and slow, it's really not very fun to play. The swinging mechanic is akin to robocod extendo.

>> No.10475650

The physics system, absolutely a marvel of technology for 16-bit platformers. It was not the level design that was carrying the games, it was the physics.

>> No.10475660

creative burnout after 30 years of directing the big bang theory

>> No.10475661

Too late in the lifecycle. Genesis was pretty dead by 1995. It's also a lot slower and more deliberate than any Sonic game and can be off putting at first if you're not expecting it.

>> No.10475691

Ristar actually requires you to use your brain to interact with the levels and enemies, unlike Sonic.

>> No.10475725

too cute, not enough 'tude

>> No.10475740

I think if people want to continue to produce games for the Genesis with tools such as SGDK, they should follow in the steps of Vectorman and use pre-rendered models. Donkey Kong also did this, the real time lighting in Vectorman is unbelievable. Ristar is about as good as it gets for traditional sprite animation on 16 bit. Vectorman is next level.

>> No.10475751


>> No.10475753

Ristar looks about a million times better than Vectorman.

>> No.10475815

The first one. Certainly not Vectorman 2. Nothing looks better than that on the Genesis.

>> No.10475820

Even Vectorman 2 looks only marginally better. Muddy prerendered will never look as good as state of the art pixel art.

>> No.10476461

Idk, I think prerendered graphics can look pretty good. Certainly better than polygonal shit.

>> No.10477148

Sonic has clear, immediately appeal: you can go incredibly fast. Ristar? You can, uh, grab things? Cool?

>> No.10477167

Bug is better.

>> No.10477171
File: 150 KB, 1124x1091, 1686898247611600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic was a flash-in-the-pan marketing fad
No Sega-related thread is complete without an obligatory "Sonic was never good" post

>> No.10477176

It's not even cool when atlas games did it better.

>> No.10477294

No real gameplay. Worse than Donkey Kong, not even a likable protagonist like Sonic.

>> No.10477331

>atlas games
Pardon my ignorance, what games?

>> No.10477335

>No real gameplay.
More gameplay than Sonic "hold right" the Hedgehog.

>> No.10477415

Low bar. Sonic is the first tech demo in history.

>> No.10477507


>> No.10477583

That's a retarded statement even ignoring the Sonic aspect.

>> No.10477591

and yet sonic is orders of magnitude more popular so they must have done something right

>> No.10478096

At least now I know people who say shit like this haven't played either. Ristar is just like Sonic, the same highs and the same frustrations are there.

>> No.10478245

Yes but I'm right.

>> No.10478263

Not enough 'ris.

>> No.10478296

Early Sonic games ooze style, and a kind of effortless cool.
Later Sonic games ooze cringe, and awkwardness.
That's the fundamental problem with where the series went.

>> No.10478579

To begin with, Sonic was much easier. Ristar is weirdly unforgiving with its hit detection and with just 4 hit points you'll die a lot. I don't mind difficulty in games, but something like Ristar doesn't really benefit from such frustration since its core mechanic makes it a puzzle/exploration platfomer. It should be more about figuring out things that frame perfect execution.

>> No.10478843

ugly ass design
every other answer is wrong

>> No.10479394
File: 1.13 MB, 1226x652, rocky_rodent_by_smokeymcgames_df1f1oy-pre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Sonic's ugly cousin and I really like this character.

>> No.10479439

It's a good design.
You realize its brilliance when he's being shot like a shooting star.

>> No.10479479

>buck bumble at home

>> No.10480269

To be fair, SEGA is only known for like 3 IPs nowadays (Sonic, Total War, Football Manager) outside of Japan.

>> No.10480324 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 873x672, Ristar - The Shooting Star (Japan, Korea)-231204-235144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just beat the final boss. It's irredeemable. But it was not as bad as I thought. I had a smile in my face but I still want to kill whoever let these bosses ruin an otherwise very cool video game.

>> No.10480332

I thought about this game today, but I am very sega biased

>> No.10481324

Where do I put the tits? How can I fetishise a fucking star person? Why wouldn't sonic take off over this when sonic can awaken things inside a pubescent boy?

Although that box art does look like he knows you're staring at his croch.

>> No.10481423

Buck came after Bug!

>> No.10481456

controls kinda suck, fr fr

>> No.10481543

What the hell do people see in Sonic. All the characters in those games are built like plushie dolls. There are so many better furry franchises, must be an american thing.

>> No.10482632

People didn't like Sonic because it was "furry", they liked it because it was appealing cartoon characters like Disney or Warner Bros but with an element of "cool"

>> No.10482692

This game has some cool music.

>> No.10482848

A star with eyes and limbs is just about the most unappealing character design ever conceived.

>> No.10483027

I just noticed Bug has a nice butt

>> No.10483079

Sega seemed to have a lot of cool one off IPs that they never converted into franchises. They just weren't business savvy enough to do that sort of thing.

>> No.10483526

>most unappealing character design ever conceived.
i would say that would be a smelly ass monkey, or a fat middle aged italian. but since those are successes it seems visual appeal isn't everything. i wouldn't even call ristar unappealing, just generic. it's some kirby level of "it's a shape with a face"

>> No.10483540

Mind blown

>> No.10483802

Simply put, it's not as good. They came up with this one idea for grabbing things but seemed to struggle on how to really make it work or building a world for him. Sonic's whole shtick could've bombed just as hard if Sega designed his levels like Mario with only flat surfaces. Ristar didn't seem to really grasp heh what could make the main mechanic fun.

>> No.10483814

i have this ROM legitimately on Steam, gratis

i can load it into any flash cart or emulator and play it legally

i won't though, because it's Ristar

>> No.10483816

Slope detection was a huge thing back then

>> No.10483824

>Certainly better than <thing nobody mentioned>

>> No.10483826

I'm usually pretty open minded but I just cannot understand how you're supposed to enjoy this with how slow and stilted it is.

>> No.10483942

Because callinig the game "Ristar", when your console's main market is Russia is just inviting kids to make a dirty put of it.

>> No.10483961

>dirty pun

>> No.10484870
File: 131 KB, 630x817, BionicFlag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the autist who talks about russians is back

>> No.10484880

What's punny about Pиcтap?

>> No.10484910
File: 20 KB, 480x360, main-qimg-83ec42fbd81d3b6fe317412b690003de-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, are you seriously bothered that somebody with low IQ can refer to the game as Pizdar? Do you have childhood trauma?

>> No.10485101


>> No.10485662
File: 2.65 MB, 640x362, 1679819815248367.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironically the only stage that you dont hold right to win is the most disliked. reminder that people dislike labrynth and scrap brain zones. the original sonic is a platformer and not just a cinematic

>> No.10485727

>people complain sonic is too easy cause "right to win"
>same people complain sonic is too hard because obstacles and enemies prevent you from going "right to win"
Sonic haters are all mentally retarded and autistic

>> No.10485846

Mischief Makers but bad

>> No.10485848

I kneel

>> No.10485849
File: 111 KB, 408x413, Shadow Das Gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That juicy fucking ass!

>> No.10485850

It's almost as if Oshima should have worked with Nintendo from the start than til the Wii.

>> No.10485858

But that's just Crash's inbred grampa

>> No.10486064

I can't think of a more "chick with dick" appeal game than Mischief Makers

>> No.10486654
File: 361 KB, 540x448, 1695952668107436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the main complaints people have to justify the ridiculous claim that "Sonic was never good" is either that there's little actual gameplay and it's more style over substance because you'll just "hold right" to win or something... or that its fundamentally flawed because you're going fast and it's harder to dodge obstacles in your 1st run of a level... make up your fucking minds, faggots.

>> No.10486827
File: 214 KB, 935x720, Ristar - The Shooting Star (World)-231205-113418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the game gear is a bit better gameplay-wise. Since the sprites are small, the grab mechanic feels tighter, faster and more forgiving. Also, I think you get infinite continues, that's really all the original game needed. Not to mention how impressive it is that they got it to work in a 8-bit system at all. The final boss gauntlet in that game is also needlessly annoying though. It's a cute demake.

>> No.10487490

No content and bad gameplay aren't mutually exclusives.

>> No.10487817

It's because they're liars

Butthurt Mario fans who can't deal with the fact that Mario was never cool and will always be nerdy, while Sonic sits more comfortably among the likes of Optimus Prime, Spider-Man, and the TMNT of "cool childhood guys"

>> No.10488626

Never played this game but looking at that character his design has less personality and merch potential than Sonic.

>> No.10488684

imagine this piece of shit dusting solar wind all over the fuckin' place in 3 dimensions

>> No.10488728

Man I drew soooo much porn if this back in the day.

>> No.10489754
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1651316852754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except the main arguments that faggots make actually ARE mutually exclusive, because either Sonic is a brain dead title that plays itself, so its not dependent on input and is shallow because of it... OR it has obstacles that you have to react to and that's why it's bad. You can't have it both ways. If you're going to be a troll, hating on a major series, at least don't contradict yourself.


>> No.10489932

Being popular doesn't mean it's groundbreaking. There are things about sonic that were ground breaking but brand recognition isn't one of them.

>> No.10491740

because it was not meant to.
it's a good thing it didn't, though. we have already enough with the sonic fanbase...

>> No.10492278

>we have already enough with the sonic fanbase...
the sonic fanbase is fine, the anti-sonic crowd is honestly just as obnoxious nowadays online, most sonic fans get shit because they're mostly autistic, they can't help it, while most anti-sonic people are annoying by choice

>> No.10494007

Oh shit, I did a presentation on Tristan and Isolde before a classroom of kids once. Second biggest mistake of my life, The bullied kid of the class was known as Dristan for the rest of his school years. I wonder what he is doing now and whether he ended up killing himself.

>> No.10494042
File: 79 KB, 800x450, cover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even a big Sonic fan and I think anti-fans are annoying as fuck.

>> No.10494937
File: 59 KB, 760x760, 1695028374420847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, the Sonic fanbase is full of genuinely annoying fans, and tons of autism, but when you're watching those autists sperging out... they're at least passionate and honest, while most people that hate on Sonic 24/7 with all "Sonic was never good" replies in every single thread, it feels like they're trying too hard to sound smart and/or justify getting filtered...
It also leads to most Sonic related threads in here completely going to shit and having no proper discussion of these video games that, wheter you like it or not, are popular and got huge for a reason, and we could actually try discussing them if every thread didn't become this discussion of wheter Sonic's fundamentally flawed or not, which he obviously isn't at all.
It's a series that mainly appeals to children and autistic people, usually both, so just get good.

>> No.10495014

Sonic fans being autistic is a meme anyway when you consider most of the hate is coming from fans of an even more childish and infantile franchise that is Mario
>durr 12 year olds putting their art online is so cringe and autistic!
Yeah, coming from grown men who play Mario and obsess over console wars this means nothing really and is quite pathetic. But Mario tends to attract the simple minded, so they probably weren't creative enough to draw as kids anyway so seeing kids make their stupid little OCs probably inspires even more butthurt from them that they didn't even have that much fun with a series when they were young

>> No.10495015

sonicfag anon you're really not helping your case here