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10493301 No.10493301 [Reply] [Original]

With a fresh Prince of Persia game on the horizon, let's discuss what's the best /vr/ PoP game.

>> No.10493308

>best PoP game
you posted it

>> No.10493310

First one is the best but I loved the visuals of it's sequel.

>> No.10493312

>With a fresh Prince of Persia game on the horizon
Another one?

>> No.10493462
File: 54 KB, 437x468, 1645395265329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the SNES version of 1 is the best and I don't really see how it's even debatable. Same story, gameplay and quality of animation but with better sprites, sound quality and backgrounds and a significant amount of added content. I can't even imagine playing any other version at this point

>> No.10493678

I'd maybe agree if it contained all the levels of the original, lacked slowdown issues, and the extra bosses played a little better with the general principles of the base gameplay.

Cool version and definitely a must-play, but it's kinda pointless to elevate is as some sort of "ultimate" version.

>> No.10493825

Warrior Within > Prince of Persia > Sands of Time

>> No.10493857

The cancelled one. Or ‘07

>> No.10493858

I see what you did there.

>> No.10493904


>> No.10493945

I've only ever played the original and thought it was alright

>> No.10493950

hey stop playing video games
i've had enough of your stupid videogames arent you both a bit old to play video games

>> No.10494036
File: 3 KB, 352x240, 731e985c-8b12-469f-be25-40ca73233f79_352x240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the homebrew port of the original for Atari 8-bit computers. It looks insane in action, given that it runs of a machine from 1979 (with 128K of RAM but shhhh).

>> No.10494096
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>if it contained all the levels of the original
it has almost twice as many levels as the original. If I had to pick one version that's more complete it's the one with 20 levels instead of 12
>slowdown issues
very infrequent and let's not pretend like everyone's PC version ran 100% smoothly back in 1989
>the extra bosses played a little better with the general principles of the base gameplay
The combat in the game was never good but at least the Shiva fight introduced something different than the standard attack / parry mechanic every other fight has and it looked cool as fuck

It's the version of the game that looks best, sounds best and has by far the most content. I don't see how anybody can prefer the vanilla releases unless they're blinded by nostalgia.

>> No.10494137

all PooP games are bad to mediocre with The Two Thrones being the best one

>> No.10494160

Sands of Time, /vr/ or not. The first one is frankly ass, even as a kid I thought it's ass. Nice animation but it's ass.

>> No.10494165

t. started with WW
t. started with TTT

There's no way anyone playing in correct order would not rank SoT on top of that trilogy. It just comes together too perfectly
>but combat
It's not a combat game

>> No.10494205
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You misunderstand, anon. I didn't mean to question that your original points make it the best version for you. I believe that; it's just that your quantitative approach to judge "content" is kinda the key factor for the notion of "best" to even come into play.

Ignoring a couple of my own original criteria for the sake of argument, what I mean is that a version of the game with 2 levels missing and 10 new ones may make for the best version for you, but for me it mostly makes it… a version of the game with 2 levels missing and 10 new ones.

>> No.10494380

SoTrash is overrated as fuck, it was baby first Ubisoft slop that's why you drones love it so much, it also had a big budget movie adaptation which brought it more poser fans

>> No.10494475
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Fuck it I'm bored. Let's get autistic:
>twice as many levels as the original
Not really, but adding up the tweaks to original levels minus the cut ones, plus the extra ones (some are pretty slow paced later on) may really even out overall as twice the density. The game does certainly double the time limit.
>If I had to pick one version that's more complete
"More complete" is a silly concept, but I get how plain old "complete" hurts your case. It's 19 levels, btw; the 20th is the original's 13th (the princess' quarters)
>slowdown issues
>very infrequent
Happens every time there's more going on in a given screen than the Prince plus 1-2 other animated elements. In fact, the cut levels were cut because the recreated engine couldn't handle long strings of collapsing platforms. Later levels full of those had to be replaced.
>let's not pretend like everyone's PC version ran 100% smoothly back in 1989
Irrelevant (and basically wrong: I've witnessed PoP running smoothly from a 5¼ floppy on a shitty phospor screen 286).
>The combat in the game was never good (…)
Kinda vague, but if it was indeed "not good" I'd say that bringing in random ranged attacks would make it worse (though the problem there is the basic mobility by design, not the combat). Shiva's not hard, but it introduces chance into a game in which being unlucky should never be a valid excuse for taking damage.
Also, the final boss is the real clusterfuck; trivially easy once you figure him out, but it essentially involves discovering and exploiting a glitch.
>It's the version of the game that looks best
>sounds best
>and has by far the most content
>I don't see how anybody can prefer the vanilla releases unless they're blinded by nostalgia
It's healthy to acknowledge the scope of your opinions. If for whatever bizarre reason you want them to be objective facts, undermining the alternative with passive aggression and buzzwords doesn't really replace arguments.

>> No.10494543
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>Hey chatgpt write me a /vr/ post, don't skimp on the borderline subhuman incoherence

>> No.10494609

>no argument
i accept your concession
PooP SoTrash is overrated garbage and even worse it was proto-ASScreed the godfather of the Ubisoft tower formula cancer that ruined gaming

>> No.10494735

I was kidding anon, you sound fully capable of embarrassing yourself without ai assistance.

>> No.10495105
File: 53 KB, 375x413, puzzled necromancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does no one seem to like Prince of Persia 2 or Prince of Persia 3D? I feel they're pretty good.

>> No.10495121

Based and correct. SNES PoP is the definitive experience. It's crazy how cinematic the game is for being a 2D sidescroller. God the spritework is gorgrous, too. Love the "hell" sections of the game after your doppelganger closes the gate during your jump.

Man what a cool game.

>> No.10495485
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I have a soft spot for PoP2. Played both PoP1 and PoP2 at the same time and to me, still being a kid, the second one felt more fantasy-like.

Speaking of The Sands of Time, that thing would win a lot by cutting the stupid bitch out.

>> No.10496171

2 is fucking ROUGH man. The first one basically dips your sack into sub zero water with that escape sequence. 1 was always hard but it at least feels mostly played at your pace and allows you to plan out just about every move you do, time limit notwithstanding.

>> No.10496174

*the first part

>> No.10496645

because 2 is out to assfuck you with borderline QTEs and puzzles instead of polishing its platforming/environmental mechanics to a sheen like 1. PoP is basically the height of its genre in the first take.

>> No.10496651

and 3D had its lunch stolen by Tomb Raider which was the proper execution of PoP3D, and 3D was ironically a shitty clone of Tomb Raider.

>> No.10497002
File: 315 KB, 1085x1536, 0-rimskoj-imperii-03-1085x1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does no one seem to like Prince of Persia 2 or Prince of Persia 3D? I feel they're pretty good.

Doesn't feel as good to play like PoP1.
Levels are a massive downgrade in quality.
Music is awful.
Story turns the main character from a straight forward prince to some destiny family revenge bollocks.

>> No.10497153

A dickdickout is the gay opposite of an assassin.

>> No.10498065

Which version of the OG PoP is most accessible to a new player? At a cursory glance it looks like SNES with savestates between levels to avoid the password shit.

>> No.10498090

In the DOS version you can practice levels 2-4 separately with Shift-L and after level 3 you can save with Ctrl-G.

>> No.10498142


SDLPoP is free and works on modern systems

>> No.10498152

Is this DOS visuals and levels?

>> No.10498180

I've never played the original DOS version, so I can't compare, but AFAIK yes.

>> No.10498185

I'll consider it. I'm not a fan of the idea of that one but there I could always play both.

>> No.10498220

Just play the game

>> No.10498805
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>fresh Prince
no one? really?

>> No.10498807

But yeah, that's why OP made the thread

>> No.10499170
File: 50 KB, 488x600, Jasmine.(Aladdin).600.2779861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With a fresh Prince of Persia game on the horizon, let's discuss what's the best /vr/ Prince of Persia.
Capcom's Aladdin on SNES is the best Prince of Persia title. No, I won't elaborate, you all know it to be true.

>> No.10499495

The only ones worth your time in the grand scheme of things are the only ones where Jordan Mechner was involved. So Prince of Persia 1&2 and Sands of Time.

Warrior Within is good, Forgotten Sands on the Wii is good, and so is the 360/PS3 reboot. But they're unimportant 7/10's if you really liked the old games.

>> No.10499717

>jump without 2 seconds of lag
>don't have to position yourself fastidiously for every drop and jump
I'm not sure if I'm agreeing or arguing. They aren't the same in any case, lol.

>> No.10501071

I get your point, but to me SNES Aladdin just feels like a Prince of Persia that's fast and fluid instead of slow and sluggish, so a direct improvement, but still focuses on animation quality.