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File: 31 KB, 480x360, IGN_Thinks_Sonic_Was_Never_Good_-_Reaction-KN7wC5C_PdA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10492905 No.10492905 [Reply] [Original]

Sonic was never good and if you disagree you can call the cops!

>> No.10492909

This was the exact moment when people stopped listening to them

They were roasting Sonic games for years but this is when they showed their ignorance, most people can at the very least agree that the Genesis games were good

>> No.10492930

It's just the truth. The platforming in 2D Sonic is ass and the speed stuff just a gimmick and the game playing itself

And everyone knows 3D Sonic is trash

>> No.10492932

>most people can at the very least agree that the Genesis games were good
Most people also have an IQ of 100 or lower so maybe you are right

>> No.10492938

It's not like Sonic Team didn't make a good number of 40% games even outside of Sonic. No idea why people act like it's weird to make the observation that maybe and only maybe Sonic games were a bit overrated (good presentation, good marketing, Sega moneyhatting)

>> No.10493024

arin "egoraptor" hansen was raped by a man in his sonic costume on his 10th birthday.

>> No.10493029

IGN gave Sonic Pocket Adventure a 10.

>> No.10493049

The worst part is that guy is married to a super hot asian girl

>> No.10493054
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>> No.10493178

you know, I kept wondering: how does Sonic keep people seething about it 30+ years later? I mean, c'mon, the series stopped being important after SA2. even then, the latter was on Dreamcast, few even played it.
but when you think of it, to this day Sonic was the only real "rival" of Mario. he gave him and Nintendo a run for his money. and you know the Nintendo community, right? they want to absolutely prove their company is the best, nothing but Nintendo mattered, every Nintendo game was GOAT, and no one ever played on other consoles. so they just can't get over the fact that some 30 years ago, they were losing a console war. even despite the fact that for the last 20 years Sonic couldn't bring his shit together.

>> No.10493183

Once you even compete with Nintendo in a genre they're tangentially related to, even 20+ years ago you become a target. Wish I was kidding, it really is this petty and gay.

>> No.10493194

Not really. The best part of Sonic is where it lets you do fancy tricks with slopes, and feel like a clever boy.
Like when you figure out you can beat the casino zone boss by boosting up the wall, and jumping off the wall at just the right spot. That's the good stuff.
Look how satisfying that is.

>> No.10493216

>Sonic was the only real "rival" of Mario.
Not really, to be honest. There were so many good platforming mascots.
Most of them also owned by Nintendo, admittedly, but Megaman exists, and Crash Bandicoot exists.
Earthworm Jim was temporarily enormous and had it's own animated show, before the developers decided to sell off the franchise, in a bout of stupidity.

>> No.10493231

It's funny because the SNES was Nintendo's last good console

>> No.10493239

The SNES is Nintendo's worst console.

>> No.10493253

1 & 2 were good
3 and onwards rubbed me the wrong way.. too obnoxious

>> No.10493292

I don't know about that. The SNES definitely isn't good, but there's lots of really shitty Nintendo consoles. SNES fans are probably the worst console fans though.

>> No.10493302

Game & Watch was peak.

>> No.10493336

Better than N64 and Cube for sure. Way more third party support. Not as good as NES, but what is?

>> No.10493363

>pooper Nintendo

>> No.10493394

>Way more third party support
Yes, but it didn't really count for much, since third party games were seriously lacking in quality on the SNES.
>Not as good as NES, but what is?
The Mega Drive, easily. NES games generally play like garbage. The PC Engine and Mega Drive is when console gaming actually became good.

>> No.10493415

>PC Engine
Please. Yeah the Genesis was great but I'd put it on equal footing with the SNES. Both had great action, adventure, RPG, sports, racing. TG16 is nothing but cheap arcade ports and Rondo.

>> No.10493445
File: 47 KB, 600x514, dankey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're right. There's two elements to classic Sonic: speed and exploration. They actively work against each other, because to explore you need to deal with fucking garbage slow-ass floaty platforming physics, and to go fast you have to ignore 90% of the stage. And god help you if you run into a rock or any other obstacle. Enjoy going through the motions to get back into a rhythm. The games actively work against themselves to provide a cohesive experience. There's a reason Sonic attracted all the weirdos and cringefest modern takes, and it's not because it had a solid core design that could take it through multiple generations and changes.

>> No.10493453


I will concede though, Sonic probably should have just been Sonic Spinball from the get-go, but like made with the physics and superior art assets of the real Sonic games.
Infact, someone should make that as a romhack.

>> No.10493479

I'm not saying the game can't have some cool tech or speedrun strats. Just that those aren't enough to deserve three decades of praise.

>> No.10493487

a broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.10493489

It's a good game
It has very good features
It has a lot of soul, a lot of good music, a lot of visual design
It's fun to play

People praise worse games. Like Rayman, or James Pond.

>> No.10493496

there's a common denominator to people who claim that sonic/sega/ps1/ps2/genesis/half-life/pc gaming/etc were never good. and the answer is they grew up with nintendo. tendies have the least adaptability of all fanbases in terms of jumping outside their comfort zones, that's because nintendo games by design are non-complex games (since they're games for kids) and stuffing your brain with nothing but nintendo games until adulthood atrophies all the gamer senses. rather than blame themselves and their video game illiteracy, they blame every acclaimed game under the sun that plays differently to what they're used to. anytime you hear the words "clunky", "janky", "bad design", "artificial difficulty", "aged badly" know it's coming from a gamer who dulled his senses after decades of nothing but nintendoslop.

>> No.10493504

Yeah, fuck off. We're not doing this. Everyone who doesn't like Mario and Sonic is wrong, because they're both good.
>b-b-but ad campaigns from the 80's!
I don't care. Grow up.

>> No.10493516
File: 1.14 MB, 2832x1568, sonicmariostages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single argument for Sonic being "bad" is nonsense cope from Mario tards.

>you just go fast and win, its too simple
>you can't go fast and win, its too hard
Every time without fail they show their absolute lack of an argument because their only arguments are contradictory.

Fact is, Mario fans will never get over feeling like a dork who likes a lameass series. And they're right. It's like a Smurfs fan screeching about how Ninja Turtles sucks because they resent people moving on to something that makes them feel lame in comparison.

>> No.10493517


>> No.10493520


>> No.10493529

And yet one is fun and the other isn't. How about that.

>> No.10493539

> Mario fans will never get over feeling like a dork who likes a lameass series.
There you go. Regurgitated 90's marketing bilge about Sonic being "cool" and Mario being "lame".
They're the same thing, moron.
You walk to the right and jump, and things are bright and pleasant to look at. You have to be dumb as a brick to think these are fundamentally different entities, and don't appeal to the same basic audience who either owned one console or another, and both if they were lucky.

I'm not having a 90's playground argument with you. You are forty years old.

>> No.10493540
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Yeah, Sonic is a fun high octane super hero cartoon game. Mario is a wussy, boring, basic bitch jumping simulator.

>> No.10493554

>20 posts of people making nonsense "arguments" for why sonic is "bad"
>only gets up in arms to try and reprimand people saying mario sucks
We know what side of the fence you're on, don't try to gaslight with your false diplomacy

>> No.10493560

It's a platformer and those can be fun, there are lots of jankier ones at the time, it's not the only around. Then you explore, which is fun. When you explore, although you can be hit there are ways to adapt and decrease the chance of getting hit. And therein is the argument made, "it's not fun because you'll get hit!"
An average non-autistic person doesn't run through Megaman, Beat 'em ups, Castlevania or Metal Slug and not get hit on the first try at the game. They somehow don't stop being good once you lose 1hp.

>> No.10493563

pc engine is known for its rpgs and adv games. it being a shooting machine is a western meme.

>> No.10493571

People who don't like Sonic aren't a unified force of "Mario fans" from the early 90's.
If that's honestly what you perceive to be happening, I don't know what to tell you.

IGN journalists aren't "Mario fans". They're failed journalists who hate themselves.
Egoraptor isn't a "Mario fan". He's a moron off the internet who likes about two games he played when he was a kid.

>> No.10493585

No, but they're still fun to control if you get hit or stop your forward momentum to check something out. Sonic slows everything down and replaces that fun speed with shitty slow momentum physics that feel awful to control if you're not at top speed. That's like the whole point of people complaining. It's not that you got hit, it's that getting hit or stopped is such a major pain the fucking ass in Sonic, and it's not in other games.

>> No.10493587

35 year old fucking console war

>> No.10493591



>> No.10493610

>and both if they were lucky
Everyone in my neighborhood had both, and some had a TG16 too. One kid with an older brother had a neogeo but I wasn't allowed to touch it

>> No.10493613

>People who don't like Sonic aren't a unified force of "Mario fans"
Yeah they are

It's not a pain in the ass, Sonic is good because you can get good.

People like you only prove the stereotype of Mario players being people who like baby games. Sonic games are only marginally harder than Mario and you can't even handle that, there's no way you even get into real games like fighters, your whole gaming taste is probably infantile shit like Mario and Kirby and that's just.....lol

>> No.10493617

You're like eight years old mentally. I'm feel sorry for you.

>> No.10493624

I've beaten every classic Sonic, but not every classic Mario, because they're harder.

You wouldn't know, because you refuse to play Mario games.

>> No.10493653

I honestly think it's the fanbase just attracting a lot of really annoying kids, and the fact that Sonic is a really easy target since a lot of the games suck dick

It's the Naruto on /a/ fallacy where Naruto wasn't exactly universally hated but it was gatekept off the board for years because if you allowed Naruto fans on the board youd allow obnoxious kids who would just make it take up most of the board. These days they dont care about Naruto since its not really relevant and anyone who reads Boruto is probably at least 25 years old.

Sonic is an exception because the games are exceptionally well preserved and its more popular from the movies now, so theres a lot of kids getting into it from the movies and they have to go way the fuck into the back catalog to play multiple decent Sonic games since the only decent Sonic games released in the past 15 years are Mania, Generations and arguably Frontiers. So what you get is a bunch of kids playing the old Sonic games and getting wrapped up in a console war from 30 years ago and shitposting about it on here.

>> No.10493707

I played nearly every Mario and Sonic game as a kid that was released in the 90s.

I beat every Mario game as a kid, I didn't beat every Sonic game. And as an adult I still get some joy from going back to Sonic, meanwhile Mario just feels like a boring childs game I left behind.

>hurrdurr sonic fans bad
This thread was made by a Sonic hating Nintendo fan. Nintendo fans are by far the worst posterbase here, because they don't even play games other than Nintendo so they really have nothing of value to offer other than circle jerking Mario and Zelda.

Zelda, by the way. the most cancerous fandom on here that has a shitload of unneeded threads for overrated games. N64 and Gamecube fags also just in general, really annoying bloating up the catalog with shit systems that had barely any games worth discussing, but they cope because since Tekken is too hard they need to pretend Smash is good.

>> No.10493718

Well, that's all subjective. If Joe for whatever reason feels aversion to the physics..it's not on me to explain why. Them "feeling awful" is not a fact, it's Joe's opinion. I was asked why lots others praised it and...well, you jump from a platform to the next using the physics of the game you play, anyone did it no probs and thats it.shrug.

>> No.10493721


>> No.10493746

Yeah, it's weird as fuck. People who are younger than me, LARPing as if they're older than me, reliving a console war from before my time, and telling me I'm a "Tendie" because I said Sonic 06 wasn't very good, and that Jim Carrey movie looks like an embarrassment.

Can these people all just go away, please?
There hasn't been any kind of meaningful Nintendo/Sega rivalry since the mid 90's, and Sonic games are literally on and sell well on Nintendo systems.

>> No.10493750


>> No.10493756 [DELETED] 

That's true. Nintendo fans are worse than cockroaches, shitting up every non-nintendo thread.
Just look at how they behave in computer threads.

>> No.10493762

How are you behaving in this thread?
Why did you immediately have to start an argument about Mario, as if anyone was talking about Mario?

This is the exact point the civil discussion ended. You did that, you dumb cunt.

>> No.10493765

>how does Sonic keep people seething about it 30+ years later?

>> No.10493767

Boring bait thread

>> No.10493775

Nearly everything with video games is subjective. If we only dealt with the objective parts, there wouldn't be any discussion. It'd just be a list of facts of when games where released and how large the rom was. I'm trying to explain why Joe thinks Sonic's always been shitty. It's not because he's a Nintendo fan or he's trying be a contrarian or trying to rewrite history. It's because Sonic feels shitty to him.

>> No.10493783

>This is the exact point the civil discussion ended
That was the OP with his bait thread

>> No.10493826

Sorry, I'll be playing normal teen-adult appeal games like Street Fighter. You can keep playing Yoshi and Kirby pretending it's "not autistic"

>That's true. Nintendo fans are worse than cockroaches, shitting up every non-nintendo thread
Precisely. They're always the ones who start shit, they are the cancer. They are the trolls, shitposters, rabid fanboys of autistic degrees of blind loyalty. People who literally only play games by one developer, proving they have no opinion that can be taken seriously.

>> No.10493835

Thread starters like that are always a challenge to talk about why the thing is actually good, which we were doing, until you ruined it, you blundering buffoon.

>> No.10493840

>It'd just be a list of facts of when games where released and how large the rom was
I'd love it if retro game discussion was just that, honestly.

>> No.10493862

Sure thing, OP.

>> No.10493868

sonic adventure is genuinely a lot of fun and i am upset i listened to stupid fucks like this and avoided playing it for so long. i have zero nostalgia for it. its seriously a fun game

>> No.10493869

ohhhh shiiiit, i remember you! you were the one saying that yoshi's island was kiddie shit, and that people think you're a loser if you play it! well, forgive me if i don't care that people like you think I'm a loser for playing Yoshi's Island. I'll keep hanging with cute girls who think Yoshi's Island and Zelda are fun and that "teen-adult appeal" games are for losers who think that imagining they're Guts is the purpose of video games.

>> No.10493881

an adult over 30 wrote this post

>> No.10493905

Damn right. And grown-ass women don't think playing games for teenage boys is cool. Shocking, I know.

>> No.10493926

It's becoming more apparent that there are no casual fans of the GameCube, N64, or SNES. They're all raving zealots with a chip on they're shoulders, with no desire to actually play or discuss video games other than the top 5 Nintendo IP's on the Nintendo consoles they grew up with. At this point, any time someone says they like any of those 3 consoles, I know exactly what to expect from them, and I have never been wrong about this. No fans of any other mainstream hardwares (Mega Drive, PlayStation, xBox, even Amiga or Spectrum) behave this way.

>> No.10493928

im not on either side of your dumb debate

>> No.10493941

But you inserted yourself into it anyway. Good job.

>> No.10494013
File: 65 KB, 443x601, renteddick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't fuck the "girls" you hang out with "bruh bruh" you can be sure of that lol.

Nice try hard flexing though trying to say playing childrens games is for pussy getting chads, guarantee you're actually some ugly virgin with that level of obvious insecurity.