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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 696 KB, 1920x1080, crtvstink4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10472089 No.10472089 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread:

>> No.10472119 [DELETED] 

Left is better

>> No.10472146

I doubt it looks better in motion.

>> No.10472153
File: 98 KB, 532x917, famikeyboards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lookin a little sunburnt
maybe dialback your color saturation a bit
my apple crt monitor post-recap has oversaturation also
depending on the game i rolling it all the way back to almost grey and then add color back little by little until it looks "right"

it feels autistic
but i just hate how some systems look upscaled

the 2x pro is good enough for a 27" gaming panel btw if anyone is looking for a "cheap" solution

>> No.10472252

I watched their whole video, and it seems like the take home message is:
If you don't have a CRT, and you don't have original hardware, the Retrotink 4K is very good at taking modern releases of retro games and rescaling them to make them look like a "close enough" facsimile of that original hardware - given that every single permutation of game and console is going to take a lot of tinkering to look "right"
Is that worth $750? No. Does it look any better than your bog standard roadside CRT? Frankly, not even close.

So who is this for?
Analog video enthusiasts who love tinkering with filters
People who need high quality analog video capture for their job (streaming or youtube or whatever)
People who aren't interested in original hardware but have cash to burn.

Who is this a waste of time/money for?
People who want an authentic retro experience
People who just want to play games
People who aren't interested in chasing technology trends
People who already fall back on emulation, or FPGA emulation

Ultimately, the Retrotink 4K is the final proof that no amount of money, filters, scaling, and pixels are a "perfect" substitute for even the most basic consumer CRT.

>> No.10472269

Looks more like it’s for anyone who wants to scale anything to 4K
Be it video or gaming

>> No.10472330

>and you don't have original hardware
Why would that be a factor? This is almost exclusively FOR people who have original hardware, but want to output to a real TV.

>> No.10472335

Over $700 for retrotink? Fuck you. Why is it that much?

>> No.10472341

>This is almost exclusively FOR faggots

>> No.10472362

Older Pixel art was made for composite at 240p, with no bilinear filter

>> No.10472430
File: 1.31 MB, 2920x2231, IMG_3243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scooped up a free KD-34XS955 recently and the only issue I’m having is that I get no red on any input method. I’ve gone through the service menu and jacked up the red values to no avail. It’s weird because the red display does work on the OCD and in the RGBS service menu like in the image posted.

Anyone encounter this issue before?

>> No.10472445

Component or scart for ps2?

>> No.10472452
File: 2.64 MB, 3511x3004, 20231202_185756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to play through Suikoden series. Been a long time, think the last one I played was 3 where you're a white haired twink or something

>> No.10472456

They are pretty close in quality but scart is a little better. If you can get a good scart cable for a decent price I’d recommend it. Otherwise if you already have a component cable I’d stick with that.

>> No.10472459

I have yet to ever notice a difference between the two

>> No.10472461

its actually not, it's just marketed that way to trick trend chasers
if you're serious about bothering to upkeep original hardware, you'll have an original display to match
the guy with a dozen original consoles but no contemporary television simply does not exist - outside of youtubers, of course, and a handful of rubes who were duped by said youtubers

>> No.10472465

I modded my 29 Mitsubishi for Scart and I also have a 21 Sanyo that is not capable of being Scart modded but it has component. I have heard scart with 480i is better.

>> No.10472471

I have both, there is literally no discernable difference
I only switched to RGB scart because the scart pigtail hangs down behind the TV and it's one easy-to-reach connector I need to change instead of three hard-to-reach connectors (the audio connectors i have running into a mixer)

>> No.10472472

You probably won’t without them being side by side
It’s basically just better colours

>> No.10472510
File: 3.57 MB, 4160x3120, 20231203_163837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the best at taking photos but this is Mitsubishi.

>> No.10472531

I'm actually surprised that style of shelf is strong enough to hold that big beautiful bastard.

>> No.10472536

>Not the best at taking photos
Ita nor your fault you were born in Australia anon

>> No.10472543

18" deep uline chrome wire shelving is rated to hold up to 800 pounds, as insane as that sounds

>> No.10472578
File: 2.68 MB, 2725x2160, 20231202_222642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I usually cheap out on these sorts of things but went overkill and got one rated for something like 300 per shelf, think it's cut to 200 if you use wheels though.

>> No.10472589

>Bought a Wii for dat 240p emulation plus Gamecube games
>The disc reader is dead and the seller didn't tell me
>The power and reset buttons are stuck
>And I don't even see the difference between "true" 240p and 480p

So do any of you actually care about 240p, or are you happy with whatever resolution as long as it looks good for you? I've been using Retroarch on a Steam Deck plugged to my TV and after this failed purchase I don't think I can use anything else. I can't even watch my movies.

>> No.10472590

>Yeah I usually cheap out on these sorts
Anon, I’ve put together one of these things for my parents
You definitely did still cheap out

>> No.10473008

If you are missing red on all inputs and not just component, then your problem lies somewhere at or after the point where all video signals get converted to RGB. Suspect a bad capacitor, bad solder joint, or bad IC.

>> No.10473030

>with no bilinear filter
No shit?

>> No.10473518

i can tell if it's a 240p source over 480i, especially when things flash every other frame

>> No.10473619

The fuck do you need a disk reader for and are you even fucking using a CRT

>> No.10473630

>So do any of you actually care about 240p
No, I care that the output is 1:1. So if it is 240p, then yes, I do want it to be 240p.
Wouldn't use a Wii for emulation anymore though.

>> No.10473759

Shame about the added delay.

Honestly I hope we can get to the point where we can replicate CRTs well, including the motion which is where LCD's usually fall flat. I'm getting tired of maintaining mine and one day these flybacks will take a shit on me and that'll be it.

I really hope we get some kind of television technology with updates as fast a CRT.

>> No.10473805

Get spare CRTs. Get spare parts like flybacks while they are easily obtainable still.

>> No.10473807

The monitors I have spare flybacks are $600+ and that's if you can even find them, all replacement sites are out of stock so you have to gamble on ebay retards.

I dont want my closet full of backup crts I have to recap because they've been sitting unpowered for years and only put into service when another takes a shit.

I'm tired anon.

>> No.10473824

What monitors are they?

>> No.10473826

>I dont want my closet full of backup crts I have to recap because they've been sitting unpowered for years and only put into service when another takes a shit.
I'd do a full cleanup and refurb, including recap anyways, doesn't matter if I'd throw it into storage or use it straight away.

>> No.10473836

Got a BVM 20D1FU
PVM 20L5
2 27" WEGA's, I've one since 2005 I bought myself and the other is from my brother in law who was getting rid of it in like 2012.

I only use the 20L5 at the moment but both the BVM and JVC are hooked up in another room. The WEGA's are in my garage.

I'm tired anon. I just recapped my BVM and I'm just getting too old for this shit. I'd really just like some technology that can give me the best of both worlds.

>> No.10473837

Actually no, now that I think about it I've had the wega much longer, I bought it about 3 months after FFX was released because I wanted to use Componenet output on my PS2. So it was like 2002 ish.

>> No.10473842

>I'm tired anon. I just recapped my BVM and I'm just getting too old for this shit. I'd really just like some technology that can give me the best of both worlds.
But that's half the fun!

>> No.10473972

Are you colorblind?

>> No.10473987

Does anyone have info on the NEC V700? It's very cheap but I can't find anything about it

>> No.10473989

Connecting to a CRT is a pain in the ass if you want to use an emulation mini pc or something like that. No I don’t want a mister or a raspberry poo, no I don’t want to use a Wii, no I don’t want to collect original hardware and deal with coomlector fags and expensive flash carts, no I don’t want to use an ancient AMD cart and emudriver

>> No.10474000

Just use a DP or HDMI adapter. The old AMD GPU + emudriver isn't needed.

>> No.10474036

What’s the downside, I don’t see anyone here doing that

>> No.10474065

You can't do 480i on the last few generations of modern GPUs, only 240p and related 15kHz resolutions.
I've seen several anons use this method, it comes up from time to time.

>> No.10474276

You can do 240p out with these converters and hook up to a crt tv? Somehow I don’t believe that why wouldn’t everyone just hook up a brand new gaming pc to a crt tv for emulation then

>> No.10474295
File: 456 KB, 700x641, 1626040729362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy with a dozen original consoles but no contemporary television simply does not exist
I prefer playing games on my 65" OLED over my CRT.

>> No.10474302

Read it again. If you still don’t comprehend the issue at hand then I have some bad news.

>> No.10474306

Possibly the red gun is dead.

>> No.10474307
File: 36 KB, 555x717, 1687868178134286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can do 240p out with these converters and hook up to a crt tv?
Yep. True 240p/60Hz 15kHz RGB.

>Somehow I don’t believe that why wouldn’t everyone just hook up a brand new gaming pc to a crt tv for emulation then
But that's literally what people do.

>> No.10474314

>Can't tell the difference between 240p and 480p
Anon are you even using a real standard definition CRT?

>> No.10474315

Ok so dumb question, why the hell isn’t this recommended more? This legitimately seems like one of the best options

>> No.10474319

It gets mentioned from time to time.

>> No.10474332

I guess there’s just a lot of tard millennial boomers on here who keep recommending Wii and emudriver because reasons then, thanks anon

>> No.10474337

In addition to a DP or HDMI (get a DeLock, StarTech or Rankie branded one) to VGA adapter, you also need either a VGA2SCART or a MiSTer VGA SCART cable. Unless you want to build your own cable with sync joiner.

Afterwards it's just adding 15kHz modes to the graphics drivers, like in the thread from the archive with CRU, if you use Windows.

>> No.10474379

Yeah it's baffling. OSSC costs a little under a third of the Retrotink (~$170 USD, ~$200 with taxes and shipping accounted for), by far a better value for the money.

Slight correction after looking it up, only the 4k model is that expensive. But 4k is something the OSSC is not capable of, maxing out at 1440p output. 4k displays are rather common now, so I guess this is the price of using them. Maybe if the 4k display has built-in integer scaling (do any displays have this?) you could go for the OSSC for your 4k meme monitor.

>> No.10474792

first google result

>> No.10474809

wew somehow I missed it, sorry

>> No.10474826

if you can't find specs or a manual for a monitor, sometimes the number on the front will tell you about it's max. horizontal scan rate. 7 means 70kHz, 9 means 96kHz, 5 means 54kHz. this isn't always true but a lot of the time it is

>> No.10474838

I never really understood the need for 4k resolution. It seems like no one really takes advantage of it and you need like a 4080 to begin to take advantage of it for modern gaming afaik. So in relation to retro games in 4k, I feel it is a massive overkill and still won't be able to accomplish what simple CRTs can do.

>> No.10474842

Thanks anon, after double checking the monitor got bonked at some point and it's missing some plastic, will keep searching for something in better shape

>> No.10474881

I have tons of Gamecube games and movies, I want my disc reader goddamnit, and yes of course I'm using a CRT why else would I post here.

>> No.10474910

Anyone else have trouble getting a CRT when you have dandruff? Most people ask me to leave and I tried wearing a hood and hat, but people just get suspicious like they know I have it. I found 2 sets on a curb, but they had the power cord cut and i’m unsure how to fix it without killing myself.

>> No.10474967

We're on /vr/, 4k with good DPI is great for filters.

>It seems like no one really takes advantage of it and you need like a 4080 to begin to take advantage of it for modern gaming afaik.
Even a 3070 will do 4k gaming at 60+ FPS if you use DLSS.

>> No.10475181
File: 2.39 MB, 4160x3120, 20231204_102634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey crt bros, I finally learnt to rotate my images to the correct orientation. Here's my favourite, an IIyama 505. 1920x1440@75hz, I think it's a Hitachi shadowmask tube.

>> No.10475185
File: 2.62 MB, 4160x3120, 20231204_102634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10475252

i emulate with shaders for free, and have less lag than the console with a scaler :-)

sometimes i even do it on my phone, with the tiny controller i keep on my autism lanyard, on the comfy couches at queer furry clowncore goth events (NOT at the goth-themed normie club iykyk)

>> No.10475256

>red gun is dead
>red works in OSD
It’s most likely something on the input signal line, be it cracked solder, bad capacitor or damaged trace
You’re probably gonna have to have a look

>> No.10475280

One of my friends has problems with his Playstation/PS2 signal bouncing on RGB scart on a Trinitron so I'm going to look into making a couple of sync stripper cables.


I think for some reason the old Sony doesn't like sync on Luma. I haven't tried scart on playstation for my Mitsubishi yet but I'll order a cable and mod it with a sync stripper as well. Just have to be careful to output 5v not 12v TTL.

I'm also going to start working on recapping the Sanyo because it has shimmering images. Just need a battery for the esr meter and hopefully it's only a couple of caps around the deflector IC's.

>> No.10475302

How Can CRTs Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real

>> No.10475331

le wifey won't let me have a crt :(

>> No.10475338

Break up with her, obviously a bad relationship.

>> No.10475358
File: 31 KB, 667x1000, relationship anarchism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lied

i'm actually a relationship anarchist and will never have le wifey

>> No.10475367
File: 953 KB, 1461x697, fattest thing alive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs
- CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
- CRTs always have easily-visible flicker
- CRTs always cause eyestrain
- CRTs always make a high-pitched squealing noise
- CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
- CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year
- Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
- Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
- Afterimages caused by phosphor decay are extremely annoying and are a significant downside of CRTs
- Sending an improper mode (resolution or refresh rate) to a CRT can cause permanent damage
- CRTs cannot have touchscreens
- 4:3 is so bad that nobody should use a non-widescreen CRT
- The Sony GDM-FW900 is the only CRT worth owning
- Curved CRTs have objectively inferior picture quality versus flat CRTs with otherwise equal specifications
- CRTs should not be used because they are heavier and deeper than LCDs
- CRTs have severe reflections because they do not have matte coats
- *inflates you making you big and round*
- CRTs can be permanently damaged by nearby magnets
- Analog signals limit a CRT's resolutions and refresh rates and negatively effect picture quality
- Heavy metals are used in CRT glass to reduce radiation



>> No.10475385

^ Do not reply to that underage redditor faggot

>> No.10475393

I have a Panasonic TX29GM in storage that I can't find a service manual or get into the menu. I'll probably just sell it as is, geometry is alright but could be better. And a Sharp CX68lf5 that needs adjustment through yoke sag and rotation, geometry is alright but I don't think it'll ever be perfect. Has a nice bright image and tube however so will probably RGB mod it. The Panasonic is a lost cause I think. I had the same issue with an old Philips that needed a service remote.

>> No.10475406

guess my pvm looks as good or better than an expensive retrotink. neat

>> No.10475420

Yeah, and? This is /vr/, nobody gives a shit about why CRTs aren't used ANYMORE for daily usage, this is about using CRTs for games made when CRTs were the norm.

How is that so hard to comprehend? Shit bait.

>> No.10475424
File: 167 KB, 1079x1009, Capture+_2023-09-16-12-39-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditor can't read
Many such cases

>> No.10475425

>replies to bait

>> No.10475456

>replying to obvious shitpost

>> No.10476751

If I go to goodwill and ask if they have any CRTs, would I have an actual chance of finding one from them since they can't throw them in the dump?

>> No.10476768

Thank you for the insight. I pulled the boards and inspected them for about an hour and wasn’t able to find any signs of blown capacitors or loose connections. Poked around with the voltmeter and the service manual and didn’t find any dead traces either. Put it all back together but the red is still missing on inputs.

At this stage, do you think it would be wise to look for replacement boards or attempt a SCART mod, or should I call it quits and look for a different unit?

>> No.10476816

I would use this as an opportunity to improve your diagnostic and repair skills. If you don't already have an oscilloscope this is also a good excuse to buy one. You are going to need one to find out where your red signal is disappearing. If you are uncomfortable with working in the vicinity of tens of kilovolts then now would be a good time to get comfortable, but not too comfortable. Don't want to become complacent. The XS955 is an exceedingly good display and is worth every bit of effort needed to put it back into service.

>> No.10476834

I have two pvms and two trinitrons. I'm just going to rock those until the end of days.

>> No.10476881

0% chance they stopped accepting crts a decade ago.

>> No.10477318

fix your fucking overscan anon

>> No.10477319

But it adds SOVL

>> No.10477854

What size crt and dimensions of the rack? I'm thinking of trashing my old ass coffee table I use and only plugging in a couple consoles and putting my 32 inch crt to a 24 inch cart, probably too narrow thougu

>> No.10477859

Looks like a 27" to me

>> No.10477868

Yeah probably. I must cope, I want something shorter like 30 inches, not 54 which is the minimum height for a 36 inch cart

>> No.10477950

I use this cheap ass rack from target. Site says "160 lbs shelf capacity," surely that is 160 lbs per shelf right? Other metal racks with the same dimensions hold usually around 200-250 so there is no way each shelf only holds 50 lbs.

>> No.10477957


>> No.10478017

>source: plebbit
Not even a CRTfag but this made me lol

>> No.10478380

go to Free Geek

>> No.10478402

i picked up a 36" tv weighing over 200lbs from someone who had it on a metal wire shelf that was square and not even as deep as the tv. he'd had it for decades like that

>> No.10478421

those shelves are weird. all the weight is on thin plastic ridges barely interfacing with grooves

>> No.10478852

Every Goodwill branch actually has its own policy, even if a lot of them no longer accept them. Would be worth at least calling them to find out.

>> No.10479090

Goodwills no longer taking CRTs combined with over a decade of mainstream LCD screens has me kind of scared for anyone trying to get just a basic CRT these days. That's not even getting into the high end stuff, which used to be a gold mine if you wanted just an all around great display on the cheap, which is now about as expensive as their modern day equivalents.

>> No.10479235

You just have to find people above the age of like 40 who don't live in commie blocks and haven't recently moved and they probably have their old TVs still in the basement or garage or spare bedroom or whatever. I know this paradoxically makes them harder to find in high density urban hellholes but that's how it goes.

>> No.10479589

And for how much longer? Right now CRTs are thriving off the backs of older folks with junk TVs in their garage, but that's not going to last much longer. We really need someone to manufacturer new CRTs preferably sooner rather than later, since no doubt unless one of the old guard start producing them again, the first attempts will suck and won't really be worth it for a good few years after that.

>> No.10479670

If you can still easily buy a 40 year old Famicom I would not expect the supply of 15 year old CRTs to evaporate next Tuesday

>> No.10479698

Where are you gonna find a 77 inch CRT to play on these days?

>> No.10479792

>I would not expect the supply of 15 year old CRTs to evaporate next Tuesday
What about Wednesday?

>> No.10479808
File: 1.63 MB, 540x217, itwasatuesday.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10480031

>all true

>> No.10480609
File: 1.51 MB, 4160x2904, 20231205_192841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanyo with Samsung slimfit tube after some adjustments and recap. Very easy TV to work on but sadly not RGB moddable.

>> No.10480639

What’s the source for the game
Looks too clean to be an actual genesis

>> No.10480659

Modded Mega Drive 1 with S-Video. I have a Scart cable but this TV doesn't have Scart.

>> No.10480665
File: 3.17 MB, 4160x3120, 20231205_202345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a very easy mod to do, costs about $5 in parts. It also has the trace cut mod(turns the machine into an ntsc model and I've added an ntsc oscillator to replace the pal color signal.

>> No.10480697

Both are garbage. They don't even blend the dithering effect.

>> No.10480772

Interesting, is it a daughter board?
I was under the assumption that all NTSC causes jail bars on the main board

>> No.10480798
File: 153 KB, 1024x513, tyjbvfq9c0581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you just cut a trace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NWvwpVbhvs&t=3s

Then you can buy a 53.69MHz oscillator and just swap that directly with the Pal 53.2mhz. I don't care about Pal games but some people put a switch or dual frequency oscillator in.

>> No.10480827

s-video still has rainbow banding and color issues such as bleeding. Some people like it as it dithers properly for certain effects on the system. Though RGB Scart looks good for other things but it doesn't dither.

>> No.10480859

puiɟ pooƃ 'ǝƃɐɯi uɐǝlɔ ʎʇʇǝɹd ɐ s,ʇi ʎlʇsǝuoH

>> No.10480921


>> No.10480937
File: 181 KB, 1043x386, Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 05-25-02 Sonic The Hedgehog (Chungus) Animation Cel Production eBay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10481037

do pal tvs that accept Y/C over scart take pal chroma?

>> No.10481060
File: 641 KB, 699x677, 1694752344261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not owning a wii already(zoomer)
>buying one because of youtuber bullshit
("""True"""" 240"""p"""" vs 480p, are you fucking serious?)
>not even buying one from a good spot, just bought the cheapest one off of ebay or some shit
Man the future of gaming is grim..
Look kid, just play the fucking games by any means you got/like and stop trying to impress the big boys.

>> No.10481223

Just found out my two 13" Toshibas have Orion tubes...

>> No.10481227

>disc reader
for what reason? everything works perfectly off usb booter
besides gba shit
the only other reason you could cry about not having a disc loader if you're booting game hacks

>> No.10481301

I have an issue on my wii where when I move Orcarina of Time and Majora's Mask to my SD Card, the games refuse to launch. It isn't an issue for Pokemon Snap and Rondo of Blood for example. Any insight on why that might be?

>> No.10481376

rasmus......... allo yoba........

>> No.10481656

How is it with BFI and shaders on simultaneously? I heard you can get it really bright with HDR.

>> No.10481968

from what I seen from a video
it gets close but brightness was slightly darker than the crt
with a simple model revision or a better tv you could get it to be the exact same image

>> No.10481976

Just watch the video:

>> No.10481992

Yes Pal tvs from the late 80's onwards often have 3 modes, pal, ntsc and pal 60.

>> No.10482127

>Start the video
>Within 15 seconds a fat ugly guy puts his face in the video for no reason

>> No.10482131

Think of the production values

>> No.10482629

I'm 29, mister schizo.

Original gamecube games and DVD movies. I have tons of them and didn't want to rip everything and move it to a super slow FAT32 USB every single time I wanted to play or watch something.

>> No.10482668

ur kinda retarded
>rip everything
just download it off the internet
>but muh real discs
>slow fat 32 usb
nintendont still runs games faster than disc and loads faster as well
>not owning a dedicated dvd player
why would you burn the life away of a disc drive you need to use for modded wii games

>> No.10482873

Or you know, I could just refund it (which I did) because the product didn't meet my expectations, schizo man.
>not owning a dedicated dvd player
Zones are a thing.

>> No.10482926

Damn, my local game store is starting to sell used crt lately. I'm really itching to buy one after see so many examples of how games should look.

>> No.10482930

what are the prices and how large? curious how much they're jewing people

>> No.10483007

If they’ve been repaired they might be worth it
But if not, they better be cheap

>> No.10483030

I was eyeing the 10" to 24" since that's more nostalgia for me as a kid, and a few of them were going for 40 to almost 100 bucks. Those are randoms brands. The biggest was a Sanyo 30" for $120 or something.
They are all working, they had them (simultaneously) demoing Contra III, and the picture on most of them looked really nice.

>> No.10483038

I wouldn't bother with no name brands

>> No.10483046

I didn't say they weren't name brands, I said random brands, as in some sony, some sanyo, some hitachi, etc. just random.

>> No.10483054

Then go for it
Go for the largest one you're willing to go for in my opinion
As long as you think it looks nice and at least has S-Video

>> No.10483097

Not them, but what are some good quality brands? Are the only decently built CRTs with good parts Sony, JVC and Panasonic? Because I just found out >>10481223 today and felt a bit bummed that Toshibas weren't as great as I once thought.

>> No.10483120

It really depends on the tube and where you live

>> No.10483134

Spot on

>> No.10483175

Those 13" Toshibas apparently have Orion tubes. I have a 20" Symphonic with funai, 20" Sony Trinitron composite only, 19" Sharp, 27" Panasonic with component, 27" JVC I'Art, 13" JVC white tv and a 9" Philips CRT. I would of had that nice fat 27" Sony Trinitron everyone loves, but the faggots are my job threw it out to recycling when I said "Please do not throw it out on tuesday" and they said "Okay".

>> No.10483180

need to fix a wonky rca input on my 9 inch PerfectView, hope my testicles dont implode

>> No.10483193

dont do that, you'll create mustard gas

>> No.10483358

>This is almost exclusively FOR people who have original hardware, but want to output to a real TV.
There's other solutions for that at least for those on a budget, like the Retrotink 5X/OSSC/Framemeister/GBS-C anyways. Nevermind the Retrotink 2X which while not the best for 480i will get the job done for old consoles regardless.
The latest wave of 4K upscalers is definitely tailored to videophiles where cash isn't a problem and they REALLY value scanlines, and that's good for them. But it pretty much just seems to be diminishing returns for how much you spend on it, at least for now.

>> No.10483428

Honestly, I plan on getting an 5x should anything happen to my TVs >>10483175. It's more fun to have hardware accuracy than emulating anyways.

>> No.10483440

>It's more fun to have hardware accuracy than emulating anyways.
I definitely get that aspect. There's definitely something to be said for playing games on their original hardware. As for the 5X, for most people it will be way more than enough. There's tons of scanlines and customization options for them as it is, and it scales to a proper 1440p thanks to numerous firmware updates made throughout the device's lifespan.
Its still nice to game on CRTs, but its just good to plan ahead in case.

>> No.10483456

Exactly, that's why I have so many of those CRTs since I can take them from my work. At this point, I'm just focusing on better quality TVs than just grabbing whatever good looking/quality brand name TV I can get, i.e. Sony, Sharp and Panasonic for example. Like the 19inch Sharp I have is just a composite mono CRT, but has seen betterish days.

>> No.10484175
File: 3.84 MB, 5312x2988, 20151001_155145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy with a dozen original consoles but no contemporary television simply does not exist
I-i was autistic enough to save all my games and consoles but my child brain didn't understand why I would need to save my old TV

>> No.10484284

Nothing beat consumer CRT with composite or S video, anything higher at least for 2D games just doesn't hit the same.

>> No.10484328

>Steak? Yeah no thanks,I love eating shit, nom nom nom

As someone who grew up with RF and composite I have no fucking clue how people want to continue playing with this shit when RGB exists and is obtainable for non-euros now.

>> No.10484363

RGB is soulless, may as well just play with an HDMI mod on LCD.

>> No.10484371
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>> No.10484427
File: 1.44 MB, 2241x1319, IMG_4330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because not everyone wants to see every erroneous pixel used solely for blending
It also depends on your CRT

>> No.10484441
File: 137 KB, 564x488, 1607857521294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just use the cords i have around i'm not trying to impress anyone

>> No.10484603

Tell me about S-video. Is it worth it if I'm using a PC plugged to a TV via HDMI with a converter?

>> No.10484620

And WAY cheaper.

>> No.10484629

for now.... until it blows up and puffs cancer smoke into your lungs

>> No.10484642

>Sweet release for free
What's the issue?

>> No.10484647

It's the best upgrade over composite. The ideal retro video connection for any console. Anything "above" s-video and you might as well go raw.

>> No.10484690

I was raised by CRTs.

>> No.10484948
File: 303 KB, 1439x574, Screenshot_20231206_140351_eBay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro are you sure about that?

>> No.10484982

Left is better.

>> No.10485096
File: 294 KB, 840x720, pepar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

broke one of the 6 circle legs underneath my brand new looking trinitron when moving it around. i didn't even force it. i guess plastic goes to shit after 30 years

>> No.10485174

plastic becomes brittle with age
nothing u can do about it
old game consoles will require shell replacements

>> No.10485195

>i am stupid amerimutt
>therefore everyone is stupid amerimutt

>> No.10485214
File: 2.84 MB, 1334x1026, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You scared off the climbers by turning it upside down, idiot

>> No.10485245

The fuck are people listing FW900s for now

>> No.10485359
File: 986 KB, 1637x3638, Datcurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 19" zenith I meantioned in the last thread. The curve on this is huge.

>> No.10485368


>> No.10485420
File: 1.36 MB, 3264x1632, always free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine paying for antiquated hardware. I even got a l'art with a free gamecube

>> No.10485435

Love the I'art. It was the first I got when I started my "retro" setup a year ago. I'm hoping to find another 27" or 20" inch as a back up

>> No.10485447

or you're just careful

>> No.10485490

repairs are needed and plastic will destroy it self if you try to move it beyond holding it

>> No.10485501

I think that depends on the colour of the plastic
Black plastic tends to last longer

>> No.10485503

that just sounds like racism to me

>> No.10485543


>> No.10485553

It's less affected by UV
stop being dumbasses

>> No.10485582

That's just what some plastics do when they get old. My car is 20 years old and I cringe every time I have to remove an interior trim piece because the plastic has become so brittle

>> No.10485713

Smells of cope.

>> No.10486156

Is it worth to RGB mod my N64 and Snes and use component cable? Or should I just get an S-video cable? My gamecube looks like shit on my 14af44 so I'm actually just get a carby and play it on my 4K LED TV.

>> No.10486162

depends on how sharp you want it

>> No.10486201

GBA on a CRT. Yeah or nah?

>> No.10486214

I had a PVM14L5 with GameCube, component cable, and GB Player. I still prefer a real GBA.

>> No.10486790


>> No.10487001
File: 81 KB, 1418x644, beerpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank frens i feel better now

>> No.10487276

Buy a $4 s-video cable off Aliexpress and try that first.

>> No.10487304

improvement over RGB is marginal. That said, the N64 RGB mod is very simple to do assuming it's an earlier one, which is most of them in murica.
Honestly though, s-video is good enough for CRT. Only reason I even went down the rabbit hole of RGB is because genesis has absolutely dogshit composite video and the only step up from there was RGB

>> No.10487494
File: 3.00 MB, 2014x1594, 1639055232098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upgrade them all to RGB, get the RGB2COMP, and connect them to component on your TV

>> No.10487750

RGB is just too much. Get S-video and enjoy that.

>> No.10488084

This anon is trying to get rid a truflat Samsung CRT if anyone is in dallas.

>> No.10488157

Don't listen to the massive cope here and just go with RGB for everything. SNES doesn't need a mod btw, it outputs RGB natively. You could install a better amp for it though.

>> No.10488168

>get the
just use what you have and be happy

>> No.10488259 [DELETED] 

component is not RGB

>> No.10488460

>My gamecube looks like shit on my 14af44
Yea sure, just let him enjoy a subpar poorfag experience like you would

>> No.10488472

i dunno, i simply emulate gamecube in perfect 480p RGB on my 31khz crt

>> No.10489760
File: 289 KB, 572x319, crt market.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10489808

>colors show the character of the CRT developers
>colors accurate within 1/16,000,000th of a shade based on some arbitrary standard

>> No.10489967

Me on the right.

>> No.10489970

Stop flashing your holes and charging money

>> No.10490125

VERY nice
i almost bought a white nokia crt like this for 130$usd and would have had to drive 3 hours

>> No.10490463

Ahh, hard to see the detail on the flowers when you use the retrotink.
Yep... you just can't beat the real thing..

>> No.10490483
File: 2.48 MB, 1397x1379, 20l2md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that's the set I have. Picked it up from a medical auction for $200 about a year ago.
Here's a pic I grabbed the other night. Definitely enjoying it so far, pvm's probably aren't worth the hype though all things considered.

>> No.10490518

They were especially worth it in 2012 and 2013 when TV sations, universities and hospitals were phasing them out and you could get them stupidly cheap.

The fact they're like $3000+ for the good ones is ridiculous and anyone posting pictures of them here is immediately met by a brigade of retards that think someone paid thousands for a tv when they just got them early.

It's amazing how much seethe posting a PVM or any professional monitor causes in the CRT treads on /vr/

>> No.10490543

I lived in a tiny apartment in 2012-13 - pains me to imagine the shit I would've accumulated in that timeframe but it's probably for the best I didn't lmao

>> No.10490570

unrelated but fuck that game is so shitty and grindy even for its time

>> No.10490581

It's such a shame too because the music and presentation are fucking great.
Ironically the reason I fired it up the other night was to try a romhack that increases XP and meseta (inb4 get gud). Usually I'm not into that sort of thing but I just can't imagine trying to slog through this game again without some way to speed up the grind.

>> No.10490634

In general you don't use speakers with CRT monitors. How helpful are magnetic shielded speakers? If they are okay with CRT what would be recommended to have with my CRT set up? I have an HP m90 and a Dell 992

>> No.10490650
File: 55 KB, 947x1000, 415N7AZRMSL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In general you don't use speakers with CRT monitors.
>He doesnt know

>> No.10490698

I have a pair of Roland MA12c speakers that I really enjoy, unfortunately in the past few years the prices have gone fucking bonkers. Like double what I paid. That said, if you can get a good deal, they’re great desk speakers and well shielded.

>> No.10490728


>> No.10490734

what if the pvm is free?

>> No.10490741
File: 996 KB, 2279x1512, PXL_20231208_190504044~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the life of me I cannot get audio out on this PVM 1555MD. I have tried every combination of plug on each line and the audio output. It took a minute. Menu setting let's me choose component vs rbg/syncs but has no audio options. New to the PVM realm. Picture is great though.

Any thoughts from, Anon?

>> No.10490757

the speakers in PVMs are absolute shit and its most likely just dead or some bad components in the audio circuitry to the speakers.

>> No.10490761

Unless I’m missing something, this isn’t a thing (that I’m aware of anyways). Do you mean a 1353MD?
Have you had any luck with the alternate inputs? Might be worth seeing if you can get an audio signal out of the composite/s-video inputs.
You probably already know this, but PVM’s have shit audio. Might be worth investing in a pair of shielded speakers even if you are able to sort out your audio situation on this set.

>> No.10490762

Get literally any other speakers for it

>> No.10490859
File: 720 KB, 2688x1512, PXL_20231208_190905977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1455MD* my bad, phone posting.

That is the plan but if it was a simple fix from my own inexperience then I figured why not ask.

>> No.10490905

Lads, I need help.
Samsung crt was standing in the closet for about a year or so, now there is no sound. Played with Service menu - no dice, same with plugging in headphones, trying SCART/RCA, swapping cables. Stereo/mono/nicam/l-stereo, nothing works. Back label reads as model "cs-21k3mj1q".
Any ideas?

Grew up with the thing, don't want to throw it away if there is a fix.

>> No.10490972

If you’re willing to open it, check the capacitors. Worst case, you could just get external speakers

>> No.10490993

Any idea what am I looking for when opening it? Also external sound doesn't work, headphones or speakers.

>> No.10491061

you'll probably wanna start looking for some relevant YouTube videos anon - if you've never opened up a CRT before there's a lot of things to be considerate of - probably more than you're gonna be able to glean from a comment in a CRT-general (happy to be proven wrong tho).

>> No.10491083

What are brands that you wouldn't pick up due to bad quality control? I've seen nothing but bad news regarding Apex and Zenith(90's to 2000s) CRTs.

>> No.10491104

How about the other inputs? I think this PVM doesnt support audio through RGB

>> No.10491397
File: 97 KB, 777x568, 20221021_162708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw what a panasonic m tube sticker looks like and remembered my little 9" philips CRT I cleaned a few months back. Looking at the sticker, could this tube have a panasonic m tube? Behind the wire, It seems like the same "M" you see on Panasonic M tubes.

>> No.10491520

Anything from a Korean company, be it LG or Samsung

>> No.10491523

I tried every combination of cords and inputs, even composite and no joy. I got a second PVM (Both were cheap at least) and same inputs and audio works but no red at all. I'll have to write off the audio on this one. I was planning on getting speakers anyway for stereo.

>> No.10491546
File: 131 KB, 621x902, waterpilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In general you don't use speakers with CRT monitors.
the sound magically leaves your console and enters your ears\body? neat!

none of my speakers are "shielded"
and its faggy trying to buy new ones that are
manufacturers literally lie about the shielding assuming mf dont have crt anymore
its literally a race to the bottom

i use a v large PA setup and keep it far enough from the tube so it doesn't warp my geometry
its loud enough to shake the ground and ceiling
(i obv dont play like that i leave it on 1 or 0.001 volume mostly)

>> No.10491764

So LG flat screens are good, but their CRTs were bad?

>> No.10491770

Collecting crummy CRTs? I'd rather collect water!

>> No.10492326

Overall you have to consider that the Korean electronics industry was leagues below the Japanese for the most of the time when CRTs were produced. First doing cheap knockoffs, then licensed rebrands of JP stuff (they had a ban on Japanese culture back then, so you got stuff like Hyundai-branded Famicoms, for example), they only started catching up in the 90s (when Japan got hit by the economic crisis), and have been really strong for the last 15 years or so.
Same goes for automotive, their cars back then were shitboxes made of the same metal sheets as microwave ovens, now they're some of the leading brands on roads everywhere in the world.
So, while you can't go wrong with their OLED panels, I'd be cautious when it comes to older gook CRTs. They were rather cheap, low-end models back then. Flat screen CRTs from the 00s were mostly fine though. I've got some experience with a big 29" LG and a 21" Samsung and they both looked alright, especially over RGB.

>> No.10492448
File: 1.01 MB, 2576x1932, 20220514_181132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while japanese monitors were always the best, you really cant go wrong with a decent samsung.
Leagues above the really cheap mystery meat monitors from brands you have never heard off

>> No.10492736
File: 770 KB, 2730x2048, 170206077970098588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any comments on viewsonic professional Series Ps775? Got it for free from a friend's Gramps. It's in excellent condition will post colors and brightness later in when I buy an adapter for this tellescreen. The stand is very interesting has 4 USB 1.0 ports. Anyway to modify with USB 3.0+ ports?

>> No.10492748

What is that smeared over the screen?

>> No.10492764

Rain droplets I had to get it out of my car, and it's drizzling.

>> No.10492814

>Anyway to modify with USB 3.0+ ports?
Well obviously you'd need to replace all the ports and cables for them. Doable.

>> No.10492825

You're so full of shit, several Philips Flat CRTs used Samsung tubes, and it's considered one of the better brands.

>> No.10492961

How about Zenith and Apex TVs?

>> No.10493343

the crts themselfs arent bad, but the monitors are pretty bad, especially LG.
They dont have a service menu and tons of other annoying shit.
Also the better Phillips TVs use hitachi or mitsubishi not Samsung because japan is better.

>> No.10493481
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 1539502679689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this is the place to ask, but I'm asking anyways. The existing retrotinks on the market, the 2x and the 5x, how do they display upscaled content? Is it native 4:3 or 16:9 with the 4:3 in black boxes? This is important, my TV won't do game mode AND 4:3 for some reason so my OSSC is in an awkward place.

>> No.10493532

ok so basically just emulate its free and will look better.
if you dont have a crt why are you bothering with original consoles

>> No.10493643

Because I like to play my physical games. Now someone give me a real answer please.

>> No.10494149
File: 544 KB, 789x589, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10494321

anyone know anything about clairtone tvs? can't find much online

>> No.10494329

needs a update

>> No.10494342

Mister is actually good & worth it though
Pi posters have buyers remorse
So they comment on every reddit thread
>Buying an Atari Jaguar?
Jus get a pie bro lol
>Buying a virtual boy?
Jes get a pi bro lmao
>Trying to actually play arcade games accurately?
Just get a pi and ignore the overheating icon and shitty frame tearing and audio glitches lmfaoooo

Pi posting should be banned

>> No.10494345
File: 330 KB, 474x646, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the tv in this pic?
been trying to figure it out but can't

>> No.10494615

>buyers remorse
>for a cheap highly diverse and infinitely usable product

>> No.10494640

What are you asking here?
If it outputs proper resolutions?
the answer is yes

>> No.10494662

He doesn't know...

>> No.10494669

You're a bit late with that anon
they are cheap

>> No.10494691

also with the upcoming ReplayOS playing the Pi5 on a CRT with RGB couldn't be easier

>> No.10495132

Someone at my work threw out two mad catz gun controllers and a guncon2! That mad catz ones work on PS1 and PS2, so I took one of those first and plan on getting the other tomorrow.

>> No.10495246

I'm asking about the aspect ratio it outputs. Do retrotinks output a 4:3 signal, or a 16:9 with a 4:3 image and black borders? My TV is retarded, it can't do 4:3 and game mode at the same time for some reason.

>> No.10495248

It outputs what you tell it to output

>> No.10495249
File: 207 KB, 799x916, 1449215095547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I tell it to output 16:9 with a 4:3 image and black borders?

>> No.10495267


>> No.10495306

the logo looks like panasonic and it seems to be mono. tube looks around 26" compared to the vcr, give or take 6".

>> No.10495318

So does the print on top

>> No.10495351

go fuck yourself and ask on reddit or something lol
this thread is for crts not scam gadgets

>> No.10496364

Lmao you need a new tv dude not a retrotwink

>> No.10496375

>Not the best at taking photos
You don't say

>> No.10496638

Hey guys, I've got this old Apex CRT hand-me-down from my mom, but it's got some overscan. Looking on the back, it's a AT2704S, so can anyone help me figure out how to fix the overscan? The remote's not taking any inputs despite putting in new batteries + cleaning out battery leak.

>> No.10496640


>> No.10496691

check and make sure the remote's emitting infrared with a camera (should look purple). if it is and assuming it's an apex brand remote and it doesn't work with the remote right next to the sensor, then it would seem to be a problem with the tv. maybe the sensor's bad or there's a cold solder joint somewhere. but if there was battery leakage then it's possible that the remote is toast

>> No.10498581

Overscan is normal. If you think it is excessive confirm against a test pattern. You can use the grid pattern in 240p test suit.

>> No.10498985
File: 132 KB, 1920x939, received_752908179989099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this philips 25pt and from the specs it looks rgb moddable. Also has s-video and component so I can pick the sync... going to replace the Sanyo with this.

>> No.10498993

looks like it has a nice picture

>> No.10498996
File: 67 KB, 939x1920, received_940575690969458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus pic, I was given a broken Sega arcade stick and I put an Ali Express clone Sanwa in it. Not the most elegant, required some resoldering and modding of the case to fix the axis alignment and make some room but solid as a tank and saves it from the dump.

>> No.10499001


>> No.10499003

Thanks, yeah personally these flat panels, particularly the quality ones are growing on me. They often have yoke sag and geometry is frustrating but they use low power and have amazing pictures. Better color than a Trinitron in my opinion.

>> No.10499837
File: 71 KB, 1024x953, 1687799955959865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are these things for retro gayming?

>> No.10499840

shit tons of input delay

>> No.10499884

The best, just ask linus.

>> No.10499895

Nobody's going to manufacture these again. The only market is retro gamers so even if the process to make the tubes could come back (it cant) it's going to cost at least $3000 per set

>> No.10499912

By the time I was 13, I was on my 4th game console generation. But I was still using a CRT. It never seemed like display tech would actually lose some functionality but we couldn't really even perceive of this loss until retro youtubers pointed it out to us long after we had already tossed all of our old displays

>> No.10499990

depends which consoles, which inputs, what models, and how tolerant of input lag you are

>> No.10500239

Trust me, there's no reason to RGB mod it if it has component. The component on those Philips sets is already very close to RGB.

>> No.10500279

The tinkering is just if you want it to look a very specific way, most people aren't going to bother much. With a CRT, what you get is what you get.

And 4k OLED with shaders is also better than CRT in many ways.

There is some small justification to gaming on a CRT, some small justification to playing games on original hardware where emulation is not perfected yet (basically only some arcade+6th gen), and no justification for gaming on original cartridges/disc

>> No.10500370

Someone is selling a Panasonic 27" Ct-27d11 near me, and I did pick up the same model (27d10b) a few weels a go for free. I'm thinking for $25 it would be good for a third 27" in addition to my I'Art. I just doubt I'll ever find a Sony for not retarded prices. Would three 27" tv be too much though?

>> No.10500708

There's a 20 inch by the dumpster it got rained on for 3 days and it's muddy but I guess I'll check it out anyway.

>> No.10500740

nah, you want three 27" so you can have one regular orientation and then a left-tate and a right-tate for shmups

>> No.10500748

Yes, after thinking about it you are right. RGB is best on older consoles and for some reason these newer flat panels often don't display third gen consoles that well. For those and maybe 4th gen, an older early 90's tv with analogue potentiometers on the board is best. My mitsubishi has those and I have also fixed a Trinitron that had cold solder joints around the deflector. It was easy to tune using a screwdriver and often you can adjust the color drive on the neckboard as the guns are out of alignment. But they are the best tv's for early media and often well built abd robust. The worst is the digital only sets with locked service menus.

>> No.10500757

>these are the legendary free crts people keep talking about

>> No.10500824

Went to check it out and it had a good amount of scratches on the center of the screen. So I had to pass it up for $30 unfortunately.

>> No.10501283

Whats the issue?
I took a crt that was sitting outside for weeks and it was fine

>> No.10501354

Do you care if the CRT is flat or curved? My Trinitron is flat and it doesn't really feel all that different from a curved TV.

>> No.10501390

Don't turn that shit on right away, leave it alone for 3 days or so.

>> No.10501403

Geometry is harder to get correct on a flat tube, other than that I like the Trinitrons

>> No.10501416

I like how Trinitrons are curved on one axis only. Feels more elegant than bubbly regular tubes.
Curved Trinitrons > flat screens > other curved CRTs for me.

>> No.10501440

of course, I did a rough cleaning today and tomorrow I'll take the back off and clean that off in the sink and then let it sit out in the sun for a few hours. probably blast it with canned air too

>> No.10501467

I mainly use my i'art, so I am biased to the flat. But curved for 2d and flat for 3d

>> No.10501471
File: 477 KB, 2048x1536, 13254532136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18" deep uline chrome wire shelving is rated to hold up to 800 pounds
that would explain this pic I saved from another thread that features that same shelf
I figured this guy was just super confident or something

>> No.10501476

>That fucked geometry on the 24"

>> No.10501823
File: 309 KB, 1200x900, PVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this PVM? It's a Jvc 9 Tm950du, going for around $115 plus shipping.

>> No.10501860

is that reinforcing tape on top?

>> No.10501898
File: 33 KB, 500x375, pmv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like it.

>> No.10502293

I love my 910su rebadge.

>> No.10503594

So I found my dad's old Hitachi TV. Model is CT1303D and has two connections, VHF and UHF. What would you guys recommend I buy to get it working with modern consoles or a PC? I'm planning on using a Steam Deck, but I could also test a PS3, a PC and a DVD player.

>> No.10503921
File: 426 KB, 1062x665, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left looks like composite colors and right looks like RGB colors? What video is this from?

>> No.10503931

PS3 -> Sony RF Adapter -> VHF
DVD -> Coaxial Cable -> VHF
Steamdeck/PC -> (Emudriver Card or Custom Resolution+DP/HDMI VGA -> VGA to NTSC adapter -> NTSC composite to RF adapter

The steamdeck/pc will look like absolute shit in that chain though, there aren't any good VGA to composite adapters for technical reasons. My recommendation would be a different TV, something with s-video at a minimum.

>> No.10503938 [DELETED] 

the title is in the screenshot how many more context clues do you need

>> No.10503980

ask me how i know that you have never had sex

>> No.10504221
File: 1.47 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_8383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trinitron remote not working at all. new batteries, same deal. do you think i could clean it with soap and water? i do have isopropyl alcohol, but it's more of a general question for electronics. i did give a crt a cold shower to clean it once, but i had previously discharged it which i don't know how i would do with this.

>> No.10504254

God damn anon, why do you have to be so cringe

>> No.10504360

maybe the IR emitter is busted.

>> No.10504428

guess so. kinda disappointing it's so simple inside, if it's bust there nothing i can do. most i could attempt is solder something

>> No.10504451

the dvd player might not have rf out, in which case an rf modulator would be needed.

>> No.10504475

I've never seen a DVD player with RF, in fact.

>> No.10504510

Would a steam deck through an HDMI to SVideo converter look better than the same on an HDMI2AV?

>> No.10504517

i've only seen it on a combination dvd/vcr

>> No.10504604

Anything that goes HDMI to s-video/composite is going to put out a 480i signal. They're intended for old people to watch things on their old TVs that they can't afford to replace. You can use them as a cheap option, but I think it's a shit experience because you won't see scanlines and the picture will be flickery. That's why you want to go to VGA, because most HDMI to VGA converters are just simple DACs and won't do any scaling or interlacing.

>> No.10505520
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>considering getting a Super Scope 6 since I have a CRT
>CRT is a 14 inch screen
Anyone know how badly this would play on a screen this small?

>> No.10505574

Found a emachines PC CRT monitor and by chance have a displayport to VGA cable. Plugged it in without any problems, what do I need to do if I want to play emulators on it and get the best picture?

>> No.10505587

It would play fine but you probably won't get much enjoyment from a small screen

>> No.10505594

Agreed, I am thinking 20-25inch is the best size for crts. Anything bigger and it just takes up space, dominating the room. Go much smaller and you're squinting to see anything or have to sit close.

>> No.10505596

I have a 28" and in my opinion it's a perfect size for lightguns
but be aware you still can't sit too far away at that size

>> No.10506003
File: 19 KB, 350x315, 74680834_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PSP can output PS1 games at 240p
So you're telling me I invested on CDs for nothing?

>> No.10506009

Not much, really. It all comes down to preference, whether you want the original graphics or a bit better. I'd focus on getting the games to always output at 4:3, check the overscan so you're not cropping much (or at all) and then set the brightness to your own liking. I personally use my emulators without any tinkering, so it look as closely to the original as possible.

>> No.10506012

CRTs fucking suck lmao. Just get an OLED like a normal human being

>> No.10506040

i grew up playing nes and tg16 on a 14" JVC. It's fine

>> No.10506052

read it again anon

>> No.10506610

What's the optimum sitting distance for CRTs?

>> No.10506763
File: 2.08 MB, 2016x1512, PXL_20231209_225639146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved a 36" (friend claims its a 40 inch but model number imies 36) Toshiba from getting pushed off a roof into a dumpster

it was heavy as shit.

it at least has component in though and 3 composite.

all my consoles will run into a Gcomp automatic AV switcher with dual output so I can output to my retrotink 5X for my 75" LCD or directly into this new CRT if i want to do that. Maybe even at the same time who knows

>> No.10506827

5x user here (pro?) idfk the one with the shart port on the side.

it comes with a remote

you can use the remote to position the output signal exactly where you want it, within some limit.

you can stretch it v or h if wanted to fit the screen

if u have a 4:3 shit like old consoles u can either make it actually correct aspect ratio with black bars on side or u can choose to fill the screen and the aspect ratio will be stretched

the old consoles won't know how to output anything other than 4:3

if u have something like for example a game cube and the game supports it, like I know super monkey ball 2 does source: I did it myself it will support 16:9 and then u will have to stretch the picture to fill the screen otherwise it will look squished. ofc most of those games also have a 4:3 mode.

it's completely console dependent but the retrotink will let you do all kinds of shit with it. u can stretch or move it around on screen within reason and add your scanline filters then save everything to a profile. I went thru and made one for each console that goes thru the retrotink as some look better with other filters imo. I think it can store 10 total profiles and u set one as default so it will always load that one when it boots.

tldr "yes" also cute

>> No.10506847

open your phone camera and point the remote at it like maybe 6" away.

you should be able to see the IR LED flashing on your phone camera display, your eyes can't see it but cameras can see infrared and you'll see it changing states as you hit buttons.

if you don't see any light it's very likely the problem is contained to the remote. if you do see light, then it's probably your TV's receiver or perhaps the programming is wrong all of a sudden for god knows why

>> No.10506858

My CRT monitor keeps flickering and I don't even use the fucking thing.


>> No.10506905

Nice save!

>> No.10506909

you can collect PSP minidisc for fun and MetalJebisRocks.

>> No.10506912


>> No.10506932
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Is it actually? I don't know much about Toshiba, I didn't have a long time to research beforehand but I saw that some had Orion tubes which are supposedly bad. I have no idea. I saw it was a very large TV, larger than the next biggest one I have access to, and a good bit newer with component in.

If it didn't have component in I probably would have passed honestly.

Yeah the power cord entry is slightly fucked up, the case is a bit cracked there but it doesn't seem to effect the function so at best I'll just drill a couple holes and drifter stitch the casing back together where it's damaged, if it gets bad.

>> No.10507008

Well I heard Toshiba used their own tubes on 27"+ models. I have two 13" Toshibas so those probably use the Orion tubes.

>> No.10507071

Tsumo nya!

>> No.10507102

Yeah from what I'm seeing is

27" or under, since 2001 are Orions
36" and over, since 2005 are Orions

Mine has a build date of 1999 so that must put it before they used any Orion tubes at all I'm assuming?

That also makes it really early for component as well, no?

>> No.10507151

I did and I would play To The Earth all the time on that JVC. Lightgun games are fine with it.

>> No.10507206

You probably need dielectric grease on the anode cap. Just discharge properly amd also check capacitors.

>> No.10507863
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>> No.10507878
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>> No.10507882

How does composite cable color smearing even work under the hood? Is it even understood?

>> No.10507885
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>> No.10508184

Sure is, look up dot crawl

>> No.10508393

I have this feeling my sense of scale is really fucked here because my mind wanted to think that was a 65% keyboard

>> No.10508591

That’s because it has no numpad and the edges are non existent

>> No.10508619
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>> No.10508623
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Its just tenkeyless

>> No.10508631

I know it's a pretty tight TKL but my mind is seeing it as smaller than my compact TKL, and I'm not sure if it's the size of the monitor or the perspective. The mouse also seems fucking huge but that's probably because it's being stretched out at the corner of the image.

>> No.10508734
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>> No.10508846

kinda anti-topic but thank god for the guest avanced CRT filter. Never realized how many PS1 games were dithering heavy.

>> No.10509825

has anyone done a lag comparison test?

>> No.10509919

For what purpose?
I can tell you know that the psp is inherently laggy

>> No.10510017

i like numbers on lag tests. i can't go off of feel or word of mouth

>> No.10510754

Either panasonic or hitachi

>> No.10511008
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Haven't seen any, but I have my PSP hooked to my WEGA via component cables (on the back) and I don't notice any input lag or weird artifacts. It looks and feels great.

>> No.10511049

nice GAMER keyboard, asshole.
>#learn2mine game

>> No.10511550
File: 1.25 MB, 1125x1561, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way to adjust a 1354q's contrast via the menu? The knobs aren't functional.

>> No.10511572

Will my games look as good as my friend's CRT with a retrotink 4k if I use an oled?

I want a CRT but dont have the space for it.

>> No.10511614

this is god, wtf is wrong with you? I made a lot of other shit

>> No.10511652

They will look pretty good but I’d be worried about playing 4:3 games with a grid on an oled

>> No.10512616

I feel like crts as a hobby have experienced massive growth in the last year or so.
why and how do we reverse it?

>> No.10512859

the more the merrier as far as i'm concerned if it means less crts being thrown out. the problem is that normies don't hear "try giving away your old tv because some gamers prefer them" they hear "your old tv could be worth a lot of money to the right buyer." but the worst part is that it's true. i would think that crts being given away for free in a lot of places would counteract fools spending $100+ on sets, but it doesn't seem to. i can only imagine that those with the money to spend WANT to spend it on something they think is valuable, as some kind of means to display their wealth. yet i covet the same garbage.

>> No.10513013
File: 254 KB, 395x333, _qouHPQyf5O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now, CRT chads?

>> No.10513035

>Another idiot talking pointlessly for an hour with a bait title
no thanks

>> No.10513098
File: 1.40 MB, 826x619, a68ed423-0a76-4cde-9c88-0a093d682309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No not really. That and it's massively overpriced. Just look at Pesci's reaction to the retrotink 4k shader pic related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0YHZXz5hEE

The main appeal of the crt is pixel blending,no input lag, no ghosting, the inherent look of the phosphors, ability to display 240p etc. A retrotink can do half hearted recreations of some aspects, but I'd say it's worth 100 dollars not 750.

Pixel blending can be about 70% recreated now with very accurate 4k shaders, however I saw a pic of the retrotink shaders and they look like aids. What the fuck am I looking at here.

Simply put a crt is incredible, it's the way the games were meant to look, and there is some incredibly nuanced aspects to crts that make them so good, especially when it comes to how the illumination of the phosphors work and make the image pop. It's gonna take 10 years for shaders to even get close in that aspect.

Take the plunge and pickup a free or cheap tube. You'll never want to go back. Try facebook marketplace or craigslist

>> No.10513105
File: 251 KB, 400x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no light gun support? not interested

>> No.10513128

>Try facebook marketplace or craigslist

This doesn't work if you are near a major city anymore.

>> No.10513138

works in my country

>> No.10513395

>No not really.
This is massive massive cope.
With the right configure shader on an OLED it looks better than the real thing thanks to the deeper black levels

>however I saw a pic of the retrotink shaders and they look like aids. What the fuck am I looking at here
Thats just a quick and dirty default shader
The ones the community makes are always better + you can make your own

>> No.10513414
File: 986 KB, 5312x2988, 20231020_231751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRT looks better then OLED even for non retro stuff, thinking that a flat panel can surpass crt for retro is a new kind of copium
>you can make your own
So crt is both cheaper and I dont have to put any effort in?
thats great!
on one hand yes on the other hand i wish a happy skinning alive to any scalpers that that try to profit from it

>> No.10513428

>CRT looks better then OLED


>even for non retro stuff

This is when I realized it was a poorfag third worlder posting. OLED is objectively the best way to play modern games.

>> No.10513449
File: 45 KB, 524x699, 20231103_142000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 1st world.
i would have almost bought an OLED for watching movies, but my old plasma still looks too good to justify "upgrading" to a smart TV, i wish the oleds werent smart

>> No.10513584


ask your friends and family

every CRT I got was from friends or family nearly begging me to take them so they didn't have to deal with the headaches of properly disposing them

ive gotten 6 monitors and 4 TVs so far from family and friends and there's still more at my parents I haven't picked up yet, my brother also got a pair from my parents

the word is out not to toss any CRTs without asking me if I want them first, basically

>> No.10513839

how many anons do you suppose have died from working on CRTs

>> No.10513886

I've seen that method mentioned, and reading the linked thread again, I zoned out when reading the details pretty quickly.
I'm lazy, gay, and the Wii doesn't cost me anything more and is already hooked up anyway. Simple as. I wouldn't recommend it to somebody like it's the objectively best path, though.

>> No.10515535

>CRT looks better then OLED
Not until they get rolling scan they don't.

>> No.10515646

HD gotten so good I honestly can barely tell a difference from 4k vs 1080p I own ''smart TV'' but it's just one with Roku in it and isn't OLED, actually kinda old now.

>> No.10515763

Very few people have seemed to have ever actually died from it.

>> No.10515875

so its for people who are obsessed with the video game equivalent of designer clothes instead of functionality. Damn original hardware fags are the women of retro

>> No.10515880

the games were meant to be played with a generous amount of overscan. Seeing the outer pixels in old games is incorrect.

>> No.10515906

none. i'm convinced the risks were exaggerated just because there was more money in TVs then

>> No.10515907

That is the dumbest analogy I’ve ever seen
Original hardware is just plug and play and works exactly how it’s supposed to

>> No.10515913

30kv is going to hurt and cause some damage
Potentially stopping your heart but that seems pretty unlikely

>> No.10515978

>Original hardware is just plug and play and works exactly how it’s supposed to
with a crt tv not with a retro nig

>> No.10516001
File: 1.55 MB, 1621x2160, zIMG_20231212_202539527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pulled a mid 90s Sony tube out of a recycling container a few years back. Because it more or less came from a skip for free I can accept it having some odd little issues, but the biggest and probably most annoying one is this "bleeding"/bloom effect it gets from bright signals even when they're off-screen. Bright sections of the image also seem to "bulge" compared to the rest.
Any pointers to what causes this? I recapped the mainboard not long after I got it, though my soldering iron isn't man enough to remove the main power filter cap so it's still the original.

>> No.10516023

It literally is with both
Just like a CRT, once you’ve calibrated it, shit just works
Not sure if this is the case, but maybe the beams are hitting the side of the tube
As for the bloom, either lower contrast or G2

>> No.10516026

emulation on CRT is the same except you can't show off your cute collection to your boyfriends

>> No.10516027

blooming is normal on CRT. no one ever noticed back in the day because modern autism wasn't invented yet

>> No.10516084
File: 16 KB, 661x186, fwiw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's plenty of examples of people dying from accidental electrocution, but pic related is the only account i've ever seen specifically about crts.

>> No.10516121

He's full of shit, and I cant believe you fell for that blatant lie.
The tube may store high voltages, but the current is extremely low.
A teaser can generate thousands of volts, but it's still non lethal.

>> No.10516123

>dying from accidental electrocution
Majority involve current rather than a discharge

>> No.10516131
File: 1.51 MB, 4032x3024, FJIMG_20230108_183724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got the same issue with mine. mostly with games that use a border where the overscan is, such as pic related. I don't remember it growing up but there aren't a whole lot of games that you'd see this on anyway. Also you kinda need to be playing in a dark room to see it.

And as I understand it, the blooming you see is mostly due to poor voltage regulation on consumer crts, you won't see as much of it on a pvm or pc crt.

>> No.10516158

>>Somehow I don’t believe that why wouldn’t everyone just hook up a brand new gaming pc to a crt tv for emulation then
>But that's literally what people do.
I also did this. Or rather I had an existing PC and game on PC pretty much exclusively, have a PC CRT and a shitty portable that I use a convertor on to play stuff and watch TV in bed.
I also have the same GPU that's posted there. I'm not sure how you're outputting direct from the super, mind sharing your setup? I use the gimped AMD card method.

Also thanks for that link, I didn't know I could try fixing some of my geom issues with timing, my shitbox portable's service menu couldn't fix it for some resolutions so this works too. Will try it out if I get some time.

>> No.10516231

Like other anon, you’ve got it either too far to the left or the h.size is too large
The beam is hitting the side of the tube

>> No.10516251

>The beam is hitting the side of the tube
that makes some sense actually since the left side (and only the left side) is stretched off to the left in my case (>>10516001).
I remember trying to fix that in the service menu a long time ago and not really getting anywhere so I'm probably going to have to study the service manual, take some brave pills, kit up on gloves and plastic screwdrivers and have a shot at adjusting it proper.

>> No.10516441
File: 382 KB, 862x1130, input board back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have experience adding inputs to a CRT? I want to put an S-video input onto an RCA 14F514T, which should theoretically be possible since the sister model 12T has one already, and the input board on the side of the screen has a proper mounting set-up for one that could send the Y (luminance, if I understand correctly) signal and ground back to the main board through the existing 4-pin connector for the composite video. But the C (chroma) doesn't go anywhere currently; would I just need to jump that over to the appropriate leg of the jungle chip or would it need some kind of resistor/capacitor stuff for signal filtration? Sorry if these are stupid questions, I've never done this kind of stuff before.

>> No.10516494

>Test PS1 games on a PSP with both component and composite
>Composite's COLORS look better

>> No.10516586

You could go to the https://shmups.system11.org/ forum where someone can probably help.

>> No.10516637

>account-based forums
Sorry, I'm an anon4lyfe, but I'll go ahead and at least skim those topics to see if there's any relevant info, thanks.

>> No.10516760

A taser can still stop the heart if there are underlying heart problems.

>> No.10516806

lower brightness

>> No.10516880

because you need to adjust the picture for your component input. composite doesn't look better if properly done

>> No.10516901

ps1 games were intended for composite

>> No.10517314

That's on factory brightness and contrast settings but I'll give it a go next time I play around with it.

>> No.10517480

My picture gets blurry as fuck whenever the game has a white or bright brackground, anyone knows how to fix this? Tried fucking with the contrast and brightness but didnt help

>> No.10517496

There is no fix other than lowering contrast
You most likely have a low quality set

>> No.10517531

It's a trinitron

>> No.10517538

What about s-video? When I first played Spyro 2 on my I'Art with s-video it looked like it was HD like.

>> No.10517539

Based; just dont show a Nintentard this. They'll have an autism fit about their toys

>> No.10517541

Some other guy here; I had RF in the 90s and it was fucking terrible

>> No.10517572

neither the contrast or brightness made a big difference to it, the issue must lie somewhere deeper.

>> No.10517585

I told you what the issue was
You have to change the H.size or H.pos
the beam is hitting the side of the tube

>> No.10517738

This definitely helps, but the issue of the left side being stretched means I either increase the H-size to get rid of the glow on the right a lose a chunk of the image on the left, or decrease the size so the glow goes away on the right but gets introduced on the left with no way for me to shift the image more to the right in either case because the H-position was already at its limit.

>> No.10517747

>but the issue of the left side being stretched
Sounds like it could be a linearity issue then if it's stretched at all times

>> No.10517750

I could either have underscan on every console and show the borders on the NES or deal with the fact that two of the 7 cutscenes in Ninja Gaiden look like shit.

>> No.10517768
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Top is the settings as they were before I started meddling
Bottom is my best attempt at getting the entirety of the red overscan boxes equally in frame

>> No.10517776

If you have LBLK and RBLK settings you can mess with those to turn off the beam when it's not on screen.

>> No.10517781

there's Left/Right Blanking entries under a section named Wide but adjusting them doesn't seem to do anything at a glance.

>> No.10517787

Sorry anon, top was better

>> No.10517802
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Pictured, the blanking settings maxed out while the edges still do their best CIA impression.
I agree, which is why I put it back afterwards.

>> No.10517815

For me LBLK of 0 and RBLK of 15 cuts the image the most. Just to be sure you're touching the right setting, I'd reduce your hsiz until you've got an underscan and then play with those values and see if they make any difference to what's visible.

>> No.10517843
File: 1.54 MB, 2500x1877, IMG_20231217_031403255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no combination of the blanking settings seems to make a visible change to the image. The best I can do with the horizontal adjustments is this which almost eliminates the side glow but leaves the right side slightly cropped and the left side off in its own postcode.
And that's not to mention how turbofucked the geometry gets from it too.

>> No.10517924
File: 215 KB, 859x736, shift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay it turns out the horizontal shift is likely just the way this thing handles RGB input. This guy's one does the exact same thing there. I don't have a composite cable for the Mega Drive and even if I did I cut the colour subcarrier pin on the video encoder to reduce video noise so I can't do a direct comparison.
I'll compare RGB vs composite positioning on the SNES tomorrow.

>> No.10517941

pick up an extron rgb interface off ebay if you need to shift. $30 for interface+power usually. there's also someone on aliexpress that sells something similar that I've never tried.

>> No.10517945

The article in the screenshot mentions the SCART based aliexpress one and says it works well with no image degredation. It's hardly urgent but I'll pick one up sooner or later since that's a useful function.

>> No.10518410

You can try a luma sync which shifts it less if that is available. Or so I have heard. Does the tv have s-video?

>> No.10519010

My SNES cable is sync on luma, but even that has a notably worse shift than straight composite video.
There's a direct S-Video on the front and SCART 2 can take a YC signal but I don't have a properly functioning S-Video cable for anything right now.

>> No.10519036

being a trinitron doesn't mean its good. maybe if it was brand new. try looking for gamma setting

>> No.10519260

Am I the only one who prefers the fuzziness of Component over the sharpness of S-Video?

>> No.10519327

we roll here

>> No.10519373

Assuming you mean composite, you're not the only one. Certain dithering and blending effects work really well for it and can make for a nice image despite the blur. Especially if your tube has good filtering to minimise nasty shit like dot crawl.

>> No.10519416
File: 2.93 MB, 2560x1440, 20231217_105501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to cleaning it today. It's bright has good colors and decent geometry. It's my second biggest CRT so I'll probably use it for TATE shmups, much better than the 14 inch I've been using for TATEs.

>> No.10519435

Nice! What brand is it?

>> No.10519459

Do you have a separate RGB channel when cycling through the inputs? My Trinitron has RGB on AV1, but I can access it by both AV1 and dedicated RGB channels. The latter is a bit shifted to the side and I'm unable to correct it, because HPOS is already at its limit, like in your case.

>> No.10519469

It's a Sanyo DS19310.

>> No.10519480

yeah it's got a manual selection between AV1 and RGB, but I use a gscartsw which forces the RGB blanking signal at all times which is honestly a pain in the arse since with this TV blanks ALL the other inputs too. I can't use composite, S-Video or RF without powering off the SCART switch.

>> No.10519528

>this TV blanks ALL the other inputs
Huh, that's weird. Maybe you can turn this behavior off in the service menu?
Is the screen position good with a direct connection on AV1 at least?

>> No.10519538

I'm not sure if I have any RGB cables that use composite video for sync so I can switch between them, but I'll have a dig about and see what results I get if I find one.