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File: 68 KB, 300x206, GoldenEye007box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10476675 No.10476675 [Reply] [Original]

It must've been like a nuclear bomb on console developers to see something like this. It's so far ahead of what other console devs were doing, that it's not even funny. This in 1997, and GTA 3 in 2001 was surely a devastating wakeup call.

>> No.10476679

I don't get it, was this the first FPS or what?

>> No.10476684

Nintentards seem to think so. It's probably how they tolerated the dogshit control scheme no one with pre-established standards would ever settle for.

>> No.10476689

Still one of the best licensed games and maybe the best. Just nails the vibe and the weapons are all very different and fun and the enemies felt realistic and still behave in fun ways

>> No.10476690

It had a fun multiplayer and a lot of people played it. That’s it

>> No.10476691

>when the game is more popular than the movie

>> No.10476694

It was the only FPS with 4 player multiplayer on console on top of being extremely solid and having a lot of charm

>> No.10476702

I forget if the Half Life team was inspired mid-development by Goldeneye or the reverse. Or both.

>> No.10476705

>4 player multiplayer
That felt close to the internet matches we have today because with 3 other players it wasn't as easy to "cheat" and look at the other players' screen. Pure dopamine

>> No.10476709

>dogshit control scheme
How many console FPS with controller had better controls before GE came out?

>> No.10476710

Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher's Bay is a better licensed movie game.

>> No.10476718

Here's a quick breakdown
>PC: Doom, Quake, etc (ie: good quality and innovation by the main games)
>Consoles: Doom, but shit
>Consoles, Japan: Their idea of 3D gaming at the time was to take 2D genres (racing, fighting, shooting, etc) and just give it polygons with 0 innovation
>This game (GoldenEye): It's like the railshooters from Japan, BUT you can go walk anywhere in a complex environment, and there's dozens of weapons, and there's missions. It's basically like the innovation and gameplay of a good PC game, except it's realized in the console scene, which at the time had not seen proper quality

That's why it matters.

>> No.10476734

GoldenEye is the older game, and it inspired other games and FPS. Half-Life being one of them.

>> No.10476750

it was originally going to be an onrail shooter like virtua cop, but they got quite a bit more ambitious during development.
I think the most important parts were that Rare had both competent developers AND management gave them the time needed to make the game good

>> No.10476754

The map designers were creating realistic buildings that couldn't be smoothly translated into an on-rails shooter due to their non-linear nature, so they got rid of the rails instead of having a bunch of unused map space. Then they had to give the player a reason to actually explore all of the map, and that's where objectives come in.

>> No.10476758

>It's so far ahead of what other console devs were doing, that it's not even funny.
Yeah, but it was kind of ignored because hard core FPS players were playing on PC so they instantly dismissed Goldeneye for using a controller instead of keyboard and mouse. PC gamers didn't take the time to appreciate Goldeneye. There weren't really any competing FPS on the PlayStation or Saturn, remember, Japanese don't really like FPS. So you didn't see a lot of Goldeneye clones... by that, I mean the game didn't really have obvious influence. Then when the Xbox came out they had Halo and they hyped that up and anyone who cared about Xbox thought Halo was great and Goldeneye was kind of forgotten about, though, of course, people who were paying attention knew that Goldeneye had pushed the boundaries quite a bit. Goldeneye had immense mass appeal as a multiplayer game, though, so a lot of people knew it for that.

>> No.10476765

this was my first fps and i thought the controls were dogshit to the point that for the longest time i thought fps game were shit until i played an fps on pc

>> No.10476771

The suckiest FPS game ever. Nobody with taste likes this.

>> No.10476778
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No it's not. Goldeneye was one of the most fun multiplayer games at the time and unlocking cheats gave it massive replay value. I beat Riddick once and then had a shower hoping to forget about it.

>> No.10476782

Half life is shit.

>> No.10476808

>of what other console devs were doing
Also PC. It caused the half-life devs to scrap what they'd made and start again, realizing for example, among other things, that people would now laugh if the guns didn't affect the environment/world (bullet holes, breaking things)

>> No.10476812

do you guys even know that there are control options? i'm guessing you were too dumb to check

>> No.10476817

>dogshit control scheme
Lmao, it’s literally the same as modern control schemes on solitaire
Left hand on the Dpad
Right hand on the analog stick

>> No.10476836

i did but they are all awful, aiming with a control stick is terrbile not matter what

>> No.10477069

You want to be different so bad.

>> No.10477076

Half life starts with a boring train ride. How can anyone find that appealing? Did you?

>> No.10477080

I hate nu/vr/ so goddman fucking much...

>> No.10477095

What FPS the PS1 had to compete against Golden Eye?

>> No.10477183

The other James Bond games and Medal of Honor

>> No.10477239

You always see Rare games hyped up and praised, but then you play them and they are just disappointing.

>> No.10477243

Could you play multiplayer with 4 people on those?

>> No.10477246

No. But the rest of the game more than make up for it.

>> No.10477253

Cinematic FPS with objectives. I recall the Half-Life devs said they had to shuffle a lot of stuff around after playing Goldeneye.

Before Goldeneye, most shooters were "arena-based" like Doom, where you had to dodge enemy fire and maneuver quickly. Goldeneye focused on positioning and the use of cover. People usually don't see the difference between objective-based missions and just collecting keys to open doors, but let's remember you can actually fail objectives, which makes missions unwinnable. Objectives weren't just finding items, but talking to fellow spies, photographing evidence, preparing escape routes, escorting people, minimizing civilian casualties and so on.

>> No.10477265

Yeah but the thing is, not many games actually did it like golden eye and PD

>> No.10477274

>escorting people
This was poorly implemented

>> No.10477278

Half-Life is still more like Quake, Doom, and Duke, and the "objectives" it has are pretty minimal. I think the comparisons to Goldeneye are really more presentation wise than anything else. Something like Thief and Deus Ex takes more from Goldeneye in the sense of mission objectives and structure, and this is something that the developers have admitted.

>> No.10477313

GoldenEye invented the first dual analog control scheme. The biggest mistake was the devs defaulting to 1.1 instead of the Turok-like 1.2.
But their sales figures don't lie, it outsold Ocarina of Time - so maybe 1.1 being default was a good thing in retrospect.

>> No.10477316

Goldeneye had replay value and was loads of fun multiplayer. After you beat Oot there was almost no reason to replay it.

>> No.10477321

This isn't actually true and you can turn off 'lookahead'.

>> No.10477327

>Yeah but the thing is, not many games actually did it like golden eye and PD
Yeah, that's the funny thing, though I assume the TimeSplitters games were similar to Rare's N64 shooters, but I never played them. Goldeneye style FPS are like an untapped sub genre.

>> No.10477338

Well timesplitters 2 and 3 were
It was the same devs after all

>> No.10477352

Pretty much a flawless game if it's not for the piss poor framerate. Rare had years of experience with Amiga and PC 3D game development, not something many console devs had back in the day. They made a fast open world 3D space shooter for the Amiga. They weren't the only companies doing it though, any western developer with enough money and plenty of experience could pull it off. They were only exceptional in the console environment since it used to be dominated by the less creative and capable Japanese devs.

Marathon was one of the first objective based FPS games, and it had mouselook on by default, 3 years before GoldenEye. Terminator Future Shock pulled of full 3D graphics and modern FPS controls a couple of years before GoldenEye did, in addition to being an open ended objective based FPS game. And we're not even getting into System Shock yet. GoldenEye was an innovative *console* game, but in the grand scheme of things, it didn't innovate all that much.
>Something like Thief and Deus Ex takes more from Goldeneye in the sense of mission objectives and structure
Because GoldenEye was a well designed game, not because it's the first objective based FPS. Thief and Deus Ex borrowed a ton of things from System Shock and Ultima Underworld. Rare too took some inspiration from the 3D Amiga game Hunter.

OoT is just really boring to play.

>> No.10477372

any retard who says it hasn't aged well likely has a perm and says no cap. it still mogs the shit out of many fps derivatives.

>> No.10477379

Calling Marathon objective-based is a slight exaggeration. And while Terminator is an interesting tech oddity, it's mostly just that. I think Goldeneye has earned its right to be part of the "it's a good game" conversation. Just beyond being solid FPS that inspired other objectives-based games, people often have the tendency to forget the other new or new-ish aspects it had, like headshots, and weapon loudness/silencers, and the fact that guards can activate alarms and call for reinforcements - essentially making it a proto-stealth game. And I'd also like to point out the fact that Goldeneye had an usually good commercial reception. I know that's not really a big truth bomb, but just remember that it outsold Halo 1 with a much smaller marketing budget, when FPS was comparatively smaller. It did hugely well.

>> No.10477383

This game always looked like shit. But it introdcued fps games vs your friends to a lot people. This along with a very good campaign is why the game is so well known. Somenguys I known who had this game love it so much becuase they played the hell out of it all the time with their friends. Its nostalgic.

Perfect dark was far better on terms of looks thanks to the expansion pack, although it suffered from some pretty bad slow down. The alien weapon that could shoot through walls was completely OP. We'd have to agree not to use that weapon to keep tje matches fair becuase whoever picked it up would just unfairly kill evetyone else. Really, someone needs to do an fps patch for perfect dark.

>> No.10477432

maybe you just suck at it? I beat the game when I was 8 on the hardest difficulty on the 1.0 control scheme.
first FPS to have different hit points on the body of enemies.
first FPS to have 4 players split screen
first FPS to have objective based missions, not just some boring key hunt
first FPS to have reload time on each gun
It was a revolution in what an FPS should be and it opened the door to games like half life, halo and CoD to become a reality.

>> No.10477438

>Calling Marathon objective-based is a slight exaggeration.
Maybe, but System Shock and Future Shock are absolutely objective based.
>And while Terminator is an interesting tech oddity, it's mostly just that.
It was a really suspenseful semi open world survival shooter. It absolutely wasn't trying to be Doom and couldn't be directly compared to GoldenEye. It put you in the shoes of a resource deprived resistance soldier fighting against titanium armored machines in the Terminator movie and did an excellent, almost flawless job at that, just like GoldenEye put you in the shoes of James Bond. There wasn't any FPS game like it.
>Just beyond being solid FPS that inspired other objectives-based games, people often have the tendency to forget the other new or new-ish aspects it had, like headshots, and weapon loudness/silencers, and the fact that guards can activate alarms and call for reinforcements - essentially making it a proto-stealth game.
They took the headshots and shot placement based feedback animation directly from Virtua Cop. Stealth games had also existed long before it, a bunch of them on the C64 and ZX Spectrum, the systems Rare devs were more than familiar with.
I respect the hell out of Rare, and they were some of the absolute finest devs of the retro era thanks to their infinite budget, experience, and creativity, but credits are where credits due. GoldenEye isn't the first at everything, and the PC FPS games were not any less innovative or fun.

>> No.10477440

>Maybe, but System Shock and Future Shock are absolutely objective based.
Very different games

>> No.10477443

The Far Sight was based. Anytime someone picked it up in a match, all 3 other players basically had an implicit understanding to team up and kill the guy with the sniper.

>> No.10477448

goldeneye is not an important game. only a moron could look at a game like system shock and not see it as more influential to whatever narrative you want to spin about the former.

>> No.10477468

>first FPS to have different hit points on the body of enemies.
Maybe, but earlier games like Outlaws had headshots so I wouldn't be so sure.
>first FPS to have 4 players split screen
Technically it was Space Hulk or Hired Guns on the Amiga, whichever came out first, but they were not like modern FPS games. It was much more interesting than a simple deathmatch though, a full co-op gameplay.
>first FPS to have objective based missions, not just some boring key hunt
Definitely not, and the other anons have explained why.
>first FPS to have reload time on each gun
Marathon, and with reload animation too unlike GoldenEye.
>It was a revolution in what an FPS should be and it opened the door to games like half life, halo and CoD to become a reality.
It's almost nothing like Half Life. Halo took some inspiration from GoldenEye but turned out to be something almost completely different. Same with CoD. And also, there's a tribute level for Terminator Future Shock in Half Life. GoldenEye was a really innovative and influential FPS game, but it's no BattleZone, Midi Maze, or Ultima Underground. It didn't invent the wheel.

>> No.10477483

I don't understand why nintendo fans on this board have a tendency to hail their games as the most groundbreaking thing since the invention of fire.

>> No.10477502

>one of the best-selling games of its era
>demonstrably influenced dozens of action and FPS games
>every argument is literally some variation of "it's not that important because doom mattered more"


>> No.10477514

Dude, how long does it take you to learn that nobody gives a shit that other games had come up with these concepts before. What matters it that it was the first to integrate everything into a coherent stealth FPS, of which nothing like it had been executed before.

>> No.10477527

At the time it was a given the fps was a PC only thing. Rare proved them wrongish

>> No.10477532

>goldeneye did everything first!
>no it didn't
Why are you like this?

>> No.10477545

These aren't quotes by real people.

>> No.10477634

Because this shit matters when most of what came before was so primitive in comparison and you shit heads are going on bitching about how people somehow people wouldn't care if a PC game had done what the game did because PC games were just apparently so much more advanced, even though everyone including PC FPS devs loved it and acknowledged the advances it made.

I don't know why I even keep arguing with PCfags who just don't appreciate or outright falsify what console games were doing.

>> No.10477645

medal of honor

>> No.10477698
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wonder if anyone remembers little old me, it's been a while

>> No.10477714

He said before GE came out.

>> No.10477723

>only FPS with 4 player multiplayer on console
Damn you sure narrowed that down. Because I've played a 2 played multiplayer FPS on Mega Drive, called Bloodshot, the year is 1994

>> No.10477752

I don't get why console war faggots keep shitting on N64 so much lately. My friends were all PS1 fags or idorts, but we all had so many sleepovers playing shit like goldeneye, mario party, and perfect dark. N64 was THE multiplayer machine of its gen and Goldeneye was THE console FPS. My friends all had games like MoH but no one really gave a shit about them other than for single playthroughs.

>> No.10477871

It's not even the best game with the Bond license. World is not enough N64, Agent Under Fire and Nightfire are all better

>> No.10477880

>Agent Under Fire
>Better than anything
Come on now.

>> No.10477993

Its the same faggots who also state the snes was garbage and that the Genesis had the better RPGs out of the two.
Just ignore them, they are either trolling or dropped on their head as a baby.

>> No.10478015

You're gonna need to explain how this was an influence on literally anything given nobody heard of it until 30 years later
It existed but it was the only game ever made for a niche platform only known for never getting any games

>> No.10478018

Outstanding ost

>> No.10478026

appeal to sales metrics is one of the quickest way to tell us you are a shit eater. again: tell the class what this game does over system shock.

>> No.10478068

TWINE does some things technically better. No Bond music and stiff enemy reactions were kinda shitty.

>> No.10478134

Dario Casili recently uploaded a developers commentary playthrough of Half-Life and mentioned Goldeneye as a direct inspiration. Apparently Gabe Newell wanted to compete with Goldeneye.

Also Mario 64 for some unknown reason, which explains Xen and the long jump at least. Doesn't make it any less weird that Mario 64 influenced Half-Life though.

>> No.10478136

Rare games are the epitome of "do they really expect me to do all this bullshit?" and the answer is yes, they do.

>> No.10478142

Dario said early on (around the box platforming in the early game) Gabe wanted more Mario style elements like that. Maybe you missed that, but it gave some context to some of the areas that were a bit silly in a way. I don't dislike those sections but some I felt lacked that HL spice (usually some shit falling apart)

>> No.10478152

That train ride and the lead up to the resonance cascade is one of the reasons Half Life is so great. You're a simpleton if you can't see that. For one, it shows you the scope of the facility, it shows you the sorts of places you're going to see on your adventure, it set the game apart from every FPS at the time, it shows you everything you need to know about the character you play as without directly telling you and it makes the shit hit the fan so much harder because it contrasts so heavily with the chaos in the moments after. It goes from 0 to 10 immediately before settling down into the rest of the game. It's genuinely brilliant.

If you haven't got the patience to wait for 5 minutes while the game sets you up for what's coming, then that's a (You) problem.

>> No.10478164

ADHD detected

>> No.10478270

Well, in this case they made an FPS and at the end of 2023 we're still waiting for someone to make one that's worth more than half a pile of shit. Can't blame them for failing.

>> No.10478435

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/qoWCB8AUiP4?si=utbZqGti6uCIsB5C

>> No.10478456

The thing is, Goldeneye is much more remembered than those other games you mentioned because it was a console game. And console games had mass appeal back then. PC Gaming was for hobbyists.

>> No.10478475

And those enthusiasts are the ones that actually matter. With a passion for computers and video games they are much more likely to start developing video games of their own and contribute to the evolving video game culture.

While some normie playing Goldeneye as a child impacts nothing.

>> No.10478564

Sorry I didn't get what I was trying to say across very well. I know what was meant by that. I just think it's an odd thing that Mario 64 influenced an FPS game. It's so disparate and ill-fitting. Especially considering the tone of Half-Life.

Truth be told, I liked the platforming sections in Half-Life. But I always enjoyed DeFrag in Quake 3 too. I just think it's a weird connection between two seemingly unrelated games.

>> No.10478640

You do realize that console gaming was much bigger than pc gaming until just recently, yes?

>> No.10478824

I like games i can play within 10 seconds. Waiting any longer is bullshit.

>> No.10478863

Bigger among children and casuals, not people who actually care.

>> No.10479183

>given nobody heard of it until 30 years later
It was the most popular non-windows FPS game of its time and the most popular Apple Mac game. It went on to influence the retro FPS communities such as Quake competitive players and spawned 2 sequels. It invented the WASD movement, reload animations, and standardized mouselook on by default. Bungie's financial success from the Marathon games allowed them to produce Halo. You're just a retarded tendie zoomer who've never heard of any non Nintendo/sega game.

>> No.10479203

PC gaming was always bigger because everyone who needed a computer used an IBM PC.

>> No.10479290

>most of what came before was so primitive in comparison
Really? Goldeneye doesn't even have a jump button, grenade button, or allow you to walk around while holding down the strafe button. The enemies have dumber AI than Doom and will infinitely spawn and run towards you. You have to hold down the aim button to see the crosshair, otherwise you'd have to rely on aimbot. Goldeneye had a ton of dumb and archaic design decisions. It was influential but it was not one of the most influential FPS games.
>even though everyone including PC FPS devs loved it and acknowledged the advances it made.
They were influenced by a dozen games. Goldeneye was only one of them, and they certainly didn't consider it their biggest influence.

>> No.10479594

>Quake competitive players
Such as?
>It invented the WASD movement
No it didn't. Half-Life was the first game to have this by default, and it was used earlier in Doom MP
>reload animations
>and standardized mouselook on by default
It wasn't default, keyboard was.

>> No.10480330

I still play 1.1. I'm sure 1.3 or whatever is superior but i just can't get used to it.

>> No.10480341

It mogs if you play on a modded version that fixes the dogshit framerate and adds the option for better controls, something that didn't exist for years and is why so many people rightfully said it didn't age well.

>> No.10480442

looks good

>> No.10480517

1.2 with left hand on dpad prong and right hand on middle prong
Give it a try

>> No.10480786

>It must've been like a nuclear bomb on console developers to see something like this.
revisionist history from nintentoddlers time! yaay!
>It's so far ahead of what other console devs were doing
>This in 1997
this was embarrassing for 1997 standards. acceptable for nintendo standards but the bar was already set so low to begin with on n64.

> just don't tell anyone about how 4 player mode would run a 5fps

game was overhyped when it was released. was barely tolerable to play in one player mode. most of the hype about it came after late 2000s when people were trying to speedrun it. until that point people had not given a fucking shit about it because pc gaming is where all of the serious fps were at, not on consoles for obese toddlers and sex offenders.

>> No.10480964

>Such as?
The online communities Thresh browsed.
>Half-Life was the first game to have this by default
Marathon and Terminator Future Shock had ZXSC by default, which is effectively WASD.
You mean Doom 2's super shotgun? Nah it's not. There's not even an option to shoot a single barrel instead of two. Also Marathon came out in the same year with real reload animation and magazines.
>It wasn't default
Was. Descent and Future Shock had it on by default too.

>> No.10480969

True. If it was so good Rare would have remastered it with its original gameplay intact.

>> No.10480974

It's Rareshit. People who grew up during the N64 era had no standards because there were no games for the thing, so they had to settle for British Shovelware because that's all they had.

>> No.10480990

>play this on Deck with gyro recently
>game seemingly transforms to a fucking arcade shooter

Huh. Made it a lot more fun as well, it's basically like playing Dino Crisis and shit.

>> No.10480998

there would have been games of similar quality coming from U.S. studios had'nt nintendon't turned a generation of would-be hackers into passive consumers

NES was one of the worst things to ever happen

>> No.10481002

have you tried a game called Screencheat? The other players are invisible xD

>> No.10481014

It showed that FPS on consoles could be taken seriously, it wasn't far ahead of FPS on PC at the time. I was there, I know.

>> No.10481165

>goldeneye was one of the most impressive console games of its era
>uhhh you fucking nintentard marathon on mac had wasd controls or whatever (it didn't) so uh that proves it isn't

How do I become this intelligent?

>> No.10481336

Do you think marathon was the first game to use WASD?
Because it sure didn’t popularise it

>> No.10481382

It's a common strawman really.

>acshually this game wasn't good at all because X, Y, Z, A, B, and C games all did small individual things before it!

>> No.10481465

Did you read the thread? They were refuting the guy who said Half Life, Halo, and CoD were inspired by Goldeneye (more than any of these other games). I don't think Goldeneye's influence on console FPS is remotely as strong as everyone says.

>> No.10481525

the real innovation was the nonlinear stealth missions. It's such an obvious development but I'd never seen a game offer the kind of nonlinearity that bunker 1 & 2 offered. Even to this day actually

>> No.10481592

>hmmmmmmm sweaty, these games that came before GoldenEye don't count because they're like so old and the graphix are bad!
>but games that came out months later and blew it out of the water don't count either, because they clearly owe everything to GoldenEye!
nintendrones are a blight

>> No.10481595

This board's been overrun with the same contrarian faggotry from /v/ for ages, Voltaire kicked in full force and now we have people that took the oi me speccy shitposting as something serious that feel the need to screech about things people like at every available opportunity.

>> No.10481607

How does having mouselook and WASD matter in this conversation about console games fuckface?

>> No.10481610

No modern console FPS uses GoldenEye's retarded control scheme either, it was a dead end.

>> No.10481623

they literally don't play any other games

>> No.10481627


>> No.10481870

>And also, there's a tribute level for Terminator Future Shock in Half Life.
Source? I tried googling it and got nothing

>> No.10482326

Steven Spielberg made Medal of Honor because his son loved GoldenEye. He thought it would be fun to play a version of Goldeneye, but based on World War 2.

>> No.10482365
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Every "ground breaking" Nintendo game wasn't made by Nintendo, or had to be Co-Developed. This should be sufficient enough of a coping mechanism for the Nintendo Haters in the crowd.

>> No.10482457

Domino is retarded. Did you mean to refer to 1.2 Solitaire? And no, Turok used that control scheme first.

>> No.10482854

Being a PS1 kid was great. So many great 1 and 2 player games to rent on the weekends, and you still got to play plenty of N64 four-player multiplayer when you visited your N64-owning friends. It was the best of both worlds. I even had my own N64 controller to bring with me despite not owning the console itself.

>> No.10482861

This game wasn't made by Nintendo btw.

>> No.10482937
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Yep. Neither was their "tech demo" series.

>> No.10482950

>no one told the class
all these posts and nothing of value.

>> No.10482968

God, gamers are basically women.

>> No.10483852

It’s an amazing experience with the mouse and keyboard mod.

>> No.10483857

Of course it was revolutionary, Euros made all the revolutionary games.

>> No.10484072

>revisionist history
He said 'must have been' which implied speculation, not statement of fact.

If anything you're revising history. My friend group played console and PC and we thought Goldeneye was fantastic. It was very popular in the gaming community in general, as isolated as it was back then.
>game was overhyped when it was released
>most of the hype about it came after late 2000s when people were trying to speedrun it. until that point people had not given a fucking shit about it
Which one is it? You're contradicting yourself.
>pc gaming is where all of the serious fps were at
PC had awesome FPS yeah. Goldeneye was also awesome

>> No.10484481

I don't understand why PC fans on this board have a tendency to hail their games as the most groundbreaking thing since the invention of fire.

>> No.10484514

there is no chance you were around when this game came out lmao

>> No.10484537

>pre-established standards
spotted the TF2 quake larper

>> No.10484646
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NTA but it's because every developer worth a piss on PC and worked their way down. (like Rare).

>> No.10484670

Name the 3D console games from 1994-7 that you think are more impressive? I want to see something besides Mario 64.

>> No.10485137

I recently played through Perfect Dark on PC and it's really amazing how well it holds up with mouse and keyboard. Really fun games, great humor, definitely far ahead of their time. I like that there's a big emphasis on story and objectives but you can still blow through the levels like an arcade, rather than like in Halo where you casually stroll like an old person anytime you move.

>> No.10486579

Tomb Raider (for 1996 it was), San Francisco Rush (advanced physics and body deformation), Destruction Derby (rendering over a dozen cars with body deformation at the same time on the PS1), Grand Theft Auto. All of these games and Turok looked and ran better than goldeneye.

>Mario 64
That's not more impressive. It's a basic ass platformer game with empty levels.

>> No.10486585

it was the result of people who had never made a game making a game, and it was pretty fucking good. proving that since the infancy of game development that gamers and people indoctrinated by the hobby to eventually work in it are the worst at making games. just like the original doom it was a bunch of software engineers in a dick measuring contest about what they could achieve.

>> No.10488423

>people who had never made a game
Are you sure?

>> No.10488529

Dave Doak met some Valve people at a trade conference and they told him that when GoldenEye came out it cemented their decision to delay Half-Life by a year and soft reboot it. It can't be overstated how impressive GoldenEye was in terms of level design, animation, sound design, etc. It pushed everyone else to step up.

>> No.10488576

Seems to be a common thing for n64 games

>> No.10489232

>he still doesn't know you can move around in the tram

>> No.10489561

Wow! I get to run around a tiny room with fuck-all for 10 minutes! Absolutely thrilling gameplay!

>> No.10489638

Well as far as good fun FPS goes on consoles it sure was amazing for its day with no equal. No not a single game prior to it on consoles could match it. I guess PC had Doom and Quake but I'm talking consoles here. Nothing was beating Goldeneye. The level of detail was impressive as well. So OP has a bit of a point in how advanced the game was compared to the competition.

>> No.10489682

Random fact, Family Guy had a quite long GoldenEye reference. It was several years ago, but it happened several years after I stopped watching, so I only learned about it recently. Posting it in case anyone else missed it half a decade ago

>> No.10489812

It's a nice set of strawmen you've created, you dishonest, daft idiot. Nobody is claiming Goldeneye is 'the bestest' game ever and was solely original and existed in a vacuum. NOBODY. It's ironic, that all the games you've brought up as counter examples, or whatever you want to call them, only goes to validate how unique and ahead of its time Goldeneye really was, once you look at the totality of the game.

>> No.10490140

but in the end it doesn't even matter

>> No.10490146

>and this is something that the developers have admitted.

Looking Glass Studios were influenced by Goldern Eye???

>> No.10490149

>After you beat Oot there was almost no reason to replay it.

that's why the game is long and difficult

>> No.10490162

>Thief and Deus Ex borrowed a ton of things from System Shock and Ultima Underworld

Thief should've been inspired by Wizardry VI, and LGS should've made games about Rogue, Fighter, Ranger, Alchemist classes as sole games, the formula could've worked out

>> No.10490174

>One of the Thief team's favorite games during development was Goldeneye on the N64.

>Similar Titles Goldeneye (N64)

>> No.10490178

>only a moron could look at a game like system shock and not see it as more influential to whatever narrative

acktually system shock is an action rpg, aside from the setting, it's similar to ultima underworld and ultima had more of an influenced on shock compared to system shock with other FPS

>> No.10490184

>tribute level for Terminator Future Shock in Half Life.

which one?

>> No.10490190
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>> No.10490204

>Bungie's financial success from the Marathon games allowed them to produce Halo

why did they betray apple and went to make games for the competition (Microsoft)

>> No.10490216
