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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10481225 No.10481225 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best Pokémon game and why is it Emerald?

>> No.10481228

Because battle frontier is fucking amazing, theres a great selection of mons, making a secret base is max level comfy, and the little reflections in water are soulful as fuck.

>> No.10481229

The best Pokemon is XY. I haven't played it but I have fapped to a copious amount of hentai of the goth chick in it.

>> No.10482008

Easily the most hackable game, for better or worse.

>> No.10482014

>What's the best Pokémon game and why is it [whichever one OP grew up with]?
The G/S remakes are objectively the best because they have the most content. Everything else is just nostalgia bias.

>> No.10482020

Pokémon Red/Blue were my first. I think Emerald is probably the best, however my favourite is Crystal.

>> No.10482021

quality > quantity. more content doesn't just mean better.

>> No.10482064

>I think Emerald is probably the best
lol based on what exactly?

In Pokemon? Yeah, it does. Unless you can sit here with a straight face and explain to me how the content of Emerald has more """""quality""""" than the content of HG/SS.

>> No.10482073

Weird way of spelling Explorers of Sky.

>> No.10482101

Gen 2 fanboys have the most nostalgia bias, lets be real. The games have some major issues

I don't know how much the remakes change, but if they still have the glaring problems of evolution stones being locked until they're pointless despite the game offering Pokemon who need them early in the game, limited available Pokemon of certain types until the post-game, extra pointless HMs needed in the grindy part of the late game, poor enemy level growth, and annoying day/night exclusive mons, it is just not the best

>> No.10482112

The best Pokémon experience is Gen 1 and Gen 2 using Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, during and also as post-game.
They never achieved the same level of SOVL again.

>> No.10482121

every person likes the one they grew up with most
for millennials its gen wun/2
for zillennials and older-mid old zoomers its gen 3/4
for gen z its gen 5
for the youngest of gen z its gen 7
for alpha its gonna be the current titles
for gen alpha its gonna be

>> No.10482125

>I don't know how much the remakes change
Oh then your input is pointless and I can stop reading.

>> No.10482134

First post itt, just wanted to let you know you talk like a fucking faggot

>> No.10482147

And you talk like you didn't finish highschool.

>> No.10482148

If they still have those problems, they're not the best. Period.

>> No.10482154


>> No.10482169
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You yawn a lot, maybe you should take a nap. Little bitches tend to get catty when they don't have a cat nap.

>> No.10482172

I started with Gen1 since it was new, but I've played through each set of games and though I feel stronger about some games than others, I don't specifically like or hate any of them. To me, they're all the same.

>> No.10482202

Pokemon Emerald is the best because its the one I played growing up.

>> No.10482240

I was well into my teenage years when gen 1 came out and I never ended up finishing it after renting it once. Started playing White a yesterday and am enjoying it more than I enjoyed Red. You may wind up being correct in the end but just wanted to share my anecdotal experience so far.

>> No.10482243 [DELETED] 

wasn't this debunked?

>> No.10482249
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>> No.10482348

>lol based on what exactly?
My enjoyment of the game. Duh

>> No.10482374

>resorting to insults over pokeeman games

>> No.10482420

God tier design in all aspects and OST

>> No.10482429

I've never played a single pokemon game. What's a good game to start on?

>> No.10482434

Dragon Quest Monsters for GBC or DQM Joker 2 for DS.

>> No.10482438

I've actually played those and enjoyed them.

>> No.10482442
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Evolution stones are the only actual problem in that list and Crystal had a good fix for that. Fuck the remakes.

>> No.10482463

Based pmd2 enjoyer

>> No.10482467


>> No.10482470

FireRed or LeafGreen.
More polished than RBY, but not so handholdy as Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee.

>> No.10482519

They're really great, try rhe 3DS ones as well.

>> No.10482637

The peak of the series until they went back from 2 screens vertically used which 1 of 2 was always fucking filler or essentially blank. Sure I started with Blue and yellow and enjoyed gold/silver, but Emerald was the last reasonable leap, everything after was doing less with more for some stupid reason. They could have a 4090ti 14900K in switch 2 and itll be a world as populated and detailed as an N64 exploration game. Shocked to see the switch pokemon games, "open world...but its mostly empty, heres two npcs, three tents and two trees" meanwhile emerald was so populated and rich for what its platform was. Pokemon needs a hostile takeover from a dev that gives a shit, to make one last pokemon with N64 graphics but with the ram of modern handhelds to give the world some sense of...life.

>> No.10482682

Start where it starts. Red or Blue.

>> No.10482974

Pokémon romhacks surpass the real games

>> No.10482996

What's the point though, playing Pokemon as an adult is for nostalgia. Just play Final Fantasy or something at that point.

>> No.10483029

Nah. There's pokemon romhacks that are 1000 times deeper than any final Fantasy

>> No.10483303

Final Fantasy is not that good

>> No.10483761
File: 1 KB, 56x56, Spr_C_Kris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emerald's got some unique mons and I particularly like some of the plant mons. I respect the opinion.
I didn't care for stonemons but I'm glad to hear that. Crystal gets a lower score for letting you get Suicune too easily but overall it simply beats everything in content. best gen imo. content simply beats mon choice or whatever people have against it.
The post convinced me to give it a try but it seems to lack some of the snappiness of early gens meaning it's not an -objective- improvement. FR/LG is better in that respect. It's got comfy graphics to make up for running shoes moving slower than normal movement in regular gen2. I'll give it that if it has got more content than Crystal then, damn. It's probably top ranking. Besides that, non-retro is out of the question.

>> No.10484049

Pokemon is drastically more complex than any Final Fantasy
HG/SS are OK, better than Diamond and Pearl in that gen but Crystal is really the definitive gen 2 experience. G/S on the Super Game Boy is a good vibe as well.

>> No.10484058

My first game was Red and by middle school, which is about when RSE were a thing, I thought pokemon was kinda lame. I came back to it eventually but gen 3 still hits me as kind of lackluster, especially the beginning of the game. I can't really explain why. I think the best made game objectively is platinum because the Physical/Special split is a huge improvement and platinum has a ton of content and fixed some of the speed issues of DP. I love the gen 2 remakes because of gen 2 nostalgia and they would have been perfect if they had fixed the weird level curve and filled out kanto a bit, but they didnt

>> No.10484173

My issue with HG/SS is how their attempts to expand the available Pokemon is locked behind the Safari Zone and the Pokewalker, the former held back by a shitty time-release customization system and the latter being near-impossible to get anymore.

>> No.10484239

Anon from earlier here, this is why said you talk like a fucking faggot jist so you're aware. You act like a cunt because you're too cowardly to just be aggressive you talk like a catty bitch, then hide behind "oh why are you insulting me?", its transparent as it gets. You should work on it, its not a likable trait.

>> No.10484369

It's Crystal. Every single gen 3 game was a massive step down from gen 2.

>> No.10484464
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Emerald is the best cause it got sableye in it
Its that simple

>> No.10484828

>Pokemon is drastically more complex than any Final Fantasy
If you get into competitive shit, but at that point, why not just play fighting games? No matter what Pokemon is middle of the road

>> No.10484957

Romhacks shit on the real games.

Pocket Monsters Scale x Fang
Pokémon Adventure Red Vol 1
Pokemon AlteRed
Pokémon Fire Red Advance Challenge
Pokemon Silver Rival
Pokémon Altered Emerald
Pokemon Emerald Enhanced
Pokemon Crown
Pokémon Gaia
Pokémon Glazed
Pokémon Rocket Edition
Pokémon Unbound
Pokémon Viva la Vega
Pokemon Voyager

>> No.10484960

Its more strategic in single player since final Fantasy is just repeat strongest move to win, for every battle in every game

>> No.10484985

>why not just play fighting games?
Because they largely suck and the people who play them are insufferable, mainly. If you want a dexterity based skill game you might as well play STGs so you don't have to smell anyone else.
I've never played one that didn't have intensely shitty writing and design

>> No.10485045

Not my fault you played retard shit. Most of the ones i listed have vanilla writing.

>> No.10485049

>Its more strategic in single player since final Fantasy is just repeat strongest move to win, for every battle in every game
Literally the same in Pokemon only even moreso, since in FF you need to utilize your whole team while in Pokemon you don't, and mainly only do so for the illusion of the roleplay

Not to mention, only four moves per character in Pokemon, strategy is inherently more limited

>Because they largely suck
Ah, typical opinion I'd expect from the kind of person who plays games designed for 5 year olds competitively

>> No.10485060

I don't play Pokemon even remotely competitively, but even then it requires a modicum of forethought. You're free to continue button mashing and smelling bad with your cute quarter-munchers.

>> No.10485434

Restricted choices create more strategy.
See: xcom

>> No.10485538

NTA I would agree if the mons early gens had more than 3 good moves. Some do, most dont until gen 3 or 4. Thinking R/B/Y days, your charizard would either flamethrower or slash. Fly if you had Y/G/S/C. Thats it. So it's pretty synonymous to FF's mash A until dead analogy.

>> No.10485734

yeah no half of those games have donut steel ocs and plot

>> No.10486000

>if you play genre...why not [completely different genre]?
>ad homs
You're being disingenuous... I don't think you seriously want to discuss mechanics..
>mainly only do so for the illusion of the roleplay
It's called a roleplaying game. 'nuff said
>FF is better...no wait it's the same...actually idc
Pokemon consistently has an overworld, simple story, you can choose things. Some FF is linear map, some it's all plot. The argument that one is better is tedious. I could follow the motions and say you beat FF by going all fighter/monk or firaga is a better fire, who cares u just want to hate on games.

>> No.10486082

>pokemon takes more skill and thought than fighting games
You couldn't even do a special move in a fighting game

I'm just saying anybody who thinks Pokemon is the best or most hard/complex JRPG (whichever argument) is a dumbass because they are. It is literally a baby series designed for people 10 and under, and many people beat these games just by overlevelling one or two Pokemon and using the most powerful attack over and over. There is no real strategy in Pokemon other than the ones you use for the fun of it.

Pokemon is really, not a real JRPG, it's a babby's first.

>> No.10486087

I have always been bugged bye the lack of previous features in 3rd gen, night and day change to be specific, si there any reason for this to not be included?

>> No.10486098

>night and day change to be specific, si there any reason for this to not be included?
I'm sure it probably had to do with saving space or something, but I'd say the reason to not include it is that its annoying as fuck. Who the hell wants to schedule their gaming time around a gimmick? What is good about having to wake up early in the morning to catch a Pokemon, or have to wait to play at night if you wanted to play in the afternoon or vice versa?

>> No.10486130

>i hate pokemon blah blah am i cool now hear me out I DONT like it
this is just sad to watch bro...

>> No.10486138

I don't hate Pokemon at all. I'm just not in denial about what it is. I was obsessed with Pokemon as a kid right when it first came out and it was a huge part of my youth. I'll always like it, but I'm not going to pretend it's a big boy game when it's not

>> No.10486142

golden times for nintendo and gaming culture. those will never come back. now we're stuck with shitty online features and lootboxes everywhere.

fuck capitalism. fuck post-modernity. fuck the 2020s.

>> No.10486154

No they don't, most of them are literally the fucking vanilla story you dumb cunt

>> No.10486281

The real "golden times" will never come back though. I'm talking about the early and mid 2000s when Nintendo was still searching for it's identity (figuring out if they want to appeal to "casuals" vs. "core gamers") and thus was the most experimental. I mean, we got Pikmin as a product from that era, and that already tells a lot.

I got the feeling that approximately since the Wii and Wii U they settled on a more younger, casual audience which is kinda sad imho. I'd like to see some new concepts, but "never change a running system", I guess. Nintendo found out what works for them and they won't take new directions (or very sparsely at the least). That's why I'll always stick with the Cube/N64 era, Switch just doesn't really do it for me. Reliving one's childhood is far more exciting anyways, isn't it? Discovering all those little details in games you didn't notice as a kid.

Of course nostalgia plays a big role in forming my opinions and I'm aware of that. Still, I think it's objectively safe to say the Nintendo catalogue has gone a little bit bland

>> No.10486571

I'm enjoying Emerald Cross right now. What I like about that one is everything being a toggle. You can play with P/S split, following pokemon, or more wild encounters or don't.

>> No.10487823

>I got the feeling that approximately since the Wii and Wii U they settled on a more younger, casual audience which is kinda sad imho. I'd like to see some new concepts, but "never change a running system", I guess. Nintendo found out what works for them and they won't take new directions (or very sparsely at the least). That's why I'll always stick with the Cube/N64 era
It's funny, because that's exactly how I viewed the N64. I saw SNES as the last Nintendo console that aimed at audiences more than primarily kids/family friendly shit

>> No.10488524

>vanilla story
>but everyone is chocolate

>> No.10488528

I like silver personally but Emerald is okay.

>> No.10488532


>> No.10488545

best answer.

>> No.10488562

Splatoon was a new kind of IP for Nintendo and that's become pretty big for them.

>> No.10488770

No it isn't, Splatoon was created and planned to be released since the 90s but they kept postponing it.

>> No.10488842

Came to write this, i kneel before you anon.

>> No.10489712

I didn't even list that hack you retarded fucking nigger

Quit blabbering out of your ass about games you've never touched

>> No.10490714

i grew up with R/B/Y and i will say that R/S/E is where pokemon peaked and gen 3 practically shits all over the first 2 gens of pokemon.

>> No.10491092

most things are better, but it also lacks the charm of the older ones because of the tone shift. team aqua/magma are lame and kiddier compared to team rocket, and the beginning of pokegodz making it feel more like generic overblown anime stuff

>> No.10491110

What are you talking about?

>> No.10491117

Too much water, but it's solid. Still prefer gen 1.

>> No.10491287

You know it's true.

>> No.10491874


>> No.10491989

I don't play bootleg games, just like I don't buy bootleg toys or wear bootleg clothes.

>> No.10492307
File: 256 KB, 962x963, 1588473999898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HGSS art style is plastic and sterile compared to the muted color palette of the original. Music is worse too. not to mention the godawful tutorial handholding. Or the gay character redesigns.The only good things about it are the various gameplay elements that Gen III introduced like abilities. And Gen IV' physical/special split I guess. People who think it's better are just nostalgic for HGSS, which is ironic because you would expect it to be the other way around.

>> No.10492315
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Emerald is the best but man this boxart is goofy as hell fuckin rayquaza is basedfacing and his front two teeth look like little buck teeth going in opposite directions, there is no excuse for Sugimori's horrible choice of pose on this one, Rayquaza;s pose should have emphasized his status as a superancient Shenron-esque sky dragon.

>> No.10492318
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Just in case you don’t know, this is what some of you are arguing with ITT.

>> No.10492332

I can tell you it's not any of the games released after 2016

>> No.10492379

Never forget that gamefreak themselves consider pokemon to not be a priority

>> No.10492391
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>> No.10492520

The yawning guy ITT is a gen2 fag though, he's in every thread obsessed with saying gen2 is the best and gets all passive aggressive and bitchy when you point out its objective flaws

>> No.10492537

This post has been presented to you by ShockSlayer TM.

>> No.10492818

Gen 3 is shit. It's where the series started to go downhill and really hasn't stopped except for MAYBE Gen 5.

>> No.10492996

What game is pic?

>> No.10493674
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I always felt like Gen 3 was a return to Gen 1's stylistic choice of having more "cool" Pokemon among the ranks, where Gen 2 conversely is mostly dominated by "cute" designs

Majority of "cool" Pokemon in Gen 2 are the Dark types, most of which you're not even going to be using on your team cause they come too late to matter

>> No.10493693

>Pokemon shitty color palette edition

>> No.10494445

Necroposting but I'm a millennial, started with red, and still my favorite games are RSE

>> No.10495012


Ignore this zoomer post.

>> No.10495136

It's not. It's Red (US). Not Blue (US); it has the shittier version exclusives. Not the JP games; Green and Blue have shittier version exclusives (though Blue is close) and Red has shit graphics and broken items. Not Yellow, trying to match the anime just makes it exhausting. Not Gen II with the cute-focused design and all the real time stuff getting in the way of just being able to play the damn game. Not Gen III where the graphics went to shit, half the dex was missing from every game, and everything became about god tier Legendaries being lusted after by shit tier criminals. Certainly not anything after that.
Red (US) is the best Pokemon game and it's not even close.

>> No.10495167

>It's Red (US). Not Blue (US); it has the shittier version exclusives.
It's the opposite though, the Blue exclusive Pokemon are all better at least in that Gen, other than Scyther/Pincer and Electabuzz/Magmar which is basically pick your poison

>> No.10495170

Vileplume > Victreebel
Arcanine > Ninetales
Scyther > Pinsir
Electabuzz > Magmar
Persian and Sandslash are better than Primeape and Arbok but that's it.

>> No.10495185

Victreebel has better stats, Ninetales has better special and fire type moves are special, so if you're using it for a fire type it's gonna be stronger.

>> No.10496140

If I was in your shoes I would just play through the whole series starting from the first game.
Red/Blue/Yellow has a really bad reputation for being buggy, and it is, but like 98% of the bugs are things that benefit the player, like letting you get a cool Pokemon early or letting you combine two attacks together. Some of the bugs I actually wish they kept in the later games.
The aesthetic is simple and plain but very charming, and playing through one of the first entries puts the rest of the series in a context that helps you enjoy it even more.
In any case the games are very short and easy so there's no reason to skip them. I've done playthroughs I finished in less than a day.
Version choice matters less in Gen 1 than any other part of the series so feel free to play based on what color you like more or whatever, but Yellow is a bit more fun as a second playthrough so maybe start with Red or Blue. If you're playing in Japanese though just go with Blue, as that specific version is marginally better.

>> No.10496153

I love romhacks and you are bonkers for believing this.

>> No.10496203
File: 86 KB, 640x576, EwYPpIjWgAUod6r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Pokemon 薄雪草"
Eternal WIP, not playable
Dev is https://twitter.com/EdelweissPkmn

>> No.10496292

The games have no relation to each other (ok gen2 has nods to gen1). You could literally throw a coin or pick the portable you like more and it could be a remake. It would be a valid start and you could join a discussion to say your is the best one.

>> No.10496521
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>Red has shit graphics

>> No.10497431

>Not Gen III where the graphics went to shit, half the dex was missing from every game
What's the point of playing a new gen if you're just going to use old Pokemon

>> No.10497449

For me, it's Crystal, though the lack of Mareep isn't great, I've been thinking of a replay, anyone got a recommendation for a QoL hack that has the most vanilla experience?

>> No.10497498

It's gen 5 but yes if you want to hack the gen 3 games that's peak pokemon.

>> No.10497513

Does a hack let you catch Celebi? DS version already has it.

>> No.10497528

But not the newer versions because they got rid of the legacy jp designs and replaced them with worse westoid ones with forced diversity

>> No.10497567

Emerald's water sections ruins it imo, it would have been much better if the ratio of water to land was smaller. Waterfall in Gen 2 was bad enough, did we seriously need Dive on top of that? Fuck off. The bike sections can suck my dick too, fuck you, I'm playing and RPG not a precision playformer.

>> No.10497587

HG/SS are garbage because they run on the shitty Gen 4 engine that chugs at like 24fps on the overworld and has the slowest text, battles and screen transitions of any Pokemon game, I don't care how much content it has when engaging with it it's a chore. It's a shame too, had they waited a little longer we could have had it in the Gen 5 engine which while still not as smooth was at least miles better than Gen 4's.

>> No.10497593

this anon gets it
HG/SS on the gen 5 engine would've been the best pokemon game ever made

>> No.10497645

In gen 1, Victreebel is better for having vine whip, which crits nearly all the time. Much better than petal dance that hits a bit harder, but forces you to stick to the move and confuses you after a few turns forcing a switch or a gamble. I'll concede Arcanine over Ninetails, but the other 2 really don't matter. I used Scyther once in any pokemon playthrough and that was a silver run back in high school when gen 4 was relevant and HG/SS was about to release. Pinser was the same on a blue run I did back in middle school. Both mediocre mons, but Scyther is cooler IMO. Electabuzz vs Magmar was a choice between 2 slightly above average mons for their respective typing. Nothing more or less.

That being said, I like Primape more than Persian despite Persian being the better mon during Gen 1 because of STAB slashes always critting.

>> No.10497713
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>> No.10497904

Crystal 251.

>> No.10498571

What's the last version of Pokemon Crystal Clear before they added a bunch of niggers to it?

>> No.10498635
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Now that we know there won't be any good Pokemon games.

>> No.10498637

Hoenn games are garbage, soul silver is objectively the best. X/Y is when the franchise became unplayable and forever ruined

>> No.10498994

If the Gen2 remakes still have the glaring problems of evolution stones being locked until they're pointless despite the game offering Pokemon who need them early in the game, limited available Pokemon of certain types until the post-game, extra pointless HMs needed in the grindy part of the late game, poor enemy level growth, and annoying day/night exclusive mons, it is just not the best

>> No.10499023

Okay this is based as fuck

>> No.10499056

on your path >>10482442

>> No.10499272
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I’m not playing your mary sue fangames. Keep being pissed off about it though.

>> No.10499371

Pinball, emerald, and mystery dungeon

>> No.10499736

>extra pointless HMs needed in the grindy part of the late game
HG/SS adds the Rock Climb HM and blocks off the entirety of Mt. Silver behind it.

Crossing your fingers and hoping that one of the Trainers on your very limited phone memory will give you a stone at random isn't much of an improvement.

>> No.10500024

what version are these screenshots from?

>> No.10500816

turd version

>> No.10500939

>he doesn't into the immersion/sim aspects of the gen that focuses on it
>looking up the trainer for the ONE (1) evolution mon you want then walking is too much work
a lost case...

>> No.10501037

I was a die hard G/S/C fag until I played Emerald a few years ago. It's fucking brilliant. I love the post game content.

>> No.10501079

You might want to check out platinum too. I hated Diamond back when it came out, it got me to drop out of pokemon for a few years. Platinum is a really impressive game though, they sped up the gen 4 engine a bit, added like 60 pokemon to the wild, made trainer encounters similar to emerald where they're actually about the same level of you and usually have an actual team, and added more postgame than even emerald has.

There are other things too. I was honestly shocked just how big of a difference platinum was from diamond/pearl.

>> No.10501301


Absolutely butchers the OST

>> No.10501398

I can't remember enjoying a Pokémon game as much as I do Emerald. it's extremely comfy.

>> No.10501463

What gen has Mareanie, because it's the best Pokemon

>> No.10502023

Gen7, well past the /vr/ range.

>> No.10502025

Red/blue or firered/leafgreen. Gives you a good idea of the mechanics without being too overwhelming since they add so much more later on.

>> No.10502194

I get my equivalent fix from Stadium 2. Secret Bases were an inspired idea though, sad that the appeal is mostly lost now that there's nobody to mix records with.