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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1048182 No.1048182[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Retro Confessions Thread

Here we post our most shameful retro pasts

Myself, I was a huge Sony fanboy when I was a little dude. But it wasn't because Sony was necessarily the best or anything... I was pretty much the fox and the apple or whatever it is.

>be 11
>have Playstation
>Other kids have Nintendo 64 and secretly I'm jealous so I say 64 has no good games and it's a piece of shit


>kid starts talking about how his dad got his Playstation chipped so he could play all these illegal games
>secretly jealous, but defense mode engaged
>tell everyone that he is a disgusting criminal and not a true fan of Sony because he doesn't pay for his games

Looking back, it makes me just realize that these are just stages we go through growing up and we need to be understanding that other young people will act in such a way too.

>> No.1048191

Your feelings and actions are perfectly normal, OP, but for the record the PS1 was/is better than the N64. You take Mario 64 and Ocarina and add them to the Playstation library, and Nintendo has nothing. Absolutely nothing.

>> No.1048196

>be 9
>hey anon I have this special edition Mario 64 it comes in a blue cart
>yeah my dad works at Nintendo and they only made 10 so he got me one
>oh that's really cool bring it to school
>no I can't it's in a glass case
>well he gave it to you right
>so bring it to school it's yours
>he won't let me
I believed him

>> No.1048198

Yeah, you're right but it was pretty much just Goldeneye that got me all jealous. Everyone was playing that bloody game and it was great, but I didn't have it ;-;

>> No.1048224

Goldeneye was literally the only thing that got played on my N64 until Zelda came out and my house was a party house back then.

>> No.1048234

Not even Mario Kart? I was more of a Sony kid back then but N64 was THE game to play at parties and thanksgiving

>> No.1048239

>You take Mario 64 and Ocarina and add them to the Playstation library, and Nintendo has nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Except for some of the best 4-player games ever released. Don't get me wrong ps1 clearly has the better single-player games, but the 64 has some amazing multiplayer games

>> No.1048250

Nope. Why play Mario Cart when you could be playing Goldeneye? That shit was groundbreaking/

>> No.1048253

Meant MK64. I'm retarded.

>> No.1048268

Although the Playstation did end up having more good games imo, the N64 had more multiplayer stuff. Mario Party was really fun.

>> No.1048312

I sold my SNES and NES to help with my payment of purchasing a gamecube

>> No.1048421

I use save states. I'm been using them less and less though since I want to get good without using them.

>> No.1048448

I know Hydlide for NES sucks balls. I've experienced it. I rented it before. I hate it. It just isn't fun. And yet I'm secretly tempted to seek out a copy

>> No.1048462

When I was really little, I legitimately liked Total Recall on the NES. Obviously, I can't stand it now, but back then it was the closest thing I had to a beat 'em up, and I always enjoyed those.

>> No.1048468

>Other kids have Nintendo 64 and secretly I'm jealous so I say 64 has no good games and it's a piece of shit
so basically every sonygger on /v/ ever

>> No.1048510

I had an N64 and all my friends did too.
Whenever I'd go to someone's place who had a Play-station, they'd only have mediocre games.
I never really realized how awesome the Play-station's library was until I got into RPGs and emulation.

I never got involved in console wars until I got an Xbox, which the only aspect I'd claim superior over PS2 was the fact that memory cards were expensive as fuck compared to a hard-drive, yet sonyggers still would get defencive lel.

>> No.1048545
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>FFVII was my first RPG
>became a huge FFVII fanboy because of it
>I knew BoF3, Chrono Trigger, and Suikoden II were better games but I couldn't bring myself to admit it
>I took shit care of my PS1 games and threw out most of the boxes including stuff like Suikoden II, Lunar, and Brave Fencer Musashi

>> No.1048603


Thats just it. Me and most of my friends had n64's a couple had ps1's no MP shit etc etc and they used to get laughed at. Now i got back and emulate some of the rpg's and its like sheeeet. Ps1 for SP & n64 for MP

>> No.1048605

> You take Mario 64 and Ocarina and add them to the Playstation library, and Nintendo has nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Don't forget GoldenEye 007, Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart 64, Majora's Mask, Star Fox 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Paper Mario ect.

But seriously, both the N64 and the PS were God tier consoles and they both had plethora of great games. Saying "[insert great console with awesome games here] is shit and has no games" is /v/ level faggotry, please leave.

>> No.1048919

I sold my n64, my genesis, all the games, for a gamecube and melee

>it was worth it

>> No.1048924
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I had a friend who had a Megadrive, I had a SNES and because he kept talking about how great Sonic was, I became super interested and got my grandma to get me a MD even though I already had a SNES, I was a bit spoiled but I really loved vidya.
Anyway, this kid was kind of jelly I think, because he always kept saying how Nintendo wasn't as good as Sega, etc... we never argued, but I told him I really enjoyed the SNES too.
Then, when the 5th gen arrived, I got all 3 consoles (Saturn, PS1 and N64, yeah I was spoiled, but damn I enjoyed it), and my friend sold his Megadrive to buy a SNES. He became a full Nintendrone, suddenly Nintendo was the best thing ever and Sega was shit, he was sucking Rare's cock so hard with DKC3 and Killer Instinct.
I felt happy for him though, he finally understood console wars were futile when there's fun to be had.

>> No.1048929

>64 has no good games and it's a piece of shit

Technically that's right. It had just over 300 games, less than any Nintendo home console, and on a hardware standpoint, it was a disaster. The N64 was this odd abortion of a console on a technical aspect, that despite being much stronger than the PS1, it couldn't render as many polygons as the PS1. It has been documented that the Saturn was a friendlier platform, but it's terrible market performance and the existence of the PS1 are what kept it behind.

>> No.1048951
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I'm only 18 but had an NES and Genesis my dad owned when I was 5, followed by a PS1. I really don't understand what it was like to play games back when most of /vr/ were kids, but I still browse this board every day.

I'm getting my dad into emulation and retro gaming, but he really is only interested in just a handful of games he's already played. I have a feeling that once he gets a SNES emulator all he'll play is Super Mario All Stars, and while I know he'll be content with that, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed that we won't be able to have all these discussions about all the various retro games we could play.

I've never played Doom, and I've seen less than 5 episodes of GCCX. I have about a dozen reaction images each of Doomguy and Arino.

I actually don't like retro Pokemon games all that much. RBY are good for nostalgia and GSC are solid, but my favorite entries in the series are Emerald and Black 2.

/vr/ really is one of those boards that I think should get together and work on a project. I think we initially started to make a Megaman game when the site was new, but I think that project moved entirely off-site. /vp/'s making a whole damn game almost from scratch while keeping it on the board itself, I think /vr/ can pull off something. Maybe make the guy in OP's pic in MUGEN (which is /vr/ territory, by the way. 1998 release).

>> No.1048962


There aren't very many NES games I like. There's the Super Mario Bros. games, Donkey Kong and DK Jr., the Contra games, Life Force, Shatterhand and Mega Man 2. Those are the only ones I play regularly and come back to after I beat them.

I've played less than ten Genesis games, but I still tend to insist that the SNES had a much better library. Sonic CD is still just a hair below Super Mario World in my opinion though.

I have no idea why people say gaming is dead. I'm sure back when Super Mario Bros. got big, neckbeards were whining about how mascot platformers were nowhere near as good as simple arcade games and were ruining gaming forever. It's as easy as ignoring the cowadoody kids and looking for games that you enjoy playing.