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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 294 KB, 1024x768, Earthbound-Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1035268 No.1035268[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Eartbound discussion.

I just started playing this game and it is genuinly fun with interesting characters, a sense of adventure and strange music that is very likeable.

This was such an underrated game, and being underrated seems to be what caused it to eventually become so overrated that this common game goes for hundreds of dollars.

>> No.1035272

How far have you gotten? I don't think I've ever made it past twoson, not for lack of trying

>> No.1035278

I've just exited the house as it turned daylight, right after the alien bee died.

Honestly not that far but I had watched a little bit of a long play and decided to give it a try.

>> No.1035286

I don't know why, but this is one of those games I can just mess around in for fun without really caring about the progression or anything.

>> No.1035309

I get this strange sense of nostalgia from it despite having only playing 30 minutes of it so far.

>> No.1035310
File: 921 KB, 500x375, Insane cultist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is fucking huge. I mean, if it's your first time through, it can take you a considerably longer amount of time to finish the bitch than just about anything for the Xbox. I highly encourage you not to look at a strategy guide, but if you do, prepare to be shocked by the sheer immensity of the game. You beat Frank, and it's like, HOLY SHIT! That boss was hard! Time to speed through a bunch more tiny enemies. 10 minutes later, the battles are all Frank-level. It just progresses more and more and more, and if you play it off and on along with other stuff you'll be seeing new stuff for years.

And, yeah, the art and music is fucking great. The music especially makes that in Super Mario World look like the potato love child of deep blue and a bad chip tune band.

>> No.1035317

Yeah considering I am playing like 10 different games at once right now I am going to be playing on this bad boy for a few months before I finish it most likely.

>> No.1035321


It would take you a few months if you played it exclusively, dedicating time to it every day and problem solving unusually effectively.

>> No.1035329

Well damn. So this sounds like a tremendously huge game. Bigger than Chrono Trigger?

>> No.1035331

Not even close.

>> No.1035335

As in Chrono Trigger is not even as close in size to Earth Bound or vice cersa?

>> No.1035336


come on now. Earthbound took me like one month to complete when I was 12.

>> No.1035338

Other way around.

>> No.1035369

>It would take you a few months if you played it exclusively, dedicating time to it every day and problem solving unusually effectively.
No, I played it exclusively for a couple hours a day and managed to beat it within a month.

It isn't that hard of a game to figure out and the battles aren't hard, and the tip man in the game will always steer you in the direction you need to go to.

>> No.1035370

But it is gonna take me a few months with all of the games I'm currently in the midst of.

>> No.1035371

He was saying that if it was the only game you were playing and dedicated your time to it it would take you more than a month to complete it. I was just chiming in that it was false.

>> No.1035376

Yeah that wouldn't make too much sense as even games massive games like Tales of Symphonia, i can beat in a good week or two, even if I'm only playing about an hour or so a day. So I imagine EarthBound couldn't possibly be as large or take as long to beat.

>> No.1035782

Chrono Trigger is BIGGER? Goddamn I've got to check it out then.

>> No.1035808

>Poll: Should i play mother 1, 2, or 3
Also note i have a boxed copy of mother 3 but its in jap so i haven't even attempted to play it, i'll be pirating the eng translation for the games that need it no matter what.

>> No.1035845

Like any game it takes practice, Case in point, after 43 playthroughs of it, (being my favorite game), Symphonia takes me three days tops.

>> No.1035854

That's total nonsense, though. Chrono Trigger is outstanding, but not particularly long.

>> No.1035862

Play Mother 2 first.

Even with the GBA version fixing a lot of problems, Mother 1 still isn't a great game.
Both 2 and 3 are good games, but 3's story works a bit better if you play Earthbound first and it's hard to return to Earthbound after all of Mother 3's improvements.

>> No.1035869

figured as much, its still pretty amazing what mother 1 was on the nes of all things, i've played like the very beginning of it and loved it, but had to stop due to school etc(as in uni, inb4 underage)

>> No.1035881

I happen to like Mother 1 quite a bit.
Honest to god, you can play them in any order you want. The only thing you miss out by playing 2 before 1 or 3 before 2 is the villains' backstories.

>> No.1036047

I recently played through the game for the first time about 2 months ago and I also got this bizarre burst of nostalgia when playing it. Actually reminded me a lot of the first 2 gens of Pokemon in certain ways which might have been why.

>> No.1036052

The game isn't that big, you can probably beat it in 20 hours or so.

>> No.1036102
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There will never be a mother 4 outside of shitty fangames

>> No.1036314

> being underrated seems to be what caused it to eventually become so overrate
It was picked up by avid gamers, and then circulated among hipsters for years. When hipsters became the mainstream a little over half a decade ago, it exploded way out of proportion to its actual quality.

It's a lovely little game, but it's not the messiah of RPGs like so many people claim.

>> No.1038931
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I played this game as a child so I always get a massive nostalgia rush from listening to the music. I'm really happy I played this when I was a kid since it's just a fun and happy little adventure. I recently played it again and it was a rush. I had a lot of fun.

I can't really blame anyone for not being able to get into this game as an adult, but it'll always be special and awesome to me.

>> No.1038956

That image is incorrect, only five can ladder.

>> No.1039956

Well that pic is just gosh darned adorable

>> No.1040389
File: 214 KB, 797x571, 3664230_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never own this amazing reproduction cart, because the company only prints five of them at a time

>> No.1040447

That will never come out.

>> No.1040542

I supposed I could just make my own of the english translated rom? Would seem like the easiest thing to do. That cart looks very nice but probably pretty expensive.

>> No.1040561

You are exagerating.

>> No.1040564

it was never an underrated game. its just not that good of a game. unfortunately a couple of youtubers plated it and now every one thinks its some god of rpgs when its really just a bad dragon warrior clone.

>> No.1040612

>you will never own this

>> No.1040717

>You will never own this reproduction cart
>Reproduction cart
>Never own

Bitch it takes 10 minutes and a quick trip to Staples to make a good-looking repro cart. I don't need some shitty weird-shaped bootleg of a first-party nintendo game when I can just bootleg it myself.

>> No.1040723

Also even if I wanted it. I'd have to ask Wiggy to make a special one that doesn't have that "Zero" bullshit all over it. Fuck Demi and fuck his bullshit.

>> No.1040749
File: 297 KB, 600x667, EB Label Preview Alternate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigra.

>> No.1040787

Thanks for reminding me that I need to get back to playing the GBA versoin of Mother.

>> No.1040793

It's also appealing to pedos.

>> No.1040816

I first tried playing Earthbound in the early 2000s when I was 13ish. Got to Onett never progressed further. I tried a few more times over the years but each time I never got further than Onett. Then I met some girl who was an EB fangirl and she insisted that I play it and finish it. She made me promise to finish it so I did.

I like the atmosphere, aesthetics and the story is spiffy. I love a lot of the atompunk imagery the game uses. The game is so incredibly dated though. It plays like an NES rpg and there was no excuse for that in 1994/95. I mean for comparison Chrono Trigger came out at the same time.

I then played Mother 3 out of curiosity and really enjoyed it. You definitely need to play EB first to enjoy Mother 3 fully though.

>> No.1040846

Wow, that's pretty nice looking.

>> No.1040918

I've heard this from other people, and they usually say it's because of how well it portrays the old days and the child like wonder of being out in the world.

>> No.1040951

>shitty fangames
you don't know that, from what was shown it actually seemed pretty true to the games and looks pretty good.

>> No.1040972


>> No.1040995

Don't you know? Anything not handed down directly from Our Divine Grace Nintendo is trash.

>> No.1041169
File: 144 KB, 500x667, ness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

earthbound is amazing. I can't say enough great things about it. The story is touching, joyful and heartbreaking. The humor is unbeatable.

the puzzles will test your patience and skill. in fact, the original game in the US was packaged with a guidebook. the open world will make you want to explore every inch of it, just to see what easter eggs pop up.

the art is attractive and varied. there is no game that is quite like it. the music has been mentioned many times, also very unique and funky.

there are just so many wonderful experiences and moments in the game. rescuing paula from the blue cultists after she visits you in your dreams.buying a ticket and going to the operahouse to watch the Runaway 5 perform. Calling your mother when you get homesick. beating up cops with baseball bats!

There are some negatives to mention. The battles are old school, definitely. The fast forward button on the emulator helps with that a lot, as the combat is simple at first and goes somewhat slow. Combat doesnt start getting too deep until you're farther in the game. You don't even get a second character in your party until 4 or 5 hours into the game.

While not as technically excellent as Chrono Trigger or Mario RPG, I love the item management, the magic system, the unique areas you visit. Top 5 SNES RPGs for me personally, and a must for any hardcore old school gamer

>> No.1041195

I bought it the day it came out. I always enjoyed it, but I do think its overrated. I mean, even for its time, the game was pretty dated. It was intended to be a DQ parody.

And the graphics? I'm no graphics whore but let's be realistic, Chrono Trigger came out the same fuckin' year. They could have done a lot more with the graphics if they wanted to. It looked like shit in 1994 and the only reason it's tolerated today is because "lol its retro", forgetting that even for its era it looked out of place.

>> No.1041230

I gave it a shot because a friend of a friend wouldn't shut up about it.

It is mediocre. There are two versions of the game, a fake version where the game is ridiculously harder and the default version that shipped in a cart.

If you get the right version, the game is easy as fuck. If you get the wrong version, Frank is a pain in the ass.

The charm wore off on me in the game and eventually it ended up more as a grind. I tried to get into the GBA Earthbound but it seemed so ADD with bouncing between characters.

>> No.1041232

nowhere near it. Chrono trigger is like, half or one third of the length

>> No.1041373

god damn it anon, you're making me hungry

>> No.1041671
File: 18 KB, 1920x1080, -Video-Games-Rpg-Mother-Lucas-Earthbound-Pixelart-Mother-3-Sunflowers-Fresh-New-Hd-Wallpaper--.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta agree with you. I never played Earthbound as a kid but I got tempted to do try it out a couple of months ago. Now I can't believe all the things that I missed out as a kid.
Earthbound and mother 3 instantly became some of my all time favorites.

I honestly can't decide if I like Earthbound more than Mother 3 though.
They're both amazing in their own rights, though I do know that especially Earthbound is a a bit overrated these days
Mother 3 made me cry like no game ever had and Earthbound was the first game I've actually really enjoyed playing in a year or so

I will listen to the music from Mother games for the rest of my life and I'll be sure to get my future kid(s) a mr. Saturn toy, if I ever get children

>> No.1041674

I've never played Earthbound but I recently finished watching a playthrough of it on YouTube. Am I allowed to have an opinion?
I thought it was an above average RPG with a quirky plot, cute art style, and I can see why people keep talking about it.

>> No.1041720

Why do people do this instead of playing the game?

>> No.1041725

Busy with life? Easier to have a video running in the background than play the game yourself I suppose

>> No.1041773

Yeah I had never picked up this game before and outside of /vr/ I only knew it existed through Super Smash Bros. But the other day when i started playing this, it was quite litterally a feeling of nostalgia, as if I bought this when I was a kid and beat it.

>> No.1041779

I do this for real brutal games, like Battle Toads & Double Dragon. I couldn't come anywhere near fisnishing level 3 no mattery how hard I try, and then it turns out there are 7 levels? Thats why I watched a longplay instead.

>> No.1041785

>artificial rarity

Just like the real games!

>> No.1041873

I laughed harder than I should have. But you're right.

>> No.1042002
File: 238 KB, 692x414, 23384445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earthbound is one of these games that were overlooked when they were first released but they were highly appreciated years later when gamers realised how well they aged.

It's one of my favourite games and it deserves its fame but God damn it I hate its fanbase which is responsible for the unreasonably high prices of the american SNES cartidge and the overdoze of shitty romhacks, rip-offs and fan-made sequels and spin-offs (with few exceptions).

>> No.1042014

People who keep spending over 200 dollars for a non-so rare SNES cartidge instead of buying a Wii U, downloading it from VirtualConsole and supporting the creators that way and not the pocket of a filthy collector.

Why? If it is for collection purpose why not buying the incredibly cheap japanese version? I even have a friend who spent 400 euros from the college scholarship he got in order to buy a copy of Earthbound "in perfect condition".

>> No.1042049

I didn't like it at all. Felt clunky and unbalanced.
Maybe it's just because I played Mother 3 first :c

>> No.1042053

why would you play 3 first?

>> No.1042061

>seemed pretty true to the games
That actually worries me. They may try to simply redo Earthbound while forcing as much quirky and "random" humour as possible while completely missing what made the games good and without improving any flaws, but I guess we will see if I turn out to be wrong when/if it comes out.

>> No.1042062

earthbound humor wasn't even 'random', they're just missing the point

>> No.1042081

>earthbound humor wasn't even 'random', they're just missing the point
To be honest, it did come off as random at times, but we can expect the fangame to exagerate it as much as they can. The reason it worked with EB is because it actually had good writers.

>> No.1042094

>"random" humour
Is there a Mother 4 trailer or something I missed? Where are you all getting this from?

>> No.1042105

Someone who worked on M4 comes and blatantly virals the shit out of his game sometimes, pretending to be a random fan and giving the most annoying exposition possible. I'm not saying that's him in this thread, but the information is out there.

>> No.1042120

i.. i don't know

>> No.1042150

>I'm not saying that's him in this thread

>> No.1042470

Random humor can be done tastefully. Compare Invader Zim to family guy. Yes, I know Invader Zim is a mallgoth favorite, but that doesn't make it bad

>> No.1042484

Nowhere apparently, from the wording of that sentence.

>> No.1042493

Yeah, but who's supposed to not be him?

>> No.1042521

I'm not sure. I'll have to read the thread to see who he's talking about.

>> No.1042625


>> No.1042628
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>> No.1043965

Pretty decent game, it's rather strange it's nothing like I've played before in an RPG. I'm currently now trying to find this kidnapped girl.

The only thing that bothered me when I played was not being able to see my characters in the battle screen, but I got over that.

>> No.1046327


>> No.1046357


It was probably staged. Five played ladder and then somebody dropped three more on and the photo guy happened to fly down at just the right moment to get that shot before they all tumbled down.

>> No.1046367


or you can just watch a Let's Play of Earthbound, that's what I did

I watched the harder, rougher one and then had fun playing the smoother, easier one with the better story (although I still needed to do it in an emulator with a speedup button handy so as to avoid getting angry at various bits of clunky JRPG tedium)

>> No.1046398
File: 763 KB, 1366x768, 1374790239262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... apparently a lot of adult people stopped playing the Mother games at times to call their, well, mother.

I know I did, what other games have that effect?

>> No.1046440

Most JRPGs still use that system. Shin Megami Tensei 1, 2, SJ, SH, and 4, Etrian Odyssey, and the Dragon Quest games up to 8.

Those battle systems rely a bit more on imagination rather than visuals. There may be some, but not much.

>> No.1046460

>Those battle systems rely a bit more on imagination rather than visuals

I get what you're trying to say, but it's more fair to say that they are afraid to stray from tropes of battle systems past rather than trying to nurture a rich imagined world in the player's head.

You just can't attribute thoughtfulness to what would more likely be attributed to laziness, institutional inertia and creative inflexibility.

>> No.1046461

You. Fucking. Nailed it.

I adore the Mother series, but it's complete bullshit how everything related to it has to be some bourgeois bullshit. Who the hell needs a 250 dollar repro that GETS THE TITLE WRONG?

>> No.1046519

It's actually used to emphasize the enemy artwork in the game, but nice try. Compare the art from the SNES Final Fantasy games to the Dragon Quest games. DQ's battle screen looks a lot cleaner because of the bigger space and pixel number dedicated to representing the hand drawn art into in-game pixel art.

>> No.1046593
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>> No.1047702
File: 68 KB, 300x300, 1376124041524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy, you forgot something.

>> No.1047707

this is silly. /vr/'s treatment of earthbound is in no way analogous to /mu/'s relationship with ItAotS

>> No.1047720

So where are all the Mother 1 characters during Mother 2? I know Giygas comes back, but literally no one else does and Giygas makes no reference to the events of Mother 1. Same goes for locations. If M1 is 198X and M2 is 199X, then there's a maximum of like 19 years that could have passed between the two (although they probably only take place ten years apart). You'd think with all the wacky shit happening, Ninten and the gang would have heard about it, realized it was the work of Giygas, and tried to at least help Ness and the gang in some way.

>> No.1047728

Yeah, there's not as much famboyism. I'd say it's more like Ulysses in /lit/, and CRT's are the equivalent of 10-bit animu.

>> No.1047729

Ninten is Ness's dad

>> No.1047739

They're both overrated hipster shit. That said I don't mind ITAOTS.

>> No.1047745

i love them both

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian.

>> No.1047748

tldr but in 2013 a hipster is basically a mainstream, instragram, lol look at my oldschool nintendo fag. the real hipsters moved on long ago after it became a term to be bought and sold by clothing companies.

>> No.1047752

I can't believe people are still posting this sincerely and thinking it makes a point.

>terms aren't perfectly defined so they're useless

I imagine some jackass running around saying "You can't precisely define the boundaries of what being an 'asshole' is, so you calling me that is meaningless!"

Not only it is sophistry it's extremely tiresome for us that see these people in reality every day.

>> No.1047778


The theory is that Giygas fucked up things with time traveling, so the Mother 1 characters and its settings morphed in to the places and characters from Mother 2.

That would explain why Mother 1 and 2 are so similar but otherwise unrelated outside of the time-traveling Giygas.

That said, there's no telling what the real scoop is until Itoi spills it one day.

>> No.1047803

I wish I knew more about the Starmen.

>> No.1047846

There's a lot to Earthbound that's just totally untouched
>what was Giygas' planet like?
>what were his people like?
>the aforementioned "Where are the Mother 1 characters?"
>why are Ness and his friends "the chosen ones" instead of the M1 gang who stopped Giygas before?
>what's the deal with the Saturns?

>> No.1047872

I've never played an earthbound/mother game before, should game should I start with?

>> No.1047895
File: 110 KB, 395x400, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You used to play 8bit RPGS on older systems? Yes? Then start with Mother 1, it's an incredible charming 8 bit RPG, one of the best I'd say.
If not, then the game might feel a bit rough.
Most people will tell you to start with Earthbound, but I reccommend playing all 3 games in the series in order, it's a much more cohesive and rewarding experience in the end.

>> No.1047897

I played the VERY first part of 3 before I played Earthbound

>> No.1047908

thanks, I decided to go with Earthbound

>> No.1047915 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m3hlssvaLm1rv6s83o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>decided against my reccomendation

y-you're welcome anon

>> No.1047918

>no Forgotten Man

>> No.1047941
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>> No.1048667
File: 469 KB, 946x612, 1347411272882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is way more fun than I expected it to be. It started off slow to me, and I wasn't impressed, but the bizarre world makes it enjoyable. It certainly becomes more fun later.

I agree completely though that the music is strange, yet very likeable. My friend's video game music band is pretty good and the keyboard player is a huge fan of this game. If you like the music, you'd probably be pretty into their covers.

Check it: http://www.lavieenphotos.net/p694248585/h62e7095d#h6e96750a

>> No.1048669

I dropped 175$ on EB at its highest because fuck if I know.
I dropped 40$ on a GBA flashcart to play Mother 3
I dropped 40$ on a NES repro cart of Mother 1
and I couldn't get into it.
You just move so fucking slow and everything is so fucking strong