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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1047354 No.1047354 [Reply] [Original]

So /vr/ what's that game that was just a pain in the ass for you to get, be it rare, or hipster faggots spewing there bullshit making it damn near impossible to purchase a game at a reasonable price. How long did it take you to get it.

For me I'm still trying to get my hands on Conker's bad fur day.

>> No.1047368

There hasnt been one. Most of the time I'll just wait till I see it at a thrift store or a flea market for cheap and then I'll get it. I have yet to pay market value for any game I've bought. You just have to know when and where to look and be patient.

>> No.1047434

Strangely enough, the most pain-in-the ass thing to get for me has been a working-condition NES console. I generally don't buy consoles online on principle (shipping costs are high, and definition of "tested" and "working condition" is surprisingly flexible), no one sells them on craigslist, and the only retro game store in 50 miles doesn't stock them. The only one I managed to find, turned out to be a piece of crap, and I've spent way more time and effort than its worth trying (and failing) to get it working. The real annoying part is I keep finding good NES games at local thrift shops, but I can't play them.

>> No.1047438
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been looking for this for a couple years, and have still never seen it in the wild

>> No.1047513


The VCR NES is dog shit that's why. Best thing to do is import an AV Famicom and use a pin converter for NES games. Thats what I've been doing for years and never once had a problem with it.

>> No.1047518

(regular nes 001 models have av ports in the back)

>> No.1047537

I found Gun Nac at a half price books.

I was thrilled until they I found out they wanted fucking $100 for it. I actually wrote a complaint to corporate over it, but got a canned response


>> No.1047559
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I really want Hagane, but the game is fucking impossible to find for less than $250. I'd like to find a copy of Soul Blazer that is between $30-40.

>> No.1047572

A guy at the flea market near me he said a guy was selling a bunch of boxed and looses SNES games at another fleamarket. Offered him $100 for the lot. Hagane was in there. Said he didn't even play it. Threw it on ebay same day and got $275. Worst part of all is he knows fuck all about vidya and he pronounced it "Huhgain".

>> No.1047580

I was so lucky when I got this for under 20 bucks... and I considered myself ripped off at the time. Such a good and enjoyable game, I don't even care anymore.

I would say Ogre Battle for the PS1. I managed to snipe it on eBay for a cheap price. I would have gotten an SNES version, but it's like a unicorn where I live. Near impossibly to find and in the possession of virgins.

>>Capcha: Childsar 426

Child's are what? I NEED TO KNOW!

>> No.1047596


I'm aware of this. The reason I called the NES-001 dogshit is because of its retarded loading mechanism, which is the reason most of the shit
is talking about is all fucked up. The AV Famicom is the best way to play FC/NES games due to its top loader design and inclusion of AV ports that the redesigned american NES lacked because NoA again decided to take stupid pills even during the redesign.

>> No.1047683
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Mega Man X2 and X3 eluded me for a long time. Then I got lucky with a local rental store selling off all their old games for $3 each and I got both games and around 40 other games including >>1047438. I even got the boxes for most of the games, though they were all in terrible shape.

>> No.1047686

mega man x2 and x3. like, are you fucking serious? i get that they're mega man games, so, that makes a little sense, but price tags over 100 dollars? FUCK.

>> No.1047689

A Model 3 Sega Genesis. Only like 30 bucks complete but every time I have the money for one something comes up whether it be the neighbors dog busting my door down, tearing through my kitchen and eating my food supply or my mom needing to borrow money till payday.

I have litterally tried to purchase one of these fucker 6 times in the past 2 months.

>> No.1047697

I'd like an SNES copy of Sunset Riders and Mario RPG that weren't sold at ridiculous prices. These weren't even rare games, there is no excuse for having to pay $50+ a piece.

>> No.1047704

And no one needs to be giving me that in demand bull because in demand means nothing. A common game is a common game.

>> No.1047715

i just bought mario rpg for $30 on ebay. a bit more than I'd like to have spent, but "omg rare title oldskool" bullshit and the rising prices made me just go ahead. surprised it was $30 on ebay of all places...

>> No.1047719

I have actually been finding my games cheaper on Ebay than Amazon lately.

maybe it's a sign

>> No.1047747

yeah, i really hope so. I want to see Earthbound dwindle down to reasonable prices for a game as common as that. same goes for Chrono Trigger.

>> No.1047770

I've noticed this too; I've been starting to collect Sega CD titles, and I've noticed the prices of many of the 75-100 dollar titles slipping down into the 50 range the more I look. It's promising.

>> No.1047808

>I want to see Earthbound dwindle down to reasonable prices

So I am really curious, why is Earthbound like, $200!? I mean, isn't that a first party Nintendo game and all?

>> No.1047815

Hipsters and Jews

>> No.1047817

I'd love to find a top loader NES for a realistic price ($60 is where I'd be comfortable paying at the high end), and a copy of Aero Fighters CiB that isn't hundreds of dollars.

very unlikely either will happen.

>> No.1047821

I get that it's gotten popular, but selling it for hundreds is like selling Super Mario World for hundreds. Just... wat.

>> No.1047831

Ogre Battle MothBQ. I know I could get the ps1 version for cheap, but I want the SNES version. Complete.

>> No.1047845

Nobody bought it when it first came out so American copies are uncommon.

Then when the Mother 3 fan translation came out, along with Ness and Lucas being in Smash, it made resellers notice it's rabid fanbase.

Japanese copies are way cheaper, box, manual and cart included.

>> No.1047847

It is that hispter retro trend and resellers cashing in on said trend.

otherwise Earthbound is common game and as awesome as it is, its not worth any more than 15-25 bucks in my opinion.

>> No.1047848

Just as an example. I payed 65 dollars for my copy of the Legend of Zelda:Collectors Edition for the GC just 4 months ago and its already dropped down to the 30-45 dollar range.

>> No.1047853

The first Mega Man Battle Network took me months to get and I finally had to get it off eBay for like $25 because I just could not find the goddamn thing local.

Sega CD took me a while took track down, mostly because they're so rare in my area and it tough to find a working one. Finally got one for $35 local, but still had to change out the fuse.

Fatal Frame on Xbox took me months to find, finally got it off eBay for $17.

Currently, I'm having a hell of a time tracking down a Sega Master System that's not $50 or more, a Turbographx 16 for under $75, and for some reason motherfucking Boulder Dash on NES which NOBODY has around here.

>> No.1047856

i really hope this happens with Magic Knight Rayearth for the Sega Saturn. I really want that game. it's become my favorite saturn game, but I only have a burned copy

>> No.1047857

these ps1 games (PAL)

Clock Tower
Vib Ribbon
Castlevania SOTN
Legend of Dragoon
Parappa the Rapper

and various others

>> No.1047938

For me it's Tomba 1 & 2, with case and manual
As well as the Serial Experiments Lain game for PS1
Both at a reasonable price of course.

>> No.1047961
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Chrono Trigger
Brave Fencer Mushashi
Parappa the Rapper
Megaman Legends
Sonic Jam (will probably just import)

>> No.1047996

Ebay has always been lower, for me anyways. Amazon has always been around 20-25% higher most of the time because they have complete prices on there. People see Star Fox for $200+ and think their carts warrant $35 or some bullshit.

There's actually A LOT of good deals on Half.com. It's still ebay but for some reason I always find good deals there. Ducktales shipped, good label for $6. Stuff like that.

The worst place is shopgoodwill because their shipping prices buttfuck you in the end. $15 shipping for a NES cart. God help you if you buy a lot.

>> No.1048003


It's not. They've been averaging around the $150 mark recently. One sold for $125 and another for $130 not 2 days ago.

>> No.1048030

Not an individual game, but it took me a while to find a Sega CD.

>> No.1048038

But those tiny cables hardwired into the console.

>> No.1048037

I want Magical Chase for the TG-16, but I doubt I'll ever get a copy.

>> No.1048115

>Sonic Jam (will probably just import)

Wait, that's a "rare" game? Oh shit I have that and didn't realize it. Man Saturn stuff is getting expensive.

>> No.1048183

>Japanese copies are way cheaper, box, manual and cart included.
I've found that this goes for most games.

>> No.1048472

You are the reseller scum people are talking about. Some guy wanted to buy Hagane at the market and you grabbed it and sent it straight to eBay. But I guess most of us would do the same if we weren't interested in the game itself or looking for a complete collection.

>> No.1048537

Are you retarded? I'm not the guy that bought the game. I was told this buy the guy who bought it at the flea market you ignorant fuck.

>> No.1048604

>Castlevania SOTN

Years ago, when I was looking for my copy, I found it in an EB Games. I asked the counter jockey if he had it and he walked over to a cart and grabbed it. It had been traded in about an hour before I got there, it hadn't even made it on to the shelf before it hit my hands.

>> No.1048618

riveting tale old chap

>> No.1048747

Pretty much my experience with this game.

I can never find it for under $30 and whenever I see a copy in good condition at a good price, it gets snatched up before I can even shout "thundede"

>> No.1050949
File: 995 KB, 500x281, 1374484351200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Due to lack a of money and considering the inflated prices, I've been dying to get these for the playstation:

Techmo's Deception
Deception 3
Crusader No Remorse

There are others on my big-list, which considering my luck and patience I've found or managed to trade with others, but those three in particular have me wishing for a break.

>> No.1051003

I've been looking for years into getting Earthbound for a decent price, as well as a number of other Super Nintendo titles. I'm starting to just break down and ordering SuFami games and learning Japanese so I can get CIB copies of games for less than half the price of what they go for in the states.


Lain had a game? I can't even imagine what it'd be besides a visual novel.

>> No.1051012

I go to swap meets more than ebay so it ends up being alot of shit. But shit like PS1 era popular titles like MGS1, Spyro, and Crash gets marked up bad for being so popular

>> No.1051020

The person here describes it more as "surfing the web"

>> No.1051453

Crash Bandicoot 1 black label.

Like really, what the fuck is this? There are hardly any goddamn copies for sale and the ones that are up go for $30~. It's fucking bullshit.

>> No.1051471
File: 283 KB, 720x1280, 20130906_114514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha Storm.

Took me about 6 years to finally see a copy pop up on eBay. Then I ordered four of them and only one of them got here in one piece.

But I finally have it, sheesh.

>> No.1051474

its because people like you care that much about getting the black label one. pretty easy to figure out there.

>> No.1051662

This. The game plays the exact same as the greatest hits version.

>> No.1051686

Honestly.....Earthworm Jim 2 for SNES. I called all the stores within a 100 mile radius and finally found a toysrus about an hour drive away that had it. I wasn't ready to spend $50 on it either.

>> No.1051720

I'm going to take out the tabs on my snes soon so I can import sfc games. It looks like it would be possible to pull them out from the top without taking the thing apart but every guide I've read says to disassemble it. I will take it apart if I have to but I wanted to know if any of you had taken them out without taking the console apart/if it is safe to attempt. It seems like it would be faster.

>> No.1051969

Guess I was lucky I got 1 & 2 blacklabel for like 14 dollars I think.

Yeah I know they play exactly the same, but the price was good.

>> No.1051978

Was this in the 90s because its like a $10 game dude.

>> No.1051996

>Be it rare
>Conker's bad fur day

>> No.1052006

Why not just buy the virtual console version?

>> No.1052020

Those last 3 are on the PlayStation store on ps3.

>> No.1052035

>>1051978 yep. back when $50 was hard to come by

>> No.1052114

i snipped em out with pliers and mine works great, I think they only tell you to take it apart because they dont want to be responsible if you fuck up your cart slot

>> No.1052123

Alright, thanks.

>> No.1052437

>Nintendo ONLY releasing it on the Fucking Wii U to save that piece of shit of a console.

>> No.1052623

i got a NES for 22 shipped on shopgoodwill.
The 72 pin was bad, and it was dirty as fuck, but flea markets near me mark their shit up high.

I saw a yellowed snes with mario world, guy was asking 70 bucks.

>> No.1052625

my flea market had one Sega CD game.

Star Wars chess in the box being used to prop up an old CRT television

>> No.1052627

Super Smash Bros. Melee with a save-capable memory card was difficult to come across for myself.

>> No.1052632
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Wrestlemania Arcade for Sega Saturn. It's the version I grew up with and it's the version I want. I finally managed to get one in really good condition few months ago.
I'm also trying to get some FMV games for PS1, Saturn and PC. Games like Fox Hunt, the X-Files, Doubleswitch, Corpse Killer etc. They're kinda hard to get.

PAL Dreamcast. Fellow euronegros will understand my pain. I wonder why they're so hard to find, or at least for reasonable price.

>> No.1052641
File: 6 KB, 160x160, 1317017482646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get SOTN on the Xbox Live Arcade or PSN Store, or you can do like me and steal it from your girlfriend's unstable foster brother who's off in another state.

He's never going to see it or Custom Robo ever again!

>> No.1052691

>Legend of Dragoon
Jesus Christ this, apparently the game sold like 3 copies over here and I can't find a copy anywhere under £30.

Not on the EU store.

>> No.1052710


>MFW I have a copy

That fucker cost 60 bucks when it came out

>> No.1052716


I own either two or three copies of Dragoon, wasn't too hard to find in America

>> No.1052750

Doesn't the downloadable version of SOtN drop the credits song?

>> No.1052926

It's only $2.50 on XBLA right now

>> No.1053242

Is it that rare? I saw one at a pawn shop about a year ago for $25 and I skipped on it.

>> No.1053251

>Nobody bought it when it first came out so American copies are uncommon.
And this is also the reason why it's possible to find so many copies of it CIB, some of them sealed even.

In the late 90s, many stores were STILL trying to get rid of excess copies of the game, there were ads in TRU magazines for Earthbound at the new low price of only $15.

>> No.1053389

I've been looking for a decent SNES for awhile now. Mine has a loose AC connector in the back so it's awkward to use. Which is a shame because it's one of the very few consoles, new and retro, that I don't own multiple of. Also as far as rare games go, it seems like every time I get my hands on something of value the price plummets an absurd amount, so I kinda give up on value of things.

>> No.1053757
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I still haven't found it.

>> No.1053760
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>tfw I bought a very beat up Hagane for $2 3 years ago and sold it over a year ago for $50

I wouldn't have sold it but bills man.

>> No.1055169

Is that "free market" shitposter gone?
If so, I'd say Super Metroid.
Gladly, SFC copies are $20

>> No.1055204
File: 312 KB, 1280x960, P5200082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally found Rondo of Blood for a decent price, $60. I'm still looking for some other rarities, but the retro market is pretty dry over here.

>> No.1055229

Same here, it's rough finding anything retro, mainly because of crummy ebay resellers screwing over people on craigslist and whatnot. I can't even find any NEC stuff around me, and I've been hurting for a Turbografx for a couple months here.

>> No.1055242

For me it's not only resellers, but the Netherlands overall is pretty bad for hunting retro stuff. Anything older than PSX is rare in flea markets, and the more obscure stuff(like TG-16) is practically nonexistant. From that picture, only R-Type II(second half of R-Type) I was able to find in a store. The rest is all from auction sites or imports.

>> No.1055602

fucking zelda on nes

that series has the worst hipster fanbase ratio.

luckily, i'll be getting a gray cart tomorrow for nothing. a friend i work with asked if i wanted it since he had a gold cart already.

>> No.1055647

I always wanted the Collector's Edition of Baldur's Gate 2. I waited, watching, for years - probably 3 years. I eventually got one for a reasonable price.
I'm still waiting to bump into Day of the Tentacle someday. Or, a box at least. I have a disc for it.

>> No.1055731

I found Tecmo's Deception for $3 at my local game store. I don't think its that much, but holy fuck is it fun.

>> No.1055776

>Woah, this faggot must be shit at ebay.
>Hell, I found fucking Umihara Kawase, boxed for around $40...
>look up Conker

What the fuck? All the buy it now listings are $70+