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File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1080, SFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10470757 No.10470757 [Reply] [Original]

This game was awesome and Rare's swan song before turning to sh*t

>> No.10470759

I'm glad I could just enjoy it for what it was, wasn't a forum dweller yet so had no idea people were upset about it

>> No.10470768

Looks like Xbox 360 desu

>> No.10472267

Kameo looks worse

>> No.10472346

Would've been cool if it was allowed to be its own thing. It could have been a good, self-contained adventure game instead of a bad Star Fox game.

>> No.10472436
File: 400 KB, 800x1200, Shigeru_Miyamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would've been cool if it was allowed to be its own thing
It was going to be until Miyamoto practically forced them to turn it into a Star Fox game

>> No.10472453

Based Shiggy. The SF characters are 80% of the game's charm and it has peak Fox. Not his fault autistic tendies don't understand what spin-offs are

>> No.10472457
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>Would've been cool if it was allowed to be its own thing.
Yeah like abominable shit. Would be much better

>> No.10472752

Same here.
SFA si a fantastic adventure game and one of the best looking 6th gen games

>> No.10472984

It drags on too much desu. I played it for several hours and never even got to that beach level I saw in screenshots

>> No.10473040
File: 53 KB, 750x932, 1673288848388857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved it back then but replaying it my major complaint is that there's just too much uninteresting backtracking. Now don't get me wrong, I love tons of games which have some form of backtracking, it's just that SFA doesn't do it very well.
On the technical side though the game is incredible. The fact that it runs at 60 FPS while looking this great is still impressive

>> No.10473163

It alright. It's very frontloaded with the good stuff, and the quality drops off past a certain point.
Honestly don't know why people dislike it so much, apart from "not Stafox", which no shit it isn't. We knew at the time, it literally was not Starfox. Dinosaur Planet was an announced and publicised N64 game, prior to the rebrand.

>> No.10473170

Yeah, the gameplay is so-so overall, but it’s easily one of the GameCube’s best looking games and one of the best looking sixth gen games overall.

>> No.10473182

You can also add this to the long list of supposedly "bad" 6th gen games that still are way better than Ico, along with PS2 Castlevania and Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.

>> No.10473185

haha a stretched-out Glenn Plant screenshot, that brings me back
dude's a good basic video reference for numerous games on this console but man did my aspect ratio-fixing browser plugin get a workout with his stuff

>> No.10473187

Agreed. Games like SFA and Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy borrow heavily from the 3D Zelda formula, but that’s not really a bad thing.

>> No.10473191

Yeah, I don't know how you take time to write a script and everything for a video but don't even notice the aspect ratio

>> No.10473213

6th gen was so good for action adventures

>> No.10474673

Sure. People were pretty spoiled for choice. Beyond Good and Evil basically bombed. That game's great.

>> No.10475020

>Beyond Good and Evil basically bombed. That game's great.
I can't trust Ubisoft enough to clock hours into it

>> No.10475058

Haven't played too much 3D Zelda, are they really filled with fetch quests, backtracking and easy puzzles like this game?

>> No.10475079

Uhh, not really the fetch quest thing is minor in most 3d Zelda’s an majoras mask has more backtracking than resident evil, not others not so much

>> No.10475087

The earlier 3D Zelda games do feature quite a few block-pushing puzzles.

>> No.10475287

There's like maybe one per dungeon

>> No.10475534

Better than Zeldor

>> No.10476452


>> No.10476453

You're a moron then.

>> No.10476460

>aspect ratio-fixing browser plugin

>> No.10476467

>Glenn Plant
also, he is so fucking bad at playing, I mean, you have a videogame channel, how hard is to at least try?

>> No.10476470

that's a great game, I would call it a hidden gem if it weren't made by rare

>> No.10477901

Didn't ask

>> No.10477916 [DELETED] 

I hate zoomers so much it's unreal.
Absolute niggercattle.

>> No.10478174 [DELETED] 

I’m hoping so hard that there’s a massive backlash amongst the next generation against the anime culture and ghetto twitter speak that zoomers are obsessed with.

>> No.10478187


>> No.10479496 [DELETED] 

God, me too.

>> No.10480164


>> No.10480886

is this No Mans Sky

>> No.10480915

wasn't this debunked?

>> No.10480940

It's bland with multiple annoying sections. I'd say it's the epitomy of a 6/10 game. I do love that first area, though, and the water effects were nice.

>> No.10482146

Playing this for the first time since 2002.
Holy fuck, it does hold up. I'm too used to uglier 6th gen games.

>> No.10482160

Juno's design is great, though. It's just the girl character who looks like a lazy western parody of anime schoolgirls that sucks.

>> No.10482214
File: 460 KB, 997x1238, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vela's great.
BTW, Juno's helmet was inspired by Gatchaman.

>> No.10483194

>girl character who looks like a lazy western parody of anime schoolgirls
the worst shit ever

>> No.10483204

He has always been jealous of others success and sabotaged everything he perceived as stealing his glory. Had this dude not been at Nintendo they wouldn't have been such a cringe company and could have been on the level of Capcom, konami or Sega even.

>> No.10483212

same, i was just having fun because it was zelda with a staff

>> No.10483216

>inventing schizo stories again
The reason Nintendo does that thing where they attach an old IP to a new project, is because it makes it sell better.
If something looks like it basically could be a Starfox spinoff, may as well be a Starfox spinoff. It makes sense in a cynical business way.

>> No.10483246

it would have unironically been worse without Starfox characters, the game is boring as fuck and shit and the only reason I even bought it was because it was a Starfox game

>> No.10483250

shit no, it looks like upscaled Dreamcast at best.

>> No.10484421

n-noooo but, what about all these western-published stories about miyamoto being mean to Rare??? nooooo don't change my perception of realityyyy

>> No.10484424
File: 136 KB, 320x240, 320px-SA1_FieldImage_SonicMR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10484429
File: 234 KB, 1024x576, 360 game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10484443
File: 520 KB, 500x375, sfa beach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10484450
File: 947 KB, 367x218, sfa fox face2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10484457
File: 81 KB, 830x720, dreamcast meanwhile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10484501

Is this a beta build? That IU looks all wrong.

>> No.10484554


>> No.10485731

Think they'd save the GCN if Nintendo let Rare have publisher rights or stop cancelling Retro's big projects.

>> No.10485740

>five replies
How autistic are Miyamoto fags? Even Sakurai simps are willing to listen to an inch of criticism nowadays.

>> No.10485746

Star Fox 64's success and the cancelation of SF2 unironicly cursed the franchise.

>> No.10485838

It's not about whether or not I like Miyamoto. It's about you flat out making things up.

>> No.10486127

>people replying means they didn't read the post
>NOOO you must hate the fact that SFA has Star Fox characters instead of ugly Rare OGs
Unironically meds and I usually don't say this

>> No.10487898


>> No.10487934

sounded like he never finished Jet Force Gemini despite owning it back when it was first released. Love hearing his reviews though.

>> No.10487946

Holy SHIT, grow up.

>> No.10487950

>we have xwings at home

>> No.10487994

I always thought the arwing model/textures were really nice. You can tell someone worked their ass off on it. Reminds me of the old x-wings from the early star wars movies.

>> No.10488035

>ultimate furfag game
>not shit
end yourself.

>> No.10488627

That's an emulator screenshot, but on real hardware I still think it's one of the best looking games on the system. What's even more impressive is that it came out early in the Gamecube's life.

>> No.10490061

You can be fur and straight, retard

>> No.10492007

bizzaro world moment

>> No.10492016
File: 549 KB, 1920x1434, FNbSSvEUUAAXaNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay chudded.

>> No.10492072

can i get into sonic and sega as a chud or is it just too degenerate and consumerist pilled?

>> No.10492073

Adventure will always wait for you.

>> No.10492893

>the zoomer doesn't know ubisoft wasn't always like it is today

>> No.10492916

SFA on GCN and CRT looks great. High-res graphics and textures look strange due to some of the limitations of the time. Look at the trees in the upper left and the flowers at the forefront for an example of what I mean. It also makes it obvious that the mountains are just "paper".

>> No.10493548

I agree, a CRT is the best way to experience it. Forgot to mention that in my prior comment.

>> No.10493829

nah you're wrong. ubisoft was always the way it was
literally everything ubisoft makes feels that way
like its a french assembly line for toys created by people who dislike children

>> No.10495268

Gettin kinda tired of this claim. It was the other way around. It was Rare's idea to use Star Fox and shiggy went along with it

>> No.10495341
File: 122 KB, 922x714, Screenshot 2023-12-10 at 04-14-35 The Making Of Star Fox Adventures The Game That Was Once Dinosaur Planet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all rumours, but I've never head that Rare suggested it. If you have a better source saying it was Rare who suggested it, post it

>> No.10495415

There is an entire Reddit dedicated to shitting on Miyamoto and making up retarded fake stories about him. He's one of the most wholesome lads in the world but for some reason he just triggers some people

>> No.10495418

It's entirely because of Paper Mario.

>> No.10495421

>He's one of the most wholesome lads in the world
Based on what?

>> No.10496812

>There is an entire Reddit dedicated to shitting on Miyamoto and making up retarded fake stories about him
why am I not surprised?

>> No.10496968

It looked nice. End of praise. This was PEAK shitRare. Nuts & Bolts was actually their last good game.

>> No.10497165

It was covered in gaming magazines prior to release. I remember reading about Dinosaur Planet in Nintendo Power. Rare war advertising it and gave a tentative release date, but then went silent about it for a couple years. Then SFA was announced, and anyone who was into gaming mags noticed Krystal and other similarities between it and Dinosaur Planet, and people were immediately skeptical. Rare did damage control and mostly ignored any public comments about Dinosaur Planet, which was easier to do back then.

>> No.10497908

SFA had Dark Souls combat before Dark Souls

>> No.10499372

For decades now random people on the internet tried to convince me that this game that I liked is bad. Still noone convinced me.

>> No.10501529

SFA si Kino, EOD.

>> No.10502793

Anyone else notice the similarity between the beginning of this game and Castlevania Legacy of Darkness?

>> No.10502805

Well earlier parts of it felt pretty good even if it played like a Zelda clone. Shame it starts falling apart after cloudrunner fortress. The last two major dungeons were disappointing.

>> No.10503709

Am I the only one who was HYPE as fuck during the final fight with Andross? When Falco shows up it was super hype.
>nooo but dinosaur planet! miyamoters bad!
who cares, I didn't know about dinosaur planet back in 2002 and I just enjoyed it, why pretend I didn't once I discovered about Dinosaur Planet?
Also, we now have Dinosaur Planet, so we can enjoy both.

>> No.10505152

It's only speculation but it makes sense for Rare management to be worried that their OC exclusive for a dying console was going to be poorly received and latched onto a suggestion that they use Star Fox characters. Naturally there's going to be push back from staff who want their OC, it's their pride and joy after all, but management want money and don't care about your magnum opus.
There was plenty of stories of N64 era development where developers credited Nintendo for some of the design choices. It's only in the acerbic internet era that this has turned into "zOMG Nintendo FORCED devs to change based designs into shitty Nintendo babby shit!11!"

>> No.10505204


>> No.10506179

Get in the line faggot

>> No.10506543

Game has always been underrated. People only hate on it because it wasn't a traditional Star Fox game. Most major points I see are ironically because of it being turned into a Star Fox game last minute like the ending where you don't even fight Scales and Andross comes out of nowhere as well as the tacked on Arwing sections. Game would have been looked at more fondly if it had just stayed as Dinosaur Planet.

>> No.10506647

Perfect Dark was Rare's swan song.

>> No.10506673
File: 45 KB, 640x384, zeldacdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SOULFUL overexpression
>boring shit for furfaggots

>> No.10506686

>Game has always been underrated.
Not at release. I remember buying it in mid 2002 and liking it a lot and the reaction on internet forums I frequented was also good.
I think it wasn't until the mid to late 00s that people started taking the "angry/jaded video game reviewer" stance and shitting on anything, in the case of SFA it was "muh shiggers miyamoters is... LE BAAAAAAD! because it forced, like, Rare, to turn this dinosaur game I never even knew about into a Star Fox game! can you BELIEVE!?"

>> No.10507890

Because people still think he's responsible for current day Paper Mario being complete shit.

>> No.10508534

which is so retarded. even IF he's the sole reason they took away npcs special garment, that's hardly nu paper mario's biggest issue. he wasn't responsible for direction or writing

>> No.10509613

What happened to the dino craze? Why isn't it a zeitgeist anymore?

>> No.10511136

Jurassic Park sequels sucked ass

>> No.10511679

3 is no masterpiece like the first movie but a decent flick. For some reason I think people like 2 more. The very first one of the new movies is also decent. All the others are trash, yes

>> No.10511940

overrated dev desu.

>> No.10512118

>two replies
a little better, unfortunately it's still laced with unhinged defense over a corporate entity.
Miyamoto fags should find a local ward STAT.

>> No.10512125

>I've never head that Rare suggested it
They never did, was fake news by Miyamoto shills.

>> No.10512126

>browsing Reddit
of course retards are eating this up

>> No.10512127
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>> No.10512128

But enough about SecondLife brah

>> No.10513029

I like Lost World enough, though maybe it's nostalgia, but I really like some of the visuals a lot really, like at the beginning the stegosaur part, pure kino.

>> No.10514934

>tfw SFA was the last non-handheld soulful rare game

>> No.10514940

Literally most Sonic games after either SA2 or Heroes.

>> No.10516098

Was the staff a good weapon? All things considered. I enjoyed it

>> No.10516112

Sticks are pretty good weapons.