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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 53 KB, 1080x810, my coomlection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10456037 No.10456037 [Reply] [Original]

>Latest Updates
N64 core continues to defy naysayers.

>What is MiSTer?
MiSTer is an open project that aims to recreate various classic computers, game consoles and arcade machines, using modern hardware. It allows software and game images to run as they would on original hardware, using peripherals such as mice, keyboards, joysticks and other game controllers.


>> No.10456057

Where do I get one of those sick raspberry pi cases

>> No.10456068

Generals are for fags. I love my Mister but there is nothing to discuss.

>> No.10456124

What's next after this? I wish Robert would help on the Saturn core but I doubt that would happen. Outside of 3DO / CD-i / Jaguar and Virtual Boy what else could come to MiSTer that aren't computer cores?

>> No.10456126

Is the X68000 core good?

>> No.10456183

Thinking about selling my retro consoles with chink everdrives for a mister. Sick of them cluttering up my closets, but I'll think it over a bit

>> No.10456215

now just calmly throw it in the garbage bin


>> No.10456228

Not sure why you would do that, the mistr still is not 100% accurate in a single core as the githubs issues and reddit threads state.

>> No.10456241

sorry, i know this is kind of irrelevant but im planning a pc build around this question:
does anyone know if it’s possible to run multiple instances of PCem on a single operating system?

>> No.10456257

Yeah you can but idk why you would build a computer particularly for pcem as performance is still terrible and relies entirely on single thread speed. For the cost of building a machine capiable of handling everything you might as well just build multiple retro esque pc"s

>> No.10456271

oh damn, really?
i was building one to have multiple monitors to play networked simcity 2000 on the localhost network.
i wonder if 2.93ghz clocked chip will do alright for emulation, since i wont be emulating voodoo cards or anything

>> No.10456284

Still trying to sell your $615 emubox?

>> No.10456294

Oh lmao sim city? Yeah you should be fine, you may not even need a gpu in the vm. I'm thinking more 3d titles

>> No.10456390

oh phew ok lol. i’ll try it out with other 98 games afterward to see how well it can perform.
tho i will still need the 3 gpus though to provide video console to each ‘seat’ in the xorg config

>> No.10456453

Do it, don't look back.

>> No.10456461

Does anyone here run their CRT over directvideo?

>> No.10456523
File: 163 KB, 721x901, msm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To this day I still don't know what the Mister mascot even is.

>> No.10456534
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>> No.10456539

Doesn't look like a "Kun"
Looks like a disgruntled geriatric.

>> No.10456556
File: 204 KB, 1080x1080, b7d6eac044f571acab59f89825d66476@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was not refering to that.

>> No.10456558

That's not a mascot.

>> No.10456565

That's you, KUNT

>> No.10456674

It's plastered all over mister posters. Can you explain what it is?

>> No.10456675

Donna is not a MiSTer mascot, it's just a character created by an artist who is into FPGAs and retro gaming tinkering stuff. Latest versions of 240p Test Suite have a picture of her in some tests.

>> No.10456680

All those posters are created by a single individual.

>> No.10456731
File: 212 KB, 1000x1000, +Ms0C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Donna a bio girl?

>> No.10456806

I don't know, ask the artist if you are so concerned about that. I personally see no reasons why she wouldn't be.

>> No.10456939
File: 324 KB, 1080x1087, Screenshot_20231127-232134_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really don't need another one of these threads.

>> No.10456994

Why does the MiSTer make people seethe so much?

>> No.10457027

Probably has something to do with the 615 dollar price tag to play games that my calculator can play except for the calculator plays them better

>> No.10457043

And there you go.

>> No.10457045

the levels of seethe are off the chart here

>> No.10457064

Can you fully playthrough paper mario now? I see it gets past the initial beginning of the game crash now.

>> No.10457079

Yeah dude just fire up mupen, paper mario has been playable for about 20 years now and you don't have to shell out 500 dollars to play it

>> No.10457102

you're trying too hard

>> No.10457204

The MiSTer corporation created a lame mascot, but I guess it's suppose to sucker people into buying a $615 emubox.

>> No.10457218
File: 89 KB, 2424x428, Famicom_Disk_System_-_Logo-3322991017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An angry version of the FDS logo?

>> No.10457224

/vr/ is a slow board so a handful of dedicated autists can bring an unwarranted amount of "culture" to every thread. Mister particularly enrages these few people and they arrive on schedule every time there's a new post in a mister thread. Normal people just aren't that bothered. They either think it's cool and they got into it back when it was cheap, or they didn't and think it's too difficult to buy the hardware, or they think it's meh and go into other threads.

>> No.10457237

I tried to use directvideo for an hour, but I found that it didn't work with arcade games from GDR and USSR of all things. My second world heritage brain got distressed by such occurrence.

>> No.10457294

No, this time I think op is covertly trolling, particularly after how off the rails the last thread got. Proof? This thread was made after the bump limit but before the archival of the last thread. Op brought all the fucking retards on both sides in theirself

>> No.10457316

im certain the same ESL spamming to use emulators and the mister costs $600 is the same one that made the thread

>> No.10457339

It doesn't. Criticism of the MiSTer makes you seethe though.

>> No.10457358

Communist video games? Tell me more!

>> No.10457384
File: 788 KB, 1366x2048, Video_Game_Museum_in_Berlin_(44129519940).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East Germany didn't have a video game market but they did make some own games. The most notable creation were two arcade cabinets called Poly-Play. They ran on locally made Z80 clone processor (U880, later itself cloned by the Soviets) and contained several crudely made games inspired by popular western games. You could probably make arcade perfect ports of Poly-Play titles for ZX Spectrum. The cabinets were usually found at resorts or places frequented by children.

>> No.10457403

So what does it cost? 615, 500 or 300? I'm thinking of picking one up

>> No.10457412

Depends what you need, if you just want hdmi out and to play it's just the DE-10 + ram module so around $300, if you want a case add $30, if you want analog out for a crt you'll need the vga board or a HDMI direct adaptor

putting it together takes like a couple minutes, shit's just legos plugging things in

but if you're really lazy and like burning money you can buy those pre-configured units for $600

>> No.10457424

$350 will get you a basic setup, $600 is only if you insist of having unnecessary extras like a passive aluminium case and paying for someones labor to assemble it.

>> No.10457423
File: 1.25 MB, 1680x2671, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USSR was more advanced in vidya design than East Germany, with its most powerful system being the TИA-MЦ1 (TIA-MC1) arcade platform, developed in Vinnytsia, Ukraine. The cabinets looked very strange, resembling some industrial equipment made of solid metal. Hardware capabilities were somewhat akin to Sega Master System. There were several games which play a bit unconventional, sometimes creating a feeling of outsider art. There was a platformer with first person shooter QTEs (S.O.S.), a brutally difficult fighting/fishing hybrid where you have to beat the living shit out of a sparrow as a cat to steal worms to use as a fishing bait (Kot-Rybolov), a Donkey Kong clone[?] based on the Snow Queen fairy tale (Snezhnaya Koroleva) and some others.

>> No.10457436

>and paying for someones labor to assemble it.
Do you buy car parts individually as well to assemble a new car?

>> No.10457441

>implying plugging a ram module into a board and screwing some philip head screws into an aluminum case is equivelent to building a car

>> No.10457460

Yeah you can, my Dad has built a few kit cars in his time.

It’s no different to a PC, you pay more for a prebuilt, less if you put it together yourself. Nice attempt at trolling though, try harder next time please!

>> No.10457486

And correct me if im wrong, you really really dont need the case. All i did to my mister was plug in a ram stick that's it.
i guess setup the SD card too but cmon, anyone can do that

>> No.10457496

Yeah, I went without a case for a year and a half, its not necessary at all, I got tired of cleaning the dust though so bought an aluminum one on aliexpress for $20

>> No.10457503

Does your parents house have a roof? Then your shitster should have a case

>> No.10457506

>10457503 (you)

>> No.10457636

This is a containment thread, stupid.

>> No.10458081

>pre-built PC consoomer

>> No.10458102

The best loadout is like op pic, with the analogy board and sheet metal case. You don't really need a fan though.

>> No.10458115

You need a de10, $225. A RAM stick $50, an otg hub $10.

>> No.10458168

Don’t do it, look forward

>> No.10458285

$615 for a complete MiSTer. Otherwise it's $250 for just the DE-10, you can buy the add-ons later.

>> No.10458303

No, but that's not a bad idea if I want a lamborghini! These MiSTers are sold incomplete for some reason. It's like buying a Sega Genesis without the shell, controllers, AV cable and plug.

>> No.10458339

>the DE-10 + ram module so around $300,
>if you want a case add $30,
Yes I think I need a case. How else would I use it?

>if you want analog out for a crt
How else would I connect it?

>you'll need the vga board or a HDMI direct adaptor
I'll probably need it too.

I feel like your nickel and diming me here.

>but if you're really lazy and like burning money you can buy those pre-configured units for $600
Okay so how much does it cost to buy everything listed, but putting it together myself? $400? $500? How much do I save putting it together?

>> No.10458389

$500 if you build it yourself. $615 if you buy a pre-built.

>> No.10458624

Fuck that's pricey. I'm better off buying newer game consoles than wasting money on this.

>> No.10458630

Another poorfag filtered.

>> No.10458643

I'm a rich chad who would never spend money on this garbage device.

>> No.10458656

Very cool. Thanks for the info.

>> No.10458686

>How else would I connect it?

It has built-in HDMI, and there are adapters to convert the HDMI to other connections. If you want to connect it to CRTs though and/or to more than one screen at a time the analog board is the easiest option.

Note that the current analog boards use up one set of GPIO pins, which means you can't use a dual-RAM configuration. Currently though that's really used by the Saturn core, which also can work in single-RAM mode, and the core is still very unfinished so it's extremely likely it can operate just fine with one RAM module when it's finished (PS1 core was similar when it was in development, it still has the option to use dual-RAM if you want the audio to go from 99.99% accurate to 100% accurate though)

>>you'll need the vga board or a HDMI direct adaptor
>I'll probably need it too.

You don't need the HDMI adapter to get VGA out if you get the analog board, that's just another option to get VGA output if you don't want to get the analog board.

>Okay so how much does it cost to buy everything listed, but putting it together myself? $400? $500? How much do I save putting it together?

Depends where you get the parts. The only non-negotiable part is the DE-10 board which you might as well get directly from Terasic since nobody will have it any cheaper. The rest are all open source components, you can even build them yourself if you have soldering skills (the RAM module, which many would argue is the only real essential component other than the DE-10 would be the easiest to build yourself)

Many have built theirs around the $300 price range.

>> No.10458738

1. Hdmi defeats the entire purpose of the
"Hardware replicator". You are adding lag thus missing the entire point of this project
2. Yes, you will need to buy another device making your cost go up
3. Unless you really appreciate that "I just smoked a rose bowl full of meth and decided to tinker with my electronics" look, then yes you will need a case. So you're looking at about 615 dollars all in

>> No.10458785

It's funny how even more autistic the anti-mister crowd is than the entire mister crowd could ever hope to be.

>> No.10458831

You haven't seen anything yet partner, wait till the giga autist shows up talking to himself about the chronotrigger test

>> No.10458835

>thread has some of the exact same posts as the last thread

>> No.10458867

This thread was clearly started by the turboautist who for some reason has a hateboner for the MiSTer, he's been at it for a while now. It went up just as the last thread that was also clearly started by him was about to be purged. You can identify some of his posts by the telltale sign of "$600" being in the post, it's like a virus signature.

>> No.10458893

There were 4 guys I think, there was a 350 guy who was clearly a liar, a 500 guy who seemed like he was spot on, a 600 dollar guy who could have been right and a 700 dollar guy who was a little out there. It's was like watching a price is right episode but everybody is fucking stupid and bob barker is dead.

>> No.10458945

I been here the whole time and I was proven right 3 threads ago when someone finally posted video. pc emulation is a stuttering mess.

>> No.10458980

Holy fuck ladies and gentlemen here he is. Please post the webms so we can all collectively laugh at the difference 600 dollars makes.

>> No.10459004
File: 719 KB, 776x581, 1656115627569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he was here the whole time. Every time one of these threads are posted both sides show up like its the fucking special Olympics and they get to have a giant retard mosh pit. Jesus christ I don't know why anybody even comes to these threads, it's always just a bunch of spurgs throwing shit at each other

>> No.10459010

he's been changing it up by saying its 615 this thread

>> No.10459045

Why is it do damn expensive. Cant there be an ali express imitation that cost $20?

>> No.10459048

Fake news, emulation runs fine on my PC. Zero issues.

>> No.10459056

615 is the actual price shown on the MiSTer official website selling it.

>> No.10459062

>MiSTer official website selling it.
may I see it?

>> No.10459072

>pc core can only do a 486 vga machine
whats the point
I wanna play ancient 8088 garbage in composite cga mode

>> No.10459078
File: 109 KB, 720x1305, Screenshot_2023-11-28-21-43-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It amazes me how fast these things sell out.

>> No.10459087

thats not the official mister website

>> No.10459095

>youre not a real mister!

>> No.10459107

its a hobbyist project, you can get a de-10 and build the rest yourself
saying you have to buy a fully loaded prebuilt for $600 is like saying you have to buy a prebuilt pc for $4000 because thats something thats being sold

>> No.10459112



>> No.10459135

>Simulated Composite Video
not neat

>> No.10459146

Yes it is.

Saying that you only need the DE-10 and build the rest yourself, is exactly like saying you only need the motherboard of the SNES or Genesis and build the rest yourself(case, PSU, controllers, AV out, CD Add-On, etc). Just wouldn't be complete without the rest of the parts.

>> No.10459154

the Genesis and the SNES were mass produced products

>> No.10459182

>yes it is
Based off of what? I don't see terasic trademarks on that website

>> No.10459220

how would you know that unless you too are in every mister thread queer

>> No.10459225

post chrono sprinting at millenial fair then

>> No.10459238

>I don't know,
If you're going to support mister you really should know

>> No.10459289

I know, but the point is that they were complete. And while they can work without the casing, it just isn't complete without it because the casing protects against the elements.

Based on the fact that they sell everything MiSTer on there. No trademarks necessary.

>> No.10459308

you dont seem to understand whats going on at all, its not a product, its a decentralized project built around an fpga board that anyone can design things for
other websites sell mister parts too, there isnt any one place thats the official mister store
its not like any of this stuff is trademarked aside from the board itself

>> No.10459319

Depends on what you actually have and what it's worth on the market. I personally sold just my Mega Everdrive Pro for a MiSTer, and then bought a cheaper one later.

>> No.10459323
File: 20 KB, 766x81, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you dont seem to understand whats going on at all

Oh, I assure you he understands, pic related.

Just ignore him

>> No.10459326

I was holding out on getting one of these things until they started adding proper composite support for the consoles that need it but now I got to hold out even longer to see if mars ends up being worthwhile

>> No.10459365

I'm pretty sure you wrote that yourself. Trolls aren't going to out themselves like that.

>> No.10459367

Most cores now work fine with the native svideo out from the analog board, which can trivially combined for composite.

>> No.10459436

Post the webm faggot

>> No.10459460
File: 374 KB, 827x918, mister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong retard. This kit, from the actual official MiSTer website, includes everything you need to set up MiSTer for $225. All the other things you can add to MiSTer are optional.

>> No.10459779

Sorgelig is a pretty smart dude to make something so cool from the de10-nano. He pretty much bootstrapped the complete mister project solo.

>> No.10459784

It has no RAM. It has no case.

>> No.10459791

Neither of which is neccessary, but yes you could stop being poor and pony up the $75 to get both, bringing the grand total to $300.

>> No.10459794

That's actually true, there's more than a few cores which work without the RAM module but it's best to have one. You certainly don't need a case the plexiglass cover it comes with looks cool.

>> No.10459815

You could stick to those cores for months and get the RAM later and the case is purely cosmetic, but yeah nice to have both.

>> No.10459829

You are affecting gameplay without ram.

>> No.10459834

So buy the RAM you poor bastard. You're a grown ass man crying about $50.

>> No.10459896

You don't know what you're talking about, clearly a clueless gooner.

>> No.10459959

I, for one, can't wait to see how these threads devolve further if and when MARS come out.

>> No.10459972

Especially if it costs 2-3 times the amount

>> No.10459974

It's going to cost $700.

>> No.10459995

$700 for an emulator? Are they in high demand?

>> No.10460000

No, the computer is not subsidised

>> No.10460259

This kong has a funny face.

>> No.10460271

Ive been thinking about picking one up particularly for super nintendo does it play every game just like the original hardware? my snes is on its way out getting some telling signs of the ppu going out

>> No.10460419

>an incomplete MiSTer
>no case
It's like selling a console without all the necessary parts. I suppose the only upside would be picking my own case, but I like my consoles complete.

>> No.10460436

Actually the N64 core still has problems emulating certain games and has some display issues from what I saw on YouTube. Other problems were found with other cores such as the PS1 and Saturn. 5th gen consoles seems to be more problematic for the MiSTer than other gen consoles.

>> No.10460438

The DE-10 isn't a console.

>> No.10460441

>Actually the N64 core still has problems emulating certain games and has some display issues from what I saw on YouTube
Of course it does, the core is still in active development without an official release, Saturn is still in Beta too. 5th gen consoles were always going to be at the limit of what the DE-10 can manage,

>> No.10460460
File: 53 KB, 904x740, nascar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that MisterAddons is the official MiSTer web page
The absolute state of topic knowledge possessed by the haters.

>> No.10460527


>You will never have 100% compatability with psx and N64.

It also will never be hardware replication especially for those consoles, add that to the pasta

>> No.10460547

>>You will never have 100% compatability with psx and N64.

Never expected it on the DE-10, yet PS1 still better than any other software emulator and N64 will be too when it’s done. Then new hardware will come along with more BRAM and that compatability and accuracy will get even better.

>> No.10460556

Yes we will, just not on the DE-10.

>> No.10460576

It's certainly not a PC either. So it's an emulation box.

>> No.10460583

I figured.


>> No.10460592

Yes, people are buying the DE-10 to emulate games, thanks for bringing that up.

>> No.10460603

It runs Linux on the ARM SOC, you could use it as a (very poor) PC if you want and completely ignore the FPGA. Anything else you morons need correcting?

>> No.10460627

What's the selling point for Mars? They say it's going to emulate Dreamcast but that alone isn't worth the $700+ they're apparently going to sell it for. Most of us already have a Dreamcast and if you don't, you can get one for $150 easily. I've also heard that it probably won't be able to do things like Taito Type X and PS2 so the tech window is apparently very narrow. I was thinking of what it would have to do to get me to buy one:

>Model 3
>PSX/Saturn-like arcade boards like the ST-V, ZN-2, Namco System 11, Taito FX-1A/B if MiSTer isn't capable of doing them

and probably other arcade boards I can't think of.

>> No.10460650

MARS devs are hardcore twitter arcadefags, so they boast about having JAMMA outputs in default and enough power to run Midway cores requiring dual RAM on MiSTer.

>> No.10460653

4k, JAMMA edge included, retrotink shaders and scaling options, a bigger FPGA with more BRAM which will get rid of the main DE-10 bottleneck.

But it’s a hard sell if you already have a MiSTer, even if you don’t Dreamcast alone doesn’t justify double the cost over a basic MiSTer setup imho.

Taito Type X is just a PC, you don’t need an FPGA for that stuff. PS2 a big step over DC so that will take years and years to come together even if the FPGA on MARS could handle it, which I doubt. Those PS1 based arcade boards have a surprising amount of custom chips, lots of work to support a few games, don’t think there’s anyone willing to take that stuff on at the moment

>> No.10460669

Thought so.

So if MiSTer is just a very poor PC, then I could just turn my modern more expensive gaming PC into a more powerful MiSTer, am I right?

>> No.10460672

>am I right?

>> No.10460714

Then it's not a PC. Just an emulator device.

>> No.10460720

Antimister crowd is essentially thebssme edgy kid that anti capitalists are.

>> No.10460723

sounds even more niche than the RT4K. though I guess it's in their best interest to hype the project up.

>> No.10460727


If this this thread were a person

>> No.10460730

It’s a hybrid, if you run MiSTer then it’s an emulation device. If you just run Linux then it can be a PC. You really have no idea what you are talking about do you lol, all this fuss over something you haven’t even the most basic clue about.

>> No.10460731

what webm?

>> No.10460739

I would totally buy that over the MiSTer. But I already own an N64, Ever Drive 64 cartridge, Kaico HDMI converter, and an mClassic. I can play my N64 on both a CRT and a 4KTV. Maybe later if I felt there's enough value to justify the purchase of the Ultra FP64.

As much as I would love to buy a MARS, I certainly own a modded Dreamcast already and it plays fine.

>> No.10460741

more accurate ps1, saturn, n64.

able to fit genesis, segacd, and 32x on one accurate core.

shitload of arcade games that arent possible on mister

>> No.10460743

I'm Anti-MiSTer and Pro-Capitalist.

>> No.10460750

The PS3 runs on Linux. So basically you're saying I can turn my PS3 into a more power MiSTer via RetroArch.

>> No.10460754

>the purchase of the Ultra FP64.
Ultra FP64 isn’t a product, it’s a research project that has put a ton of new information into n64brew and is helping the in development MiSTer core as well as the software emu Ares. It’s rumoured that it is what Analogue is using in their N64 clone so if that’s true I guess that’s one way of buying it.

>> No.10460760

Oh. Then I'll be sticking with my original hardware(N64).

>> No.10460793

Say what you want about Cameron he's fucking right. Watch the entire video you just posted. All you faggots here going on about emulating on this peice of shit vs that peice of shit. Which peice of shit is more accurate than the other peice of shit. You know what this gigachad Canadian does? He has a crt. He has the original consoles. He plays them that way. 100% compatability. Zero compromise, perfect timing. He doesn't need to be able to emulate consoles that he has never heard of or played like the turbo autistic 16 or the x68000. The reason he does this is because this is exactly the way these games were meant to be played. Now all you fucking losers in this thread please stop bumping it and shitting up valuable board space with this trash. It's like asking if you would rather eat shit with ketchup or mustard, you're still eating shit.

>> No.10460798


You will never have 100% atom level compatability. Original hardware will always be king and your fucking trash emulation device will never be able to reach a tenth of the might of a real n64 that you can buy with a flash kart for less than 200 dollars, AND IT INCLUDES A CASE YOU RETARD

>> No.10460805

>flash kart
sorry but youre still emulating

>> No.10460808

Once one of you fucking retards can show me the difference I'll change my mind. Maybe have that one guy go left and right in the starting town of quest64 and see if there a stutter between an original cartridge or a flash kart. But until then fuck off, the ones and the zeroes are the exact same and it comes with a case.

>> No.10460865

>What's the selling point for Mars? They say it's going to emulate Dreamcast but that alone isn't worth the $700+ they're apparently going to sell it for. Most of us already have a Dreamcast and if you don't, you can get one for $150 easily

You Misterfags are hilarious.

First it's
>Buy a Mister you poorfag! $500 isn't that much! Get a job!

Then its
>Nooooo. Mars is too expensive. I don't care about emulating Dreamcast or PS2. $700 is too much for me!! :(

Make up your mind

>> No.10460876

>Taito Type X is just a PC

This, they are PCs in the strongest sense if the word. Not "Like a PC" like how people described the original Xbox, LITEARLLY a Windows PC in an arcade cabinet.

Lookup the specs of the Type X hardware lineup and they are actually all over the place. They could come with Windows 7 or 10 (a few came with XP even). Use either Intel or AMD CPUs, use either Nvidia or AMD GPUs (and standard off-the-shelf ones anyone would use in their desktop, not some special proprietary one), use standard SATA HDDs and/or SSDs, some have discrete soundcards and some just rely on onboard audio...

They are literally Windows PCs in an arcade cabinet that from what I understand have a USB key/decryption dongle connected to decrypt the arcade game. People even managed to break the encryption of many o the games so you can run them natively on any decent Windows PC.... not emulated, not virtualized, NATIVELY!

I remember someone once posting a screenshot of a Taito X2 game (I believe it was Battle Fantasia) which had a Windows error popup displayed over the game.

There is NO reason to "emulate" this "arcade" system, it would be like emulating a 2010 era Alienware to play New Vegas instead of just running it natively on your modern PC because you think that would somehow run more accurately, there is no discrete/low level hardware TO emulate accurately like there was on older consoles/arcades.

>> No.10460893
File: 1.10 MB, 2382x1746, 155648218-39b8e5b4-b89a-47b0-b9e9-ca1e94e74c80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never have 100% atom level compatability

You doubt the allmighty powers of Shitman?

>> No.10460913

>There is NO reason to "emulate" this "arcade" system
Lmao. Look at this consolefag.

>> No.10460916

Made up my mind. Have a mister will definitely get a mars. Day 1. I'll keep my mister using direct video over analog and the mars on my oled

>> No.10460926


Lol if you think that guy is a chad...

>> No.10461045

>Dreamcast or PS2
Just Dreamcast, not worth double the price.

>> No.10461079

Mars is superior to Mister. Deal with it.

>> No.10461089

I never said it wasn’t superior, spec wise it clearly is. Appreciate you stating the obvious for no reason though!

>> No.10461291

Why do people even bother with Mister when Mars is better? Just buy Mars.

>> No.10461604

MISTer? more like, NIGGer
NIGGerfags and their shit memebox singlehandedly killed the board

>> No.10462005

its just one mentally ill nerd. The same guy that posts all the autistic anti nintendo threads.

>> No.10462115

mister is the only shit where i ended up selling it and then rebuying it cause i missed it so much. 9 times out of 10 if im selling something i dont want it, but after few months away from it, miss it. There really is no better.

>> No.10462163
File: 26 KB, 1024x576, 1671123286467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is wrong with you? Just save for Mars FPGa. It's about to launch and can do up to Ps2/Xbox/gamecube/Dreamcast. Mister lags just trying to do N64 and Saturn.

>> No.10462251

sorry but at an electron level the ones and zeros arent the same. an original cart's rom chips store ones and zeros vastly different than a flashcarts sdram. youre just emulating with more clutter than pc virgins and mister chads.

>> No.10462340

Why should I buy a Mister for hundreds of dollars when I can have Raspberry Pi emulation box for about $50?

>> No.10462361

depends, what pi are you using?

>> No.10462376

Good luck playing Saturn without a dual ram expansion

>> No.10462390

They're not even updating pi frontend support; they all run like ass now.

>> No.10462402

Well that just false

>> No.10462407
File: 762 KB, 2048x1536, F_0Q9YrXMAEM7fH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic
Pi 5 btw

>> No.10462465

is this to RCA? what image is that cause I need to give my Pi something to do on my spare CRT.

>> No.10462485


>> No.10462552

I see, well, what image is that? does it come in RCA?

>> No.10462561

You'll probably need some sort of scaler or switcher that changes RGB to RCA

>> No.10462579

gross, I guess I'll use CRTPi-RCA instead.

>> No.10462731

The difference is that's the PI rendering to the CRT on behalf of the emulator. With FPGA the core drives the CRT raster directly just like the original hardware was designed to do.

>> No.10462734

>xbox series x and boxed minis on the shelf
>lecturing other people about wasting money

>> No.10462738


>> No.10462746

I'm pretty sure that runahead falls under tool assisted. I think that's pretty gay which is why I don't use software emulators.

>> No.10462765

We'll see.

>> No.10462775

Mister has a lot of advantages over origitnal hardware, it's cheaper than a NeoGeo SD cart along. Plus it displays every core with the same clarity I don't have to modify systems to get clear display, and switching regions and video standards is a dream. Really a nice little platform.

>> No.10462783

I have two MiSTers that I take to locals every weekend. One is for Smash Remix, the other one is for Capcom and NeoGeo arcade as needed. The PS2 and Dreamcast setups already cater to the NAOMI era games; while the owner of the three PS2s also brings the Model 2 ports like Virtua Fighter 2 and Last Bronx. I don't know what I'll offer that people are looking for that only the MARS can run, but I'm still buying one anyway.

>> No.10462792

Now that the dust has settled and mister is the best way to play retro vidya what are your favorite cores??

>> No.10462801

Amiga because MegaAGS
AppleII now the floppy was fixed
c64 because it has DolphinDos.
Vic20 since NTSC was fixed
Oi Speccy is absolutely perfect
Play MSX a fair bit.
TGFX16, Megadrive and SNES.

>> No.10462805

>mister is the best way to play retro vidya

Nope. Original hardware is the best way to play.

>> No.10462826

>The PS2 and Dreamcast setups already cater to the NAOMI era games; while the owner of the three PS2s also brings the Model 2 ports like Virtua Fighter 2 and Last Bronx. I don't know what I'll offer that people are looking for that only the MARS can run, but I'm still buying one anyway.
Mars will save people bringing their PS2s and arcade Boards. Mister owners can finally upgrade to an FPGA with some actual horsepower under the hood. It's my next big purchase.

>> No.10462832

>But PC emulation introduces lag!
Use runahead to eliminate input lag (if you can even notice that in the first place assuming you use a good PC)
>But runahead falls under tool assisted. I think that's pretty gay

Everone is free to use whatever the fuck they want, but modern emulation on a PC is so good these days, and if people do prefer full accuracy/physical games/etc then use real hardware instead.
Options like the mister feel out of place for most stuff
>Hurdur you are too poor for a mister
A mini PC is more expensive

>> No.10462836

The dust has settled. No it isnt, mister is. The jury is out.

>> No.10462838

I've only been playing Mars Matrix and recently discovered In The Hunt on my MiSTer. I fucking suck at SHMUPs but these two games are pretty cool. Haven't gotten around to looking up who worked on In The Hunt, but it has strong Metal Slug vibes. Other than that, I've been hit and running several RPGs until something sticks. Ys on the TurboGrafx 16 looks fun but I got fucked up in some room where an enemy kept killing me fast so I took a break from it. Snatcher on the Sega CD is also really cool, but since I keep getting stuck I just chill to the music.

>> No.10462865

Only Dreamcast has been the hook for the MARS. I already have my own Dreamcast though, I just hope getting a MARS means the ZN1/ZN2 boards as cores.

>> No.10462907

Does Dreamcast have any good games? It's basically a shit Xbox?

>> No.10462910

>Only Dreamcast has been the hook for the MARS.
Lmao. People like PS2 and Gamecube. Plus it's going to do arcade boards too.

>> No.10462925

>Use runahead to eliminate input lag

99% of the time you can only remove a single frame from the games logic (the source of latency that run ahead removes) before you start chopping out animation. All that frame has done is make up for the frame that you GPU is buffering, assuming your setup is perfect and it’s only one which is unlikely. So unless you have 3-4 frames to remove from a game you aren’t getting anywhere near real hardware response. It’s a clever hack, but no substitute for real hawardware or FPGA response.

>> No.10462928

>Plus it's going to do arcade boards too.
Which is why they are targeting the Dreamcast, that gives you Naomi and Atomiswave too.

>> No.10463132

Even if it does reduce lag runahead is a hack. FPGA is identical latency to original hardware which is the more authentic experience.

>> No.10463251

>People like PS2 and Gamecube.

Liking the platforms has nothing to do with it. If all it took to get a console running on a FPGA chip was that people liked it the MiSTer would have had PS2, Nintendo DS, and Switch long before it had Saturn, since those are the three highest selling consoles to date.

The PS2 is significantly more complicated than the Dreamcast, and the GC even moreso than the PS2. I will eat my OG Xbox if you can get PS2 running on it, and there is no way in fuck you will get Gamecube running on that thing. Robert (the guy who made the "impossible" PS1 and N64 cores for the MiSTer) said that the Mars's FPGA doesn't have enough BRAM to even do Nintendo DS.

(And that's not even getting into the problem of how exponentially more complex CPUs and especially GPUs started getting after the 90s that makes them far less feasible for a human to implement by themselves in FPGA)

>> No.10463269

>and the GC even moreso than the PS2.
Really, that goes against everything I have ever read about them,

>> No.10463560

False. Original Hardware is the best because it plays the games 100% accurately, unlike the MiSTer which struggles with 5 gen consoles.

>> No.10463765

>In The Hunt
Yep, that Irem, baby! The art style is clearly Metal Slug-esque so good eye.
I'm sad to see how much rage is in these threads. I really like the idea of an FPGA device running tons of consoles and arcade boards. I guess I'll see if MARS does any better like anons are discussing. Considering that there is an ITX case option and a Commodore ITX case/keyboard (fucking OOS all the time) it really isn't too hard to make an all-in-one micro PC out of the MiSTer. The PS1 core having a turbo option is neat, as is the ability to disable the wobbly 3D, all it needs is a better smoothing filter to match the one the PS2 does and it would borderline obsolete the original hardware. Neo Geo and CPS2 emulation is good, so much other stuff is good, and... autistic rage ensues.

>> No.10464073

Atomiswave is likely, Naomi is not likely.

>> No.10464126

We need a mister appreciation thread

>> No.10464143

Why isn't Naomi likely? The core developers have said it will be worked on, do you know better than them?

>> No.10464157

The handheld chink "containment" is just an advertisement thread. Those chinks should be paying for banner space.

>> No.10464159

Yeah, In The Hunt is pretty rad. I can't wait to beat it and check out the other Irem games on there.

The funny thing about the PS1 is that the games have a hard FPS lock that average at 20FPS, but using the double CPU speed version of the core, you can begin to scratch the upper 50 and 60FPS in games that don't have locked FPS. The downside is that a lot of games quickly destabalize and crash or have broken physics.

>as is the ability to disable the wobbly 3D
I've seen this being mentioned specifically in these MiSTer threads and as far as I know, there is no such function.

>all it needs is a better smoothing filter to match PS2 uses bilinear and trilinear filtering. The filter on the PS1 core appears to simply smudge the textures but I don't know the specifics behind it, but it could certainly benefit from anisotropic filtering.

>> No.10464176

The cum I put inside her womb suggest that she is one.

>> No.10464204

I had to look this up. Guess MARSFPGA is moving pretty fast cause atrac confirmed they are working on the NAOMI platform, so it's not just Dreamcast anymore.

>> No.10464301

MiSTer shill detected.

>> No.10464364

Saturn core is better with a single stick set up now though...

>> No.10464467

Never seen wearing a dress and is always hiding Adams apple makes me believe otherwise.

>> No.10464470

If Mister costs $600-700 then wouldn't mars be close to $1200-1400?

>> No.10464472

I haven't used my mister in over a year, how hard will it be to get it updated again if the update all script changed?

>> No.10464485
File: 344 KB, 700x976, F31e9mtWYAAeRNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is always hiding Adams apple
Is this view of her neck enough to calm down your own sexuality insecurities?

>> No.10464523

Mars is an actual product assembled for you, and they already announced a $700 price. Capable of doing Gen 6 consoles and arcade Boards.

Misterfags seething because they wasted money on a garage project.

>> No.10464534

>Capable of doing Gen 6 consoles
Xbox, GameCube and PS2? Not happening.

>> No.10464537

>still in pants
>hair covering neck

>> No.10464543

>Misterfags seething because they wasted money on a garage project.

Ironically, the MARS' demographic are the MiSTer fags you're coming up with imaginary scenarios for.

>> No.10464546

Single works better than it did but dual is stil recommended.

>> No.10464547

Do you dislike women in pants due to losing easy access to underwear?

>> No.10464639

>MiSTer fags you're coming up with imaginary scenarios for.
If you actually browsed Mister forums and sites, you would know some people are bitching about the $700 price. And complaining that they built their Mister for cheaper than Mars.

>> No.10464675

Look pal you can justify it how you like but runahead is the emulator actively changing the flow of the game. You're right everyone is free to use whatever they want and I want to use mister because runahead is SHIT.

>> No.10464736

The mars thing sounds a lot like Analogue Pocket lol.

>> No.10464749


>The team’s caused quite a stir on social media, teasing some future cores they’ll be attempting. Stuff like Dreamcast, PolyGame Master, 3DO and Jaguar have all been discussed and while they won’t be easy, it’s at least technically possible on that hardware.

It's not even a for sure thing. I'll stick with my misterfpga as I dont need a newer gen anyways.

>> No.10464763

>future cores they’ll be attempting.
>they’ll be attempting.

promises on some shit that costs $700, no thanks.

>> No.10464770

Whats the matter, poor and no faith?

>> No.10464778

You said it yourself, but some does not account for the majority of the community. Whatever point your trying to make just falls apart when you generalize or rely on "weaponizing" statistics.

>I have this argument but I better inflate the significance of the point I'm trying to prove by involving how many people have said it

It just makes your post irrelevant because you aren't presenting anything new.

>> No.10464779


it's the same cores just running on a more expensive board with an "attempt" to get it working with stuff that isn't even made yet, this is according to them. Plus its not easy to release hardware that would keep up with demand, big chance of it becoming something made in limited quantities and little support.

>> No.10464784


Its ridiculous because people are expecting PS2 support out the door which is hilarious.

>> No.10464846

finally a containment thread

>> No.10464916

Many people are already whining about the $700 price tag. I can't wait to buy a Mars, and dab on all of you poorfag Misterfags.

>> No.10464947


>> No.10464962


>> No.10465056

>Xbox, GameCube and PS2? Not happening.
The seething and cope begins...

>> No.10465338

>it's the same cores just running on a more expensive board with an "attempt" to get it working with stuff that isn't even made yet

To me it feels more like someone saw that this open source project is gaining in popularity and attempted to make a more closed and commercialized mass produced version to get in on the market and promise all these things the other can't do to try to sell theirs over it.

I would be a lot less apprehensive if there wasn't closed aspects of the project, and if it didn't set off the same red flags I saw in many failed Kickstarter tech products. The tons of teaser trailers that barely showed anything, hiring many of the developers from the MiSTer project to make exclusive cores, acting like they have someone come up with a killer new way of doing a product over well known working methods (You saw this a LOT with 3D printer projects, pretty much every one failed), insisting things be done in a specific way that many do not want (making it have a JAMMA connector for example), and reluctance to actually show the device doing much, especially the new things they promised that others can't do like Dreamcast.

>> No.10465353

>all this whining
You Misterfags are hilarious. You spend years being elitist to software emulator users about Mister FPGA being "perfect" and software Emulation being inferior. But now that Mister has competition its:

"Nooo. These claims are ridiculous! The prices are too high! How dare Mister developers abandon us to work for MarsFPGA! It's not fair."


>> No.10465381

In case nobody knows, all components on the N64 core run at full speed despite initial assumptions.

>> No.10465993

Why hasn't that faggot posted the chronotrigger comparison yet

>> No.10466032

it happened a few threads ago and nobody saved it at least for shitposting purposes.

>> No.10466038

I remember that post, I can't believe you're still seething at getting so utterly btfo your mom's asshole hurt too.

>> No.10466047

Pretty amazing. It just shows that digital design guys are better at system preservation than software programmers.

>> No.10466048

what does this even meeeeean

>> No.10466096

it means that if you wanted to use MiSTer instead of hardware, you'll have a closer approximation of hardware than software in terms of delay and timing.

>> No.10466101 [DELETED] 

No, it means you are sucking cock
All these devs are software programmers

>> No.10466103

Debatable since the Mister cores aren't even finished.

You are essentially alpha/beta testing an incomplete product.

>> No.10466107

anything that isn't hardware is incomplete because it's illegal to use official schematics.

>> No.10466108 [DELETED] 

you want FPGA devs to pull out some tweazers and punch in chips onto an FPGA for them to not be considered software programmers?

>> No.10466113 [DELETED] 

You are mentally ill anon
You are the one that said they aren't programmers

>> No.10466131 [DELETED] 

Sorry, man, I don't know what kind of shitty gaslighting wording you're using but you started with an insult and then said they're software programmers like if they're supposed to use something else to program FPGA.

>> No.10466140 [DELETED] 

It means that hardware designers know more about hardware than software fags.

>> No.10466143 [DELETED] 

See, this sort of shit is why these threads get trolls

>> No.10466168

I only ask faggots who say mister isnt better than pc emulation to post video of chrono sprinting at the milenial fair. I have never posted it. I havent even recorded it myself. that would defeat the purpose, which is to show them that shitty stutter in every pc emulator. I could ask them to show link sprinting in alttp, or just scrolling along in the overworld in ff1 on mesen. chrono is just a nice quick example in a place at the very start of the game where there are no enemies or anything going on. and most people here think their cycle accurate snes emulator, forged by a furfag who faked his own death in the most cringe way imaginagle, is exactly like a real snes. then they see that stuttering hitch, and they get a sour taste in their mouth, which is the exact same taste theyd get from my unwashed dick.

>> No.10466197

There are 10 kinds of people who understand what digital logic is: those that do and those that should not be in FPGA threads.

>> No.10466203

Have you compared it with real hardware?
How do you know it’s not an issue with the mister

>> No.10466204 [DELETED] 

>t.software dev

>> No.10466208

>smooth, stutter-free scrolling

>> No.10466221

I guess they don’t program FPGAs through software, thanks for clarifying

>> No.10466229

The MiSTer is better than real hardware, and has more potential than software emulation. Why are retards even debating this?.

>> No.10466230

I thought the point was accuracy, not running better

>> No.10466231 [DELETED] 

VHDL is an abstracted way to describe and connect logic components, it's the equivalent of wiring up logic gates etc. The methodology behind it includes designed-for-purpose tools to simulate and debug implementations, which is why mister project is able to deliver so many cores so quickly, at such a high standard.

>> No.10466249

They don't "program" they describe a hardware layout through with structured text. The end result is a static configuration of a hardware device which has no relation to software which is a series of computer instructions.

>> No.10466273

>They don't "program"
>they describe a hardware layout through with structured text

>> No.10466283
File: 1.33 MB, 3008x2568, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that is correct. Do you consider this pic to be software that is programmed? No of course you don't that would be retarded. Now imagine describing that through text:

>Put two nand gates, connect the output of the first to the a input of the second.

And so forth until you had reproduced a chip, then you would describe connecting those chips:

>connect device a output 20 to device b input 10 etc
>connect x multiplied clock signal to device a input 2

And so forth until you had a working circuit..

>> No.10466306

Are you saying FPGA is analog, if not then no
You are programming the FPGA to function this way
>Programming is the implementation of logic to facilitate specified computing operations and functionality

>> No.10466312

Are you saying that breadboard pic is not a digital circuit? You clearly do not understand the subject matter and should recuse yourself from this discussion IMMEDIATELY.

>> No.10466318

I’m saying you’re a tranny that wants to alter definitions to make you feel special
No different than when software programmers lord over others for using certain languages

>> No.10466328

So now that the dust has settled and Mister FPGA is the best way to play retro games, do you think that we will get a front end?? Its the only thing emulation has going for it...

>> No.10466331

No, I'm fucking tired of front ends. I sick of throwing hours away scraping for box art. I love how MiSTer is such a simple OSD.

>> No.10466350

I'm weird. I think I'm into boxart and stuff more than I'm into actually gaming these days. Outside of a few games I keep going back to.

>> No.10466404

That's ok for coomsoles but for computer cores I prefer to interact when loading.

>> No.10466473

>trannies out of nowhere

>> No.10466514

>seething this hard

>> No.10466836 [DELETED] 


Have you been even following the mars project? Not all cores that work on Mister will be available for Mars, they are only looking at main systems, which they have to rework, all the other niche cores will likely never be converted over, so if you are someone who likes to tinker and try out different cores, mars isn't for you. Even with the main cores, every time an update comes out for misterfpga. There's no reason to want a mars fpga except for the stuff that wont work on mister, which is like a handful and they are not even sure. You also want to wait another year for mars to come out just so you can play games that mister already has support for?

>> No.10466840 [DELETED] 

Have you been even following the mars project? Not all cores that work on Mister will be available for Mars, they are only looking at main systems, which they have to rework, all the other niche cores will likely never be converted over, so if you are someone who likes to tinker and try out different cores, mars isn't for you. Even with the main cores, every time an update comes out for misterfpga you have to wait for the team to make it work on mars. There's no reason to want a mars fpga except for the stuff that wont work on mister, which is none at the moment, and they are not even sure they will get stuff like dreamcast to work. Do you also want to wait another year for mars to come out just so you can play games that mister already has support for while paying hundreds more? Its a dumb idea.

>> No.10466923

Just post it so we can laugh at you faggot. I know you have it saved.

>> No.10466961
File: 769 KB, 611x856, FaQBymnXgAEAKAq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better res

>> No.10466969

any reason why they dont have a segment on mister in retro gamer magazine? you would think this would be all over that magazine.

>> No.10466970

I still don't get what benefits does hardware emulation aka FPGA bring over software.
Easier analog output if you have a CRT I guess.

>> No.10466982


hard to explain but you will notice it right away the moment you start a game

>> No.10466987

Do you care to elaborate?

>> No.10467043


I guess in the end its the experience of it that makes the difference for me, from starting it to the way it runs while you play the game. after a while you will feel like you are actually playing on the real console where with emulation that veil tends to come off eventually. It doesn't run faster or any slower, it's just right. I have yet to find a side by side comparison online, there are comparisons but they are fullscreen recordings, which shows a difference but it should be compared using the same setup, same tv, same controller on the emulation setup vs mister setup. It also depends on the game, some games you can barely tell. It's certainly not just cope or what some naysayers say is elitism, or being a retro gaming snob. Its the best it can get next to the real console, load times are similar, the way the machine boots the game, its like I said like the real thing and it tricks you into believing that, which emulation for me never pulled it off. Also its very seamless, the ui is imo the best.

>> No.10467050

So the difference is intangible and purely psychological? Like buying CD albums instead of listening to CD rips?
I would've delved into fpga emulation if I came across cases in which it provides superior accuracy to what is available in software, but alas.
For instance I really want to try X68 w/ Roland MIDI sound, but mister doesn't offer that either.

>> No.10467057


its sometimes very subtle but there are differences, depends on the game



>> No.10467163
File: 116 KB, 1280x960, 11-144-287-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emulating on an under-powered device
I'd rather emulate on my Gaming PC than waste $600 on a MiSTer

>> No.10467168


thats the gayest case ive ever seen.

>> No.10467176

That gaming PC case has style and a cool look. Your MiSTer case looks dull and gay with no style.

>> No.10467189

>Your MiSTer case
I don't have a mister, but if I did it would be be a naked sandwich.
Lick my taint.

>> No.10467226


>> No.10467246


>> No.10467350


>> No.10467598

So you're too poor to afford either a Gaming PC or a MiSTer? Sucks to be you. Kek

It's not $350

>> No.10467613

Correct, it's $225 >>10459460 thanks for playing

>> No.10467614

>So you're too poor
Yes, buying the original hardware leaves me too poor to bother buying imitations of it.

>> No.10467658
File: 5 KB, 323x148, fpga emu vs software emu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latency and timing with FPGA emulation is closer to real hardware than software emulation. This is because software emulators have to go through the OS to interact with the hardware, significantly adding to the latency. Yes, you can reduce it with run-ahead, but you're trading away the accuracy of the original game. FPGA emulation, on the other hand, does not rely on any dependencies other than the core's instructions. This means no delay is introduced, preserving the original hardware's cycles.

>Why and when is this important?
Software emulation is undoubtedly the most accessible solution for playing old school games. There is nothing wrong with using this solution if you just want to play a game. Software emulators run on any electrical device with a display attached to it. So what's the big deal with FPGA?

FPGA becomes important when you want to replace or use the original functionality of the hardware. Consoles are still accessible today and are, so far, cheap to maintain, so it's not a problem that needs a solution just yet. It does, however, alleviate you financially from paying hundreds on flashcarts and ODEs for each console. But if you want to play games on vintage computers or arcade platforms, it quickly becomes an upkeep and often requires basic knowledge in various electrical fields. Computer parts for vintage setups can vary in price but still require the user to know how to put a computer together. You will often find yourself stumped with why a game was running yesterday and not today. On an FPGA, the hardware side is taken care of for you, and you can focus on trying to get the games to run with the peace of mind of knowing a component isn't faulty. Meanwhile, on the arcade hardware side, anything that can go wrong on a board with parts that you can't easily replace has to be a nightmare for someone just looking to play on real hardware. Again, FPGA takes care of the hardware side for you.

>TL;DR pic related

>> No.10467691

I want to add the following:

>FPGA emulation is not inherently high accuracy because some complex functions are complicated to replicate
>It can be easier to implement certain functions on software emulators than on FPGA emulators

>> No.10467708

>The latency and timing with FPGA emulation is closer to real hardware than software emulation. This is because software emulators have to go through the OS to interact with the hardware, significantly adding to the latency
If the game has next frame input reaction, it will act so on emulators. They don't add any delay.

>> No.10467723

Emulation of consoles with graphics rendered in sync with the raster (i.e. anything pre-Playstation) always adds at least one frame of buffering by necessity.
Out of the box, most emulators add a lot more than that.

>> No.10467734

>Emulation of consoles with graphics rendered in sync with the raster (i.e. anything pre-Playstation) always adds at least one frame of buffering by necessity.
That's a prerequisite for any sample and hold display, og hardware or emulation
>Out of the box, most emulators add a lot more than that.
do you have anything to back that up?
Have anyone actually took an arcade board, mister and fbneo, connected them to the same the same display and measured the input delay?

>> No.10467745

>That's a prerequisite for any sample and hold display, og hardware or emulation
That would be latency added by the display, not the signal source.
FPGA cores can be synced directly to the raster. For MiSTer it's the vsync_adjust=2 config flag. That's one frame less latency than you can achieve with any framebuffered software emulator.

>> No.10467749

Surely there were tests to ascertain that?

>> No.10467785

I got the mister to play on CRTs. For this purpose it is amazing. It can even handle light guns. I love it. If I were to play on modern displays mister is better in some ways, but worse than other compared with software emulation, so I'm not sure if it is worth it just to play on a modern display.

>> No.10467786

That's without the case and other components, which is still $615 complete. Nice try.

I must have a higher income then because I own 13 consoles and a custom built Gaming PC. Checkmate.

>> No.10467789

>thinks 13 is a big number of consoles to have

>> No.10467797 [DELETED] 

>I must have a higher income then because I own 13 consoles and a custom built Gaming PC. Checkmate. He actually outplayed you by making you insecure enough to boast your fictional collection. Also, your argument falls flat by continuously holding on tight to that optional price point. Only in your imaginary world is it okay to WANT to pay $615 for the MiSTer. I choose to put mine together for cheaper.

>> No.10467802 [DELETED] 

>I must have a higher income then because I own 13 consoles and a custom built Gaming PC. Checkmate.

He actually outplayed you by making you insecure enough to boast your fictional collection. Also, your argument falls flat by continuously holding on tight to that optional price point. Only in your imaginary world is it okay to WANT to pay $615 for the MiSTer. I choose to put mine together for cheaper.

>> No.10467810

>I must have a higher income then because I own 13 consoles and a custom built Gaming PC. Checkmate.

He actually outplayed you by making you insecure enough to boast your fictional collection. Also, your argument falls flat by continuously holding on tight to that optional price point. Only in your imaginary world is it okay to WANT to pay $615 for the MiSTer. I choose to put mine together for cheaper.

>> No.10467919

We're going on day 4 of this thread and the chronotrigger guy still hasn't posted his webms of that hilarious left and right shit. Come on dude post it, show us the difference 615 dollars makes

>> No.10467953

that tldr oversimplifies your post. I only thought about the mister as a box to shitpost about and dunk on loosers whether you bought one or not. looking at real pcb prices are insane though, that's a lot of space for just one game so I can begin to see the actual appeal of having a mister.

>> No.10467959

>do you have anything to back that up?
>Have anyone actually took an arcade board, mister and fbneo, connected them to the same the same display and measured the input delay?

You hit the nail on the head.

No one had actually tested Mister against arcade boards vs real hardware vs properly configured software Emulation. Not a single video on YouTube running scientific tests.

Just videos full of grifters pushing how Mister is so great and spouting marketing lines from the Mister website.

>> No.10468079

>state obvious well known technical aspect

you niggers are so fucking dumb

>> No.10468090

you were conned and are trying to justify the purchase of a useless gimmick

>> No.10468138

>looking at real pcb prices are insane though, that's a lot of space for just one game
You are, in fact, the looser being dunked on. kek try again.

>> No.10468160

>chink dig-dug clone board
yep, totally owned

>> No.10468172

His argument is that arcade PCBs have to be big and expensive. That one contains more than one game while being dirt cheap. It is a self-contained JAMMA that takes very little space. Meanwhile on the MiSTer you have to buy an expensive add-on to add JAMMA support.

>> No.10468174

>Mister is way better!
>Ok. Prove it. Show me the evidence. Let's discuss it.

>> No.10468178

sure, you owned him bro

>> No.10468327
File: 45 KB, 400x400, u7l7TowB_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mister sisters post these fucking threads on repeat and not once have I seen any actual evidence of mistr being better. Wouldn't these 2 gigafags have covered a direct comparison by now?

>> No.10468331

They are happily married and have manned up to raise children chud.

They don't cover mister because it's worse than original hardware and everyone knows this.

>> No.10468341
File: 345 KB, 1500x1200, 1699888796533043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but somebody who goes by tri or triforce irl is not someone who has manned up once in his life ever ahahahahahahah

>> No.10468476
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 1691254114380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, these old games are only expensive because of outside influences. Not because of gamers.

These damn "financial investors" and grading companies have ruined the hobby trying to turn retro games into an investment that pays money like stocks and bonds. They don't care about gaming or playing the actual game. It's just "an item I can make more money with" to them. Super rich greedy people hear they can make even more money with old games, so they go out and buy up all the stock they can and hoard it. Then get grading companies to inflate the market. It's happened to so many hobbies. Cards, comics, stamps, etc. Investors invade hobby and ruin it.

Gamers are so desperate to find games at a reasonable price that they fly to other countries like Japan to find old games at a reasonable price. Countries where "investors" haven't invaded the retro used market.

If there was a hobby for people who like to collect "vintage door knobs", these damn investors would swarm that hobby and buy up all the old door knobs they could find. Then create "Grading companies" to grade vintage door knobs and sell them at a huge marked up price. Just look what they are doing to VHS tapes.

>> No.10468514

It's really fucking bullshit, hopefully it crashes and gamers can buy bed games for a few pennies like in he early 2000s

>> No.10468567

/vr/ is so astonishing. I usually come to 4chan boards and people are highly informed and up to date on whatever new comes out for a specific hobby, but only in /vr/ you have complete refusal to accept new tech at all (as long as it's not $50 chink handhelds) + a lot of sourgraping. They are completely tech illiterate and bullshit so much to downplay anything that costs money.

What's the reason behind this? Is it because a lot of poorfag nerds who can't afford anything post around here?

>> No.10468573

Boomerism and natural 4chan contrarian nature

>> No.10468684

I honestly don't care if other people like mister or not it's a free world, but I like mine a lot and it would be nice to be able to talk about it with other people who do without absolute cancer.

>> No.10468729

I assume it’s because it’s analogous to audiophiles

>> No.10468735

>$615 complete
$350 complete

>> No.10468750

what did the audiophiles did to you?

>> No.10468817

You expect me to also own second and first gen consoles?

False. I'm was never insecure and my collection isn't fictional. The only fiction here is you claiming the MiSTer is $250 or $350. $615 is the actual price on MiSTer's official website. There's no point in lying.

*$615 complete

>> No.10468829

That's the thing, "disliking" the MiSTer project is fucking retarded. FPGA tech is very cool and it's changing the game when it comes to retro gaming and preservation. MiSTer is open source. It brings in hardware engineers to the hobby who contribute to documentation and help software emulation development as well (one example, hardware derived color palettes for Turbografx and NES came from MiSTer). You might decide it's not worth it for and that's fine but denying how important this project is for retro gaming is beyond retarded

>> No.10468845

We don't need a 24/7 Mister thread on /vr/. At least wait until there's actual big news.

>> No.10468846

Yeah it's an open-source project which I'm pretty grateful about.I can understand hate for shit like analog consoles which state "a reference quality video game system with reference quality control" but it makes no sense to hate on mister which isn't even a product it's like hating on Ubuntu because a modern pc costs money.

All the mister project states is:
>MiSTer is an open source project that aims to recreate classic computers, video game consoles, and arcade machines using modern hardware. It allows software and game images to run as they would on original hardware while using peripherals such as mice, keyboards, joysticks and other game controllers. MiSTer utilizes an FPGA board called the DE10-Nano which connects to your TV or monitor via HDMI video out. It can also be expanded with various add-on boards such as a 7-port USB hub, a 128MB SDRAM module, and either a Digital I/O or Analog I/O board. The MiSTer project is currently under active development with new cores, features, and bug-fixes appearing on a regular basis.

>> No.10468847

Thread hiding dick, learn it and use it.

>> No.10468954

I remember trying to buy a MiSTer the other day and when I saw it cost over 600, I figured "it's not worth buying for that price". At best, it's only worth $150. At worst it's worth only $50 if you happen to own the majority of retro consoles(which I do). I feel sorry for anyone wasting their money on this thing.

>> No.10468979

Dude for 650 you could build a computer that can play cyberpunk on medium/high. Probably high with fsr and you can play all this old shit too

>> No.10468990

I'd prefer a media player, just an FPGA implementation of an MPEG-2 or Xvid decoder or something.

>> No.10469029

Why? The CPU on board is better at that kind of thing.

>> No.10469032
File: 624 KB, 1183x675, neopro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mister is cheaper than even a single flash cart, worth it just for that alone.

>> No.10469069

It's still early days for FPGA gaming. MiSTer is pretty much early adoption. 2 or 3 decades from now when your retro consoles start dying and you're able to buy new full board replacements that use FPGA chips you'll thank the MiSTer project for getting that ball rolling.

>> No.10469083

I got in when the boards cost $99, so I paid $200 tops for my setup. The board alone costs $200 now. Sucks to be retarded and sleeping on cool things I guess.

>> No.10469106

I'm interested in seeing the build for this $650 Cyberpunk 2077 Wings of Liberty PC

>> No.10469117

You know there are cheaper FPGA alternatives like the predecessor MiST, analog pocket or the current Sidi. They aren't as featureful or active as MiSTer but they are quite a bit cheaper.

>> No.10469132

What's good with the sidi? I've heard about it but never looked into it as I assumed it was a chink solution for much cheaper FPGA.

>> No.10469148

I don't even know what you said, how about you try to use google for once you ESL moron.

>> No.10469186

>search engine the information
yeah, fuck that shit. I still post on forums and ask to be spoonfed because I wanna be able to understand it from your first hand experience. so what can the sidi do?

>> No.10469352 [DELETED] 


What marketing lines u liar, Its open source u get thr board that has nithjng to do with mister and turn it into one, you can have the board bare and solder yourself stop grasping at straws

>> No.10469391

What marketing lines u liar, Its open source u get thr board that has nithjng to do with mister and turn it into one. you can have the addon boards bare and solder yourself stop grasping at straws.

>> No.10469416

Buy an ad

>> No.10469420

>Analogue pocket is cheaper than mister
Not after shady shipping fees lol

>> No.10469443

Your a retard if by now if you haven't realized that MiSTer is the best way to play retro games.

>> No.10469458

I would rather the flash cart.

>> No.10469464

they showed me their banana plug

>> No.10469470

they covered mister many times ya dingus and said they use it more than og hardware these days

>> No.10469475

only webms I have is of your mum fucking niggers

>> No.10469484

I don't know dickhead I don't have one.

>> No.10469505

you buy an ad for your fleamarket stand you plastic junk hocker

>> No.10469519

True, but luckily I already built my gaming PC and could play games like Cyberpunk, but I mainly play RE2 Remake and mod the hell out of it.

Or I could enjoy my consoles now or emulate them on my PC, not wasting a dime on a MiSTer. As long as I keep my 30+ year-old consoles clean and working, I won't need a MiSTer.

There's nothing cool about the MiSTer and it's absolutely retarded to buy one due to how worthless it really is.

>> No.10469526

Well you got me. I've never watched a single episode of my life in gaming. I wish these people invest some times into a hobby like surfing or dirt bike racing to make them seem normal. Sega Lord x also needs help.

>> No.10469535

surfers are fags and anyone who rides any kind of motorbike should drive full speed into a tree

>> No.10469560

absolutely btfo and forced to seethe

>> No.10469564
File: 29 KB, 640x480, images - 2023-12-02T191230.495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point was my life in gaming, game sack and sega Lord x all seem unstable judging by how they look and sound. You can hate surfers all you like but they're not fat sacks of crap and they enjoy nature.

>> No.10469567

the only idiots shitting on the mister are zoomers and ESL's that only have experience emulation as a baseline so they think there's nothing wrong with it

most millenials who i assume you're calling boomers are the ones happily adopting the fpga tech because they know how close to the real thing it is

>> No.10469570

buy an ad

>> No.10469687


Go back

>> No.10469887

When is someone going to make an n64 snac adapter? I know there's the misteraddons one but I don't really want to pay 55 bucks for the snax adapter first.

>> No.10469920

honestly, n64 is more comfy using a series x controller

>> No.10469937

Fair enough, but n64 controller just feels right for n64 games imo. Also analog stick has the right sensitivity.

>> No.10470005
File: 909 KB, 800x600, 1684945593453608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order my DE10. Currently waiting until I can figure out what my particular setup for a Sharp TV will require. I would like to take this time to tell the poorfags to seethe more, and that the MiSTer just exposes every last speculatorfag who wants me to pay 200+ for every fucking piece of hardware that isn't worth more than 50 dollars these days. Vid related for all you.

>> No.10470039

>I would like to take this time to tell the poorfags to seethe more
Then why are you buying a Mister? You should buy a Mars.

>> No.10470045
File: 39 KB, 570x533, 1670272055784273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Supporting Closed Source garbage.
>Over a project that has been Open Source forever.
You're fun, Mars Shill. Hope you got paid well for the promotion.

>> No.10470113

A lot words just to say you're poorfag. Lmao.

>> No.10470134
File: 150 KB, 374x289, 1675977103380263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no reason to accept Closed Source, custom hardware that has no proof that it's any better than FPGAs you can buy direct from the manufacturer with an off the shelf chip. Enjoy having a $700 brick when it's shown they didn't pony up for the chip designed for use in an industrial environment, faggot.

>> No.10470170

For that totally accurate mister experience right fag? So if you want to play the n64 emulator that will never be 100% accurate you will need to pay 60 more dollars for some bullshit adapter. So the true cost is 675.

>> No.10470175

The irony of you saying this shit and buying into a marooned platform like the shitster ahahahahahahah

>> No.10470179

>So the true cost is 675.
350 + adapter cost which is more like $20.

>> No.10470184

> marooned platform

>> No.10470191

Not according to the official mister website

>> No.10470194

I just wanted to say we are now on day +5 of this bait thread and the minus 1 chromotrigger guy STILL has not posted the webm showing the magical difference fpga makes.

>> No.10470197

The official MiSTer website doesn't sell anything, it's a forum.

>> No.10470210
File: 355 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20231202-085152_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you bought your n64 did nintendo sell it to you in pieces without a case or did it all come as a unit

>> No.10470214

The closest thing to MiSTers official website is a forum and the GitHub pages, it’s not a product, it’s a framework to run open source FPGA cores.

>> No.10470217

every piece was $60 and there were about 300 of them

>> No.10470225

I see PC’s selling for 5k, does that mean all PC’s cost that much? A basic MiSter setup (with a case lol) costs $350. That build is only that expensive because of a hugely expensive case and the fact you are helping to pay for his mortgage, which you know full well isn’t representative of what you have to spend.

>> No.10470226

So where do you buy this trash assembled cheaper

>> No.10470231

Where do I buy this pos assembled with a case for 350

>> No.10470238

You said nothing about it needing to be assembled. It’s hilarious that this is what this entire thread has devolved into, screeching endlessly about cases and the fact that to save $300 you have to assemble the equivalent of 4 Lego bricks. It’s not for you, you were never interested, go find something more constructive than whatever the fuck this is. And no, MiSTer addons isn’t the official website lol.

>> No.10470241
File: 564 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20231202-090823_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>main contributior to the mistr project
>no it's not the official website!

Seethe you disingenuous fag

>> No.10470242

Is the mister an icon of the trans community?

>> No.10470247

Yes, the mister sisters had to cut off their dicks in order to be part of the cult.

>> No.10470248

It might have something to do with never being able to 100% replicate the real thing. It's like a shared sector in a venn diagram

>> No.10470259

You sound real mad bro! He’s a third party seller, that doesn’t make his website official nor does it make him the “main” contributor to the MiSTer project lmao. Thinking that screenshot backs up your point is hilarious, stop taking L’s!

>> No.10470267

This is a good point. They use mister as a simulacra for their own puppetry pageant show, a way to recreate their cancer through tangible objects.

>> No.10470271

in the same way emulators are an icon of the trans-exclusionary femboy movement

>> No.10470273

he still doesn't understand that the owner of misteraddons develops mister addons lmao

>> No.10470275

Look, I found the official website for the Raspberry Pi!

And another official site!

They sell them and make cases and peripherals so that makes then official right?

>> No.10470276

I live in Europe, I've never ever interacted with MisterAddons. I've got my parts from a UK seller.

>> No.10470279

Uhh, what? You guys just make up words all the time and expect the greater public to understand your bullshit. Kill yourself, literally.

>> No.10470290

Check out the official website of Sony where they sell non-retro consoles:

>> No.10470292
File: 902 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20231124-174624_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the points being made here matter. Let's get down to the raw data, what's the observable difference between mister and bsnes or snes9x on super mario world.

>> No.10470294

you dumb faggots keep falling for his 3rd grade troll, just stop replying to the retarded ESL

>> No.10470303

>snapchat using phoneposter


>> No.10470313

Sorry I get pussy gaywad

>> No.10470315

Good point, my N64 did come in as a unit.

>> No.10470326
File: 204 KB, 1599x1200, 1683958602726939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure?

>> No.10470347

You get gay tech worker bussy at best, so mister users

>> No.10470374

It's actually so these skanks can't go through my phone while I sleep. You ever see a woman try using an android? It's like trying to get them to drive a stick

>> No.10470394

Kek true, my wife seethes when she has to use my troonix mint thinkpad, it’s basically windows but that’s too much to process

>> No.10470397

Doesn't even work for all games.

>> No.10470425
File: 215 KB, 1131x738, 1689576059607545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pay up piggy

>> No.10470454

Still cheaper and more accurate than shitster, cope

>> No.10470485

That's for the controller, not the console itself.

It only cost me $4 at Goodwill and it works great.

>> No.10470492
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>> No.10470501
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>> No.10470518
File: 847 KB, 3000x2250, 1697458757185571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just for the controller too?

>> No.10470536

Didn't know that Nintendo was owned by Goodwill.

>> No.10470559

Released in Japan only, few games came out for it. Mandatory to buy, especially since I don't read Japanese.


It's not. Goodwill sells used items all the time. Also Nintendo sells their products to all retailers. Just like the MiSTer with multiple sites selling their parts/device.

>> No.10470565

So Goodwill is the official Nintendo site? good to know.

>> No.10470575

I thought your N64 came in as a unit? Why are you assembling it with goodwill shit?
This doesn't add up.

>> No.10470581

>Just like the MiSTer with multiple sites selling their parts/device
No, it's not the same thing as Nintendo selling the goods they have manufactured at stores.

>> No.10470597

>Released in Japan only
and I can play them for free on my mister and you can't, thank you very much.

>> No.10470603

just goes to show game collectors are full of shit, all these characters, retro rick, and other youtubers who like to surround themselves with plastic, they aren't even playing the fucking games, same goes for retro magazine, you would think mister would be on the front cover of their magazine but they refuse to talk about it because of "piracy" what a joke

>> No.10470654

Probably when the N64 core is fairly finished. There are several PS1 SNAC adapters now, I assume the same will happen for N64 once the core isn't still in basically a beta stage with many unfinished components. Same for Saturn.

>> No.10470665

Finally! Someone else here with a brain. This troll is literally making the exact same arguments over and over "It's $600! Misteraddons is the official site! There is no difference!" etc and you fucking idiots fall for it and reply to him every. single. time.

He has literally made the exact same argument a dozen times in this very thread and you fell for it every time. Ignore the retard, I once again point to picrel here: >>10459323

>> No.10470813

Goodwill is a used items store, not Nintendo's website.

Expansion Pak, Memory Cards and Rumble Pak's are sold separately just like the micro-SD card and controllers you use for the MiSTer because I'm pretty sure the MiSTer doesn't come with a Samsung branded micro SD card or a Retro-bit branded controller.

Pretty sure Amazon doesn't manufacture any MiSTer or Nintendo parts/units.

Wouldn't want to since I don't read Japanese. But thanks for confirming that you're poor.

If console collectors were so full of crap, why did I buy an mClassic and HDMI converters to play my consoles on my 4KTV? I clearly enjoy my consoles enough to play it on 4K. I don't have a hate boner for plastic unlike you. Most stuff you use today is made of plastic, such as controllers and micro-SD cards.

>> No.10470876

You wrote that yourself. It's the 500 dollar guy that's the troll

>> No.10470892

Nice try troll, but no I didn't.

>> No.10470954

NTA, but yes you did.

>> No.10470980

Hate to break it to you, but the trolls really are that stupid, no I didn't.

Let me guess troll, this is going to be another thing to add to your nonsense, insisting the person posting that was the one who wrote it? You had better bait when you insisted it was $600.

>> No.10471006

It is 600 dollars and I'll be sure to post it in every thread going forward until the heat death of the universe

>> No.10471053

I just bought it, its not $600

$220 + $40 shipping which was 1 day shipping from Taiwan to USA, literally ordered it and it was here the next day.

So lets just say $300 for good measure, the memory for 128MB 3.0 is $50, and another $50 for the io board, and $13 for 4A power supply. It comes with 16gb microsd, but you can buy 1TB for $50 and install this, that's not $600, even if you were to buy the USB board for $50


>> No.10471079


what is the difference between memory versions. example 2.5 to 2.9/3.0

>> No.10471092

Your insecurity is showing, yes you did wrote it! Kek

>> No.10471108
File: 119 KB, 720x1256, Screenshot_2023-12-02-14-33-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right that it's not $600. It's $615!

>> No.10471126


That's preconfigured... and it has a flashy aluminum case and fully loaded, you don't need to go through them, you can save hundreds of dollars if you went another avenue. Aliexpress has the io boards for like half off what oyu would pay if you went through sites like misteraddon.

>> No.10471131


You can find preconfigured for $400

>> No.10471134

Not sure but I know that some modules which used four chip instead of two had some timing problems on... I think it was the PS1 core? Most modules except really old/cheap ones seem to use two chips though.

>> No.10471147

>still seething a week later

You are one sad individual m

>> No.10471150


There are plenty of comparison videos on youtube, the internet is right in front of you, go look.

>> No.10471152

day 5 and you still havent posted chrono sprinting at the milenial fair smoothly on your pc emulator of choice? what gives? is it because your emulator *cant* produce smooth stutterless scrolling?

>> No.10471181

Some (not all) 2.5 SDRAM modules tend to glitch at high workload. 2.9/3.0 fixed that issue. The Saturn core uses advanced techniques to perform properly on a single SDRAM board and thus it's very demanding on RAM, exposing faulty 2.5 boards.

>> No.10471183
File: 355 KB, 480x360, (You).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10471204

No nut november has just ended

>> No.10471264
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1798, Screenshot_20231203-073115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or do some shopping and pick up a deal like this, bringing a complete mister in under $300.

>> No.10471273

>expensiveits like $100

>> No.10471323
File: 974 KB, 1920x1080, lol_esl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turok 2 working now

>> No.10471371
File: 167 KB, 1024x768, IMG_5195_695ba614-65e9-4740-bd86-7a35e929fa93_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Is Hey You Pikachu playable yet? Huh? HUH?

>> No.10471380

Like Todd Howard working or actually working?

>> No.10471401

The only actual cycle accurate/indistinguishable from actual hardware cores are the NES, (the new) Genesis, and Amiga cores right?
By that I mean software ran on these cores would have literally no way of distinguishing them from real hardware.

>> No.10471403
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It boots and goes in game but speed seems off, but been ages since I played it, he's implemented TLB and is about 70% done so still some work to do.

>> No.10471407

i promised if they get n64 working on a misterfpga im jumping with both feet. is there any promise that once completed it will run the same speeds?

>> No.10471481

Robert Peip said he was surprised that all of parts that make up of the N64 core will fit and run at full speed. His initial assumption was that the CPU was going to cut off but it ended up fitting and running at full speed.

>> No.10471496

The Neo Geo core is made from decapped info, the SNES and PC Engine/CD are very good too. The arcade stuff is also very accurate, the Irem and Capcom CPS1/2 cores are particularly good.

>> No.10471513

Neo Geo core is also unfinished and has a shit ton of bugs, I've had it crash twice playing pulstar. Shame the French guy in charge of it stopped working on it.

CPS core is insanely good.

>> No.10471536

>Neo Geo core is also unfinished and has a shit ton of bugs

It's also got incorrect speed and slowdown. There's less slowdown than my real MVS in Metal Slug X. A lot of audio sounds off in a lot of games as well.

>> No.10471615

The asynchronous stuff that was causing issues was fixed in August. People reported audio issues since but it turned out it was becuase of the unibios and happened on real hardware too. It’s better than the CPS cores now, those still have a few graphic bugs that won’t be fixed.

>> No.10471617
File: 705 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20231021-144054_Xbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neo geo core
Doesn't work properly. Can't boot every game
>N64 core
Doesn't work properly, can't boot every game
>psx core
Doesn't work properly, can't boot every game

>hardware replication

Still have not seen anyone post a comparison between mister and traditional emulation. You fucktards make it seem like mario is missing his hat without an fpga lmao

>> No.10471628


I sincerely hope you believe this stuff and stay away from mister forever.

>> No.10471636

If you want the spoonfed consoomer product, go ahead it's a free world. They make these for people like you after all.

>> No.10471642

>neo geo core
Works properly, boots every game.
>N64 core
Not finished.
>psx core
The DE-10 isn’t good enough, future hardware will be.

> Still have not seen anyone post a comparison between mister and traditional emulation.


>> No.10471653

It’s not powerful enough for PSX but somehow the n64 and Saturn cores are going to be flawless and emulator users are eternally BTFO? How are mister users not 400lbs and 3% body fat from doing Olympic level mental gymnastics on an hourly basis

>> No.10471671

I didn't grow up with a "mame", I grew up with a genesis. I want to know the meat and potatoes. How is genesis, snes, nes, master system, game boy, game gear, tg16, sega cd. What are the differences between all the relevant shit

>> No.10471709

You still haven't explained the methodology or provided a link to it. This is just word salad, it's meaningless data without some frame of reference

>> No.10471712

No one said the Saturn core was going to be flawless and it won’t be, same for N64. The PS1 streams data from disc, the MiSTers DDR3 is a bottleneck, not a problem with cartridge games that are cached to the SDRAM.

>> No.10471720

You know what duckstation can do that mister can't

Play every game.

So in that sense it's closer to original hardware. Fuck yourself retard

>> No.10471731

Imagine thinking Duckstation plays every game, big brains up in here.

>> No.10471740

> You know what duckstation can do that mister can't
Fail a shit load of hardware tests?

>> No.10471853


>> No.10471857

You know, all three of those cores were supposed to be impossible on the DE10-nano. I don't really play that gen I don't have any nostalgia for it, but I'm glad people are working to preserve it.

Hater's gonna hate.

>> No.10471874

All of those systems seem to fair well on mister, I'm not a mister advocate but I'll probably buy a mars if it outperforms the mister by a reasonable margin. The only problem is the cores, lots of mister cores are abandoned and I see the same thing happening with mars. The N64 and Saturn on mister are like saving graces and while I don't see why the N64 core won't be finished... the variables are myriad. I'm waiting, I already own pretty much every console, fpgabis good because on the future, when consoles start droppingike flies, it's the only viable option outside of emulation. If you made it this far, you deserve a reach around. I hope you got what you needed from my ramblings

>> No.10471909

The devs are really stretching the hardware to get the N64 and Saturn to somewhat run on Mister. They are pushing it.

Mars has higher hardware specs to emulate Dreamcast/Gamecube/PS2. And They are paying devs to make cores for them.

Big difference.

Mister is an open source hobby project done for fun. Mars is an actual product being sold by a company, and they are paying Mister devs to come over and make cores for them. Doing it for fun VS Paying people will be the big difference.

>> No.10471924

>lots of mister cores are abandoned
Such as?

>> No.10471927

>Mars is an actual product being sold by a company

They are over a year away from producing anything worth while, they said this themselves, go wait a year just so you can play cores already available on the mister.

>> No.10471929

>Mars has higher hardware specs to emulate Dreamcast/Gamecube/PS2

Dreamcast/Naomi yes, I highly HIGHLY doubt it can do PS2 or GC. Robert said it can't even really do NintendoDS, so I have severe doubts it can do PS2 or GC.

Highly doubt whatever FPGA gets chosen for the MiSTerX project will be able to do it either. The PS2 and GC's hardware is leagues more complex than the DC. I assume DC is roughly the limit for any reasonably affordable FPGA for years to come.

>> No.10471932

That's not the point for fpgas, it's the long game and mars (unless the company falls apart) already has the long game covered. The mister will be forgotten when the mars develops. You sound like emulation fags "ohhh uhh just wait a year to play things you can already do with emulation, glug umm huhhh". You're so pathetic.

>> No.10471938
File: 701 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20231028-084500_AliExpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone with a functional brain knows the open source community absolutely shits on the proprietary community. You think mister is shit wait until you see how fucking terrible Mars will be behind closed doors. Emulation is 100% open source aside from redream, fuck that guy you can torrent his shit. Point is until another open source project launches, mister is where it's at for schitzoidz who still cannot show me the difference between sonic on genesis, sonic on an emulator and sonic on a shitster

>> No.10471945

Did you copypasta this from a mame forum?

>> No.10471948

Lmao. You don't know shit about the hardware. The PS2 CPU is around 30% faster than Dreamcast's CPU. But the Dreamcast has an arguably better GPU with more options like Anti-Aliasing, sharper textures and colors, and more VRAM than PS2. It's the one thing Sega invested heavily in with the Dreamcast.

>> No.10471952

>open source community absolutely shits on the proprietary community
There is no "proprietary community". It's just people hired from the open source community. It's the same people you dum dum.

>> No.10471954

It's also diminishing returns on bare metal reproduction, as everything from Dreamcast on is basically running software on an operating system like a PC. The DC itself runs WindowsCE kernal, at this level of abstraction it's probably not worth the effort like it is with older systems which relied on very tight timing, which can be deterministically reproduced with FPGA implementation. Once you get to hardware abstracted platforms games don't behave so deterministically.

>> No.10471958

Even if that's the case, the mars will still be able to outperform the mister on e very level. Ensuring better performance and extra options for N64, Saturn, psx.

>> No.10471961
File: 202 KB, 1080x1071, Screenshot_20230513-082647_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could you make your samefagging a little less obvious

>> No.10471967


10471150 is the only one there thats me


>> No.10471972

Maybe but I don't care about those platforms they are the wahoomer generation.

>> No.10471975

There are no different communities with different devs. Wtf are you even talking about? Companies just hire open source Mister devs. This cope is just sad.

>> No.10471987


Ok, then go right ahead and wait for it to release ETA: Who the fuck knows. If you are going to wait, just wait forever then for the next best thing, bunch of tardy adopters

>> No.10471991
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>> No.10472005

The future will always provide more powerful technology, just as MiSTer eclipsed MiST. However MiST is still an active project and work there is also improving MiSTer, see recent updates for Apple2 and NeoGeo. And yet, these are existing mature platforms where mars is still vapourware which for me will add nothing as I don't care about mario64 and ocarina of time.

>> No.10472009

So there are no differences here?
Playing through retro arch solves all the synching issues, and the rest is down to visual filter settings

>> No.10472021

Runahead and visual filters are hacks to emulate something FPGA does natively. Software emulation is the tranny of retro gaming.

>> No.10472023



Next time post comparisons from an actual CREDIBLE channel. Not from a creator who is so desperate to get subscribers that he makes low quality videos every day, and spams his links across the internet.

He's been caught making sock puppet accounts and spamming links to channel. Even reddit has banned him from many of their subs for him trying to Self promote himself.

>> No.10472024

I don't even understand you're argument then? If you don't care then why does people prefering to wait for mars bother you so much?

>> No.10472026

VRR is not a hack and neither is bilinear filtering
Run ahead is but that has nothing to do with sync

>> No.10472029

They are not how the original systems acted or appeared, they are not reproductions.

>> No.10472032

I'd rather wait and not get gypped, then jump in head first and have to cope together a defense force. If all else fails, theres always emulation. I'm not concerned with fpga for actually playing games. I'm looking for a future proof solution I can hook up to a crt without any hassle. If the mars falls apart I'll probably hold out until the N64 core is done before getting a mister, but as of now, with the mars on the horizon, I'm not buying shit.

>> No.10472036

You can believe what you want, and if that’s all that matters to you then that’s fine, enjoy, no one’s taking that away from you

>> No.10472105
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What an absolute retard you are you self loathing troon. You have been deboonked.

>> No.10472109
File: 88 KB, 1034x1231, 61yVss2dxwL._AC_SL1305_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would argue that there is still a benefit to PS2 and GC, they did have a bit of abstraction but ran mostly like bare metal. And the CE implementation in DC was rarely used, the majority of games just ran on bare metal as well, only a small handful used CE.

Hell, even the Wii essentially ran on bare metal. The OS is really jut a menu app and actually unloads when you launch a software title, the "OS" you see when you press the home button on a Wii game is actually an IOS file that is loaded with said software, and not a persistent OS running in the background. That's why older games have older home menus or lack features (Like USB 2.0 or SDHC support) that newer games/versions of the OS/SystemMenu have.

I would say that starting with the Xbox and Gen 7 (barring Wii) consoles is when accuracy starts to not matter with how much of an overhead with an actual OS there was, restricted access to running something as bare metal, and far less of a close tie with the CPU and GPU working together along with the other hardware.

>Even if that's the case, the mars will still be able to outperform the mister on e very level.

In theory, let's see in practice. Don't forget that Robert is also working on a cycle-accurate N64 core for the MiSTerX project. Plans for a better MiSTer once a suitable improved FPGA is decided on have been underway for a while now. (I wouldn't be surprised if they use the same FPGA as in the Mars, it's actually quite affordable, and there was discussion months before the Mars ever was revealed about it being a good potential candidate (the Xilinx Artix-7 A200T, there's a version of it that comes as a M.2 device for just $150 on Amazon), there was discussions about it in /vr/ even: https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/9737770/ )

>> No.10472145

Aren't they creating a drop in upgrade for the mister?

>> No.10472161

There is no guarantee that whatever FPGA is chosen to be the successor will be a drop-in upgrade. It highly likely won't be since any GPIO pins are sure to have a different pinout if not even an entirely different physical connector. It's not like GPIO pins are standard across every device that has them.

>> No.10472179

What are the issues with the psx core, asides from FMV? I've had a good experience with it thus far.

>> No.10472187

I wish that Ukrainian never started the Saturn core, fpgaazumpass would have picked it up and it would be done by now
Actually, now that I think about it he has pretty much the worst cores. Thankfully his shitty mega drive core got replaced

>> No.10472196

I doubt it. Saturn is a mess of a system.

>> No.10472198

He seems to enjoy the challenge

>> No.10472221




>> No.10472293

Stop shilling your channel Anthony

>> No.10472368

You're such a fucking loser
All this hourly shilling for literally years and your sub count is pathetic

>> No.10472383

On the real I fucking hate mister but what's wrong with his channel? He seems knowledgeable

>> No.10472390

FGPA Everdrive>Steam Deck>>Aya Neo pro>>Aya Neo Air>Recalbox>Ayn Loki Max>>Asus ROG Ally>KTR-1>>Retroid Pocket 3/3+>>>Anbernic RG552>Ayn Loki>>>Odroid>>Raspberry Pi>Homebrewed and CFW-injected PS Vita>>Powkiddy A13>Powkiddy X28>>Caanoo>>Lakka>Aya Neo regular>RP2S>Ayn Odin 2>>Miyoo Mini Flip>Miyoo Mini +>Trimui Smart Pro>Powkiddy A12>Anbernic RG505>Ayn Odin>Powkiddy X18S>Powkiddy RK2023>Anbernic351p>>Retroid Pocket 2/2+>>Hacked and CFW injected 3DS>Powkiddy RGB 30MAX>>Miyoo Mini>>Lakka>>>Game Park 32>Powkiddy q80>Anbernic 353v>>Anbernic RG35XX>>CFW-injected PSP>Revo k101>Retroid pocket 1>>Minisforum>Playdate>Dingoo 330>>Powkiddy RGB 10 Max>Dingoo 320>Powkiddy RGB 20S>>Analouge Pocket>Playdate>Data Frog SF2000>Dingoo 380>Powkiddy q80>Gamebox SP>Anbernic RG 405m>Powkiddy v90>Powkiddy q20>Bactocera>>Evercade>Coolboy rs-97+>BittBoy>>RG300X>Pirate multicart>>MiSTER>>Retroid Flip>Poly Mega>Powkiddy a66>>Coolboy rs-97

>> No.10472408

Where's batocera

>> No.10472469

You now understand how mad some people get when proven wrong.

>> No.10472490
File: 57 KB, 700x400, batocera-themes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one of those emulation-focused Linux builds with a fancy UI.

>> No.10472602

Robert (N64 core dev) said in a discord post that PS2 could be doable with today's highest end FPGA chips but only for a big corporation to develop, that no way a hobbyist could do it. And even then the FPGA needed for it would cost several thousands.

>> No.10472616
File: 72 KB, 769x611, Screenshot_20231114-190927_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once again bump limit reached mistr fags. let's recap what we all learned today.
you will never have hardware replication, you will never have 100% compatability with PSX and N64. You will never have a single IRL friend who gives a fuck about this raspberry pi knockoff, and finally- you will never be a field programmable gate array. Till the next thread that will surely be created at the perfect time to bring as many mister loving retards over as possible, goodnight gaywads

>> No.10472618


>> No.10472619

>On the real I fucking hate mister but what's wrong with his channel?

His videos are low effort garbage, and he's shameless about it.

He takes cheap short cuts to hit the 10 minute mark for max YouTube ad revenue. His videos are just one long game capture video with his nasally voice rambling over it. Almost no edits. That's how's he's able to pump them out every day.

He argues with people in the comments who offer any constructive suggestions, and deletes any comment he disagrees with then pretends it never happened.

He doesn't have a job. He's been desperately trying to become a big retro gaming YouTuber for 7 years. This is all his does. Makes a shitty 10 minute video with no edits. Upload Then spams links to his channel on 20 different forums every day.

If you are going to watch a retro gaming YouTuber, then at least watch one that knows what they are talking about, and puts effort into making their videos.

>> No.10472623
File: 568 KB, 165x267, IMG_1244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes my heart warm to know that the gp32 is still relevant. The first to ever do it, still a gate keeper. Fan-fucking-tastic

>> No.10472627

eh, he's pretty chill on discord and people there seem to like his videos. I too think they're low effort and since I follow the discord channels they never have anything new but whatever.

>> No.10472632

Todays highest end is tomorrows door stopper

>> No.10472637

You just haven't seen his shit in action. He's been banned from many forums and subs for a reason.

>> No.10472642

FPGA has a different cadence than CPU tech, it's a different application.

>> No.10472643

We like to think that, but Robert himself said the DE-10 is a child's toy in FPGA terms and something he used for his university projects, but he works on it since nobody would use his cores otherwise. So we're still using giga outdated hardware. Maybe in a decade FPGA hardware capable of PS2 will be affordable.

>> No.10472660

Yup. Same shit every video.
>Plays <insert game here>
>records from an emulator
>Nasally voice
>"I love this game because blah blah blah."
>Here listen to the game music for 3 minutes while I say nothing! Gotta hit 10 mins for YouTube ad bucks
>please like an subscribe.
>give me patreon money

>> No.10472685

I once said that he should spend more time talking about the history of the game. Like talking about the developers and the people involved making it. He got so triggered that he argued with me for several hours saying how it's not necessary, and that he makes his videos HIS WAY and I'm wrong.

>> No.10472693
