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10467543 No.10467543 [Reply] [Original]

>when brahne dies and talks about how she is sorry
>when Cleyra gets decimated
>when vivi discovers he is just a puppet
>when beatrix and steiner fight side by side
>when Zidane saves garnets

Why was Final Fantasy IX not as popular as the other FF when it was first released?

>> No.10467553

It had to compete with Dragon Quest VII in Japan and VII and VIII made the non-japanese public expect something different.

>> No.10467562

It was released comfortably in the midst of the JRPG golden era, so even exceptionally good JRPG's were easy to miss.

>> No.10467568

Shitty art style, slow battle system, Trance, most characters were lame.

It's not some complicated riddle, it just wasn't that good of a game.

>> No.10467583

it came out after the ps2 in japan. marketing was already shifting. dragon quest could sell because it was the first original game on the platform and the brand always dwarfed FF in mindshare.

>> No.10467595
File: 951 KB, 930x2400, box art comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came out in 2000 with very bad marketing. I mean, just compare the back covers to the previous games.
The crystal comes back? Huh? Takes the best of the old and mixes with the best of the new, huh? This comment tell you nothing about the game; NOTHING does. No wonder it sold LESS internationally than in Japan, unlike 7 and 8.

>> No.10467659

>attempt to play ffix all the way through after bailing a dozen times
>remember zidane has a tail

>> No.10467679

Did a furry molest half the people on this board? Why does this stuff offend people so much? Nobody gave a shit about this in 2000 when the game was new.

>> No.10467694

it was mainly the character renders, which are admittedly awful. but aside from that, the game looks great, and everything else about it is good. still remember playing it for the first time in a nyc hotel room, it came out while we were away so my parents rented or borrowed a ps1 or something. pretty cool of them

>> No.10467714

I also just can't get into medieval-inspired fantasy elements, like, at all.

I do love grounded, earth-based sci-fi type shit though that doesn't need to break every law of physics to move the plot, so 7&8 were way more appealing to me

>> No.10467725

>JRPG draws its main character to be an overly designed frilly queer lace homosexual
>American video gamers aren't enthralled
There was a time when "the West" had taste.

>> No.10467731

In terms of the US
>FFVIII was a letdown for many because it wasn't FFVII Part 2 and/or the janky battle system and pacing that goes all over the place with a laughable story.
>Medieval stuff wasn't too popular in the Late 90s outside of already established franchises like Zelda, it was usually seen as dorky and gay. There was a huge push towards what looks cool back then, and realism and futuristic settings were the popular ones. FFVII was the first Final Fantasy that was a major success in the States, and both it and FFVIII were based in a futuristic setting.
>On top of the medieval setting, the artstyle was largely hated upon release. A lot of people including me were turned off by it since everyone looked like McDonald's Happy Meal toys.
>It was also announced with X and XI on the same day with a demo of FFX shown as well that showed a more familiar setting and style to VII and VIII. A lot of people were looking forward to that instead.
There was a lot for it to go up against and it didn't really have a chance. It was like how MGS3 first came out to modest success due to the sour taste that MGS2 left for a lot of people.

>> No.10467740

It was very popular, probably more popular than FF8. Thanks for spoiling the game tho

>> No.10467750

I was personally always amused at someone on the Marketing team's major hard-on for Amarant. He randomly shows up on the front cover before Freya and Eiko, is the focus on the cover's background, and in the only battle screenshot.

>> No.10467751

it was popular, it got high praises in magazines and sold well, me and a lot of my buddies and folks at school were playing it. Is it all based on how some folks feel about them now, and I think it still has a mainly positive rep

>> No.10467754


>> No.10467756

Maybe they have to feature an older tougher looking guy on American promotions

>> No.10467792

>The Crystal Comes Back!
>Crystals have nothing to do with anything until a throwaway memberberry near the end

>> No.10468375

Amarant has more of a presence in the marketing than he does in the actual game. I wonder if Square considered an alternate ending to Ipsen's Castle where the party forgets about him and just leaves him there.

>> No.10468432

Did you seriously just go mad crazy on spoilers?

>> No.10468848

1.) Lash back from people who were upset that 8 wasn't 7-2
2.)Lack of marketing
3.)The PS2 arrived

>> No.10468854

The crystal at the soul of the world is pretty central to the plot. The tag line still makes no sense though.

>> No.10468947

are you complaining about spoilers of a 20 year old final fantasy game?

>> No.10468991

This was my first FF and still one of my favorites. That ending was so uplifting and the story is just incredible from start to finish. Fuck that card game was addictive. I still haven't played through all of FF7. I've only beaten almost every version of FF1. I got more into Dragon Quest as the story felt a lot less like Star Wars since FF2 was literally a rip off. I know the series creator is a huge fan of Star Wars and wasn't 12 or whatever a total ripoff of Star Wars too?

>> No.10469109


>> No.10469159

Great! Happy to hear it.

>> No.10469162

20 years of furfaggotry has poisoned the internet and causes everyone to shy away from furry characters.

>> No.10469170

Played it for the first time earlier this year. It was okay, I don't remember very much of it. I played Dragon Quest 3 on GBC a few weeks later and had a lot more fun

>> No.10469171

So instead of looking at FF9 in its own right, you are having an autistic temper tantrum due to being terminally online and can't separate bipedal critters from Sonichu

>> No.10469192

TIFF in hell furfag

>> No.10469449

Furries need to be removed from history. Simple as

>> No.10469469

This is such a bizarre post

>> No.10469489

>Why was Final Fantasy IX not as popular as the other FF when it was first released?
Because most people have a bigger taste for the insides of their assholes than for good games.
Welcome to society.

>> No.10469527

It's not very good. The art style was it's only saving grace and at the time that was not a popular style.

>> No.10469529

Final Fantasy 7 is the only Final Fantasy that matters

>> No.10469536

The game has a lot of charm and soul but it was a fucking chore to play through to be honest. Its not a very good game.

>> No.10469546

But you're wrong the game was a megahit

>> No.10469551

Wrong. Stop watching YouTube.

>> No.10469556

FF9 was remastered 3 years before FF8. I wonder why? TL;DR people liked it more and it's the better game

>> No.10469569

yeah, surely it has nothing to do with square not keeping their original source around for it...

>> No.10469575

It was beautiful. And that's all that matters to deep godhead humanity experience archives

>> No.10469606

>Why was Final Fantasy IX not as popular as the other FF when it was first released?
It kinda was though.

>> No.10469740

>It kinda was though.
wrong, anon you replied to is correct

>> No.10469846

Everyone loved ff9. wtf? Were you even alive in 1999?

>> No.10469909

I'm baffled that this is even a mystery. Having grown up in this era let me tell you most in the west started on FF7:

FF7 - lets you play a badass with a giant sword. There are the hottest chicks in gaming then and since. There's a guy with a fucking gun arm.

FF8 - lets you play a badass with a sword that's also gun (??? ok) and there's still hot chicks.

FF9 - No badass MC. The only remotely fuckable character has no tits and I'm PRETTY SURE the MC wouldn't be interested regardless. There's no guns.

>> No.10469915

It sold 3 million copies you fucking retard

>> No.10469929

How was it not, mate? FFIX is literally a game full of reference to old FF games. In fact, FF should have ended in IX. It would be a great ending to the series.

>> No.10469930
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>all of the revisionism ITT
The game was extremely well received at the time

>> No.10469939
File: 2.15 MB, 1666x2200, GamePro Issue 147 (December 2000) page 000a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10469942
File: 1.81 MB, 1656x2200, GamePro Issue 147 (December 2000) page 054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10469947
File: 1.77 MB, 1647x2200, GamePro Issue 147 (December 2000) page 055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10470000
File: 377 KB, 1629x1393, SLES-02965-B-ALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The back cover was fine in Europe. Most FF covers were way worse in the US, with ugly 3D renders and a lot less text. Presumbly Square just thought Americans were retarded. For some reason.

>> No.10470010

>2/3 screens on every back cover are cutscene
What does this mean?

>> No.10470014

I agree with you because somehow I never knew it was coming out, and I bought a gaming mag every 3-4 months or so. I just walked into blockbuster to get code veronica or something and bam, ff9 was staring at me. I thought it was a knockoff for a moment then was like "holy shit, a 9 came out? how the fuck did I not know?"

>> No.10470037

Makes sense that my only online friends who are obsessed with FF9 are from England and Australia.

>> No.10470082
File: 5 KB, 934x53, gameinformerreviewofff9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10470093

>England and Australia.

>> No.10470107

Australia always got the UK versions of games and Brexit didn't happen yet

>> No.10470301

Europe will soon become an Australian colony.

>> No.10470638

Don't look up how much FF7 and 10 sold. 9 is a failure that only sold itself with nostalgia

>> No.10470784

The crystals are garnet's pendant, eiko's earring, the falcon claw of lindblum, and the desert star of cleyra. Brahne seeks these crystals in addition to Garnet's extracted eidolons to fuel her war machine. Kuja is after them because he knows they were the 4 shattered fragments of the gem the ancient summoner tribe used to seal Alexander, an eidolon he believes may give him enough power to challenge Garland. The entire plot of the first 2 discs hinges on the crystals.

>> No.10470795

Never sold as well as 7 or 8, which is what the thread refers to. It wasn't a small margin, either.

>> No.10470873
File: 54 KB, 640x480, tiredgoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an otherwise human character with a tail is a furry character now

>> No.10472429

How can you be nostalgic for something that just released, retard?

>> No.10472438
File: 2.08 MB, 498x280, 1699402963998266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once again, zoomer tourists mistakenly conflate sales numbers with success.

>> No.10473715

>mistakenly conflate sales numbers with success.
Sales is the definition of success, if a mainline entry suddenly made less than the last one, it underperformed. Whereas FF7 was a true megahit. You can still argue the game is good but pretending that everyone though it was a masterpiece is a ridiculous.

>> No.10473991

>Sales is the definition of success
like Michael Bay Transformers, when nobody even thinks about the movies anymore?
You can have short-term success, make mad-bank and then everyone forgets about your work.

Its like saying Marvel movies are the pinnacle of cinema when they were just good entertainment and marketed like fucking crazy.
Even then, there are stories of properties having a lot of marketing behind them and people just not giving a shit about them in the overall scheme of things, like Horizon Zero Dawn.

>> No.10474950

They ditched the tail and DBZ was infinitely more popular. I really love original Dragon Ball but that's a dumb argument.

>> No.10474972

Kami permanently removed Goku's tail when he was training on the Lookout, before Z.

Whenever Toriyama didn't feel like drawing something he changed it
>3rd Form Frieza was too hard to draw so it only lasted like 1 or 2 chapters
>He spent too much ink on Goku's hair so he decided to just make it blank on Super Saiyan

>> No.10474989

Embarrassing main character design is probably unironically what killed it. They went with some goofy looking kiddy shit at a time when games were moving toward grit and realism.

>> No.10475240

>Protip: Have the healer do the healing
Fucking mindblowing advice from Gamepro. For their next trick, they'll probably suggest the guy with the highest attack should attack. Twats.

>> No.10475286

as an old man poster, I played FF6, then 7,8,9 when they released. 9 is my favorite to this day still. I've replayed it the most.

>> No.10476417

>when nobody even thinks about the movies anymore?
That's not even true, and even if it was certainly more people think about them than the small but loud minority of FF9fags that yell endlessly about it being the best FF when it couldn't be further from the truth

>> No.10476583 [DELETED] 

What do you think this meme pic is a reference to?

>> No.10476585
File: 12 KB, 288x306, Protip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think this meme pic is a reference to?

>> No.10476607

To be fair, you have to shoot that fucker enough times that some kids might have thought there must be some trick to beating it.