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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10432287 No.10432287 [Reply] [Original]

little eizo

>> No.10432562

Wow, did the old CRT general really die and there's no formal replacement? Times sure have changed

>> No.10432607

>Sailor Moon bunnygirl Windows 3.1 startup screen
Why does this image exist?

>> No.10432917 [DELETED] 

Trannytroon thread

>> No.10432951

/vr/ is just /v/ for "retro games" at this point. most of the threads are just bait.

>> No.10432967

some of us still have working dicks

>> No.10432979 [DELETED] 

i don't want to share the shit i find any more. it is ass that anime posting and anons playing MTV cribs fill these threads to the brim now.

>> No.10433101


>> No.10433127
File: 559 KB, 609x864, Lustprovokingimagethatgoeswithpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Times sure have changed
Once CRT fags realized that they cannot earn internet points by posting le retro tv they all fled to Reddit

Don't get me wrong I love my pvm but the best part of having a crt is playing games on it, not showing it off online like some kind of car show for autists

>> No.10433134

except /v/ is actually good and has cool off-topic threads and furry porn, /vr/ has none of that, just hatred and negativity without any of the fun

>> No.10433136

Have you ever turned up at the Playboy Mansion with a complete boxed copy of Microsoft Windows 3.1 in your hands? Things go wild quickly.

>> No.10433160

Is this art exclusive to this OS?

>> No.10433272

I just like to show off any new CRT I get and discuss with people about the model and such...

>> No.10433279

So you don’t care about games you just care about showing off CRTs, by what is essentially your own admission

>> No.10433284

Probably about half considering the average age of /vr/

>> No.10433310

I play my arcade games and my mister on my PVM all the time, just got sick of posting pictures and talking about it because some jealous fag always shows up saying this is not how games are supposed to look, etc...

>> No.10433313

Is anyone else saving a NiB waiting for when their current one to gives out?

>> No.10433364

I have my JVC D1017 out of box, only has about 30 hours on it. Guy on ebay was selling them back in 2013 new old stock for about $120 and I snagged it. I mostly use my 20L5 right now.

>> No.10433371

*JVC DT-V1710

>> No.10433382
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need some help with my hd3650 i have it hooked up to my crt with a component cable via the din port, if i use the amd driver without the catalyst software it worked out of the box but the image is overscanned and to the left by like an inch or so, the component video before installing catalyst is very clean, as soon as i install catalyst it goes extremely flickery, i thought thats just how the component output is but i had to install windows 11 for dolphin and without catalyst there is no flicker, the flicker makes my eyes go weird and it isn't comfortable to look at, is there some other tool i can use to shift the image to the right and fix the overscan?

>> No.10433534

what's the cheapest way to set up rf where each channel is a different video source maybe 5 to 10 different channels? most rf modulators seem to only do channels 3 and 4. i'm not seeing anything that has that many inputs. maybe it would be cheaper to just build one myself

>> No.10433547

>i had to install windows 11 for dolphin
also you're trying to use COMPOSITE, not component, the latter doesn't look like dogshit

>> No.10433559
File: 1.73 MB, 1080x1318, misterfpga2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it didn't "die"
if we hit the bump limit the thread slides anon
the previous thread was up for nearly two weeks
i was the OP & i still cant get a good picture of my sets kek

>> No.10433593

you can only get old version of dolphin for windows 7 and the netplay isn't compatible with newer dolphin versions
>also you're trying to use COMPOSITE, not component, the latter doesn't look like dogshit
the fuck are you talking about

>> No.10433640

there are people who take pleasure in sliding the board sadly
its cringe
anyways, heres one of my crt

>> No.10433701

Oh, so /v/ is now the diet coke version of 2010s /b/. What a miserable fate.

>> No.10433725

My nice little samsung died a couple years ago and I finally started picking up old games again so I’m looking to get another small <20” silver crt.
In the past couple weeks I’ve been to 6 goodwills, a goodwill outlet, 3 thrift stores, and 1 pawn shop and have seen exactly 0 crts for sale.
WHERE THE FUCK DO I FIND A GODDAMN TUBE TV LIKE HOLY SHIT, all listings on fbm and craigslist near me are asking over $100 for “retro gaming tv” 36” behemoths.

>> No.10433787

You're 10 years too late. Minimum.

People have been throwing out their old CRT tubes for almost 2 decades now. Electronic Recycling centers have been taking old CRTs, and breaking them down non-stop for 15 years now.

There used to be HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of CRTs TVs back in the 90s/2000s. 1 CRT in almost every household. Sometimes 2 or 3 if it was a family living in the house .

But today? 90% of them are gone. Most people just threw them out or donated them. Besides...CRTs only have a shelf life of 15 to 20 years before the electronics start to break down. The capacitors inside the TV will leak and stop functioning. So without maintenance or electronics repair skills, they will eventually stop functioning.

>> No.10433805

its over, i had to drive 8 hours and pay for mine kek

>> No.10433873

you can care about both.
but yeah i am autistic about crts, so what?
found 2 working ones on the street just recently.
Couldnt take them tho

>> No.10433937

/v/ was always "/b/ with video games". People have been saying this for over 15 years

>> No.10433951

Yeah, sounds about right that around that fucking Channology shitshow it became that. The early days of /v/ were actually fun, like early /vr/.

>> No.10433954

i mean duh.
what much more is there to say about games then this game is good/bad heres why I like/hate it and variations on that with genre and game topics and everything

>> No.10434042

did you throw away the busted set? chances are it would have been possible to repair unless it was something wrong with the tube or yoke or flyback or an important IC (although sometimes you can replace the flyback)

>> No.10434136
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is it really bad to keep the contrast on my crt in the high end?

>> No.10434151

The ones left in the wild are usually either huge or tiny, and have been gathering dust in an unused corner somewhere for over a decade. When people finally get rid of them they just want them gone. People don't try to sell them because they're thought to be worthless, and donation stores won't accept them.

>> No.10434158 [DELETED] 

Here let me fix it

Trinitroon thread

>> No.10434243

Why did that blank TV explode

>> No.10434656

CRTs implode, anon.

>> No.10434705

Contrast should just be as high as you like it without causing bloom. Using a TV to the point that it goes dark takes years of constant use. I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.10434727

I wonder when they'll stop reproducing those BKM-129X cards for PVMs, at this point I don't think there are many in need of those.

>> No.10435270
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i don't like how people ask too much for crts. but even more i hate that people actually pay that much. and yet i've bought for $50 before.

>> No.10435372

I'd only buy rare/good sets for $50, anything else and it's free or nothing

>> No.10435435
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>36” behemoths.

The smaller ones were the easiest to haul and dispose of. Those remaining are vanishing away into retro setups and will never see the secondhand market again unless they are flipped on Ebay.

Now you're shopping for those models requiring a 2-3 man lift, which is the reason they still have it for sale.

>> No.10435608 [DELETED] 

High Quality shadowmask = >Just take it bro

Bottom-tier Dell/Viewsonic Aperture Grille = >Lol stay poor bro, I'll get $800 on Ebay anyway

Why's it like this when neither looks objectively better than the other?

>> No.10435620

High Quality shadowmask;
>Just take it bro

Bottom-tier Dell/Viewsonic Aperture Grille;
>Lol stay poor bro, I'll get $800 on Ebay anyway

Why's it like this when neither looks objectively better than the other?

>> No.10435716

The original /CRT/ died years ago, dude. All the people who cared left and the few people that were there at the time, like me, seldom come here. This general really is a shell of its former self. We had a good run though, so whatever.

>> No.10435782

Hey bros, I just got a free stand for my twenty inch CRT TV. When I picked it up there was a VCR in the stand which was given to me for free. Can I just set the VCR on top of the CRT? Back when we had CRTs in my house we had an entertainment center so we never had the VCR and TV touching, and aside from setting a PS2 slim on top of the CRT and it getting a bit warm I've never sat anyone on top of the CRT. Just want to make sure I'm not going to cause a heat trap to happen.

>> No.10435997
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Sony tax.
Filters retarded niggers.
Even better there is a sony alternative that is literally just as good and uses the same technology but because of sony worshippers you can get them for cheap.

>> No.10436007
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>TV has composite/S-video/component
>they all share the same rear audio jacks
Not that big of a deal because I'm just using the side composite jacks but what the hell man.

>> No.10436170

It's fine as long as it's stable and you aren't blocking any vents on either the TV or the bottom of the VCR.

>> No.10436239

Neat, thanks.

>> No.10436339

just dont store the tapes on the tv, the magnets in the tv will destroy them over time

>> No.10436781
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>> No.10436949
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>> No.10437004
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Got a 19inch HP M90 for free, the brightness and contrast for this monitor is raised to maximum. The monitor still looks dull and colors washed out compared to my IPS monitor next to it. Any suggestions on how to fix any or both issues?

>> No.10437027

This is the OC who jerks off feral Pokemon, isn't it?

>> No.10437129

Open the thing up and start adjusting pentiometers with a #1 philips screwdriver. There should be some facing upwards from the neckboard area right on the tube and some on the flyback in the back and to the left. Make sure to be careful if the any of the pentiometers are made with plastic screws because you could accidently push them downwards and be unable to adjust them again.
t. Almost killed myself

>> No.10437206


>> No.10437225

Yeah DOA Beach Volleyball

>> No.10437240

Yeah nice
I've just got into OG Xbox recently on my CRT and RGB looks fantastic on it

>> No.10437260

>Rabbits are her actual theme and namesake, but she's not nearly enough of a slut to actually wear a bunny suit for random dudes
>Actually is every bit that much of a slut and then some and is more than happy to flaunt her body to whoever

>> No.10437330

That's too bad; it was fun to drop in on occasion, even if just to see Free20L5Guy get baited. I guess the thread oldfags can only take so many different shots of their sets before getting tired of it, and with the market as it is, many are probably priced out of getting additional sets which are worth a damn.

>> No.10437464
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>> No.10437995
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from the latest neogeo shitshow thread

>> No.10438004
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>> No.10438080
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>> No.10438089

Are these cabinets custom-made for midgets?

>> No.10438096 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.40 MB, 1289x745, huehuehuehuehuehueahembwhehehaheam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my niece is 5 my nephew is 6
so.... yes?

when ladyfriends are over i pull a bench from the kitchen table (its a wood picnic style)
the bench is long enough to use all cabs at once
they all have jamma boards and superguns in them aside from tempest (now in a different room)

>> No.10438107

You built a custom cabinet for your niece and nephew in your room?
Is that like your version of a free candy van?

>> No.10438338

arcade 1up shells are cheap anon
LDS>hdmi\vga converters are like 15$ on amazon
i put seimitsu buttons and sanwa in a few others
kinda shameful to dump all the original hardware (a few i turned into supergun 4-way controllers for golden era shite)

check your local craigslist
you too can be a craigslist master & build a 1\4 scale mini cabinet for under 100$ in parts

>> No.10438392

Those shelves are ugly and cheap looking.

>> No.10438405

im not a fan of the metal laboratory look
although i did have those type of shelves years ago
you can use shelf-liner or peel&stick wallpaper to dress them up a bit on the cheap

>> No.10438415

Is PAL 50Hz flickering noticeable on native PAL sets? I'm brazilian so almost every TV here has NTSC/PAL-M support and I always hated PAL even though the image was a bit better since the flickering is really noticeable, so I wonder if it's caused by the conversion or something like that.

>> No.10438461

Different anon here, but I think those modern metal shelves clash with the "retro" look of the game consoles. Back in the day, most people had wood shelves or some sort of entertainment center. So these modern metal shelves don't work.

>> No.10438472

The chairs suck too.

>> No.10438663

crt monitors just dont get that bright homes shoulda thought about that beforehand.
Turn down the brightness on the LCD to match the crt.
As for the colors yeah its completely fucked your gonna have to calibrate the colors from the service menu

>> No.10438730

lower the brightness. having the brightness set too high will make the picture look washed out. brightness is for setting black level, contrast for white.

>> No.10438768

noob question: do CRTs wear out?

>> No.10438789

CRTs always dim with use/age. If you acquire a CRT that was used daily to watch shows for 10 years, its probably gonna look much dimmer than a set that was barely used. Unlike an LED screen the tube can also have permantent image burn-in if exposed to the same image for extended time periods without refresh

Of course the capacitors and other components are also an issue as with any electronics

>> No.10438895

>do CRTs wear out?

The CRTs get dimmer with age and heavy use. The screen can get burn in.

The electronics making the image can wear out and break.

And even if you fix the electronics, the tube can just make a poor image. The gasses inside the glass tube of the screen with lose their effectiveness.

>> No.10439073

my dad has a 2000s TV he's used daily since he got it and while the picture isn't blindingly bright, it's still quite usable even through a layer of dust

>> No.10439150

Our living room family TV when I was a kid was super dark crushed so you couldn't see shit in dark TV shows or cave levels in video games but I can't say whether that was the TV or what the fuck dad was doing with settings for sure. Otherwise I basically only see major dimming on PC CRTs that were on 8-16h/day 5-6 days/week for years on end usually with the brightness cranked for whatever reason. I've got two from our family's old PCs and the one from the shared family one is pretty bad.

>> No.10439230
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>my dad has a 2000s TV he's used daily since he got it and while the picture isn't blindingly bright, it's still quite usable even through a layer of dust

While age is always s factor, usage is much more important.

Look at Arcade Cabinet CRT monitors from the 80s and 90s. Those monitors were left on almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Walk into an arcade and the screens were left on trying to attract customers. Under such massive heavy usage the CRT screens eventually broke down often, and needed to be fixed or replaced.

One of the biggest reasons we don't see arcade cabinets from the 80s and 90s anymore is because their CRT monitors failed. And it became too difficult to repair or find spare parts. So most arcades retired the machines. If the CRT monitors lasted like LCDs monitors, then we would probably see more 80s and 90s arcade cabinets still around.

>> No.10439239
File: 3.56 MB, 4032x1816, 20231122_152714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed with a Sony 20inch CRT that it had a VM setting on high, so I turned it off and Sonic's sprites when back to looking more round as it should. This is what Sonic looked like with the setting on.

>> No.10439242
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And this is with that VM setting off.

>> No.10439276

I have the KV-20FS12 composite only version of that TV. It seems like it makes a louder than normal "startup noise" compared to my other CRTs. I don't know if that's just Sony tvs or what since it is my first Sony CRT and I usually use my I'Art 27" for playing games on due to S-video.

>> No.10439319
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I got incredibly lucky a few days ago and stumbled across this guy on the curb on trash day. Still seems to work well. Hopefully it doesn't die too soon

>> No.10439368
File: 268 KB, 1024x1024, _56b61f94-3fff-4658-9101-dbf6d5ce27e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs
- CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
- CRTs always have easily-visible flicker
- CRTs always cause eyestrain
- CRTs always make a high-pitched squealing noise
- CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
- CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year
- Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
- Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
- Afterimages caused by phosphor decay are extremely annoying and are a significant downside of CRTs
- Sending an improper mode (resolution or refresh rate) to a CRT can cause permanent damage
- CRTs cannot have touchscreens
- 4:3 is so bad that nobody should use a non-widescreen CRT
- The Sony GDM-FW900 is the only CRT worth owning
- Curved CRTs have objectively inferior picture quality versus flat CRTs with otherwise equal specifications
- CRTs should not be used because they are heavier and deeper than LCDs
- You like kissing boys, don't you?
- CRTs have severe reflections because they do not have matte coats
- CRTs can be permanently damaged by nearby magnets
- Analog signals limit a CRT's resolutions and refresh rates and negatively effect picture quality
- Heavy metals are used in CRT glass to reduce radiation



>> No.10439576


26k hours on mine and looks as good as a new one.
To wear out a later crt you pretty much have to leave it on all day for like a decade

>> No.10439654
File: 1.42 MB, 1074x820, testin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- CRTs are no longer produced because they have inferior picture quality versus LCDs
>factually incorrect, or scanline generation software wouldn't exist
- CRTs emit dangerous levels of X-rays or other forms of radiation
- CRTs always have easily-visible flicker
>wrong, when viewed dead-on at 12o'clock it is not detectable on a properly working set (60hz)
- CRTs always cause eyestrain
>weak eyes, weak mind, weak body, weakling
- CRTs always make a high-pitched squealing noise
>wrong, a unit in need of servicing\repair will make noises however
- CRTs contain lethal amounts of electricity, even when unplugged
>it will not magically shock you, and was designed with safeguards to protect children\normies
- CRTs need calibration more than two to three times a year
>wrong, i set mine each time i start gaming with 240p test suite and it looks fine
- Overall CRT black levels are not superior to LCDs because ambient light ruins CRT black levels
>turn off the lights, turn down the lights, turn down the brightness a bit
- Analog CRTs have more processing time than digital LCDs due to poor RAMDAC performance
- Sending an improper mode (resolution or refresh rate) to a CRT can cause permanent damage
>its not "good" for it, but one fuckup isn't going to break your systems
- CRTs cannot have touchscreens
- The Sony GDM-FW900 is the only CRT worth owning
>shill detected, plenty of great sets for cheap are still out there if you are patient anonkun
- Curved CRTs are worse than flat
>usually wrong but i do have both here at the house
- CRTs should not be used because they are heavier and deeper than LCDs
>weakling, lift weights, get strong


>> No.10439769

Tubes can get worn out, sure, though many are still totally fine. More common are components on the chassis failing, and many of those are replaceable with standard parts which are still widely used and manufactured (capacitors, resistors, etc). Issues arise with more unique parts, namely flyback transformers, which can be harder to source, and in some cases can be of shit quality (I know there are stories of modern new flybacks which shit the bed pretty quickly).

>> No.10439797
File: 668 KB, 1080x873, Screenshot_20231122_200848_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it possible to fix cropping issues (sanyo 1990)

>> No.10439818

I just sold one of those for like $50 to a guy just getting into the hobby. Gotta spread the love.

>> No.10439828

That you use to jerk off to gay cartoons instead of putting them into actual women. Dude, don't defend such weeb faggotry The image really shouldn't exist. A real girl would immediately leave if she saw that garbage posted on your desktop and all over your walls. Anime body pillows will make her trip over herself trying to escape even faster. You aren't Japanese!!

>> No.10439837
File: 37 KB, 512x512, 3kdse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also shitting on Reddit

"Le" is fucking reddit talk. It'd be nice if "desu" and "senpai" weren't posted, but PLEASE quit it with the "le". It's actually pointless. It doesn't nuance your post or add any flavor you would want whatsoever. Really rethink this before doing any more 'le' posting. Shit.

>> No.10439840

You're embarrassing yourself. Furry porn is frowned upon. We aren't like you. We don't like that. Keep your sick incel fetishes to yourself or go over to that board with the furry shit.

>> No.10439846

You'll never get a "good" picture if there are big-eyed Jap children's cartoons everywhere. Seriously, it's like you guys are PROUD of it. At least you're not embarrassed of your dorkus hobby, and you SHOULD BE. Anime is fucking retarded and has ZERO to do with CRTs and retro video games. This whole fucking website is overflowing with incel weeb energy. Fucking losers, anyone who deals in anime fandom. Thank god none of you ever leave the house. Stay online, but leave 4chan please.

>> No.10439852

It hated the stupid anime cartoon that was displayed on its screen so it killed itself!

>> No.10439854

anon the game is "hellfire" you unhinged sperglord
it is a cult-classic
it is godtier
stop posting

>> No.10439869

yeah, you need to get into service menu
But god damn is that blurry, might need to recalibrate everything including the focus

>> No.10439989

When talking about original hardware I keep seeing people screeching about emulation. How many here have an actual CRT Emudriver setup with Retroarch? I managed to hook up my PVM 14l2 with an old Radeon 5480; It's a bitch to set up but it's absolutely worth it

>> No.10440045

i want to do this but i dont know where to start
i even have a spare wangblows 10 pc readyup and waiting
however i only have hdmi output so i would need some sort of daisychain?
hdmi>vga>rgb scart?

>> No.10440201

>discuss with people about the model and such
Did you miss that part? I've been playing F-Zero X and Mario Golf on my TV and was surprised by how precise the controls are for the former. It was my first time ever playing it, yet I felt like it was more fun than SNES F-Zero due to being able to actually turn well.

>> No.10440208

I would say Anime and CRT go together well. CRTs helped mask the minor imperfections in cell art.

>> No.10440301
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yes, that is all explained on the page i linked

idk why you'd needlessly duplicate the effort

>> No.10440310

No, he doesn't even do porn as this bunny suit is the most you're going to get out of him.

>> No.10440397

Something like this:


Perfectly normal. Some TVs just have a stronger degauss coil.

>> No.10440404
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I have 3 at this point. My main PC has a Emudriver card and I bought two cheap office PCs with Radeons and set them up to automatically start Launchbox preconfigured with everything. At different points people on ebay have sold vga to component boxes / vga to scart cables made just for this and I have a couple but I wish I had bought more idk how to make them and idk if anyone still makes sells them right now. Pic is cheapo cabinet I set up for the garage sub $200

>> No.10440540

gasses? it's a vacuum

>> No.10440731

Whats lamer? software emulation or clone systems (emulators)?

>> No.10440735

Probably posters that bitch and whine about how anons play their games

>> No.10440932

Anon, pls

>> No.10441482

>gasses? it's a vacuum
You shame all of us.

I don't expect a reply, but do more research.

You shame all of us.

>> No.10441789

Is this a joke? If you have gas in your CRT the you have a nonworking CRT. CRTs have a getter in them and their whole purpose is to absorb residual gasses left over after evacuation of the tube.

>> No.10442107

Hardware clones feel identical to original systems. Maybe not the controller, but the systems themselves are good.

>> No.10442369

>Maybe not the controller, but the systems themselves are good.
The controller is usually the easiest thing to skimp out on when it comes to quality. They use cheaper plastic, and the buttons/D-pad use inferior parts than the original. I'm saying this happens 100% of the time, but often enough.

>> No.10443687

He sold it on for a huge profit.

>> No.10444126

>Dragon Half
Beyond based.
Is a CRT worth it? I have a fairly old Sony flatscreen as my only TV/monitor (2009 I believe? A Bravia if that helps) and I've been alright; with the proper adapters my GameCube and Dreamcast look pretty good on it and even my Nintendo 64 plugged in with a SCART-to-composite adapter looks serviceable. I won't lie it would be nice to have a separate comfy setup for retro consoles under a CRT but between the price and space concerns I'm not sure if I should bother.

>> No.10444171

Due to my idiocy, I ended up getting a Wega because I thought, "Oh cool, flat-screen CRT with component input." Except I didn't know that early Wegas weren't compatible with progressive scan.

Out of curiosity, are PVMs progressive compatible?

>> No.10444181

Mate, standard CRT’s aren’t compatible with 480p
You need either a HDCRT, EDCRT or a multi format PVM which is the only non laggy one
There’s also PC monitors

>> No.10444468
File: 477 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>puts hand around focus adjustment pot area that has thousands of volts that can easily arc
>gets shocked
>"teehee, I got zapped XD"

>> No.10444696

some crt tvs can output 480p and 1080i without lag, usually the ones that can't display a 720p signal. there are also presentation monitors which can display SD and 640x480 (sometimes even 800x600) over VGA

>> No.10444710
File: 159 KB, 556x640, B25065BF-16C9-483C-9EAF-2941A610D686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit meant to post this here:
A nice 32” trinitron (KV-32fs120) is sitting behind a goodwill and it’s starting to snow. They can’t sell CRTs anymore right? Should I go in the dock and offer $10 for it?

>> No.10444789

If it's sitting outside, then just take it.

It's trash.

>> No.10444870

If you want to be polite, then go inside and ask about it. See if it's garbage or not. Though you might run the risk of them charging you.

If you don't care, then just take it since it's outside and not stored inside.

I've have mixed experiences with Goodwill. They overcharged on so many items.

>> No.10444896

>then just take it.
absolutely don't do this if you are in america

>> No.10444932

>sitting behind goodwill
They are going to scrap it, if you dont take it now.
stfu retard its sitting behind goodwill not in someones yard

>> No.10444995

I hate americans so much
>boohoo crts are soooo expensive
>take a crt thats sitting in the trash? no way that would be stealing from the trash companies who get 1 cent for the copper

>> No.10445037

does this theme even exists?

>> No.10445232

in america, people will call the police on you for much much less. It's a massive problem here, they'll literally use deadly force to defend garbage and other inanimate objects

>> No.10445437

yeah america is the worst.
all retarded trends come from there aswell.
everything from hussle culture to scalping is american invention.
worthless people.

>> No.10445773

HDCRT's can be less lag when fed a 540p custom signal sure
But no /vr/ consoles do that

>> No.10445782
File: 651 KB, 2123x1816, 20231124_152527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Panasonic was brought in today at my work. It has component and s-video on a curved tube, so I'm thinking that is a bit rare I imagine. I'm just being to turn it on to test how it looks in standby.

>> No.10445786
File: 1.89 MB, 4016x1409, 20231124_180829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems pretty dusty, so I'm hoping it works well.

>> No.10445787

Not really?
Is component a rarity in America?

>> No.10445801


>> No.10445802

It's definitely not the norm.

-Lower end TVs only had coaxial.
-Mid range CRTs had coaxial and Composite (red, yellow, and white)

-Only High end CRTs had S-Video and other connections. It was not standard.

>> No.10445810

As a certified trash picker in a city, i have never ran into issues. Infact, ive had people encourage me to take it off their property when im eyeing something or help me load it onto a cart. Worst case scenario, you knock on the front door and ask if u can haul it away if its too deep into potential enemy territory.

>> No.10445813

There's a pretty narrow time window between component being popularized and most more featured TVs being memed into flat screen that makes them relatively uncommon, although not necessarily super special rare.

>> No.10445816

What do you think? Might be spiders or too dirty?

>> No.10445821

Have you never heard of a dust cloth? Just wipe it down.

>> No.10445830

I'm going to, I was just thinking why >>10445801 went "hmmmm". Like "hmmmm that looks like it could be very dirty and have issues". I also noticed some "shapes" on the right side of >>10445786 in the dust. But I don't see any signs of water damage on the connectors or screws.

>> No.10445905

I doubt anything is living inside. But if there are, then they would die when you power it on and run electricity through the TV.

>> No.10445930

You know that's not how electronics work right

>> No.10446017

Tons of voltage and electricity run through a CRT when in use. If you want to do repairs, there's a reason you need to discharge even unplugged CRTs. You could potentially get electrocuted and die.

>> No.10446027

You do know it's not a Faraday cage right?

>> No.10446072


>> No.10446084

What, you think that the PCB electrocutes everything that touches it when it's live?

>> No.10446091

damn you are stupid stfu

>> No.10446095

>You know that's not how electronics work right
Are you a noob? You are asking some really dumb questions. Everyone knows crts can zap you. Bigger crts hold a bigger charge and will hurt a lot more

>> No.10446109

>What, you think that the PCB electrocutes everything that touches it when it's live?
Depends on the voltage traces on the PCB. Don't be an idiot.

>> No.10446120

So you think an insect fries as soon as you turn the CRT on?

>> No.10446148

If they touch a section with voltage running through it, then yes.

>> No.10446152

and some tvs output native 480p without lag

>> No.10446258

I need like an ideal price for a crt monitor, no way am I paying $150 for some off brand ive never heard of

>> No.10446262

Yeah, Multiformat ones, like I said

>> No.10446342

So I turned on the tv finally and I see that magnet purple haze on the top left. Also the menu screen on tv/audio output black screen is very jittery as well. I'm just not sure if it is good to take.

>> No.10446454

anyone has that img ?

>> No.10446481

It is so strange to me as someone who grew up with CRTs that nowadays CRTs are considered antiques and ancient technology.

We had CRT screens for 60 years. But why is it in my lifetime they are thrown out?

What is with this timeline?

>> No.10446532

Women actively hate them

>> No.10446549

Just get one of these worthless trinitron monitors they are giving away by the palette.

>> No.10446774

>crts everywhere!
That hasn't been a thing for around 10 years. I live in a major city and haven't seen a CRT for a very long time. Not even in Goodwill or thrift stores.

>> No.10446786

You need to find more old people

>> No.10446804

Only if said insect also has a path to ground.

Degaussing will probably fix the purity problem. Don't worry about the menu.

>> No.10446905

I'm in Europe and desperately trying to find a CRT which supports 50 / 60 hz as well as PAL, NTSC and NTSC-J, which is extremely important to me due to the RF compatibility, but I have absolutely no idea on how to go about this efficiently.
The way I have been doing it so far is to just scout for any random CRTs that would fit lookswise, then check out what standards are listed in their manuals. This obviously takes ages and sometimes even longer if I have to use translators to find manuals that I couldn't find in English.

Anyone know of any lists that state the compatible TV standards next to the models? I did have a really old one from the early 00s, but I lost it together with my old drive and haven't been able to find it again since. It didn't feature a lot of entries anyway, though.

>> No.10446921

I think most of ours in the 90s from known brands are good

>> No.10446937

So far I've only found like 4 sets that supported 50/60, PAL and both NTSC formats, and I've probably been checking about 50+ sets. It's very frustrating.
I do have seen some more with PAL60 and while I don't know this, I highly doubt it's compatible with NTSC RF.

>> No.10446943

Dunno man but mine does PAL60 and also NTSC
Why do you want RF over composite though?

>> No.10446962

Interesting, thank you for telling me!
I have some RF-only consoles like the Famicom and I'm autistic about using launch models with original connections, which means modding and revisions with different outputs are a no-no. Or more accurately: Creating problems for myself on purpose.

>> No.10447020

Ah, fair enough
I use an AV fami
My set is RGB capable though
I would assume any set with S-Video could most likely do NTSC

>> No.10447035

Yeah, you are creating problems for yourself. You won't find a TV that supports NTSC over RF in Europe. A lot will display 60Hz over RGB and even NTSC composite, but tuners were for PAL only.
Here's an excerpt of my Trinitron's manual. As you can see, it supports every analog SD video standard known to man, but can only do PAL TV broadcast systems when it comes to RF. Moreover, support differs between regional models. If releasing a TV to different regions already constituted making separate model variants because of varying standards, channel bandwidths, etc., there's no chance a company would take the additional cost to include an NTSC tuner that no one would use.

>> No.10447037
File: 71 KB, 815x620, tvsystems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.10447096

There was this neckbeard neighbor who used to live next to my apartment who hoarded a ton of CRT PC monitors, I only knew because one day him and his family just up and left out of the blue and left the majority of their stuff behind. I peeked through one of the windows and there were a ton of these things just lying there, I wanted to go in and rummage through the apartment to see what I could find but these people were fucking filthy, they would leave their trash out and they ended up infesting the entire apartment complex with roaches and mice. And this dude was your stereotypical qussential neckbeard, like dungeons and dragons, works at game stop and has his other geek friends come over and play DnD all night on the patio neckbeard, who also surprisingly had a girlfriend and a kid, I felt sorry for the kid since he was always walking around outside with nothing but a diaper on despite being like 5 years old. Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.10447301

read it as "neckbOard neighbor"

>> No.10447486

I like the guy but the clickbait shit is so retarded of him to be pulling
also 100% his fault and a rookie mistake for a crt enthusiast of his caliber

>> No.10447531

rf sucks balls choose anything else

>> No.10447845
File: 31 KB, 640x400, 1615008501230.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not OP, i found it in an /h/ archive. dunno who drew it or when. seems to be pretty old

>> No.10447960

let me guess, american?

>> No.10448330

Any euro can answer?

>> No.10448351

It depends what you mean by flickering, normally flickering means interlaced video output, and that's not a problem on PAL CRTs as long as they aren't some low end shit models that don't support 240p (however this would be an equal problem for NTSC CRTs too).

Or do you mean the effect that happens when graphics flash every other frame to simulate an explosion or a transparency? That one is a problem on PAL due to the lower frequency, but you'd need a game that constantly abuses it for it to be a problem (Vectorman for example).

>> No.10448370

Flickering as in using 60Hz on a PC CRT, instead of 75Hz+. It just feels bad to look at.

>> No.10448418
File: 632 KB, 2880x2880, 20231125_164231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything in particular I should look for when comparing TVs? I recently acquired this Sony and this Insignia and am wondering which to keep.

On one hand I hear these Sony Trinitons are pretty good, on the other hand, I've never really heard of Insignia but this TV does have S video and component.
Does this just come down to preference?

>> No.10448425
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>> No.10448426
File: 1.67 MB, 2880x2880, 20231125_164707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sony on the left

>> No.10448472

I don't notice it any different to 60hz,but my mum noticed it so bought a 100hz tv back when crt's were common place to smooth it out, I think it depends more on if you find interlaced content annoying to begin with or not, I don't.

>> No.10448479

Unless you are watching from a bunk bed, I don't know how you can see it.

>> No.10448480

>Does this just come down to preference?
Yeah pretty much preference also whichever one is less worn, people like to say x is better than y or say like a sony, mitsubishi or other nicer brand is dogshit compared to their cheapo store brand telly when the last one they saw was one that had been on everyday for 20 years while the cheapo one was low hour so obviously better

>> No.10448496

POV: youre watching the corner ceiling mounted tv at a roller rink pizza party while drinking hi-C out of a tiny paper cup

>> No.10448660

Best filter when emulating

>> No.10448726

The only option is finding a multiformat VCR, you connect RF to it, and then composite out to your TV. Check the manual for the NTSC tuner, some VCRs had NTSC playback for tapes, but PAL only tuner. A good indicator for a proper multiformat may be 110-230V power supplies

>> No.10448832
File: 49 KB, 447x446, 1198937844229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100hz tv
That's a thing? I was thinking I was just crazy after reading the other replies, but if they made these then I guess it really was noticeable.

>> No.10448879

yeah i have a few.
apart from playing games for VHS and DVD they are pretty nice.
No flicker at all.

>> No.10449451

Take it and then fix it retard. Purple haze can be easily fixed by moving the purity ring at the front of the yoke or putting a magnet there. Jittery screen is normal. I'd kill to be you, that Panasonic looks cool as hell.

>> No.10449493

is using a demodulator or japanese VCR out of the question? because that's essentially what a tv tuner would be doing internally. then you'd set the white balance to 9300K and the brightness level

>> No.10449554

How to reduce flickering? This article makes it sound like it's unavoidable. It bothers me more than I thought it would. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flicker_(screen)

>> No.10449572
File: 43 KB, 506x506, 00d0d_cmVT8X1d7L4_0lM0CI_1200x900~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$50 stand included

Thoughts? Model is KV-27FV310.

>> No.10449574

this is like the best crt possible

>> No.10449647

Thank you very much for your input, I will have to admit I most likely suffered from severe tunnel vision then and only focused on the color system whenever I looked up a set.

Thank you guys so much, not only is that a great option, but actually sounds like the perfect solution to my case. I do have a few more questions just in case:
- I do own a 50 hz-only PAL CRT I'm currently trapped with; does the lack of 60 hz matter if I'm routing japanese consoles through a multiformat VCR anyway?
- Aside from the hz, I assume it would still be ideal for the PAL CRT to at least feature multiple color systems so to be able to naturally connect consoles via composite, saving the VCR method only for RF-out consoles? I'm saying "ideally" since apparently I could also just route a simple converter inbetween.
- Would you mind roughly explaining to me what's up with setting the white balance to 9300K?
My apologies for the constant questions, I'm trying to get a basic understanding down.

>> No.10449672

I'm taking my Wii too work to test everything out too. Then might take it that night or tomorrow when I can have a second person in the car.

>> No.10449710

I still can't believe euros watched/played on 50Hz TVs. I just tried for an hour and it's simply awful, my eyes actually hurt.

>> No.10449716

Don't worry zoomers that grew up with only LCDs think 60Hz strobing and interlacing are some sort of demonic magic.

>> No.10449720

That's bullshit
I bet you did that on a PC monitor
PAL is objectively better for watching shit, higher res and 24fps

>> No.10449724


My TV supports PAL so I just tried an european game on my PS2. It's awful. Resolution might be better but it's not worth it.

>> No.10449729

I was talking about watching, not gaming

>> No.10449736

If my eyes hurt after an hour of gaming, I can't imagine how watching anything would be a better experience. You can legit see the screen flashing at 50Hz.

>> No.10449746

I can safely say your eyes are hurting because your TV is shit

>> No.10449761

>You can legit see the screen flashing at 50Hz.
You can't.
That's not how a CRT works. It doesn't just instantly switch to a new frame.

>> No.10449763

You can if the phosphor persistence is too short for the refresh rate.

>> No.10449793

>- I do own a 50 hz-only PAL CRT I'm currently trapped with; does the lack of 60 hz matter if I'm routing japanese consoles through a multiformat VCR anyway?
The VCR will still output a 60Hz signal (unless it's doing some fucky conversion to PAL/50Hz on the way, but that's pretty rare and would most likely result in dropped frames), your TV just won't sync to it. Expect rolling picture and no color.
What model is your TV? Are you sure it really doesn't support 60Hz?
>- Would you mind roughly explaining to me what's up with setting the white balance to 9300K?
There were different white balance standards for mastering video content back then, indicated by the color temperature. 6500K (D65) in the west, 9300K in Japan. When HD came around, the standard for colors became Rec.709, which assumes white at D65 universally.
Honestly, I have my everything set as close as possible to 6500K and even when watching or playing JP SD content it feels right, though in theory it should look too yellow, because the colors were supposed to be mastered to 9300K.
I don't know if your TV has a control like that in the menu (usually named color temperature, white balance, with settings like cold/warm instead of the numbers). PC monitors usually let you set that from the OSD, TVs not necessarily. You might need to calibrate the colors in the service menu to change the temp. Don't touch it if you don't know what you are doing. Or at least read the service manual and write down all the current settings before messing with them, you won't be able to restore them otherwise.
My TV has a "sports" mode that cranks the temperature up high af, which might be close to 9300K, but looks terrible in every aspect and doesn't let you adjust anything in the user menu, so I don't use it. It's got its separate RGB drive/cutoff settings in the service menu though.

>> No.10449815

What would be better for ps1 games on a crt, the original console with burned discs, or a PS Mini/Classic with homebrew? Would the latter be any different than an emulator on a PC?

>> No.10449847

On a CRT?
the original console, you want it to run at 240p

>> No.10449850

Original console hooked up with an RGB cable.

>> No.10449859
File: 2.40 MB, 1882x972, medi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot for the explanation, very much appreciated!
I sadly can't confirm nor deconfirm the options my TV offers as I've yet to set it up in my new apartment (stuff is still all over the place while I'm waiting for new furniture to arrive), but I'm taking notes and your explanation sounds easy enough to follow on my own once I can get to testing. It's a funny situation in general since I also just somewhat recently decided to swap from PAL to NTSC, hence my extreme lack of experience because things used to "just work", so now I'm trying to catch up while waiting for everything here to get done.
My TV is a Medion MD 7061 VTS, I sadly didn't find a manual for this exact model so I can only go by what it says on the back.

>> No.10449865

I'm guessing the Mini doesn't output to 240p. I'll invest in some discs then, thanks.

>> No.10449908

I know Component and S-Video have better image quality than composite, but what if I'm converting an HDMI signal? Will it also look better? HDMI to Component/S-Video converters are a lot more expensive than HDMI to Composite converters.

>> No.10449925

What it says on the back is irrelevant, it's only the power rating. Doesn't mean anything apart from what mains voltage and frequency you should plug it into. You won't get any info on the supported formats this way.
Check the manual if you can, it will surely have them listed. Or just plug in anything that outputs NTSC via composite or 60Hz RGB via SCART and see what happens.
I think I found something. A document that points to a Toshiba TV using the same chassis as your Medion (I think). Well, it's more of an application note for the chassis rather than a service manual, but it says this:
>The chroma decoder is able to demodulate PAL, NTSC and SECAM signals.
So NTSC and 60Hz RGB should work fine.

>> No.10450170


>> No.10450232

Really? that's impressive considering how long you've been on HRT.

>> No.10450292

You need to check the particular TV's manual. My 90s Trinitron is only 50hz 230V, but that's just the power, it has no connection to refresh rate. It can display 60hz NTSC stuff no problem over composite and RGB

>> No.10450568

Are you fucking with me? Seems pretty average.

>> No.10450632
File: 1.16 MB, 1297x1406, 1594421593157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10450682

Fuck me I have been using a 27" JVC D-Series for years and never cared much about Trinitron. Just thought I'd check near me while I'm on vacation. Have the space in the car to bring it back too. Hopefully he contacts in the next 24 hours.

>> No.10451035

This is awesome

>> No.10451118

They literally produced 100Hz tubes to solve your 50Hz problem with frame doubling. You just got used to the shitness.

>> No.10451328

what did cheng mean by this

>> No.10451343

fun allowed

>> No.10451367

tubes don't have a set frequency

>> No.10451379

if your JVC was decently calibrated you are gonna be dissapointed.
"PVM tier" and "Pro soomer" means nothing its gonna be maybe a little bit better

>> No.10451383


>> No.10451401

Technically in a sense they do. Short phosphors will flicker more with lower frequencies, long phosphors less, short phosphors trail less at higher frequencies, long phosphors trail more, etc, etc. There's a frequency range that's best suited for the phosphors used in a tube.

>> No.10451406

What does any of that have to do with the actual tubes?

>> No.10451437

autistic retard

>> No.10451509

but enough about you

>> No.10452110
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It doesn't matter, someone beat me to it, oh well, I'll just move along. I'm perfectly happy with my TV, just wanted to see what else is out there

>> No.10452117
File: 27 KB, 373x521, BdKwLLv6rlYB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that geometry tho

>> No.10452162

>Why yes, I do like to pretend I'm standing in a videostore aisle circa 2001 looking up at a demo set while I watch my favorite movies, why do you ask?

>> No.10452183

Tried my wii with component and it was black and white. Tried composite and it worked correctly. Anything on the Wii side that I shoukd try and change? The component cables worked on my LCD before I came to work and the settings are 4:3 and interlaced on the Wii.

>> No.10452263

I thank god every day I don’t have aspect ratio/geometry autism
Sounds like suffering

>> No.10452267
File: 88 KB, 1394x536, wii av pinout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be the cable or dirty pins. Pins 8 and 10 need to be shorted to enable component output.

>> No.10452282

I'm having the same issue with my Insignia. The Wii component works on my flat screen but when I try the CRT it's a fuzzy mess

>> No.10452283

I'll try using some compressed air and hope that works. I'm honestly just glad that the composite works at least.

>> No.10452285

>idk if anyone still makes sells them right now
I bought a VGA2SCART Sync Converter from RetroUpgrades a few months ago

>> No.10452286

Do you have your Wii settings to 4:3 and interlaced for component? My Panasonic TV does 480i so I have it set to interlaced for that.

>> No.10452294

You should check if it has a NTSC setting you need to change

>> No.10452343

Oh shit that fixed it, thanks man

>> No.10452449
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>> No.10452487
File: 2.82 MB, 4032x1816, 20231126_202348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the problem! I had to mess with the red input a bit for it to register.

>> No.10452523

Do non-HD CRT sets even support 480p? Never found one that did

>> No.10452537

Eurofag here, we had loewe and metz who often had component and vga on their tvs and those shits are 480p gods.

Probably also some widescreen 100hz shitters who can do 480p as well as well as FRAUD sets brought over from America with hd compatibility removed if you're the kind of psychopath nigger to watch shit in 576p

>> No.10452627

I've successfully got the tv home using some bubble wrap. It took some tilting in my car to position it well enough to sit. Now I have it in the back of my car waiting for someone to help me bring it inside. It's like 50 degrees out, but I'm hoping it will be okay for a few hours.

>> No.10452642
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1433245629113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a 32" Sony yesterday and it managed to tear my car's seat

>> No.10452649

I've been trying to find the art in OPs picture like crazy this last week and just can't seem to find it.

>> No.10452652
File: 4 KB, 355x425, win31logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10452662
File: 34 KB, 640x400, Venusf5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just teasing you, it wasn't that hard to find

>> No.10452663
File: 69 KB, 259x205, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most I could find was a compilation in Sad Panda that has this image but nothing on the author.

>> No.10452675

I really couldn't even find it with a lot of image searcher sites but to be fair, they have trouble when the source is a picture of an angled computer screen.
Tried googling shit like "windows 3.1 sailor moon" to no luck.
Thanks anon, but seems like the author will remain a mystery.

>> No.10452682

Couldn't find it by regular reverse image search either because it would just find Windows 3.1 logos, but looking for
windows 3.1 "nec corporation 1993" sailor
did it.
Here btw

>> No.10452687

I tried cropping the image to just reverse search with the girls and just fonud regular Sailor Moon art.
Thanks anon, gotta love old Angelfire anime sites.

>> No.10452784

>It's like 50 degrees out
that's pretty hot anon, where the fuck do you live? middle of the desert?

>> No.10452859

not really, unless they say multiformat, which has basically a 32khz flyback for that sole function I think

>> No.10452864

Did my first rgb mod today, Mitsubishi CT29GB1. I followed MarkOzlad's circuit example abd a guy who modded a CT29AX1. Removed 3 resistors to ground, couldn't understand the blanking line signal though so just hooked it up with a voltage divider off the scart port. Gotta start somewhere I suppose.

>> No.10452919

50 american degrees

>> No.10452920

>angelfire still lives

>> No.10452978

yeah, i still have an account from 2001

check this page out:

>> No.10453028

what faceberg boomer retard made this image? lmao
literally every flat SD 4:3 sony is the same exact tv, the fv310 included, and the fv300 is super fucking generic, specially the 20-24 inch ones

>> No.10453038
File: 2.32 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing a little Pokémon Colosseum to celebrate its 20th anniversary.

>> No.10453039

>59lb 20"
I mean I know my 15" aperture grille monitor is like 50% heavier than my 20" TV but still jesus

>> No.10453465

I think the extra weight is from the screen being flat. The tubes were made extra massive to compensate

>> No.10453528

yes they need more glass to be safe compared curved tubes.
monitors are much heavier then TVs in general, I have a Mitsubishi Apature grille monitors and its 80-90lbs despite only being 21 inch.
And that ones not even flat!

>> No.10453531

I thought it was because the conical nature of how the electron gun works

>> No.10453595

no there is alot more glass on the edges to both keep it from imploding and to create the illussion of flatness.
Even "Flat" Trinitrons are not 100% flat, there is more glass on the sides to make it seem that way which increases weight.

>> No.10453661

why would it implode?

>> No.10453889

A CRT is under a vacuum which means it has to withstand the crushing weight of the atmosphere. A curved surface distributes this load around the sides making it a more compressive load vs the tensile load of a weight being distributed across a flat surface. Remember that domes are stronger structures made with less materials.

>> No.10454087

Yeah this is why people shill LG Flatron monitors, they were the only company to use the Zenith patent and make flat tubes with no internal curvature.

>> No.10454091

Doesn't that mean they must adjust more digitally?

>> No.10454106
File: 191 KB, 900x900, raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking clue, I'm in a discord with one guy who's a massive LG Flatron dick sucker. Panasonic also made *almost* flat tubes for some of their really posh widescreens as well.

This 915ft is the best flatron ever made btw

>> No.10454114

I remember reading that the curved tubes mainly existed to keep a equal distance from the gun, for better focus and geometry. Later when microcontrollers got better, real time adjustment to change the beam on the fly to adjust to the flat screen got cost effective, hence why flat tubes suddenly got popular too.

At least that's what I've read, don't quote me.

>> No.10454180

I have a Trinitron flat monitor.

>> No.10454185
File: 3.44 MB, 1600x1200, 1685759773243352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But curved Trannytrons are sexier

>> No.10454189
File: 468 KB, 681x626, e4ed773b-3445-497b-8731-a3355c5e0337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the main image for comparison

>> No.10454194


Delicious Flat sCreen

>> No.10454201

I had that throw out at my work and didn't take it due to being indecisive. It then got thrown out for recycle. So imagine how I felt when >>10445782 >>10445786
came in.

>> No.10454301

Are the LG Flatron TVs true flat as well? I know they exist in Europe at least

>> No.10454962

offcourse not.
TVs were always bargain bin refuse, the most worshipped crt TVs are the ones that have a few features that spilled over from monitors, see:>>10450632 .
Not saying crt TVs are bad, I love em but expecting any sort of high end tech in em is with a few notable exceptions a fools errand

>> No.10454968

Even the super expensive ones?

>> No.10454983


>> No.10455001

The exception to this are large scale presentation monitors and as the name implies they are more monitor then TV.
Think about it, TVs only ever need to display 480i at max.
And they got pretty good at that during the 80s.
More would just be a waste since they will always display a low resolution signal.
Meanwhile monitors were pushing past 1440p in the late 90s and thus to reach higher resolutions and a more stable picture got a lot of research.

>> No.10455124

I have CRT TVs that do 480p. Even 1080i over component and HDMI.

>> No.10455160

yeah from the 2000s where that tech was nothing special either.
I mean 1080i thats 80s tech

>> No.10455193

A lot of people don't realize that we could film and videotape things in 4K back in the 80s/90s. Camera tech was far more advanced than display tech. Outside of a very few enterprise grade models, we just didn't have monitors that could display such high resolution yet. We had to wait for display technology to catch up in the 2000s.

>> No.10455219

What do years have to do with any of this?

>> No.10455228

An HDTV would have ran you more then 10 grand in the 80s but in the 2000s the tech was, while still expensive, extremely cheap in comparison.

>> No.10455232

Yet pennies now anyways.

>> No.10455283

exactly and that is why TVs got monitor features decades later or never.
At first features like decent voltage regulation were reserved for monitors who actually really need it, and it came to TVs later.
Many features like dynamic convergance never made it to TVs since crt production got shut down before they could become ubiquitous

>> No.10455519

I mentioned this is another thread, but a few years ago I called a CRT repair shop that advertised arcade monitor repairs.. When I asked if they repaired Neotec CRT arcade monitors...the guy on the phone immediately laughed after I mentioned Neotec, said nope, and hung up the phone. Is this typical for Neotec? Is their CRT reputation that bad? What am I missing?

I had an arcade monitor with a Neotec cabinet. It wasn't original. To the cabinet but I wanted to fix it.

>> No.10455532

I don’t think they’re good no
But that’s just typical electronic repairman arrogance

>> No.10455565
File: 653 KB, 1942x1218, biggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a waifu2x upscale
quick and dirty, just how i like it

>> No.10455570

prob not the brand
but he heard a can of worms being opened when you asked "can you fix\diagnose\repair\upkeep my ancient arcade cab lol"

>> No.10455581
File: 208 KB, 2560x1600, 1677396329733611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might look better using integer scaling

>> No.10455586

thnx bb

>> No.10455729

>waifu2x on pixel art
come on

>> No.10455818
File: 135 KB, 900x693, 18823B2F-10F1-4239-AAE7-B9E92072C35D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hrt trannytron

>> No.10455853

>CrT=hRt TrAnNyTrOn
Explain, Dr. fucko.

>> No.10455854

The arcade cab itself was fine. The monitor just stopped working. One day it wouldn't display properly. I tested the board on my supergun and it worked fine. So it was definitely the monitor.

The phone conversation seemed professional at first and then he asked what brand monitor? I barely even finished saying the word "Neotec" when he started laughing, then said nope, and hung up the phone.

>> No.10455942

I'd be willing to bet they have a common failure that requires the replacement of an unobtainium part.

>> No.10455949

I think that goes for most flyback related issues

>> No.10455953

of all flybacks, arcade monitor seems like it would be the most readily available type

>> No.10456876

Electric appliances repairmen have always been smug and arrogant. And this one is probably an old boomer, who learned he can charge RETRO GAMERS ridiculous amounts of money

>> No.10456937
File: 437 KB, 609x748, FreeTV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking to set up an area to play some old games in my basement. This TV is free in my hood...can someone identify it and let me know if it's worth lugging it home? I don't know if it can detach from that stand, but either way I'd imagine it's a pain in the ass to move.

>> No.10456954
File: 40 KB, 750x457, x15827FS120-f_MT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this one
Sony KV-27FS120
27" FD Trinitron® Wega® TV

>> No.10456956

Yeah, looks like a Sony WEGA
It’s most likely pretty heavy

>> No.10456965

Thanks boys. Looks like ~100lbs and of course awkward as fuck to move, but doable. Decent tv for old games?

>> No.10456978
File: 3.12 MB, 3265x3024, 20230720_211437(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah component should be pretty nice on it. Since it's a Trinotron there should be a ton of information out there on it. A lot more than the Toshiba I use.

>> No.10457016

Now that I think of it... Why do PVMs even exist? I get the broadcast monitors, but why did they use low res 15KHz sets for medical imaging etc? Why not a VGA high res PC monitor?

>> No.10457036

>for medical imaging
didn't they use them as oscilloscopes?
I'd assume they used them more for the non VGA connections

>> No.10457084

keep the stand bro

>> No.10458568

PVMs were almost never used for medical imaging or other high resolution applications.
For that purpose hospitals had high resolution monochrome monitors usually.
PVMs mostly existed for mastering content in studios or as security camera monitors.
In hospitals, there is the need for patient monitoring, connecting medical equipment like cameras, just having a display for machines to output to etc.
TLDR it was simply the standard for low resolution applications, they had better stuff for things like xrays and mammographie and the like
I highly doubt PVMs were ever really used for medical imagining, they printed these things out to get a proper look at them, they did not look at a tiny low res TV

>> No.10458585
File: 1.62 MB, 1960x1123, plbvschad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont scalp/hoard CRTs, do you, /vr/?

>> No.10458587

Is it better to use a hacked Wii on a CRT television or emulate on a CRT monitor?

>> No.10458593

Only for personal use, got a dozen in storage, just so I can sleep well knowing I have enough to last till I die.

>> No.10458595


Here's some advice. Kill yourself

>> No.10458598

Emulate on a CRT TV.

>> No.10458603


>> No.10458608

adjust timings

>> No.10458609

Does 9 count as hoarding?

>> No.10458612
File: 2.71 MB, 1500x1533, 1679574263964004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nooo weeeb shit, the horror!

>> No.10458629

Depends on the screens in question, priorities, personal taste, and what you're emulating. Ideally you have to just try both and see what you like, if you're between acquiring one or the other the monitor is a lot more flexible anyways but does create a lot more complications

>> No.10458645
File: 1.26 MB, 2576x1932, sned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoarding for the sake of hoarding/ having fun is good but hoarding for profit is bad
This "hussle" or whatever faggots are calling being obsessed with money nowadays is so sad to see to me.
Why does everything have to be about money?
fuck money!
And fuck the kikes and american cattle trying to make everything about money!

>> No.10458681
File: 1.82 MB, 4032x1816, 20221105_153822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 8 tv crts that range from 9" to 27" that I got from a combination of local sales and getting free from work. I also have 5 crt computer monitors from said work. The 27" I'Art and the Panasonic >>10445782 are my big prizes imo, as the others just have composite. I had this one cross my path, but it was too big for me to take.

>> No.10458685

>but does create more complications
What do you mean?

>> No.10458691

*opens trench coat
psst buddy. Wanna buy a CRT?

>> No.10458703

if you want to play 240p games at their original resolution, you have to run either at 120hz with bfi or 480p with scanline filter

>> No.10458706

dude picks them up from the side of the road

>> No.10458748

then why did people get a bunch from hospital storage?

>> No.10458753

>PVMs for CCTV

>> No.10458760

didnt you read what I said?
They used them for patient monitoring, medical device output, CCTV, everything basically.
For things like mammographie they had 4K monochrome crts and other neat equipment.
Its more cummon then youd think

>> No.10458772

>Its more cummon then youd think
They used CCTV monitors, which *technically* are Professional Video Monitors but not the kind most people think about with the term PVM

>> No.10458778

You mean 240p downscaled through a potato?

>> No.10458790

analog CCTV was usually 480i

>> No.10458791

fucking based

>> No.10458808

Well for one thing PCs usually operate at 1:1 PAR and pre-HD consoles don't so your x/y adjustments are always going to be wrong for either desktop or emulation assuming you're using a vertical integer. To make that less abstract, at the generic 4:3 resolution of 640x480 my TV shows ~448 lines and my monitor shows 480.

I actually use 3840x960 to give a little more flexibility. Another thing is to be able to run games of different horizontal resolutions (commonly 256 and 320 for consoles, 384 for Capcom arcades, and sometimes to be really annoying 512) without ugly or blurry scaling you need to set a very high horizontal resolution and then once again your desktop aspect ratio will be fucked.

Also if having additional consoles to use on a TV is a possibility some PS1 and Saturn games do a lot of resolution switching and while inherently this isn't as big of an issue as it is for console on LCD setups that may black out during resolution switches it does make fixed PC resolutions less ideal for accuracy and mean you need smart scanlines and not a basic overlay to not mangle 480i menus and such. It's just a lot more to worry about while Wii just werks once you have everything installed. Obviously a lot better/more cost effective controller support on PC too if you'd prefer not to use a Nintendo controller for everything, that extra bit of emulation accuracy and performance, and more consoles supported given Wii is not the way to go for anything past 16 bit. Otherwise PC monitors are a credible alternative to like, an RGB PVM in terms of visuals but quite different from composite on a consumer TV.

>> No.10458821

It depends.
sometimes they were BW cctv monitors sure, other times they were just color PVMs.
hospitals budget is immense.
I mean if hospitals cared about budget they wouldnt have been using PVMs in the first place.

>> No.10458841

yeah it's called super resolution

>> No.10458853

>it does make fixed PC resolutions less ideal
RetroArch automatically switches resolutions, all you have to do is make sure is that you have the modelines
It "just werks" once you set it up

>> No.10458868

Does that ever actually work properly on a monitor and not a TV? Actually just having to deal with Retroarch in general is one of the downsides on PC for me, I'll have it set up to launch on my 4th monitor at the right resolution and then come back two months later and it will launch on the wrong monitor or at the wrong resolution. Not an issue in a single monitor set up, maybe not even in a dual monitor one but it has pretty bad multiple monitor handling anyways.

>> No.10458897

>Does that ever actually work properly on a monitor and not a TV?
Ah I thought you were talking about TVs, no idea if there's a method to do it with 31kHz+ monitors, pretty sure it needs the exact modeline, so line doubled or double the refresh rate won't work

>come back two months later and it will launch on the wrong monitor or at the wrong resolution.
Did you shuffle around your outputs or something? Never had such problems, unless it was my own fault
Otherwise RetroArch has been set and forget for me

>> No.10459007

how new are you?

>> No.10459110

i grab as many crts as i can because i know they'll be thrown out otherwise. curb alerts and the like. i've never picked up a crt with the intention of reselling it and i like to give others a chance on free listings before i take it. i haven't given any away yet but i will at some point.

>> No.10459129

can you give an example of a hi-res monochrome monitor? all i can think of is that tall apple monitor

>> No.10459227
File: 2.89 MB, 4032x3024, 51B60856-937C-42F4-A716-F346C8A37807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current rhythm game setup

>> No.10459407
File: 20 KB, 700x471, 15476_6GF6300-2CM (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can easily resolve 4k resolution
this is peak medical crt

>> No.10459641

>pop'n music
Pretty cool, anon. Wish I could play it well, but anything >5 lanes on buttons confuses the hell out of me, while I have no problems with 7/9 on a touchscreen or even WACCA's circular design cab.

>> No.10459802

how do i do that? theres no options for it in the catalyst control center

>> No.10459921

I would, if I had the space for it

>> No.10459940

Like anything it’s practice. I still can’t figure out osu!mania 7k but I can play 30s on popn

>> No.10460017

CRU, there's guides online, Google
Be careful though, don't modify your main monitor, even though it's easy to reset or accidentally make 31kHz modes for your TV

>> No.10460278


>> No.10460408
File: 472 KB, 2048x1536, F2_S2cma8AAYrMl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone recognize these models?

>> No.10460561

Look like AIWA to me

>> No.10461286

If I want a CRT capable of progressive scan to use my GameCube and PS2's component cables on, is a multiformat PVM my only option, as I've heard?

>> No.10461345

Pretty much, there's some consumer CRT TVs that do progressive scan over component but those are rare.
If you'd use RGB, there would be more options, like multisync/scan monitors, but then you'd need to build or get a sync stripper too if the monitor doesn't accept RGsB (some do), at least for the PS2.

>> No.10461395

Kind of pointless to use progressive scan for PS2 I think
The console is known for being interlaced
He should just look for a TV that does interlaced without judder

>> No.10461428
File: 534 KB, 1164x688, Star Ocean 3 progressive scan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The console is known for being interlaced
It can do progressive though, and wouldn't that look nicer than seeing interlaced?
>Pretty much
Goddamnit. Out of curiosity, which CRT TVs can do progressive scan? I know they must have been out there because PS2 came out in 2000 and GameCube came out in 2001, so there must have been some CRTs capable of this technology back then.

>> No.10461450
File: 2.06 MB, 1903x881, 480ps2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 progressive scan is basically always lower color depth and/or resolution to save VRAM (actually so is Gamecube)

>> No.10461486

Don't know the models by heart, I'm sure you can find some by Googling.

I had a dual setup for my PS2, I split the RGB signal, one went to SCART behind a CRT TV and the other went to a CRT VGA monitor that supported RGsB. Used one for interlaced and the other for progressive, I remember there was a utility, GSM I think, that could force progressive on non-supported games too, I think later OPL got that functionality integrated.

>> No.10461608

More like AIMI

>> No.10461972
File: 531 KB, 2880x2880, 20231129_192537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either of these decent quality tubes? I know the Apex probably isn't, but it has S-video.

>> No.10462023

They look like TVs that were made towards the end of CRTs being made. One of the last CRT factories was located in Mexico before it closed in 2008.

>> No.10462212

>Finally got a Wii
>Could use composite on a big Trinitron or component on a smaller Wega
What do you guys think? Or should I alternate depending on whether I want to play actual Wii/Gamecube games or emulate older stuff? Would component affect the 240p output quality?

>> No.10462245

Even after CRTs ceased production in places like Mexico and Brazil, they continued to produced for a while longer in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mainland China, Hong Kong, and India.

>> No.10462265

Running at 240p/480i doesnt change which video signal to use; component/rgb is always the best thing to use. I'd use S-video on the trinitron if possible but if it's really composite only, I'd only run stuff that's better or only can be used with composite (NES, Genesis, PSX) and run stuff like PS2 and SNES with component on the wega. Really depends on the actual sizes though, if your "big trinitron" is 32 inches and your "small vega" is 27, I'd use the wega always.

>> No.10462335

Interesting. My Trinitron does have S-video, but I don't have the proper cable for it. The trinitron is a KV-24FV12, so 24 inches, while the Wega is around 18; not exactly the biggest nor smaller TVs out there.

>> No.10462347

If you're only playing 240p, composite is acceptable, preferable if you like blended sprites
At 480i, I think composite is completely unacceptable

>> No.10462372

>alternate depending on whether I want to play actual Wii/Gamecube games or emulate older stuff?
It's what I would probably do, but really you may as well just try stuff and see what you like, even if the TVs are a pain in the ass to move, a Wii is not.

>> No.10462442

>t. roastie

>> No.10462468

I do want more accuracy, so 240p for older stuff is a must. I'll just move it around then, I don't plan on playing actual Wii games any time soon anyway.

>> No.10462567
File: 3.65 MB, 3024x2985, 20231130_000717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you programmed to win at?

>> No.10462597

I wonder if AH3 can actually be made to output 4:3 without the borders. I'm not really sure what's up with those scanlines though, Arcana Heart has big 640x480 screen size sprites like GGX

>> No.10462601

>I'm not really sure what's up with those scanlines
It's a still image

>> No.10462606

Huh I didn't think you'd see interlacing scanlines outside of specialized photography for some reason but I guess shutter speeds are typically faster than screen refreshes.

>> No.10462610

Try it yourself

>> No.10462638

I dunno, to me, left actually looks better.

>> No.10462640

It's actually kind of mindfucking because looking at the picture if I'm zoomed out too far I obviously see nothing and if I'm zoomed in too much they start merging into the mask grid. By the way that gets so fucking chunky at the edges of a cheap flat screen. The lines are also almost completely bloomed out on whites and other bright colors in my shots.

>> No.10462652

>Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mainland China, Hong Kong, and India.
Is that so? The story I read was that the last real factory (run by a major manufacturer) was in Mexico. It might have been Panasonic or Toshiba.

Then the factory closed and China bought the CRT factory machines, and tried to do it themselves but they struggled and had severe quality issues. So they eventually gave up.

I'm curious about the quality of Indian made CRTs VS China

>> No.10462660

Well keep in mind that still shots of deinterlaced 480i look a lot worse than actual 480i unless you're super sensitive to jitter.
Of course 480p on a CRT TV won't look as jagged as on an HD monitor either.

>> No.10462675

Jitter is also dependant on your CRT
Mine has none

>> No.10462679

the ps2 looks like shit regardless of mode, signal type or display, it fucking sucks because too many good games are stuck on that pile of shit

>> No.10462683

Oh look, it's this anon again
get a better TV

>> No.10462685

i've got a perfectly good 27 inch 15khz fd trinitron and through component it still looks like shit
are you saying i should get a bvm so that ps2 games can start looking close to acceptable? even though that's not a problem with any other 6th gen console?

>> No.10462690

>it still looks like shit
Well there's something wrong with your PS2 then
My PS2 picture is identical to my XBox and my GC

>> No.10462693

you must be blind then

>> No.10462701

So, either everyone is wrong or just you are wrong
hmmmm, tough choice
I bet you have a HDCRT or some shit and it's doing some shitty 480p upscaling

>> No.10462741
File: 1.22 MB, 3456x4608, 1670574067508893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, totally

>> No.10462762
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, whpic75p8j261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you're definitely doing something wrong anon
dunno what to tell you

>> No.10462769

>shitty photo from reddit of one out of the few games on ps2 that runs at 240p
wow, you sure are proving me wrong
actual, native ps2 games look like shit at 480i on a 15khz crt and they look like shit on 480p on any display

>> No.10462780

>Uses 240p image to show his argument
>Responds with another 240p image
>Ackshually 480i is shit
Yep, it's definitely your TV

>> No.10462786

>having reading comprehension this fucking bad
don't post again

>> No.10462807

Wallow in your misery
I’ll enjoy my clean PS2 output on my 28” CRT

>> No.10462809

you don't even have a crt since you had to pull images from reddit faggot

>> No.10462831

No, I use a reddit image because it’s easy to prove you wrong but not worth the effort to do so myself

>> No.10463440

If you take a picture at 1/60 shutter speed, it will only show one field.

>> No.10463709
File: 132 KB, 1280x1280, F3jlP6pWkAA8w9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nigger 6th gen consoles have a deflicker filter because crts dont deinterlace.

We know 6th gen consoles look soft. Progressive mode should turn the filter off and make the image way sharper.

>> No.10463714

You can easily compare filter vs unfiltered with smash melee which you can turn the deflicker filter on or off.

>> No.10464720

dumbest fucking post i've ever seen in my fucking life

>> No.10464861

>because crts dont deinterlace
Why on earth would a CRT need to deinterlace?

>> No.10464882

Flicker. I use a flicker fixer for interlaced resolutions on CRT monitors too.
Monitors are usually sharper but with faster phosphors, so interlacing flickers more, TVs use slower phosphors, so interlace flicker isn't really noticeable.

>> No.10464894

thats stupid and you are stupid.
Especially on crt monitors where interlaced refresh rates get so high that flicker isnt an issue at all anymore

>> No.10464917

What are you on about? How else am I supposed to use old consoles and microcomputers that output interlaced 15kHz or 31kHz on a CRT VGA monitor?

>> No.10464943

>How else am I supposed to use old consoles and microcomputers that output interlaced 15kHz or 31kHz on a CRT VGA monitor?
Why would you do that?
Just get a 15khz TV or monitor, the experience will be better without the need for upscalers and unecessary middleman solutions.
With what you are doing, might aswell just emulate on a PC

>> No.10464969

To be able to use a better quality and sharper monitor instead of a TV?

Who was talking about upscalers? Flicker fixers / Line doublers have been a thing since the hardware people use them with was still current.

>> No.10464972

I don't think anon understands what you're even talking about

>> No.10464980

I know what a linedoubler is, still why?
15khz monitors are cheap and the intended way to use these old computers
PC crts are better for more modern systems

>> No.10464993

But you are using a monitor to be sharper, then you are softening the image which completely defeats the purpose of that
You are weird anon

>> No.10464997 [DELETED] 
File: 3.42 MB, 1632x918, odinsphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't appreciate the PS2's picture quality on a CRT, even when using component cables, then there's really no way out.
-Using even the best of scalers will invariably result in deinterlacing artifacts on Motion Adaptive
-Upscaling such low resolutions just results in a more pixelated picture
-Digital mods wont magically increase the internal rendering resolution, so it will still have a low res look

I'm not sure what kind of miracle people expect from the PS2, but low resolution sources will never have the clean appareance of a higher internal resolution picture.
If you want to enjoy the PS2, and other 6th consoles, accepting the jaggies and alias is essential.
A CRT is capable of masking and softening the harsh look of low resolution sources, specially if we're talking about 480i. Which is why complaining about the PS2's picture on a PS2 makes 0 sense.

>> No.10465010
File: 3.42 MB, 1632x918, odinsphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't appreciate the PS2's picture quality on a CRT, even when using component cables, then there's really no way out.
-Using even the best of scalers will invariably result in deinterlacing artifacts on Motion Adaptive
-Upscaling such low resolutions just results in a more pixelated picture
-Digital mods wont magically increase the internal rendering resolution, so it will still have a low res look

I'm not sure what kind of miracle people expect from the PS2, but low resolution sources will never have the clean appareance of a higher internal resolution picture.
If you want to enjoy the PS2, and other 6th consoles, accepting the jaggies and aliasing is essential.
A CRT is capable of masking and softening the harsh look of low resolution sources, specially if we're talking about 480i. Which is why complaining about the PS2's picture on a CRT makes 0 sense.

>> No.10465032

PCs weren't the only things to use modes that were more than 15khz and VGA is from the late 80's anyways

>> No.10465035

If I used a 15kHz only monitor, I wouldn't be able to use 31kHz+ modes. The indented way for some of those systems were literally Multisync monitors.
I could use a old Multisync capable monitor, but why would I if I could use something better quality / sharper, bigger and more common.

How does it soften the image?

>> No.10465218

I'm with the other guy, left looks better to me too

>> No.10465232

Does anyone else got scoutimg for these. I currently own 4 CRT and am about to maybe score first PVM. That shits addicitng yo. But the zero latecy feel of the friggin things can be replicated any other way.

>> No.10465286

>reddit photo of a tv with tvl so low that component looks like composite
every time

>> No.10465345
File: 3.79 MB, 1632x918, composhit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's composite, looks noticeably worse despite your claims.

>> No.10465350

I think he's saying your CRT isn't very sharp

>> No.10465357

Nta, Both look good, but I can actually read the hud in your first pic. So it's objectively better.

>> No.10465507
File: 947 KB, 1079x1405, Screenshot_20231130_192749_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we playing?
I'm playing Prime for the first time. I've owned it since 2005 and never really played it for more than 2 hours. It's cool except for the controls.

>> No.10465526

Tomorrow I get my crt from storage for winter. Sony Trinitron consumer grade "36 , what should I play first. I was thinking between either PS1 or Saturn.

>> No.10465527

Play the Wii versions if the GC controls bother you

>> No.10465605
File: 2.08 MB, 3293x2880, 20231130_205702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow Hearts 2. Beat the first one this time last year. Going to finally finish Suikoden V next.
Bulk Slash on the Saturn.

>> No.10466446

Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna
It's cute and love the artstyle, but the combat sucks. Thankfully, you only fight like once an hour.

>> No.10466475

PCE or Saturn?

>> No.10466609
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>> No.10466615

Because using a CRT anymore is/was just a fad for people who wanted to be quirky.
There's no good reason for anyone to make space for a CRT in their setup anymore and im sure most of the people who used to post their CRTs got over it and got rid of their CRT again. The novelty wears off quick, especially if you have a flat screen lying around to compare yourself. Your game doesn't magically go from 6/10 graphics to "this is exactly what hiroshima intended"/10. Its the same fucking graphics just filtered or not. If you feel the need to use anything past an easy mode crt filter you're doing too much because you spend too much time letting youtubers tell you how to play.

>> No.10466626

You're already enjoying your games. Just focus on that.
No one ever cared about the tv they were playing on as long as it worked, and it should stay that way.

>> No.10466637

Get a real snes controller or an 8bitdo wireless one, dude. You'll love it.

>> No.10466652

Post sources for these claims because that is such bullshit and you know it.

>> No.10466691

crt is great best monitor ever and can be had for cheap.
Really immersive for games way more immersive then LCD due to better aspect ration, glossy screen and motion clarity.
The fact that most modern screens are matte is enough to make them absolutely worthless trash.

>> No.10466692

I have an 800 TVL PVM, and I much prefer playing PS2 on regular TVs, between 350~450TVL is where you want to stay for good results.

>> No.10466697
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>crt is great best monitor ever and can be had for cheap.
Dont lie, the only worthwhile monitors (High-end 21" models like Sony's GDM's) are impossible to get nowadays.

>> No.10466707

Oh I got a few of those sony gdm thingies, bought mine for 20 and another one for free cause it has issues.
nice monitors but very overrated, certainly not the only worthwhile monitors

>> No.10466737

We're on /vr/, it's objectively the best for /vr/.
Nobody gives a shit about your high end crap, it's not needed to enjoy retro games.

>impossible to get nowadays.
Funny, I must be getting constantly really lucky then. Then again it depends how much you bother looking and where you live.

>> No.10466738

Why do you sound like a pajeet trying to unload crts?

>> No.10466739

I've been using CRTs for /vr/ content continuously before YouTube existed.

>> No.10466741

>Nobody gives a shit about your high end crap, it's not needed to enjoy retro games.
not even needed for more modern games.
Classic scalper talk trying to sell you expensive shit.
Anyone urging you to buy expensive shit you dont really need is ALWAYS either A: a shill or B: a nigger that just sees it as a status symbol

>> No.10466743

get em while they are free idiot

>> No.10466746

I still use higher end VGA CRTs for /vr/ and slightly post-/vr/ PC gaming though on dedicated setups.
I wouldn't use them for modern and semi-modern games though, got myself a OLED for that and never looking back.

>> No.10466761

I am considering getting an OLED as a TV after my plasma died, but I wouldnt use one as a monitor in the forseeable future.
OLED has just too many disadvantages compared to crt even excluding burn in, you cant use any resolution you want without scaling, no scanlines for retro games, imperfect motion clarity and way too big.
As a TV they are great but as a monitor they just lack too many of the features crts had

>> No.10466796

I wouldn't use a OLED for retro games but as a monitor it's great. I held off OLED for monitor use for years for it to mature more, not really worried about burn-in, I'm most likely going to upgrade anyways before it becomes an issue.

Size, resolution, refresh rate and VRR support check all the boxes for me now to use one as a monitor.

>> No.10466824

Well like I said im just missing the crt features.
>I'm most likely going to upgrade anyways before it becomes an issue.
Is absolutely brainless imagine buying something just to throw it away again in a couple of years

>> No.10466838

>I wouldn't use a OLED for retro games
Retarded newfag here with a question. If I'm just emulating consoles like the ps1, is it still noticeably inferior to crt?

>> No.10466848
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yeah sure whatever just buy a cheap tn panel and fuck off.
jesus why do you come to this thread nigger

>> No.10466853

Why even care about high-end PC monitors at all in the context of /vr/? Even with later PC games going above 1024x768 just doesn't make any sense. And it's these low resolutions that CRTs excel at, that you just can't get the same experience on a modern flat panel because of scaling and shit. And even bottom of the barrel models will do these no problem.

>> No.10466874
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I only really have room for 1 monitor on my desk and am trying to get the best all-rounder that I could.

>> No.10466885

to answer your question:
No and never.
but who really cares you can play games on any monitor if you only have that

>> No.10466893

So be it. One day I'll have a big enough room for the shit that I want. One day.

>> No.10466897

I almost forgot. Thank you for answering, anon.

>> No.10466942

All the features I need are there.
Also, either I'll sell it or give it to a friend / family member or retire it as a TV for another room.

I'd go with CRT in any case but if you need a all rounder, I guess a OLED + filters will do.
Main thing is to have fun.

>> No.10466960

I got that same model of Trinitron RGB modded recently and it looks incredible. If you can get it modded then it's an easy choice between the two imo.

>> No.10466976

>All the features I need are there.
thats good for you, seems like we have different needs.
I value resolution flexibility and motion clarity over super high brightness and 4k resolution

>> No.10467160

Try getting a good scaler, like the OSSC, and using it on the OLED. You'll be surprised by how good retro looks.
It's very immersive playing on such a large screen with amazing colors and contrast.

>> No.10467169
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>He doesnt want the ultimate DOOM 3 experience at 1600x1200 on a large CRT screen

>> No.10467170

I emulate anyways, so I don't need a separate scaler. But I still use CRT TVs and monitor for emulation.
Not saying it isn't nice with an OLED, just prefer CRTs.

>> No.10467171

>playing at 1920x1440 at 90Hz on a 21inch aperture grille
come at me bro

>> No.10467172

I'd rather play it at 800x600 or something honestly.

>> No.10467184

>be past
>can afford a massive home
>but goods are expensive luxuries and fairly limited

>be modern era
>can afford to have massive horde of luxury goods new and old
>forced to live in a shoebox with all of it though

>> No.10467268

>lcd at an angle to make it look worse
I hate disingenuous shit like this. The truth is they both look the fucking same and you know it.
This is why everytime theres a crt thread, every game shown is from the first level, you retards dont play games, you just want to take pictures of your shitty setup(get some taste, paint that furniture/swap it and clean up those fucking shelves.) to show off like a girl.

>> No.10467271
File: 1.27 MB, 1179x677, IMG_0982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has hindsight and foresight
>plays vidya as a way to study the human condition

>> No.10467284
File: 1.29 MB, 1179x921, IMG_0983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant be serious
can you imagine unironically trying to "play" anything that moves remotely fast on that flatpanel?
i wouldnt take it for free
screen tearing shitshow
they have their place i guess but doom3 aint it

heres a photo "at muh angle" of a 65" 4k panel running emulation+gamemode+crtglass filter on wangblows 10

ithink its ok for slow games and rpg

>> No.10467289

>I hate disingenuous shit like this
Its not disingenous since the crt looks perfect from all angles.
It just highlights yet another issue with shit tier lcd tech

>> No.10467294

lcd are fine if you get one with decent pixel response/refresh rates/motion clarity
(ufo test mfers)

that particular dell belongs in a landfill
or maybe all scratched up missing a psu cable at a thrift store for $8.99
its hot garbage and was garbage when it released

>> No.10467301

The picture sucks but fuck no.

>> No.10467314

>lcd are fine if you get one with decent pixel response/refresh rates/motion clarity
nah they are not.
All shit, even the best.
>that particular dell belongs in a landfill
Ironically the only worthwhile lcds, due to their aspect ration and size they make great secondary monitors for things like youtube or webbrowsing where a 16:9 lcd would just be annoying and way too big

>> No.10467394

PCE, hoping to play all 3 of them and then watch the OVAs.

>> No.10467472

>matte finish
>1080p +multiple inputs/usb hub
>easily rotates for tate gaymen setup
im not getting rid of any of my alienware monitors anon

i prefer to play on crt
but for modern pc titles 120hz+ is hard to downgrade from
model number is AW2720HF
or something similar to it at 27" 240hz

>> No.10467502
File: 727 KB, 2000x2033, 1446646295187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early LCDs were just THAT bad. What you are seeing is just backlight glow due to off-angle viewing, TNs are the worst at this.

>> No.10467570

You're showing IPS glow, >>10467169 is also at an angle and reflecting, it's not just the bad panel itself

>> No.10467594

What is being reflected on the LCD that is not also on the CRT itself?

>> No.10467748

The monitors are at different angles, anon

>> No.10467757

Your shitty korean 15 inch TV is way lower than that, 400-450 TVL is what a standard 27 inch FD trinitron will have and looks perfectly fine with component, your dumbass TV is absolutely sub 300 TVL and actually struggles to resolve the image the signal sends regardless of signal type, it's trash, also all of your PVMs are in horrid shape and you should blow your brains out faggot redditor.

>> No.10467761

I have a crappy LG 15 inch PC monitor and a crappy mid 2010s 1080p TN monitor right next to eachother, and that image is 100% correct, kill yourself.

>> No.10467778

14inch, 600 TVL slot mask master race

>> No.10468231 [DELETED] 
File: 2.85 MB, 4128x2322, 20230401_143205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most TVs are 350~450TVL, I have others and they look sharper than the LG.
Why are you seething so badly though?

>> No.10468262

OK, so you have this very convenient light source that ruins the LCD but doesnt glare the CRT's glass.

>> No.10468290
File: 405 KB, 1920x1080, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but most consumer CRTs are between 350 and 450 TVL, there's nothing particularly special about Sony's:

>> No.10468302

Sure most are
But that one looks more 200-300

>> No.10468340

Yes, MOST.
Your korean trash TV is SO low end that it doesn't even reach that standard, I've seen this on Funai/Orion super low end late CRT era TVs as well, where it's some insanely low TVL tube that actually eats away detail, completely worthless for any type of comparison.

>> No.10468358
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By the way
I saw that.

>> No.10468442

Crt autists are the worst. We don't care that you love to stare at the graphics how about you play the fucking game

>> No.10468469
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>> No.10468484

>>matte finish
>>1080p +multiple inputs/usb hub
>>easily rotates for tate gaymen setup
sounds like absolute trash
>model number is AW2720HF
Why would I need to know that, are you a marketing shill or something?

In any case no, downgrading from 120hz is not hard because 60hz on a crt is better then 240hz on an lcd in terms of smoothness

>> No.10468537

>In any case no, downgrading from 120hz is not hard because 60hz on a crt is better then 240hz on an lcd in terms of smoothness
easy to tell you never tried

>> No.10468653

You're too late for the free dumpster crt. If you do get lucky and find one, there's no telling what kind of condition it's in and what inputs it has. Some of the old ones are RF only, which will look like shit. Just try and get a 13/14 inch from ebay. Look for a later one right before they stoped making them. Try to get one with at least an S-Video input.

>> No.10468695

Those are some pretty sour grapes huh

>> No.10468757

Absolute CRT noob here. Trinitron P780 occasionally goes dim before getting back to full brightness, I assume the problem is coming from the caps, but I can't find anyone with the same issue.

>> No.10468761

Not him but clearly the 'le' was to emphasise the "reddit-ness" of the subject. That said, you're fucking retarded for falling for the >currentyear boogieman.

>> No.10468764

It's worse than that now. I used to come here every day as an escape from the shittiness of /v/ until the jaded boomer acid tongued hostilities massively outweighed any sort of real discussion. Try posting a new emulator feature or rom hack QoL and you'll see exactly what I mean. /v/ genuinely has more actual discussion than /vr/ now which is fucking insane if you look at the quality of the posts here a few years back.

>> No.10468797

>60hz on a crt is better then 240hz on an lcd in terms of smoothness
It's not, 240 frames will have lower latency and more frame displayed per second.
Try playing any competitive shooter on a 60hz CRT.

>> No.10468808

>where it's some insanely low TVL tube that actually eats away detail
Sounds soulful to me, scanlines are a defect.

>> No.10468812

You mean like what most people did with Q3A and UT2K2?

>> No.10468831

Not him but what the fuck are you on about? Most CRTs went above 100 hz, nobody fucking played at 60

>> No.10468839

Most people used CRTs at 75hz
Don’t confuse framerate with resfresh rate

>> No.10468849

I love my 300 TVL jvc tm-910su. It handles a lot of things better than my bigger sets because it has better components and voltage regulation. TVL isn't everything.

>> No.10468859

Most people, sure. Nobody who played competitive shooters and had a functioning brain would run a CRT which could go to 120 Hz at fucking 75, since that was what most monitors ran at their max resolution, so not only are you getting a shit refresh rate but also shit fps too.

>> No.10468863

A little bilinear filtering and composite input filter gets the same job done.

>> No.10468875

They all cap at around 160hz at awful low resolutions. Strobed 360hz panels already look better than CRTs.

>> No.10468890
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Last shots for thread limit

>> No.10468897
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>> No.10468901
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>> No.10468902

>awful low resolutions
yeah because you totally needed 1200p for the type of visuals offered by Quake and Unreal. Get the fuck out of here. Also I don't give a shit about strobed panels, you're arguing people in 2000 played games at 60 hz which is inexplicably retarded.

>> No.10468925

You missed the point of the discussion >>10468484

>> No.10468926 [DELETED] 

in before rape

>> No.10468930

Congrats, you're both retarded, do you want a cookie?

>> No.10468978

60hz on a crt is dtill so much smoother.
Yes i would take the crt even for "competetive games" because it looks so much nicer

>> No.10469747

This. I don't know where the 60 Hz and FPS meme came from.

>> No.10470019
File: 292 KB, 1920x960, ulmb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concession accepted.
How is it "nicer" when you can barely see the enemy on a blurry tube?
On a strobed LCD you're getting high frames rates, high resolution, crystal-clear clarity and lower input lag.

>> No.10470068

>Concession accepted.
It's not a concession when you're blatantly wrong dumbass. He was wrong for talking about 60 hz CRTs as if they were ever the norm (they weren't, 75 and 85 were even for higher res) and you're wrong for making that the basis of your argument. Anybody who had a CRT which could get to 100 Hz+ would run it at that RR.

>> No.10470293

Not interested in talking about how people played games back then, you insufferable geriatric boomer.

>> No.10470310

Why did you reply to anon's post then?

>> No.10470381

To point out goalpost moving.

>> No.10470734

>How is it "nicer" when you can barely see the enemy on a blurry tube?
the most funny thing about this is that i am annoyed at my current crt because even at 1200p edges are still too sharp lol.
It easily does 1440p while staying sharp, its quite nice
lcd is just always shit
>crystal clear quality
Not with a matte lcd you dont.
non glossy monitors are automatically ewaste