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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10463761 No.10463761 [Reply] [Original]

Highest tier video games that you played that you feel other people should play to be culturally educated

>> No.10463770

>culturally educated
>video games
I can't even imagine what it's like to be this big of a loser

>> No.10463773
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Obligatory this but I'm starting to see zoomers getting filtered in the first fire temple and dropping it, so not even sure anymore

>> No.10463795

Imagine posting this

>> No.10463798

>streamer keeps complaining about clunky targeting
>doesn't even know he's talking about the game that invented it and his zoomer slop
Millennials are the last gen that can appreciate retro and how it all started

>> No.10463804
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>> No.10463813

Much better than 1. Better setting and gravity gun is fun

>> No.10463818 [DELETED] 

it's a tech demo with nerf guns
>shooting armored enemies with a 9mm smg at ranges over 100m

>> No.10463853
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>> No.10463854


>> No.10463863
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>> No.10463876 [DELETED] 

I went to source mods like Insurgency modern infantry combat only a couple of hours into the game. Underpowered weapons, constantly ammo scavenging, music never lasts more than a few minutes at sparse intervals, plot had no engagement, lots of just kind of irritating spacious environment encounters I'd end up having to repeat. Didn't even bother finishing it

>> No.10463921

Shadow Warrior 2, Deus Ex mankind divided, the first BioShock, Arkham City, my balls on your chin, etc.

>> No.10463935

You play HL1, then HL2 and you understand what people meant by "cinematic games".

>> No.10464009
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>> No.10464019

HL1 > shit > HL2

>> No.10464032

We are also the last generation that knows a world before the internet. It's weird how much happened at once

>> No.10464114
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>> No.10464292
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I have a few

>> No.10464302
File: 54 KB, 256x330, Dark_Souls_Cover_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10464324
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>> No.10464330
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Based picks (not >>10463773), here's mine.

>> No.10464837

Naisho no Jikan

>> No.10464845

take your meds shitter. go shit up another board with your useless babble.

>> No.10464902

Ore no ryouri, its the best game ever.

>> No.10464906
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Forgot pic.

>> No.10465106
File: 499 KB, 640x360, nothing personnel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire game is just running from mob to mob
>combat is just pressing R1 once or twice
>dev literally didn't care about gameplay so framerate constantly shitting itself
>thinks it can afford scarce checkpoints when it tons of unfair shit and bugs in it
This isn't the most overrated games thread

>> No.10465119

Is this the one about playing a chef in different kinds of restaurant and you just use the controller to chop food, etc?

>> No.10465128

Planescape Torment and og Fallout

>> No.10465132

>Culturally educated
GTA San andreas

>> No.10465445

Wrong or trolling

>> No.10465450

snobposting rings a bit hollow when you're posting it on an obscure 4chan board of all places.

>> No.10465495

I agree this series is the best action RPG ever made and the spaces feel so vast and complete. So lonely and cataclysmic.
Sucks that FromSoft never made a perfect souls game. Each one has shitty aspects

>> No.10465521

Go back to /v/

>> No.10465865


>> No.10465886

Does the S stand for Shit? Then yes. Fuck HL2

>> No.10465974
File: 2.00 MB, 1671x2100, Nights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nights was a misunderstood masterpiece. It took people at least half a decade to understand it.

>> No.10465996
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>> No.10466001
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>> No.10466012

>tech demo
>s tier
based retarded

>> No.10466013

>video games aren't allowed to have art in them because....

>> No.10466035

art is something you hang on a wall

>> No.10466052

Those are paintings

>> No.10466054

A painting is shit art

>> No.10466073
File: 1.06 MB, 1643x2200, large.173464843_DeusExMarch200001.jpg.f87280e5780ec206da9d043e289ae0ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game single handedly has had a larger impact than anything after it, except maybe halo.
Everything before it might as well just go into the garbage, sure it's influences like System Shock and Thief are cool but compared to DX they are just shit.

>> No.10466083
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Zelda if he good.

>> No.10466084
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>> No.10466097 [DELETED] 

Based. Fuck video games and the people who play them.

>> No.10466129

Phantasy Star 1-4. Anyone who says they're a JRPG fan needs to finish them at least once.

>> No.10466172

>Half Life
>Planescape Torment
I fucking hate all of these games, now for some good answers

>Donkey Kong
>Street Fighter
>Final Fight

>> No.10466176

>in the first fire temple
Do you mean Dodongos Cavern?

>> No.10466180

The only good Pac-Man games are Championship Edition and The New Adventures

>> No.10466474

What about Pac-Man World?

>> No.10466519

nos hacemos unas pajillas?

>> No.10466661

>doesn't even know he's talking about the game that invented it and his zoomer slop
So it's the Citizen Kane of videogames?

>> No.10466681


>> No.10466712
File: 872 KB, 809x819, Screenshots_2023-12-01-07-42-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youd never think that low rez polygons could be so scary. The atmosphere they managed to create in this game remains impressive to thid day.

>> No.10467090 [DELETED] 

Hilarious. Like watching a guy catching fish and saying there's nothing more stupid than fishing. Might even be true, except for watching a guy catching fish.

>> No.10467110
File: 292 KB, 551x1979, Nights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got its due praise back in '96 too

>> No.10467118

>play pacman
>get constantly flanked
>die on level 5 or whatever every single time

>> No.10467145
File: 2.59 MB, 1440x1979, CVG_UK_178.pdf_Page_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post the whole review because I've got nothing better to do right now

>> No.10467148
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>> No.10467152
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>> No.10467153
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>> No.10467154


That game sucks.

>> No.10467159
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>> No.10467161
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Last page

>> No.10467162

Thats half life 2 nigger

>> No.10467179
File: 1.51 MB, 1600x900, Screenshot (119).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think some games are too good and too complex for your common rabble, which is part of the reason why many developers don't try to do anything too sophisticated besides being talentless hacks.

>> No.10467201 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10467356


>> No.10467642
File: 95 KB, 280x356, Freespace2box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only real niggas need apply

>> No.10467791

>Half Life 2
>S Tier
So it's Shit Tier? Got it.

>> No.10467878

I'd say the original half life was much more important, 2 can be skipped, you shouldn't because it's really good, but it CAN be skipped. You can't not play the original half life though

>> No.10467890

>I can't even imagine what it's like to be this big of a loser
look at where you are, have some self awareness man

>> No.10467895


>> No.10467897


>> No.10467904

Based. Sadly a controversial opinion here on Sega/v/

>> No.10469084

quake, hexen 2, blood, and duke 3d

>> No.10469260

Hell yes.

>> No.10469268

Because it's slow and outdated compared to it's alternatives. It was never ground breaking, it was mid to high tier. I give it extra points for branching paths and cool level design.

>> No.10469274

Pic unrelated

>> No.10469296

Half Life 2 also sucks.

>> No.10469441

what are it's alternatives?

>> No.10469701

Pac-Man Arrangement is literally peak Pac-Man and Championship Edition doesn't hold a candle to it.

>> No.10469827

Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night or both Sorrow games

>> No.10469834

They're a valvefag... you're surprised?

>> No.10471668

Who jerks off into a toilet?

>> No.10471672

>Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
Way too easy and imbalanced for a simple 2D game and boring backtracking. It's A tier

>> No.10472359

I'm a zoomer and I beat that shit when I was ten, is my gen seriously that fucked? You'd have to be full-blown retarded to be filtered by the fire temple

>> No.10472367
File: 192 KB, 441x201, MGS_Trilogy_EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MGS Trilogy, in chronological order.

>> No.10472370

Funny to think that the most iconic part of this game's visual aesthetic existed entirely to cover up the low draw distances. Limitations really did breed creativity.

>> No.10472435


>> No.10472440

Sometimes you really gotta rub one out and it's the only option

>> No.10472532

HL2 is boring trash, especially compared to HL1.

>> No.10472783 [DELETED] 


Go back to /b/ and beat your meat then you fucking coomwad

>> No.10473016
File: 204 KB, 1024x768, 1673615350557782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honorable mention to ut99

>> No.10473025

/vr/sisters, it's over

>> No.10473543

AI generated picture.

>> No.10473545

State your S tiers before I draw my katana.

>> No.10473548
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>> No.10473758
File: 96 KB, 623x467, redneck_rampage_chad_edition_by_marques_craft_deiio2k-375w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes aside, the game had great moments

>> No.10473765

Man, a translation of this game would be like a miracle from heaven.

>> No.10473768

Where do you think you are?
Get some brain, you fucking ape

>> No.10473773

I’ve been wanting to play this game. What I’ve heard about it sounds almost too good to be true.

>> No.10473775
File: 51 KB, 1080x607, fb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and culturepilled.

Only soibois think videogames are art. Same with comics, capeshit, and anything "modern" or minimalist. They're even worse than NFTrannies.

>> No.10473779
File: 552 KB, 1200x900, IMG_1878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn’t consider it to be something that is “culturally enriching,” but it’s definitely one of the best goddamn games I’ve ever played and I don’t even like RTS all that much.

>> No.10473792

Whatever "culture" you consider REAL art was the same pop art as video games back in the day. As it ages it becomes REAL art that insecure low IQs start to latch on to

>> No.10473818
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>> No.10473850

I agree with this. So Ill just post very good games that people should experience at least once.

Super Mario 64
Age of Empires II
Warcraft 3
Megaman X
Super Mario World

>> No.10473856

I don't believe you.