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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10441032 No.10441032 [Reply] [Original]

My n64 could play turok2 no problem. Why can't this? I'm genuinely confused. Isn't this supposed to be a 1 to 1 replication of original hardware? Did I spend 500 dollars on junk???

>> No.10441050

N64 core isn't finished anon. I'm sure you know this and its bait because only a retard would pay $500 for a $350 device.

>> No.10441056

It’s hardware emulation. The N64 core isn’t finished. Only bullshit Analogue marketing talk says it’s supposed to be a 1:1 recreation. I paid $350 and it the single best retro gaming purchase I have ever made. Any other questions just let me know bro!

>> No.10441062

>Did I spend 500 dollars
No, I don't believe you did

>> No.10441069

>Did I spend 500 dollars
No, you did not. Not even the retards on this board would spend money that frivolously on something they don't even know the capabilities of lol

>> No.10441259

>Turok 2 works 1 week later
>Why can't this play Dreamcast???

>> No.10441279
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>> No.10441303

>Not even the retards on this board would spend money that frivolously on something they don't even know the capabilities of lol
Multiple Anons bought the Analogue Pocket and Dock. Anons are stupid, shallow beings that don't always research before purchase.

>> No.10441779
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>Multiple Anons bought the Analogue Pocket
The pocket isn't bad, though. It's an alrig-
>and Dock.

>> No.10441981

to be fair, the N64 couldn't really handle Turok 2 either.

>> No.10442147

neither could your mom*
*I call my dick Turok 2

>> No.10442215

This is clearly another bait thread.

>only way to know for sure why Turok 2 works or not is if you're following development of the core and reading other people's progress reports
>personal experience with the core requires deliberately downloading the core from the test builds channel, it is not part of update_all (although, I'm gonna leave telling info out of this post)
>update_n64 also has to be added manually

Feel free to keep making these threads though, any publicity is good publicity.

>> No.10442276

There's so much disingenious bullshit from haters in MiSTer threads, like what are they trying to gain from it?

>> No.10442431

They're people with really low morale and they need these virtual (You)'s.

>> No.10442551

Because it's not very good hardware replication.

>> No.10442597

It's called shit-smearing. After the console wars died post-2013, these low-lifes need something else to complain about. Doesn't change the fact that RetroArch crashes a metric fuck-ton on my Nvidia Shield TV, while the MiSTer offers a flawless retro gaming experience that will only get better over time. PS1 will improve, Saturn will improve, and N64 will improve.

>> No.10442719

What do you mean? I bought this entire thing as a pre-built kit, installed all the cores to it and have it hooked into my crt and just now people are telling me this?

>> No.10442730

The cores aren't as accurate as the community likes to pretend. They CAN be potentially electrically indistinguishable from the original machines, but few if any are. Maybe the NES and SNES are, I'm not sure. The PS1 most certainly is not and the N64 literally can't be because the FPGA isn't big enough.

>> No.10442746

So should I return this peice of shit? I specifically heard that n64 was working by various youtubers, I buy this fucking garbage raspberry pi knockoff because everybody says it's accurate to the circut level, and it can't even put out the same performance as a pi4b? Can the pi4b put out an analog signal or is there an add on that can? Why do people shill this so hard

>> No.10442756

My dick is named Turok 3... A-Are you my father?

>> No.10442765

>Instant damage control

>> No.10442767

Just buy an android TV or SBC for 40 and call it a day lmao

>> No.10442772

Anon there are 100% actual literal product shills on all sorts of boards, Hyundai shit was shilled RELENTLESSLY on /o/ for example.
Also yeah man get real hardware and flashcarts or just wait x years until they actually get it working, you should be able to flip it just fine

>> No.10442776

It's good as far as the end user is concerned. You won't be able to tell its not 100% accurate. But the community doesn't like admitting that it isn't which does make it a lie of omission when the emulation vs FPGA arguments come up. The issue has nothing to do with the MiSTer or FPGA. It's entirely about the cores themselves. Theoretically they can be improved but there are like 5 people working on them.

>> No.10442778

Which ones are worth getting that have analog output? Composite in particular, I want to run a nes emulator through my vcr to get RF. I dont understand why people have such hard ons for component since it wasn't what 99% of us were using anyways unless you were rich.

>> No.10442782

>Current year
>People still bitching about N64 emulation
Just buy the real thing or use a Wii to inject games.

>> No.10442789

My n64 works fine I just dont want to deal with the eventual heartache of it breaking. I'm old enough that I don't really want my kids touching it either since its from when I was a kid. I bought this thinking it would be a good solution and the metal case was the seller even with the bumped up price considering the time savings as well. I've also heard the wii doesn't have 100% n64 compatibility placing it in the same tier as this trash. Is mupen really the best there is?

>> No.10442842 [DELETED] 

Imagine trying to talk shit about a free open source project.
It's kind of funny when you think about it, they made up in their head that there are shills for a free project anyone can contribute to. They also made up that its $500 because they think 3rd party sellers selling assembled units is some how some official store for these.

So glad I'm not brown.

>> No.10442897

I urge you to hit up your local FGC locals and ask around for a MiSTer setup. That's how I got a chance to check it out. The emulation of N64 on MiSTer is close to hardware perfect with the exception of graphical glitches due to incomplete implementation of the TLB and RDP.

>> No.10443002

It can't play turok 2 because it's more accurate the original hardware. Turok 2 relied on bugs in the original hardware to work.

>> No.10443004

Raspberry Pi or an old PC with Custom AMD drivers, I've tried other options and they've sucked

>> No.10443096

It can’t even do the Commodore 64. What did you expect

>> No.10443101

>I urge you to hit up your local FGC locals and ask around for a MiSTer setup
They all prefer dreamcast and arcade boards not mister.

>> No.10443250

>If this is hardware replication,
-It's not. It's an emulator.
-It's no more accurate than free ones you can download.
-It doesn't have less input lag
-It requires an internet connection and updates to fix the game compatibility issues it has (i saw Alien Soldier crash on a matthewmatosis stream once after he had just spent an hour regurgitating horse shit he heard frank cifaldi say about how superior FPGA's are)

None of the claims they say about these things are true at all.
If you don't believe me, read Edge magazine's multi-page expose on them from a few years back.

They're an expensive meme for idiots.

>> No.10443253

-PC with a $15 AMD card
-CRT Emudriver
-Cheap transcoder

Done. You can emulate everything on a 240p CRT and you can use shaders to get a composite image.

>> No.10443257

>I dont understand why people have such hard ons for component since it wasn't what 99% of us were using anyways unless you were rich.
Because that's what i saw in screenshots (i read british mags and they all used RGB screenshots).
The image quality was fucking outstanding and all i wanted the same setup.
Likewise when i went to arcades they all used RGB monitors and it was extremely noticeable how much better the image quality was.
That's why i want component, to get decent image quality.

>> No.10443290

It is, however, what people were looking at in arcades. Well RGB, not component, but same difference. So it's not like people never set their eyes on an RGB/component image until the 2000s.

>> No.10443359

I only see Dreamcast because the PS2 guy won't be there. Otherwise, the only other consoles seen are for modern vidya. The supergun guys bring both a MiSTer and PCBs for 3S. There is only one locals in the state that refuses to replace his PCBs with a MiSTer and rightfully so because the gimmick of the owner's spot is that he offers real candy cabs with original PCBs.

>> No.10443373

On the miniscule off chance this isn't bait, you are the dumbest cunt that has ever existed.

>> No.10443376

>it the single best retro gaming purchase I have ever made

>> No.10443379

He's not entirely wrong for being confused. If you venture into the MiSTer community and start asking about hardware accuracy you'll either get lies or people will just yell at you for asking. Say the phrase "transistor-level accuracy" and you won't get a clear answer but they'll go right back to pretending that's what it is when you're done asking questions.

>> No.10443394

Not him, but when I calculated the prices for a Genesis, NES, PC Engine, NeoGeo, and their Flashcart or multi-game solutions, I ended up trying other solutions to save money such as the LaserActive (the unit I got was way below market value but required recapping and I would rather flip the unit while selling the Genesis PAC separately). Ran into a lot of incompatibilities with clone consoles and cartridges (which I was lucky enough to sell at exactly the same price I paid plus shipping). Have not had any issues with the MiSTer for the consoles I've been wanting to play except for Micro Machines on the Genesis core having bad video synching issues over the analog signal.

>> No.10443557

Did you evaluate the cost of a PC?

>> No.10443621

Did you evaluate the cost of your time baiting for (You)'s?

>> No.10443637

>It's no more accurate than free ones you can download.
Show me a PS1 software emulator that passes as many hardware tests as the FPGA core does. Show me the gate level megadrive and neo geo software emulators made entirely from decapped schematics. Show me the fork of MAME that has CPS 1&2 running at the correct speed or all the other arcade cores with improvements that MAME dev still haven’t implemented.

>I saw Alien Soldier crash on a matthewmatosis stream once
On a core that no longer exists becuase an entirely decapped solution was created lmao.

>> No.10443640

> If you venture into the MiSTer community and start asking about hardware accuracy you'll either get lies or people will just yell at you for asking.
Let me know what core your are interested in and I will tell you where it’s at, no yelling.

>> No.10443652


>> No.10443667

One advantage over a dedicated PC, though, is a PC is going to take time to setup, install emulators, install a launcher, do configuration, etc. Mister is more plug and play, so it has that going for it.

>> No.10443678

Synthetic hardware tests or whether a core is made from decapped schematics ultimately don't matter. Playability matters. More PS1 games are playable on a PC running a good PS1 emulator than on a Mister with a PS1 core. Same thing with N64.

>comparing Mister to a bottom-of-the-barrel ARMshit device to make it look good
nice strawman

He asked a completely valid question. Even a 10-year old mid-range PC plays more N64 and PS1 games than Mister.

>> No.10443682

>spend $350 because emulation on PC takes too long to set up
Is this the latest cope from Misterfaggots? I can download an N64 emulator, set it up to work with a controller, download a ROM and play it in under 5 minutes on a fresh Debian install.

>> No.10443684

here's the (You) you're working so hard for.

>> No.10443685

>Synthetic hardware tests or whether a core is made from decapped schematics ultimately don't matter.
We get it, you're a casual. MiSter isnt for you.
>More PS1 games are playable on a PC running a good PS1 emulator than on a Mister
Show me the compatability lists, prove it.
>Same thing with N64.
No shit, the core isnt finished.
>comparing Mister to a bottom-of-the-barrel ARMshit device to make it look good
It looks good compared to the best available software emulators on PC too, but you're a casual so don't care anyway.
>Even a 10-year old mid-range PC plays more N64 and PS1 games than Mister.
An inaccurate software emaultor can hack it's way to compatability, thats no measure of accuracy or quality.

>> No.10443691

here's your (you) too

>> No.10443692

Mister is not emulation, it's a bootleg console.
The only difference between the cores in it vs a chink Nintendo-on-a-Chip from AliExpress is that the Mister can also get software updates to maybe slightly improve its compatibility.

>> No.10443695

>Mister is not emulation, it's a bootleg console.
Sounds good to me, was that supposed to be a negative?
>The only difference between the cores in it vs a chink Nintendo-on-a-Chip from AliExpress is that the Mister can also get software updates to maybe slightly improve its compatibility.
Sounds good to me, is that supposed to be a negative?

>> No.10443701

Big fan of mine and will continue to recommend it to my friends. Currently playing RE3 on the PS1 core.

>> No.10443705

I honestly don't give a shit about the FPGA side of the Mister. It's just the most convenient, no nonsense, easy to use emulation box I've ever encountered for living room use. Raspberry pi, Nvidia shield, laptop with a HDMI cable, Steam deck docked, ALL of them bow to the Mister. The very low input latency (Yes, I do feel it) is a nice bonus and I like being able to use my old controllers with snac adaptors. Shame DE-10s are pricey theae days but I do not regret my purchase at all. I play more games on the mister than any other system. It's very telling that all the seething is always coming from people who don't even own or have never even played the fucking thing.

>> No.10443710

Oh my god, you must be fucking retarded and delusional among other things. The 10 out of 99,999 games a console clone can run will always feel better than on an emulator. Why? because it's cloning the hardware without an OS layer. There is no input delay. What the fuck are you and any other "muh software emu" spewers thinking or even knowledgeable about?

>> No.10443725
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Nice try.

>> No.10443735
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Mister will go the way of the dodo when this baby arrives.

>> No.10443746

>Show me the compatability lists, prove it.
It's impossible to find a reasonably complete and up-to-date compatibility list for every software emulator in existence, but it wasn't hard to find a game that's broken on the Mister core but completely playable on PC using emulation.
Now the ball is in your court. Find a game that's playable on the Mister core but unplayable using software emulation. And don't forget that there are multiple emulators available on PC, so even if a game is broken on one of them, others might work perfectly.
>No shit, the core isnt finished.
You retard, the core will never be "finished" because Mister fPGA doesn't have enough logic gates for every N64 chip. It's not a matter of time, the Mister is too weak for accurate hardware N64 emulation. In fact, any cores above 16-bit systems use hacks and approximations just like a software emulator and have a lot of original hardware functionality cut.
>An inaccurate software emaultor can hack it's way to compatability, thats no measure of accuracy or quality.
Just like Mister cores for 5th gen systems.

>> No.10443750

Source: trust me bro

I have no doubt the mister project will move to a more powerful FPGA someday, but I'm still unconvinced by the Mars.

>> No.10443752

You mean the DE-10, not MiSTer, that's just the framework for runnign open source cores in. The DE-10 is half the price to get up and running and won't become obsolete just becuase a better FPGA coms along, that's like saying everyone stopped buying a Pi becuase better emulators are available on PC. Any advantages of MARS like Dreamcast are still a long way away, there's very little reason to get on board day one.

>> No.10443770

>It's impossible to find a reasonably complete and up-to-date compatibility list for every software emulator in existence.
Exactly, you can't prove it so it's a pointless claim to make. Duckstation completely removed the bug tracker on github because the dev is a loon but before it did it was full of games that wouldn't boot. Mednafen has a bug list with a bunch of audio and cd timing based issues, I have no doubt if I booted them on the MiSter core then they wouldn't have the same issues, but that still wouldnt prove that it is more or less compatible.
>Mister fPGA doesn't have enough logic gates for every N64 chip.
What won't fit? What part of the N64's hardware is being implemented incorrectly? Never mind the fact that compromises were always going to happen with an N64 core which the dev made no secret of, no one expected 5th gen to be perfect, getting it on the DE-10 at all is a bonus.

>> No.10443787

If you really wanna start arguing, there's no way to make an FPGA core for PS1 both 100% accurate and 100% compatible because there's one really shitty game that noone cares about which only works on a specific hardware revision
Unfortunately that game requires a later revision console, meanwhile a bunch of other games have minor graphical glitches on the later revisions due to Sony fixing some GPU hardware bugs

>> No.10443791

>You retard, the core will never be "finished" because Mister fPGA doesn't have enough logic gates for every N64 chip


>> No.10443796

Not that anon but Nintendo already made an official single chip N64 with the iQue, and all the design files for it leaked in the gigaleaks. So you can just directly compare them.

>> No.10443828

>Is this the latest cope from Misterfaggots?
I'm not a mister fag but I was bein unironic. I have a PC connected to my PC running Arch and I installed RetroArch and it was a bit of messing around, but I have it almost good except there's screen tearing and I'd like a nicer frontend than what RetroArch provides out of the box. I know it's all relatively simple but I'm pretty time poor. I can still play emulators from my windows laptop easily and so that's fine, but it is an advantage for mister that it's more plug and play than a PC if you want a dedicated emulation machine.

>> No.10443830

I bought all the mini consoles.

>> No.10443831

Which one of the mini consoles cost $500?

>> No.10443832

Imagine spending 500$ on playing crap like Turok 2.
And then it doesn't even work.

>> No.10443839

That's not an insurmountable problem since you can have multiple cores that each replicate a specific console revision. Nobody bothers to do this because it'd be mostly pointless but in some cases it might be warranted. Like an OG SNES vs. a 1-chip where you can actually tell the difference sometimes.

>> No.10443846

$350. And why would you buy it to play a game that is known to not work yet due to the core not being finished? If your going to troll try harder than that please!

>> No.10443848

>The DE-10 is half the price to get up and running
It's really mostly the price to get up and running. A bare DE-10 with a single ram stick is 90% of what you need. It's a misunderstanding that a MiSTer costs $500. You don't need the entire thing. You can get analog through the DE-10's HDMI port with direct video. There's no need for the rest of the stack if you don't want to spend the money.

>> No.10443856

Really just the big ones. NES, SNES, Genesis, PS1, Saturn and N64. Obviously Saturn and N64 aren't done yet and there hasn't be a claim of perfection in those cases but I'm including them for completion's sake. And if there are any other truly accurate cores I didn't list I'd be interested to hear.

>> No.10443865

>Let me know what core your are interested in and I will tell you where it’s at, no yelling.
Is anyone making fictional cores? Like, someone could make a 2d graphics powerhouse that could push thousands of sprites with no flicker and dozens of backgrounds. Or someone could make a hybrid, like, imagine if you had the SNES PPU with the MegaDrive CPU.

>> No.10443871

There are so many things that could be done with FPGA that's way more interesting than what it's currently being used for. Imagine being able to virtually build a retro PC from discreet components? You start with a motherboard and then pick from a list of available CPUs, GPUs, soundcards, etc.

>> No.10443885

That sounds based as hell. Like you have a virtual PC shop utility and you want a Sound Blaster or a Roland MT-32 or whatever and it assembles the PC for you as a new FPGA config.

>> No.10443893

Megadrive and Neo Geo cores are made entirely from decapped chip information, as such those are about as accurate as you could hope for. PC Engine got a couple of decapped chips last year and CPS1 + CPS2 hardware have DMA timings that are vastly improved over MAME, meaning games like Super Turbo run at the correct speed now, lots of arcade games have fixes to graphic issues adn timings that have not made their way back to MAME yet. PS1 passes more hardare tests than software emulators, especially on the CPU but I can't speak for the saturn as that is still in beta and I don't touch those cores.

NES was based on an older core which Kintrix and others have got into great shape over the past couple of years, with MDFourier tuned audio and some really interesting palette options that I havent seen elsewhere. GitHub shows any game issues being down to bad ROMs or not using the right header, it's a very solid core.

SNES was made primarilly from open source documentation, when the core was first released the dev didnt even have a SNES and had never played on one! But then since release he got real hardware and tidied it up further in to what is again a very solid core, to be expected given the high quality of knolwegde on the console. GitHub shows most of the issues being with ROM hacks that don''t play nice, just like they would on real hardware and MSU-1 not being as well implemented as it could be. There are some HDMA tests that could be better but they are no worse than bSNES and casue no known game issues.

The GBA has some some new real hardware tests written since the FPGA core was released so once the N64 core is stable he plans to re-write the core with the new information, software emulators will start using that stuff too. On the PS1 he also plans to write proper MDEC tests because his and software emulation is showing a little posterization and slight black crush on FMV's and MDEC generated backgrounds.

>> No.10443894

I don’t think they hate it at all
It’s more of a situation where they hate the users because of how they talk on here
Then there’s the other side just hate anything that costs more money than they’re willing to pay

>> No.10443898

Someone made a demo running on fictional FPGA system back in 2011. This is the only FPGA demo I could find (actually, I found another one but that one was just a text scroller).


>> No.10443915
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>> No.10443919

Thanks. That's good info.

Exactly. You build your rig however you want and if something isn't to your liking for a specific game you just hop into the menu and swap a component and it'd be just like upgrading a real PC. And as more parts get added to your options continue to expand.

>> No.10443971

There's functions on the N64 which no games used ever, so those won't be on the core to save space. Other than thar nk compromises.

>> No.10444019

>Isn't this supposed to be a 1 to 1 replication of original hardware?
It's hardware emulation, it has the exact same accuracy flaws as software emulation because no one outside of Nintendo or SGI truly knows all the specifics of N64 hardware. There are some emulator inaccuracies that can be solved through a hardware implementation (PS2's completely unique floating point implementation comes to mind) but they're working with the same documentation as everyone else.

>> No.10444023

>There's functions on the N64 which no games used ever, so those won't be on the core to save space.
Saving space or save time by not implementing something that won't be used? Probably a bit of both. Either way it doesn't matter, not even worth bringing up unless it was something that effects actually playing games.

>> No.10444024

I live to upset and troll Mister fags, I intentionally play dumb and ask bad faith questions on here to do so, and I will continue to

>> No.10444036

>it has the exact same accuracy flaws as software emulation
Mazamars has reverse engineered the hardware and written a bunch of new tests that this core will benefit from, it wont have the exact same accuracy flaws as existing software emulators, Ares is the only one moving forward in the same manner and the hit to CPU requirements is massive.

>> No.10444037

x68000, magnavox oddyssey, intelliivison, cps3, jaguar, pc-98, fm towns

>> No.10444106
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Buying into FPGA over software emulation is kind of like abandoning your fancy Ferrari you just got over one of those “hoverboards”

>> No.10444137

Yeah FPGA does have a real advantage in instances where accuracy would be way too expensive for current CPUs in software, which is why I mentioned the PS2's floating point implementation

>> No.10444147

Imagine thing software emualtion is the Ferrari lol

>> No.10444160
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MiSTer has a 1:1 NeoGeo core. With the prices of real NeoGeo hardware, JUST THAT makes it worth the price tag.

>> No.10444161

Mostly saving space, since the option to include the full feature set will be there for future, more powerful FPGAs. That's what Robert said. Some of the more costly memory operations are only used by things like the homebrew Linux port which, yeah, nobody cares

>> No.10444163

Your explanation is in depth but it's not really addressing the core question of whether these cores are accurate duplicates of the original. We can talk MORE accurate or LESS accurate all we want in comparison to other options like software emulators but in terms of how the cores compare to the original systems, are they actually reproducing the same electrical circuit? Sounds like you're saying Mega Drive and Neo Geo are doing exactly that. Cool. But the others all seem to be different degrees of "not EXACTLY but..."

>> No.10444167

You don't need Nintendo or SGI. You do, however, need to decap the chips and scan them with an electron microscope. That's ideally how EVERY core would be made but it's an expensive process.

>> No.10444187

Yes, the truth is past the 16bit stuff it's not truly accurate implementations. Misterfags will seethe, whinge, and lie through their teeth to tell you it is but it won't be and never will be because there is not fully documented breakdowns of the hardware available to the public. It is and always will be emulation. Hardware level Emulation, but Emulation with a capital fucking E. You are Emulating with a Mister past a certain level of complexity.

>> No.10444207

>But the others all seem to be different degrees of "not EXACTLY but..."
Correct, which is what I tried to put accross. However just because something isn't decapped (yet) doesn't mean you can't develop a core that acts functionally the same as real hardware (or current knowledge allows), which is good enough for me and what I expected for what the MiSTer supports. Decapping still requires you to understand what you are looking at too, which for MD and NeoGeo happened becuase those people are massively knowledgeable about the hardware.

The scene is still relatively young, we are just seeing the first attemps at putting these consoles into FPGA. More hardware engineers will come along and more people are getting involved in chip decapping etc. Expecting fully decapped chip core info at this stage of the project is unrealistic, there's just far too few people doing it and whilst that might be the end goal or ideal scenario for FPGA emaultion it's too much to expect that from everything now.

>> No.10444223

>Misterfags will seethe, whinge, and lie through their teeth to tell you it is
No they won't. Anyone paying even the slightest attention knows that compomises had to be made to get that generation of consoles working on the DE-10.

>It is and always will be emulation.
We know, it's a point made in literally every single thread by people with a MiSter and by people without.

>> No.10444224

And I'll make sure to post it in every thread going forward until the heat death of the universe

>> No.10444238

You do that. Tell people what they already know, a very constructive use of your time.

>> No.10444242

I still don't think it's emulation even if it's inaccurate. It's just an inaccurate clone. That's what we used to call NOACs back in the day before FPGA came into vogue.

>> No.10444260

Eh, as long as it is 100% latency and timing accurate I don't care. Can't do that with software emulation.

>> No.10444262

>its not emulation
>ok it is but I don't care

every thread

>> No.10444317

I spend 500 bucks on junk all the time, it's literally nothing. I can afford it because I have a job. Shit, that's what I spent just renting furniture last week.

>> No.10444338

>two people say it's emulation and don't care
>one person thinks it isn't emulation
>dumb fuck tries to imply they are changing their opinion even though they didn't

what causes this?

>> No.10444363

Same, but now I have a house filled with junk. I should really stop.

>> No.10444383

But there will be no "heat death" of the universe, so I guess you'll just keep repeating it to people who don't give a shit for all time. You will never have a MiSTer, and you will never be a real woman.

>> No.10444432
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Here you go, faggot OP
Function that turok 2 needed just got added. Have fun.

>> No.10444436

I personally never had any issues calling MiSTer hardware emulation tho, no need to lump me up to reinforce your (bad) strawman argument

>> No.10444506

But it's not a literal N64 so MiSTer is bad

>> No.10444531

I'm personally boxing my N64 and selling my OSSC. MiSTer is better. Sucks to be poor I guess

>> No.10444615

It does suck but I bought my De10-Nano when they cost half as much as they do now so I get to play N64 with usable sticks and without the emulation shitting itself like Mupen.

>> No.10444712

>using emulators instead of original hardware
>not poor
pick one

>> No.10444832

>Not owning everything and using the best options
>not poor

>> No.10445208

>not owning nothing
>and being happy

>> No.10445584

What's your problem dude? Mister is magically more accurate than original hardware. Thousands of zoombies couldn't possibly be wrong. Made by brilliant experienced people who are totally not just doing it to play nintendo on their daddys TV
>when the core was first released the dev didnt even have a SNES and had never played on one!
>are they actually reproducing the same electrical circuit
Whatever that means in your head. Of course not.

>> No.10446038
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>Is anyone making fictional cores?
yeah its called the mars project

>> No.10446065

The mister itself is cheaper than a NG flash cart.

>> No.10446068

The irony of this is FGPA is actually the ferrari, and software emulation fans are like busriders from /o/ shitting up a ferrari thread by saying that supras are both faster and more reliable than ferraris, so only an idiot would spend so much money on a ferrari.

>> No.10446089
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>FGPA is actually the ferrari
What is real hardware then? A fighter Jet? Get the fuck out of here comparing FGPA with a Ferrari.

>> No.10446110

Yes you wasted money on junk. This is why I own an original N64. I have the option to play on CRT TV or use my Kaico HD adapter(combined with the mClassic) to play on my HDTV. $500 is too much money to spend on a boxed emulator.

>> No.10446114

Hahaha the software cuck shits his pants like a jew when his own tactics are thrown back at him.

>> No.10446115

>the 40 year old wahoomer demands the premier pokemans experience

>> No.10446134

>Shills say it's $350
>$615 on the official MiSTer website.

Why do MiSTer shills lie? We all know it's over $600!

>> No.10446142
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>> No.10446143

I don't play Pokemon. I mainly bought the N64 for the wrestling games, including modded versions of WWF No Mercy.

>> No.10446147
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>> No.10446169

The D-10 Nano isn't a complete MiSTer. It's only part of it. It would be like if I only bought the mother board for my gaming PC, while forgetting about the casing, power supply, graphics card, hard drive, CPU unit, etc...

>> No.10446182

Mister is a project that enables FPGA implementations of retro platform on a DE10-Nano. A DE10-nano with an OTG USB hub is all you need to have a "mister", although the RAM module is required for many cores. $250.

What you posted is spoonfeeding for consoomers.

>> No.10446186

What a load of bullshit, you clearly are too stupid to be part of the mister community please leave.

>> No.10446192

The DE-10 is all you need. (Well, you pretty much need a RAM stick but that's cheap). Everything else is pure quality of life. Nothing necessary to play the games at all.

>> No.10446197

In ChatGPT I like coming up with scenarios where a fantasy arcade/console hybrid core (somewhat like the NeoGeo AES/MVS) is made and the type of games I'd like to see developed on it.

>It's basically a combination of the CPS-III, Capcom-Sony ZN-1/2 and Sega STV
>The SDK provides modern tools for easier adoption and allowing porting indie games to
>It is designed for 15kHz displays in order to make it accessible to people on consumer and arcade CRTs
>Allows for any XInput and DirectInput controller giving people unlimited options for controllers and peripherals


>> No.10446210

What I posted exposes the real price if the MiSTer. You shills are spewing bullshit with touting "$250" or "$350" as the price. Anyone can find the real price by going directly to the MiSTer website.

>> No.10446213

And yet you cannot refute that all Mister functionality is available for $250. There is no "mister" website.

>> No.10446215

>It would be like if I only bought the mother board for my gaming PC
It's more like buying a PC in parts and assembling it yourself compared with buying a prebuilt PC, except with a mister there are less parts to assemble.

>> No.10446216

Nope. You need the other parts and the casing to complete the MiSTer.

>> No.10446220

Liar! The MiSTer website is MiSTerAddOns dot com.

>> No.10446221

No you don't you lying little faggot cunt. I had a de10 and hub for a long time and it ran mister just fine. I later bought a ram module and analog card for additional functionality but it worked fine without it.

>> No.10446225


This is the mister website.


Anything else is for retards and suckers, you aren't a retarded sucker are you?

>> No.10446232

You're fucking retarded if you think MiSTerAddons is the official store. PorkchopExpress is only one of many people offering pre-built kits and daughter boards to save you the trouble of having to do it yourself. The inflated expense if because he values his time in putting a MiSTer kit together so your lazy ass doesn't have to. I'm laughing so hard right now I'm in tears. So you really like to come off as an informed troll but you're making yourself look very ignorant of the topic.

I bet you're too stupid to build legos and wish they came assembled for you.

>> No.10446236
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>> No.10446240

Get a load of this consoomer.

>> No.10446241

Unfortunately, a Neo Geo MVS // AES style platform will never be made again. Arcade manufacturers learned their lesson when they realized porting games to consoles in the 90s killed their arcade profits. These days, Modern Arcades will not carry games that have a console release. Arcades demand games that are exclusive to the arcades only. They've threatened to cancel Business contracts with companies that release to consoles. Konami hasn't released a DDR game for consoles since...the PS3. Well over 14 years ago.

>> No.10446246

That is only a little bit inaccurate to say as Nesica Live and I forgot the other one have many of the games that were in recent compilations or are actual ports.

>> No.10446268

>thinks his time isn't worth anything.
This is where your argument falls apart. If you want to discuss how much a Mister truly costs, then you need to discuss the amount of time you invest into putting together components yourself. Spending hours or days putting it all together isn't really saving you anything. It's called opportunity cost. Even if you aren't using money, a price must be paid somewhere.

>> No.10446272

Most arcades in America refuse to carry games that need online service or an active online connection.

>> No.10446283

You don't need to put together any components. All you need is a de10-nano, an OTG hub and a RAM module foor $250 total and you can use any Mister core perfectly.

Now compare this with a gaming PC where you have to buy:
Total cost $4000

Then put it all together. Then spend a few days installing software and patching windows. And only then can you begin installing emulators where you have to setup every emulator and tune runahed and display modes which takes about six months. No thanks!

>> No.10446295

>Now compare this with a gaming PC where you have to buy:
>Total cost $4000

What? You don't need a $4000 dollar PC to emulate retro games. You could probably buy an old Dell shit box for $100 and run them fine.

>> No.10446297

I think traditional arcades in North America have less market share than even a Japanese-oriented arcade chain like Round1. Round1 is almost all service games with a few old school arcades just in case. I don't want to consider Dave & Buster's an arcade because they bank on redemption games and any arcades they do have are either service arcades and few of the D&B chains even carry old school arcade games.

>> No.10446309

Good luck running modern emulators on mom's dumpster-dive dell.

>> No.10446310

I have a Dell Optiplex 7010 with a GT730 and it's ok for what it does, but even over a PC CRT, I cannot get the correct input timings that I do on the MiSTer. This is important for me as I play on real cabinets at my local barcade. I think PCs dedicated to emulating are perfectly fine for arcades that only need a wrapper since the hardware is x86 based anyway or if the MiSTer doesn't have a functional core for. Other than that, you cannot go wrong with a MiSTer for arcade and consoles (not to disregard PC, but none of them are seamless to get arcade games going.

>> No.10446329
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>> No.10446334

I can confirm. Shills will deny it, but MiSTers are sold on their official website misteraddons.com

>> No.10446337

Dude, you can buy a refurbished PC to run retro games with for $50. The only reason to building a gaming PC, is if you wanted to play modern games.

>> No.10446341

>dude you can totally steal granny's beige box and play zsnes on it

PC nigs keep moving the goalposts. Face it software emulation is the ghetto option for poorfags who can't even afford $250 for a Mister FPGA.

>> No.10446345

>Good luck running modern emulators on mom's dumpster-dive dell.
They can run everything a Mister can. And we all know a Mister maxes out at N64

>> No.10446373

>buy a $300 to $600 Mister!
>gets more expensive each year for no reason
>still can't deliver on original promises
Calling people poor or NEETs because they refuse to buy an utterly unnecessary luxury item that's overpriced by more than 100% and has become more expensive a year after release for literally no reason is pretty lame too. I don't care how much money you have, a bad buy is a bad buy.

>> No.10446383

Only costs $250, surely you can afford two hours of salary for this?

>> No.10446385

>stuttery bsnes

>> No.10446392

You're clearly mad because MiSTer offers something that software emulators can't recreate. Is it because you need run-ahead to reduce input delay which needs to be tuned per game? Is it the fact that you have to manually set the video timing because a game is not displaying correctly? Something about software emulation clearly isn't satisfying you that the MiSTer potentially can and you're so mad you want to hide it by shitposting against it.

>> No.10446409

>$300 to $600
at least you stopped saying it was $600 every time

>> No.10446423


>> No.10446425

ok so now that every other argument has been stretched to it's limits, now we're at the point where it's a "luxury"?

>> No.10446436


Sorry, >>10446423 was meant for >>10446373

>> No.10446458

If you save $20k per year, $200 is 1% of your total savings for one year. Yeah, one $200 purchase isn't luxury, but it's not like you can buy $200 items every day. On the other hand, if you can only save $20k a year you probably are poor, but just saying that $200 isn't nothing. For reasons already stated, it's probably very worth it compared with getting a dedicated PC for emulators (unless a good enough PC miraculously appears on your doorstep). But if someone already has a dedicated PC for emulators, buying a mister as well just for the timing benefits and purported accuracy improvements seems like a waste of money unless you are hardcore into accurate timing. In conclusion, the fuss about accurate timing on its own isn't all that compelling, but the proposition of a relatively cheap plug and play emulation box, that is also highly accurate, gives it a hand up over other options.

>> No.10446465

>Only costs $250, surely you can afford two hours of salary for this?
Mister Devs are literally begging for money on patreon and other donation websites. Don't you think it's rather poor taste to brag about money and people being poor? Shame on you.

>> No.10446484

I patreon, do you?

>> No.10446486

Wasn't one mister dev begging for like $1500 in donations so he could have surgery?

>> No.10446490
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I give my money to lolcows.

>> No.10446590

>unironically shilling for misteraddons

>> No.10446695

What is it about FPGA that instantly turns /vr/ /v/-tier? Most of the board is fine but the second I see an FPGA thread it's like I'm really browsing /v/

>> No.10446738


>> No.10446743

The central CPU unit?

>> No.10446759

Remember it has to be a dedicated PC that can't do Dreamcast to be a fair comparison. Well personally that actually doesn't come into the equation because if I'm going to have a dedicated emulation PC it's for CRTEmudriver or something and any 6th gen+ system I don't have real hardware for doesn't need 15Khz support but regardless.

>> No.10446772
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>poorfags! Hundreds of dollars is easy money

...Meanwhile the Mister devs beg for money...

>> No.10446831

damn, idk. save yourself $400 and put it together yourself?

>> No.10446861
File: 67 KB, 929x284, caliber mister users.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The calibre of mister users since fifth gen started landing is really low.

>> No.10446885

>magine being able to virtually build a retro PC from discreet components
That's basically what a lot of FPGA dev is, if the VHDL is already available for the various components one can integrate them using a virtual circuit. Several cores contain alternate silicon that you can swap between which is great on the PCXT/Tandy core and the c64 core.

Not to that level but there are fantasy systems like zxnext and the mega65 which are pretty cool and easy to develop on.

>> No.10446890

The accuracy is really down to some edge cases. The prior genesis core was very accurate but it took the decap to get to the real edge case buggy behaviour.

Many of the computer cores are also spot-on.

>> No.10446931

And the original hardware is only 100% accurate. Far less than the mister.
>What is it about that instantly turns /vr/ /v/-tier?
Newchildren like (You)
>Several cores contain alternate silicon
Several core brain worms produced that word salad

>> No.10447059
File: 115 KB, 605x557, softwareisntgoodenough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can run everything a Mister can.
Just really, reallly, really slowly lol. Here's your gate level MegaDrive emulator in software on a modern PC, completely unplayable.

>> No.10447075

what are the advantages of gate level mega drive emulation?

>> No.10447107

It’s a wire by wire 1:1 recreation of the MegaDrive hardware, no approximations, no guess work, no assumptions of accuracy. No chance of edge case bugs that keep popping up years and years after release, everything just works as it should. But not remotely feasable to run on the best desktop CPU’s at full speed, easy for an FPGA.

>> No.10447117

I already know what it does. Can you tell me what it fixes?

>> No.10447127

Probably sates the autism

>> No.10447148

This. Get a refurbished N64 and an Everdrive cart. every game, ready to go.

>> No.10447152

You dont need a 'dedicated' PC when things like Batocera exists.

>> No.10447173

On the old core PSG channels don't play back at the correct volume or in edge cases didn't trigger at all sometime at the wrong speed, this has been seen in games on software emaultion too. This was don to inaccuracies in multiple chips.The MDFourier tuned audio is better than anything in software, so that's every single game now having fixed audio. It fixes the timings of every single game in the library because you are no longer working on the previous development methods that ammounted to assumptions.

It's like asking what does bSNES fix compared to SNES9x, its all about the timings and the last step of attention to detail that makes every game "fixed" compared to running it on a less accurate emulator.

>> No.10447231

What the fuck are you going on about? Are the PSG channels in the room with us right now? I grew up with a mega drive and I cannot tell a difference between it and picodrive sound or visual wise. All the "improvements" of mistr are things that nobody noticed to begin with, meaning everybody who actually plays games will be perfectly happy with traditional emulation, and people who want to coom over concepts they made up in their head such as "gate level emulation" can keep justifying this 500 dollar waste of cash.

>> No.10447238

>>10447117 >>10447075 here i'm not >>10447231

>> No.10447269

>500 dollar
That’s a turd even for software emulation, I swear if I told you to use blast em instead you would whine about that too lmao.

>> No.10447274
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When does the simpsons go public? It’s still not public.

>> No.10447304

1. It's more accurate than original hardware. It was 100% accurate years ago and has only become more accurate with each upgrade.
2. It's incredibly easy to bullshit about. Just parrot another shill or throw together random words to make only yourself think you appear smart. Transistor level. Wire by wire
3. The list goes on, ???, profit, even the glutenfreefags get sick of your shit

>> No.10447317

Shills, liars, truth stretchers, fags in denial, the usual, these threads reflect the community

>> No.10447327

>throw together random words
I’m sorry you aren’t informed or smart enough to understand the subject.

>> No.10447480

Sorry that you have to string together a bunch of bullshit to justify (you)r 500 dollar purchase to the world

>> No.10447506

Why do they sell an emulator that cant do filters for 500 bucks when emulators are free?

>> No.10447513

So you can tell people on 4channel.org that they're poor for not buying one.

>> No.10447526

It answered an question and isn't a justification of anything.
>500 dollar
350 dollar
>Why do they sell an emulator
You aren't buying an emaultor.
>that cant do filters
it can do filters, you really don't have even the slightest clue abou this stuff do you?
>emulators are free?
so are FPGA emulators, it's all open source
Money isnt the problem, it's an almost laughable level of ignorance.

>> No.10447534

He doesn't have an actual point. Like all the schizos here his intense autism compels him to ruin one extremely specific topic by posting the same thing 50 times every day.

>> No.10447553

>You aren't buying an emaultor.
Well you are right, I'm not buying this emulator, since they are free.

>> No.10447574

Exactly, software and hardware emulators are both free, not sure why you felt the need to repeat that but whatever.

>> No.10447583

I felt the need to repeat it because you don't seem to understand that dropping 500 bucks on an emulator is dumb, but I guess you just don't learn.

>> No.10447601

>500 bucks
360 bucks, talk about not learning. How do I go about buying an emulator, what’s the site? Do they accept PayPal?

>> No.10447613

I thought it was 350? Now it's 360?
You really are retarded.

>> No.10447656

So you know it’s 350 but kept writing 500? But sure, I’m the one with cognitive issues.

>> No.10447719

I'm just using your made up numbers against you.

>> No.10447720

Its a fucking box for playing 30 year old video games. It could cost $20 and it would still be a luxury.

>> No.10447723

Why spend $1,200 on a MiSTer when the PC that your stepdad owns is literally free?

>> No.10447725

99% of Americans are genuine poorfags the second you need medical intervention.

>> No.10447727

My MiSter build cost $350, so did a shit load of other people’s, imagine being triggered by that of all things.

>> No.10447781

you're god damn retarded. I haven't paid a single cent and can download his test builds for free.

>> No.10447785

this is getting stale. what's the next fake console war? TIC-80 vs Pico-8?

>> No.10447806

Mister seems faggy. I use retroarch, that shit is so cash

>> No.10447815

It takes less than 30 seconds to calibrate a game to have 1 frame of input lag on retroarch. On mister games run at a minimum of 2 frames, sometimes 3 or 4. Seems inferior to me

>> No.10447820

Here's a bomb:

This database uses MiSTer as the benchmark for testing input delay on controllers.

>> No.10447837

It's telling you to play good N63 FPS like Perfect Dark

>> No.10447842

Okay? I run all of my games at 1 frame of input lag on all of my various controllers. Run ahead makes the play control feel so tight its unreal. 1 frame is a real game changer, it's faster than the original consoles.

>> No.10447846

crawl back to your containment thread please. faggot

>> No.10447849

Now that I've given you ammo, which display and controller are you using?

>> No.10447870

>On mister games run at a minimum of 2 frames
Two scanlines of latency from the scaler, your GPU will always buffer a frame.

>> No.10447872

>My MiSter build cost $350, so did a shit load of other people’s, imagine being triggered by that of all things.
Now do that same build today and include shipping and taxes.

>> No.10447880

Someone already did the heavy lifting and made a pastebin. You're probably too busy looking for another (You) to have seen it though.

>> No.10447884

I use an 8bitdo neo geo(bluetooth), a hori hayabusa pro noir, and a dual shock 4 over bluetooth. Used to have a hori fighting commander ps4 but one of the buttons got mushy so I replaced it with the hayabusa stick. I use these all on an ips panel, not even a 1ms one, but I still end up with only 1 frame of lag.

>> No.10447893

Do you have a point of reference to feel out the difference? or do you just trust your gut?

>> No.10447896

If my GPU adds an extra frame then that's the only one that's there. It's really easy to test how much lag there is in retroarch, its 1 frame.

>> No.10447901

Which of course is renowned for it’s low, non variable input latency.

>> No.10447907

In retroarch if you press the k key on the keyboard it pauses the emulation while still accepting inputs. You can the hold the jump button on the controllers while pressing k to advance the emulation frame by frame. The jump will come out on the first possible frame. Most of my games at first will have 3 frames of lag(two frames on original hardware plus one more from the emulation). I then add 2 frame of runahead, perform the test again and the jump will come out on the first frame.

>> No.10447910

My point is, that it doesnt matter if bluetooth adds a few ms of lag, the run ahead feature still gets the lag down to 1 frame.

>> No.10447913

That was what I paid in May, including shipping, no extra taxes on the DE-10 to my location.

What’s with this hardware price obsession? It’s never ending.

>> No.10447914

So you have the software side, you don't think the hardware side will affect anything in the chain?

>> No.10447930

>the run ahead feature still gets the lag down to 1 frame.
Run ahead gets the input lag from the games logic down to 1 frame, all the other sources of PC latency are still there. Input, OS, GPU lag is still the same and it isn’t 1 frame. You are probably playing with 2-3 frames.

>> No.10447934

Love how the mister and retroarch make normalfags seethe

>> No.10447945

>bluetooth adds 1 frame of lag
>runahead removes 1 frame of lag
Great, how about the rest

>> No.10447953

Runahead can remove more than 1 frame of lag. I have mine set to 2-4 depending on the game.

>> No.10447965

>You are probably playing with 2-3 frames.
Idk man, the shit feels ridiculously crisp and responsive to me. I demonstrated how I tested the lag, and you're over here saying

>> No.10447974

Yes, but that still won’t leave you with a 1 frame of input lag. You do know that pausing the emulator and using frame advance is only telling you how many frames of lag the game has, not how many you have in total?

>> No.10447979

As far as the MiSTer goes, the DE-10 Nano itself does not introduce any additional delay in miliseconds. Somewhere down the line between the button actuating and the action happening on the screen, there is a delay happening which you can only mitigate.

The biggest thing you can do is have a controller with imperceptible delay.

Method 1:
>making sure your controller's encoder has a very low delay
Reference this database and choose your controllers according to your budget and needs:

Method 2:
>using SNAC which bypasses the Linux layer and interfaces directly with the FPGA
>Otherwise known as experiencing the original delay as original hardware

With Method 1, all emulators that rely on the OS in any way to interface with a USB device will add frames on top of the delay that comes with the encoder.

The other thing you can do is focus on getting a display with the least amount of delay. I simply choose a CRT for MiSTer and call it a day. My PC gaming is done on a 144hz 1.75ms display and modern games are designed to take into account varying delay so it's ok.

>> No.10447996

Good thing you're anonymous and nobody will ever know you're trying to convince yourself despite all of this information. Have a good day.

>> No.10448013

Have a good day misterfag. I'm glad I could help you rationalize blowing a bunch of money for a slightly worse experience than retroarch that cant play nearly as many games ^_^

>> No.10448021

Your entire post makes me think of audiophiles posting about their gold plated optical cables and specialized wall socket covers. Is latency really such a big deal?
I've played a lot of vidya on various devices. Original hardware on a CRT TV, PC games on a PC CRT, ZSNES emulation on a shitty early 2000's PC LCD screen, upscalers on fancy modern OLED TVs, wireless and wired controllers of every price range and quality etc. And not once have I thought "Damn, if only I didn't have so much fucking latency."

>> No.10448051

Posting a bunch of links without prices to ebay and Amazon...and saying just go look for yourself is not an answer.

>> No.10448059

>What’s with this hardware price obsession? It’s never ending.
Because for the Mister to be a feasible and practical option, it needs to cheaper than just using a modern console or a cheap computer running software Emulation.

>> No.10448063

It depends, but it's definitely not placebo. If you don't ever notice it, who cares, don't go down the rabbit hole. It's usually important when you play on real hardware at local tournaments (or for fun like me) so you want to recreate the environment at home in case you don't have the real hardware. [some shill shit, but] This is why the MiSTer is important. It preserves and recreates that environment in terms of delay and video timings for much cheaper than seeking real hardware.

As far as Audiophile shit goes, an mp3 will sound better through WASAPI or ASIO than through DirectSound. All you need is a respectable brand of audio equipment but it certainly does not need to cost in the $1k+ range unless you're working on music yourself. Just don't buy garbage chinese e-waste.

>> No.10448067

I doubt most people in this thread can detect 1ms of latency. It's similar to the CRT fags in the CRT general complaining about LCD lag, but havent even used an modern esports gaming monitor that has a 1ms response time. Their minds are stuck in 2004.

>> No.10448081

>It's not emulation!
>They just gotta work on making more games compatible... like emulators... but it's not the same...

>> No.10448095

>Because for the Mister to be a feasible and practical option, it needs to cheaper than just using a modern console or a cheap computer running software Emulation.
This. The magic number is $299, and it has to be fully assembled ready to go. No putting it "together yourself" nonsense that some people cope post here.

I only care about the Mister being a dedicated portable retro gaming box. Nothing else. Something I can bring to friends homes, or my local gaming tournaments. Then plug it in and play immediately. I don't always want to use,or bring my laptop for emulating retro games. It's a pain. Or bringing my increasingly rare arcade boards to gaming events and using a supergun.

If Mister goes beyond the price of me just buying a dedicated entry level laptop, then it's simply not a good solution for me. And I'm not a poorfag either. I have money, but I was taught to be financially responsible, and weigh my purchases carefully.

>> No.10448128

>I only care about the Mister being a dedicated portable retro gaming box. Nothing else.
It’s your lucky day, that’s what it is!

>> No.10448134

>This. The magic number is $299, and it has to be fully assembled ready to go. No putting it "together yourself" nonsense that some people cope post here.
The MiSTer is an open source project. There are no designated factories printing out SDRAMS and Analog IO boards just for the MiSTer. Everything you see on sale for the MiSTer is sourced from different places. You're paying more money so that you don't have to get the gerber files for each daughter-board you want, find out that PCB shops require you to order a minimum in bulk, and then have to solder the missing terminals yourself. So if it's not a solution for you, just buy a Dell Optiplex and sort it out on there. There are also micro form factor PCs you can buy if you need a wallet sized device.

>> No.10448159
File: 867 KB, 1269x1124, misterchina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no designated factories printing out SDRAMS and Analog IO boards just for the MiSTer
You just don't shop at the right places

>> No.10448168

I paid way less than that because I bought each piece and put it together myself. Which puts into question what you said about being taught to be "financially responsible".

>> No.10448178
File: 670 KB, 1111x494, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, your currency sucks

>> No.10448284

So this dumb faggot doesn’t know how to order directly from a manufacturer and goes through a third party that marks up the price double, whhhhheeeeeeeeewwww lad - better not even get started with this device. You clearly are retarded

>> No.10448285

>I don't always want to use,or bring my laptop for emulating retro games. It's a pain.
>just buying a dedicated entry level laptop
Instead of going through mental gymnastics to justify not buying something you don't want, you could just not buy one and also not tell us.

>> No.10448302

lol, is “begging” for money when you make over 3k a month for something you would do anyways for free but people will throw money at you simply for doing what you are passionate about? Your mom is begging for my cock

>> No.10448304
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>> No.10448323

>Which puts into question what you said about being taught to be "financially responsible".
If the Mister doesn't offer a financial advantage to me, then why would I bother investing time into assembling it? It's still over $300 dollars either way. Whether it's $600 dollars buying it fully assembled...or $400 dollars putting it together myself, it's still more than I would like to pay for such a product. Did you not read my post at all?

>> No.10448350

ok, bub, go ahead and justify why the price of a pre-built kit is out of your price range but putting it together for cheaper is still too expensive.

>> No.10448380

>open the stupid ass pastebin that's being spammed
>wanted to estimate total price
>ebay pushed the order through
Please tell me there is a way to cancel a purchase on eBay. Never had to cancel before and I had the sdram in the cart.

>> No.10448414

Stop replying to me unless you can price out a full Mister for less than $299

>> No.10448415
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, mister2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a mister. It is functionally capable to do everything most people would want a Mister to do. It costs $250.

>> No.10448428

1. Where to buy

2. It has no case. It's naked.

>> No.10448467

>this database uses (not a controller) as the benchmark for input delay on controllers
Possibly ESL retard or super retard. There's only a MiSTer database because it can be used as a convenient controller interface in an Arduino testing setup and its userbase is more worried about the lag of chinc SNES controller clones and shit than fighting game players.

>> No.10448468

>stop reminding me I'm poor

>> No.10448476

Stop wasting valuable thread space if that's the best reply you got.

>> No.10448528


>> No.10448551

Do you think you are clever or something?

>> No.10448575

It comes with a top cover, what more do you need? Just put it in a cardboard box or wrap it up in christmas paper.

>> No.10448627

>I'm mad you nailed it
Indeed. I can hear your veins popping from here.

>> No.10448649

>Just put it in a cardboard box or wrap it up in christmas paper.
Have some standards anon.

>> No.10448665

How about yourself stop moving the goalposts cunt.

>> No.10448803

>put it in a cardboard box
I'm pretty sure anon wants a real case.

>> No.10448824

This isn't an exercise in how GHETTO you can make your Mister setup. Otherwise we should just wrap it in a ball of electrical tape and call It a day.

>> No.10448826

Easy enough to make one. https://mister-devel.github.io/MkDocs_MiSTer/basics/case/

>> No.10448830

Next you'll tell me he wants a power switch instead of yanking the dc cable out to turn it off.

>> No.10448831

Well you're not talking about a mister any more then, you're talking about what it costs for all the bells and whistles to be spoonfed to you.

>> No.10448852

Since when is having a case considered "bells and whistles" ? Unbelievable.

>> No.10448870
File: 53 KB, 1080x810, my coomlection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's now worth 4x what it cost
Not my problem.

>> No.10448889

How dare you demand a power button you peasant!

>> No.10448901

I still run a naked sammich since 2020

>> No.10449416
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>Valuable thread space
>MISTER fpga thread

>> No.10449438

I never turn mine off, what for?

>> No.10449467

it's about $20 a year to run it 24/7/365

>> No.10449535

>no power switch
>20 dollars a year to run

Sorry mistr coping fags, but you've gotta calculate that yearly draw into the cost of the console itself. So if you play it for 5 years there's another 100 bucks. Plus tax and shipping? Way more than 500 dollars. My raspberry pi costs like 3 dollars a year to run.

>> No.10449565

Why do you salty, diabetic old boomers feel the need to misrepresent the MiSTer project to such an extent?. It's an ENTHUSIAST platform for ENTHUSIASTS. It's like throwing shit at a Lamborghini because you say you don't need more than your old 1999 Corolla. Yes, both things have wheels and both will drive you to Wal-Mart just fine, but they are for completely different markets.

>> No.10449608
File: 81 KB, 468x656, images - 2023-11-26T165542.873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still unsure on what the mister mascot even is.

>> No.10449612

The angry cat diskun?

>> No.10449645

A Lamborghini is a status symbol not an enthusiast platform you dumb shit.

>> No.10449673

I can't remember but the cat is based on the designer's cat I think. So it's more of a self reference that caught on.

>> No.10449682

It's mister kun.

>> No.10449692

Should be called Mr. Mister

>> No.10449717
File: 9 KB, 259x194, mister1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes with a case that does the job, you may not like it but it does.

>> No.10449719

>You've gotta calculate that yearly draw into the cost of the console itself.
If the cost of the power button and its installation is expensive enough, it may be more cost effective to leave it running 24/7.

>> No.10449725

That's not a case. Just stop.

>> No.10449726
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>he fell for the mister scam

>> No.10449775

No. I am not talking about the cat.

>> No.10449785

This is my problem with Mister. How the fuck do they know when a core is "done"? New bugs are found in cores all the time, so clearly they're not perfect at present, but even if I accept that it's possible for an FPGA to be 100% accurate how the hell would anyone know that we've reached that point?

How can anyone claim that Mister cores are more accurate than an emulator when you don't even know how different they are compared to the original hardware?

>> No.10449791

A public core is almost indistiguishable from real hardware right up until someone discovers an obscure bug.

>> No.10449802
File: 32 KB, 640x480, images - 2023-11-26T190327.137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No enthusiast who plays to win would ever buy that shit.

>> No.10449804

They have to decap the chips to reconstruct the HDL, or somehow get the original HDL. You can on some level forget about the games in that scenario because if you reconstruct the chip by visual examination then anything designed to run on it will "just work." I'm way oversimplifying but the point is that you'll know when its done because you have something physically there to compare it to. Which is way more accurate than chasing down bugs one at a time in released software. Given the age of these systems you do run into problems because of different, now obsolete manufacturing methodologies that end up affecting how the original chips functioned but as a general rule if the chip has been decapped the core is done.

>> No.10449931

>New bugs are found in cores all the time
This is not entirely true. The vast majority of "bugs" reported are either due to garbage downloads from romz sites, or morons reporting broken behaviour that the original platforms also exhibited.

>> No.10450010

For some implementations it is reasonable to black box the design from the documentation. Does it matter if vtech laser is accurate to every undocumented glitch if all the software works perfectly?

>> No.10450017

What the hell is an enthusiast that plays to win?
Why does a row of street fighter arcade machines have to do with anything?

>> No.10450074

I'm picturing a montage of some fedora practicing his hadouken spam to shoryuken trap for hours every day after getting his shit pushed in by Zangief trap spams.


>> No.10450139

That is great and nostalgic and all and I remember those days but it’s been decades.
There’s no point in the comparison.

>> No.10450196

Just a psyop to get zoomers to pay the gatekeeper tax (it's working lol). I will look at these funny scanlines and chuckle before liquidating the once-free collection on ebay to go into my crypto wallet whence I shall dump on them again at the top of the next bull run is what I'd say if I were the kind of faggot that gives two shits about anything but the mustard plug that God intended.

>> No.10450257

>How can anyone claim that Mister cores are more accurate than an emulator when you don't even know how different they are compared to the original hardware?
Because the hardware engineers that have come into the scene thanks to MiSTer are working on this stuff using logic analysers and oscilliscopes and are writting a bunch of new tests for real hardware. So these tests and measurements tell you what real hardware is doing in a way that wasn't really possible until now, so it's much easier to know how you stack up against the real thing, other emulators and what your implementation needs to improve.

>> No.10450698

at the end of the day its just emulation

>> No.10450714

can we just ban mister threads already?

>> No.10450780
File: 116 KB, 1280x960, 11-144-287-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, $615? Not fucking worth it. I'm better off building another awesome Gaming PC (pic related) than buying this piece of shit emulator box(MiSTer). Thanks for saving me $615!

>> No.10450782

Hey, gold bricks are expensive

>> No.10450786

That's too exposed. Cockroaches can crawl into it.

>> No.10450792

I mean, sure, if game compatibility is all that matters. Which if we're being pragmatic, is true. But there could always be some edge case where the core is inaccurate and you'd never know because no retail game is affected by that fringe inaccuracy. Is that something worth pursuing? Probably not but homebrew is a thing so it's conceivable that a new game shows up that works on MiSTer/original hardware but not the other.

>> No.10450794

Actually the gaming PC is a Lamborghini that can play both retro & modern games. The MiSTer has no real value, it's just a station wagon with new parts installed. The new parts could run on solar or electric, but no one wants to drive a station wagon.

>> No.10451049

>I have a hard time minding my own business in threads I have no interest in, can you mind it for me?

>> No.10451171
File: 45 KB, 400x400, u7l7TowB_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every mister thread is like watching the goalposts shift in real time.
>it's hardware replication!
>Ok it's not exactly but it is closer than software emulation!
>Ok even though every core is based off the work done by software emulation it's still better!
>Ok well so what it can't play ALL the games for psx/n64, that was a given from the start! There's still no lag!
>Ok so I stopped using a modern TV and started using a crt because the lcd has inherent lag!
>It's actually not 500 dollars because I can use my brother's student ID to get some money off! Nevermind the cost of extra ram, snac adapters, a controller, a case, kitchen appliance tier power draw, and the cost of getting av out of this device to begin with!

Face it nerds, this thing is a massive peice of shit skilled to you by your favorite e celebrity and is eclipsed by emulation and original hardware. Mistr is ironically the worst way to play in every aspect. These two are the hardest pushers of this bullshit and before any mister sister comes in here and says oh but we never said it was hardware replication, watch their first video on the shitster, it's fucking hilarious in retrospect.

>> No.10451193
File: 75 KB, 593x881, NOT ACCURATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

>> No.10451256

Is there any actual difference you can objectively point out when playing games?
Checkmate faggot

>> No.10451312
File: 65 KB, 618x904, INACCURATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Stay mad.

>> No.10451319

All the anti-MiSTer fags did was change the topic around when their bullshit was debunked. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.10451396

>>It's actually not 500 dollars because I can use my brother's student ID to get some money off! Nevermind the cost of extra ram, snac adapters, a controller, a case, kitchen appliance tier power draw, and the cost of getting av out of this device to begin with!

This is the funniest part. Mister fans were saying to just use the Mister without a case. Just naked and components exposed. All to save money.

This is like saying you should your CRT monitor without a case. Or your desktop without a case. Sure you could, but that's stupid to leave it exposed.

Why can't Misterfags simply admit:

"Yes the Mister is a little pricey at around $500 to $600 with all the components added in. It's not for everyone. It's a niche luxury product meant for enthusiasts who want a product with no lag, or who want a portable retro gaming box. It's not fully developed yet, and weaker than software Emulation in some respects, but many of us are hopeful about its future. So we're supporting this project early on. "

At least that I can respect. Instead of this BS of claiming it's cheap! And it's not expensive! And it's better than emulating! You only Need $199!
I mean come on you can't have it all.

>> No.10451405
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>> No.10451430

Maybe stop being a fag farter and then we can talk

>> No.10451501

So you just want someone to validate your retarded expectations?

Come on, man.

>> No.10451697

yeah. everythread I challenge you fags to upload video of chrono sprinting back and forth at the mil lenial fair and finally someone did in the last thread and the truth was exposec to all. higan, bsnes, aeres, even snes9x (albeit less so) stutters like a motherfucker in every fucking game while mister does not. and its not just snes emulators either. and there is not a thing you can do to completely remove it.

>> No.10451701

>ust use the Mister without a case. Just naked and components exposed.

It works fine like that I used mine for more than six months like that until I got around to making a case. Now it's a free country and you can screech that you must have a case and get upset that you feel the need to pay someone else to do it for you, but it does not invalidate the fact the de10 is designed to work perfectly just how it comes out of the box.

>> No.10451706

Software emulation is just shit. It is basically only good enough for prototyping in this new age of FPGA implementation.

>> No.10451725

Imagine being so poor that you make a $20 case the reason you put up with lag.

>> No.10451790

That's not what happened schizo

>> No.10451795

I believe him.

>> No.10451805

I remember this. I think it's great that everyone has every option available at all levels of accessibility because that is how everyone can play something. But to outright think one is superior to the other, even when there are black and white discrepancies is dumb. So if one artifact that doesn't happen on console and it is significant enough to wonder how well the other solutions fare, why do people have to turn it into an argument? I'm glad you asked people to run that experiment.

>> No.10451885

It's not emulation. Emulation is for poorfags. Mister is just better.

>> No.10451890

You are trolling.

>> No.10451891
File: 28 KB, 348x321, 1667837749397471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 dollars so chrono trigger doesn't lag doing something you don't have to do lmfao. It's like if you were to play mario and jump 50 times in a row before even moving in 1-1- and on the 49th jump there was a stutter on bsnes and not a stutter on mister. That's how fucking stupid your little gay ass test was. Show us a real world case scenario where a player who is just normally playing through the game would notice. Protip? You can't. Enjoy running back and forth from one side of the screen to the other for no reason other than to say you can, you sure got me there.

>> No.10451904

Here it is, the last guy on vr grasping onto the hardware replication lie till the end of time

>> No.10451908

It wasn't debunked. The MiSTer really does cost $615. $115 more than the $500 claim, and $365 more than the $250 claim.

>> No.10451923

Poorfags buy a MiSTer. Rich Chads buy original hardware.

>> No.10451946

But FPGA legitimately is hardware-based emulation. There is no virtualized environment wrapped in an operating system layer in FPGA. Software emulation entirely relies on the operating system to use the hardware resources.

>> No.10451952

You don't know anything about programming. You are just spouting buzzwords you heard. You don't know specifics.

>> No.10451961

Besides trying to call me out, can you point out anything wrong I said?

This is the state of the tribal mentality we have in this thread.

>> No.10451998

So why can't your shitty hardware replicating device play the entire psx and n64 library? Because it doesn't replicate the hardware

>> No.10452002

$3000 prebuilt PCs are being sold but saying it's the only option for PC gaming is disingenuous.

>> No.10452029

>can you point out anything wrong I said?

You didn't say anything. Just buzzwords strung together

>virtualized environment wrapped in an operating system


>> No.10452030

Not to mention Mister devs are using research and solutions discovered from software emulator development. Kek

>> No.10452052 [DELETED] 

there goes that tribal mentality again. what is your real pain? you're trying so hard to shit smear a solution you don't care about.

this whole thread comes off like a bunch of middle-aged republicans shitting up a democratic social media page.

>> No.10452060 [DELETED] 

just like christians trying to claim dinosaur bones are fake.

just like flat earthers arguing the earth is pizza.
(mmm pizza now I made myself hungry)

>> No.10452069 [DELETED] 

Just drop it. They're clearly trying to get one up on a seemingly vulnerable community. They have no goal to actually learn from these thread. They are just racking up (You)'s and more copy-pasta to spam in the next thread.

>> No.10452093 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 968x645, 1666577177782879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you poltards go back? This isn't a discussion about politics.

>> No.10452150

So it's basically an emulator box with (supposedly) less lag? That's it?

This what hundreds of dollars gets me? Is this really necessary?

Surely emulation can fix whatever issues you people have. Just go on the emulator forums tell the devs your issues with the emulator. They will get around to fixing it.

>> No.10452161

Surely you could just stop being poor.

>> No.10452174

>I think it's great that everyone has every option available at all levels of accessibility because that is how everyone can play something.
This is the end of the conversation. The fact is that there isn't one option to rule them all because they all have costs and benefits. If you have a potato laptop and want to turn it into a portable emulation machine, you can do that. It won't be the most accurate way to play these games but it will get the job done. Meanwhile if you're rocking a CRT and want to use original light guns, a MiSTer allows you to do that. What the best option is for someone depends on what exactly it is they want to do. Clearly MiSTer has advantages over software emulation. But there are also disadvantages, like the price of the DE-10.

>> No.10452180

>But there are also disadvantages, like the price of the DE-10.
500 dollars, if memory serves me right when I priced everything out last. I'd rather build a emulation pc for that desu, at least it can play every psx game

>> No.10452185

There's a guy running around these MiSTer threads who likes to tell people they're wrong without posting any kind of rationale for it just to troll and attempt a derail. If you ask him to elaborate he dodges and acts like it was some major burn against you. Ignore him.

>> No.10452189

The DE-10 was never $500.

>> No.10452192

That's why I said priced everything out last. The everything part is pretty important

>> No.10452198

You don't need "everything else."

>> No.10452205

I sure as hell am not going to use it without a case or power button

>> No.10452287

your needs does not reflect my needs.

>> No.10452307

Saying that the DE-10 is all you need is disingenuous. It's like saying I only need the Sega Genesis guts to play games with it. With the case, power supply, AV cable & controller, the Sega Genesis becomes a useless hunk of junk. You need the case for protection, you need the power supply for power, you need the AV cables to connect to a TV and you need the controller to play the games with. So no, a DE-10 is not enough to become a MiSTer, you need all the other parts to make it function & the case to protect it. An incomplete MiSTer is just a motherboard. May as well play a Gameboy without it's case. Not a good aesthetic.

>> No.10452312

The de-10 comes with all those things.

>> No.10452313

You may as well buy and actual PC Engine and Evercard for that price.

>> No.10452326

No it doesnt. Why lie?

>> No.10452332

Not true, the DE-10 is sold for $245 on MiSTerAddOns. No case, no other parts.

>> No.10452337

What's the point of buying these over priced emu-boxes when you could literally just buy the original consoles?

>> No.10452354

Agreed. Heck, even emulating on PC is a better option than a MiSTer.

>> No.10452406

>just buy the original consoles?
Well, that means buying an upscaler, buying a flash cart per console, and having multiple consoles in the place of a single mister.

>> No.10452417

I see. You buy them if you're a lazy trendster instead of liking these games. You may as well just hook a computer to your tv and play that way on an emulator.

>> No.10452421
File: 17 KB, 360x518, Diglett kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intentionally misconstruing the other side's argument for 8 sentences
Man I can't compete with that I concede

>> No.10452435

>buying from scalpers

>> No.10452436

its bait

>> No.10452463

It's actually fun buying upscalers, flash carts and having multiple consoles. Although I only ever need 1 flash cart(N64). I use my console minis to play SNES, Genesis, NES, PC Engine/Turbo Grafx 16, and PS1 games. I buy upscalers/hdmi converters for my Gamecube, Xbox, Dreamcast, Saturn, and N64, since my CRT TV went to shit. I love capturing gameplay on my capture card. So yeah, it's fun to have all these things and play them on an HDTV.

>> No.10452468

But you said it's only $250 to buy a MiSTer and that you only need a DE-10. $245 is below scapers prices. Nice try.

>> No.10452568

I think it's fun too. There are many options to suit many different people.

>> No.10452609


>> No.10452641

its just one sad man who also posts all the anti nintendo shit, its a mental illness where any attention, even negative, is better than the nothing they get every day, very troon like behavior actually

>> No.10452673

Holy shit what a dumb mutha fucker you are. Should have never gave you niggas money.

>> No.10452693
File: 130 KB, 989x808, 1664245336001967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying an upscaler

Why are the mister fags so oblivious to scaler induced and lcd induced input latency.
>"no input lag"(citation needed)
>oh let me hook it up to a scaler and an lcd tv

Lmao. At that point pc emulation absolutely is better because you don't have to push it through more latency adding devices. Also you have run ahead. It's like every point these mistr sisters make it gets beaten to the dirt with cold hard facts. If you hook it up to a modern panel than stop going on about no latency. If you hook it up to a crt stop going on about muh 350 dollars LOL. They lose either way and will certainly continue moving the goalposts. Still nobody can show me a single instance where gameplay is affected minus some niche thing that nobody would actually do in the game. Sorry but I'm not running left and right in the chrono trigger starting town over and over to show the one flaw you found with bsnes, have sex dude.

>> No.10452710
File: 74 KB, 725x521, emutards BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can go now.

>> No.10452724

Anti-Nintendo? Not sure about the others but I'm pro-Nintendo and Anti-MiSTer. Try again shill.

>> No.10452727

I forgot to attach this to my comment.

>> No.10452731
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>> No.10452738

We "ran some tests" with "code" and now the "inaccuracies" are "fixed". Please check out our patreon when you get the chance

Until methodologies are disclosed and physical evidence is presented, this literally means jack shit. Also even if you believe this bullshit, it's still not even close to original hardware. So what's even the fucking point

>> No.10452760

Thanks for pre-moving the goalpost

>> No.10452775

>because you don't have to push it through more latency adding devices
A good upscaler should add less than a frame of lag. Mister doesn't need an upscaler because it can already output 480p. Old consoles that output 240p need an upscaler to run on a flatscreen (well a flatscreen might have composite inputs but its internal upscaler will be horrible). So you need an upscaler for them or you need a CRT.

>> No.10452787

lol i can hear his teefs gnashing

>> No.10452797

An HDTV is still going to need to upscale 480p, basic scan doublers are for 1) TVs that flat out can't handle 240p, and 2) TVs that have very slow deinterlacing because they're trying to make SDTV not look like ass and you'd rather have something slower and uglier for playing games. The fancy upscalers that go to 1080p or 4K are to get around slow and/or low quality TV upscalers.

>> No.10452813

>falling for the FPGA false-advertisements
its just a different type of emulation, anon. nothing about it is a "1 to 1 replication of original hardware". These assholes sold you a shiny $500 box on the lie that their product is inherently more accurate than emulation because they wrote their code in Verilog instead of C.

>> No.10452897

Remember trying to discuss mini consoles and every discussion was flooded by
>get an rpi

>> No.10452901

500 is chump change.

>> No.10452903

Don't then. misteraddons is just the thing for consoomers.

>> No.10452927

I'm got mine before all the tendie retards started driving up the costs buying from scalpers.

>> No.10452947

That's right, so mister won't need an upscaler unless the TV's internal upscaler is poor.

>> No.10453013

Mister gets a quality low-latency output on any display which is nice. Really a solid just werx solution.

>> No.10453017

Doesn't make MiSTer worthy of $500.

>> No.10453026

the jannies are supposed to clean up shill threads like this

>> No.10453032
File: 1.46 MB, 334x236, 1679153074940747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't move the goalpost, I have always known the trash was never 100% accurate so it makes no fucking sense to bust out FIVE HUNDRED dollars (500! That's right I said it!) On this peice of shit. Either get original hardware and get 100% accuracy, or don't and emulate instead because you as the player aren't going to notice it. But don't sit here and peach the superiority of a fpga "solution" that cannot 100% the hardware, and then blindly wave around some random ass test with no information on how it was conducted aside from "trust me bro". It's bullshit and disingenuous and it makes idiots like op go out and spend money they never should have. If the device can ever truly 1 to 1 original hardware I will buy one, but until then fuck off with this crap. Even crazier is telling me chrono trigger has a stutter when this thing can't even emulate all the ps1 games. Like yeah I'll take some random stutter that I nor anyone else will trigger over not having the entire psx library available. So emulation on pc has wider compatability, can play way more than snes at 100%, can have better latency than original hardware and it doesn't cost 500 dollars. The mistr can easily output to a crt. That's it, there's nothing more to add to the mistr side because everything else is better on pc/ raspberry pi (LOL).

>> No.10453049

My gaming PC cost $3k, I guess you found yours in the street?

>> No.10453051

I bet you use a Bluetooth controller.

>> No.10453053

You can build a pc that will emulate up to and including ps2/ gamecube/ xbox for less than 150 dollars all in easy. If you shop around and wait you may be able to squeeze in at 100 dollars.

>> No.10453064

Ok kid.

>> No.10453068

You overpaid for a prebuilt. Lol

>> No.10453069

Once again it boils down to settling for less because you are poor. I got mine when 5th gen wasn't even on the horizon and it has been worth every penny. I packed away all the rotting plastic for the final time, stopped fucking around with emulator settings for hours and just played games. Maybe your time is cheap, but my MiSTer paid for itself within a month and I got zero lag FOR FREE.

>> No.10453076 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 960x1280, E42O7l2VUAA4K4w-1624977367862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byuu is so beautiful and androgynous. I would love to have sex with him.

It's somewhat obvious that he didn't actually kill himself.
It's just that he just couldn't handle all the free hate he was receiving for no reason. He's a pure soul.

>> No.10453078

A custom original Gameboy. A Carby HDMI Gamecube converter, a Nintendo 64 and a Gamecube controller...nice!

>> No.10453085

I love old computers but they take up so much space. It's nice to be able to play appleii or commodore without having all that shit. Plus mister works perfectly with all my retro displays including mono screen.

>> No.10453089

Wow, I can see the cope, seeth, and shilling all at once. You're trying to justify your $615 purchase of an emulation box by attacking consoles that come in plastic shells. Funny thing...my model 1 Sega Genesis is 33-years-old and shows no signs of ROT!

>> No.10453139

I didn't pay 615, mine cost me 170 all in 4 years ago. It's not my fault that you missed the boat. And I don't need to attack consoles, time does that for me FOR FREE

>> No.10453167

Geez pal lighten up, we can all afford both, right?

>> No.10453168

Just want to say this is the worst thread I've ever seen on this board and people really need to stop taking such low-tier bait.

>> No.10453171


>> No.10453172

Thanks for your contribution FAG!

>> No.10453217

iirc, this is the same faggot calling himself a mame dev when all he was doing was just cleaninng up code like a pajeet, he wasnt actually coding anything

>> No.10453229

Most of the mister core developers are guys making $200K a year at their electronic engineering jobs. Jotego works for some sound EE company or something. The patreons they have are to encourage them to use more of their free time to work on these things, not as a real method of income.

>> No.10453449

>It can't play turok 2 because it's more accurate the original hardware. Turok 2 relied on bugs in the original hardware to work.

No, no it' not. One of the first tweets Robert ever made when he started work on the N64 core was that it will not be able to hit 100% accuracy because the FPGA on the MiSTer is just simply not capable of it. And you're trying to argue that it's somehow 110%+ accurate compared to the original hardware?

It's not like Nintendo grabbed some off-the-shelf CPU and GPU to shove into the N64 but the revision they chose had a bug, and the core is based on the original off-the-shelf specs of those parts, the N64's CPU and GPU were custom. The only specs you can design the core over are the ones used in the N64.

>I have no doubt the mister project will move to a more powerful FPGA someday, but I'm still unconvinced by the Mars.

Same here, I am seeing many red flags that I have seen from various hardware projects, and not even all gaming-related projects, that went belly up when all their promises just ended up being smoke and mirrors. The 3D Printing scene was especially rife with stuff like that about 8-12 years ago. I would love it is it's all real and Mars delivers everything it promises, but right now there are too many red flags that are exactly like previous failures I have seen to trust it.

>because there's one really shitty game that noone cares about which only works on a specific hardware revision

And that game is?

>Unfortunately that game requires a later revision console, meanwhile a bunch of other games have minor graphical glitches on the later revisions due to Sony fixing some GPU hardware bugs

... and those games are?

Mind actually listing any of these games?

>Imagine being able to virtually build a retro PC from discreet components? You start with a motherboard and then pick from a list of available CPUs, GPUs, soundcards, etc.

The MiSTer supports a 486, that's about it's limit

>> No.10453586

Mister could do better than the ao486 core, just no one cares enough to do it and probably isn't worth the effort. Someone has already replicated a pentium computer on a comparable fpga chip.

>> No.10453653

That's nonsense. It's more because most "arcades" these days are just ticket redemption style games, the arcade games themselves being ports of mobile games like Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja, or have very unique control setups that would be pretty much impossible to replicate on a console on the standard controller, and in some cases not even feasible with a custom controller (Jubeat, Nostalgia, MaiMai, etc). Sadly, those are rare to see outside of Japan. For others, they DO come out on consoles (such as Cruis'n Exotica).

In the case of DDR, pretty safe to say the reason is because far more casual dancing "games" like Let's Dance have usurped ones that require a custom controller like DDR. In 2023 it's a much harder sell to go "Oh, you have to buy this minimum 35x35 inch mat (but there are much larger and heavier ones) to play the game and it just records a few places you step your feet on" over "Oh, you just have to hold a controller or smartphone in your hand so it's motion trackers can track your movement, and you have a much wider range of movement than a DDR pad" to most console modern players.

>> No.10453670

Who the fuck is making $125 an hour these days?

>> No.10453692

Befriend your boss who gets government contracts.

>> No.10454004

It's LARP. Nobody making that kind of money posts like that. Retards online are either shit broke or mega rich billionaires. Normie professionals with solid careers aren't shitposting a MiSTer thread on /vr/.

>> No.10454038

Billionaires aren't posting on MiSTer threads. You're more likely to attract professionals with solid careers on this thread than billionaires or millionaires.

>> No.10454047

those kind of faggots stick to places like reddit and discord where they can show off all their shit and get thumbs ups and reacts

4chan mostly has retarded emulator shitters like you see in this thread with the occasional enthusiast

>> No.10454081

>garbage downloads from romz sites
This has literally never happened, ever.

>> No.10454082

>he doesnt know about goodset roms

>> No.10454130
File: 89 KB, 463x469, 1446650071488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a supplier & dumper for MODE7 and if you think I'm impressed by redump basedfaggots cataloging CRC values you are sadly mistaken. Go back to your gay "preservationist" projects, people here just want to play video games. There are no "garbage downloads", only people obsessing over checksum mismatches and crying when their cycle accurate memulator doesn't pass synthetic accuracy benchmarks

>> No.10454143

i dont know what the fuck you just wrote but if you're implying bad dumps don't exist, you are a retard

>> No.10454149

he doesn't know about no-intro roms

>> No.10454150

>went over your head
woo lad

>> No.10454158
File: 116 KB, 250x250, 1449652825575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you just admitted that you didn't understand what I was saying but the point is bad dumps have never been an issue with emulation, because in 99% of cases they were just overdumps with a different checksums.
The problem have only ever been spergs like you, obsessing over >muh historical preservation and >muh cycle accurate emulation.
I have played literally (not figuratively) every gbc and gba dump that has ever been scene-released and I can count on one hand the amount of times that a redump made a meaningful difference when playing the ROM.

>> No.10454209

Retard I'm an oldfag and it has more to do with bad dumps with bad header files or even worse a lot of early SNES dumps even had trainers put on them like Breath of Fire 2, if you think people using these bad dumps never caused false bug reports, just take an intentional death.

>> No.10454282

>had trainers put on them like Breath of Fire 2

God I hated that shit. Not only did nearly every ROM site have that version of the game back then, but it broke the game's save function, and the fucking trainer's cheats didn't even work.

Nearly everyone had the bad dump of Megaman X2 as well, the one where only HALF THE ROM was actually dumped, "Bad dumps are fine and are just overdumps" my ass. No emulator supported Cx4 back then so when the ROM did nothing people assumed it was just lack of Cx4 support, when in reality the ROM image was useless. Trying to run the correctly dumped ROM on ZSNES ort SNES9X back then before Cx4 support was implemented would have resulted in the game actually running, just with scrambled graphics.

>> No.10454328
File: 2.97 MB, 190x190, 1452302113251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to run the correctly dumped ROM on ZSNES ort SNES9X back then before Cx4 support was implemented would have resulted in the game actually running, just with scrambled graphics.
>nooooooo the bad dump resulted a literally unplayable ROM being unplayable in the wrong kind of way
You people are fucking hilarious.

>> No.10454334

>anon is a larping retard
if you were around back then you'd know the game actually does run until it has to use the CX4 co-processor and then it locks up

>> No.10454337
File: 652 KB, 2325x2181, dsc_0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you let the other thread get archived? Now we are left with this sewer.

>> No.10454343

>Did I spend 500 dollars on junk???
yes you did,thanks for buying it!!
>Isn't this supposed to be a 1 to 1 replication of original hardware?
there is no way to replicate hardware with different hardware is just an expensive emulation box overpriced.
is more convenient to just use an emulator conected to a PC,you will get the same experience (or better in most cases).
this is damage control!!

>> No.10454347

>is just

>> No.10454456

this thread is kept alive by one guy replying to himself

>> No.10454565

Damage control is what the shills do to try to deflect any valid criticism of the MiSTer.

>> No.10454608

This board really is the easiest to bait.

>> No.10454674
File: 46 KB, 300x100, 1664855328290005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's because nobody cares enough about this dogshit console to do anything but talk shit about it. There's not enough interest in the device itself, but there is enough interest in how much this thing sucks balls.

>> No.10454676

>That's nonsense.

It's the exact truth. I follow the arcade business closely and have several friends that work in the industry.

>It's more because most "arcades" these days are just ticket redemption style games

This has nothing to do with what I said.

>the arcade games themselves being ports of mobile games like Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja, or have very unique control setups that would be pretty much impossible to replicate on a console on the standard controller,

Because American arcade businesses have said they will not carry games that are exactly the same as a home port or mobile game. They demand arcade exclusive versions or they won't carry it. You may not like it, but corporate arcades like Dave & Busters can have enough power to make demands. They are big.

>and in some cases not even feasible with a custom controller (Jubeat, Nostalgia, MaiMai, etc). Sadly, those are rare to see outside of Japan.

Because Sega and other game manufacturers purposely make the game to be impossible or highly difficult to play at home. The machines are huge or have custom controls. They want customers to have a unique experience when going to arcades and to return in the future. They are also well aware of emulation, and how joystick controls are easily replicated at home.

>For others, they DO come out on consoles (such as Cruis'n Exotica).

Cruisin Exotica came out in 1990s. When arcade manufacturers were still open to porting games to consoles. It was after the arcade crash where they realized they made a mistake.

>In the case of DDR, pretty safe to say the reason is because far more casual dancing "games" like Let's Dance have usurped ones that require a custom controller like DDR.

Lmao. No they haven't. Konami Bemani games are still King. DDR is the gold standard. Games like Konami Dance Rush are what is very popular. Konami absolutely is king of rhythm games. With Sega a distant 2nd.

>> No.10454916

I honestly feel bad for those that can't afford mister, they really have a much lower quality of life.

>> No.10454918



>> No.10454920

t. can't afford original hardware & flashcarts

>> No.10454935

I do, but I only work ~35 hours a month.

>> No.10454936

Why yes, I am a poorfag. Why else would I be spending my time posting here?

>> No.10454985

>$500 dollar emulator box
>No save states
>If you don't regularly update then you have to wipe your SD card (with all your games) and reinstall the OS to the latest version.


>> No.10454995

>save states

>> No.10455026
File: 104 KB, 750x800, gar2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were able to get save states on the original hardware.
Yet another thing the MiSTer does worse than a real console.

>> No.10455042

Save states are good because I don't like writing down passwords.
Several (not all) of my flashcarts support save states too so it's not even like it's an emulator only thing.

>> No.10455075


Well fortunately for you, Mister does have save states for the tendie systems and the ps1, probably others too I don't use them.

>> No.10455183

>Mister does have save states for the tendie systems and the ps1, probably others too

>I don't use them.

>> No.10455195

Save states with real hardware can be done but it's way more dodgy because while a software emulator can have it's entire state saved and restarted, you can't really take a snapshot of all the hardware and then have them all pick up where they left off. Some games won't care and will just work but others will have buggy sound or other fuckery. If you want save states, definitely stick to software emulators.

>> No.10455221

>Did I spend 500 dollars on junk???
No you didn't. This is a shitposting cope thread.

>> No.10455230

It's not a big deal imo, but it would've been handy when I was playing mega man x the other day. remapping the dash and putting in a code isn't ideal. That's pretty much the only time I bother with save states though.

It has them for the tendie systems except for SNES. Even N64 will have it. My understanding is that unless the core was designed with save states in mind that it's a real pain to put them in after the fact.

>> No.10455286
File: 78 KB, 691x691, 1691646351981612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does MiSTer make so many /vr/ anons seethe so hard?

>> No.10455296

Contrarians. Remember back when everyone hated byuu/near? "Nobody needs bsnes accuracy! ZSNES is good enough, derp!"

>> No.10455297

Do you have to ask this every thread or can the mister play cycle accurate ps1 now?

>> No.10455302

No idea, but PS1 works fine for me. Lots of fun.

>> No.10455314

Here's a question: would multiple FPGAs, each one replacing an individual chip rather than one FPGA doing the whole system be better for accuracy? Put aside that this would be crazy expensive. I'm just curious.

>> No.10455321

There was a time that printing paper was for the rich, there will be a time silicon chips are shit out by robohobots for some macro cracks

>> No.10455331

Oh I can afford it, but it's not worth $615 because at that price I may as well either 1) build a gaming PC. 2) buy a PS5.

Instead I end up buying HDMI converters, Flash Carts and ODE's for my consoles. Which is much more expensive than buying a MiSTer, but worth it.

>> No.10455365

Depends on the FPGA. You'd increase latency by spreading it out, if a FPGA already has more than enough cells for a specific circuit, then there's no point in spreading it to several smaller or even same sized ones.

>> No.10455368

>Instead I end up buying HDMI converters
not even using a CRT? disgusting

>> No.10455374

How the fuck is it shilling if they tell you not to buy it? What are you talking about, you fucking lunatic.

>> No.10455386

I don't, a loser is a loser.

>> No.10455396

Cool, that's good to know.

>> No.10455401

I can't believe people are paying $3000 for these things! $4500 is too much!

>> No.10455410

Why do you keep making new Mister threads in /vr/ even though NO significant updates for the Mister were released? We don't need a continuous Mister general.

>> No.10455416

Was literally my first post in this thread, take your meds anon.

>> No.10455421

Who the fuck made this thread? A mister fan or a seething faggot?

>> No.10455427

A stealth Mister fan. He just won't let /vr/ go a day without a Mister thread.

>> No.10455496

>dude it's a false flag
I think it's just shit bait

>> No.10455525

N64 savestates had to be removed to save space. I don't think they'll come back, but who the fuck needs savestates for N64 anyway. In fact if you need savestates for anything but NES games you're probably just giga garbage.

>> No.10455547

Who the fuck needs 100% compatibility on a hardware replicator amirite

>> No.10455549

N64 had internal hardware save states from factory?

>> No.10455554

>I follow the arcade business closely and have several friends that work in the industry.

Let me guess, your uncle also works at Nintendo. Do you have any idea how many people here have arcade experience? You're not special.

>This has nothing to do with what I said.

It has everything to do with the state of arcades today. Nobody would want a console port of an arcade game that takes 5 seconds to play and is intended to dispense tickets.

>Because American arcade businesses have said they will not carry games that are exactly the same as a home port or mobile game.

Which is bullshit because they still do, the only ones that don't go to consoles are the ones that would be impossible to put on consoles like I mentioned due to the unique controls. And even then, some try with mobile ports as the case with Groove Coaster.

>Because Sega and other game manufacturers purposely make the game to be impossible or highly difficult to play at home. The machines are huge or have custom controls. They want customers to have a unique experience when going to arcades and to return in the future.

You ALMOST had it... but then your "Arcades demand no ports!" nonsense clouded your judgement. Yes, they are unique experiences that helps immensely get people into arcades. It has nothing to do with "So they can't get them on consoles!" and everything to do with it being a more unique experience. And as I mentioned, they STILL have tried porting some of these like Groove Coaster... to mobile no less. The more traditional games still get console ports however.

>Cruisin Exotica came out in 1990s.

Got them mixed up, I meant Cruis'n Blast, which came out in 2017, and is also on the Switch.

>Lmao. No they haven't. Konami Bemani games are still King. DDR is the gold standard.

Lmao for people playing at home? No, no they are not. Even in DDR's hayday most console payers had no interest in playing DDR at home.

>> No.10455559

This raspberry pi clone still can't play 100% of the library can it?

>> No.10455560

What the fuck do savestates have to do with compatibility? Are you retarded?

>> No.10455561
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1697767917927064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who needs save states
>who needs 100% compatibility

The cope continues

>> No.10455568

Why the fuck is anyone bothering to reply to the idiots who still insist it's $500+? One of the first few posts in this very thread was some fag admitting that they intentionally make bad faith arguments just to troll and will continue to do so. Anyone who still insists on that price is either one of said fags or so braindead retarded that no logic will work on them. Either way there is zero to be gained from even replying to those idiots, you will never change their mind, all replying to them does is shit up the Mister threads. Just ignore those faggots, they are turning this board into /v/ with the intentional bad faith arguments in their autistic rush to derail any mister thread.

>> No.10455574

I have not seen any evidence that this performs better than an emualtor. These mister things are over-hyped crap.

>> No.10455576

>the butthurt mister seething is real

>> No.10455578

am I being le epic trolled?

>> No.10455593

I bought one for the same price as a nes and SNES mini, pretty good value and worth it for minimig + megaags or neogeo alone.

>> No.10455595
File: 1.38 MB, 1420x1080, Squilliam_Returns_042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you mistr fags simply continue dodging serious and important questions from the emulation community about the legitimacy of claims made about the shitster. When this thing came out it was nothing but mass hype driven by money and claims of such emperical bullshit actual fpga devs had to come out and debunk you. Much of that disproven bullshit continues to propagate itself in every single mister thread while elitists who have no idea what the fuck they're talking about shit on the software emulation community that makes this peice of crap possible to begin with. So that's why every mistr thread turns into a streaming pile of shit.

>> No.10455631
File: 3.15 MB, 480x270, bait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See everyone? This is exactly what I am talking about and the kind of fag you should never reply to.

>> No.10455640
File: 1020 KB, 290x290, roll-spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm for real. Everything I just typed out is legit. It's nothing but duck dodge and dive from the mister community when it comes to legitimate questions.

>> No.10455650

FPGA is the best thing to happen to retro gaming ever. It's superior to hoarding rotting plastic in all regards and software emulation is stone-age technology in comparison.

The only gags who don't like it probably spent a year curating their retropi in a Chinese new mini case and finally got their runahead latency to where it's clear they suck at vidya.

>> No.10455660
File: 3.20 MB, 640x610, steve1989-mre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rotting plastic

That rotting plastic will be around longer than your flesh and the maggots who wind up eating it when you're 6 feet under will be. Plastics don't rot you fucking retard. Not in our lifetimes.

>> No.10455664

Check out the cope from when Mike Matei built a mister. Midwits couldn't comprehend why a guy who has everything already would want one.


>> No.10455676

Rottarded plasticuck cope.

>> No.10455712

>Let me guess, your uncle also works at Nintendo.
No. I worked at an arcade as a teen, and later worked in the sales department for an amusement distributor 11 years. Of course I am not the world's only expert, but I'm sure it's more arcade industry knowledge than you have.

You can't even get the basics right.

>Do you have any idea how many people here have arcade experience?

Not many. Most people like you love to pretend, but you have no knowledge of the business side or arcades.

>It has everything to do with the state of arcades today.

Which has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

>Which is bullshit because they still do, the only ones that don't go to consoles are the ones that would be impossible to put on consoles like I mentioned due to the unique controls.

Which is done on purpose. Arcade manufacturers make games with unique arcade exclusive controls that can't be easily replicated at home. This is by design. Arcade businesses demand it, and arcade manufacturers oblige. Arcade businesses don't want machines on the floor that deliver the same experience people can get at home on consoles.

>It has nothing to do with "So they can't get them on consoles!"

Consoles killed arcades in the 90s and early 2000s. It has everything to do with the topic. The arcade business will not make the same mistake again if they can help it.

>Cruis'n Blast, which came out in 2017, and is also on the Switch.

Cruis'n Blast came out in arcades in Jan 2017. The Nintendo Switch version came out in Sept 2021. Almost 5 years later, and it only came out on the Switch. Not Playstation and Xbox. The port only happened because Nintendo owns the Trademark to Cruisin AND worked out a deal with Raw Thrills. Ordinarily, Raw Thrills games do not get released on console.

>Even in DDR's hayday most console payers had no interest in playing DDR at home.

Then you clearly have no knowledge of the DDR community. They practiced at home and at the arcade.

>> No.10455719
File: 79 KB, 643x820, by you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10455725

>i'm discussing a topic but i won't read when it suits me

>> No.10455739

Didn't read.

>> No.10455750

yes you did :^)

>> No.10455754

>No. I worked at an arcade as a teen, and later worked in the sales department for an amusement distributor 11 years.

>Not many

Again, many here have arcade experience, you are not special. You're like that idiot who posted a picture of an oscilloscope and acted like he was some elite repairman because he had one.

>Which has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

It has everything to do with the state of arcades today.

>Arcade manufacturers make games with unique arcade exclusive controls that can't be easily replicated at home.

Which has nothing to do with arcades demanding the games not get console ports and everything to do with taking advantage of how an arcade can be unique. And I repeat, that still doesn't stop console ports anyway... or erven fucking mobile ports. Groove Coaster, Taiko Drum Master, they still happen. It's just a lot harder to do something like MaiMai or Jubeat on a console, not because "Intentionally demanding no ports" but simply because they are unique. Unique arcade cabinets existed long before consoles.

>Consoles killed arcades in the 90s and early 2000s. The arcade business will not make the same mistake again if they can help it.

They have zero bargaining chips on the table. What the fuck are arcades going to do if the publishers make ports anyway, refuse to buy any cabinets from them? Not exactly a massive business of hundreds of manufacturers anymore, an arcade refuses to buy Bemani series cabinets and then what? They are just fucking themselves over.

>Cruis'n Blast came out in arcades in Jan 2017.

Which is WELL within the time period of you claiming arcades started demanding no ports.

>Not Playstation and Xbox


>Then you clearly have no knowledge of the DDR community

Which is the size of a gnat compared to people who would rather play stuff like Let's Dance, and this is coming from someone who imported EVERY DDR ps1 game back in the day.

>> No.10455836

>It's just a lot harder to do something like MaiMai or Jubeat on a console, not because "Intentionally demanding no ports" but simply because they are unique. Unique arcade cabinets existed long before consoles.

You keep repeating yourself, but your information is wrong. In America, major arcade business companies will generally not buy arcade machines if they don't get arcade exclusive versions. There are thousands of Arcades in the USA. Even though they aren't as big as they once were like in older decades, they are still important. Entire divisions of Sega, Namco, etc are dedicated just to selling arcade machines to arcades.

Each arcade machine can range from $20K to $100K per machine depending on the model. Sometimes more for ultra deluxe models.

A major business like Dave & Busters is a huge deal. If D&B calls you up and says they are cancelling their $12 million dollar order for your machines because you released the same game on console, then it's a big problem for you.

>What the fuck are arcades going to do if the publishers make ports anyway, refuse to buy any cabinets from them?


They buy from a different arcade manufacturer that listens to arcade buyees. That's exactly how Raw Thrills became the biggest arcade manufacturer in the USA. And how Sega, Namco, and other Japanese manufacturers lost their top spots in the USA. American arcade manufacturer Raw Thrills beat them all because they actually listened to their customers. It's amazing how badly Japanese companies fumbled the ball. Now the Japanese companies are struggling to make a come back in the West after realizing the many mistakes they made.

I can't speak for Japan or the East, but this is how it works in North America and many western markets.

>> No.10455901

Not gonna read.

>> No.10455907

so mars looks like its actually a thing. they showed it off at some retro game con running actual games on actual cores, and the guy behind retrotink is now on board implementing the scaling

>> No.10455912

jokes on you. people are now made of a considerable amount of plastic themselves

>> No.10455925
File: 784 KB, 384x384, console.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's implementing the scaling? So it's going to come with input latency by default!? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH holy fuck. How will mister sisters cope with their last front being the totally subjective "it has no input latency" lmfao. Will they finally admit their bullshit?

>> No.10455945

I'd imagine MiSTer chads would be pretty mad about that in the alternate universe in which MARS isn't a completely different machine. I guess we will never know though.

>> No.10455950
File: 71 KB, 376x358, 1698131435857040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think you understand what you even wrote

>> No.10455982

CRT TV's don't last long and they're bulky. My last two CRT's went to shit.

You misspelled "cucks", since all MiSTer shills are cucks

>> No.10455995
File: 148 KB, 500x500, Marisa_get_out_of_jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyways fags bump limit reached, looks like your de10 couldn't even time that shit right. next time have the guy talk to himself again and post that fucking hilarious left and right chronotrigger thing, I should have made a gif of that shit. You will never have hardware replication. You will never have 100% compatability with PSX and N64. You will never have a single IRL friend who gives a fuck about this gay ass raspbery pi knockoff, and finally-you will never be a field programmable gate array. till next thread, Goodnight gaywads

>> No.10455996

>obvious bait thread gets samefagged by one schizo for hundreds of posts
why is this so common on /vr/

>> No.10456009

>My last two CRT's went to shit.
Did you try replacing capacitors, resoldering any failed solder on the main board or applying a rejuvenator?

>> No.10456010

>100 unique ID's

maybe next time you wont be as new here

>> No.10456029

>rotting plastic
>snake oil shills
>mister sisters
its the same guy, he made the thread too

>> No.10456128

Nah, it was blowing smoke.

>> No.10456339

Capacitors for sure.

>> No.10456343

>you're out of LUCK
>don't pass the BUCK
>you fucking SUCK
>you faggot KEK

>> No.10456471

>You keep repeating yourself, but your information is wrong. In America, major arcade business companies will generally not buy arcade machines if they don't get arcade exclusive versions.

Like I said, they don't really have any ground to stand on to make those claims, especially if you are arguing in the US where we get even less of those unique arcades I mentioned that Japan gets.

>A major business like Dave & Busters is a huge deal.

D&B is mostly that ticket shit I mentioned where nobody would WANT to play them at home anyway because they are 10 second time wasters designed to dispense tickets.

>They buy from a different arcade manufacturer that listens to arcade buyees.

Except as I stated, they don't have much options anymore in 2023. They don't have the barganing power to make those demands.

>That's exactly how Raw Thrills became the biggest arcade manufacturer in the USA.

Oh, the guys who published Crusin Blast on both arcade and console... great example.

>Now the Japanese companies are struggling to make a come back in the West after realizing the many mistakes they made.

Considering it's Japan that gets these unique arcade systems that are actual games and not ticket dispensers, you have got that VERY backwards.

>> No.10456579
File: 325 KB, 1041x910, 1696091249718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like I said, they don't really have any ground to stand on to make those claims, especially if you are arguing in the US where we get even less of those unique arcades I mentioned that Japan gets.

Arcade businesses in the West still have immense bargaining power. Arcade manufacturers need to make money outside of Japan selling their products.

>D&B is mostly that ticket shit I mentioned where nobody would WANT to play them at home anyway because they are 10 second time wasters designed to dispense tickets.

You may not like D&B or other franchise corporate arcades. That's fine. But you cannot deny they make serious money and turn a profit. Yes they use tickets games, but a portion of the floor is still dedicated to video games. Lots of racing games, lightgun games, and other Amusements.

Sega needs customers like D&B to buy games like (Pic related).

>Oh, the guys who published Crusin Blast on both arcade and console... great example.

Nintendo owns the Crusin' Series trademark. Raw Thrills made Cruisin' Blast. Nintendo saw how wildly popular it was in arcades, and wanted to port it to Switch. That's the only reason it got a Switch release.

Nintendo negotiated a 5 year exclusive arcade window for arcades (and paid Raw Thrills a lot of money) before putting on Switch.

Also you need to realize that 99% of Raw Thrills arcade games don't get a console release. Aliens Extermination, Fast and Furious racing, Super Bikes, Big Buck Hunter series, Terminator Salvation, Halo Fire Team Raven, etc. Their entire catalog is arcade exclusive.

>Considering it's Japan that gets these unique arcade systems that are actual games and not ticket dispensers, you have got that VERY backwards.

Japanese companies want to make money outside of Japan too. That's why they made stuff like (pic related).

>> No.10456603
File: 907 KB, 1280x2526, BeepBoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arcade businesses in the West still have immense bargaining power.

They are a dying business and have almost nobody to bargain with, it's not like they have a choice of hundreds of suppliers.

>You may not like D&B or other franchise corporate arcades. That's fine. But you cannot deny they make serious money and turn a profit. Yes they use tickets games, but a portion of the floor is still dedicated to video games. Lots of racing games, lightgun games, and other Amusements.

Every one I have been to was basically an adults Chuck-E-Cheese, just simple ticket redemption games.

>Nintendo owns the Crusin' Series trademark. Raw Thrills made Cruisin' Blast. Nintendo saw how wildly popular it was in arcades, and wanted to port it to Switch. That's the only reason it got a Switch release.

This is called moving goalposts. Also, if all it takes for a game to get a console port is to be popular, than that REALLY throws your whole "Arcades won't let ports happen" argument out the window. They don't get ports.... unless the game does well, in which case yeah it will get a port. You would think it's the popular games arcades would want to keep IF they could make such demands.

>Aliens Extermination, Big Buck Hunter series, Terminator Salvation, Halo: Fire Ream Raven

Do I really need to explain how those are lightgun games? When is the last time you saw a lightgun accessory for a home console? That market is dead for the home. A lot of those arcade lightgun games are also short experiences that nobody would pay $60-70 for unless a ton of bonus content was added.

>Japanese companies want to make money outside of Japan too. That's why they made stuff like (pic related).

And yet 99% of their stuff remains Japan exclusive like pic related

>> No.10456649

>They are a dying business and have almost nobody to bargain with, it's not like they have a choice of hundreds of suppliers.

You are just making baseless claims at this point. I've worked in business side of the arcade industry for years.
You have no idea how many amusement suppliers even exist. The arcade industry isn't going away.

But feel free to show me evidence to support your claims.

>This is called moving goalposts. Also, if all it takes for a game to get a console port is to be popular

No. It was a unique circumstance because Nintendo owns The Cruisin' Series trademark, and also owns a console. Raw Thrills does not own Cruisin' Blast. I've told you this.

Besides the LARGER point here you keep ignoring is that the attitudes of arcade manufacturers have completely changed since the 1990s. Back then, it was expected that an arcade game would always get console ports. Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Daytona USA, Virtua Racing, Ridge Racer, House of the Dead, etc....pretty much every popular arcade game got a console port at some point.

The attitude is the exact opposite today. It is an extremely rare event if an arcade game goes to consoles. It is the exception not the rule.

>Every one I have been to was basically an adults Chuck-E-Cheese, just simple ticket redemption games


>And yet 99% of their stuff remains Japan exclusive like pic related

These aren't exclusive to Japan. Several arcades in the USA have them. Including Round 1 arcades.

>> No.10456657

>You have no idea how many amusement suppliers even exist. The arcade industry isn't going away.

Oh yeah, I am sure one of the biggest arcades in Japan that had endured for decades shutting down means nothing.

>No. It was a unique circumstance because Nintendo owns The Cruisin' Series trademark, and also owns a console. Raw Thrills does not own Cruisin' Blast. I've told you this.

You mean like how Microsoft many if not most of the IPs such as Halo are owned by either console manufacturers or publishers known for mostly releasing their games on console?

>Besides the LARGER point here you keep ignoring is that the attitudes of arcade manufacturers have completely changed since the 1990s

My point is attitude change or not they don't have that kind of leverage. Raw Thrills ports their games to console and some arcade says they will no longer buy games them them... now what? They just cut off a MAJOR supplier. They do NOT have the leverage to make such demands.


Ah yes, cherry picking, was wondering when you would start falling into that.

>These aren't exclusive to Japan. Several arcades in the USA have them. Including Round 1 arcades.

Just because a few arcades have imported them does not mean they are being officially sold or released here. I have played them too, you are not special, every single one was a Japanese import.

>> No.10456660
File: 3.60 MB, 498x247, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol these 2 retards trading essays

>> No.10456737

Just get a few new old stock CRTs and they will last till you die.

>> No.10457663

This guy doesnt know how the arcade industry works at all.

Stop responding to the troll. He's baiting you