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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 5 KB, 522x527, mewtwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10433235 No.10433235 [Reply] [Original]

This genetic experimented freak was the best legendary

>> No.10433242

soulless color

>> No.10433303

My only issue was the broken ghost type in gen1.. making him ridiculously OP..

>> No.10433428

They did a good job setting him up. Most of the game the Pokémon seem like generally neutral animals which don't pose much of a real threat, outside of Oak's saying you need your own Pokémon for protection. Then you get to the lab, see it entirely trashed, read the journals about the genetic experiments, and find out that some horrible test tube Pokémon did some actual damage beyond just knocking out another Pokémon. It felt threatening and "real" in a way which the majority of the game didn't, making you think "oh shit, this one is serious business." Then you have to go through the huge cave to finally find him.
Granted, the actual fight is just another Pokémon battle which many people probably just cheesed with their Master Ball, but the buildup definitely made Mewtwo feel like he represented something bigger and darker compared to the general safe kiddiness of the rest of the game.

And no, I don't mean spooky deepest lore Mewtwo gave me nightmares, but you have to admit a wrecked research lab dotted with abandoned journals outlining a disastrous genetic experiment contrasted pretty sharply with the overall tone of the game.

>> No.10433464

I love that he's just in some nondescript cave and you stumble upon him. Feels so cool and unexpected. These days he'd be at the top of some tower clearly marking his arrival.

Actually there's that guy in front of his cave and I can't remember what he says. Maybe he knows Mewtwo is in there. Either way it's awesome how understated it is. And I love his sprite.

>> No.10433474


>> No.10433529

he still is.

>> No.10433541

Even if Gengar did resist, the poison typing would have made it neutral if it even worked correctly in the first place.
Lick is a low power move that rolls off of physical attack and nightshade only does damage based on the level of the pokemon using it. It had no chance even if everything was working correctly.

>> No.10433903

I liked how it peppered in dark elements, though they just were things that existed in the world and not things the plot revolved around quite as much, being all more side stories of your central mission of becoming the best trainer. You had the Mewtwo shit, but also Team Rocket who felt more like real criminals and then the explicit existence of ghosts in Lavender City, which was just the right amount of "creepy" for the game

A lot of the game is really upbeat with cheerful music but it just has these moments through out that break it up.

>> No.10433914

thinking back, that was post-game content wasn't it? the cerulean cave doesn't open up until you beat the Elite 4 and clear the main story.

>> No.10433919

Yeah, it pretty much was the post-game. And the brilliant thing was unless you had the guide or a friend told you, there was nothing leading you there or telling you what was in it. You'd just have to be playing the game revisiting old towns and notice "huh, that place I couldn't get in the entire game has opened up"

>> No.10433921

I can't believe Mew wasn't even going to be in the game, despite there being a Mewtwo

>> No.10433942

real fuckin brilliant planning on gamefreaks part that even 50 years from now if some kid picks up a dusty pokemon green they wont be able to finish their dex

>> No.10433970
File: 1.41 MB, 500x284, mew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best legendary
I prefer its genetic donor myself but even then its not my favorite legendary. Mines Not retro

>> No.10433995

Agree with all this. That one npc in lavender town who says something like "oh, I guess that hand on your shoulder is just my imagination" or something like that after you tell her ghosts don't exist is a fun touch. Plus that town has the whole cubone marowak story going on.

The power plant had a weird vibe to it too. I don't remember if it was abandoned or just automated. Not spooky exactly but maybe just kind of uncanny. That dungeon is cool because it's just existing somewhere in the world and doesn't really get addressed, you just find it and wander in.

Fun piece of trivia, Mew's data is apparently stored in the root folder of the game instead of where all the other pokemon are. It really was a last minute addition.

Mew can be added to the dex as the 151st entry but you only need the first 150 to get the certification of dex completion.

>> No.10434021
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Yes yes, well done Mewtwo, well done,

>Conveys mythological power without entering the retarded pokegod shit later gens did
>Has blurred lines about what happened and what didn't, including contradictory legends, allowing for multiple interpretations of the event
>Fantastic designs

>> No.10434106

tbf, if anyone deserves the Master Ball, it's Mewtwo. He's explicitly set up as the most powerful pokemon ever so why not use the Silph Co.'s greatest invention against him?

>> No.10434108

Actually I'm pretty sure the dude in front of the cave says that he won't let in anyone short of the champion

>> No.10434112

>but also Team Rocket who felt more like real criminals
Because they're just yakuza. Everything they're doing is just to make money.

>> No.10434137
File: 996 KB, 1526x1600, A68A0D90-3178-4FD2-9863-E1FE21340FFA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mewtwo’s design and lore is kino, but there is NOTHING as badass as an alien from the moon

>> No.10434146

One of the very, very few Pokemon that feels less like an expendable bit of data and more like a fleshed-out character in himself. Even discounting the anime's take on him and how the games synergized with it by tying Mr. Fuji and Team Rocket and possibly Green (the girl) to his origin, Mewtwo still represents one of the darker points in Poke-humanity: their desire to dominate life itself coming back to haunt them.

>> No.10434161
File: 757 KB, 1117x1090, nidos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unrelated question but have any of you twits EVER found a male Nidoran in Blue or a female in Red?

supposedly, they are there just rare, but in my entire life I've never found one. it's supposed to be a 5 percent encounter rate which is the same as Pikachu in Viridian, but I've always found Pikachu easily, takes like 10-20 minutes tops, and never once found a male Nidoran wild in Blue no matter how long I looked

>> No.10434179

Sounds like you're just unlucky. I've never had an issue finding the males in my copy of Blue back in the day.

>> No.10434196

It’s kinda pedantic but Mew is technically not a legendary, but a mythical, but this terminology was only adopted in english in gen 5, so it’s technically not retro.

>> No.10434369

I miss this old style of Pokémon. Nothing past GSC exists for me.

>> No.10434426


>> No.10434437

That's not the oldstyle, that's literally the generation right after GSC. So something did do it to you.

Actually DNA cell culture enclosed on a meteor that fell to Earth that was hit by a laser that caused it to mutate rapidly into an alien fuck that changes forms and intents on harming mankind. I don't knowif the meteor came from the moon or what.

>> No.10434532

don't forget Lt. Surge talking about using Pokemans in "the war". Makes it seem like in game you're only having a friendly spar. IRL it's thunderbolt to kill.

>> No.10434812

The way Sephiroth is introduced in FF7 is quite similar in the way that first you get to see the havoc he caused, then hear rumours, before finally getting to see what he's like in battle.
Except FF7 went above and beyond.

in b4 FF7 came out after Pokémon, not in Japan it didn't.

The best villain introduction in a JRPG will always be Ted Broiler in Metal Max 2 however.

>> No.10434838

I still like RSE. It's my favorite if I don't use randomizer on GSC as the original placement of Pokemon in GSC sucks.

>> No.10434840

Based as fuck, Gen 2 is the absolute peak of Pokemon. Everything after that is shit.

>> No.10434842

Tbh, you only see how he is like in battle at the end of the game. Everything else was Jenova imitating him.

>> No.10434846

Don't forget, these 3 dogs can appear in random battles.

>> No.10434858

You're forgetting the most important part: Cloud's memories

>> No.10435168

>That's not the oldstyle
Prove it.

>> No.10435350
File: 16 KB, 276x268, 1638098628477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokeboomers won't admit it but Gen 3 was the peak of legendaries

>> No.10435387

Speaking out your ass.
>Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back was released in Japan on July 18, 1998
https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/M01 (Kanzenban version)

>Pokemon Gold and Silver released in Japan in 1999

>Pokemon Gen 3 started active development in late 2000

>> No.10435401

I like how the gen 1 legends are mysterious, elusive creatures that exist as rewards for exploration rather than being a main storyline focus.

>> No.10435417
File: 3.32 MB, 386x311, This never happened.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That truck was the Aether portal of our generation

>> No.10435421

>genetic experimented freak

>> No.10435423

Aside from Mewtwo is it just the birds that are the legendaries? I forget.

>> No.10435424

And Arcanine a little.

>> No.10435427
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>> No.10435459
File: 2.89 MB, 374x246, latias.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10435475

Latias comes back for Ash's final episodes in a sub-plot to rescue Latios, and the last scene is her in her human disguise thanking him.

>> No.10435478

It's just a boring ass green dragon

>> No.10435515

it's retro since there was always a legendary/mythical split in japan, the localizations arent canon

>> No.10435538
File: 225 KB, 760x800, nidoqueen-png-2-2882485714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love nidoqueen

>> No.10435552

She's legendary but not a legendary

>> No.10435602
File: 105 KB, 555x662, 6hfKbTFRsHEXl3IGvfMNPoDMzZ40ba5e_fDm6h7rEYg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Elvis

>> No.10435693

I had Nidorina on my teams a bunch of times in Red as a kid.
If you stay and train up a few pokes in Viridian City for a while before heading into the woods you should find both Nidoran before too long.

>> No.10435776

RSE art is different from GSC, both artstyle and Pokémon designs.

It started development that early but the designs were already really simplified from Gen 2 so they're easier to animate for the anime style, which is the bane of modern Pokémon, art-wise.

>> No.10436464

You're forgetting Mewthree

>> No.10437360

i do like all of them but they really are kind of a retread
>two more legendary birds, one of which is a second fire type bird
>also the legendary birds, but dogcats

>> No.10437371

Lugia is more of a dragon, though I will give you Ho-Oh feeling similar to Moltres. And Raikou, Entei, and Suicune's lore symbolizing the Lightning that struck the tower, the fire that burned the tower, and the rain that put out the fire is cool enough to justify being similar to the birds of old, which really had nothing to them.

>> No.10438541

m i l k

>> No.10438556

The funniest thing about Lugia is that it was made for the anime because the director wanted the legendary birds to have an "overseer" to help tie the plot together. But the game version of Lugia has nothing to do with the legendary birds, as far as anyone can tell.

>> No.10438593
File: 365 KB, 1200x800, mmZGy0j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a good Soul Silver/Heart Gold romhack.

>Soothing Silver
>Refined Gold Overhaul
Both seem to do very similar things (all mons available, better difficulty curve, more interesting trainers). Anyone here try either one of them?

Reminder that you're allowed to talk about remakes on /vr/

>> No.10439307

These seem like pure slop made for people who pop the fuck off when they see a thing they recognize.

>> No.10439915

>who pop the fuck off
Why is a hip hop zoomer in a thread for childrens pokemon games from the 90s

>> No.10439926

take your slop back where it belongs

>> No.10439937

Glitchy fanfiction hacks.

>> No.10439940

Both his posts hit my word filters so I can tell just by that he talks like a zoomer fag

>> No.10440052

Go back to worldstarhiphop//r/hiphopheads/tiktok

>> No.10440101

I would assume that the destruction was a result of it escaping from the mansion to hide in some Cave.

>> No.10440104 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 736x1029, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Mewtwo and that one girl is one and the same, hence the deformities.

>> No.10441130

your romhack is bad on a fundamental level and you have no business producing anything for anyone

>> No.10441471

for me its zapdos
I'd say Lugia and Ho-Oh are more of a sun/moon motif and lowkey deities than fire and water birds. Lugia residing in the ocean also makes them a prototype for new gen legendaries like kyogre and more vast in scale than the birdmons and dogmons, both of them being more like wild beasts.

>> No.10441945

You're retarded. They're just Rebalancing hacks you dumb fucking cunt

>> No.10441946

The post is literally ASKING about TWO DIFFERENT FUCKING HACKS, your post makes no sense you illiterate fucking retard.

>> No.10442003
File: 172 KB, 472x414, 035Clefairy_RG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You uploaded the wrong pic, here's the correct one

>> No.10442009

It's weird how they dropped the plot element of Fuji's connection with Mewtwo. Besides the subtle implication in RBY, the Mew event in Emerald, and the Fame Checker in FRLG, it's never been mentioned again, not even in GSC or HGSS.

>> No.10442057

Gen 3 was when legendaries became so numerous that they became completely bland and unimportant.
>Red/Blue: five legendaries
>Gold/Silver: six legendaries
>Ruby/Sapphire: ten legendaries
And they started getting really samey by that point too. The GSC trio repeated the types of the original birds, but had the roaming mechanic plus the cool backstory with Ho-oh and the burned tower and resurrection. Latias and Latios copied the roaming mechanic, have no interesting backstory, and are completely indistinguishable from each other. The Regis had a neat aesthetic but copied way too much from the Ruins of Alph. Groudon/Kyogre started the neverending trend of "big titan" legendaries. Unlike Mew and Celebi that are both referenced in-game so people know what they're missing, Deoxys and Jirachi are never mentioned and don't even have a backstory.

>> No.10442059

>They're just Rebalancing hacks
No they're not, adding encounter pools from a different game isn't rebalancing.
This is like adding the cast of FF7 to FF2 because
>cloud is my heckin favorite and i wanna use him!

>> No.10442063
File: 160 KB, 866x838, 1538341603074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek

>> No.10442106

the guy who made renegade platinum is workin on one, dunno how far he's at though

>> No.10442123
File: 8 KB, 99x103, 20231123_154419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be genetic experiment created in test tube
>post selfie

>> No.10442297

Let's Go has Jessie and James attempt to capture Fuji in the tower and force him to create more super-Pokemon for Team Rocket, as opposed to before where TR was just beating on him for whining about the Marowak mom they killed. If anything, it's only gotten more blatant that Fuji created Mewtwo.

>> No.10442327

No it isn't, it's pokemon, they're fucking pokemon. You autistic tranny weirdo.

>> No.10442335

>adding party options from a different game because- well because I want them!
It's exactly the same, and your hack is built on a bad idea.

>> No.10442564

It isn't the same at all.
All pokemon exist in the same world, final fantasy exists in different worlds. You dumb fucking nigger.

And it's not "my hack" it's 2 different hacks on 2 different websites by 2 different people that I have never played.

Kill yourself, nobody cares about your gay autistic tranny bullshit

>> No.10442575

You can't go one game without using your perfect team of comfort characters. That's not something addressed by a "rebalance" hack, you need a therapist.
>Kill yourself, nobody cares about your gay autistic tranny bullshit
Sums up your romhack pretty nicely, actually.

>> No.10442598

The romhacks are both about giving the trainers more and better teams to fight against. The originals were too fucking easy. Illiterate paranoid schizo faggot.

>> No.10442607

Im Looking for a good Soul Silver/Heart Gold romhack. The originals are boring easy pissbaby filthy casual goyslop. Never played either of these, but they both seem similar.

>Soothing Silver

>Refined Gold Overhaul

Both seem to do very similar things (all mons available, better difficulty curve, more interesting trainers to fight). Anyone here try either one of them?

Reminder that you're allowed to talk about remakes on /vr/

Illiterate paranoid schizo trannies need not apply

>> No.10442612

The romhacks are both about making sure you have unfettered access to previously unavailable monsters because you can't stand building a team around what's provided.

>Im Looking for a good Soul Silver/Heart Gold romhack
Then go ask in /vg/. Not retro.

>> No.10442617
File: 225 KB, 1266x656, 1513146655238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remakes are retro, tourist.
Anything based on HGSS is lipstick on a pig, though.

>> No.10442619

The full dex aspect is not the point of the hacks, that's just a standard feature of every fucking hack.

Also, i beat vanilla when i was a kid. There's zero fucking challenge in the original game, so don't act limiting the player for half the game adds some kind of challenge.

The point of these hacks are the much more interesting and challenging trainers and gyms. Now shut the fuck up tranny, you're not going to convince to play the pissbaby original again.

>> No.10442627

This has to be a bit, right?

>> No.10442628

No, I'm just telling the simple facts you dumb nigger.

>> No.10442632

>QoL such as
stopped reading, I'll play the comfy ogs.

>> No.10442643

>Refined Gold Overhaul is an expansion of the original Refined Gold hack that substantially improves trainers and the difficulty curve along with meaningful QoL such as the Platinum shard tutors

And SS
>Variety. Remember back in the original SoulSilver when you would find a trainer with 5 Pidgeys or when you fought Lance and he had 3 Dragonites? That won’t happen anymore, trainers will have more varied teams and Pokémon that didn’t appear much previously will do now.
Increased difficulty. All boss trainers have improved teams with better movesets and starting from the 4th gym all trainers will have increased levels. This means Kanto should be more of a challenge now! The difficulty is intended to be somewhere in between vanilla SoulSilver and StormSilver.

Stop arguing out of your ass with every single person on earth over every tiny thing like everyone is out to trick you, you dumb fucking faggot.

>> No.10442647

The absolute state of this astroturfing discord transsexual.

>> No.10442653

Nobody asked and nobody cares
Only a tranny insists on being a plastic huffing original hardware faggot and blabbering about "muh gooks original intent"

Stop projecting nigger

>> No.10442654
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If this is an improvement to you, go headbutt an oncoming train.

>> No.10442657

That was my first post itt, and I'm speaking purely on your choice of words, commietranny.

>> No.10442662

Its something different. Think of it like a remix you drooling dumb fuck. I told you i already played the basic bitch filthy casual original 10 fucking years ago.

So you can relax you fucking faggot, nobody is going to kick down your door and yank the cart out of your DS and replace it for all eternity, you cringey fucking faggot

>> No.10442667

>Its something different.
No it isn't, it's there so it can be more like the latest official slop. It is the complete antithesis of different. You don't belong here.

>> No.10442676

No it isn't, you're just blabbering random paranoid schizophrenic nonsense out of ass.

>no mommy no don't let them take my toys away!!!

You don't belong here

>> No.10442690

hey faggot stop shilling your shitty romhack

>> No.10442814

>i'm speaking about words not content because i was raised by a single mother and thus don't know how to argue without social shaming

>> No.10442823

Yep, I've completely given up on 'content' with you negative IQ histrionic transsexuals. If you can't admit the problem is kikes, then you will receive nothing but low quality mockery.

>> No.10442943

Shut the fuck up ESL schizo

>> No.10443689 [DELETED] 


>> No.10443693

the shiny variant was an ultimate desire

>> No.10443743

i think it's 150 of whatever, you could be missing pikashit and you can still get dex completion

>> No.10443794
File: 14 KB, 348x213, png-clipart-pokemon-moltres-moltres-pokemon-games-pokemon-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite will always be Moltres but I do think Mewtwo is probably the best

>> No.10444056

Because it's more poetic to put him in a Pokeball.

>> No.10444064

for me its the crystal clear romhack

>> No.10444085
File: 201 KB, 970x728, pokémon-charizard-blastoise-mewtwo-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>many people probably just cheesed with their Master Ball,
Real OGs used the Master Ball on one of the birds, or Snorlax, or just like a Rhydon because it "looked strong".
Pokemon before everyone knew everything was such a different experience. I remember when it was normal to not know where to find the Power Plant or to make it through Seafoam without finding Articuno.
Also, I always liked how Mewtwo was the final boss of Stadium, that was actually a neat challenge.

>> No.10444098

>EOPs calling out ESLs
You love to see it.

>> No.10444119

Real OGs used the Master Ball on a Pokemon you want to add to your team but are hard to catch, like Fearow or Tentacruel.

>> No.10444397

Also the complete lack of any good bug moves.

>> No.10444406

You still own your original legit tournament Mew, right, /vr/?
And yes, my original Blue cart still has a working battery. Mew is stored in one of the boxes of Stadium 1, though.

>> No.10444421

i can only assume you've at least taken that data and have it on hdd as well

>> No.10444446
File: 37 KB, 750x379, 2gi1lylqezh21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not mew glitching a whole box of mews in virtual console and ace glitching your id and name to transfer to bank
You're living in the past my friend

>> No.10444476
File: 186 KB, 1407x441, 1684188327750705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm retro.

>> No.10444494

>hard to catch, like Fearow or Tentacruel.
Spearow and Tentacool are both extremely easy to catch, however....

>> No.10444519

Twineedle is good but it's exclusive to Beedril which is half poison and has pretty bad stats.

>> No.10444530

>he doesn't le know le meme
eric, simply eric

>> No.10444728
File: 48 KB, 400x475, sadvenom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw love bugs, and love poison
>both types sucked dick all the way until i stopped caring about new pokemon games

>> No.10445296

It's not even that the moves are bad, it's that the mons who could actually make use of them don't fucking learn them. Pinsir doesn't learn a single Bug move, same with Scyther. Hell, the best bug move user is Jolteon with 60 ATK. If Scyther got Pin Missle it would be a different story.

>> No.10445302 [DELETED] 

Scythed should be grass bug and know pin middle and razor leaf

>> No.10445312

I’d love to see a mewtwo movie where it’s him escaping a lab. As he’s destroying the laboratory he finds a ditto being experimented on and saves him and it creates a sesshomaru and rin relationship through the movie. Ditto is a special hybrid ditto that only breeds mews.

>> No.10445315

That's most people, anon.

>> No.10445558

I'm willing to overlook a lot of GSC's flaws but to this day I'm still mad about how fucking hard it was to find Heracross.

>> No.10445741

I'm glad there were actually rare pokemon back then, made for some fun stories to tell with friends. These days you even just get shinies like they're nothing. Everything is nice and easy to obtain for the ADHD generation.

>> No.10445747

Agreed. At the same time I really enjoyed legends and violet more than anything since gen4. Moreso legends, it was almost perfect imho

>> No.10445906

>completely indistinguishable from each other.
Anon confirmed colorblind
>The Regis had a neat aesthetic but copied way too much from the Ruins of Alph.
Because doing a couple of tile puzzles is apparently similar to learning braille & having a team with specific pokemon in a specific order just to find them, much less catch them
>Groudon/Kyogre started the neverending trend of "big titan" legendaries.
Does it NOT make sense to you that things as large as continent-sized landmasses and deep oceans would be represented by "big titans", considering how big they are? I thought that was a no-brainer.

>> No.10446189
File: 10 KB, 320x1088, alph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crystal: put pokemon in party
r/s: put TWO pokemon in party

crystal: use flash in room
r/s: use fly in room, but THIS time in the middle

crystal: decode puzzles where each letter is represented by an unown letter
r/s: decode puzzles where each letter is represented by a braille letter

anon: "these are completely new and innovative puzzles that haven't been done before!"

>> No.10446343

Yes. At the time I also thought of the fossil pokemon the same way since they're supposed to be extinct, but that's just me.

Why because the pokedex says so or something? I don't get that, since Growlithes are common and you can buy a fire stone at a department store.

>> No.10446350

Not only that but the entire Rocket scheme of trying to catch him themselves.

>> No.10446356
File: 522 KB, 960x640, KzBms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon lost something when they started overclassifying and repeating themselves game to game, like having a definition of "legendary" that means "shows up at the end of the pokedex, there's only one and it can't breed"

>> No.10446371

for me it's pokemon brown

>> No.10446419

This happened on a second playthrough, so it wasn't as epic, but still pretty crazy. Basically I tried catching Mewtwo normally, and he kept escaping from the ultra balls even though he had 1 pixel of health and was asleep and debuffed. Eventually I went through all 99 ultra balls and recovered fully, and I just had one regular pokeball left so I said fuck it and just used it and it caught him while he was awake at full health.

>> No.10446575 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares about your dumb fake meme quote.

>> No.10446650

to be fair though arcanine being legendary never made sense in the most literal way, the point of a legendary is that so few people have seen it that its considered just a legend

>> No.10446653

Very true. Back then one of the cartoons had Dragonite be a mysterious pokemon. Overt classification is anti-immersive. What does a tag mean to the natives? Aren't they that due to being impressive monsters?

>> No.10446813

Arcanine was legendary in its pure awesomeness, but that paradigm of Pokémon changed with gen 2 and buried in gen3.

>> No.10446828

This flying mecha for toddlers is when Pokémon really started to look like shit. Gen 3 is an embarassment, it goes from "let's copy gen1/2 but worse" to whatever the fuck this shit is.

>> No.10446982

Way cooler than the god legendaries they had to keep power scaling to make them more impressive than the last. It looks like they introduced some neat ideas eventually but Mewtwo was perfect lore and gameplay wise.

>> No.10447021

isn't amnesia mootoo still the most op out of all gens if using gen1 battle calculation? ridiculous special buffs and high crits

>> No.10447125

>doesn't learn Flamethrower
>only gets Fire Spin
>have to teach it Fire Blast
>level 51 move is Leer, while Articuno learns Blizzard and Zapods learns Thunder
>GSC finally fixes the mistake and lets you teach Moltres Flamethrower
It's always been my favorite of the 3 birds, but it got screwed over. Zapdos got all the love, starting with Drill Peck, learning Thunder, and being able to learn Thunderbolt and Thunder Wave. Plus being able to catch it much earlier and easier than the other two.
Once you get Surf, you can use 1 Repel and rush to Zapdos, and with a bit of effort you can get Articuno early enough. Moltres? Only after you've beaten all the Gyms, which means there's barely anytime left to level Moltres.
You can have 2 of the 3 birds, with only Brock, Misty, and Koga's Gyms completed. Leaving quite a bit of the game left, for you to use Zapdos and Articuno, if you wanted.

>> No.10447159

If you're going for crits in gen 1, then you don't want the other damage modifiers, like Amnesia/Swords Dance or the Badge Boosts, because the crit formula only looks at your base speed stat for modifiers.
Which means, you either use a fast Pokemon with Slash/Karate Chop/Razor Leaf/Crabhammer(or Focus Energy in Stadium) and go for crits, or you boost your STAB moves, but not both.
When using a fast Pokemon and one of those 4 moves, you're going to be criting more often than not.

>> No.10447208

to add
>all crit related moves guaranteed(not that they're useful)
>all other attack stat moves are crit chance due to gen1 setup
>450 special(both) doubled in one turn
allow stats over 999 for 1800 special and buffed crits just to add to the nonsense
i actually had the above ready, just didn't bother
if you're doing purely gb then focus is bugged, it's literally a debuff in a sense
mootoo is (essentially)guaranteed crit with those modifier moves

>> No.10447213

>it's a fire type so it NEEDS frickin flamethrower!
>pretending fire spin is bad
Fire spin was busted as fuck in Gen 1, you could stun lock anything slower than you and Moltres is faster than average. Plus, Moltres is the only fire type immune to ground attacks. 4x weak to rocks, but you can stun lock most rock users with the aforementioned fire spin.
It's a lot better than people give it credit for, just because they can't turn their brain off and click flamethrower. And if you really need it, you can transfer to and from Gen 2 and learn it there.

>> No.10447853

>Gen 3 is an embarassment
I like a decent amount of Gen 3 designs.

I do dislike pretty much all the legendaries though, but I like plenty of the regular mons.

>> No.10447865

The regular mons in gen 3 are great and feel like these still belong with the classic era.

>> No.10448023

Agree, I also feel like Gen 3 somewhat also tried to switch gears a little featuring more "cool" monsters while Gen 2 was slightly dominated by "cute" monsters

>> No.10449274

Fire Spin does between 30 and 75 damage, depending on how many turns it RNGs for. The RNG favors 2-3 turns, 37.5% each, doing 30 or 45 damage 75% of the time. 12.5% doing 60 damage, and 12.5% of the time doing 75 damage.
Unless you've used Leech Seed, Toxic, or Poison Powder, Flamethrower's flat 95 damage is going to be a better choice.
Fire Spin is 70% accurate, while Flamethrower is 100% accurate.
They both have 15 PP, which means that Flamethrower is going to give you a lot more, for the same amount of turns.
It's not that Fire Spin doesn't have uses, it's just not the move that Moltres should have started with. It should have been the level 51 learned move, and started with Flamethrower.
Moltres objectively takes the shaft, by learning Leer at level 51, and doesn't learn another attacking move until level 60(Sky Attack).
>It's a lot better than people give it credit for
It's fine, and if you're willing to hold onto Toxic until then, you can trap enemies in Fire Spin and then Toxic them, before needing to reapply Fire Spin, then setup more Agility if necessary. Which still leaves room for something like Rest.
But in all honesty, I'd rather spam Flamethrower, and then Fire Blast when I need more damage.
So, you're just going to ignore that I already talked about GSC letting you teach Moltres Flamethrower then?

>> No.10449278

Unless I don't understand something, gen 1 crits can't be buffed, beyond those moves I listed, increasing crit chance. There's lots of cases, where the gen 1 crits do less damage, than a buffed STAB. Because the gen 1 crit formula is only based on base Speed.

>> No.10449434
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Pokemon Stadium 2 was my introduction to gen2. I popped in my Pokemon Blue cart into the TransferPak and loaded up my gen1 team crushing everything with Mewtwo until...

>encounter Sneasel, first dark-type I ever saw
>Throw out a PSYCHIC expecting to delete it like everything else that has ever crossed my Mewtwo
>nothing... mfw

I remember that scene playing out vividly in my head to this day.

>> No.10449646

They felt the same to me in that regard. Gen 1-3 main my focused on animals and elements. They're was also a lot of themed stuff that wrapped up with 3, like the lizard starters (Charmander, Tododile, Treeko)

>> No.10449727

yes anon, similarly with how stats can't go over 999 etc, just meant it as how mootoo is already limited by stuff like that
let chaos happen without those things

>> No.10450197

>immobilising the opponent for 2-5 turns is worse than flat damage
There's more to consider in a turn than pure damage output. You've got to think about minimizing damage done to your side as well. With the right monster, you can easily sweep a whole team with Wrap/Bind/Fire Spin/Whirlpool/etc. without the opponent being able to act at all.
You're ignoring the better strategy because
>this move has a bigger number so that makes it more gooder!

>> No.10451454
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The only way to play

>> No.10451580

Gen 1 wasn't that great for stall tactics, but venesaurs leechseed toxic razorleaf combo is op

>> No.10452070

Agreed. Back in the day, before gen 2 was even a thing, using a Master Ball on Mewtwo felt almost like it was canon, like that's what the Master Ball was supposed to be used for. Like using the Master Sword to seal away Ganon.

>> No.10452386

I think I used it on Zapdos and caught Mewtwo with an ultra ball the first time I played. I remember I killed Articuno and Moltres, and my freind was like "you freaking idiot, you only get one of each legendary birds". Neither of us even knew Mewtwo was in the game at this point tho....

>> No.10452414

>this move has a bigger number so that makes it more gooder!
Unironically yes. You probably know if gen 1 hyper beam kills something, the user doesn't have to recharge. Well, if a user of hyper beam is targeted by a bind-move, the same thing happens: user doesn't have to recharge. To be clear, that is not "hit" by a 70% accurate move, it is "targeted." Hyper beam can literally be called a counter to fire spin.

Tauros kicked so much ass in gen 1 competitive, he was considered borderline required for any serious team. And Mewtwo was stronger than THAT. Meanwhile, the guys able to use bind-moves inevitably got sniped by a Starmie, or exploded on by an Exeggutor when that 70% hit rate kicked in, or gimped by a more useful and reliable move like thunder wave then spanked, or any other number of horrible fates.
To say nothing of single player, where dropping things in one turn with a solid move is so much more efficient than playing roulette.

>> No.10452418
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Thoughts on Mewtwo Strikes Back?
I watched it at the threatre back in 1999 or 2000? And watched it again as an adult, still a cool movie. Never watched any of the others.
Was the 3D remake any good?

>> No.10452428

>You probably know if gen 1 hyper beam kills something, the user doesn't have to recharge
That was fixed in Pokemon Stadium, which was used for most tournaments back in the gen 1 days. The "competitive" you're talking about is something else entirely.

>> No.10452443

No, dont play pokemon go Pikachu/Eevee. Just go for legends Arceus or scarlet/violet. They are open world pokemon games that they should've made years ago. They're not perfect but they're better than anything since gen 3-5 depending on how much you hate yourself

>> No.10452479

You misunderstand. I hinted such but I'll spell it out: competitive mons were too fast or too bulky for that mystical perpetual bind lock to actually happen.
The only time bind-moves were actually viable was playing linked with friends, where the "counter" might matter.

>> No.10452480

My friends cheered on the death of Ash in the theater. It was cringeworthy at the time, but looking back it was kind of based.

>> No.10452493

kek, edgy little brats.
I went with 2 friends, one of them fell asleep for most of the movie.

>> No.10452503

>one of them fell asleep for most of the movie
That was my dad.

>> No.10452553

It's fine. It's just a personal gripe of mine when people talk about the gen 1 hyper beam glitch as if it was a huge part of the game, even though both official tournaments and early IRC simulators used the fixed version. It's very specifically modern simulators that use a weird hybrid of Pokemon Stadium rules (sleep clause) and the gameboy glitches for some reason.

>> No.10452573

That was the only time Hyper Beam was actually a viable move though. The high risk high reward was actually a good thing. Leave it to GameFreak to 'fix' something like that.

>> No.10452598

>The high risk high reward was actually a good thing
Not when the two Pokemon who used Hyper Beam the most were Pokemon who were also wildly overpowered in the fixed Hyper Beam version. It just made the strong Pokemon stronger.

>> No.10452608

Normal types being retardedly unbalanced statistically was its own problem. They could've kept the Hyper Beam gamble in later games.

>> No.10453090

It's eternal hold on my nostalgia whole is a testament to how impactful pokemon was as a phenomena. The mew under the truck rumor is etched into our brains I remember learning about missingno and thinking "why wouldn't mew be under the truck, we just gotta figure out how". Then, somebody figured out how.. the mew glitch in like 2010ish i remember hearung about it (maybe 2012ush) and being so over hyped I replayed r/b using the glitch to have a mew and staryu by lt. Surge. Sometimes dreams do come true. Now I have 3 mews on my recently beaten red version on my 3ds.

>> No.10453158

hes talking about the 3d remake of the first movie

>> No.10453245

true kings use masterball on a splash only magikarp and never level it

>> No.10453318


>> No.10453320

holy fuck is this chris chan? CWC thinks he's married to mew two.

>> No.10454631

>Latias comes back for Ash's final episodes in a sub-plot to rescue Latios, and the last scene is her in her human disguise thanking him.
You got it wrong, anon. It's a completely different Latias and Latios that don't know Ash and at the end they (without ash) end up in the town of the movie with movie Latias appearing in her human disguise and doing literally nothing.

>> No.10454984

magikarp SUX

>> No.10454989

no u

>> No.10454993
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I bet, you'll have to ask James

>> No.10455562

>Was the 3D remake any good?
It's on Netflix
What do you think?

>> No.10456039

It wasn't a huge part and even in the modern competitive scene it isn't actually something you see used THAT much. But it's extremely fun to have that kind of risk/reward factor to it.

>It's very specifically modern simulators that use a weird hybrid of Pokemon Stadium rules (sleep clause) and the gameboy glitches for some reason.
The people running the simulator and forums and such decide on the rules based on what is "skillbased" while still retaining the weird quirks of the original game in some areas. I agree it's a mess and wish things were different. At the very least everything is open source so anyone could do their own thing if they really wanted to, most of the community is just too apathetic to adapt to anything except what has the biggest playerbase.

>> No.10457669

I don't think I ever used hyper beam on anything besides chancey

>> No.10457684

Gen 3 was a return to that idea with pokemon like Absol which are extremely rare and are rumoured to appear before disastrous events, yet are not legendaries in the conventional sense.

>> No.10457690

Pokemon was at its absolute laziest in Gen 1 with designs like Dugtrio and Magneton.

>> No.10457732

Tropias was a better maganium, fucking bastards.

>> No.10457743
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Why couldn't they have just been a split evolution?

>> No.10458134

Magneton is one of the best designs in gen1. Making something so simple look so good requires mastery, the kind of which as far as RPGs are concerned you'd only find in Dragon Quest monster designs.

>> No.10458241

Those kind of designs still exist

>> No.10458829

Because starters are sacred and can never deviate from the norm.

>> No.10458976
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look how they massacred my boy

>> No.10459001
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Forgetting the original original.

>> No.10459015

using legendary pokemon is ultra gay you only get them to complete the pokedex

>> No.10459583

completing the pokedex is gay. i kill legendaries to show my ruthlessness and strength.

>> No.10459768

agreed. Psychic + Recover = win

>> No.10459772

I know the name Pocket Monsters isn't literal and there's varying sizes of Pokemon, but I really feel like they all look best with stumpy, chibi proportions.

>> No.10459790

the sometimes squished looking sprites of some mons for the gb gens is because they fit that shit into 56x56 iirc as red/green was only 512kb
and that's the biggest size actually. lowest is 40x40 maybe. you try doing stuff with that

>> No.10459792

meant to use comma's but whatever

>> No.10459793

I think the people that worked on Mother went on to work on Pokemon.

>> No.10459795

should've mentioned that the localized versions(red/blue) had stuff removed enough that some code had to be redone, and with more text for adjustment shit became 1mb

>> No.10459914

When I first saw Mewtwo I thought it was pregnant.

>> No.10459945

Nintendo killed Pokemon just like Disney killed Marvel and Star Wars. Once it became a "storyless never ending rehash" like all other Nintendo properties, my interest in Pokemon died. The thing about early Pokemon compounded with the anime was that it seemed to be actually setting up a real world and lore.

>> No.10460002

by me

>> No.10460858
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>> No.10461123

Yep, Ape which went on to become Creatures Inc. They used to be so good at turn of the century suburban JRPGs.

>> No.10462063

When I have world domination daydreams I still pretty much imagine myself as Mewtwo

>> No.10462093 [DELETED] 

This is actually how a jew thinks.

>> No.10462134

Agreed, the old sprites emphasized the best parts of the designs thanks to the dimension limitations

>> No.10462143

Pokemon has story and lore, it just isn't interconnected.
If you want a big long intricate emotional Pokemon story you can read Pokemon Special.
If you want a Pokemon game with a good emotional story you can play the first two Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games.
If you want a Pokemon story with surprisingly complex lore you can listen to the audio dramas.
There's even more cool stuff that hasn't been translated yet like the TCG card short stories and the Pokemon novel.
These are all legitimately good and fun.
You just have to accept that they're separate stories with no interconnectivity based on the same concept.

>> No.10463335

3D remake is worth maybe flipping through to see your favourite scenes rendered out but is... An inferior clone... Damn it's like pottery

Check out the prologue that was cut from the English release originally, and the direct-to-video sequel called Mewtwo Returns or some shit.
I think the other two original Pokemon movies with Lugia and Entei are probably worth a watch too if you still enjoyed the first one.

>> No.10464035

you eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeediot

>> No.10464229


>> No.10464369

Ho-oh is poor's man Moltres.
Fight me irl

>> No.10464510

Ho Oh should have been a rainbow colored bird who is Normal type