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File: 20 KB, 369x270, EarthBound_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10442397 No.10442397 [Reply] [Original]

Still the greatest ending to any RPG ever.

>> No.10442406

The "I miss you" at the end of the credits woke me up to realize the story was try hard cringe.

>> No.10442413

Only zoomers who get their opinions from youtubers think this

>> No.10442417

Not even the greatest ending to an RPG on the Super Nintendo.

>> No.10442423
File: 17 KB, 512x448, o66812ayuz631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful OP, you'll trigger the seething contrarians who have something to prove because they think it's too in vogue with e-celebs or zoomers or whatever now.

Earthbound is a timeless masterpiece, no amount of internet trend cycles or contrarianism or generation wars will take away from its quality. It's a testament to how amazing the atmosphere, subtlety and theming is that so many modern games try (and fail) to capture its je ne sais quoi.

>> No.10442426

Not even the greatest ending to an RPG on the Super Nintendo that begins with the letter "e".

>> No.10442454

I am a high level gamer and can confirm the ending is good

>> No.10442475

80% of this games appeal comes from people adopting opinions on it that they heard online. Forum sperges in the mid to late 2000s bolstered this game way beyond how good it was, then collectors freaked out over it and treated it like a trophy game, and now zoom zooms are into it because ecelebs. If you actually play the game it's a nod tier 90s JRPG at best.

>> No.10442486

First game I ever played that got a legitimate emotional reaction out of me. Almost every NPC being given new dialogue is crazy. Say what you will about the obsessive fanbase but the game is brilliant.

t. guy who played it in 1996 at 12 years old.

>> No.10442543

terranigma shits on this childrens game. i dont want to walk gay paula home. i want to soar the skies and be one with the world.

>> No.10442672

Xenogears and Chrono trigger's complete ending were much better

>> No.10442849

I was going to ask you what you liked about it but I realized that this is a troll post.

>> No.10442850

Only 12 year olds think this. How many JRPGs have you actually played besides Nintendo slop?

>> No.10442856

>je ne sais quoi
>I was going to ask you what you liked about it

>> No.10442881
File: 3.04 MB, 320x237, SmartSelect_20230407_075950_YouTube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turns their back on you in your path

>> No.10442887

>complete ending
First time playing I got the balloon ending and it still made me get misty eyed.

>> No.10442891

Do those games let you wander the entire game with new dialogue given to each and every NPC?

>> No.10442902

That ending was my first instance of tfw no gf. Hit me hard.

>> No.10442950

I think this is the post that's finally getting me to filter this keyword. I've just never seen a worthwhile post that uses it, and I swear that every instance of it comes from a self-hating kid.


>> No.10442958 [DELETED] 

Welcome to the club, friend. Stupid zoomers who have been drained of their sincerity by kike vampires not welcome.

>> No.10443036

It's not a troll post. Your mind has been poisoned by irony. Or maybe you think je ne sais quoi is meant to come across as a faux academic pseud phrase when it's pretty commonplace lol

>> No.10443091

>has to explain je ne sais quoi
just lol. yes we know that mother 2 is alright because of itois writing skills and ability to piece a congruent world together. the modern interpretations are shit because...the base just isnt that good. we thought this in the 90s too. im sure you will smite back with whatever le hype cycle you believe in and not accept that others dont care for a watered down dq-clone with a bit of heart. the problem with people like you is that critique cannot exist because youre too invested in internet bubbles so it can only be with it or contrarian and not...just people exchanging their perspectives.

>> No.10443112 [DELETED] 

The jews murdered JFK, bomberd the USS Librtty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

>> No.10443125

didn't really read thoroughly but sounds like you're just mad it's popular with zoomers, everything stems from that no matter how much you dress it up or say you expected that response changes that

>> No.10443260

I honestly don't remember it. By the end my eyes had glazed over entirely and i just wanted it to be over coz i was so tired of the insanely dull NES dragon quest style gameplay

>> No.10443261

You guys really need to play Actraiser, Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia.
Because Terranigma does absolutely nothing those games didn't already do, and they do it far better, and with far better music, art direction and gameplay.

>> No.10443293

you can bring paula back to your house and fuck her of course you would chose the gay ending faggot

>> No.10443680

Some of the shit you are complaining about is because it's clones derivate too far from it's base. Yes, the writing is good, quirky, fun, whatever. The game has a good consistent visual design, yes whatever.

People look at the above and try to replicate it without the things that my autistic ass liked in the gameplay like the scrolling hitpoints and limited inventory space.

>> No.10443683

>all characters are kids
>is still an edge lord so deep game
why are JRPGs like this?

>> No.10443780

The rape abortion was a bit extreme.

>> No.10443818

What a coincidence, precisely I finished Terranigma recently, and I was going to play Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia!
Is really worth to play them if I play the supposed "Quintet Trilogy"? What does it has over Soul Blazer?

>> No.10443943

Actraiser, IMO is the best of all these games. Rather than a Zelda-like , it's a hack and slash with a separate sim section. Each part of the game is honestly only average but they look and sound great and it's one of those "more than the sum of it's parts" titles.

>> No.10443965

there are far more people parroting this opinion out of resentment than there are people who actually hold this opinion. hating earthbound is way trendier than liking it

>> No.10444021

It's very cool, I'm just too adhd and tiktok-pilled to finish a playthrough of it

>> No.10444041


>> No.10444753

It's zoomers' favorite phrase. You'll never hear anyone over 27 using this phrase unironically.

>> No.10444845
File: 83 KB, 845x925, 1000083821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only zoomers who get their opinions from youtubers think this


>> No.10445282

>You'll never hear anyone over 27 using this phrase unironically.
You'd be surprised

>> No.10445328

I'm almost 40 and I use stupid Zoomer slang all the time fr

>> No.10445336

No cap, I’m a boomer and wear zoomer drip at the hookah lounge

>> No.10445430

I started playing this game in 2017, and got as far as the Donald Trump parody town. Foursome or Fivesome or something, before I lost my progress since I was playing on my phone and shit got corrupted for whatever reason.

If anyone has a save state or save file for the start of that town, for snes9x, or RetroArch, this will be much appreciated.

>> No.10445469
File: 25 KB, 400x284, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few months ago, my dad (50 yo) was talking about how he thinks people are waking up to the trans craze, and are totally gonna go for Trump.

The reason I'm telling this story, is he described himself as "white-pilled" and I immediately had to gag, and instructed him to never use that lingo again. He didn't learn it from 4chan, but from Tim Pool and personalities like that.

>> No.10445473

>the Donald Trump parody town.
You should go back to reedditt.
Still, im in a good mood, so I will help you.
I havent tried these, but this site looks like have savefiles of different parts of the game.

>> No.10445479

Thank you.
>You should go back to reedditt.
What did I say? It really is a parody of Donald Trump, isn't it?

>> No.10445530


>> No.10445538

>Earthbound is a timeless masterpiece
Incorrect, and most people don't even think this. DQIII or Chrono Trigger on the other hand maybe, either way they're much better than Earthbound

>> No.10445579
File: 9 KB, 512x448, 55-25072011_133359[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ending as a whole was pretty cool. I'm not sure it was the best ever, but the Giygas fight was memorable and I particularly enjoyed the epilogue where you get to travel the whole world again and talk to all the NPCs one last time.
Mother 3 did a similar thing but it just didn't hit the same.

I like FF6's ending a lot. Having all the characters themes combined into one medley while giving them each a moment in the spotlight during the escape from Kefka's tower was the perfect way to honor the ensemble cast.

>> No.10445874

Oddly, I beat this twice, once as a kid, once at 20 years old or so and I don't remember the ending at all.

>> No.10446470

I doubt it, and that's coming from someone who really likes this game.

>> No.10446563

Only zoomers obsessed with e-celebs would even think to come up with that insult in the first place. It simply would not occur to a millennial that such a thing would be possible.

I first played EarthBound in 1995, and I remember looking back in the early 2000s and thinking that it had one of the most satisfying endings I'd ever seen.

People who see EarthBound and automatically assume, "received opinion," are revealing their position.

>> No.10446583

Mother 1 has a similar, but much better ending.

>> No.10446726
File: 262 KB, 1600x900, earthbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love the graphics, colors, cozines, worldbuilding, and atmosphere.
i hate inventory handling, boring grind, disjoints in story and balance issues.
i wouldn't be able to finish this game without the guide, which is a work of art on itself, but disjointed like a game.

i crave for these colors, 2d and coziness, earthbound and stardew valley do it for me, wish i could find more

>> No.10448026

this is actually true. I played Mother 1 after this and realized, this game is trash

>> No.10448517

There are many great endings to JRPGs that you could argue are better than Earthbound. Off the top of my head, Tales of Phantasia and Dragon Quest V. However, the best ending to a JRPG is Chrono Cross.

>> No.10448525
File: 268 KB, 856x796, 34t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even the best JRPG on the SNES

LMF@0 nigga

>> No.10448531

>the Donald Trump parody town

>> No.10448538


>> No.10449023

I remember my friend at the end fucking fast traveled at the end right back to Onett. Fucking soulless lmao.

>> No.10449038

Donald Trump is a worthless zionist faggot who failed on every single level in his 'presidency', and I still think you're a transsexual communist faggot.

>> No.10450578

Still voting trump. Seethe and cope

>> No.10452486

The concept of transferring the souls to the robots was scary, especially after Dr. Andonuts' serious talk about it.
I was actually on the edge of my seat during the sequence when you SEE their bodies lying there, until the souls come back and they wake up.
At the same time it made me wonder what kind of advanced metaphysical technology do Mr. Saturns have.

>> No.10452498

Have fun, but there is no voting yourself out of a jewish-occupied nation.

>> No.10454220

>tfw no elevator lady gf