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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 217 KB, 640x480, 12345678976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10441313 No.10441313 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, I'm thinking you don't even "get" Ocarina of Time.

>> No.10441325
File: 3.82 MB, 632x480, 1700001571747182.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically the best area in a video game. Compact level design but still feeling organic and that 10/10 camera AI

>> No.10441327
File: 286 KB, 640x480, GLideN64_THE_LEGEND_OF_ZELDA_057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zora's River is always one of the highlights of a new run.

>> No.10441335

It's also close to all the overworld shortcuts

>> No.10441346

Another extremely underrated aspect of the game. You see these people bitch about running through Hyrule Field and shit, but I don't think I have ever once seen somebody mention the shortcuts and how trivial they make everything.
>go to Darunia
>oops need Saria's Song
>light a deku stick on fire, run up to the lost woods shortcut in Goron City, use the stick to ignite the bombs
>run through lost woods, get song from Saria, run right back to Darunia
You can use them to do a lot of interesting stuff. I'd even argue that the gerudo valley waterfall that takes you to lake hylia is basically one of these shortcuts too.

>> No.10441393

I am such a slut for Zelda bait threads

>> No.10441405

Everybody talks shit on Zelda spam, but honestly, is it really so bad?
>nostalgic memories
>discussions about obscure details
>comfy screenshots
>often funny
Do people really want to talk about shitty PC-98 and Saturn erotic VNs, or Super Mario World romhacks? I don't.

>> No.10441408

Yes, it is bad that you keep making the exact same threads about the exact same game. Please discuss other games.

>> No.10441413

No one is stopping you.

>> No.10441416

Correct which is why I make threads about games that aren't OOT.
You should stop being a faggot and do the same.

>> No.10441418

>Correct which is why I make threads about games that aren't OOT.
Then go and post in them instead of wasting your life crying like a faggot here lmao.

>> No.10441425

>>nostalgic memories
>>discussions about obscure details
>>comfy screenshots
>>often funny
if only that shit were entertaining, idc about your "nostalgia" it was just a competent 3D game, and you got a goodboy copy if you preordered, everyone knows all the details about the game it's so old, and nothing about Zelda is funny.

>> No.10441429

>Everybody talks shit on Zelda spam
There isn't even any Zelda spam, besides you in the last hour for reasons only you know

>> No.10441438

I am. But I'm also going to post in this one letting you know your thread sucks and you should stop making it and posting in it pretending to be other anons and talking to yourself.

>> No.10441439

>everyone knows all the details about the game
this definitely isn't true. 90% of people just parrot egoraptor's criticisms, a dude who can barely even play the game lmao.

>> No.10441440

Anons not praising oot enough broke his brain and he decided to start spamming oot threads in retaliation.

>> No.10441453

totally, and that Zelda video is funny

>> No.10441529 [DELETED] 

And the janny, who is usually quick to delete Zelda threads because he hates the series*, decided not to delete the obvious spam right now. Convenient

Do you have an alternative hypothesis? Because it just looks like janny is spamming Zelda threads so he has an excuse for his trash-tier moderation here



>> No.10441553

your threads are low effort garbage and they died because nobody likes you

>> No.10441572

Between this and the guy who got so triggered by someone saying Rayman 2 was better than Mario 64 he made a bunch of half speed webms of the worst version of the game I'm beginning to think the Nintendo fans on this board suffer from a severe mental illness

>> No.10441591

Could the Dreamcast run this?

>> No.10441607

It didn't feel small at the time. Going back and playing a lot of the games from my childhood made me realize that part of good level design is working within the constraints of the target hardware. This would be 10x longer with less density in a modern game or just a quick travel.
It's a good area, but the music playing in the cave was always comfy.

>> No.10441614

I didn't know about any of those, I didn't think to look it up either when the game came out.

>> No.10441620

Did African Americans play OoT when it came out? I know some played FFVII and other PS1 games

>> No.10441630

>Between this and the guy who got so triggered by someone saying Rayman 2 was better than Mario 64 he made a bunch of half speed webms of the worst version of the game I'm beginning to think the Nintendo fans on this board suffer from a severe mental illness
Yo, can you link me that?

>> No.10441658

Best part is how he didn't even try to hide that he was the one who made the thread to begin with just so he could pretend he was proving someone wrong. Had the webms and entire post ready to go as soon as the post cool down wore off

>> No.10441667
File: 3.60 MB, 960x640, hit by fire, nothing happens.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he means these. Probably triggers him because it shows that Rayman 2 is a piece of shit you'd only play if you fell into a nostalgia cauldron

>> No.10441669

>Rayman 2 is a piece of shit you'd only play if you fell into a nostalgia cauldron
I think you're talking about Gex.
Also PS2 Rayman Revolution is the best way to play Rayman.

>> No.10441675

It may have been posted here, but there was some tweet by some angry nerd complaining that Nintendo fanboys have dominated our idea of what games were popular in the 1990s and said that Croc had equal sales to Banjo-Kazooie.
I played Croc. It is clunky, not especially fun, and the soundtrack is generic as fuck. If other people enjoy it, or if the franchise improves over time, good for them, but Croc 1 is pretty dogshit. Definitely more worth some sperg relentlessly posting webms about how bad it is than Rayman.

>> No.10441682

I don't think he's "mentally ill." I think you underestimate how much /vr/ is prone to new generations of 13 year olds. I vaguely remember having unpopular opinions and wasting a lot of time trying to convince anons I was right when I was younger.

>> No.10441713

Yes, when I was younger, my older cousin was running with my Ocarina of Time cartridge near the pool. I asked it back and he threw to me. I failed to catch it and it fell into the water. Mom didn't buy me another one. That's right, I didn't "get" Ocarina of Time. So what?

>> No.10441818 [DELETED] 

literally who

>> No.10441876

An early Newgrounds animator, who in later decades started GameGrump for a few years, and briefly had a video series called Sequelitis, one of the episodes was criticising Zelda.

>> No.10442079 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 1200x823, 1615237805844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your threads
Not mine
>low effort
As opposed to the self-admitted spam here
>they died
They did not "die", they got manually deleted by a janny

Recap of today's events:

1. Janny is a bedridden, diaper-wearing Sonic fag who lost a foot to diabetes and dedicates the rest of his life to seething about Bingtendo. _All_ of this is confirmed, but have some fresh examples if needed:
(Leaves up a troll thread filled with samefagging that presupposes Zelda TP is "hated")
(But _immediately_ deletes a thread asking a similar question about Sonic...even though it's valid and Sonic _does_ get constant shit)
(We even know that janny made that Zelda TP thread because he posted the same webm in a Sonic thread earlier--to samefag and call it ugly)

2. Janny complains about Zelda "spam" every day. Even random people notice his retardation:

3. The "Zelda spam" bogeyman, besides being an expression of his mental illness and lethargy, allows him to delete Zelda threads that trigger him. Usually that's threads that praise Zelda in the OP and where the first post isn't a shitpost (e.g., "It's mid"). One of many examples:
(Literally deleted for no reason other than the janny getting triggered by it)

4. The only problem? There is no Zelda spam. Especially when taking into account how big and popular this franchise is. That's exactly why janny is just creating the spam now. Proof of janny _ignoring_ actual Zelda spam while deleting other threads:

He no longer even hides it. Probably doesn't have to because this whole website is controlled by leftoid furry wackjobs now

Janny didn't delete that post >>10441529. I suppose it didn't bother him. Let's see if this post will bother him :-)

>> No.10442105
File: 9 KB, 229x221, 1600991717478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to /vr/
>half the catalog is fucking zelda

>> No.10442108

>doesn't make a thread about a game he wants to talk about
typical frogposter

>> No.10442109 [DELETED] 

You can blame the janny for that since he made those threads/refuses to delete them (while deleting other threads right now), see >>10442079

But you should probably leave this shithole, yes

>> No.10442183
File: 150 KB, 1124x1091, 1686898247611600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I had no idea the level design was this uninspired in the PS1 version. Also
>enabling texture filtering in an emulator to try to make it look like it's one of the proper versions of Rayman 2

>> No.10442270

We dont need more frog posters

>> No.10442732
File: 770 KB, 640x320, Doom skeleton body throw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people really want to talk about shitty PC-98 and Saturn erotic VNs, or Super Mario World romhacks? I don't.
Lol, the delusion of nintendo fags, as if those are the only options outside of Ocarina of Time, get fucked.

>> No.10442737

.... what killed the Revenant?

>> No.10442742

Hyrule field is better for it's immersion.

>> No.10442760
File: 6 KB, 256x224, images (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make thread about good unique childhood snes game not rereleased by Nintendo
>thread instantly goes to page 10

>> No.10442797

Samefag it till you make it. That's what I do at least.

>> No.10442810

mdk, it's a GZDoom command that fires a single bullet puff that does insta-kill damage.